Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 22:34:39 EDT From: Nathan Harvey Subject: Calvarias and Gallows by Nathan Harvey Calvarias and Gallows A story written for and dedicated to Ed. By Nathan Harvey We were all having drinks at the explorers club one evening and the men began were telling tails of there experiences. Ed then began telling us this yarn about what he'd seen on his travels in South America. I don't think anyone believed it but it was a delicious story. Well, anyway to go on he began telling us of how he'd heard stories abut this little half breed boy born in the high in the Andes in the Remote village of Tanttor. The story went on that he'd been sired by some half-breed hunters to one of the local women. Ed went on to say as the story goes this beautiful young maiden had been bathing in a mountain stream when she had been attacked by what she had first though was an animal. This yellow haired beast had waded into the water and pulled her from the water. Pushing her down to her knees he had mounted her like some beast of the forest. Terrified of being killed she surrendered to him and when he was finished with her she was then raped by his pack four dogs. When the animals had finishing ravaging her body they left her laying there bleeding with claw and teeth marks all over her body. That was how the other village women found her. When she was taken back to the village the tribe went hunting but could never find her assailant. It wasn't long before he found she was with child. Now this once proud beauty that had been betrothed to a proud young man was now shunned by everyone. Being driven from her home by her parents she was forced to live in there stable with the animals. As her stomach became more swollen with child she grew weaker until few of the village women thought she would live to deliver the baby. It was well into her tenth month on a dark night among the cows and horses that she gave birth to a beautiful boy child. Laying there in the stall with the horses she expired. It was morning when they came to feed the animals they found this golden child that had been conceived by a beast of the jungles. Then village elders now afraid to offend the gods gave this golden child to an old women of the village to raise. Over the next weeks the village people watched in wonder as this tiny boy began to grow. He seemed enchanted and was crawling and standing in just a few weeks. Surly they though he must be enchanted. It was when they found him in the barn suckling one of the pigs teats that the elders declared him an animal and not a god and forced to live in the barn calling him an animal child. The Village now considered him more animal than man. Over the years as he grew accepted being called an animal and being raised in the barn. As he grew in size and wisdom this child with the golden hair had always known he was different from all the village people because of their bronze skin while his was white as snow. Another startling difference was that all the village had black coarse greasy hair and his hair was long and curly blond and soft as silk. The boy with the Golden hair was truly something to behold. They began calling him the Golden boy. The older he got his body seemed to grow in grace and poise. He had this big chest and small waist and narrow hips. All the village watched in wonder as this boy grew. His physical beauty both frightened and amazed them. It was near his twenty first year when he was bathing in the stream that a group of the men from the village came upon him. Seeing that soft beautiful body of his they were incensed with lust and raped him. The boy had struggled at first and then he surrendered to them. As the men plundered his body he began to like the feeling. By the time all the men had fucked him he wanted more. Grasping at one of them that were circling him waiting for his turn to fuck him he pulled the man close to him and taking his cock into his mouth began sucking him off. From that day on the men no longer feared him, they now used his body for there pleasure. As with all things he accepted this as his duty. The it was late one night when one of the animals was restless the boy went to comfort him. Realizing it was his mating season he crawled under the animal to massage him. As he touched and massaged the animal the boy found the animal was excited just like the men of the village when they needed sex. Getting on his knees he began sucking on the animals cock. In just a few seconds he was filled with warm cum and swallowing it down he found pleasure in it. After that he became sexually active to all the animals and he found the animals eager to use him just as the men did. By spring there wasn't an animal or man in the village that didn't consider the golden boy as his bitch. Somehow even with all the attention he needed something more. Sexual fulfillment was wonderful but he needed something more. The Golden boy watched closely as the animals cared for their litters and young and the men in the village cared for their wives and played with their children. He began to want someone to love and care for. The golden boy was coming to slowly realize that he didn't belong with humans. He knew he had to find someone or somewhere that he would belong. He began saving morsels of his food keeping them stored under the straw. When he felt he felt he had enough stored he gathered his food into a bandana and slipped out into the night. Finding his way down the path to the stream he then began crawling up the mountain. As