Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 07:27:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Henry Brooks Subject: Men of Collosia Science Fiction The Men of Collosia (for Reuben) The tiny two man spacecraft was acting erratically, but the two crew members were not aware of any disturbances. Both of them lay in a state of suspended animation inside two very cramped pods. The ship had been launched from the mother planet slightly over one hundred years ago. Their mission was to explore beyond their solar system, even beyond their galaxy, in a never ending quest to find intelligent life somewhere else in the universe. Delicate instruments recorded every moment of their voyage, constantly transmitting data back to home base. If and when life was detected on any sphere, robotic instruments would safely land the space craft, the crew would be awakened, and exploration would begin. If no life was found after two hundred years of attempted discovery, the ship would be directed to return to its mother planet, Saturnia, in the solar system of Proteus, in the galaxy of Neutra. On Saturnia, scientists were celebrating joyously. Bottle after bottle of vita was being consumed in celebration. The space craft had entered into a solar system which consisted of three planets orbiting equi-distantly around a yellow star. Instruments detected life on one of the planets. The other two were void of any detectable life. The ship was adjusting itself for a landing on the planet where life existed. As the ship headed for the planet, dubbed Discovery One (D1) by the scientists on Saturnia, the jubilation turned to horror. The signals they were receiving were suddenly full of static. The instruments aboard the craft were not acting as planned. They determined that the ship was descending too quickly, and could very well burn up when it entered the atmosphere of D1. They decided on a bold plan. They were quickly losing contact with the ship, and before all communication was severed, they sent signals to awaken the sleeping crew members. They reasoned that they were doomed if the ship was to crash, but if the crew was awakened, they might be able to safely land the ship manually. The two pods were suddenly infused with anti-soma gas and in a flash the two crewmen awoke. The glass covers of the pods sprung open and Chris and Christa emerged. They immediately grasped the severity of their situation. Ignoring their nudity, they ran to the controls of the spacecraft and were able to slow their descent somewhat. They had no time to fire the retro rockets, so they maneuvered the ship into a position which would enable it to land on its belly. They were still descending too quickly, and below them they spotted an area of thick foliage. Chris managed to keep the craft above the foliage until he saw a clearing beyond. As soon as he cleared the foliage he brought the ship in for a landing. The space craft landed bumpily and skidded until it hit another area of thick foliage. The craft crumbled and the pilots lost consciousness. ****** Hundreds of young men and women had volunteered for this journey of discovery and exploration. After months of physical and psychological testing, Chris and Christa were selected. They were both twenty Saturnian years old and in prime physical condition. They were slated to undergo a year of intensive training for the mission. They shared the same quarters and were encouraged to engage in sexual intercourse. The scientists wanted them to be compatible. In the unlikely event of a forced landing on some distant planet they would have the potential to populate the planet. Fortunately, for the mission and for themselves, the two astronauts fell in love. The scientists considered this a good omen. Lovers would surely look after each other in the face of imminent danger. On the night before the mission was to be launched, Chris and Christa were served a hearty meal. They each drank a little too much vita, but it did not stop them from making wild and uninhibited love. After all, this night would be there last night on Saturnia and possibly their last night of life. Before entering the pods, the pair stripped naked. They hung their clothes carefully in a small clothes closet. Their bodies were sterilized, and they stepped into the pods. Invisible signals closed and sealed the tiny space which could very well become their coffins. When instruments at the space station were satisfied that the pods were fully sealed, they were filled with soma gas, and the two travelers fell asleep immediately. They did not dream, and in their state of suspended animation, they were, for all intents and purposes, as good as dead. Years later, as the space ship approached the planet with some form of life on it, Chris and Christa were brought to consciousness as quickly as it had been taken from them. They assessed the situation immediately, and maneuvered the ship into the best landing possible. Their few moments of consciousness were short lived. When the ship crashed into the thick foliage, it was demolished beyond repair, and they became unconscious once again. The impact of the crash broke all the seals in the space ship which was designed to maintain the atmosphere of Saturnia for the crew. The atmosphere of the alien planet now filled their lungs and fortunately their lives were sustained. The atmosphere of the alien planet could sustain Saturnian life forms. ****** Christa awoke and looked around her. She was alarmed to note that there was nobody in the large bedroom. Where was Chris? The room was sparsely furnished with a huge bed, a dresser and a lamp. The minimal furniture would have fit comfortably in one tenth the size of this room. She was covered by a thin sheet, but she knew that she was naked. She threw off the sheets and examined her body. There was not a scratch on her. How could that be? Before losing consciousness, she had felt the cuts and gashes which had abused her body. Feeling very exposed she looked around for something to cover her nakedness, but all she had was the bed sheet. She was frightened and disoriented so she pulled the sheet back on her body, and determined to wait there until her benefactor arrived. She didn't have to wait long. Monitors in the room indicated that she was awake, and moments later the door opened. Christa was relieved to see Chris enter with another man. The man was tall, young, well built and very handsome, but he was not made of the same composition as a Saturnian. He was completely bald. He had no eyebrows and his skin tone was so white, he was nearly an albino. Still, he was attractive even by Saturnian standards. Christa tried not to look, but it was impossible. Both Chris and the stranger were naked, and the stranger was exceptionally well endowed. Chris was considered large on Saturnia, but this strange man was at least two inches longer and much thicker. Chris ran to Christa and she could see that he too did not have a scratch on his body. They embraced and kissed, if not passionately, gratefully. They were happy to see each other alive and well. The man who was with Chris was expressionless as he observed the intimacy between the two aliens. It did not escape his notice that Chris had begun to erect. At the sight of it, he did also, so he had to interrupt them. He had already explained everything to Chris, but now he wanted to explain to Christa what had transpired since the crash. He