Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 07:52:47 +0000 From: Mark Larner Subject: Crystal Wolf Moon chapter 18 This story is a work of fiction, none of the characters are based on real people, any similarities with people or places are coincidence, this story contains sexual activities with consenting adult males, if the content of this story is illegal in the area you are in to read this content read at your own discretion it is illegal to copy this story all right are reserved to the author For comments and feedback contact me at Tony shuddered whatever that light had been it had clearly taken them somewhere, it had felt kind of like his teleportation spell. Looking around he saw Jerry and Luke nearby in the long grass the spell or what every it had been had clearly knocked them out. Tony having magical shields up had been protected somewhat. He went to Luke first, scanning him quickly he decided that Luke was fine just knocked out. After examining Jerry he was reassured that it would just take them a bit of time to come around. Tony sat down between the pair and created a protective circle around them, the last thing he need was some threat coming along while the other pair were still out cold. Tony took the time to look around; he could tell they were no longer in central Queensland, he could see no tress just a vast sea of tall grass. The grass was green the soil was damp and none of it appeared to have been used for grazing. The longer he sat there the more concerning things were getting; he had cast his mind out and had search the general area and had found nothing beyond small rodents and birds. Tony knew that what appeared to be fertile land should have had farming or grazing on it and yet there was none. Jerry was the first to recover; he jumped up and immediately looked for Ben, Tony watched the pain enter Jerry's eyes. Luke had felt the distance of the pack, and could only imagine what it would be like for Jerry feeling Ben so distant. "Is, is he ok", Jerry spun and looked at Tony and nodded once, Jerry was clearly still distressed "We will find a way back". Jerry looked at the younger pack member and saw the determination in the teen's eyes, "It will be dark soon that should help". Jerry raised an eyebrow as he sat down next to Tony, "I like astronomy, I will be able to say if we are in the southern hemisphere if nothing else". Jerry nodded not voicing what both felt, if either were to guess they would both had said they were too far away to still be on Earth. Luke woke slowly the first thing he saw was Tony whom made him smile, Tony always made him smile, Tony smiled sadly back. The next thing Luke felt was the distance from the pack it was upsetting, "where are we"? He asked hoping that Tony would have an answer, Tony always had an answer. "We aren't sure", Luke nodded noticing Jerry not too far away, the first thing he thought was that the older man looked like shit. "He isn't taking Ben's distance well; we will have to watch him". Luke nodded his understanding. Tony looked up at the night sky; it was very bright and clearly not the southern hemisphere that was not what frightened him. "Unless the stars have moved completely, I would say we are no longer on Earth". The other two looked at him neither arguing it had been a feeling all of them had, had, it was Luke who spoke first. "How, how do we get back", Tony looked Luke in the eyes and couldn't bring himself to say it. "He doesn't know", Jerry spoke gruffly, but with the authority of someone who had once been an alpha elect. "Tony can you sense anyone or anything close by", Tony shock his head. "No I have tried several times and there seems to be nothing but small birds and rodents", Jerry nodded gaining confidence in taking up his natural place as leader. "Any ideas as to which way we go" Tony sat in thought for a moment, it was the first time he regretted being a city boy. "We should find a stream or creak and follow it", Luke spoke up, Tony nodded his agreement, which caused Jerry to smile for the first time, it was a weak smile and it was gone quickly. "Tony can you find a stream", Tony nodded, "Good then we shift and travel to the stream and then follow it any questions". Both teens shock their heads this was the best plan any of them could think of. Stream may have been a bit of an exaggeration what Tony found was a slow flowing creek, the three shifted and followed the creek until dawn. As the first rays of light hit them all three knew it was time to find a suitable place to hide, the best they could find was the long grass. Tony shifted back to his human form, the other pair looked at him curiously, "I can't search the area with my mind when I'm in wolf form. Our natural protection against magic also interferes with my ability to use it". The two wolves nodded their understanding, Tony sat down and sent his mind out searching, he was happy that this time he found something. Luke watched Tony, it looked as if he had fallen asleep sat up, if it wasn't for the tension in the air around him Luke would