Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 21:57:33 -0700 From: Dan Kirk Subject: Mists of Fate - New God 3 Mists of Fate Chapter 3 -- Trials and Tribulations "To do what is right is never easy." -- Unknown "For every action, there are always unintended consequences" -- Robert Jordan Ter raised his head off of the pillow and groaned aloud. Even that little sound caused branches of pain shooting through his head. He levered himself into a sitting position and waited for the room to stop spinning around him. When it did, he noticed a familiar figure sitting in a chair, looking at him. "You know you don't have to take the pain, don't you?" Andrei said from his seat. "I know, now that you mention it." Ter responded, and followed action to his words. The headache disappeared and he swung his legs so he now sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the seated figure. "Good, then you're ready to handle things while I'm gone?" Andrei asked, standing from the chair. "Yes, Andrei, I am ready. I'll miss you, though." Ter told him, standing as well. Andrei crossed the floor and hugged Ter tightly. "And I you." Andrei told him, disappearing from the hug. Ter straightened a little, barely keeping from falling over at the sudden absence. He was missing Andrei already, and did not really want these new responsibilities. He could feel Andrei and Strausser passing through the shield, and he could feel the sparks of life that were the people of Tylera. Bubbling to the surface of his thoughts were the instructions, the knowledge that Andrei had put there, knowledge he would have to use with subtlety. A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts and he called out his permission to enter. He was surprised to see Pico, Andrei's younger brother, enter with a tray of food. The boy bowed his head to the High Priest and mumbled a `good morning' as he put the food down on the side table. He waited patiently for any further instructions, a pensive look on his face. "What's the matter, Pico?" Ter asked him after a moment. "Nothing, High Priest." The young boy responded, his voice betraying his nervousness. "Yes, Pico, I think there it something to do with Andrei?" Ter said calmly. "Please, sir, can you tell me...does he still love us?" Pico asked, stuttering a little. His face was a mixture of hope and pain that tore at Ter's heart. He crossed the floor and took the boy into a hug. "Of course he does, Pico. He's just getting use to being a Shaper. When he's gotten use to it, he'll spend time with you and your sister. I promise." "Thank you," the boy said after a moment, sniffling back some tears. "Pico, until things get settled, I want both you and your sister to think of me as a member of your family. You feel free to come by and see me anytime, ok?" "Okay!" the boy nearly yelled, a smile on his face. He bowed slightly and left the room. Ter went to the tray of food and consumed it as a way of centering himself. He felt like the world around him was spinning slightly, with him out of sync with it. He didn't realize how long he'd sat there until his aide, Priestess Thalia stuck her head in the door and reminded him it was time for the meeting to start. With a grunt he got up from the chair and proceeded to get ready. Fifteen minutes later, he was seated at the head of the table, surrounded by the priests and priestesses who acted as Tylera's ruling council. Mina sat at the other end of the oblong table, with five priests on one side and five priestesses on the other. Candles set along the table provided light along with the thin windows in the high roof. Noise faded from the room as young Acolytes set the agendas on the table in front of each person, and poured water into their glasses. "I call this meeting to order" Ter said, banging his gavel on the table as the Acolytes exited the room. They would only return upon his signal. "The first item of business is the repair of the outer ring water line. How goes the repairs Priestess Jhona?" The next few hours passed in a daze for Ter. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get himself interested in what was being said. He barely was able to remember the topic that was being discussed. Instead, he lost himself in the mental jabber that was being thrown off by the people around the table, and doing his best to not `listen in'. That was why he missed what Mina said and had to ask her to repeat it. "I said," Mina repeated, her voice like iron, "What about Polda and the rest of the priests in the dungeon? When are you going to take action on them?" "Do we have enough evidence to proceed with a trial?" he asked her, his stomach suddenly gnawing at his back bone. The priest Polda had been his childhood friend, and the first person he'd ever fooled around with. Now the man was charged with several crimes. "Aye, we do." Mina answered firmly. "Even more importantly, the lads they've abused need some closure, and the trial will give them that." "You sound awful sure of their guilt before they've even been tried, Priestess." Sneered a priest by the name of Omas. He was an older man, well past his prime. "I'm glad to hear you are of so open a mind, Omas." Ter said firmly. "That being the case, I appoint you the Defender, Mina shall act as Advocate for the Priesthood. I shall conduct interviews over the next week to select Priests and Priestesses for the Panel. Trial shall begin one week from today." The meeting broke up into several smaller conversations at that point. Mina rose from her seat and made her way to Ter. A nod of her head indicated a side door and two of them went through it and down the hallway. Soon they were both seated comfortably in his office. "So, the boy is gone?" She asked him immediately. " did you know?" Ter asked, his voice and face showing his shock. "I know you, boy. Your face when you came in said it all. I assume there's arrangements made to keep things running wherever he's gone?" Mina said with a wry smile. "Aye, he has. Don't worry, miracles will continue to happen." Ter told her. "I thought so, I thought so." Mina said softly. She smiled up at Ter. "Did the two of you discuss your feelings before he left?" "Kind of. We'll have to wait and see what happens down the road." "Good, good. I just wanted you to know that I didn't mean to make things rough by bringing up the trial, but it's time. The kids need it." "I understand, and thanks for reminding me of my duties." Ter told her. They chatted for another few hours before an Acolyte poked his head into the office and reminded Ter that it was time for afternoon