sat down on the edge of the bed and began his narrative: "You have landed on the planet we call Collosia. Our planet is inhabited by approximately ten thousand men. We all live in one city on the side of the planet facing our star. We only rotate once in our orbit around the star, so we live on the side which always faces it. The dark side is uninhabitable. "Many millennia ago, we learned how to clone ourselves from the seed of a male. There were women on the planet then, but we only used them to procreate. All the clones were male of course, so in one generation all the females died off. They were no longer a necessity, you see, because we men only used ourselves for recreational sex." "But how is it you speak our language?" Christa interrupted. "I don't," the tall man answered. "We have implanted a translating device into your brains so that we can understand each other. Shall I continue?" Christa nodded. "When the women died off," he related, "we were about ten thousand men. We wished to keep it that way so as not to deplete the life sustaining bounties of the planet. As each man reaches his maturity, he deposits a sample of his semen in a sperm bank where it is frozen. When that man dies, one of his seeds is cloned. That way, the population is controlled and is always constant. After the clone is decanted, and deemed to be healthy, the rest of the donor's sperm is destroyed. "When you two arrived, you upset the balance. There were some of us, who called for your death, but we do not kill or murder, and it was decided to let you live rather than go against our nature. As head doctor for scientific research I volunteered to be responsible for your acclimation to our planet and for your well being. I have been appointed to be your protector and guardian. Chris has told me that on your planet, you are both twenty one years old. As best as I can calculate, we live for more than one thousand Saturnian years. I am one hundred twenty years old by your reckoning, quite young by Collosia standards, barely in my prime," he smiled. "You say that you are our protector," Christa interjected. "As the only woman on the planet, should I be afraid that I might be attacked and raped?" "Not at all," the kind man said, "it is not in our nature to desire women." Chris shuddered. "Do you mean that this is a homosexual society? It is not in my nature to have sex with men. Christa is my mate. Will I be allowed to stay with her?" "Yes, of course. But she cannot have children. That would upset our balance even further. Should you impregnate her, the child would be aborted. Christa will eventually die, and it has already been decided that your seed cannot be preserved for cloning. When you die the balance will be restored." "So we are to live here with you?" Chris asked. "May we know your name?" "Yes, I am so sorry. That was very rude of me. My name is Vasco, Dr. Vasco." He actually held out his hand in Saturnian fashion, and both Christa and Chris shook it. "I must know," Christa asked. We were badly hurt in the crash, but we don't have a single bruise on our bodies. How is that possible?' "Apparently our medicine is far beyond yours. I was able to heal all your cuts, abrasions and bruises in a fraction of an interval. Chris told me that it would have taken many periods on your planet." "We thank you for that," Chris said and he smiled at Vasco. He could only wonder how long a period and an interval were. "I'll leave you now," Vasco said. "I sense your need to copulate. On your planet it is a private matter. On Collosia we are not embarrassed to copulate wherever, whenever, and with whomever, as the mood strikes us. Rarely do two men wish to be exclusive. It is allowed, but definitely frowned upon. Such behavior generally leads to jealousy and strife. "When you are done and refreshed, we shall have dinner and discuss what talents you both possess so that you can become productive members of our society." As soon as Vasco left the two Saturnians, he went into his laboratory. He turned on sensitive equipment, and hidden cameras monitored the activity in the bedroom he had assigned to his two wards. He was amazed at what he saw. When two Collosian men had sex it was lustful and intense, but as he watched Chris and Christa, he could sense their passion and their love. He could also sense the intensity of their orgasms. He grew jealous. This was a new emotion for him, which he did not understand. He vowed to have sex with Christa at least once in secret. It was his chance to experience something new, and something that he might never experience again. When Chris deposited his seed deep within Christa, Vasco could determine that her eggs were not at a point where she could become pregnant. He sighed with relief. No abortion would be necessary this time. ****** Chris was very good with his hands and he was assigned to work with a corps of carpenters and other construction workers. They built new structures, but mostly repaired older ones. There was little use for new construction in a static population. He enjoyed his work, mainly because there was no stress on the job. Everyone was laid back and a job took as long as it took, without enforced deadlines. This was a welcome relief from life on Saturnia. His co-workers were curious about his blond hair and pink tinted skin, but they were friendly. Since nobody wore clothes on Collosia, often one of them would grab his cock and tease him. They wanted to know if it grew hard and stiff like theirs did. They all wanted to have sex with him to see if it was the same with him as with one of them. This made Chris very nervous. He was afraid that he might be raped. He needn't have worried. The only sex these men knew was consensual. Although he would not permit any of his new friends to have their way with him, he witnessed them having sex among themselves several times a day. One day, he realized that he was getting aroused and he had to turn away. Christa was given a job as a chef in a very fine restaurant. The men there were curious about her body and often asked if they could examine her breasts and view her vagina, but none were interested in having sex with her. It was not unusual for two of the cooks to have sex while dinner was being prepared. Apparently, if they were in the mood, they just went at it. This amused Christa, but she tried to ignore it. She had grown quite used to the nudity displayed on the planet. Even though there were no nights on Collosia, the time was separated into seven periods which consisted of twenty intervals each. Eight of those intervals were for work and twelve were for sleep and recreation. The general population worked for five periods in a row and had every sixth and seventh periods off. Since Christa worked in a restaurant which was busiest during the sixth and seventh periods, her time for recreation was the first and second period. Dr. Vasco worked at home in his laboratory. He was alone in the house with Chris on the sixth and seventh periods and alone with Christa on the first and second. As a man in this male society, Chris began to make friends more readily than Christa. On his periods off, he and Vasco often went out together to socialize with friends. Wherever he went, Chris saw men having sex. Try as they might, none of them could get Chris to have sex with them. Vasco never tried. Chris would not admit it even to himself but he was usually aroused at the sight of