Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2012 11:15:35 -0400 From: Writ Er Subject: Before the Dovahkiin Part 2 ~*I don't own the ideas here, I just manipulated them to fit my perverse mind. Bethesda owns them, and they are amazing.*~ Like this story? Well I'm quite sorry that it took me so long to write a second chapter. I had a really stressful few weeks... So just trust that they will keep coming if I get annoying e-mails telling me to continue the story. I've got the whole storyline laid out in my mind. But if you've messaged me before, you'll notice that I tried to implement what you wanted me to. I do read all e-mail messages, and try to respond to them, unless I find them creeeeeeeeepy. ;0) PEACE OUT HOMOS! ~Before the Dovahkiin - 2~ Farkas's muscular body was far too solid for me to even budge. Even without the armour that he wore, I doubted that I would have been able to even make him question his balance. So I sat there, propped up by my elbows, staring at the three Companions that looked back at me. Laughter filled their faces. Aela, Vilkas, and Farkas looked at me, though only Aela and Vilkas laughed. Farkas's mouth curled at the corners, revealing a glimpse of teeth that made his look irresistible. "I'm sorry." I said to them, half paying attention, half engrossed in Farkas' smile. "I didn't see you." "Apparently not!" Aela put a grin on and leaned against Vilkas for support due to her laughter. "I'd watch where you are going." Farkas said, putting a hand out towards me. I took it cautiously and was pulled to my feet effortlessly. "No telling what's around the next corner." The smile he gave me was intoxicating. He moved his hand up from my hand and rested it on my shoulder in a friendly way. But the way his thumb ever so gently, caressing my shoulder, I felt tingles shoot down my spine. "No matter wood-cutter," Vilkas began, "be on your way." He and Aela began walking away, suits of armour clanking in the quiet, town atmosphere. But Farkas just stood there, ever so slightly rubbing my shoulder. But instead of watching me, he was watching his fellow Companions walk away, as if judging the repercussions of not following them. His head spun quickly back towards me, and his hand ran down my side to my butt. He squeezed it, forcing me to jump into his chest, and our lips met. More shocks of pleasure rocketed down my back. His tongue and mine played with each other in a devilishly teasing display of unfulfilled lust. He broke it off too quickly, and he took off after Aela and Vilkas at a run. My heart was barely contained by my chest. My eyes throbbed with the quickening blood flow, and my chest heaved up and down. It was a while before I was able to regain my composure, though I was almost sure that it was only a minute or two. The impact of that fleetful kiss lingered in my body, and its feeling on my lips. I wanted more. But sadly, this was not to be. "Ruby!" I shouted as I burst through the door. "Ruby!" She sat at the table, looking rather unimpressed with me, and even more unenthusiastic about my outburst. "Don't even tell me that you didn't work today. I know!" She stood up. "I spoke with Belethor earlier. I knew when I left that you'd just lay in bed if I didn't wake you! And that's just what happened! And what's worse? We have nothing to show for the entire day!" She shook her head. "Shame on you!" Her words always cut deep. She knew just what to say, knowing that I would not fire back at her. I felt the weight of the pouch of gold from Farengar in my pocket, but I did not want to give it to her, or even let her know that I had it. Not after this. "He said that I could go back tomorrow." I said shyly. "Good!" She turned her back on me and returned to sit at the table. "And you'd better do exactly what Belethor tells you! If he tells you to slop the stables, you do it. Even though it's not your normal job! It's a wonder he didn't fire you on the spot..." She picked up a pair of needles and yarn than had been concealed by the table before and quickly became engrossed in them. With the remainder of the afternoon at my disposal, I decided to hone my hunting skills outside of the city walls as I had done earlier that morning. The sun told me that I still had a number of hours left before it was too dark to make my way back, and I was determined to get something a little more dangerous than a mudcrab. It wasn't so windy or cold today. This region of Skyrim was often cool, almost like an eternal transition stage between fall and winter. It was cold, but only to someone who did not grow up embracing the winter months. The guards stared at me as I passed them. We did not speak, but I felt as though they were saying to me that I was lucky to have come back the first time. Why would I choose to go out again? The strongholds of Skyrim were the only places that a person could feel safe from the wilderness. Was I scared? Absolutely. But why would I allow