Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 11:03:47 +1030 From: michael andrew Subject: Angel in Black Chapter 18 Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will included m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy. Note: This story is from the recess of my mind, but a few elements of this world have been borrowed from another story with permission from the author. His work has been an inspiration to me and I would recommend it to anyone. please visit for his stories, its free to join and there are chapters and stories only available to members. Also i have made my own site to post this and hopefully many more tales too. please drop by and say hi on the blog and let me know what you think :-) Also Angel in black and any future stories by me and several other authors can be found at: Edited with help from Jason Gordon, MommaB and Fitz, Thanks guys :-) *************************** Angel in Black: Chapter 18 Disclosure "I need to do something! I'm part of an endangered species," stated the gentleman. James stood in the office of his new residence, a stately manor in the Blue Mountains near Sydney, a gift from his sire for his tireless work at making Australia-once a hideout for all manner of dark creatures-a mostly safe place for supernatural creatures and humans alike. "Devlin, I'm shorthanded here! There are still rogue vampires roaming around thinking they own this continent, never mind those of your kind who are known criminals and any other problems that arise. I can't really offer you much help in manpower at the present," James replied. "I'm not asking for manpower... I'm requesting protection! My people need time to rebuild our society; we are on the verge of extinction! I've already gone over my idea with my fellow councillors. SOME of them would much rather force people to join us, but my plan, although taking longer, is nowhere near as confrontational," Devlin explained. "And what is this plan?" James asked intrigued. "Do you know how many ways there are to create a new Were-Thylacine?" he replied. James shook his head 'no' so Devlin continued, "Very few: biting a human or breeding to produce offspring are the main ways." "And you want to forcefully turn people? I couldn't allow you to do that!" James replied firmly. "NO!" Devlin responded defensively, almost jumping from the chair he sat in. "Several of the other councillors suggested that 'aggressively' turning humans was the only way to keep our race going, but it would be devastating for our species," he said calming and leaning back in the chair before continuing. "You see, usually humans that are 'turned' by being bitten become sterile, so they can only produce offspring by in turn biting another." "I didn't know that," James replied. "I'm not surprised, it's not something we talk about with outsiders," Devlin admitted. "And the way you want to do it?" James asked. "It's somewhat complicated. Only someone born a Were or turned without becoming sterile can successfully breed, and for some reason, it's only successful if it's with an untainted human," he explained. "Untainted?" James asked slightly confused. "Yes, someone that doesn't have any other Were blood in them, like were-wolf. They just aren't compatible; and over time as a Were's bloodlines continue on, and eventually thin out so that the Were part of the individual becomes dormant, occasionally showing itself in times of great stress," Devlin said. "That's very interesting. I didn't know that about Were's but it is good to know. Wait! So your people have tried to breed with were-wolves?" James asked. "Yes many years ago... but, their attempts failed," he replied. "Failed?" James queried. "During the attempts all involved died painfully. It's the same as a were-wolf and a were-thylacine fighting, if one bites or scratches the other drawing blood the wound quickly becomes infected. The Weres die of blood poisoning: seems the two species' bodily fluids aren't compatible," Devlin said sadly. "There aren't any other ways?" James asked. Devlin looked thoughtful for a moment then said, "None that we know of, and I've been searching for years. I don't like the thought of turning people; I'd rather settle down and have a few pups the old fashioned way." "Oh, so you're not a turned Were?" James asked surprised. "Oh no, my family have been here since the mid 1600's. They were Dutch farmers searching for new farming lands, but they shipwrecked off the western coast. There weren't any rescues back then, and no one knew they had left their homeland. They brought the whole family and a few others to support them and to start a settlement but when they wrecked they lost almost all their supplies. Luckily no one died, but they were stranded," Devlin explained. "How did they survive?" James queried. "Well obviously they didn't know anything about the country or that there were already people living here. Luckily the local people found them and helped them heal the sick and wounded and establish a small colony. They ended up living much like the locals did, so when the British finally colonised there wasn't much evidence of them being here. By that time my people had