all that sucking and fucking. After awhile he stopped trying to hide his erection. It seemed that everyone else walked around with a perpetual hard on. It was the norm in this society. As much as he resisted temptation, he began to wonder what it would be like. He compensated by having as much sex with Christa as their busy schedules permitted. He would have used contraception, but none existed on the planet. For whatever reason, Christa did not get pregnant, and no abortions were necessary. The male curiosity about the only female body they had ever seen did not extend to friendship outside of the workplace. Christa was alone on the planet. On her periods off, she mainly spent her days reading Collosian books or being instructed by Vasco in the history and culture of the planet. She was growing fonder and fonder of Vasco. She even considered seducing him, erroneously thinking that once he had tasted a woman's body, he would prefer her to the men he had sex with at every opportunity. She might have thought less of him if she knew that he was viewing every sexual encounter that she and Chris engaged in. Vasco was totally surprised at his voyeuristic tendencies. Each period he vowed not to look again, but each period he broke his resolution. He began to want Christa more and more, not that he lusted after her, but because he wanted to take advantage of a once in a life time experience. He wanted to experience what his ancient male ancestors had experienced. Finally during a period one, after Chris had gone to work, Vasco approached Christa's door. He knocked gently. She was still in bed, but she bade him enter. She was so used to his nudity and her own, that all shame had left her. He came in and sat down on the bed next to her. He took her hand and looked longingly into her eyes, mimicking all of Chris's actions and embellishing a bit. His gaze was hypnotic and Christa felt her nipple's getting hard. Vasco knew that Chris often played with Christa's nipples, and he asked her, "May I feel your nipples. They are harder and larger than usual." Christa could hardly breathe, much less talk. She simply nodded. Vasco began to massage her nipples and she involuntarily sighed. With her eyes closed, she reached out her hand and embraced Vasco's fast growing cock. It was his turn to sigh. Her touch was feathery and gentle, not at all like the rough touches of the men he had been with. He was afraid he was going to cum prematurely. He also knew that he would never repeat this episode again. Quickly he mounted Christa and she guided his cock into her weeping vagina. Vasco was so much bigger than Chris, but she was secreting so much lubricating fluid that Vasco was able to enter her easily. If his cock was a normal Saturnian size, he would have been disappointed. Her love canal would not have been nearly as tight and warm as the many ass holes he had entered. But he was extra large, and Christa's vagina clamped tightly around him and he was not disappointed in the least. After a few short thrusts he came, leaving Christa unsatisfied. He knew that she was often unsatisfied after Chris came so he did what Chris did. He went down between her legs and found the tiny penis just inside her vagina. He licked it, ignoring the smell and the taste, and brought her to orgasm three times in a row. As Christa lay exhausted, Vasco disengaged himself and went to his laboratory. There he prepared a paper to submit to the Science Board. He explained that he had impregnated the female alien as a scientific experiment. He asked permission for the baby to be gestated to term. If it was a girl, she would be a companion to her mother, who must be very lonely on this all male planet. If it was a boy, it could eventually replace him, and he would agree to forego cloning. As an afterthought he added that Chris seemed to be infertile, and cloning might be impossible, even though the Council had forbidden it anyway. He never mentioned that he had been putting a drug in Chris's food to make him infertile. The gestation period for a clone baby on Collosia was 48 periods. For Christa's half breed baby it would be 60 periods. When she realized that she was pregnant, Vasco took her and Chris into his office and told them what had happened. He asked them to forgive him for his scientific curiosity. He reminded them that scientific inquiry was part of their mission. At first the space travelers felt angry and betrayed, but they came to realize that without Vasco, their lives would be over. After awhile they saw it in their hearts to forgive him. After all, they reasoned, the rules were quite different on this planet than on theirs. There was a lot more sexual freedom here, and a lot less man dictated sexual constraints and morals. Vasco wasn't sure how long the gestation period would be, but he ordered Chris not to sleep with Christa lest he do the baby some harm. He told Chris that during the pregnancy, he would be sleeping in his bedroom with him. Chris was frightened, not by Vasco, but by the feelings deep within him which were growing stronger every day. ****** In Vasco's defense, it must be said that he gave no thought to sexual orientation. Everyone on the planet was a homosexual male, and anyone could have sex with anyone else. So the first night that he and Chris shared a bed, he hunkered right up to Chris and shoved his immense hard on right against Chris's thigh. Chris was expecting this, and didn't flinch or move a muscle. He didn't give Vasco any go ahead signs either. Vasco threw one arm around Chris's waist and let his fingers wander down to Chris's very erect cock. He began to stroke it. "You're smaller than I'm used to," he said, "but you have a beautiful body and your cock is more than adequate." On Saturnia, many of Chris's friends were circumcised, but here everyone was uncut. Chris was glad that he had not been cut, and didn't have to explain the missing foreskin. Vasco could read his mind and whispered in his ear, "Thousands of your years ago we outlawed circumcision as being barbaric. I'm glad you are still in tact also. Otherwise I would have to take some skin from your groin and graft on a foreskin." The thought of grafting on a foreskin made Chris shudder. Vasco misinterpreted the shuddering. He believed it came from Chris's fear. "I know this is your first time," Vasco said in a soothing voice. "Don't worry. I lectured last week at the Sex Education Institute. I deflowered a young boy virgin as I demonstrated good technique to him and the class. I was very gentle and I'll treat you just like that young boy." Vasco rolled Chris over so that they were facing each other. Chris instinctively drew back his head. He was afraid that Vasco would try to kiss him. Vasco laughed. "I told you not to worry. Whatever we do together I promise that you will find it to be a pleasant experience." That being said, he placed his lips on Chris's and started kissing him very gently as he had seen Chris kiss Christa. The warmth of Vasco's kiss ignited Chris's libido. It was he who forced Vasco's lips open and allowed their tongues to touch. It was a good start, but Chris was afraid to do anything further. He knew well enough what to do from observing his friends and co-workers, but he was still frightened of having sex with a man. "If you are to exist on our planet, you must become one of us," Vasco said unexpectedly in a firm voice. "You have no place to go so please do