something so foolish as a feeling to stop me from achieving my goal? This is what pressed me on through the trees, and across the plains. With the snow gone, I was able to view the scenery in a new light. Though the ground was hard when I stepped, it was also rather soft to my step, absorbing my foot, rather than being a solid surface. It appeared to be in that awkward phase of being permafrost, and being a soggy mess. Never the less, my feet sprang off of it, making little difference to my stride, but it made me smile every time that I noticed that the ground had sprung me forward. The landscape slowly gave way to a barren wasteland. There was nothing here. It was brown and boring. Every once in a while, the landscape would change, giving way to a small cliff, or a path long since carved by traders. I marvelled at all of them and continued north. Following the walls of the city, I saw the Dragons Reach as I passed it, noticing that for the first time in my life, I was outside of its control. But I was also outside of its safety. It was only then that I realized that the rules of the city meant something. When I was out here, in the wilderness, by myself, I meant nothing. It did not matter who my parents were, or what they did. It was me against the world. The question truly was, would I survive? After an hour or so, the flat landscape began to melt away. To my right, I saw the deadly slopes that lead to High Hrothgar, looming over me. Someone would have to be insane to climb that height. It was rumoured that there was 1000 steps to the top, though those were the only ones that were built. The time it took to walk between the staircases... I couldn't even imagine why anyone but the Dragonborn him... or herself... would want to climb them. The priests atop must surely be insane by now. To my left, a vast wasteland of rocky crags and dead grass. But ahead of me, a tall mountain peak appeared slowly through the mist of the day. It was almost completely isolated from the mountains to the right of me, though it was never the less a series of small mountains that sprung from the earth before me. I smiled when I saw them in all of their splendour. Having fulfilled my curiosity with the High Hrothgar mountain, I turned my attention to the small opening that I saw in the mountains just ahead. It did not look big, but at the same time, it seemed to be calling to me from a distance. Passing the few jagged rocks that made up the base of the mysterious mountain, I quickly found a cave that seemed to glow with an unearthly radiance. "What the...?" I immediately asked myself. These were the first words that I had spoken in hours. It felt good, so I continued to speak out loud as I came closer and closer to the rocky outcropping that covered the entrance to the cave. It looked natural. Like the Nine had created it when they made our world. But for what purpose? But when I entered the cave, I saw what it was that made it glow so much. A series of Glow Mushrooms hung from the walls, dripping their glowing green tentacles, hanging from the blooming bodies of the fungus itself. It was a strange substance, this Glowing Mushroom. I picked a sample of it from the wall and felt it in my hand. It was soft, like velvet, but a little moist from being in the cave. I looked forward through the uncertainty of the cave, but only found more of that strange glowing mushroom. It was then that I remembered the name of this strange place. The locals of Whiterun had mentioned it as Shimmermist Cave, on account of the glowing mushrooms and the mist created from waterfalls. The corridor slowly opened up to reveal two waterfalls that crashed into the surface of a small pond. The pond was traversed by a small section of earth that only let the waterfalls splash me with a small amount of water. The chamber afterwards was where my adventure went sour. You see, there are these creatures called Falmer that inhabit the undergrounds of Skyrim. Usually, they are very territorial. So when I met my first few Falmer, I was, needless to say, not shocked when they attacked me. Looking like perverse, goblin-like versions of elves, the Falmer descended upon me. There were only two, but it felt like more. The one that came after me was an old, decrepit sort of Falmer. Its ears hung limp at the sides of his head, and his face looked like the soul within simply did not care anymore. This one quickly succumbed to the jet of fire that I sent out from my hand. It wreathed for a little, taking in the pain of being burnt alive, but it eventually settled and died quietly. It was then that I remembered that I had not cast my soul trap spell on the Falmer. That soul was off to whatever afterlife the Falmer believed in, and there was no stopping it. Instead, I readied my soul trap spell in my hand and concentrated on the Falmer archer that kept peering out from behind a column of earth. When it came out to take aim at me, my soul trap magic