Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 19:13:37 EST From: Subject: The Leprechaun's Gold THE LEPRECHAUN'S GOLD By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM WWW.TOMMYHAWKSFANTASYWORLD.COM WWW.TOMMYHAWKSROGUEMOON.COM Martin awoke the way he had every morning for quite some time, his mother was standing over his bed, screeching! "Get out of bed, you lazy load of bones and blood, you!" she shouted, and grabbed at his bedsheet. Martin yanked it back from him. "Mum! I'm not dressed!" he said, pulling the sheet up ineffectually over his young, muscular body. His mother had disarranged the sheets so that he was figleafed by a rumpled line of sheet the width of his clutching fist at the apex, it fanned out to cover his feet but little else. "Then stir your naked rump out of there and get dressed, and go find yourself a position!" she shrieked at him. "All right, Mum." Martin said, wiping at his eyes. "I'll go right after I finish my work with the weights." "Working with weights." his mother sneered. "Closest thing to work you've ever done, and the only way you've worked up a sweat!" Martin pulled on his clothes and got out of there while his Mum continued to rave. She just didn't understand! If a man were to spend all his days working in the fields and all his nights resting up from the labor, he'd never have a chance to do anything else! He'd make his fortune one day, and until then, he intended to take care of himself and be ready for it! So he snatched a bit of bread out of the cupboard and strolled out of the house with as much equanimity as he could muster. He looked at his weights, simple stones bound to rods but they served their purpose. He flexed his arms, just to feel the bulge in his shirt, and decided to get out of hearing range; he could do his work-out later. For now, the brisk morning air beckoned, he could walk a few miles and see what there was to see. Maybe today, his opportunity would find him, and he knew it wouldn't be anywhere within range of Mum's morning voice! The Irish air was the sort that could only come in early spring, filled with the greens of freshly sprouted grass, the verdancy of the trees with their new-born leaves, the birds were busily staking out the territories where they would find their mates and build their nests. Soon, the trees would be filled with freshly-laid bird eggs! He could hear the songs in the trees, the many birds chirping and trilling and...what was that? Martin stopped and held his breath, cocked an ear carefully. Who was that singing? "Oh, the shoemaker's hammer goes rap-rap-rap! "The shoes he makes go tap-tap-tap! "The gold they bring goes clink-clink-clink! "Fills my pot o' gold to the brink-brink-brink!" A leprechaun? Martin marveled. Surely it couldn't really be a leprechaun! Could Martin really be so lucky as to have found a leprechaun at last? But that thin, reedy voice, what else could it be? "Steal up softly upon him." he told himself. "He'll be over in that set of bushes, he will. If I can but snatch the cap from him, he cannot vanish away, and will be forced to grant me a wish." And what man wouldn't wish for the leprechaun's pot of gold? With that much money, he could finally live the life he wanted, instead of that house filled with rags and broken pots that his mother kept filled with scraps. He was tired of scraps! The singing kept up, and Martin was as careful and quiet as he could be. He crept up, quiet as a mouse. There was the leprechaun, working away on his shoes. Leprechauns used up a lot of shoes, what with their all-night dances, any leprechaun would wear out ten pairs of shoes in a night. So plenty of them lined their pockets with cobbling shoes. A small man sitting at a cobbler's bench, the shoe in front of him. His little hammer was going tink-tink-tink-tink-tink as he hammered in the minuscule nails into the sole. It was delicate work even for his little size, and he was so intent on his work that Martin got up very close. The leprechaun's hat was hanging on a flower stalk near him. Martin inched closer, closer.... And the leprechaun saw him, turned, snatched the hat, put it on his head, and poof! Martin blinked from the flash of light...and the clearing was empty. But a leprechaun didn't move that easily. Martin knew that. If he could find the leprechaun again, he would be more careful the next time. He returned the next morning, on a day just as fair, with the trees just as green and a light wind blowing. Martin kept his ears cocked. And there it was again! "Oh, the shoemaker's hammer goes click-click-click! "The shoes he makes so quick-quick-quick! "The shoes he makes are all sold-sold-sold! "And bring the shoemaker gold-gold-gold!" This time, Martin was twice as careful. He slipped up until he could see the shoemaker, the pile of shoes near him. Luck was with him this time. The leprechaun's back was to him, and the cap was a bit further away. If he could be quiet, this time he could... "Snap!" went a twig at his feet. The shoemaker's head turned, he snatched up the cap and flash! Gone again. Three days later, Martin was still looking. This time he had to snatch the hat first, he had to! If he didn't....he'd heard stories about men who had chased leprechauns. They had three chances, no more! After that, the leprechaun would move to another copse of trees, maybe close by, maybe nowhere to be found! "Oh, the shoemaker's hammer goes clack-clack-clack! "The shoes I'm making are black-black-black! "To be worn by the prince so fine-fine-fine! "And the gold he pays is mine-mine-mine!" Martin moved carefully this time. He watched his every step, not a twig or an empty snail shell would betray him this time! The shoemaker was working away as before, and the cap was even a bit further from him this time, and a bit behind him, sitting atop a branch of a fallen tree, perched upon a smaller branchlet that stuck out into a convenient shape of a hook. Martin got closer....closer...and lunged! The leprechaun turned and made a snatch for the hat, but this time, Martin was quicker! He got the hat, he got it, held it above his head and waved it in his triumph. "Hoorah!" He cheered himself. "I've got it fair this time I have!" The leprechaun didn't curse him at all, nor even appear to be upset. Instead, he stood up and bowed to Martin. "A good morning to ye, laddie." he said. "And how are you doing this fine spring day?" "I'm the luckiest man on the entire green island of Ireland." Martin crowed. "I've gotten your hat, I have. You'll have to grant me a wish to get it back!" "Sure and you have listened to your grandmother's stories then, have you?" the leprechaun said. "That's the agreement we have with your people, it saves a lot of wear and tear upon our armies not to have to fight. But only one wish, mind you, after that, you can snatch all the hats you want and it'll do you no good, no leprechaun will grant you a wish to get it back." "My wish is simple enough. I'll be wanting your pot of gold." "And why would you be wanting gold, a young lad like you in the prime of life and strong as an ox, money would only turn out to be a burden to you. What do you want to buy with your gold?" "A better life!" Martin said. "A good home, good food, good friends...." "A home and good food you have, what with your mother living with you and caring for you." the leprechaun returned. "And friends you have aplenty as well when you go to the pub nights. I'll ask you again, what do you want to buy with the gold, for it's no good to you as gold, which only has to be gathered and counted and kept hidden from robbers." Martin hadn't considered it that way. "I want...I want to be happy." he said at last. "Really happy, all the time." "Ah, you seek the secret of happiness." the leprechaun said. "That's a secret worth more than all the gold there is." "Yes, it would be." Martin said dreamily. Happiness would mean no mother yelling at him, no rags for clothes, the finest food, and someone to love... "No!" he said sharply. "I'll take the pot of gold, I will." The leprechaun sighed. "All right, then. If gold is what you want, it's what you'll get. If it's happiness you want, you'll get that." "I'll take the gold and use it to search for the other. So where's it hidden, then?" Martin demanded. "I keep it right here." the leprechaun said. "Where?" Martin looked around. "Give it to me." "All right then. First thing you need to do is to take those clothes off your body." "Why?" "Magic of the Craft of the Old Ones." the leprechaun explained. "It doesn't work the way Christian magic does. Now, I'm a leprechaun of my word and if you'll do what I say, you'll carry away from here a pot of gold. Will that take care of your wish, then?" "All right." Martin sighed, and began unbuttoning his shirt. "I just hope the priest will be light on the penance this Sunday, is all." When he was undressed, he looked to see the leprechaun had also removed his clothing. The small form was fully male in every way, though on a more wiry frame. And this leprechaun had on him a bigger tool than many a man Martin had seen! For his own part, the leprechaun was pleased by Martin's body as well. "Sure and you've been working hard in the fields to build up a body such as yours." he said. "It take a lot of living to build a beautiful manly set of muscles such as your own." Martin didn't correct him. "All right, I'm wearing the same suit I was born in." he said. "What do I do now?" "We summon up the magic power of the Old Ones." the leprechaun said. "And doing that is simple enough." And the leprechaun grabbed hold of Martin's cock. Martin gasped as the leprechaun began to pull on his dick, his pud had been soft before, but it rapidly strengthened. The leprechaun was a shoemaker, and his fingers were strong and skilled, they worked their talented skill upon Martin's prong and excitation danced in its wake. "You say that this is the magic of the Old Ones you're doing?" Martin said. "It is." the leprechaun agreed. "Faith, and I've been casting magic spells meself every day since my tool first had some hair around the bottom of it." Martin sighed. "Only I never knew." "You knew." the leprechaun crooned. "Every time you hit your height of delight, the Old Ones were there, dancing their joy all around you. All the scandalized gasps of the saints can't remove that power from all that lives upon and inside the world. But it's not just the joy of the release that we are seeking here. You might have done this with your friends now and then...." "Now and then." Martin agreed. "...but that's only a feather in the cap of the magic I'm about to do." the leprechaun said. "You've got it in you now, the tingling of the shaft, the fluttering in the stomach, the brightening of the world around you, have you?" "I do, indeed." Martin sighed. "Then let's take you up to the next level of it, then." the leprechaun didn't have to stoop in the least to suck Martin's dong into his mouth, and he must have used some magic, for he took it completely down inside his throat. Martin groaned as the pleasure in his cock turned from a tingle to a pulsation, one that rippled up his shuddering back every now and then, spaced fairly far apart...but that would get faster, the longer the leprechaun kept up this amazing deep oral action upon his prick! "Mmm, mmmh!" Martin grunted as the leprechaun's head moved back and forth with an agility and speed that matched his talent in making his shoes. He looked down at the marvelous head of this magical creature that had matched his body to Martin's, the top of the head was going a bit bald as did many of the leprechauns in the stories, no wonder they favored their hats so much. Martin panted as he watched that red-headed, fair-skinned form less than half his height move upon his cock, and the joy that was the very essence of maleness surged up within him. The leprechaun lifted his head off of Martin's dick and regarded it judiciously. "I think you're about primed for the main action now." he decreed. "Main action?" Martin whimpered. He was already in an enraged state, his prickhead was a red angry color and seethed as it begged to re-enter the dark, warm, soft interior once again! "Sit yourself down there." the leprechaun motioned to the log. "And soon you'll have your pot of gold and your chance at happiness." Martin did, his body shivering, partly from the coolness of the springtime air and partly from the desire that now rampaged through his body. "Whatever magic you're making." he nearly whimpered to the leprechaun, "you need to finish it soon or I'll make a sticky mess all over you for nothing, I will." "We're nearly done." the leprechaun assured him. "And it's time I got some pleasure of my own here." Martin didn't know what the leprechaun wanted, but decided if he had to suck a little dick for the Little Person before him, he'd go ahead and do his best. But the leprechaun got up and squatted down over Martin's prick, and Martin's spit-slicked dong dove into the leprechaun's interior, the leprechaun sighing with his pleasure at being impaled by a cock that was proportionately far bigger than anything Martin would have cared to try to handle! "Ah, the feel of the steel in your manly reel is what I need for my deed, my handsome steed." the leprechaun sighed. "It's been many a year and more since your people and mine were friends, and we shared our life and our laughter together. The time of the Old Ones, the time before that God of yours came across the water and frowned upon our joy." "You've done this before?" gasped Martin. "I never knew it could be done, even, I would have thought I'd be too big for you." "Joy can be of any size." the leprechaun said. "And joy is the rock you build your life upon if you're wise. Are you certain you don't want just the happiness instead of my gold?" "No." Martin panted. This leprechaun was using his body to try to trick Martin, he would not be swayed. Though a bigger prize than the screaming pleasure that raged through his body right now was hard to fathom. Perhaps he, the money was a certain thing, and happiness, when grounded in poverty, could not be the all of it. "!" "Ah, ah, it's coming." the leprechaun said to him as he bounced up and down upon Martin's crotch, his small ass distended alarmingly to accommodate Martin's man-sized pud. "You're about to get all the gold you could ever dream of wanting or needing." ", HUH!" Martin was climaxing, squirting his jizz in a hard, frenetic orgasm that shook his body like it was caught in the teeth of an angry bear rather than sprawled under the agile buttocks of a leprechaun's ass. He pumped