Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 15:57:35 +0000 From: Douglas DD DD Subject: The Boys of Lady Lex Chapter 13 Welcome back loyal readers. It looks like Ben just can't keep himself out of, and he has good reason for being there. The question is, will he survive the stay? The Boys of the Lady Lex Chapter 13 "New Horizons" Written By Douglas DD and Benjamin TC Commander Creevey entered the quarters to Dr. Kula. He was yelling up a storm as he was picking up the pieces to the numerous flower pots that were smashed when the gravity came back on. The angrier Dr. Kula got, the thicker his Jamaican accent became. "I know I shoulda stayed back on Earth." "Oh good, you're okay," said Commander Creevey. "Okay? Does this look okay?" He pointed down to the piles of plants, dirt and broken clay pots on the floor. "I was bobbing around like a balloon in here. And be careful where you step." "I won't step on any of your plants." "That wasn't what I was concerned for. I got space sick and I don't want you stepping in any of the remnants." Commander Creevey quickly looked around to make sure she wasn't stepping into any Technicolor yawn land minds. "Are you ready for your fist history class tomorrow?" "I was until the gravity went out. Now I need to find my comm. pad with my lesson plans on it. I am sure it is hiding under one of these piles of dirt." "Colonel Stone and I are making up the duty rosters. We will be assigning the cadets to tasks to do while they're not taking their academics. Would you like a teacher's aide?" "I don't need no teacher's aide. I never used one in the past, I don't have one in the present, and I sure as hell won't have in the future." "Very well. Have fun at your first class." She smiled at her frustrated long time friend and went about her business. ***** Douglas was rudely awakened from a nice dream. He wanted to go back to sleep and finish it, but the marine yelling in his room wouldn't let him. He got up and went over to see how Ben was doing. Ben was still asleep. Douglas thought that Ben was a very sound sleeper not to wake up with the marine yelling like he did. He noticed that Ben was very pale. Part of Ben's blanket was slipping off his rack, so Douglas moved it to wrap him up better. When he removed the blanket he saw that Ben's body was covered with black and blue marks. "Ben?" said Douglas quietly. There was no response. "Ben, wake up!!!" Douglas's heart sunk when Ben didn't move. Douglas quickly ran out of his room and into the passageway where the other cadets were beginning to line up in formation. "Cadet Daniels, get into formation," bellowed Master Sergeant Flint. "Master Sergeant, I think Ben is dead." Tears were beginning to form in Douglas's eyes. Master Sergeant Flint and Douglas ran back into the quarters. Flint ran over to Ben's lifeless looking body and felt his neck. He then tapped his comm. watch. "Daniels here," said Douglas's father over Flint's watch. "Dr. Daniels, this is Flint. We have an emergency." ***** Linda Hatcher came running into the sickbay. She was summoned by Dr. Daniels. When she went into the operation room, Dr. Daniels was performing medical scans on Ben. Douglas was standing behind his father with Master Sergeant Flint. "What's wrong?" she asked. "According to the scans, he is having massive internal hemorrhaging. Linda, I need to scrub up. I will need you in surgery with me." Captain Hatcher boomed into the sickbay. "How is he?" "Steve, he's not doing well. Linda and I need to go in and repairs some leaks in his arteries and veins. I think the zero g did something. I need to go in." "What can I do?" "I need you to contact Mothball Station and have them ship all O- blood they have. I am out of blood and the artificial blood I am making isn't ready yet. I had to use what I had on his first surgery." "Anything else?" "Flint, in my files there is a list of boys who have O- type blood. Have your Marine medic start taking pints from them. But makes sure the boys weigh over 110 pounds and are in good health." "Yes, Doctor." "Douglas," "Dad, I don't want to leave. This is my fault for not getting help last night when the gravity went off. I'm staying. I have to stay." "Douglas we don't know if the events of last night is the cause of the lack of gravity or not. I need to get inside Ben immediately to close up those holes in his veins and arteries. I can't wait for the blood supply to get here. Douglas, you are O-. I need to hook you up directly to Ben and transfer some of your blood to him." Douglas immediately rolled up his sleeve and lay on the gurney next to Ben. He looked over to his new friend who looked so peaceful and at rest, while around him people were moving quickly and frantically trying to save his life. All that was going through Douglas's mind was that he did something