flew from my hand. The release of purple energy brought a sense of relief to my hand, like it had been tensed for far too long. The Falmer put its hands up in front of its face, one hand still holding the bow, and reacted in a way tantamount to being set on fire. It screamed and leapt around, but only when it realized that it was not on fire, did it calm down and wait to take another shot at me. I ducked behind a stalagmite, and waited to hear the Falmer's arrow hit the ground, far enough away from me to necessitate a quick look out from behind the stalagmite. What I saw was nothing short of a miracle. I saw the Falmer, but it was on the ground, holding its hands up as the quick, silver flash of a blade, silenced its lips and protests forever. Half of my head dared to peek out after the initial shock that sent me heaving and behind the stalagmite once more. What I saw was a man of immense stature, pulling his blade from the Falmer's body, blood spraying out from where the sword exited. Purple wisps of air started flowing from the body of the Falmer. They crisscrossed and eventually found their way into my pocket, where I kept the soul gem. I smiled slightly to myself as the soul was sucked into the gem. But the eyes of the man followed the stream of purple wind into my pocket, and he began coming closer to me. I immediately forced myself behind the stalagmite again. I did not know who this person was, nor did I think that he would be particularly helpful, if his immediate reaction to a semi-sentient being was to kill it. I stayed hidden long enough for the man to shout at me. "Hey! Are you alright over there?" His voice was harsh and manly. I could only see his rough shape, but what I thought I saw, I thought that I would like. A few moments later, and he was standing in front of me, as I huddled behind the stalagmite. His sword was drawn, but he made no attempt to strike at me, though he could have. Instead, the man looked at me and nodded, confirming that I was alright. His beard was a dark blonde colour that made his face look appetizing. It was the armour he wore though, that made him slightly attractive. Mostly because there wasn't a lot of it. Some of the garb was made of fur, and the other parts were made of leather. A piece of leather hung around his chest, not allowing for much of him to be hidden. Though he had not yet filled out as an adventurer, I would not have said that he was unattractive. To my conscious mind, I was attracted to the type of man who had hair on his chest and who was muscular, and loved to show it off. I mean, I could have starred at Farkas for days and not have gotten bored. "Don't hurt me." I said, instead of pleaded. My hands were raised in a gesture of defenselessness, and I slowly stood up. He grunted and stepped back, raising his sword to the height of my neck just in case. For a long while, we stared at each other. I couldn't think of anything to say, and he seemed to be studying me. "I suppose I should go then..." I muttered and turned my back to him. "Stop!" He shouted, his voice reverberating off of the walls. I did as I was told and turned around to face him. "Drop your coin purse." He said, readjusting the height of his sword, aiming it again at my neck. I was a little surprised. He did not seem at first as if he was going to rob me. He seemed much too scrawny for a thief. Or maybe it was this that was his success. Or maybe he had simply not met another person out in the wilderness. But I put on a sad face, "I'm sorry. I don't have any coin." He looked at me quizzically, skewing his face into one of surprise. "I don't really have anything..." He snorted a bit of a laugh. "You're saying that you've collected nothing out here yet? What kind of adventurer are you?" "Not a very good one it would seem." I chuckled, expecting to lighten the mood, but it failed. "Equipment, gems. Drop them." He ordered again, moving closer to me. "I have nothing but the clothes on my back." He studied my robes. "Those are magick. Take them off." He really was turning out to be a simple creature. So slowly, I removed them. I tried to be careful not to let him out of my sight for more than a few seconds. On this particular day, I had decided to venture out as a minimalist. I wore nothing over my upper torso, and little over my bottom. So when I removed my robes, my chest and back were stung with the icy bite of the cave. Embarrassed, I folded the robes gently and placed them before me, on the ground. He looked at me again with those leering eyes and licked his lips gently. "The pants." He said somewhat softer. His free hand drifted down to the bits of fur that held his manhood, and he started to pull at it, eyes locked on me. "There's nothing special about them. No enchantments. They're of no use to you." I said sheepishly. He rush towards me, throwing his sword to the ground and tackled me. My back hit the ground with a great deal of force, making me