have thought he had fallen asleep. Tony's eyes opened and he smiled at Luke, "It appears there is some kind of town about two hours away, I didn't pick up on any form of technology and they were too far away for me to determine what they were other than human or human like". The two wolves nodded and Tony shifted back, Jerry indicated that he would take the first watch, the younger wolves curled up together Luke protectively around Tony. Jerry crept closer to the camp that Tony had thought was a town, the camp looked like what he had always imagined a war parties camp would look like. He was close enough to smell the men that were practicing with swords, he could tell they were werewolves of some kind. He was confused by their scent though it was different from anything he had smelt before. His confusion grew when a large man exited the central tent the scent from him was so strong and overpowering. It was clear he was an Alpha, not for the first time Jerry wished Ben was hear with him, Ben was smart and quick he would have been able to work out what was going on with this pack. Jerry had decided that it was a pack of some kind just nothing he was used to. Kevin stretched and looked over the camp, as he stretched he caught the scent of another alpha, or what he thought was another alpha it was different though. Looking around his camp he could see no visitors, Kevin shrugged it off, another pack would be foolish to attack his pack no matter how strong the alpha. His seven omegas exited the tent, they were slender and well defined, their scent intoxicating making his well used cock stiffen once more. Some of his men looked at the omegas with lust others came forward and rubbed against their mates, none of the omegas were his mate. However as the alpha he had the right to mate them whenever he felt the need, "We hunt", five of his men nodded and shifted into their large wolf forms following the even large Alpha from the camp. "I think we should approach this Alpha", Tony watched as Luke and Jerry faced off, Jerry had wanted to avoid the pack, Luke thought they should at least try to get information from them. "The longer we stay this close to that pack the fewer choices we will have". Tony spoke softly, the others two looked at him, "You pair should listen to the little one". All three spun around hearing the new voice even if they didn't understand what was said. Jerry growled and started to shift, as did Luke, Tony hesitated for a moment but also shifted, now wasn't the time to try and explain to an unknown Alpha what he was. Kevin was not impressed he let his pack take care of the Beta and the two pups. Jerry and Luke took two of the other wolves Tony faced off with the last one, who appeared to be twice the size of him. The fight was short and reached is inevitable conclusion, Tony surprisingly was able to avoid his attacker, Jerry and Luke were not so lucky. Both Luke and Jerry had been forced to shift back to try and heal, Luke focused on Tony, "Run", was all he was able to say before the now changed wolves knocked him out cold. Kevin watched the smaller pup; there was something different about that one, Tony glared at the Alpha and shifted. Kevin watched as the smaller one ran to the other pup, cradling the others head ensuring that he was ok; clearly they were mates or would be. Tony heald Luke's head and started to sob, the last few days had just been too much, Jerry tried to pull away from the two that were holding him back. "Don't Jerry, they will just do the same to you and he, he is fine", Tony stood and wiped his eyes, that were now red and puffy. "What do you want with us"? Tony glared at the Alpha as he spoke the Alpha's language, it was a spell David had shown him, that allowed him to learn and understand other languages with only a small example of it. Kevin was surprised that the pup spoke so boldly to him and in his own language, it had been clear the three hadn't known what he had said before. Kevin strode forward and back handed Tony who stumbled back, once he had regained his footing he stood defiant. "Tony, stand down, now is not the time", Jerry looked at the teen pleading with him, "We need to give them time". Tony nodded his understanding; it would take time for the pack to work out what had happened, it would be up to them to make a new gateway for them to travel through. Kevin watched the interaction between the pup and Alpha, it was clear to him that the three had a strong pack bond. Not unlike that he had with his own pack, he was a little surprised a lot of packs lacked that closeness. "You should listen to your Alpha pup", Tony turned to Kevin a name he would later learn, "He's not our Alpha, our Alpha would have had all of you dead before you even shifted, however he is correct, so do as you wish". Kevin frowned not really liking what he hears except the part about them submitting even if it were only for the time being. "Bring them", his men nod and watch as there Alpha shifts and runs back to his camp, one throws Luke over his shoulder as two y leave