to Ben last night when the gravity went out that caused him to be in this life or death situation. He knew that if Ben died, he would never be able to forgive himself. ***** Trevor came up to Andrew after they were given their duty assignments and academic class schedules and were dismissed. Both of them saw Ben being rushed off to sickbay. Trev cried inside, because he knew crying on the outside wasn't cool. Andrew wasn't afraid to cry on the outside. His tears were rolling down his flush cheeks. "What's wrong with him?" asked Trevor. "I don't know, they wouldn't let me in his room," said Andrew. Nipper was standing next to his roommate. He reached for Andrew's hand and took into his own. Andrew could feel the love that Nipper had for him transfer over to him. "Okay boys, I know you are concerned about your brother, but he is in the best hands," said Lieutenant Colonel Stone. Nipper was surprised at this comment Stone made about his father. He knew that Stone and his father didn't get along at all. But Nipper also knew that he was right. No one was a better doctor then his dad. "Now, you boys go to your assigned areas." "Can we go to sickbay instead?" asked Andrew. "Son, it's just a waiting game right now while Dr. Daniels does what he has to do. If I hear of any change for better or for worse, I will personally come and get you. Now where do you boys belong?" Nipper couldn't believe how Stone's attitude has changed. He never saw this side of him before. He actually showed concern for them. Then he thought maybe it was just an act and they will be doing pushups very shortly for being late to their destination. "Let me see your schedules," said Stone. He took each boy's schedule and looked at them all before saying anything. "You boys start duty today and academics tomorrow. Andrew Collins and Nathan Daniels you both will be working for Chaplain David Kyle. He is our music teacher as well." Andrew nodded his head. His thoughts weren't on that piece of paper he handed Stone. His thoughts were on his big brother. Nipper was happy to hear that the two of them would be working together as well as be in all the same classes together. He gave Andrew a reassurance squeeze. "Trevor Collins, you will be working in the weapons department with Major Zjan-Ren. Now you boys go to your assigned areas. If the Major or the Chaplain has any problems with you boys being late, just tell them you were with me. Okay?" "Yes Sir," said the boys barely audible. The boys then slowly walked to their assigned areas. Sergeant Murdock came up to Colonel Stone who heard the entire thing. "Colonel, Sir?" "Yes Sergeant." "If that was one of us Marines up in that operating room, you would be with them. Why not let the brothers go?" "Sergeant, the waiting game is tough enough on us adults, let alone 12 year olds. Those boys need to be doing something to try to keep their minds occupied. Besides, it will make the time go by quicker for them." "I see Sir." "Sergeant." "Yes Sir?" "I'll be in sickbay." "Yes Sir." "I'll be there all morning." "Yes Sir." Lieutenant Colonel Stone then headed to the sickbay to play the waiting game for the three Cadets who he just sent on their way to their duty assignments. ***** Ben was on his second bag of blood. Douglas was his first. Dr. Daniels let Douglas lay on the gurney for a little while longer. Douglas didn't want to leave Ben. Since he wasn't in the way and was wearing a face mask, his father left him stay in the room. "I don't understand it Linda. The walls to his veins and arteries are deteriorating. I never saw this before." "You think he caught some sort of disease on Lucifer?" "If he did, it's nothing I've seen. I need to do blood tests, but I can't stop patching the walls to the vessels. I am already losing. As soon as I get one patched, two more appear. Damn I wish I had a full staff." "Here is the third bag of blood. We got it from that Mike the Donkey boy," said Lieutenant Colonel Stone who was wearing a face mask and helping out with the blood donations. "Thanks, Colonel, just hang it next to the bag up there and we will take care of the rest." "Yes, Doctor." For the first time since they met, Lieutenant Colonel Stone and Dr. Daniels were not working against each other but with each other. Both of them thought, but wouldn't admit to the other, that it took something like this to throw away their differences and be civil and respect one another. "Dr. Daniels, I am to tell you that Dr. Killian from Mothball Station just arrived with some of his staff." "Oh, thank God. Have him scrub up and send him in here." "Yes, Doctor." ***** Mike walked into his math class late. He held his arm where a small white bandage was covering the small hole that was left in his arm after donating his blood. He sat down next to Jeff. Sister Agatha scowled at him