everything I tell you to do and don't argue. I know that you will thank me in the end." "I know that you're right," Chris croaked out, but I can't help being a little frightened." "I promise that I will not hurt you," Vasco answered more gently. "Now I want you to just lie back and let me do all the work. Your turn will come tomorrow." Chris jumped a little when Vasco said tomorrow. The novice lay back on the soft pillow. He closed his eyes and felt Vasco's lips on his. Their mouths opened and they flicked their tongues lightly against one another. Chris's cock started to get really hard when he felt Vasco's lips running down his body. First Vasco kissed his ears, then his neck and then he began to suckle Chris's nipples. Chris never opened his eyes. It was as if he was afraid of what he might see. Before long he felt Vasco's tongue licking his balls and the shaft of his penis. He raised his butt involuntarily, urging Vasco to take him. He had always wanted to experience oral sex, but he was afraid to ask Christa. He feared she might be offended. "Please," he moaned, and Vasco took him into himself. Chris did everything he could to delay his orgasm, but just when he felt that it might be too late, Vasco stopped sucking him and his orgasm subsided. "Why?" Chris asked. "Shhh!" Vasco answered. Chris felt Vasco stroking his cock. He still could not open his eyes. Soon he realized that Vasco was doing more than stroking him. He was applying some sort of ointment. Chris knew what was up. He began to tremble, not with fear, but with desire. Vasco straddled Chris. He reached behind him and took Chris's moist rod into his hand. He placed the dripping cockhead on his crack and slowly sat down on Chris. As Chris entered him to the hilt, Vasco smiled. He was used to much larger cocks and he hardly felt this one. He tried to tighten his ass as much as he could around Chris's manhood. When he had tightened up as much as he could, he began to ride Chris, who came screaming after only a few thrusts. When Chris softened and fell out, Vasco rolled over and they lay side by side. "Do we have to wait until tomorrow for my instructions to continue? I think I'm ready for more," Chris said. He leaned over and kissed Vasco. "Don't fall in love with me," Vasco said. "I'm instructing you for every man on the planet. And yes, you have to wait until tomorrow. The Collosian cock is much larger than yours. It will take awhile for me to prepare your ass to receive one. While I'm doing that, you will start by giving me oral sex." "Couldn't I try some of that tonight?" Chris begged. "I thought you could only have sex with a woman?" Vasco teased. "I thought so too," Chris answered, "but I really enjoyed the male sex we just had. Maybe that's because there's no shame attached to it here. It really is an awesome thing." "Very well, suck my cock," Vasco said. "If you want it that badly, you can have it." ****** The next day Chris shaved his head and his eyebrows before he went to work. At work, Chris surprised his co-workers by joining in the horse play. During the course of the day, he fucked one of them, got sucked off by one and he sucked off another. Except for his size everyone agreed that there was no difference in the sex. This was the day that Chris was accepted into the Collosian society. Christa went to work every day. Her co-workers suspected nothing. They had never seen a pregnant woman and would never see one again. The cattier among them whispered that Christa was getting fat. The bolder ones even suggested diets to her. One morning she called in sick. Her time had come. Nobody on the planet knew how to birth a baby so Chris and Vasco took the reins. Christa was screaming in pain. Chris remembered that she had to dilate her vagina, but he couldn't see any progress. Dr. Vasco had removed many a cloned fetus from a bottle when the time was ripe, but all this was new to him. He had sterile gauze available and a knife to cut the umbilical cord. They prepared a soft antiseptic solution to wash the baby and plenty of blankets. When Christa could no longer tolerate the pain, Vasco gave her an anesthetic. He ran his hand over her belly to make sure that the baby was still viable. His eyes grew wide as he announced to Chris. "There are two of them. We better get more blankets ready. Chris ran to get the blankets and Vasco ran his hands over Christa's belly. He could distinctly feel the two babies lying across her uterus in a head to toe position. He knew that this was not good. The babies had to come out head first. He tried to turn them from outside, but even if he did, one of them would come out feet first. That would not be good either. When Chris returned, Vasco filled him in on the dreadful situation. "We'll have to do a Caesarian section," Chris announced. "What the hell is that?" Vasco asked, very befuddled. "My mother told me that I was lying sideways like these twins. They couldn't turn me so they were forced to cut her open and do a C Section, that is, a Caesarian section. They took me out and sewed her up and that was that." "I can't do it," Vasco said. I know nothing about the female anatomy." "Do the best you can. It's your only chance to save your babies and Christa," Chris urged. "Stay with her. I'll get my surgical kit." When they took the twin boys out, they spent too much time cutting the cords, cleaning the infants and examining them. The boys were healthy enough, and resembled Collosians more than Saturnians. They were both glad about that because it would be easier if they fit in. When the babies were attended to, Dr. Vasco finally returned to Christa. He did a masterful job putting her back together again, but she had lost too much blood and she died before she was fully sewn up. Vasco and Chris held themselves closely to console one another. As they did, their naked bodies rubbed together and they began to erect. "Later," Vasco said. He made a call to the institution where cloned babies were raised, schooled, and taught sex education. "They'll be here within the interval," he said. Chris did not object. He expected this. They were not in a position to raise little babies. The next call he made was to the crematory to take Christa's body. While they waited for the men from the institution and the men from the crematory, they cleaned up the mess. By the time the babies and Christa's body were gone, the place was immaculate. The two men looked around and finally Chris surprised Vasco by announcing, "Well, we are an all male planet again." "How do you feel about losing Christa?" Vasco asked. Chris shrugged his shoulders. "She's not you," he said. He took Vasco's hand and led him to the bedroom. ****** Chris and Vasco visited the nursery as often as they could. They played with the twins, brought them gifts, and when the other children got jealous, they brought gifts for the entire nursery. When a child reached puberty, he was assigned to a foster parent, or if two men lived together, two children were assigned to the household. The twins were assigned to the home of Dr. Vasco and his ward Chris. Besides the twins, Chris was the only other man born of a woman on the entire planet. Long before the boys came to live with them, a miracle occurred in Dr. Vasco's house. Chris was not aging at the rate of a typical Saturnian. Vasco ran many tests. There was no doubt that Chris had begun to age at the same rate as a typical Collosian. Vasco could not