Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 11:00:41 -0700 (PDT) From: c z Subject: Battered Barbarian- Chapter 9 Disclaimer- Standard Nifty and I will just add, if you don't want to read it or can get busted if caught, don't. Easy enough done and I am not responsible if you screw up. The story is mine, and I am going to insist on its copyright. So hereby Battered Barbarian and his Boy is now copyrighted ( C ) by cezmail, my pseudonym on the net. Ask permission to post it elsewhere and I will most likely grant it, but doing so without is a violation of my copyright. Thanks for understanding. This is all complete fiction. NONE of it is true. It has elements of fantasy violence ( explicit at times ), relations between a boy and a man, and sexual themes. If this is illegal for you to read or not to your tastes, DON'T READ! Otherwise, please look on down and if you have an opinion, let me know. I am more then willing to listen and reply. This is a new turn of events for me, my first all complete fiction. It is based on a roleplaying character of mine, and with that, I move ahead with this new story. Thanks for all those who liked the first chapters.You made me feel I was able to convey this well and have fun while I was at it. I appreciate all the kind folks who have come across my story and read it. Thanks for all the emails and support. I am still with it and will hope to keep writing when I can. May not always write as often, but I am still here folks. Special thanks to Skip, Coal Black, Odhreg, Bob from CO, Bobby, Michael H, Zustara, Karla, Draco, Charlie G, Jayel, Kyle Aarons, and Aaron from Seattle. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. Always nice to hear from you all. : ) To all others, as before, feel free to email me with any comments. I gladly answer any and all. You can email me at Chapter 9 Zert tried with all his might to move, Anything! Something! No matter what he attempted, not a single muscle seemed to move, The only things he could have any control was of his breathing, shallow and fast in fear and frustration, and blinking. He could not turn his head to where the deep gravelly base of the Half Ogre had called out. He could not see Zax frozen in fear and terror of the return of his captor. His eyes were focuses on the edge of battle, where the Orcs and Humans, what was left of them, battled through the Nayrians. Juris led his remnants of his company in a defensive square, holding off their enemies. The calvary men, now on foot, formed on the flank and battled with lance and sword. Their sergeant had a gleaming spear in his hand that seemed to shine even further in the shadows left from the acid cloud. Zert saw it enter a human warrior and pierce the chain hauberk with little resistance. Then as he was about to give into his despair, he saw something that caused his stomach to attempt to revolt. A large shape showed itself from the wood. A sharp rank , even through the smells of the battle, reached Zert's nose. Acid along with rotted intestines came through. The shape revealed more and Zert saw a huge Half Ogre, close to ten feet tall and massive in almost a Giant's form. It was armored in a huge set of banded armor, pitted and misshapen from repeated blows of warriors who had tried to pierce the strong tensile strength of the metal bands sealed next together to ward off the strikes. In his hands was an ax so big that even this Half Ogre would have to have a great amount of strength to wield. It would have been more suited in a Giant's arms then this thuggish humanoid. The Ax seemed to slow in a strange and frightening way. Zert realized that as droplets came off the Ax, the ground sizzled and leaved wilted. The stench of acid came from the ax. The strange thing about the acid was that it was a deep reddish purple, as if it was blood spurting from an artery. This could be none other then Blood Ax. Zax screamed out if his fright as Blood Ax showed himself. The sight of the leader of this warband caused Juris and his allies to take a step back. They knew nothing of this being, but his size and the sight of his fiercesome weapon was enough to make them wonder if they would survive this day. Zax was about to collapse when he started to sense something. The ring in his hand, the one that Zert had gifted him back at the battle at Dirdir's farm, started to tingle. The tingle quickly changed to a throb, sending small shocks through his arm. His fear was momentarily forgotten as the throb morphed into bolt of sensations. Zax felt something rush into his brain, something that he could not even begin to comprehend. All he knew was that he almost was overcome by this rush. Ulf and Yokus, once more out of melee range, took up their weapons. Yokus had a clear shot at some enemy bowmen and started to load and unleash his arrows. His quiver was running low, even with the extra arrows his had gotten back at Goshen, but he was trying to distract and pierce as many of the enemy as he possibly could. Each arrow he sent on its way, he made an oath for justice for his Da and his Brother. Each enemy he wounded or killed, was another step in having some fulfillment for his vengeance. Ulf knew this was the time that he had to use the last item that he had left from his Father's days of Glory. Mounting the quarrel into the groove of the crossbow Dirdir had crafted in his last year when serving with Captain Vorn, he set the banded bolt against the taut wire of the bow. This would be for Da, and may the Gathered see that it struck true. Ulf stepped to the side and then sighted along the axis of the bow towards