Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 23:53:01 -0400 From: Jerry Subject: Arin 9 The following story contains scenes of boys having sex with other boys and/or men, depending on what I decided on by the time I got around to writing it. ;) It is science fiction and fantasy, and as such contains things which simply don't happen in real life. If your imagination is not good, you won't enjoy it very much. As for the sex thing, if this stuff is against your personal moral codes, don't read it. If there's anything you don't understand, ask your parents or friends or whoever you think will. If you like the story, feel free to write me a letter at You're allowed to do anything you like with my story with the following exceptions: 1. You may not place it on a system which charges people to read it unless you request permission from me first. I have no problem giving you permission, but there will be a slight one-time fee. ;) 2. You may not post alterations to the story, or write sequels to it, without my permission. Happy reading! ===================================================================== Chapter 41 I sat in the hallway of the church, crying as if the entire Stirovinoj River were flowing from my head. See, as a magic-user, I knew something about demonic possession. I knew that when taken over, the mind of the host is still alive and aware. Somewhere inside that head, behind those painfully familiar eyes, Cedra still lived. I didn't know how he felt towards me. Did he understand that what happened to him was my fault? Did he resent me for it? I couldn't bear the thought of him, trapped in his own head while that demon controlled his body, opened his memory like a book, decided what he looked at and what sounds he focused on. I had one choice, one thing I could do for Cedra to prove my love for him. I had to kill him. That realization should have made me crawl further into my shell. But strangely enough, it helped me regain my composure. It gave me a purpose. I wasn't about to sit around feeling sorry for myself when my lover was a prisoner of pain and torment. As the others approached me, I stood up, wiped the last of the tears from my eyes, and threw forth a facade of bounciness and jubilation. "Well, let's go get this amulet", I said. "Right", Tyrin smiled, looping a large backpack over his shoulder. "You're coming?", I inquired, a little more angrily than I had expected. Not that I had anything personally against Tyrin, but he *was* the man who told me about what had happened to Cedra. He was also a priest, a constant reminder of the beliefs that Cedra held dear. And there was another reason... a *familiarity* that Tyrin had to him. Where had I seen him before? I closed my eyes. I saw Cedra's face, in a devillish grin, saying "You have to know what to see." And I felt a dawn of understanding... But then it was gone, and I was looking at Tyrin's solemn face, nodding in answer to my question. "Yes, the Amulet has been a passion of mine for a long time. I'm interested in witnessing it's recovery." I turned my head to Tarus, who shrugged. "He knows things that we can only guess at... he's an expert on the Amulet. And besides...", he trailed off, not finishing his thought. He didn't need to. I understood. I nodded solemnly. In barely a whisper, I finished for him. "We need someone who can protect us against Cedra's spells." Rath nodded. "Tyrin can reverse most of what Cedra is capable of. At least, what he *was* capable of before Rynth took him over. We'll have to expect that there's more to worry about now." Tyrin led the group out of town, piecing together from our information and his knowledge of the area a more direct route to the caves that we sought. It would now be a matter of days instead of weeks until we reached our destination. We were walking through a rainy night with the dirt-paved road underneath us. Sparse hills surrounded us in all directions, with very dense shrubbery. Some time in the middle of the night, I became aware of the fact that we were being followed. A subtle combination of sounds and smells told me that it was Cedra, but we were still days away from our destination. I decided to let him think he was succeeding, for the time being, and said nothing to the group. "Well, time to set up camp", Tarus said. "Arin, I assume you want the first watch tonight?" "Yes", I said, nodding casually. "Yes I do." Chapter 42 At around four in the morning, whilst everyone was still sound asleep, I drew my sword and doubled back in the direction that I believed Cedra to be following from. Sure enough, about fifteen minutes south and to the west, I encountered a campsite. A small band of dark elven warriors were pitching up tents, preparing to sleep through the daytime hours. Many an evil thought came into my head about how easy it would be to expose these dark elves to the sunlight a few hours later, and watch them writhe in pain as the rays stabbed through thier nocturnal skin. But no, now was not the time for guerilla tactics. Now was the time for bravery and honor. It didn't take long to spot Cedra. He was one of only two children in the camp; the other was the Dark Elf boy