others drag Jerry along. They leave Tony to walk by himself; Tony follows once more wishing he knew more. Kevin watched as the three entered his camp, the omegas instantly glare at the small mouthy one, it's clear they feel he is a rival to them. Kevin smiles to himself wondering what the pup would think of being placed with the omegas, he had been close enough to the pup to know he wasn't truly an omega, his aggressive nature had proved that even of his scent hadn't. What Kevin didn't understand was why would a strong Alpha like the one in the trio would not have his own pack. That in its self was worrying, "chain those two and bring the pup to me", with that Kevin entered his tent. Tony looks to Jerry who nods once indicating for Tony to play along, seven slender well formed males group around Tony and drag him off to a small tent that turned out to be a bath of some kind. The seven didn't talk to him they just bathed him refusing to listen to his protests, they also rubbed oils and other scents into his skin, they also fastened a length of cloth that reached to just below his knees, it was a dark green and covered his penis leaving the rest of him bare. None of them spoke to him as they pushed him into the largest tent. Tony looked around the large dim tent, it wasn't really much, carpets a small table and a sleeping place he guessed. Tony was surprised to find it empty apparently the overly sweet smelling guys had taken to long with him. Tony walked toward what appeared to be a desk; it had documents on it as well as maps and books. With a shrug He started to study the material, it was what David had taught him to do gather as much information as possible, the maps were of little help, still he summoned his phone from the hiding place he had put it near where they had woken up. He took photos of the maps and returned his phone to its hiding place, if David came though a gateways at that spot he would sense the hiding spot and would be able to use the information. As he was trying to read a document, although when he thought about it, it was more a scroll, it also meant nothing to him. "You adapt quickly pup", Tony jumped not having heard Kevin return, he turned and glared at the alpha. Kevin laughed, not knowing that Tony could have killed him if he wanted Tony smiles at that thought. "I have a name you know, Alpha", Tony deliberately drew out the word Alpha to annoy the man. "You are the most disrespectful omega I have ever met", Kevin growls, Tony laughs, "I'm not an omega, I don't even know what that is", Kevin frowns, "Needles to say my pack hasn't got any omegas, I'm guessing yours are the primping dickless wankers that bathed me". Kevin stared at the pup in confusion a pack without omegas how did they breed and grow stronger. "You are a pack of changed how odd", that's something that Tony understands and he shakes his head. "No most of us are born werewolves, what would omegas have to do with children". Kevin frowns, not understanding, to him and his pack the omegas were the only ones that could reproduce young. "It is you that is confusing without omegas where do your pups come from, do you take them from other packs". Tony shakes his head finally understanding the importance of an omega. "No our females have our young, are you saying that the male omegas can have young". Kevin stares at Tony, "Where are you from, there are no females wolves only the other shifter groups have female shifters". Tony frowns but says nothing more; the fact that the packs here had no females was odd to say the least. Kevin was not ready to let it go though. "You know of female wolf shifters, where and how"? His question came out like an order Tony was about to respond, however he realised that the Alpha was using an Alpha trick. "Don't try that on me Alpha, my Alpha would kill you", Kevin stared at the pup noting that he was convinced he told the truth. "He must be a strong alpha for you to be so sure". Tony laughed thinking of the small slender Linda with her long dirty blonde hair and warm blue eyes. "No I doubt my Alpha is stronger physically, just a stronger alpha in general", Kevin didn't understand. "If he is not bigger and stronger than how", Tony laughed and moved toward the large alpha in a way he hoped was sexy. "You will just have to wait and see", he ducked his head and lent toward the large alpha. "Now I'm assuming my good behaviour will ensure my pack mates remain unharmed and if I remain the same they behave". Kevin didn't know how the pup had managed to take control, however he knew that he had. With a menacing growl he shoved Tony away, "You are in no position to make deals", Kevin looked at Tony who just looked back at him calmly. "True. But still, I'm right", Tony raises one eyebrow, which caused Kevin to grunt. "Good now that, that's sorted you should teach me to read and right", Kevin glared before he whispered, "I don't know how". Tony was shocked, Kevin had to be as old as Gary, and the concept of someone that old being in a position of power not being able to read was just