the rocks rubbed against his bare body he wished they'd allowed him to wear clothing in the village. He kept pushing on. All that next day he climbed until he was at the top of the mountain and it seemed to get ever so much colder. Knowing he had to get some sleep he was still afraid of being discovered. It was then he came to a cave. It had a narrow high opening and was able to slip into the cave quite easily. Once inside he began feeling safe. Working his way to the back of the cave he was surprised to find it was more than just a cave. There was a winding path that seemed to lead down into the mountain. It was dark but he managed to feel his way down the dark passage. He followed that warm air against his body and he kept moving forward. The golden boy kept going down falling and then getting up always moving forward. Finally coming to a large chamber illuminated by light coming through a big opening he realized he and descended to the floor of the valley. He had no idea of how long he'd been in darkness as he'd descended or what time of the day it was when he saw this bed of straw he knew he was so tired he needed rest. Laying down in the straw not even thinking it might be the home of some animal he pulled some straw over on himself and fell into a deep sleep. They straw smelled so sweet and it was so warm he slept until he felt something warm and wet cleansing his wounds. Waking slowly as he began to focus in the dim light of the cave he saw this handsome face with the flowing black hair and skin was as white as his. He saw then his tongue licking and cleansing his wounds like an animal would. As he stirred the mans huge black eyes gazed into his and he just had to break out into a big smile. Nodding to him he again began tonguing his body cleaning his wounds. Then this beautiful man turned to his face and reaching out to the Golden boy took him into his massive arms and gave him a big hug. The Golden boy thought at last he had found someone like himself. This handsome face muzzled his and kissed him. When there lips met he felt a strange thrill as the mans tongue slipped into his mouth. The Golden boy's head was in this new wonderful feeling and he clung to this handsome man not wanting to let go. All he knew was that he wanted more from him than just a kiss. He wanted to feel the love from his loins shooting into his body. Then pulling away as there lips parted the beautiful mans head seemed to move effortlessly down his body as he continued licking and sucking him when he came to his cock he swallowed it in one voracious gulp. He had satisfies so many men and beasts but never had anyone giving him sexual pleasure. As the beautiful mans lips moved down his shaft he writhed in pleasure and his hands moved over his beautiful body and as they slipped past his waist. Wondering what kind of loin cloth he was wearing he saw quickly up and looking at the body of his new friend he was stunned to see the body of a horse. As he stood he told the Golden boy to call him Gallows. Standing and reaching up throwing his arms around this creatures neck he gave him a long hungry kiss. Then releasing his neck and sliding under his forelegs and kneeling took his cock into his mouth. He wanted to show Gallows how much he loved him. Pawing and moaning from the pressure of the boy sucking his cock he was even more delighted when this beautiful creature began feeding his cock up his ass. Gallows Sat then on his hunches and drawing his forelegs close to the boy began working his cock into the boy. This boy had given himself to him as a mare he began filling him with his hi love. Then when he'd serviced him he began licking and sucking on him until his desires were stilled. The golden boy then climbed up on Gallows his cock pressing against his back hugging him telling told him he loved him. Looking back at the golden haired creature Gallows told him to bend low and then this half-man half-horse galloped from the cave. Gallows was in rapture as his lover clung onto him. As they raced through the valley the golden boy marveled at the warm fields of wheat and corn and on the hillside row after row of rich grapes. He couldn't believe all this was hidden from the outside world. Gallows slowed from a gallop to a trot and finally stopped at a pool of crystal water. Leaning back and whispering to the golden boy he asked him if he wanted to swim with him. Moving into the water soon all that was showing of each of them were there upper bodies. Sliding off of his Centaur golden boy swam around for a while and then returned to hug and kiss his new lover. Their arms locked as they danced in the waters making love with there lips. Then climbing on the back of his lover he lifted his tail and began to fuck him. As his slim cock sank into his lover he patted and padded and petted him telling him how much he loved him. Gallous was startled at first and then feeling the love and tenderness of his golden boy relaxed and gave himself to his lover. When the boy had planted his seed he crawled on his back and whispering to him asked him to fuck him. Climbing out on the bank the golden boy got on his knees as Gallous moved over him and when he was in position he raised up taking his cock and began feeding it into his ass. This time he took all of him into his body and begged for more. Now Gallous felt there mating was complete, the boy, this Durable was his mare. They lay on the shallows of the water washing and making love. Finally Gallous told him it was time to go to join the others. Golden boy then