we had first encountered on the way to the keep... Kurl Prachek, was that his name? He and Cedra were conferring over some kind of drawing in the sand. I considered changing shape, sneaking over there as a rat or and owl and listening in. But Cedra lifted his head, scanning the area. "Excuse me", he said, getting up and heading my way. I backed away, waiting for him behind the trees in absolute silence. He entered the clearing where I had been standing, gazing around knowingly - he expected to find *something* here. Who was I to disappoint him? I stepped out of the shadows, my sword at the ready. He smiled at my approach, the evil that flowed within him now plain on his face. "Hello lover", he said sarcastically, "I've been expecting you. Glad to see you're still on your toes, you haven't forgotten how to guard your perimeter." He drew a sword very similar to mine from the scabbard at his waist. I pushed the sideburns of my hair behind my ears, smiling back at the monster and edging ever closer. "Yes, well, you always were rather heavy footed on terrain like this." Cedra shook his head, patronizing me. "Ahh, Arin... you know what the worst part was? Pretending that I loved you. If I'd have known how easily you would've given it up, I wouldn't have even bothered." I raised my weapon, standing now a mere ten feet from him. "That doesn't work anymore. I know you're not Cedra." With that, I swung my sword down hard! Cedra raised his sword in defense, and the two clanged against one another, breaking through the silence of the night. He swung around and tried to cut open my flank. I blocked his swing and jabbed at his stomach. He spun around, deflecting my sword from it's target and spinning his own weapon around for my head. I ducked the blow and struck his side with a sharp roundhouse kick. "Bottom line is", he said as he brought his sword around for another swing, "You made me the man I am today." I smashed his swing out of the way with all my might, and kicked him again, this time in the side of the head. He fell to his knees. I had him now. I brought my sword up... and hesitated. I looked down at those eyes, and even seeing the evil that flowed from them now, they still looked too much like Cedra. "You can't do it", he smirked, rising to his feet with his weapon still lowered. "You can't kill me." I looked down at his balls, the ones that only days ago I caressed gingerly and gently. I looked at them, and I gave them a nice swift kick, making Cedra... no, making *Rynth* drop his weapon and clutch Cedra's balls in pain. He was right about me. I couldn't kill him, not mere days after making love to him. But as I turned from the crippled figure and walked away, I mumbled the words I knew to be true in my heart... "Give me time." Chapter 43 I never spoke of that night to the rest of the group. I didn't know what to say, or how they'd react. Whether they would understand why I let him live that night. I already regretted it myself... I had a chance to free Cedra, and I didn't take it. Because I didn't want to lose him. Except that I had already lost him. I woke everyone up a few hours before nightfall. I figured it was time to ditch Cedra's group, and a few hours head start would accomplish that quite nicely. We walked through a brumble patch, some old geezer's corn field, and a small village before winding up back in the wilderness by nightfall. The village was quaint and amusing, without even a single two-story building and only one or two shops. Our group could probably have been sufficient to invade the place and take over. Three children playing on the outskirts of the village invited me to join in... evidently unconcerned with the fact that I was carrying a sword and travelling with adults. I smiled at them but politely moved on. About an hour into the night, I heard a rustling in the forest patch. I drew my weapon and turned about, at first convinced that Cedra's group had somehow caught up to us. But no, this noise was coming from the wrong direction. "Do you hear that?", Tarus asked, his own weapon at the ready. The rest of us nodded our agreement. I peered off ahead, staying to the shadows of the night as I had done so many times before. I peered out into the clearing ahead, and saw a large caravan, with about 5 wagons filled with soldiers. There must have been seventy of them, at the very least. I recognized them from my time on the streets with my brother - they were Pibincram Soldiers, and they were on the wrong side of their borders. What were they doing here? Along the rear of their group was a soldier about my age. His arms and equipment all looked like they would fit me, and so, an evil idea sprang into my head. I slipped out of my tunic quickly, dropping it and my backpack on to the ground of the forest. I undid the straps to my trousers and britches, quickly dropping them to the ground as well, leaving me naked and a little bit cold. The stiff wind made my penis jump, springing to life and shining in the moonlight. With very little shame, I stepped out of my hiding place just a little bit. I picked up a rock and threw it at the boy's foot. It hit it's target dead on, making the boy's