determine if it was the atmosphere, the diet, the life style, or a combination of all three, but the simple truth was that Chris did not look a day older than he did on the day he arrived. However, his physical appearance began to alter. Even though he arrived fully mature, he grew another six inches and his cock grew and thickened as well. He was almost as tall and well endowed as Vasco. He lost his beautiful yellow hair and his eyebrows. Only his skin pigment remained unchanged, but you had to look closely to see that he was more pink than almost colorless. As for the twins, there was no way anyone could tell that they were anything other than Collosians. Clones always took the name of their deceased father, so the twins were named Vasco and Chris even though they still lived. By the time they arrived at Vasco's home they were fully developed and had received a full, instructional, sex education. There were no blood families on the planet so the boys thought nothing about having sex with each other. In fact they rather enjoyed it. As soon as clones were assigned a foster parent, they would have sex with the parent as well. Later, when one of them took over the home of a recently deceased Collosian, they left the foster home and could become foster parents themselves. Vasco and Chris would have the twins for many periods to come. When they were out in the world, the elder Vasco and Chris had sex often with friends, co-workers and strangers, but they slept together at night and had sex together. It would be more accurate to say that they made love rather than that they had sex. What was the difference? Sex between them was always about pleasing the other. Sex with the others was all about pleasing themselves. From the first night, the twins arrived, they invaded their parents' bed and the four of them made love. They thought nothing of it. Vasco would never tell his sons that he was their natural father, still living, and that they were not clones. He did not wish them to feel different from the boys they grew up with and had sex with. As for Chris and Vasco they never used the word `love,' but they made no secret how much they cared for each other and the twins. The foursome was very compatible. Dr. Vasco and his son Vasco always preferred to be a bottom, and the two Chrises preferred to top them. They sometimes switched positions for some variety, but basically one of the Chrises would top one of the Vascos when they had sex. There was never any jealousy in the house and the foursome had plenty of sex outside the household as they went about their daily routines. The younger Vasco inherited his father's talents and attended medical school. The younger Chris inherited his mother's talents and was attending a culinary arts school. The four men secretly loved each other in a society where love was frowned upon. One evening the twins went out with their friends, and Vasco and Chris were home alone. They sat on a sofa holding hands and reading the newspaper. Vasco heard a strange noise coming from Chris. He looked over to Chris and saw that his ward was crying. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing," Chris answered. "I'm crying because I'm happy." It took Vasco a few seconds to process what Chris had said. On Collosia everybody was happy. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Saturnia is a planet ruled by strife and tension. Wars, hunger, disease, racial and gender strife exist there. Bigotry reins supreme. Every group tries to get you to live as they live. Heterosexuals hate homosexuals, and homosexuals distrust heterosexuals. Every religious group thinks that their way is the only way that the Supreme Being will accept them. Some religions are so bigoted that they will murder anyone who doesn't worship as they do. Men and women do not understand each other and are mistrustful of each other." "It sounds like a perfectly awful place to live," Vasco commented. "I know now that it is worse than awful. It's what we call HELL. That's why I am so happy. On Collosia I found Utopia. There is only one gender, no organized religion, and only one race. Ergo there is no strife and no jealousy. That's why I am crying for happiness. My life is so much richer than it would have been on Saturnia. And for the supreme bonus, if I hadn't come here, I never would have met you. My dear Vasco, I cannot describe to you how happy you and your two sons make me. I still can't believe my good fortune." Vasco embraced Chris and patted him on the back. "Don't cry, my friend," he said. "You make me happy too. If you and Christa had not come here, I would never have lived to see my own progeny. For that I am grateful to you." Vasco could not bring himself to say, "my love," but he said, "my friend," in such a way as to convey his true feelings to Chris. The two men held each other tightly. Vasco was very moved by the confessions the two men had made to each other. He pushed his erection against Chris, who was now almost as tall as he was. Their two hardons rubbed together and Chris moaned in delight. Vasco fell to his knees and consumed Chris's cock in his mouth. He got it good and wet with his saliva and then rolled over flat on his back. Chris fell on top of him as Vasco raised his ass and wrapped his legs around Chris. Chris entered Vasco easily and began to pump slowly and sensuously. Both men were moaning with delight when the front door burst open. The younger Chris and Vasco bounded in with two hot young men whom the older men had not seen before. "Carry on, Dads," Vasco Jr. yelled as the four youths headed for the bedroom. Chris continued stroking and spilt his seed deep within Vasco. He collapsed on top of Vasco and the two kissed passionately. "You're crying again. Let's stop being so emotional, Chris," Vasco said. "It seems that there's a lot of activity around here tonight. Do you think those four hotties would mind if we joined them?" Chris nodded his head, grabbed Vasco's hand and the two of them headed for the bedroom. The four young men all knew that Vasco taught sex education at the clone training school, and they were more than anxious for further education from the master. When Dr. Vasco and Chris entered the room at full mast, they were welcomed into a night of non stop love making and joy. Only the elder Chris could appreciate and be grateful for his good fortune. The others took it for granted as if it was their birthright, and it actually was. ****** When the Saturnian scientists lost contact with Chris and Christa's ship, they feared the worst, and accepted that the worst had happened. There was an immediate outcry by the public to send a rescue craft. The scientists pointed out that a rescue craft would take over one hundred years to reach D1 and the astronauts would be long dead if they had indeed survived. There always was the possibility that they had survived, and their children might be alive. They also did not lose sight of the original mission which was to discover and explore the universe in search of intelligent life. After much deliberation, it was decided to send a ship to D1 for exploration, recovery and possible rescue. When astronomers on Collosia discovered a space craft headed their way, the elder Vasco and Chris were about twenty percent into their life spans, still young by Collosian standards. They were both deeply disturbed at the thought of this new invasion. They spent hours formulating