wrong. Tony managed to keep a straight face, "Who can I ask, they can teach me and if you like I can teach you". Kevin glared at the pup, he was so odd, no real wolf needed to read, he shrugged his shoulders, "ask one of the omegas they are good for that sort of thing". Kevin looked at Tony for a moment before speaking again, "You are confined to the tent, the others will be released and work with my pack providing you behave". Tony nodded once understanding that he was to be the hostage for the others good behaviour. Luke looked around groggily, unsure of where he was, "He's not here", Jerry spoke softly but loud enough for Luke to hear. "He is unharmed, but a captive of the Alpha", Luke looked over at Jerry; the man looked in bad shape. "Thank you he means more than I can say", Jerry nods his understanding, he would do anything to make sure that Ben was safe. "So what now"? Jerry shakes his head he had no idea what was going to happen now. The guards saw that both were awake, he indicates that they are to get up and follow him and the other guards. Tony is stood close to the alpha who spoke softly to him, "You may approach them and explain that is all". Tony nods and approaches the pair both watch and check him over ensuring he had not been harmed in any way. "Ok. Here's the deal you guys play nice and I stay safe, and if I play nice you guys are safe, but first a little magic". Tony places his hand on both Jerry and Luke's foreheads and murmurs softly, when he finishes his hands glow slightly. The spell transferred Tony's knowledge of the native language to his pack mates, "That should make things easier for everyone". Luke took Tony's hand and pulled the smaller teen into himself, Luke inhaled deeply assuring himself that Tony was fine. Tony smiled up at Luke realizing that the larger teen had grown taller, "Stay safe", Luke nodded as he lent down for a kiss from Tony. Jerry watched the pair and smiled to himself, thinking that even when they were on a strange world and likely to be killed the pair always found time for each other. "Be careful", Tony nodded looking sadly at Luke as he walked back to the pack Alpha. Kevin glared at the pair, it was clear they were mates, even if the mating had not been finished, it wasn't the fact that they were mates that made Kevin angry. What made him angry was that the pair had found each other so young and he was still waiting for his mate. "It's good to know what drives you", Tony had spoken softly and watched as Kevin's eyes widened in anger that was now directed firmly at Tony. "You know nothing pup", Kevin growled pushing Tony toward the tent. Jerry held Luke back; Luke had tensed up and had been ready to run to Tony's defence, "We can't fight them yet and must trust Tony to know what he's doing, your little sorcerer is probably the only one here who's going to work us out of this mess". Luke sighed and relaxed Jerry released him, "Will it always be like this?" Jerry laughed and nodded, Luke smiled realising now just how much Ben must drive Jerry up the wall. "It is, and to think I have Gary to help me", Luke shock his head, any further conversation was cut short as two of the larger pack members came up to them. The larger spoke first, "You understand our language"; Luke and Jerry nodded not elaborating on how they understood now but not before. "Good follow us we will get you started", Luke raised an eyebrow, Jerry shook his head slightly, indicating they should just go along with whatever the pack wanted for the moment. Tony sat on a large cushion, the tent had very little real furniture, a small male entered the tent, Tony guessed he was only a year or two older than himself. Tony cleared his throat to get the small males attention, he was surprised to see him jump clearly startled by Toney's presence. "You weren't with the other seven", Tony stated the small male shook his head, "Why?" Tony asked as he stood and moved toward the other male, Tony was a little dismayed to see that he was only slightly taller than the other male, no wonder they thought him one of these omegas. "No, no, I'm not one of the Alphas", Tony grinned as the other males eyes looked over at the sleeping space nervously. "The Alpha feels I'm too small for him", Tony laughed, which actually made the other male smile a little. "Good for you, I'm Tony", Tony stuck his hand out to shake the other males hand; the other male looked at his hand and frowned. "Sorry, a custom from where I'm from", the other smiled nervously, "I'm Trent, it's my responsibility to make sure the tent remains clean and tidy". Tony nodded and automatically started to help Trent. Kevin entered his tent and watched the two small wolfs tidy up, he had been surprised to see Tony helping the little omega. What surprised him the most was the way Tony seemed to be able to put the omega at ease, the little omega had always cleaned his tent however was too timid and small for much else. However with Tony the little omega was smiling and laughing, Kevin shook his head and walked over to his desk. Tony watched