for interrupting her class, but she didn't say anything because of the circumstances. She continued on with her class. "She's a real bitch," whispered Jeff. "I can tell that by just looking at her," replied Mike. "What duty assignment did you get?" "I don't know. My paper didn't specify. It just says that I have a 1400 appointment with the Captain." "You think it has something to do with the hockey team?" "Maybe. What duty did you get?" "I'm in laundry." "So you get to rummage through a bunch of skid marked underwear then?" "Gentlemen, if you can't be quiet in your seats then maybe you can be quiet at the chalkboard. Both of you up front here." Mike and Jeff realized they got caught talking. They stood up and went to the chalkboard where Sister Agatha was already waiting for them. At a level a little lower than their faces, she drew two circles on the chalkboard. "Now, both of you stand in front of your circle and lean your forehead into it. You won't move until class is over. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes Sister Agatha," said Mike and Jeff in unison. Stan just sat in his seat behind where Jeff was sitting. He felt alone all of a sudden. How come Jeff asked Mike during class what assignment he got and didn't ask him what he got before class even started and there was no danger of getting caught talking in class. He would have been happy to tell Jeff that he was assigned to Engineering department. He then shook the thoughts out of his head and turned his attention back to Sister Agatha. ***** "Dr. Daniels, what do you need from me and my staff?" said Dr. Killian as he entered the operating room. He met Dr. Daniels before when he first arrived on Mothball Station a few weeks ago. He helped him get some of the basics that he needed. "Have you ever heard of decease that deteriorates the arteries and veins at a rapid rate?" "There are some out there that deteriorate the vessels, but not at a rapid rate. It happens over a period of time." "I drew some blood from Ben before we began the transfusions. Can you run some tests on it? I haven't had a chance. I still am trying to keep up with this patching process." "You got it," said Dr. Killian. He grabbed the vials that had Ben's blood in it and headed to the lab. Douglas just laid there feeling helpless. He wanted to at least give more blood, but he already gave as much as safety limits allowed. But he wanted to give more. ***** Trevor stood in the weapons vault working on the project that Major Zjan-Ren gave him. Major Zjan-Ren knew that Trevor's mind was elsewhere, so he didn't give him a vital job. Trevor's job was to haul garbage to the garbage chute that emptied out into a garbage barge. After he got his arms full, he headed back to the chute. He tried to open the door to the chute, but his hands were too full. Ian Brothers saw this and quickly ran up and opened the door for Trevor. He then emptied the contents into the chute and closed the hatch. Trevor didn't say a thing. He just turned to go get his next load. Ian stood there looking at his roommate. He could understand what Trevor was going through. He knew he would rather be in sickbay with either of his brothers then hauling garbage around. "You need any help?" asked Ian. Trevor just shrugged his shoulders and continued to pick old garbage and debris out of the weapons vault. Ian didn't say a word. He just went into the vault and started to help Trevor so he wouldn't have to be alone during this trial time. He knew he would probably get in trouble for not doing the task Major Zjan-Ren assigned him, but he thought maybe Trevor needed a friend, even though he didn't know what to do or say. The two boys worked in silence, cleaning out the weapons vault together. ***** "Dr. Daniels, I finished the tests," said Dr. Killian. "What do we got? I don't know how much longer of this patching is going to do the trick. If we don't do something else quick, he's not going to make it." "His blood is contaminated with some sort of chemical agent." "Energy agent?" "I never saw anything like this before. This agent stays in the blood, not hurting or damaging the blood cells, but instead eats away at the walls to the vessels, which will cause internal bleeding." "How do you think he got this agent in his blood stream?" asked Linda Hatcher who was still assisting Dr. Daniels. "I have no idea." "How was the boy originally injured?" "He was shot in the back with a some sort of energy gun." Dr. Daniels stopped to think for a quick second. "Dr. Killian, give me some slides, will you?" Dr. Daniels pulled a biopsy off of an artery that was next to the entry point to the gun wound. Then he pulled other samples off of other parts of his body." "Dr. Killian. I need you to run more test. Take some of the vessels I just gave you and run clean blood from