Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 22:08:24 +0100 (CET) From: DD Subject: An Odd Box and a Dark Horse/Part One Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new story. Hope you enjoy it! My last story was continued by someone who changed the story slightly and passed it off as his own!! I took it as a compliment. Pizza anyone? Parts 1 -- 5 are mine. (Please note my e-mail has changed from the e-mail at the bottom of the "Pizza" story. It's now /nifty/gay/highschool/pizza/ _____________________________________________________________________ An Odd Box and a Dark Horse -- Part 1 With the sun setting fast, Alex was running out of time. He guessed that he had less than an hour left to get in and get his friend out. He sat on a ledge on the outside of the orphanage. As he looked at the sun setting over the deep blue lake, he listened to the voices drifting out through the window. "...and the Mondolla is gone, old man." The voice made Alex shiver. How had this man have got here and what was he doing? "Did you really think that you could outrun me?" "Whatever it is that you are planning, Zure Automain," Mr. Thomlin replied, "you won't get away with it. Someone is going to stop you." "We're in your office in an orphanage that is about 15 miles away from any life because you wanted to give these pointless little brats a peaceful, caring home. So it's very unlikely anyone is going to come to your rescue anytime soon," the man sniggered. "Sorry but I think you are wrong!" Alex shouted back. He had climbed through the window. Automain looked up to find a six foot teenager with short brown hair and blue eyes standing in the orange glow drifting in through the window from the setting sun. Alex looked into the dimly lit room to find Mr Thomlin, the short and large orphanage owner standing in the far corner of the room. His grey moustache and glasses were casting deep shadows over his face in the glow. It was a little while before Alex noticed that there was a boy cowering behind Mr Thomlin. A short boy with short blonde hair stood in the shadow cast by Mr Thomlin. "Who are you, boy?" Automain scowled. "I'm Alex Glen. I'm an orphan and I'm the one who got everyone else out of this building so they could get away from you," Alex replied with a grin on his face. "Well, that is a brilliant achievement. I congratulate you because that cannot have been easy to do..." "-It was not that hard." Automain, a tall thin man with a long neck and glasses, glared and advanced on Alex. "Do not challenge me, boy. You have done well to help your pathetic friends but trying to stop me from taking what is mine is something you simply cannot do." Alex did not let the fear he felt show on his face. He continued to grin. "And what are you trying to take?" Automain paused while he glanced at Mr Thomlin before looking back at Alex with a grin. "It's in that boy's pocket," he replied calmly. "A small, wooden box complete with a nice varnish and the engraved initials T.G?" Alex asked as he held a small wooden box complete with a nice varnish and the engraved initials T.G. For the first time, Alex seemed to surprise Automain. "How did you get that?" "Magic," Alex replied with a sarcastic tone as the box disappeared. "If there were people like him here you should have reported him to the Mondolla, Thomlin," Automain snarled to Mr. Thomlin as he pointed at Alex. He turned back to the boy. "Where is it? Where is the box now?" Automain's voice was starting to shake with anger. "You would never have got inside it anyway. You need a key." "I have the key! Where is the box?" "You had the key." Automain grabbed Alex by the scruff of the neck and push him against the window ledge. "WHERE IS THE BOX AND WHERE IS THE KEY?" " should I know?" Alex replied, slightly nervous, "I was never taught how to make things disappear and reappear in a certain place. That was what I was going to be taught but you just killed my teacher." Automain let go of Alex and backed away into the room. "You've made a BIG mistake challenging me, boy." He disappeared and quickly reappeared. Hovering outside the window, he held his arms wide open and pointed them upwards. Tiny orbs began to appear and zoom to the centre of Automain's outstretched arms into his chest. Alex knew that he was absorbing power and getting ready to unleash it on the orphanage. He also knew how painful absorbing power was which is probably why Automain was screaming. He stopped absorbing and looked down at Alex; his eyes glowing a deep red with the power. "Automain, stop!" Mr Thomlin called. He had joined Alex at the window. "You've absorbed too much power. It would be foolish to expel it all at once. Please listen to me!" "I WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN YOU!" Automain's voice boomed, clearly magnified by the power he had just absorbed. He thrust the palms of his hands to the orphanage as an enormous column of fire rocketed towards the building. It all happened so fast. Alex grabbed the boy, flew him to safety in the forest on the other side of the lake, returned to save Mr. Thomlin but was engulfed by flames as Automain's body overloaded with the power causing the building to disintegrate due to the resulting inferno. Automain's body exploded sending shockwaves and flames in all directions causing the trees near to where Automain was hovering to turn to ash and those further away to uproot. The boy watched as smoke and fire rose from across the lake at the place he called his sanctuary. He laid back and cried. This was the second time he had lost everyone he cared about. The first time being the time he lost his parents. He was once again all alone with no one to love. _____________________________________________________________________ I hope you enjoyed the prologue. There's plenty of story left to tell you but I think here would be a good place to leave it for now. I will try and get the next part on here asap. I would love to know what you think of it. Please e-mail me and I'll try and get back to you: