Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 16:08:37 -0500 From: Kevin D Subject: Jakes Inner Wolf - Epilogue *DISCLAIMER: This story is fiction, any reflection of real life and any description of an area or person is purely coincidental. This story is about a young man who discovers himself and love as well as a few supernatural surprises along the way. There is death, love, hate, friendship, and bigotry. There are potentially scenes of M/M sexual contact in each chapter, do not continue reading if reading text of this nature is illegal where you are located, likewise if you are under the legal age to read pornographic material. Please enjoy and feel free to send comments. This is my first story being submitted to Nifty. Also, help us keep Nifty, the site we've come to love, alive and kicking by donating. Any little amount helps. Epilogue: A little more than 3 years has passed since the "death-duel" as I referred to it. Henrietta and Simon had themselves a little baby boy and she was pregnant with a girl right now. They live in the house across the street and down a little ways from us. William and Matthew have officially mated and built their house next door to ours, with only a thin line of trees separating our properties. Celena and Luke mated shortly after Celena's graduation and she has recently given birth to twins! A boy and a girl, they're talking about more but that's for the future to decide. John and I are still very happily mated and are in the process of having at least one child of our own! After some discussions with ourselves and then Celena and Henrietta, and of course Simon and Luke, we talked to a fertility doctor and are using our sperm and the girls' eggs with independent surrogates to have our own children. Henrietta and I have become nearly as close as brother and sister. Since she's blood, we're using Celena's egg first and my sperm and a surrogate to carry the baby. We asked around the pack and found a woman who was willing to carry the babies for us, as a wolf mother already she knew what to expect during a wolf pregnancy. She is currently only minutes away from giving birth, we've elected to not know if it's a boy or girl, or one or two (or more!) Looking over across the room John is pacing back and forth nervously, I can't help but smile. Our surrogate glances over and smiles even though the contractions are clearly causing her pain, she looks back at me, "the big tough ones are always the worst with this part," barely making the words out before screaming, the doctor exclaimed, "it's time!" Nurses began gathering around, and John and I each took one of her hands. I can't believe I was about to be a father. I had resolved that I would be a much better father than mine had been, but I also knew it was going to take a lot of work. At nearly 25 years old, I figured it was as good of a time as any to have a baby if I was going to have one. It seemed like ages later, but the babies were finally out. Twin boys. We each held one as we stood facing each other, looking at the babies and each other, unable to hold back any of the huge smiles we both had on our faces until the doctor said they needed to take the babies for the time being. Walking out into the waiting room to announce to all our friends, who have become as good as family, felt amazing. We stopped and looked at each other and beamed at everyone, "twin boys!" We announced in unison. There were congratulations all around. Henrietta and Celena were the quickest and first to reach us and give us hugs, with Simon, Luke, William and Matthew only a second behind them. Mr. and Mrs. Davies and Duke and his wife were both there, as well as John's mother and brother with his wife and daughter. John's fathers' death, by accepting a challenge to the death, didn't cause his mother to die shortly after him. I didn't fully understand it, but John said the same would have happened to me if he had lost. Regardless, everyone we loved was present for the birth of our sons. Several days later, we were bringing the boys home, we had decided on the names Zander and Xavier. Zander had a birthmark on his right chest right above his nipple, which we decided to use to tell them apart. Everything was perfect in my life. I had an amazing mate, and I loved being a werewolf. I had two gorgeous sons and we were planning to have another child in a couple years, hopefully a girl this time. A pet dog who loved playing with us when we were transformed and had been trained thoroughly as a guard dog, but when it was play time there were few animals as friendly and loving as him, in my opinion anyway. We both continued our work on Alpha Rich's farm, I was flourishing as an accountant for him. His brother had done an adequate job during his time with the farm, but didn't have the flare for it or the desire to find exemptions and grants for the farm to help it prosper. John remained foreman and was promoted to chief enforcer of the pack by Alpha Rich. Duke was also making it widely known that should he become Alpha under any circumstances, John would be his Beta. Life was good. No one even attempted to give us any more problems within the pack. Several of the bigots in town who were completely human and ignorant of our wolfish existence persisted their ranting but we took it in stride and just kept on with our lives. I have been training in town in Jiu Jitsu and with all of the guys on a regular basis as a wolf so that I could be a proper defender of myself and my children. I was confident now in my ability to defend myself and others. * *What could possibly hurt us now? **** Thank you everyone for all of your support throughout the series and during my hiatus from writing. It's the end of a section of their lives, but hopefully not the end of their story. I am mulling over ideas for picking up a new "section" of their story in the near future. Once I settle on a plot line that I feel I can do justice and isn't too unbelievable, I hope to continue with the story of Jake and John. It's been a lot of fun writing this story and your emails and support have been great! Feel free to keep in touch to find out about new stories or a continuation to this one!*