someone over it to see if it still deteriorates. If the vessels hold this mysterious agent, then we are screwed. If not, we still have a chance on saving the boy." "Right away Doctor." "Also, I been doing more patchwork on the vessels near the entry point of the wound then any other part of his body. I am wondering if his gunshot wound was the source." "I'll see what I can find out." Dr. Killian turned and started to head out. Then he stopped. "Uh Larry. How's the vessels in his brain holding up?" ***** Cody O'Shea and Scottie Brothers sat in their science class. They listened to Commander Creevey explain to them that she will only be their teacher until they can get a full time science teacher. She continued to explain her background in the science field. During this time, both boys whispered to each other what duty assignments they got. They found out that not only were both of them the navigator of their respective shuttle, but they would be working with the quartermasters on star charts and navigating the ship. They would start tomorrow learning the ropes to their assignment. ***** Scooter couldn't believe his first day of his duty assignment. He was assigned to help out in medical. Which suited him because he always thought about becoming a doctor. But his first day working was a very busy, hectic, chaotic and scary day to start. Doctors, nurses, corpsman, even some Marines were working frantically to save a boy's life. The computer he was at in the lab, spit out some test results. He handed them to Dr. Killian. Dr. Killian quickly reviewed them and ran off to the operating room to report his findings on the vessel walls. Scooter went on to do some other tasks he was assigned to do. ***** Nipper and Andrew sat in the music room polishing the brass instruments. They liked Chaplain Kyle. He was friendly and kind and even started off their work session with a prayer for Ben. He ended the prayer with the Lord's Prayer. Andrew recited the Lord's Prayer with Chaplain Kyle, but Nipper mumbled it because he didn't know it. From time to time, Chaplain Kyle would contact sickbay to find out the status of Ben and give Andrew updates of his brother's condition. "Andrew," "Yes Chaplain Kyle." Andrew was hoping he would bring some good news for a change. But the news was the same. No change. "Andrew, I know it's hard not to worry. But trust me. God is with him. There are angels guarding him and protecting him and guiding Nipper's father's hands as he performs surgery on him. Don't give up hope or faith. He will pull out of this." "Okay," said Andrew unconvincingly. "I know I already explained your job detail to you earlier, but Andrew you have one addition to your task." "What's that?" "Since you play trumpet, Captain Hatcher just asked me if you can play reveille at 0600 every morning and taps at 2200 every night to start the beginning and the ending of the day. You will play it on your trumpet over the loudspeaker." "But I don't have my trumpet. I had to leave it at home." "Not a problem. I have a spare one you can use until your parents gets here with yours. Your uncle told me that they are bringing it for you." Andrew wanted to show some excitement but his mind was focused too much on Ben. He nodded his head and continued to polish the same trombone that he been polishing the past two hours. ***** Ben sat on a rock on top of a green mountain overlooking other green mountain tops. The air was fresh and a light cool breeze ran through his hair. The sun rays gently landed on his skin. There were birds singing around him and for the first time in a very long time, he felt at peace. "Hello Benji," said a balding old man as he came up and sat down next to him. "Grandpa Teddy? What are you doing?" asked Ben in bewilderment. "I came to keep you company for a little while." "Where am I Grandpa Teddy? Am I dead?" "Oh no, not yet anyway." "But you're dead." "Yes I am. That's how I am able to keep you company." "Am I going to die?" "I don't know. The big man up there wouldn't tell me. So I will sit here with you and wait. So how is my favorite grandson doing?" "I got in trouble. Me, Andrew and Trev all did." "What did you guys do, Benji?" Grandpa Teddy was the only one who was allowed to call Ben, Benji, until Andrew picked it up when he was younger and did the same. Ben respected his grandfather very much. His grandfather lived with them for two years and during those two years, he grew very attached to his grandfather. Ben and Grandpa Teddy were a lot alike both personality wise and talent wise. "We killed a boy. But it was an accident. Now we are stuck on some ship with a bunch real criminals." "I see. Do you like being on board this ship?" "No, it sucks. They are mean to us and treat us like hard-core criminals. I just want to go back home with mom and dad." "What are the good points about being on this ship?" asked Grandpa Teddy? "Good points?" "Benji, you always focused on the bad points of a situation. You take after your other grandfather for that. Focus on the good points. Let those good points take you to new horizons. Stop focusing on the closed doors, because if you do you will never see the open windows. Now what are the good points of this ship?" "Well," Ben thought for a minute. "I still get to see Andrew and Trev." "Okay, that's a start. What else?" "My new roommate is really nice." "Tell me about your roommate." "His name is Douglas. He seems to be something like my keeper." "And how does that make you feel?" "Warm." ***** "I think this new fresh warm blood for a complete blood washout is doing the trick. The holes are barely appearing anymore," said Dr. Daniels. "It's a good thing that the vessels couldn't hold the agent, only let it rub itself against it to wear it away. As soon as we are done washing out his vessels with the blood, he should make a full recovery. Even the vessels in his head seem to be stopping and luckily no brain damage happened. I am just glad I had these transmitters that could fix the damage as it happened." "How much longer do you think we have to flush out his vessels?" asked Linda Hatcher. "We will probably have to run another twenty pints of blood through him. I want to make sure we got every ounce of that agent out of him." "So he's gonna live then Dad?" asked Douglas who still sat on his gurney. "Yes, Douglas. Ben is going to live." ***** Captain Hatcher sat at his desk with Johnny Cooper and Mike the Donkey standing at attention. He busied himself with some papers as he left them standing there. Johnny got tired of standing at attention and fell at ease. "Stand at attention Cadet Cooper. I didn't tell you that you can stand at ease," said Hatcher who never looked up from his paperwork. Finally after reviewing his notes he looked up at the two cadets. "In the Junior Sol Force Alliance Academy regulations, I am to appoint a cadet commanding officer and a cadet executive officer. It is the cadet CO's job to ensure that his company are doing what they are to do. He is to lead them in the right directions that are laid out by the Academy's Commanding Officer. The job as Cadet Executive Officer is to make sure the cadet commanding officer is carried out. He is to support his CO in any way he can. Now with this rank, comes great responsibility. Cadet Cooper, I appoint you as cadet commanding officer. Cadet Wakeman, I appoint you as cadet executive officer." "I don't want it," snapped Johnny. "This isn't opened for discussion," said Hatcher firmly. "I'm not gonna take it. Give it to Mike." "Cadet Cooper, you have natural leadership skills. But you unfortunately lead yourself in the wrong direction. It's time to start leading in the right direction. There is no alternative here Cadet Cooper. The job is yours." "Look, no one tells me how to lead. I will lead in what ever the fuck direction I want to go. But taking those misfits, especially those faggots, to the road of victory is not the direction I wanna go. I am out of here at the end of August when I turn 18. I don't give a shit what goes on." Mike just stood there at attention. He was hurt at Johnny's remarks about faggots. Johnny changed drastically since they were partners in crime. Mike wanted to know why, but every time he had a chance to approach him, Johnny would give him the cold shoulder and walk away. Captain Hatcher stood up and walked over to Johnny and stood only inches from his face. Hatcher was taller and bulkier then Johnny. "You better start giving a shit, because this is your last chance boy. You fuck up here and no one else will take you. You might think you know everything on what it takes to survive out there and not to get caught, but look at you. If you were so smart, you wouldn't be standing here in front of me right now. Now you can take this position I am giving you and piss it away, but God help you if you do. Because if you don't give me 110% in this position I will come down harder on you then a ton of bricks and you would think that Colonel Stone was a teddy bear. You don't frighten me one bit Cadet Cooper. I came from the streets too. And if I have to, I am not afraid to use what I learned on the streets on you. Now you will be the cadet commanding officer, you will work closely by Colonel Stone and myself and you WILL lead your crew---yes, Cadet Cooper---YOUR crew to victory come August. Do I make myself clear?" Johnny stood there. He didn't intimidate easily, but with spit shooting from Captain's Hatcher mouth when he talked and looking up and seeing the demon that lurks in us all, he bent his head down and said "Yes, Captain." "Good. Now, Cadet Wakeman, do you have any problems being X.O?" "No