grown to quite a large number," he explained. "What about being were-thylacines? Surely your people weren't that way when they wrecked?" James asked. "No, they weren't... honestly I don't know the truth behind it. Seems no one wanted to explain what actually happened, but there is a story, almost a bedtime tale now. It says that shortly after they wrecked and were found by the native people, after the men were all healed and well rested, a small group went out hunting, looking for fresh meats to store. They managed to save a couple rifles from the wreck, and a small amount of ammunition, the natives didn't know what the weapons were. They had never seen anything like them! So when they came across a few wild animals, Emus, Kangaroos and such, they used the rifles, scaring the natives half to death. They also had no understanding of the native language, so when the natives screamed at them not to kill their dreamtime friends they didn't know," Devlin explained. "The typical European mans reaction to a new land, kill and devour whatever's in sight," James noted. "Yes, I agree but they were careless. They came across another animal they had never seen... it looked very much like a tiger, something they had only scene rarely in paintings or royal exhibitions, the aristocrats having poached the creatures from Asia or India. They didn't know these were different, and they began firing their rifles at any they saw, killing many of the mostly harmless creatures. When they finally returned to the camp, each man had at least 5 kills; they were all piled upon a large makeshift cart and brought into the center of the camp. When the natives saw the atrocity they were extremely upset, though they only held the small group of men responsible," Devlin said, looking away a moment and taking a mouthful of the whiskey that sat on the table beside him before continuing. "The leader of the tribe, a witch doctor of some sort, cursed them to forever turn into the creature they had slain so needlessly, which was the tiger looking creature. After that, those men would change into the tigers, roaming around the desert at night." "Oh my! Do you think all of that is true?" James asked. "NO!" Devlin laughed. "At least not all of it. Some of it maybe; I'm just not sure how much. For instance, we don't change at night. We can change pretty much when ever we like: some times it is a little more involuntary, like in times of great anger or sadness." "Are any of those original survivors still around?" James queried. "No, not to my knowledge; we do not live nearly as long as your kind, or even werewolves. Full blood werewolves can live for as long as 500 years: my kind occasionally reach 250, but it is rare. Especially given our volatile nature, we tend to kill each other long before that... That is also something I am concerned about. Many of the councillors strongly oppose my plan, and some even walked out of the council meeting. They may try to kill me to prevent my proceeding with this plan," Devlin confessed. "Well my friend, I will endeavour to prevent that," James said, then leaned over and picked up his glass of whiskey and continued, "A toast, to a long partnership between our peoples!" James finished, bringing his glass up to meet Devlin's. "One can hope for such things," Devlin muttered. --- "One can only hope, my friend," James said quietly, reminiscing about his long passed friend as he sat on the steps leading up to his front door, waiting for Victoria to arrive. He could already hear her car coming up the road; it wouldn't be long before she entered his property. Victoria concentrated on the dirt road as she drove along it, grasping at straws as to what might be going on; after all, it's not everyday a councillor, never mind a were-thylacine, goes missing without a trace! 'What ever is going on here I am going to find out!' She thought as she came upon the outer gate to the consul's compound. James sat and watched Victoria slowly pass the outer gate and approach the inner boundary gate; he stood and took a few steps forward to wait on the gravel drive, carefully taking a thin-fencing like-sword from its concealed position under his coat. He stood with his hands behind his back holding the sword while he wore a warm smile on his face as Victoria came to a stop a few meters from him. 'She looks surprised to see me waiting,' he thought. 'What the hell!' Victoria thought, seeing James standing in his drive apparently waiting for her. 