a plan. The craft landed safely using retro rockets. It landed in the same clearing where the first space craft had crash landed. Chris and Vasco were appointed as a greeting committee. When the space men disembarked from the ship, Chris was relieved to see that there were two men aboard and no women. Everyone on Collosia was naked and he didn't want to have to shock any women. The men leaving the ship were shocked enough. He held out his hand to greet them in Saturnian fashion, and spoke in his native tongue. He knew they spoke his language because their space ship came from his native land. He gave them his name and they gave him theirs. "You can remove your breathing apparatus," he told them. "You will have no trouble breathing our air. And please put away your weapons. There are no weapons on Collosia. We live in peace." Several men appeared out of nowhere, and before the astronauts knew what happened, they were relieved of their weapons. The weapons were disassembled before their eyes and then pounded to a pulp. The astronauts did as Chris had requested. They removed their helmets, and finally shook Chris's hand. They were amazed that he spoke their language. Chris knew that they could not possibly know who he was, and he could read their minds. "You are wondering how I can speak your language. I can read your minds," he explained employing a little white lie. "But that is difficult to do. Go with Vasco here. He will implant small translators into your skull and then everyone will be able to converse with you. He will also show you to comfortable quarters, where you can freshen up. I also know the purpose of your visit. Vasco will tell you what happened to your unfortunate predecessors." "We must make contact with our home base first," one of the astronaut said. "Our council will decide if that will be possible," Chris said. For the first time, the two newcomers showed a little fear. They realized that they were powerless to protest. Chris sensed their fear. "Do not be frightened," he said. "You will not be harmed, and soon you will be grateful that you landed here." "We have so many questions," one of them said to Chris. "I know," he answered. "I can only ask you to be patient. Please follow Vasco now and all your questions will be answered. I promise you." The men did indeed relax a little and they followed Vasco without fear. As soon as they left and were out of sight, Chris boarded the ship. It was quite a bit upgraded from the ship he had flown. He looked around and noticed that this craft had four pods. He didn't try to conjecture who the other two pods were for. He found the radio and activated it. After a short delay he heard excited voices on the other end. They were begging for a report. "This is Bradley Perkins," he told them, speaking in a hoarse voice, "The air on this planet is unbreathable. Our air supply has been compromised by strange looking worm like creatures which have invaded the air hoses. Alden is already dead and the creatures are devouring his corpse. I feel that I have only moments left. Do not send another ship to this abysmal, deadly place. Repeat, do not..." He allowed his voice to trail off. That done, he found the craft's computer system. He removed a disc from a case he was carrying and inserted it. Immediately a deadly computer virus took over. In a mini interval the virus destroyed the entire operating system of the space ship. The two astronauts would never leave Collosia or be able to contact the scientists back home. Chris knew how devastating this would be to them. It would be his job to convince them how lucky they were, and Vasco promised to help, as did their two wards. To make sure that his job was done, Chris took the ax used to break the glass to the fire extinguisher, and he smashed the instrument panel to smithereens. As soon as he left the ship, his own construction crew emerged out of nowhere, and started dissembling the space craft for useful scrap. He returned home and proceeded immediately to Dr. Vasco's laboratory. It was his job to make two unhappy young men, who were now scared and helpless, into the two happiest men on the planet. Thinking back to his own experience he knew that there would be resistance, acceptance and finally joy. He knew that his family had their work cut out for them. While Chris was destroying the ship, Dr. Vasco implanted translator chips in the two astronauts' skulls. They were healed immediately, which amazed them. He insisted that they shower to get rid of their space travel odor. While they bathed, he removed all their clothing so that they had no choice but to be naked. Vasco thought it was funny to see them try to hide their nakedness. Once they knew there were no women around, they relaxed slightly. When Chris came home, Vasco took his leave and said that Chris would take over their enlightenment. Chris had them sit comfortably on a sofa, and began his narration. "I am Chris, the astronaut whom you seek." He stated simply and then paused dramatically to let it sink in. "That's impossible," the one called Bradley said. "Chris would be over one hundred years old if he was released from suspended animation when his ship landed here. Besides you look like a typical Collosian." "I know it's hard to believe," Chris said, "but I have morphed, and my life expectancy is now one thousand Saturnuian years." He went to a book shelf and removed a picture album. He sat down between the space travelers and opened the book. Vasco had done a good job chronicling Chris's (and Christa's) time on Collosia. Little by little they could see Chris's transformation. He also narrated to them the events of Christa's pregnancy, her untimely death, and her twin sons. "The boys lived with Vasco and me," Chris said, rather proudly. "How long did it take your transformation to happen?" Brad asked. Everyone in the pictures was naked, and Bradley finally allowed his hands to stop covering his genital area. He was relaxing a little. "About twenty Saturnian years," Chris smiled back at him. "So you and Dr. Vasco are ..." It took him forever to say, "lovers." "It is not a good thing to be exclusive on Collosia. It leads to jealousy. We live together, but have sex with others as the occasions arise." "But you were heterosexual when you left Saturnia. How in the world could you stomach having homosexual sex?" Alden asked. "I resisted it for a long time, but one night Vasco broke down my reticence and gave me the best sex I had ever had in my life. After my cock had grown to Collosian proportions, I was finally able to satisfy him to the fullest. Once I let go of my pre-programmed ideas about sexuality, I had sex with many other men. I will admit sex with Vasco is very special. He was my first after all." "That's disgusting. Can we return to our ship and get out of here?" Brad asked. "That won't be possible," Chris said as kindly as he could. "Your ship has been destroyed. We live in a Utopian society, and we are not about to let Saturnian barbarians or any other invaders destroy it. I have radioed back to your home base that our atmosphere will not sustain life, and that the entire planet is inhabited by hostile flesh eating worms. They think you are both dead." "You had no right," Brad screamed. "We had every right. This is our home and you have no right to come here and tell us that our ways are `disgusting.' We are filled with love for one another, whether you think it's