the Alpha, sooner or later he was going to learn the man's name, "Trent I have a request if the Alpha would grant it". Trent's eyes went very wide as he looked over at his Alpha, "I would like to learn to read, if you could teach me", Trent nodded enthusiastically. The Alpha looked over at the pair and nodded once, "Are you doing anything now"? Trent asked clearly eager to start, Tony shook his head and smiled. It wasn't long before the pair were sat on the floor; laughing and talking softly, Kevin watched and wondered why either would be so eager to learn such a skill. Brock entered the tent bowing his head to his Alpha ignoring the two omegas in the corner; Brock had been Kevin's closest friend since childhood and was his strongest Bata. "The two Alphas are behaving they don't seem to want to cause any problems at the moment, it is odd that they would travel together". Tony snorted from the corner having caught what the Bata had said, Brock glared over at the small omega. "From what the little one says neither are the alpha of their pack", Brock turned back to Kevin and frowned. "What would an omega know of Alpha's", this time Tony laughed outright and the stupidity of the Bata, "You will be silent omega" Brock growled. Tony sighed and stood up, he calmly walked over to the Beta, Kevin decided to just watch. "Watch your mouth Bata I don't take kindly to your tone", Tony stood squarely in front of the large Bata, meeting the Batas glare with one of his own. Brock lunged forward; Tony neatly sidestepped and swung out with a kick to knock the larger mans legs out from under him. Tony wasn't stupid he pushed a small amount of power into his leg making it strong than was natural, with a surprised grunt Brock found himself on his back glaring up at the ceiling of the tent. Tony placed his foot over the large Beta's windpipe, using another spell he started to slowly drain strength and energy from the large Bata. Tony glared down at the Bata, knowing that his spell would only work for as long as he was in contact with his target. "Yield Bata or I will crush your windpipe". Kevin had seen enough he stood and lifted Tony off of his Bata, he saw Brock struggle to a sitting position clearly confused by what had happened. "Tony you would do well to remember to behave yourself", was all Kevin said as he deposited the little wolf back with the omega. Tony grunted and resumed his study of the book that Trent had been using to teach him to read. Trent looked at Tony wide eyed and a little frightened, Bata Brock was huge and yet Tony had beaten him with such ease. "When I can I will explain but for now its best if you don't understand", Trent nodded once, the pair returned to what they had been doing prior to the short fight. Brock stood up feeling a little light headed, he glared at the small wolf, it should not have been possible for such a small creature to beat him so effortlessly. "Is there anything new", Brock indicated the documents on his Alphas desk, "No just that they want us to return to the keep". Brock looked back over at the small wolf, "What about that one and his friends", Kevin frowned he had also already started to worry about how they were going to explain the three. "I'm not sure, and I'm beginning to think that one is going to be the most difficult". Brock nodded his agreement as the pair watched the smaller wolves read, it appeared that Tony had already picked it up only after an hour of instruction. "How can you be so good at this already", Trent quietly asked Tony, Tony looked up from the book he had been reading. "It's not that different from a language I could already read, although where I'm from only a certain group still use it". Trent frowned wondering why Tony had needed him to show him how to read, Tony smiled reassuringly. "It is different enough to make it imposable to read without being shown how first, and it's still slow going". Trent nodded excepting Tony's explanation. Jerry was watching the tent when Brock exited; he saw the large Bata was pissed at something, "I think your mate upset the big Bata". Luke looked over at the Bata and grinned he had to agree with Jerry by the way the Bata was glaring at them. "You think he's going to take it out on you or me"? Luke asked with a grin, "You I should imagine, after all Tony is your mate". Brock stormed over to the pair, glaring at Luke, "Problem", was all Luke said not even bothering to look up at the large man. There was a growl, Luke looked up, "I'm going to take that as a yes, now the real question is do you want to pick another fight letting all your men realise that Tony beat you". Brock growled and stormed off. "That was surprising, I was sure he was going to fight", Luke let out a breath he had been holding. "So was I", Luke watched as the large Bata moved away, he had been amazed that his voice had come out as calm as it had, he had expected a frightened squeak, the size of the man was frightening. Tony watched as the seven omegas that had bathed and dressed him entered the tent, Trent had, had to leave for