climbed on his back and they began the last legs of their journey. Gallous came to a canter and then a prance as he entered a small courtyard surrounded by a long row of stone buildings. Letting out a call the courtyard was filled with Centaurs and centauress as well as men and women such as himself. Gallows announced that the golden boy was his mate now. When they asked what I was called I told them I had no name. I was just one of the animals of my village. Laughing then Gallows announced his mate would be called Calvarias and so that was what I became. Calvarias, mate of Gallows. We were then assigned our own stall and they made ready a bed for me as I was what they called a Durable. After a night of celebration of feasting and drinking we retired to our stall to make love. Gallows was all that I now Calvarias could ever want in a lover. He was kind and gentle, loving and he filled me with his love. In return Gallows took his cock into his mouth and showed him how much he loved Calvarias. When the boy mounted his hind quarters it was as if they had truly become as one. When they rode out together that next day Calvarias brushed and tended Gallows until he showed like a fine show animal. Then slipping into the water he bathed making himself clean and sweet for his lover. The elders of the colony had decided that Gallows would continue to plow and work the fields and now Calvarias would work with him plowing so that they could always be together. As the months passed the colony had accepted them. Calvarias learned his duties to the herd and as the Durables as humans were called by the Centaurs. Calvarias soon learned that the Durables did for the horsemen what they could not do for themselves. He learned to shoe and care for Gallows and his fellow Centaurs and care for them in sickness. In return they had taught him all the myths about Centaurs. As the years slipped by Gallows and Calvarias had truly become as one. You would never see one with out the other. It was on one hot summer afternoon that Calvarias asked Gallows if it would be possible to see his homeland. Callous could refuse his lover nothing and early one morning they entered the cave and began the long assent to the other side of the mountains. How well Calvarias remembered the opening of the cave as they slipped through it. Moving slowly down the mountain they raced through the jungle to just outside of Caldaria's village. It all looked so strange to him and hugging his love he said he wanted to go home, this place no longer meant anything to him. Turning and leaving at a gallop they soon found there way to the path in the mountains. Picking his way up the path Callous moved slowly up the torturous path. They were almost there when they came upon a man. He was hurt apparently attacked by wild dogs and left to die. Calvarias pleaded with Gallows to talk him back to their valley and he would nurse him back to health. Unable to refuse his lover anything they loaded the man on Gallows's back and they entered the cave and began to descend to their valley. When they arrived back at the colony a crowd gathered around them and there was much concern about what they had done. If the man were to return to the outer world they would be discovered and exploited. Still in there charity they agreed to nurse him back to health. He healed slowly and seemed to realize he was not in his world as he gained his reason. When he was able to walk he began socializing with the herd. Now it came to pass that Aurora one of the Centauress began to take a liking to him. They would ride into the night and return early in the morning. It was when she announced to he elders she was with colt that they came to the man telling him he was now a member of the herd. He seemed to accept this and as we waited the time neared for the berthing all the Durables along with Ed was there to assist her. It was one of those terrible breach births and as the little Centaurs was born. As his mother and father hovered above him her last words were that she wanted him to be called Edward after this father. Then hugging her mate she died. Edward cried out in pain saying he had killed the one person that he had loved and ran from the stall crying. Some of the Centaurs ran after him but he made it to the cave and it was apparent he was running to his world. It was that next morning that the counsel decreed the pass to the valley must be sealed. It was further decided that Gallows and I were the ones that had brought him to the valley we must be the ones to close the path. The village knew it was important for this to be done instantly or the valley would be swarming with men from the other world eager to exploit them. Gallows and I spent the day wiring the caves and passageways. Then lighting the fuse's we waited and then we heard the low deep rumbles. First the high mountain cave, then the passageways deeper and deeper until the whole mountain shook. We were no cutoff from the outside world. Crawling on the back of Gallows we made our way back to the herd to report we had completed our assignment. It was when we returned that we found that the counsel had decided since we were responsible for the birth of Ed. It would be our responsible to raise him as our own child. Nodding in acceptance of our new duties we led the small boy-colt away to raise him as our own. As I walked along side of Gallows leading our young boy-colt I felt like we were complete now, we were a family. As he leaned over muzzling my face I knew he felt as I did. Love always finds a way.