think that it was broken. But this man began kissing my chest, biting, nibbling on whatever part of me he saw fit. He smelled awful, much more like the adventurer than he looked. I began trying to force him off of me. I pushed at his arms that stabilized themselves near me. I kicked at his body and spat at his face. But he only seemed to like this. "If you've got no gold," he said, rather snake-like, "You'll pay in skin." A hand came underneath me and cupped my ass. His molestation did not stop there though. His other hand gripped my face, and he shoved his tongue into my mouth, despite my protests. "Stop it." I said, only half serious, as his rough beard against my chest was starting to feel really good. "Stop it." I repeated, with a little more conviction. He didn't stop though. One of my hands was forced up under his fur kilt, and wrapped around a sizeable hard cock. I quickly let go, and tried to force him away again. This time, I brought my legs to my chest, and kicked him off of me like a donkey might. He flew through the air and landed with a crack on the rocks at the opposite side of the room. I watched him to see if he would get up, holding my breath, thinking that I had killed someone. It was awhile before he began to stir, though I had not taken my eyes off of him. His hand went to his head, nursing the internal pain. But when he moved, I made a slight sound. His eyes shot towards me, and they filled with anger. Letting out a roar of anger, he got up and ran towards me. I threw my hands up to block him, but heat engulfed them. Before I knew what I was doing, jets of fire shot out from my hands and struck the bandit square in the chest. He was not sure of the sensations he was feeling at first. But once the hair started to burn, and the flesh started to turn red, he began screaming and turned around to run. The fire was intense though, and he tripped as he tried to flee. His head hit a rock, and it bounced off, spewing a rocket of blood into the air. I closed my hands, but they did not stop casting the fire spell. I shook my hands, but still it burned, I had no control. I shook them harder, beginning to lose it that I could not command my power. But when the smell of burning flesh hit my nostrils, I puked, and the spell stopped. The corpse that was left was charred in some spots, and bleeding in others. The skin peeled back, exposing the yellow fat beneath, and at some parts, muscle tissue appeared as cooked meat. Half of a blackened jaw hung out from his face, and it moved slightly, expelling its last breath before dying. I vomited again, violently. He had felt it all. I convulsed and coughed up stomach matter until it was nothing but bloody mucus from my throat. Then I ran. I knew that an adventurer was supposed to loot his kill before leaving, but I couldn't bring myself to touch that thing. It wasn't a person anymore, it was a corpse. That was not something that I was prepared to deal with. The cool, crisp air of the day took over the thick and humid air of the cave. I realized that I was sweating, but I still ran until I could run no more. I made it about half way to Whiterun, where the sun was getting quite late. I would be lucky to make it into the walls before nightfall. But I had no supplies, I could not spend the night outside the city walls. Light knows that I wouldn't be going back to that accursed cave. My pace quickened when I thought of the options for the evening. So, the moon was high in the sky before I wandered towards the gates of Whiterun. "We've been waiting for you good sir." One of the guards shouted. I didn't know which one, I was far too tired to notice who it was, or even raise my head. So I said nothing to them. They opened the gate, and I passed through. The city was dark, except for the odd lantern that hung from a building. It added a bit of strangeness to the place. A little of the unknown. I navigated the streets the best way that I knew how, slowly making it towards my house. The stars from above did not shine too brightly on this night, though there were few clouds in the sky. I found my house quiet and lonely. The dull wood of the outside walls so weather beaten and depressing. A guard walked by and nodded to me, armour clanking as he walked away. When he had passed, I let out the breath that I did not know that I was holding in. I've seen murderers put up on the chopping block, many of them mages and assassins. If you could not learn to control your power, the only other option would be to end you. Magick is far too unpredictable to be left in the hands of those who cannot wield it. When my panic subsided, I quickly, and very stealthily, opened the door to my home. No candles were lit, but I also heard no noises from my sister's room. Where could she be? It certainly was an odd occasion when I arrived home and she was not there late at night. But in my current condition, I was in no condition to go out looking for her. I