Blood Ax. " Go swiftly, and take on the very essence of the vileness. Da aid me! " The bolt leaped from the crossbow, going towards the Half Ogre. Zert looked on as Blood Ax lifted his Ax again. " Damn you scum licking Kobold lovers. GET the Boy!!. Kill these puny humans and get that brat. If I have to kill every last one of you to get my point, I will. Remember the fate of Fenxat when he failed. me. " These words, as the knowledge of the temper of Blood Ax was enough to drive the assembled troops of the warband forward. This movement was enough to help to shape the events that the survivors would always remember. Ulf's bolt, the last Thunderbolt left from his Da's demise, was not to strike true. One of the Trolldogs, until now only heard, leaped over the heads of the Orcs as it scented the quarry. Its body, a combination of a large hound and troll was a sight few saw and escaped. It was colored a greenish brown, wilted skin with warts, teeth glistening in the scattered light. It was the size of the largest wolf, its eyes showed more intelligence then any normal canine. It roared out a howl that was close to a bellow as it sighted Zax's frozen body. Its mouth, if it could have smiled, would have been showing an expression of triumph. Just as it reached the apex of it leap, the creature's world dissolved into nothingness. The blast and the roar of the bolt going off brought the battle to a half in the brief moment as it was detonated. The trolldog was blasted apart, nothing would ever be found of it afterwards. a full score of enemy was killed or wounded by the blast, which also unfortunately killed a cavalryman who had stepped force to lunge with his dismounted lance. Blood Ax was driven to the ground, though was not touched by any of the blast. This unleashing of energy seemed to act like a catalyst for many things at once. First Zax, coming out of the shock of the rush he had from the ring stirred himself as the thunder rolled away. New information seemed to leap unbidden into his mind. He found himself moving his fingers in motions that he had only glimpsed. Words he had never before been able to imprint started to flow from his mouth. Gestures merged with the words and motions of the fingers. A spell started to fly from his mouth and body. No longer was Zax frozen from his terror. Now only a cold rage was in his heart. Now was the time that he gave back the pain and the wounds that these damned Gorian's and Orcs had inflicted on him and his. Zert was also sensing something. As the blast was flashing before him, he felt something come into his mind. Words appeared where they had never come before. " Now we awaken. Now we reach our destiny. Now we raze and strike. " As the words ended, a glow came about Zert and combined with the magic of the thunderbolt. It quickly ended and as it came to a stop, Zert was thrown back from the blast of concussive energy and the magic now coming through his body. Nimlas had awoken. Nimlas was throbbing in his hand as he shook off the blast that had made him now lie on his back. No light flowed from the blade, but there was a dull sheen that helped to identify to Zert that he had heard true. He sensed more in this sword, but he would have to ponder it at later time. Now he had enemies to kill, a love to save, and friends to aid. Nimlas had freed him from the spell that had frozen him, but Zert would have to be the one to wield this weapon and using all his skills and knowledge, intercept Blood Ax before he could get to Zax. He knew without knowing, that only Nimlas would be able to stand up to the ax of the Half Ogre. Should he fail, then all were doomed. Zax's spell was finally completed. A bolt of almost pure crimson leaped from his out-stretched fingers. The feedback from this spell drained Zax, having used the very last energies he had left in his spell repertory. The enchantment moved forth and as it reached the halfway mark between the enemies and the assembled soldiers, it split apart. Shards grew into a wide cone from where it had shattered, striking many of the Orcs. Some simply folded down, parts separating from their bodies as chunks were cut away. Some screamed as they were grazed by the crimson pieces that raced by. In the end, another 12 Orcs were killed or wounded. Now the odds were much more in the favor of the allies. The two spells, so closer followed by one another, gave pause to the battle. The Orcs and the Gorians were frightened and cowed by the two blasts, the allies were heartened by the completion. The four companions felt their hearts strengthen by new found energy and faith. Zert knew that Rawndalla was Favoring them on this day. He strode forth to intercept the being that had hurt his Zax, His Love would see Blood Ax pay for his crimes, and justice would be inflicted on the enemy. Zax's fall from being nearly put unconscious by his spell also was a precursor for another development. The allies, now feeling that they would be successful in the battle, charged forth to drive the enemy from their lands. The tightly clumped soldiers were a target that could not be allowed to escape without confrontation. The lone surviving spellcaster, a Master of the Black Hand, sent forth his own spell, one that did not need a bolt to ensure its reaching its target. It came into the Borderers and Cavalrymen with a dull roar and exploded among the allies. Fire leapt about, enveloping the calvary sergeant and with such heat, only ashes would remain from his body, and his spear a twisted and melted gob of metal. More of the allies were fried or singed, taking out the wind in the