disgusting or not." "You're right," Alden said. He sounded conciliatory. "But what is to become of us?" Chris smiled, trying desperately to allay their fears. "Vasco's twin sons used to live with us, but when they finished school, they were given a home of their own. The council has assigned you to live with them until you are acclimated. You are both astro-physicists. We have no space program here so we will have to find something else you would like to do. I myself belong to a construction crew." "I noticed that your lawns and gardens are not up to snuff," Alden said. "I also hold a degree in landscape design. I would love to undertake that assignment, but I would need help." "That's a great start," Chris said. "What about you Brad?" "The only other skill I have is Library Science. I have a degree. Do you have libraries here?" "We sure do, and they could use a little organizing. Our two sons are coming here after work. We'll have dinner together and then you'll go home with them. There are a couple of more things I must tell you. There are no women on this planet. We clone ourselves to reproduce. The twins have no idea that they were born of a woman. Please don't disclose that to them. Also Collosians do not wear clothing and we have sex together anywhere, anytime. It takes some getting used to." "Never," Alden said. Chris laughed. "I said the same thing. You are in for a pleasant surprise." Just then the younger Chris came in, and a short while later, young Vasco bounded through the front door. Dr. Vasco had prepared a wonderful vegetarian dinner which the guests ate with gusto. All meals on Collosia were vegetarian. After dinner they sat around chatting for a while. Alden and Bradley could not get used to being nude and kept covering their cocks with their hands. As if it was planned, the younger Collosians began to make love to each other and Chris began to make love to Vasco. The visitors stared for a bit and Alden got an erection, but not Brad. "Disgusting," Brad yelled and he ran out of the room. Alden stayed until the elder Vasco came in Chris's mouth, and then he too ran from the room. The younger Vasco ran after him. He caught both men sitting on the porch, and sat down with them. He spoke to them in a very calm and soothing manner. "Please gentlemen, listen to me. My father Chris has told us often of the attitude towards male love you possess on your planet. None of us here can fathom how love can be `disgusting' as you put it. By the same token, nobody is forced to make love here. You may never again in your lifetimes touch another living being. That is your choice, but I implore you to begin to assimilate. You will never leave this planet and it's yours to enjoy. As your friend, I ask you to give us a chance. It won't take you long to begin to enjoy the peace and tranquility we offer you. Think what your lives will be like when you are stress free. My father Chris has described your planet to us and it sounds like an awful place to live." "Is it so wrong to make love instead of war," young Chris said as he approached the three men. "Come now, let us take you to your new home. It's just a short walk from here." "Yes," Alden said, "but allow us to thank your fathers for dinner and to say goodnight." ****** "Our house has two bedrooms," Vasco said, "but four men can easily sleep in the oversized beds in each room. When we have a party, we have slept as many as six in a bed. You two can have the second bedroom, but feel free to join us when you are ready and the mood strikes you. By the way we are having a bunch of friends over next sixth period during the late intervals." Both newcomers looked confused at the terms period and intervals, so Chris explained their time measurement system. "If we are going to be friends, we should get to know about each other," Vasco said. "I am a doctor like my father Vasco, and Chris here is a chef at one of our finest restaurants. We'll go there for dinner one night. Our fathers think that we believe that we were cloned, but we know that we are half Saturnian. You see, while we were still students we found Dr. Vasco's scrap book and we realized we are twins, and we are half of him and half of Christa. We didn't wish to reveal that we knew their secret so we said nothing. That's why we requested the privilege of teaching you our ways. It will be a painless process and you will feel better when you both start to work. The hardest part for you seems to be accepting our expressions of love." "Yes," Chris added. "Wherever you go, you will find the men of Collosia making love. There is no shame in it, nor is it a private matter. It is a public sign of our love for all of our species, and not just one individual. Why is that shameful?" "All of the religions on Saturnia preach that it is a terrible sin for two men to have sex together," Alden said rather sheepishly. "Exactly," Brad corroborated Alden's statement. Chris and Vasco broke out laughing. "I have never heard such nonsense in my life, Vasco said. "Why it is the most natural, most joyous event in the world. How can that be a sin? Who in the world declared love to be a sin? I'll stick to our ways, thank you." That having been said, he grabbed Chris's cock and they started to kiss. Alden and Brad looked at each other with displeasure. "Could you do that in private out of our sight?" Brad asked. "We can," Chris laughed, "but good luck getting the rest of our world to obey your wishes. Anyway, Vasco has me all heated up, so let's go to bed." Alden spent seven full periods examining the flora on Collosia. He was amazed and excited at the beauty and variety he discovered. He was able to secure a small shop in a mercantile section of the city, and with the help of the elder Chris's construction crew, they set it up as a nursery and flower shop. It was the first such establishment on Collosia. He was even getting used to men suddenly stopping their labors to make love. He was sure he could never indulge in such sinful and shameful behavior himself, but at least he was getting used to seeing it all around him. He dug up and potted dozens of beautiful plants, and when the shop was stocked and open for business, he was given two young boys, Mikal and Rikard, who had just reached puberty, to apprentice for him. The enigma was that they had to live with him, Brad, Vasco and Chris. That problem was instantly solved when Chris announced that there was plenty of room in his and Vasco's bed. It was bad enough for Alden and Brad that they had to sleep naked at far ends of their huge bed, they did not want two naked young boys sharing it with them also. The first job Alden undertook was Dr. Vasco's home. He and the two lads worked for five long periods. Alden never tired and seemed to want to work through the recreation and sleep intervals. He was finally doing work that he loved and which gave him pleasure. He didn't even try to scold the boys when they interrupted their work to make love. Whenever they did, he took a break himself. At first he looked away, but after a while he found himself watching and getting aroused. He didn't dare tell Brad. Finally Dr. Vasco's house was fully landscaped. People from all over the city came to see it. When he and his apprentices saw the positive reaction their work received, they were very gratified. The boys loved the work also, and were glad that they had gotten in on the ground floor of a new profession. Their only