stumbled around the house as if I were drunk, the fear and confusion misleading me. Eventually though, I found my room, and my bed. Laying down and covering my head with the sheets was soothing to me. I could even still smell the distinctive smell of Farkas, and I exchanged my feelings of fear, for those of excitement. I wondered when, or even if, I would get another chance to lay with him again. And so with those happy thoughts, I fell into a deep and restless sleep. I dreamed of the man I had killed. His screams echoed in my mind all night. But it was one dream in particular that haunted me the most. I was in the cave, but it was not the same cave. You know how dreams work. The cave was not lit by mushrooms though, it was instead lit with fire from the walls. As I ran, trying to find an exit, I came across a vast, cavernous room. The ceiling was impossible to see, just flames the whole way up. In the middle of the room laid the corpse of that bandit. It burned still, and the scent of it made me gag. But when it moved to stand up, I turned to run out the way I had come, only to see that no matter which way I turned, I still faced the burning corpse. An arm slammed into the ground to steady the thing as it rose. The cavern shook. It's head hung towards the ground as the heat of the room intensified. The walls smoked, and gave off ash into the room. What little hair it had on its head was limp. When it stood tall, It's head cracked up to stare down its nose at me, as if that was the only position that the haggard body could muster. It only had one eye, but that blue eye was a soulless stare. Most of its face was melted, all its teeth exposed when it took the first step towards me. I tried to summon up my powers, clenching my fists and releasing the magick buried inside of me. But it was to no avail. So what other choice did I have? I turned to run. But I only crashed into the solid lump of fiery flesh that was the burning bandit. I opened my mouth to shout and back away, but it grabbed me in an iron grip. Desperately I tried to call a spell, any one. But that one eye soon transfixed me so. The grotesque face so warped by my own flames that it barely looked human. One eye, lidless. Its teeth grinded back and forth over each other with a moist gleam in the fire. It opened to reveal no tongue. It had me, and there was nothing I could do but scream and scream. I tried to wriggle free, but it was useless. Ever so slowly, the burning bandit leaned forward, mouth growing larger and larger. I tried to pull back one last time, but I never got any further away from those teeth. I could feel the sweat running down my face. I could see the eye still staring into my soul. And when the teeth began to clamp down on my neck, I knew that it was over. Each tooth pierced my neck, sending hot blood streaming down my body, and squirting outwards to land on the burning bandit's skinless face. The pain was unbearable. I screamed until I could not scream anymore. The moment that he tore the first strip from my neck, I awoke. I had nearly forgotten that it was a dream. It was vivid, and painful. In fact, the pain still lingered in my neck. I threw an arm to it to be sure that it was indeed intact. Satisfied, I allowed myself to take in my room. The robes that I had never taken off were stuck to me. Damp, and uncomfortable, they would need to be washed in the morning lest salt stains appear, of that I was sure. So I began to peel them off, though my neck was still in pain and resisting movement, even though it was not actually wounded. Naked, I laid in the dam spot of my bed. Then my breathing kicked in and I began breathing far too fast for it to have been healthy. Going over the dream again and again in my mind. Closing my eyes only brought me face to face with that one eye and the bared, lipless teeth. Who was I to think that I could be an adventurer? A sickening crushing sound came from outside and I shot up in bed. A soft moan followed by the cracking of bones and the squishy sound of flesh came from just outside my window. I was not in the waking world. A hand slammed onto the windowsill and I leapt out of bed and ran to the door. Foolishly turning my head, I saw the gruff visage of Farkas in the moonlight. "Farkas?" I whispered across the room. "Yes." He confirmed in that rugged voice. He pulled himself up and through my open window, giving me a glimpse once more of the impressive meat that hung from between his legs. Once he was inside, he stood and stared at me, back straight, and muscles tightened. But when his face changed in recognition of my fear, he tilted his head. "Did I scare you that much?" "It was not just you. But I am glad that it is not the thing from my nightmares." I let go of the handle of the door and took a few cautious steps towards him. His eyes took me in, and I remembered that I was naked. "I... I am sorry." I said, and went to cover myself. "Don't." He shot at me bluntly. He