charge. As the fire flowed into nothingness, a circle of crisped bodies and men was all that remained. Juris still lived and he bellowed to his men "Keep moving, or were all dead. Drive them out. Take them down. " Zert kept moving even as more of the new friends died or fell from the spell. His target was Blood Ax. He said nothing, called out no warnings. This creature deserved nothing more then death, and Zert was going to send its blackened soul back to Voidius. Rawndalla would look down on her servant this day. He would overcome the servant of Kalen Dahl. The Half Ogre sensed Zert and focused his eyes on the mailed Half Orc. He had heard of this one. This one had been sighted before, and he had been the one that had taken the quarry for his master. This was a worthy foe to kill, and to add his skull to those that hung from his walls. " You die now Priestling, and your boy will give much pleasure to my Master before he dies in the rite. " Blood Ax swung up his dripping ax and had it raised for the battle to come. " Not my day to die demon spawn. You should have stayed licking the turds of your master. Now Rawndalla will see to it that her servant stops you., The Boy is under my protection. Neither he nor his friends will you take. I face you, and Nimlas is alive. She will meet your enspelled devilish weapon, and together we will overcome you. You will not see another day. Time for you to die eater of greens. Dream of your death, for your end in upon you. " At this utterance, Nimlas was swung out in an arc to take on Blood Ax. Zert got his shield up high in anticipation of the strike that he knew was coming. The two weapons, one personally gifted to Blood Ax from his Master, the other the spoils from Zert's old keeper came into contact. Together the very air shook in the clang of the actions of the attacks. Acid etched Zert's shield, but to Nimlas there was not even a scratched. Zert's shoulder ached from the blow, the strength of the Half Ogre's attack driving him back a step. He moved into a new swing and together the two warriors, former slaves and now transformed into soldiers for their leaders. Blood Ax was surprised that Zert was able to stand up to his blows and the ability of the warrior to side step swings that would have split many of a man in twain. They gave each other small wound,s but no telling attack could be landed. Zert's shield saved him from the spatter of acid, but was quickly failing under the rain of the magical chemicals. It was now very bitted and pieces were flying off as the ax's heads got past Nimlas's blocks. Zert had a deep wound on his left side where the rim of his shield had failed to protect him, but Zert had been able to get in a stab of his own at Blood Ax's leg, hampering the Half Ogre's movements. About them the battle continued. A few more minor spells came from the Black Hand mage, but he had emptied his storage of spells earlier. Juris helped to drive his men at the orcs and the battle mingled into many a free form and small engagements. Ulf and Yokus used up the last of their missiles trying to get at the enemy and the mage, and then with brazen adrenaline driven courage of battle, moved in to join the soldiers. Yokus stayed closer to Zax's body, in case one of the enemy tried to get at the boy. He saw the ongoing attacks between Zert and Blood Ax, but dared not get any closer as he knew he would fail to be able to stand up to the Half Ogre. Ulf took up his father's ax and was able to get to the battle in time to ward off a strike aimed at Juris's back. The Captain gave the youth a nod in gratitude before turning back into the fray. Ulf was about to join him when he saw Father Galron stirring, blood still flowing from where the pike had landed. Recalling the curatives he still had, he ran to the priest to administer one of them. They would need this priest if many more of the wounded were to be saved. Zert was tiring, his wounds sending out sharp slivers of pain. His muscles ached from blocking so many of the brute strength of Blood Ax's attacks, his energy starting to ebb. He started to wonder if he would be able to get through this when suddenly he was driven back once more. Blood Ax had used a new maneuver that Zert had failed fully block. His shield shattered and he felt his arm break from the mass of the ax as it destroyed his shield. Zert lay on the ground, his shoulder and armed crying out in agony. He looked through eyes dulled by pain as Blood Ax raised his ax again. " Time for you to die priestling. " The ax was reaching its apex when again Zert heard the voice that came from Nimlas. " Now time you heal. Fight on. Kill enemy. " Nimlas shivered in anticipation and the sensations of pain disappeared. The flow of magic came forth from the blade and Zert felt his arm and whole body healed. The broken boned knitted instantly, wounds closed and left only a trace of a scar. Blood was renewed and his strength was once more at its peak. Muscles still ached, but it was something Zert could handle and deal with. Zert smiled as Nimlas healed him near completely. This smile caused Blood Ax to pause just for a second and it was enough of a delay for Zert to swing to the side and clamper up to his feet. He grasped Nimlas into his hands and prepared for a new round of attacks. Blood Ax cursed this happenstance and wondered how this priest had been able to heal himself so quickly. No matter he thought, He would slay this distraction and get to the boy, who lay just a short distance away. The battle away from the two warriors raged on. The allies, much reduced then from the beginning of