disappointment was that they couldn't get their foster father to make love with them. Alden's appointment book was filled for many periods to come. The shop was just as successful as the landscaping business. One of them had to be there at all times to handle the demand for potted and outdoor plants for do it yourselfers. If he was back on Saturnia, Alden would have been rich, but there was no monetary system on Collosia. Here everyone worked and the economy operated on a strict barter system. Brad found the library well stocked with books, mostly instructional, but with lots of histories and fiction as well. Erotic male love stories seemed to abound. He even found ancient books with pictures of women. But the books were all over the place. With the help of the two existing librarians, the three men spent fourteen periods organizing the library into sections, and numbering each book. By the time they were through, Brad mockingly conferred degrees of Library Science on both men. At first Brad was impatient with them when they suddenly neglected their work and began to make love. Like Alden, he looked away and took a break himself. After a bit, he got used to it, in the library and other places he went, and he actually began to watch. He began to get erect when he watched and he would then pleasure himself. When his two assistants offered to help him along, he refused. He never told Alden about this. When the library reopened, Dr. Vasco arranged for a band to play all day in front of the building to lure readers in. When the patrons entered, they were instructed to go to the desk, and ask for the location of the kind of book they were seeking. The three librarians proudly directed them to the appropriate section. By the end of the work intervals, it seemed that half the library's books had been checked out. Each reader was admonished to return the books no later than fourteen periods hence. It was all done on an honor system, and Doubting Brad was advised by his co-workers that he had nothing to worry about. During that period's recreation intervals, Dr. Vasco, Alden, Brad, and young Vasco went to dinner at Chris's restaurant to celebrate the reopening of the library. Chris cooked up a special meal for them that left them wanting more. Chris's food must have been aphrodisiastic because men were making love all over the restaurant. Alden and Brad were shocked when the two Vascos began to make love. At some point, it was they who felt like odd men out, and they weren't so sure that never might soon lose its `n' and become ever. They stayed until the restaurant closed, and then Alden, Brad, Vasco and Chris went home together. Alden and Brad could no longer hide their erections and this caused Chris and Vasco to erect also. When they got home Chris asked them point blank if they wanted to stop being foolish and to enjoy the miracle of sex with them. Both men were anxious to have the experience but were too embarrassed to admit it to the other, so Alden and Brad went to bed and continued to sleep chastely at opposite ends. Neither was aware of it then, but this was their last period as virgins to male love. The next day was a sixth period. Brad had arranged with his co-workers that one of them would work every third sixth period so that they could keep the library open for working people. He did not have to work this period. Chris had to work because the restaurant was closed the first and second period and open on the sixth and seventh. Alden decided to go to the shop and water the plants, leaving Brad, Vasco, and the two young boys alone in the house. Brad was enjoying sleeping in and lounging in bed, when he heard laughter coming from Vasco's bedroom. There were no doors in the house, and he got up to see what was going on. Mikal, Rikard and Vasco were fully enjoying each other, Vasco was in the middle. He was fucking Mikal and Rikard was fucking him. They were all giggling like school boys, and suddenly Brad was filled with desire. He hadn't touched another living being since leaving Saturnia, and his natural instincts reached out to the lovers on the bed, and before he realized the gravity of his question, it was asked. "Can I join you?" "There is never a need to ask. You may have sex with anyone on the planet, whenever you want to," Vasco answered. Brad jumped into the bed and the other three disengaged themselves and started kissing Brad all over. They took turns sucking Brad's cock, and when Vasco was sure he was getting close, he lubricated Brad's cock and lowered himself on Brad's pole. Brad still had a Saturnian size cock so Vasco had quite a job constricting his ass muscles to create a tight fit. As Vasco rode Brad, the boys were kissing him, and he could not believe he enjoyed their kisses as much as he was enjoying fucking a man. His orgasm came on slowly. It seemed to build in his legs and work up to his groin. He came screaming and yelling, "That was...that was..." He couldn't find the words to describe it. When all four had satisfied themselves in one way or another (Brad had even sucked Vasco's enormous cock) they lay back exhausted on the bed. Brad was hugging Mikal and Vasco was hugging Rikard. "Thank you. That was wonderful," Brad said. "Why did you let me wait so long?" "Sex is consensual on Collosia," Vasco said. "Nobody is forced into it. I must ask you if you want Alden to wait any longer before becoming a full member of Collosian society." "I think it is time for Alden to be initiated to the joys of male sex," Brad answered. That night as Alden tried to fall asleep on his side of the bed, he was envisioning all the scenes of men having sex that he had seen that day. Suddenly he felt a hard cock pressing against his thigh. He was more than shocked when he realized that it was Brad. Brad took hold of Alden's cock and started fondling it so Alden started to kiss Brad. Their kisses became more passionate until Brad scooted down and started to suck Alden's cock. Suddenly their bed was full of men. Every member of the household decided to initiate Alden into the pleasures of Collosian sex. On his part, Alden reluctantly admitted to himself that he had wanted this to happen for a very long time. When everyone was satisfied, Chris, Vasco and Rikard went back to sleep in the other bedroom and Brad and Alden fell asleep with Mikal between them. The next period was a seventh period. The entire household was home. Brad and Alden shaved their heads and eyebrows, and when they went to the kitchen to have breakfast with their house mates, nobody was surprised. After breakfast, they told everyone that they wanted to go for a walk. They strolled to a nearby park. Men were making love all over the grass. Finally they spied a handsome man sitting alone on a bench. They sat down beside him and started fondling and kissing him. The man smiled back and grabbed Alden's cock. And so the space men were being properly initiated into Collosian society. They both morphed into Collosians in half the time that it had taken the elder Chris. The younger Dr. Vasco had synthesized a hormone extract taken from pure bred Collosians. He injected it into Alden and Brad at intervals, and it seemed to accelerate the transformation. Eventually Mikal and Rikard got a place of their own, but by consent, the younger Vasco and Chris, and Alden and Brad decided to live together. The Planet Collosia was never again visited by spacemen from another planet.