took the few steps needed to reach my bed, and laid down on it. "Hmh. Not as nice as the ones in Jorrvaskr, but not bad." "Farkas, I..." I wanted to tell him that I did not want to lay with him now... Well, I did, but I was far too frightened. "Come." He beckoned gesturelessly. I slowly came towards him and stopped when I reached the bed. A large hand came up and grazed the side of my thigh. The calluses were as rough as the man, but still soft. The hair on his arms and body was very visible against his pale skin, and made me rethink my earlier thoughts of refusal. He pulled me gently until I was lying in bed with him, my back to his hairy body, tickling me slightly. I could feel his manhood too, pressing closer to me. "Tell me what happened. The guards tell me that you arrived in the city after dark." And a heavy arm was placed across my body, pulling me closer to his. I was a bit taken aback by the gesture. He was checking up on me, most likely watching me from dark corners and stolen glances. But he was one of the Circle of the Companions, he most likely also had people who could tell him where I was in return for gold. "I went... Exploring..." And by the time I was done my tale, I wept softly in the terrible recollection of my experience. While I did not understand why Farkas stayed and listened, he did. He gently kissed the back of my neck when I began to sob during a part of my tale. He squeezed when I needed him to. It all felt very strange to me. But nevertheless, I slept calmly that night, and when I awoke, Farkas was gone. Stretching out across my small bed, the place where Farkas slept was still warm. He had left not too long ago. But the sun was still young in the sky, so he must have gone before light. I wondered if anyone would miss him at Jorrvaskr. The entire day, I did not leave the house. I wandered around in circles, and puttered around doing small tasks that I had put off for some time. But mostly, I laid in bed. I rarely slept, but still, I laid there, thinking of nothing but that bandit. Actively, I tried to change my thoughts, and eventually began simply existing, not thinking of anything at all. But even still, the hours went by slowly. I did not even dare to start a fire. The mere thought of it made me instinctively clench my fist. But I quickly released it, and it earned me another two hours cowering in my bed, warding off the images of the burning bandit. When my sister arrived home, I was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. I had thought that a dream was a little too real, where the burning bandit climbed through a wall and grabbed me. So I sat in the center. "What's wrong with you?" She asked with a raised brow. "Nothing." I spat out before she was even finished the upwards inflection. "Fine..." It was very obvious that something was very wrong to her. But like so many others that I knew, I would not be fishing for more of her probing into what was wrong. She knew this, and continued on. "You've been home all day? Is dinner ready?" I merely shook my head. She did as well, but not in the same manner. "Fine then." She said. "I'll be at the Drunken Huntsman..." And with that, she collected a small amount of coins, and slammed the door behind her. The sound echoed in my brain, reverberating off of my skull. It gave me an instant headache, and I had to leave. I had to go to bed. I had to be isolated. Even though I already was, there was solace in having your own time in your own room. Since I could not imagine being outside of my house within the next month or so, I planned on spending a great deal of time in my bedroom, and in particularly, my bed. That's just where I ended up when I felt a presence in my room. I resisted the feeling, assuming that it was my magick reaching out, but I could not shake the feeling. "You haven't left this house all day." Farkas' voice said from the newly formed darkness in the corners of my room. "I have not... Felt well." "Why is that?" He came forward, revealing himself in the twilight, nude as always. His body made me bite my lip, shivers running up my spine. His perfect chest, hair, definition, and strength eclipsed the dying sun's light in beauty. He was still cloaked in shadow from stomach to toes, and neck to head. But he dipped his head down to look at me through those dark eyes. Studying me... His lycanthropy made me wonder what he could see that the rest of us plebeians could not. "You know why." I said ashamed, looking to the sheets that covered me. "Because you killed a man? You scorched the flesh of a bandit who most likely raped, killed, and pillaged his way across the land? Skyrim is not the place that it once was, there are hostilities brewing, and men that are only too happy to take advantage of that." He smirked. "But of course, there are always those of us, who are only too happy to kill them. Do not fret over the murderous dead... They don't deserve it." His deep voice