hard and fast and the leprechaun was milking him hard, moving as fast as before, and Martin realized dimly through the haze of his joy that the leprechaun was about to reach his own climax. And as he did, as Martin subsided into the last dregs of his ejaculation, as the leprechaun threw back his head and keened...the magic happened. A pot appeared before him, and as it solidified, the leprechaun squirted his jism into the air in a thick, white, high arc. And as Martin watched with dazzled eyes, the jizz of the leprechaun converted into gold coins and landed in the pot. The amount of the gold that poured into that container was enormous, and the leprechaun's orgasm lasted far longer than Martin's, and as the sperm squirted skyward, it turned into glittering gold! It filled that large-sized pot to full and then some, a high mounded pile of gold ended up above the rim, and when that mound threatened to overflow onto the ground, the leprechaun's squirting stopped and he sagged down onto Martin's body and gasped in his effort. "There's your pot of gold." the leprechaun gasped out. "Does this satisfy your wish, and will you now give me back my hat and never again take from any leprechaun ever again?" "I'm satisfied." Martin said. "You've granted my wish in full." His eyes danced over the pot of gold, more money there than he could ever hope to spend. His opportunity had arrived, for certain. The leprechaun gave him a bow and smile and disappeared, and with him all of his appurtenances. Only the pot of gold remained. Martin smiled as he regarded the immense wealth before him. Reached down to pick up the pot...and was stonkered. The pot was too heavy! It held too much gold! He'd never be able to carry it even if he managed somehow to lift it all! Line his pockets, then. He tried to pick up a single piece of the gold, but found that heat had melted these gold pieces together, they were all in one big lump inside that cast-iron pot, and wouldn't come apart! Not a single loose coin in all this massive pile of gold! What to do? He had nothing with him, he couldn't bury the pot, couldn't even move it. Roll it like a barrel down the main street of the town? With all the thieves about, his life wouldn't be worth a brass farthing the moment they saw that gold. "It isn't fair." he complained. "It just isn't fair! All this money and I can't do anything with it!" A taunting voice came to him from the near distance, the leprechaun's voice. "The shoemaker's hammer goes ting-ting-ting, "He works all day to make it ring-ring-ring, "The work brings in gold all the day-day-day, "And his happiness comes by the way-way-way." Martin heard that and he sighed, shook his head, smiled. A man ought to know when he's licked, for fair. "All right, leprechaun." he said. "You win. I'll trade in the gold if you'll give me happiness." "Done and done. It'll be waiting for you. Just look for the sparkle that tells you where to look." came the leprechaun's voice. There was the almost-familiar flash, and when Martin blinked his eyes, he was all alone; the pot of gold had returned to wherever it had been before. Looking about, he sighed and said, "Well, I'd better go back to the village and try to find me a position." he said. "Opportunity has just come and gone, and I've missed it for certain. Time to turn to and try to earn a living for myself from now on, it is." On his way back to the village, he saw that the old O'Hanrahan place had a new tenant in it. A young man was in the field, laboring to till a fair-sized field. "Hello!" Martin called out, and the fellow, glad to have an excuse to rest a while, came over. "New in the county, are you?" "Yes, I am." the man said. "Just took over this farm and have to get my crop in quick as I can." This man was near Martin's age, and fully as strong, though the muscles this man bore were from work and his hand were heavily calloused, but his eyes were clear and honest and his jaw spoke of integrity with every fiber. "Would you be needing a helper then?" Martin said. "I could use some employment." "I need someone that's for sure." the man said. "I'm Sean Reilly, and I'll pay you a fair wage for a fair day's work." "Done and done." Martin said and put out his hand. As he did, and the two shook, Sean smiled and Martin saw a distinct sparkle in his eye. Sean didn't turn loose of Martin's hand, and his eyes went over Martin's body in a way very like the leprechaun had done earlier, and Sean licked his lips. "It'll be a pleasure to have you working with me." Sean said. "And I'm happy to do it." Martin agreed. He hadn't been cheated out of his wish by the leprechaun after all! And the gold promised by Sean's eyes was one that could never be stolen away. THE END Comments, Complaints or Suggestions? Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM. WWW.TOMMYHAWKSFANTASYWORLD.COM WWW.TOMMYHAWKSROGUEMOON.COM