'Oh well, I am here to see him,' she added then reached for her Rapier as she exited the car. "James! It's been too long," She said moving towards him. "Vicky! Far too long," James replied, preparing for her attack. He brought his sword around just as Victoria charged him with her Rapier ready to strike; she was on him in seconds. Luckily he knew she would attempt something: she always did. "Vicky... when will you learn that you can't catch me out like that?" James said as their blades met, sending sparks flying. "You know? I thought that this time you wouldn't see it coming!" Victoria laughed as James easily pushed her back; she hooked her Rapier to her belt and straightened her self out. James lowered his sword and patted down his coat before saying, "Your uncle used to greet me with a handshake and a hug. Why can't you do that?" "Because, my uncle was a weak old fool! He was soft and in the end it got him killed!" Victoria exclaimed before she realised what she was saying. "Your uncle, Devlin, was one of the strongest people I've ever known! He wanted to do so much for your people, but some of your kind didn't like what he was planning. THAT'S why he died, not because he was 'weak'!" James replied angrily to Victoria's outburst. "His friendship with you was well known among our people, and many didn't like it. They thought he was giving away sensitive information," she replied calmly, carefully watching James's reaction. "Devlin never told me anything like that. He gave me an understanding of your people that many don't have. His dream was for our governments to work together. He knew that your people wouldn't survive with their attitude of destruction, but he also knew it would take time for your people to change. He was cast-out because he was willing to wait... We really shouldn't be talking about this out here. How about we go inside and talk?" James asked, offering his hand gentlemanly for Victoria to take. Victoria took his hand and they headed inside. "James, you were waiting for me... How did you know I was coming?" She asked as they walked into the house, escaping the midmorning heat. James thought a moment, not wanting to give anything away just yet, he replied, "There was an incident involving some of your people recently, so I figured it would just be a matter of time before you paid me a visit. Plus the highway patrol officer that pulled you over is one of my agents." "You sneaky old vamp!" Victoria laughed, not surprised in the least. "Vicky, you have no idea!" James stated, returning Victoria's laugh as they stepped into his office and he closed the door. --- "So dear, what do you really think of all this?" Marie asked Jack as he helped her out in the kitchen. "How do you mean?" He replied, confused by her question. "I mean, how you are going to be used as bait to fool Victoria's people," Marie said. "Ah, well I don't exactly like the idea of going near them; they'll know pretty quickly that I don't know who any of them are. If they question me I won't be able to answer them," Jack said, worried. Marie stopped what she was doing, turned to Jack and looked him in the eyes then said, "Jack, for god's sake stop doubting your self! From what everyone's been saying these elder dogs are selfish, one track minded, over confident old fools! They probably know nothing about what's been going on or who you even were before you were blinded by rage and revenge." "I'm not so sure... after all Victoria did come here!" Jack exclaimed. "Well maybe she is just a clever woman?" Marie smirked. Jack chuckled a little and said, "Undoubtedly!" Smiling Marie then said, "I'm sure you can act. Besides I have a feeling that things will work out in our favour." "I hope so," Jack said as he went back to tidying up the kitchen. "You think James is ready for tea yet?" Marie joked, Jack wasn't amused. --- Tommy, Calvin, Bill and Tyson decided to take a little time-out and train; they all figured that there was a fight coming from the Were-thylacines and they needed to be prepared. Tyson and Bill teamed up against Tommy and Calvin; the pairings seemed to work perfectly. "Let's show these two what a couple of relatively normal folk can do!" Bill exclaimed. "Not to mention old!" Tommy taunted. "Hey, your mate there is older than us!" Tyson replied smirking. "To be fair, I am older than all three of you combined... but only just!" Calvin laughed. "Come on! Are we going to fight or are you two just going to talk trash?" Bill asked getting frustrated. Tommy and Calvin stopped laughing and turned to each other, they seemed to have a short conversation mentally before they turned back to Bill and Tyson; perfectly mirroring each other they took defensive stances, each holding a katana. In perfect sync they said, "Come at us!" "Looks like we have a match," Tyson said as he took an offensive position next to Bill. "Oh I think we have the advantage still," Bill smirked, taking a similar stance to Tyson. "Just remember boys, we aren't aiming to kill here, but if we manage to draw blood... well, we'll just have a cold beer after this and laugh it off, alright?" Bill added. "Sure," Tommy and Calvin replied in unison. "Right then! I think we are ready, what do you think Ty?" Bill asked as he kept his eyes on the boys. "We're ready, but I dunno about them!" Tyson chuckled, he to closely watching Calvin and Tommy. "Follow my lead, watch for changes and keep your eyes open!" Bill said. Tyson replied, "Got it!" Bill charged at Calvin while Tyson charged Tommy, the boys statue-like as they waited. Suddenly Bill switched his focus to Tommy leaving Tyson to Calvin, Tommy and Calvin changed their focus accordingly. Bill had his Wakizashi out to his left while Tyson mirrored him, then just as Bill was about to strike at Tommy, he again changed focus but this time shouted, "Down and strike!" Then, in what could only be called a perfectly