reached my heart, and I loosened up a little. But still he stood there. Looking at me. Was he waiting for an invitation? Though the bed was small, I still moved over slightly and smiled meekly. Farkas acted as if it were a chore, but joined me. His heat joined with mine, and I felt comfortable. That heavy and beautiful arm came across me once more, but it felt different. It was tenser, and trembled slightly. "Why have you ended up in my room these past few nights?" I asked in the growing darkness. His response was a movement of his arm. I started at my shoulder, and ran down my side. It hooked into the trim of my pants, and took them down an inch or so. I breathed in deeply as his hand entered my pants, and grabbed my hardening penis and balls in a firm grip. His head then came into the crook of my neck and kissed it tenderly. "Are you alright?" He asked me in between kisses. He removed his hand. "I don't want to..." "How noble you are..." I whispered, feeling much too comfortable for me to fully comprehend what was going on. "But I'm fine." I turned around to face him, and placed a hand on his chest, feeling the hair gently with my fingers. "I'm scared." "I can, and will defend you from anything..." "But why?" I said with a hole in my stomache. "I don't know." Farkas said with a smile. His hand slipped down the back of my pants and squeezed my ass. His hand moved outwards and down to remove my pants from my ass, and he caressed it. He barely touched it then, letting my imagination do much of the work, and the tingles that the slight touches made me feel. "Well I like it." And that was it. My shirt was ripped in two, and my pants hit the opposite wall of the room. He grabbed me violently, pulling me on top of him. I straightened my arms against his pull, throwing my head back as he kissed my throat and chest. I felt the hardness that rubbed against the small of my back, all the way down my ass and got hard myself. Gripping his hairy chest in meager fists, I moaned loudly enough for the whole city to hear me. His hands migrated to my ass and spread them apart, letting the thick meat fall in to my hole. He rubbed it up and down a few times before slapping me hard. I let out a squeal that he seemed to like since he became all the more vigorous in his molestation of me. I decided to take control. I grabbed his hands and threw them over his head. I think that he only allowed this in his utter surprise. But afterwards, he smiled. "Who do you think I am?" He grinned. The next thing I knew, I was on my stomach on the edge of the bed, hands held together behind me with only one of his. His incredibly hard cock pushed against my ass as he rubbed my lower back with his free hand. "No wait." I said, before he put a well saliva'd finger inside of me. Then, all I could say was `yes.' Two fingers, to three fingers, and I was screaming with the pleasure that he gave me. Hitting the spot that only two nights ago he had with his cock, gave me a lot of excitement for what was to come. Before I could figure out what to do, his head had entered me. My ass clenched at the intrusion and I threw my head back, which he grabbed with a well-muscled arm. I saw the veins pulsing in the parts of his hand that I could see. His hips started moving, pushing into me. His cock was getting deeper and deeper with each subsequent thrust. His hand weaved into my hair and pulled it back further so he could whisper in my ear: "Why try?" It hurt a little, and a different moan let him know. He released me, and I fell back onto the bed. I bit my lip and grunted quietly. A hand traced down my back and he pulled out of me. Turnign to look around, I found myself on my back, looking up at him. I gave him an approving smile, showing that I knew the forceful side that I knew that he wanted to bring forth. He put his throbbing cock inside of me again. He was not yet able to put the whole thing inside of me, but the girth did the job that the length could not. For my second time having sex, I felt as though I was doing fairly well in taking that big cock. When his pace began to quicken, I tried to squeeze against him, and he moaned, and quickened. He grunted in acceptance and pounded against me harder. He grabbed my legs and put them above his shoulders. He was getting as much pleasure as I was. I could tell by the way the veins in his neck and arms popped out. Sweat began glistening on his arms first, then his chest. His hair did not get wet, but when I raised my hand to feel the tensed muscles, the sweat smeared in with the hair, and made a streak. Before I knew it, the thick base of his shaft was urging my ass to open more to him. I shouted with pleasure and pushed back into him, forcing myself to take the rest. "Ah fuck!" Farkas grunted. I had the same reaction, moaning in as much pain as pleasure. My teeth clenched together as he pulled out, and shoved back in. I worked with him, pushing into him, and he thrust into