head snap in my direction. It was fun to watch his jaw drop as he saw me there, naked and glowing in the moonlight. He cast a brief glance to his fellow soldiers, and then dropped out of formation and ran over to me. I slipped back into the shadows as he came near. "Where are you going?", another soldier demanded of him. He looked in confusion for a moment. I shook my head, smiling serenely. This kid was even more brain dead than I was hoping for. "I have to pee!", I called out from the bushes, hoping that the other soldier didn't know him very well. For my plan to work, he had to be a nobody in this army - someone I could easily replace. The man called back to hurry up, and the boy smiled broadly, jumping into the woods where I was lying in wait. "Hey", he whispered, looking around for me, "Where are you?" I stepped out from the shadows, my right hand concealed behind my back. I allowed the boy to take in the sight of my nudity, and took notice as the slight poke in his crotch told me that it had been more genuine interest than passing curiousity that had led him to me. His mouth dropped wide open, and he gasped, "You're beautiful." I blushed at the comment, and it made me feel guilty about what I intended to do. I slinked towards him, struting my hips deliberately with every step, causing my penis to sway back and forth. I pulled my arms around him quickly, successfully keeping the dagger in my hand hidden from his sight as I embraced him with a warm, passionate kiss. With my free hand, I undid the straps holding his breast plate onto his body. I slipped the armor down softly, to make sure the clanging didn't alarm his fellow soldiers. Underneath he had a tunic similar to mine on, and it didn't take much work to get that off of him too. He stood shirtless before me, a dark haired boy with a high shrilly voice and a lot of sexual tension in his loins. He had no idea what lay in store for him. Chapter 44 "What's your name?", he asked gently, stroking my sandy red hair and sighing with absolute pleasure. I brought my eyes straight up to his, unbuckling his belt and allowing his sword to fall to the ground where he couldn't easily reach it. "Doesn't matter", I said, placing the dagger to his throat. His eyes went wide with shock and fear. "Stay right there, and don't scream. No harm will come to you." Keeping the metal of the dagger on the soft skin of his chest, I knelt down and picked up the sword he was carrying. I threw it back about twenty feet, making sure it was out of the way. Then I backed away a few steps and picked up some rope from my backpack. "Put your hands behind that tree", I instructed him. He obeyed me, like a good little boy, and I quickly tied his hands tightly behind the bark of the oak tree. Now that he couldn't escape, I threw the dagger down to the ground. "What are you going to do with me?", he asked, his voice quivering. I began to undo the straps of his pants, lowering them to his ankles. I looked up at his penis, still erect. It was a little bit bigger than mine, with just the tiniest little pubic hairs around the top base. It was something of a suprise, because his voice was still higher than mine. I slipped the pants legs off of him and put them off to the side. I was just about to start getting dressed, when I took a step back and looked at the sad, quivering boy in front of me. I wasn't cold enough to do this to him, not like this. "I'm going to replace you out there", I said truthfully. I walked up to him slowly. "But I should reward you, shouldn't I? Can't just take your clothes and run." I allowed my hands to explore his chest. His heart was beating fast with fear and dread, but as I caressed him it slowly relaxed, his breathing becoming more heavy and rythmic. I smiled up at him. "Shall I reward you?" His slight nod was all the answer I needed. I knelt down and took his erection into my mouth, feeling the thickness of it press against the ends of my lips. Once I had a deep respect for sex, a belief that it was a sacred expression of true love. But... well, recent events put an end to that rather quickly. Now I wasn't sure what I thought about it. I enjoyed the taste of his dick, the skin of it so smooth and silky as it slid across the roof of my mouth and the top of my tounge. I even enjoyed the pre-cum that began to ooze from the slit at the top, something that Cedra's had never done. But it had no deep, spiritual meaning. I wasn't doing this for love of the boy... heck, I didn't even know his name. I was doing it to make myself feel better about scaring him half to death and stealing from him. "Yeah", he moaned, "oh wow, keep going...." His hips were thrusting along with me. I could tell that he wanted to put his hands on the back of my head, but my restraints made that impossible. I brought him to climax, quickly swallowing a very trace amount of some kind of hot liquid that ejected from him. It was somewhat salty, but it tasted good. Was it cum? I assumed so, but I didn't think it came out when you weren't trying to make a baby. Or was this boy, perhaps, trying to procreate with me? I realized that there was an aspect of sex I knew very little about. Could I