Sir," assured Mike. "Now you're first assignment as CO and XO is to identify key positions. You will need a cadet Operations Officer, a cadet engineering officer, a cadet security officer, a cadet science officer, and a cadet master helmsman. You will also designate someone to be the department heads or presidents if you will, of the senior class, junior class, sophomore class, freshman class, the 8th grade, 7th grade, 6 grade and 5th grade. That is a total of eight department heads needed. Now, I have here records of all the boys on this ship. This information is confidential. Look through them tonight, because at the end of the week, Commander Creevey, Colonel Stone, and I, will be sitting down with you to discuss your choices on those positions. I want a list of three candidates for each position and a brief report on why you feel these particular individuals would be good at the position you nominated them for. Any questions?" "I get to look through cadet's records?" asked Johnny with a evil grin. Blackmail was at the top of his list already. "Yes Cadet Cooper, but don't get too excited. These records has been sanitized. The only thing you will find in them is information on who would be good at any specific job. Their criminal record, their specific grades, and other personal information will remain classified for the adults to see only. Now Cadet Wakeman, you have a question?" "For the command positions, are their any requirements like the cadet has to be in a certain grade or anything?" asked Mike. "The Command positions will be held by cadets who are in the 9th grade or higher. Any other questions?" "Can a boy who holds a command position also hold a class department head position?" asked Mike since Johnny had no idea what questions to ask, plus he didn't really give a rat's ass on who got what position. "I prefer it will be different boys for each position, but if you can come up with a good argument why a boy should be able to hold both a command position and a class department head position, then we will talk it out and make our decision at our meeting. " "Sir, if I may," Mike started to say. "Go ahead Cadet." "Will there be vice presidents...uh assistant department heads for each class?" "Do you guys see the need for that particular position?" "Yes I do," said Mike. "How about you, Cadet Cooper? You're the commanding officer here. Do you see a need for assistant class department heads?" "Yeah, I guess." "You guess? There is no guessing in space Cadet Cooper. Guessing leads to mistakes or worse death. Now let me ask you again. Do you see the need for ADH's?" "Yes I do." "Very well. Add that on your list for candidates then. Are there any other questions?" "No Sir," said Mike. "Cadet Cooper?" "No Sir." "Very well, you two are dismissed." ***** Ben and his grandfather talked for a long time. Grandpa Teddy stood up and stretched his arms. "Come on Ben let's go for a walk." "Are we going to Heaven?" "No, not yet. I just want to stretch my legs a little bit." "So how are Andrew and Trev holding up on the ship?" asked Grandpa Teddy as he and Ben walked through the green grass that was waving to them in the wind. "They're having hard times on the Lady Lex too. Well, Andrew thinks he's in love." "Andrew in love? What's the girl's name?" Ben stopped. How could he tell his grandfather that Andrew was in love with another boy. But he always had a hard time keeping anything from his Grandpa Teddy. Ben could keep secrets with the best of them, except when it came to Grandpa Teddy. "His name is Nipper." "His name? You mean Andrew is a homosexual?" "Don't be mad at him, Grandpa Teddy." "Mad? I'm not mad. Look, if Andrew wants to love a boy, so be it. There are so many people out there that aren't loved because of their race, sexual preferences, gender, creed, and whatever else causes such an unloving world." Grandpa Teddy could read Ben's face like a book. He knew what Ben was thinking. "What's the name of the boy you love?" "Grandpa," said Ben as if he was shocked. "It's okay Ben. Don't be afraid to love him. Like I said before, it's time to venture off to new horizons. Speaking of which, I have to get going." "Where are you going?" "I need to go back as so do you. I love you Benji and stay strong. You will be fine." Grandpa Teddy hugged his grandson one last time and kissed him on the forehead. He then headed off into the opposite direction. Ben wanted to follow him. He didn't want to lose his grandfather again. But something was calling to him. Calling from behind. "Ben! Come back with us!! Come on Ben!" He couldn't make out the voice but it sounded vaguely familiar. Then another voice called his name too. And a third voice. There were so many voices calling his name now, that he couldn't make out whose voice was who. He closed his eyes and opened them