me, enjoying the feelings that he sent streaming through my ass. It was getting stretched, a work out and a half before I remembered that he had bested me before. My heels dug into his thick pelvis and I pushed him back. His exiting cock made me grunt, but the look that he gave me was one of surprise. Until, that is, I jumped on him. His back hit the floor, and he let out all of the air in his lungs. Before he was able to take a full breath, I put his dick back inside of me. He tried to suck in all the air possible, but he was not ready for it. Gasping, I began to move my hips back and forth, moving his cock inside of me, only allowing it out a few centimeters at a time. He, at first, was rather surprised. But in the end, his hands ran up my legs, and grabbed the butt he was fucking, pulling my cheeks apart, and letting more of his cock into me. My hands moved to his abs, stabilizing myself as I rode him with everything that I had. My knees even began to hurt, rubbing against the wood. But I think Farkas liked it, since he smiled widely during his shouts of pleasure. "You're a fucking dremora..." He said in lust. I allowed more of his cock out of me, plunging back down onto it with each thrust upwards that he began to give me. My cock started to feel really good rubbing against his hairy belly, the hair stimulating my cock in ways that I hadn't imagined possible with the hairy abs of a Nordic man. I had to slow down. But when I did, Farkas grabbed my dick and started to jerk it off. Spit helped, but not with my concentration on fucking him. I got distracted, and lost the movement of my ass over his cock. But he took up the slack and fucked me even harder. I don't know what happened next, only that when I came out of the black out, he was on top of me, fucking me like a mad man. My ass almost hurt, if it didn't feel so good. I knew that I was close, I knew that his cock would do it for me again this time. I tried holding it back, but his cock began throbbing inside of me. The thickness itself was enough to make me cum. But when he pushed it all the way inside, and then some, that when I unleashed my seed onto his chest. A few thick streams of cum made their way onto him. The hair held the streams of thick whiteness away from his skin, but I was quick to rub it in when I was finished. But he was not. I had to sit high on my knees to take the huge and violent thrusts that Farkas was giving me. I had to move away from the base of his cock, it was too much for me to take. Farkas gave a huge shout, mouth open, and spit hanging from his teeth. I took the first shot in my ass, but the rest, I pulled out and took on my back. I leaned down and kissed him as his cock threw cum onto my back. When finished, he pulled me into a deeper kiss. His cock slipped back into me for a moment before pulling back out, the cum made it easy to do so. I stood up, but Farkas was faster, and laid me on my stomach. I could feel the cum sliding down my sides, and the little bit sliding down between my cheeks, onto my ass. Farkas straddled me though, picking up all the thick sprays of cum onto his fingers and bringing those fingers to my mouth by pulling my hair back, exposing my mouth. He liked this apparently. It did not taste bad, it was different. But just when I expected more, he began to massage me, his warm cum being used as the lube. His hands worked my back, slowly making me more and more relaxed, as his huge meat shrunk on the small of my back. I relaxed even more as his fingers and thumbs worked into my back, and I got hard again knowing that it was his cum that was being massaged into my back. But still, my back relaxed, until it got sticky and he was forced to stop. Instead, he lay beside me, stroking my head until I fell asleep. This happened for three years. Every night, I would find him in my room. He slept here, this being his home. But He refused to let it beyond the ears of him and I. No one else knew, to my knowledge, in the full three years. I offered to make him breakfast, or dinner, or anything else that might make him want anything more but the stolen moments at night. Now, do not get me wrong, we did not have sex every night. But I found that even if I stayed in Dragonsreach to wake up early and go on an Alchemy expedition, he would be there. If I was in a camp, a mile from Whiterun, he would be there. If I was having a nightmare about the event that happened years ago, I would wake up in his arms. This all brought me solace... Peace. But it was the day that I got something that changed everything. On that day, I received a letter from the College of Winterhold. Farengar had apparently sent a letter to them, explaining my power, and my particular proclivity for the power contained within soul gems. It all interested them apparently, and I was asked to continue my research in Winterhold. "WHAT?!" Farkas screamed. It was loud enough to wake my sister, for the first time in three years.