Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 19:21:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Cadoimond Sandoval Subject: Dream Boy chapter 2 Trademark 2004 Allen Aldrich, All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer: You cannot distribute this story, print it for publication, put it on another web site, display this story, nor publish it anywhere without the express written consent and permission of me. If it is in any way illegal for you to read this story in your country/state/town/village/cave/hovel w/e then stop, I take no responsibility for your actions. If your under 18, you'll probably be reading it anyway, so it'd be kind of useless for me to tell you to stop. By reading this chapter, you acknowledge you have read the full disclaimer. Notes: Well, theres chapter two, it should be getting posted in nifty when I send it in... So yeah, e-mail, reply, w/e Lemme know what you guys think. Joseph was a big help in me getting this story all worked out heh. If not for him, it would never get done. I jumped out of the shower and started to dry myself off, swiping a towel from the sink and wiping off the mirror. I watched the water drip off my hair, before rolling down my body and into the towel around my waist. I somehow knew today was going to be different from any other. The boy spoke to me, or at least I think he did. Were his lips moving? I don't think they were, the voice was coming from around him. Why did he leave so fast? So many questions I needed answers to, but where to get them from? I decided to call out sick to work. When I picked up the phone, though, I didn't recognize the voice on the other side of the receiver. "Allen... Help us..." the voice said. This couldn't be coming from my job! No one ever answered the phone like that before when I called. "Hello? Mister Savanger? Hello? Is anyone there?" I was getting frustrated again; this wasn't happening to me! I needed to know what was going on and I needed to know now! I hung up the phone and had started for the door when the phone began to ring again. I froze in my steps. Should I answer it? I didn't know who it was but I turned to retrieve the phone anyway. When I picked it up I only heard static. "This isn't fucking funny... who's there? Damn it, say something!" I heard a new voice on the other end, very quiet, almost like a whisper. "Allen, I need you to listen to me... there's been some odd things going around lately and you've been chosen to help us. You will be told everything you need to know once you get here, even though you don't have much choice in the matter..." The voice slowly trailed off and I heard another voice. I couldn't make out the words, it sounded like there were two people talking; I heard the whispered voice, but the other was too quiet. "Are you sure? This can't be good. Joseph isn't going to like this..." The sound seemed to cut from the phone; I stood there and looked at it for a minute before I could hear the static again. "Sir... Allen, I need you to close your eyes and picture the boy you saw yesterday if you could for me please." That didn't seem to be a problem for me, since I had been seeing him in my head all day, every day, for at least three weeks. I started to get dizzy and I didn't know why; I tried to open my eyes but they seemed sealed shut. I felt like I was going to get sick but I couldn't move at all. Something was holding me in an iron vice grip. My head started to scream at me; I could feel walls closing in around me. The dizzy feeling was getting worse. If this didn't end soon, my breakfast was going to end up on whatever it was holding me there. Then, as if it had never happened, the feeling was gone. I clenched my eyes shut and I didn't want to open them. I could feel a breeze coming from somewhere and I was scared. I got the chills as I felt a hand brush up against my face. Wherever I was, it smelled like roses and clean crisp air; I could almost taste a sweetness in my mouth. That's it. I was dreaming. I'm dreaming and I am going to wake up soon. I knew I had to open my eyes soon. I had been standing here at least 5 minutes, trying to see if I was either going to wake up or die; either one seemed possible at this point. I slowly opened one eye; I saw lots of light, and swirling darkness. I opened my other eye and saw swirling blues and greens. Then both sides seemed to collide together. In the center of them both was the boy from my dreams, the boy from the shower and from my bed. Ok, yes... it's official I am going insane; this isn't real, none of it. It can't be. I fell to my knees and started crying. "I never did anything that bad! Why me? This can't be happening! I have to be at work in like 20 minutes. I'm going to be late, every ones going to be mad at me... every ones always mad at me... this isn't real... it's not reality..." just sputtering on and on, I could hear him move even though he didn't make a sound. "Please, Allen... stand up. I can't greet you while you're on your knees. Well, not until later anyway," he chuckled at me, the same voice I had heard before did belong to him. I slowly started to stand; it was then I saw I was standing on nothing! There was nothing below me, nothing around me. Nothing except for all the swirling colors, and the boy standing in front of me, wearing the same black clothes he had been wearing in all of my dreams. "I... how did I get here? What the hell is going on? What's with all the..." I couldn't finish my question because just as the words left my mouth, his lips closed in over mine. My eyes opened wide in shock, this kiss was nothing like what I had expected. It was one hundred times better, if that's even possible. I mean, the taste... the heat... the raw emotion that seemed to pass from him into me through that one kiss. I closed my eyes, reached my arms around him, and pulled his body close to mine, rubbing one hand up the back of his head. My other hand seemed to find it's way to his face, just feeling it, moving around his ears. I knew then that this boy was mine, as I was his. We belonged together. Just as I somehow belonged in this place, I felt oddly out of place, kissing him without knowing even his name. I heard it in my head and the questions swam. Yes, I was going to wake up soon. I had to. This kid was almost as delusional as I was. If he even existed, which I found kind of hard to believe at this point. I broke the kiss then, pulling back and looking at Joseph. "No... this isn't real, none of it... not even you! What's going on? Please, just tell me..." Joseph took a deep breath as he crossed his arms in front of his body, spreading them out in front of him. I started to see a rippling coming from the air around his arms. He was in a slow dance with his arms, moving them out in front of himself, then crossing them and drawing them back. Soon the ripples turned into an almost mirror like constancy. Images started swirling in it. I saw another boy with short dark blue hair with an odd green tint to it. His clothes were not black, like Joseph's, but a light gray, though they were almost of the exact same design. This new boy had a blue rose, floating less then an inch above his right ear. I saw as the boy moved through blackness, his eyes closed, his arms close to his body. By the way his clothes were moving it looked as if he was falling and a wind was flowing from below him. Just as fast as the images started they were gone. Joseph was getting tears in his eyes; I could see he felt something for this boy. "Are... are you ok, Joseph?" I said while reaching my hand to grasp his shoulder. "Yes... I'm fine, but it will be better once we figure this out. It's never happened this way before..." Joseph moved back, away from my arm, and started to fade again. I jumped forward, grabbing his arm again. "Wait! What about me? You can't just leave me here," the terror on my face for even thinking he was going to leave me here was evidence enough to stop him from fading. "You're free to leave when you wish... the same way you got here," with those last words he began to fade again, the mist that was once his body swirling around my outstretched arm and up, swirling around my body before completely dissipating. "You've got to be kidding," I said to myself, not wanting to feel the almost-pain I felt when I first came here. I closed my eyes and saw a picture of my room, next to the phone and I started getting dizzy again.