back up. He was no longer on the grassy mountain top. He was in some strange room. Standing around him was his mom, dad, Andrew, Trevor, Dr. Daniels, Linda Hatcher and Douglas. His mom was holding his right hand while Andrew was holding the other hand. "Where am I?" asked Ben. "You been pretty sick the past few days. But within a week, you should be starting to feel like brand new," assured Dr. Daniels. "What happened?" "You got some sort of poisoning agent in your bloodstream and you became very sick. But my dad and Dr. Killian figured it out and saved you," said Douglas. When Ben heard Douglas's voice, he knew immediately that the first voice he heard calling him back was him. But why Douglas? Why was Douglas there for him? But whatever the reason was, Ben was glad that Douglas was there at his bedside. "Mom brought us our baseball gloves," said Trev excitedly. "Yeah, and she brought me my trumpet," added Andrew. Ben looked down and saw his catcher's mitt lying next to him. He reached out for it and very weakly touched it. Just the feel of the worn leather made him smile. Douglas reached over and hesitantly touched Ben's hand. "Hey, um...I didn't know you catch." "Yeah, it's the best position." "Look, my dad is coaching the JV and Varsity team for the Lady Lex. I am trying out for pitcher." "Will I be well enough to squat behind home plate?" asked Ben very tiredly and weakly. "I don't see why not," said Dr. Daniels. "Let's all leave Ben to rest a bit. I know he's been out for three days, but he does need his rest. We can visit him in a few hours." Ben's mom, dad, Andrew and Trev all kissed Ben and went to their temporary quarters with Linda Hatcher. Douglas was about ready to leave. He picked his hand up, but Ben grabbed it. "Douglas..." "Yes, Ben?" "Thank you for bringing me back." "Bringing you back? What do you mean?" "It's hard to explain. But I know it was you who initially brought me back. Thanks." Douglas was confused by this. He blamed himself for Ben getting sick, but after finding out that Ben's illness had nothing to do with Douglas helping him get back in his rack when the gravity went out, he felt more at ease with himself. He was just glad his father was able to flush out all of that agent from his blood stream. "You're welcome Ben." Douglas started to leave again. But Ben wouldn't let go of his hand. "Stay with me a little while longer, okay?" Douglas turned and held onto his friend's hand. He pulled a chair up to him and sat down, still holding his hand. Sitting in a hospital room holding a hand of someone he cared about brought back the memories of his mom being in the hospital. He fought back the tears and just sat there. "So what happen while I was sick?" "We started classes and we got our duty assignments. The math teacher is a bitch, but the English teacher seems pretty cool. He already gave us an assignment." "What's that?" "Each of us on our shuttle crew needs to come up with a name for our shuttle and write a brief paper why we want to name it that. The name has to be related to literature some how. Then the crews will get together and decide which name they like best. I already know that some shuttles were already named." "What are the names?" "Well we have over thirty shuttles, and not all of them are named, but the ones I remember is The Hound pertaining to the Hound of the Baskerville by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Hamlet's Ghost, by Shakespeare, Fagin's Boys from Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, Starduster from Daniel Tiggabottom's Survivors and Cape Crippleshaw from Theodore Doffintop's The Outcasts of Cape Crippleshaw. "What's our shuttle's name?" "We haven't named it yet. We were all waiting for you to wake up and help us decide. Matter of fact, we all wrote our papers, but we didn't let each other know what our ideas are until your paper is done." "You didn't have to do that." "Yes I did. Our shuttle is a team. Not just one." Ben noticed a picture on a small silver tray on wheels next to his bed. "That picture?" Douglas looked at it. It was a picture of Ben when he was about 7 years old. He was with his Grandpa Teddy, sitting on a rock on top of some green covered mountain. "You're mom brought this for you. She said it was your favorite picture and that you had it on your dresser in your bedroom. Who is the man with you? "That's my Grandpa Teddy." Douglas handed Ben the picture. Ben gently rested his finger tips on his grandfather's picture. "Cadet Daniels I know you want to stay with your roommate, but I can't be lenient the entire time," said Colonel Stone as he poked his head in. "Yes Sir. I'll be back tonight if you want me to come back," said Douglas. "I'd like that." Ben's eyes not leaving the picture of him and his grandfather. Douglas left the room with Colonel Stone. Ben