choreographed move Bill and Tyson leapt into the air, Bill soaring over Tyson and landing behind Calvin on his hands, Tyson landing similarly behind Tommy. Coiling up like springs on their arms, Bill and Tyson then pushed back, the full force of their individual body weights being transferred through their legs to the backs of their targets, knocking them to the ground on their faces. Bill and Tyson quickly got to their feet as Calvin and Tommy recovered and stood up, but before the boys could react, Bill and Tyson had a blade each at their necks. "1 - Nil I think for round one!" Tyson exclaimed. "Don't be so sure!" Calvin and Tommy replied in unison then brought their blades up and pushed Bill and Tyson's blades away. They spun around and struck Bill and Tyson in the center of their chests with their palms, winding them slightly. The boys jumped back this time taking an offensive stance each, they said, "Our turn!" "Damn!" Bill forced out between gasps after having the wind knocked out of him. "You've got that right mate!" Tyson agreed, they barely had enough time to defend as Tommy and Calvin charged them. Tommy and Calvin moved so fast they were almost a blur, Tommy's tanned torso, Calvin's pale skin and the glint of cold steel. Bill and Tyson brought their blades up to defend but they were just knocked to the side by the charging pair. Then something impacted Bill and Tyson again in the center of their chests, much harder this time as they landed hard on their asses and slid a few meters along the padded mat on the floor of the training room. --- James just finished explaining to Victoria about her uncle and the many times he and James had sat in this house talking long into the night over some good whiskey. "So he told you the old folk stories of our people? They are meaningless!" Victoria said. "Don't bullshit me! You used to love hearing about them when you were a little girl. What changed?" James asked. Victoria sat for a moment thinking, before she answered, "There's no truth in them, they are just stories! Devlin believed in them and they didn't help him did they?" "He knew they weren't real, but some of the facts were. Your uncle believed that you must know your past if you're to have a future. THAT'S why he told you the stories! They are the only history your people have, and true or fiction you can't deny them," James replied. "Perhaps," she conceded then, much calmer, asked, "But what does that have to do with why I'm here?" James wondered for a moment just how to phrase what he wanted to say but decided to just say it, "History is a difficult subject, especially for our two peoples. We both have had difficult times of adjustment, big losses, events we don't want to talk about or can't; something has been going on for about as long as I have been here as consul, and someone's been working very hard to keep it a secret. I believe that's why your uncle was murdered and I think it's time to bring this into the light, with your help." "Bring what into the light?" Victoria asked. "Corruption, murder and plans to turn normal humans into were-thylacines forcefully!" James replied. "WHAT?" Victoria couldn't believe what James said. "Surely you have proof of this?" she asked. "Yes, the earliest forced turning I know of was of a young father; he was attacked in the woods near his home sometime around the turn of the last century, his young son was murdered before him then he was turned and brainwashed. Until recently he served your people without question. Another example I know of was in the early 1900's an entire family were murdered by your kind, literally torn apart because they wouldn't submit to being turned," James explained. "You know as well as I do that that's not evidence. I need written proof of this!" Victoria demanded. "How about written and visual proof?" James asked as he took the file out of his desk draw and handed it to Victoria. "This is... where did you get this?" Victoria asked in disbelief. "One of my operatives retrieved that a few decades ago, but it didn't make it to me until recently - some internal staff issues that have been dealt with. As you can see the first page is your missing councillor Jackson, and the following is the family of one of my operatives, the one that discovered that file," James said. "But WHERE did he get it?" she asked. "Matthew got that file from the then-councillor Sirus' personal files. As you can imagine, upon discovering what really happened to his family, he kind of lost it, Sirus' personal forces taking quite a hit before Matthew finally confronted Sirus, and tortured him for several days before allowing him to die. Following that event, Jackson went quite mad trying to get revenge on Matthew for killing his sire," James replied. "How could I not know any of this?" She asked, confused, as she looked through the files. "It happened before you became high consul, and quite simply, someone didn't want you to know. Take a look in the back of the folder," James said. "Why?" Victoria asked as she turned to the back of the folder. "Uncle... Who did this to you?" She asked as she read the file. "You understand now how far this goes?" James