actually have a child this way, by swallowing his cum? I'd never heard of a male having a child, and I knew that adult males did this with one another all the time. But if I couldn't have the baby, then what was happening to the sperm inside me? Did I just kill thirty million people?!?!? I brushed off the confusion that the experience had brought me - there was already more than enough confusion in my life, and I was getting disturbingly good at brushing it aside and focusing on what I did know. It was a wonderful skill for a crisis, but if I kept it up I would never learn anything new, and I knew that. I let his limpening penis slip from my mouth, and didn't envy the way my dripping saliva must have made it feel all cold and wet. And he couldn't wipe it off. I left him that way. I'm not sure why - a punishment for confusing me so much, perhaps? But I gave him one more kiss on the lips, said "Thanks", and then wordlessly began getting into his clothes. Chapter 45 I slipped into the soldiers' formation easily enough, and the man who had asked "me" to hurry up didn't notice the change in hair color. I tried, as discreetly as possible, to slip up the marching ranks. I did so with more success than expected, pretensing a need to speak with the commander whenever anyone ordered me back in line. I stepped with ease to the side of the officer who I assumed to be leading the Garrison. She was a stocky fighter with a gigantic two-handed sword strapped to her back. Her armor was a gleaming plate mail, crafted from one of the finer blacksmiths in her country, no doubt. She stood over a foot taller than I did, with dark hair coming back into a ponytail and clanging silently against her armor as she walked. With her was a young man, dressed in studded leather armor and carrying a lantern and a map. His light hair glew in the light of the lantern as he spoke. "We're looking at about two hours travel, ma'am. We don't think the village is going to put up much resistance." "Well", she said, smiling evilly into the darkness, "it's been a long time since I occupied a village. This is going to be tremendous amounts of fun. Lots of decisions to make." My mouth dropped open. I couldn't believe what I'd heard. At that moment, I could see Tarus and the others following along the bank. I pulled away with the same peeing excuse, darting into the bushes to meet them. "They're headed for that sweet, innocent village!" I cried. "They're going to take it over!" Tyrin could see that it was causing me some concern, and he tried to console me. He puts his arms around, trying to hug me, but I pulled away quickly. I didn't want to be consoled, and I still wasn't ready to open up to him. "Terrible", Dejana said, shaking her head. "Those poor kids." I looked at her pleadingly. "We have to do something." Tarus laughed nervously. "Do WHAT, kid? We're pretty good, but THOSE", he said, pointing to the travelling caravan, "are three hundred ground soldiers. A platoon representing a much larger army that I'd rather not piss off." His words rang true, I knew. Tyrin nodded his agreement. "I know very little of the third fragment's location", he said, "but one thing I'm sure of is that it's in Pibincram territory. We're going to have to go there sometime, and it would be better if our descriptions were not on wanted posters everywhere." I shook my head, more resolved than ever. "I don't care. We have to at least go ahead and warn them." Tyrin put his hands on my shoulders. "Arin", he calmly stated, "if we go back, we'll lose our head start on Cedra and his group. He already has the first fragment... he can't be allowed to obtain any more." "We'll be fine", I said. "Cedra's group is three hours back and to the west. Even if they started moving as soon as the sun went down, they'd be a couple of hours behind us." Dejana grabbed me roughly and swung me around to face her. "You KNEW where they were?" She loosened her grip a bit, answering her own question. "Of course. That's why you wanted to leave camp early. You knew they were right near us." She looked upset that I hadn't said anything, but she didn't say anything more on it. For the first time in awhile, Rath piped up. "If they're tracing our steps, they're going to go through the village too. They should get there at the same time as we do. We have the grounds for a very interesting trap, here." I still wasn't too keen on the idea of seeing Cedra killed. But he'd have been the first to tell me that a whole village was at stake. "Yes, a trap. The villagers can help us. It's--" "It's a good plan", a voice behind me said. Suddenly, crossbows were pointed at us from all directions. I realized my fatal mistake - I had been away from the platoon too long. Someone had come looking for me. The voice that spoke - a slightly older guy with a bare chest and a tattoo, smiled. "Well, with a couple of alterations it's a good plan, anyway." -------------------------------------------------- As always, comments are welcome. Let me know if there's enough detail in the storyline, I went back over this one a couple of times and wasn't very happy with the "backdrop" part of it. I'll explore it in the next part. ;)