just stared at the picture. He quickly looked up to say something to Douglas, but he was already gone. He then turned his attention back to the picture. "Douglas. His name is Douglas, Grandpa Teddy." ***** "Excuse, but the door was open and no one answered. Is this the McDowell's?" asked Major Zjan-Ren. A tall, skinny 15 year old boy sat on a rack in his room. There were lots of boxes piled around him. He had soft brown hair and brilliant blue eyes. Although the scars on his face were no longer noticeable, Brian McDowell could still feel them there. To him these scars will always be there. Just like that he will always have to use his cane to walk. Ever since the shuttle accident two years ago, his life was no longer like normal, healthy 15 year olds. He was now a crippled. An invalid. A handicapped person whom everyone felt sorry for. Even with today's technology, Brian couldn't walk without the support of a cane. "Yeah," answered Brian. He quickly turned his head away so that the Kriton couldn't see his scars. The scars that weren't there. "I am Major Zjan-Ren, the chief security officer. I am looking for Marine Captain Frank McDowell. Is he around?" "No, he went to the shuttle to get more of our stuff." Major Zjan-Ren sensed that the boy had no self confidence and very little self esteemed. He didn't know why, but he suspects it had to do with the cane that stood up against the rack. He then turned and saw a broad sword lying on the bed. "Is that an earth sword?" inquired Zjan-Ren with great interest. "Yeah." "You sword fight?" "I use to fence until...but not anymore" He changed his mind to tell the Kriton when he stopped fencing. "May I look at it?" "Yeah, I guess." Zjan-Ren picked up the sword and was obstruct with it. He swung it slowly through the air. He liked the feel of it. "I have to set up a fencing team for the Olympics. Since I am a master swordsman or Bakara as we call it, I am also the instructor. How about joining my team?" "Nah. That's all right." Scott stood up and took his cane. He limped over to his door. "I have to go do some stuff. Dad should be back in a minute." "Young McDowell. Swordplay is all about balance. Nothing more, nothing less." "It's more then that." "Is it? Then prove this Kriton Warrior wrong. Come to my chambers tonight around 2000. It will just me (be) you and me." Brian wanted so much to say he would be there, but he was too frightened to say anything. He just shrugged his shoulders and hobbled down the corridor. ***** Captain Hatcher and Dr. Daniels stood in Hatcher's ready room. There on the view screen was Commodore Jennings. He was the assistant to the Admiral in charge of SFA Intelligence. "So tell me this again." "Ben Collins was shot with what appeared to be a normal pulse pistol. But the energy pulse had some sort of chemical agent that rubs away of the inner walls of the blood stream vessels," said Hatcher. "I see. Dr. Daniels, what else do you know about this agent?" "Well Commodore, we found out in some tests that if you take just one particle of this agent and inject it into the bloodstream, in a matter of a couple days it will infect the entire blood system." "Is this contagious?" "Only if it is consumed or penetrated into the body. It's too early to be certain, but I think the only way to get this agent is through that pulse pistol. But we are taking all precautions necessary and I am relieved to report that after testing everybody on this ship, no one has the agent in their stream," said Daniel. "What about the boy?" "We had to flush his blood system out several times over a period of three days. It took longer then originally anticipated. But he is expected to make a full recovery in about a week." "Captain, I can' tell you what the catastrophe will be like if this agent spreads. If need be, I will quarantine the entire ship." "Understand Sir, but I assure you that there is no potential to danger at this present moment." "Very well Captain. Doctor Daniels, I want you to report any findings on this agent directly to me. God forbid if this agent is put in weapons of mass destruction. It could wipe out an entire planet in matters of weeks, if executed right." "Understand Sir," said Hatcher. "Good Luck gentleman. And off the record, I am rooting for the Lady Lex to take the Olympics." "Thanks, Sir". The screen went blank. "Well Larry. Looks like you need to run a lot more tests." "Steve something isn't right." "What?" "This is the first time in my career in SFA, that when a new virus or bacteria or agent was found, that they didn't send out a special science team to take a closer look at it. He left this project for me. A doctor who's specialty isn't agents and not to mention I don't have the proper laboratory equipment to run the proper tests. No something definitely isn't right." To Be Continued