asked. "Lucian! That BASTARD! I'll kill him!" Victoria stated. "Vicky, listen to me! You can't go losing your temper now. We need to work this out and I have a plan which I need you to agree to," James said coming to Victoria's side trying to calm her. "I think some tea might be in order right about now," he added. James stood and went to the door; he called out to Marie for tea then went and sat back down in the chair next to Victoria. "They've used me as a puppet; I've never had any real power on the council. These files name a few of the current councillors as ordering these murders, and Jackson even committed them," she said sounding defeated. "I've made a list of all those named in the files," James said, taking a piece of paper from his pocket and giving it to Victoria. She looked at the list, naming all but herself and the councillor for South Australia. "All of them? But why is Jackson's name crossed out?" Victoria asked. Just then there was a knock at the door. "Come in," James told them then continued, "Yes all those councillors have committed crimes against our peoples and humanity. As for Jackson..." "My name is crossed out because that man is dead," Jack said flatly, standing in the doorway holding a serving platter with a teapot and teacups. "Here let me take that!" James said taking the platter and placing it on his desk. "Jackson!" Victoria exclaimed. "Where have you been?" she asked. "NO! I'm not Jackson! That man was a crazy murderer!" Jack replied. Victoria was confused but before she could reply James said, "Allow me to explain. Jackson learned of Matthew's whereabouts and came with a team to kill him, but his attack didn't quite go to plan. His team was quickly dealt with and Jackson was taken down by an operative of mine. But instead of killing him, this operative-who is a master of telepathy-saw that Jackson was indeed innocent to begin with. So he took all of Jackson's memories from when he was turned until that day. The man standing here before you is no longer Jackson; he is Jack, the man that had his son and his life stolen from him all those years ago." "I've been given a second chance, and I want to make the most of it. But first I want to help bring those people to justice!" Jack exclaimed confidently. "Yes, and I have a plan to accomplish that. Jack already doesn't like it, and I'm sure you won't like it much either. But it is, I believe, the only way for your people to survive and to stop the senseless killings," James said. "What plan won't I like?" Victoria asked cautiously. Jack looked to James and sighed, then said, "He wants to arrest the councillors named on that list and dissolve the Thylacine Council then bring the remaining councillors into the Shadow Council here." "Put briefly, yes, that's what I want to do. But it's also much more complicated: you understand that they won't go quietly and I'm sure you don't like the idea of submitting to our council either. But I don't see any other way, and it's not like our laws have changed since we set up here. Your people would still be free to live how they please, and I'd like them to be a big part of our community," James said. "You CAN'T do that, you don't have the authority!" Victoria stated. "Actually, I have been given full authority over this situation by the international Shadow Council members. That authority includes revoking the current protected status of your people," James explained. "But, that would mean," Victoria began, shocked. "Yes, but I don't want it to come to that! I'd rather have your approval; your people are endangered. If their protection was revoked, they would be hunted, and that would be devastating. It's what your uncle was afraid of! He pleaded with me for their protection; he promised me that he could control his people, but obviously he failed. What will you do, High Consul Victoria? Will you agree to help me end a century old reign of terror, or will you too fail to protect your people?" James asked. "If I agree to help you, can you promise me something?" Victoria asked. "What's that?" James replied. "Well two things actually. I want your promise that you will only go after those responsible, the listed councillors and their comrades. I don't want any more innocents getting dragged into this," Victoria said calmly. "You have my word; that is something we both agree on. What's the other thing?" James asked. "Lucian... PROMISE ME that no one touches him but ME!" She demanded. "My dear Vicky, I wouldn't dream of letting anyone else near him, except for myself, but I'll gladly relinquish that pleasure to you," James smirked. ******************************** Thanks for reading Angel in black chapter 18, sorry its been so long between chapters. please take my word that i havent given up on writing, and i will be finishing this story at some point, lately ive just had a little block and a lack of motivation, but i am still writing, just right now im taking a little break. Be sure to stop by my site where you will find a blog with some interesting insight into the chapters, some character pictures and a few short stories and poems. also the story closet where I also post my work. thanks again, Mikey.