other duties earlier. The seven made themselves comfortable on the sleeping mats, Tony couldn't help but feel a little sick at what was obviously going to happen. "I think I need some air", he muttered to himself and moved toward the entrance. The seven watched him but made no comment at his leaving; Tony exited knowing the tent wasn't guarded. He made his way down to a fire where he could see Luke and Jerry sat a bit apart from the pack. Luke looked over at him and smiled, "Go on, or they will just send him back to tent", Jerry spoke softly; Luke nodded and went to Tony. The pair embraced before they slipped into the shadows around the camp. Kevin watched the interaction and guessed why Tony had elected to go against what he said. "That one's trouble", Brock muttered softly so that only Kevin could hear him, Kevin nodded his agreement. "They all are, but still I think it might be good for us", Brock smiled, he knew that Kevin was always trying to come up with ways to make it better for all werewolves. Tony lent into Luke and felt some of the tension he was feeling go away, Luke held Tony tightly not needing to say anything, he knew that his smaller mate was frightened of something and that he would tell him in time. Tony looked up at Luke, "What if he decides I should you know like those other ones", Luke growled, which was comforting to Tony. "You can't attack him the pack would turn on us", Luke sighed knowing that what Tony said was true and realising there was very little they could do to prevent the Alpha from forcing Luke. "I don't want him to be my first", Tony whispered, Luke tilted the smaller teens head up and kissed him deeply. No words needed to be spoken between the two, the loin cloths they had both been given to wear were quickly removed as their hands roamed over each other. Luke gentle pushed Tony to the ground they had no other place to go. Luke lifted Tony's legs to get at his mates ass, Tony had never been rimmed before and ground with pleasure at the new sensation. Luke slowly slid a finger into his mate knowing that they would have to go slowly; the warmth of Tony's ass was more than he had expected and only made him want his mate more. The pair weren't aware of the time that passed; Luke had stretched Tony to the point of taking three fingers with no discomfort. Tony had licked and sucked Luke's hard cock to make it as moist as possible. "Are you sure we can wait until", Luke was unable to finish as Tony kissed him furiously halting any further thoughts of them stopping. Luke took aim and slowly entered Tony; he saw the pain on Tony's face and the determination. Luke continued slowly allowing as much time for Tony to adjust as he needed; it wasn't long until he was balls deep into his mate. With a sigh he started to thrust in and out of Tony who had started to moan with pleasure. It wasn't long before the pair were climaxing after the fore play they had done to get Tony ready. Tony climaxed first as he furiously stroked his own cock. Watching the spurts of cum made Luke thrust hard and deep combined with the clenching of Tony's muscles he shot his loud deep into his mate with a loud groan of pleasure. Brock watched Jerry, Kevin had entered his tent half hour before, leaving the pair more or less alone. "You're mated", Jerry looked sadly into the fire and nodded, "How long since you saw him", Jerry turned to the Bata and smiled sheepishly. "Two days", Brock was shocked and glared at the other wolf, "Don't worry our pack isn't anywhere close, we were caught in a", he struggled with finding a word for sorcerer. The best he could come up with was priest, "Priestesses spell, hopefully my Alpha can work it out". Brock was surprised he had not known the moon priestesses had the ability to transport people over long distances. "Perhaps high mage would be a better way of putting it", Jerry scratched his head, "Where we are from the word is sorcerer or sorceress". Brock felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, the term sorcerer wasn't new to him, "Sorcerers are nothing but myths used to frighten pups", Brock laughed, his laughter fell silent when Jerry didn't laugh with him. "You have met sorcerers", Jerry didn't say yes he didn't have to his surprise at Brock thinking they were nothing more than a myth had spoken for its self. "You need to talk to Kevin", Jerry just looked at the Bata, "If you have a power to help us we need it, for generations we have been getting fewer in number and the other werecreatures lord it over us". Jerry was confused, "What do you mean other werecreatures, there are only werewolves", it was Brocks turn to be surprised. "Where are you from"? Was all he was able to ask, Jerry just shook his head, "You would not believe me if I told you, just take us to the greater pack alpha". Brock nodded understanding that he had already gotten more information from the strange Alpha then the alpha had wanted to give him. To be continued If you enjoy this story or the other stories at Nifty please donate at For comments and feedback contact me at