the attack, fought with the Orcs and Humans. Juris held his men together and they were making inroads at the enemy. A squad had attempted to make a rush to get at the mage, but had fallen under his spells. Of those that had started, only 20 or so remained standing and able to fight on. Others were maimed, killed, or too heavily wounded to stand. Ulf's healing of Father Galron had been the start of saving more men that would have lived had the priest died. Galron kept Ulf with him and they used the last curatives in small amounts, and supplemented that with what healing that the priest had. When that was used up, they took to using the regular healer's bag and bandages. Some would not live through the night and Ulf attempted to make them at ease as best he could. Father Galron had some opium laced wine to help dull those in pain who were terminal. The allies pressed on against the enemy and it looked like it was soon to be over. Then a scream came from where the mage was, and all who could see were able to look as an arrow showed from the mages shoulder. Shadowfox stepped forth to try to lay on with another arrow. She had returned from her mission in time to aid the allies before the mage had been able to use a scroll that would have meant the death of more of the alliance. The mage cursed as the pain from the missile stopped him and knew he had to leave before this new Elf was the death of him. He bellowed out to Blood Ax. " Time to leave lummox. Pull away of I leave you behind. " Blood Ax roared out in frustration., but was able to see that this battle was over. Looking back at Zert he snarled. " Another time Priestling. Live for now, for I will be back. " He pulled off from the battle with a speed that took Zert by surprise. He called out a whistle and was replied by the howl of his other troll dog. Together they got back to the mage, who activated a device. Together, they and the trolldog disappeared in a shimmer of light and when it faded, they were gone. " Damn the Gods for this. Shit! he got away. " Zert turned and charged into the fray. His attacks helped to finish off the survivors, those who had not already fled. His last attack killed off the last Urok that was still alive, helping to save a young trooper who had his leg broken from a blow from the Urok's hammer. The fight done, many collapsed from pain in their wounds, or went to aid those that had fallen. Shadowfox moved in as well and used some potions she had to aid in the healing. It was discovered that Xiat was not dead after all, just so close to it that it took the last spells in Zert's memory to bring him to consciousness. In the end, 28 men and troopers lived , the rest being killed from spells or wounds. The bodies were assembled for a mass burial. Zax had recovered from his draining and stayed close to Zert. He shook his head when Zert tried to talk to him, too tired to form words, but he did give his Hero a smile that reassured Zert. The survivors finished burying their companions and looting the enemy of valuables. Many of these were probably from Goshen, so it was put aside by Juris. Xiat used a scroll he had to aid in the burying of the fallen, and special attention to his fellow mage who had died. He personally took the belongings of Fenwick to return to the dead mage's family. Ulf stayed close to Shadowfox, still enamored by her looks and beauty. She seem to just ignore it, and gave him nothing, but at least she did not sneer at him. She talked with Juris alone and made a report that pleased the Captain. Once all the dead and the severely wounded had been taken care of, the horses were packed with the loot and coin they had recovered. Too many of the mounts were with empty saddles. Zax, Ulf, and Yokus were lent horses to ride, Ulf tying the mules behind his mount. None of the horses would be able to handle Zert's body and weight, so he walked next to Zax. The youth was still very tired and drained from the spell casting that had flowed through him and the ring. He sensed that he had gained much knowledge, but had not fully taken it all in. He did know that he was no longer an apprentice. No apprentice would have been able to cast such a spell. he would have to ponder this, and hoped to have a talk with Xiat or another mage soon. Too many questions were still on his mind. The assembled warriors were to ride to Goshen to check on the village and if it still stood, reinforce it till other companies could arrive to relieve them. Juris sent out three riders. One to report to the Colonel back in Port Nayr, one in advance to Goshen, and the other towards Perth. The others slowly rode forth, leaving the bodies of the enemy where they lay. The four companions rode at the rear, silently following as they made they way back to where they had come from. ----------------------------------------------------------- So ends Chapter 9. More to come with new surprises. No promises as to when, but soon enough. Like I have said before, I am committed to the story. Till next time folks. Thanks for all the emails and comments folks. I very much appreciate every last one and I gladly reply. Keep them coming and I will keep writing. I will say here and now I am committed to the story. Had some replies from other authors whose stories I drew a little inspiration from. Really helped to boost my ego. I thank you folks. Check out my other story- Monterey Delights at nifty/gay/young-friends/monterey-delights/ Praise me, flame me, or just tell me where I may improve or screwed up. I am more then willing to reply and we can see what the future holds. Email me at Thanks Charlie