audiences. *** It was dark in the prisons, and Polda hated the dark. He was stuck in this dark cell and growing more and more angry by the moment. He just couldn't believe how quickly things had changed, even worse were the actions of his one-time friend. The thought of Ter brought up memories, and Polda leaned against the cool stone walls as the memories replayed themselves in his head. He and Ter were inseparable the first few years after entering the seminary. Young boys on the threshold of manhood, an instant liking for each other sealing their friendship. He could feel the tears on his face as he remembered that first time they'd fooled around in a supply closet they were supposed to be cleaning. Ter's blond hair falling over his face as they kissed, explored each other's bodies. Then he remembered his first meeting with the High Priest, Haerod. The old man had been kindly. He spoke of the righteousness of the priesthood, of the debt owed to them by the people. His words sparked something inside of Polda, a desire for power, and an unshakeable faith in himself as a superior man. He barely even minded being taken to the old man's bed, and the things they'd done there felt much better than the simple playing he'd done with Ter. Under Haerod's guidance, he'd flourished. The old man had shown him how to outsmart other priests, how to scratch his way to the top. He'd also been shown how to take what he wanted, what he deserved for the work he did protecting the people. What did it matter if the boys didn't like it? He deserved having his desires fulfilled. At first he couldn't understand Ter's rejection of these ways. His friends ideas were hopelessly romantic, unrealistic for this day and age. Haerod had made that plain. While Polda had risen to his position of leadership in the priesthood quickly, it had taken Ter twice as long. Now, the sanctimonious ass was the high priest! That betrayal hurt him most of all. Ter knew that he, Polda, was supposed to be the next priest. Truth to tell, that hurt more than the upcoming trial. He'd spent the morning with the old priest, Omas. He had a feeling that the trial was just for show and that sparked his anger even more. He realized that his eyes had been closed, but he opened them now. There was a light in his lonely cell. Startled, he looked down at his hand, clenched in a fist and smiled. The reddish light was covering his hand like red fire. He smiled because he knew he had created that fire, and he knew what that meant. "Well, we'll see what kind of `show' happens at this trial." Polda whispered into the room, shaking his hand and mentally extinguishing the fire. *** The last week had passed quickly, all too quickly for Ter. The interviews for the panel were complete, as were the preparations of Advocate and Defender. Public interest in the trial was extreme, and all of Tylera was expected to be there, which is why it was to be held in the Great Temple itself. Ter had made the preparations himself during the night, so that it would be assumed that Andrei had done them. Now, as the light coming through the shield indicated the sun had risen, Ter made his way to the Temple. He was dressed in the full panoply of the High Priest, the blue and silver robes heavy on his shoulders. By the end of the day, he knew he was going to be sweating a storm. With a wry chuckle, he remembered all of a sudden that he didn't have to necessarily sweat if he didn't want to. He could hear the people forming up behind him, matching the pace that he set. All the other Priests and Priestesses were already in the Temple. Once he joined them, and the people had all filtered in, the trail would start. As he climbed the stairs, the only sound that could be heard was the rustle of fabrics as nearly ten thousand people followed him, their breathing, and the occasional nattering of an infant child. Heaviness pressed down on him as he accepted the thought that what was happening today was something unprecedented in Tylera's history. The trial of twelve priests accused of breaking the people's trust. He finished climbing the stairs and entered through the great doors of the Temple. In the Great Hall, all was prepared. On the dais, a small stone chair was raised from the flooring for him. In front of it, on the left was a table for Mina and the two priests she had chosen to assist her. The table on the right held all twelve of the priests accused, including his old friend Polda. Sitting next to Polda was Omas, their Defender. As he took his place in the stone chair, he spared a glance towards the right side of the dais where the four priests and five priestesses of the panel were seating. The decision of guilt was theirs to make, while punishments were his. Finally, the people were all inside and it was time to begin. He stood from his chair and began. "People of Ancient Tylera, we are gathered today for the most solemn of possible occasions. Today we stand in judgment of those who are accused of breaking the faith of the people. No matter the result of the trial we face, we must remember that we are the people of Tylera. Together we are stronger than apart. In the arms of the Shapers we are sheltered." "In the arms of the Shaper we are sheltered" the people chanted, staring at the motionless form of Andrei on the silver throne. "You may begin now, Priestess Minalena." He said as he sat back in his stone chair. "High Priest, members of the Panel, People of Tylera," Mina began, rising from her chair and pacing on the dais. "Facing charges today are Priests Polda, Kefir, Taldor, Moksas, Shofan, Calus, Sterel, Paksus, Quirrel, Rogier, Larrus, and Xinia. "At one time, they each answered the call to the priesthood, to study the Shapers and guide the people. The priesthood is charged with the leadership of Tylera, and is given the trust of the people by the nature of their office. These people named have each violated that trust in numerous ways. These are the charges I shall prove against them: Rape, physical assault, mental abuse, and betrayal of the public trust. The penalty for each of these charges, if convicted, can range from life imprisonment to banishment. They are the most serious charges that can be brought against any citizen and it is my unfortunate job to prove them. I wish this did not have to be done, but even more I wish they had not committed these crimes making this necessary." The crowd murmured at this and the sounds of their shifting and murmuring filled the Temple as Mina sat back at her table. Ter let the murmuring continue for a moment before calling for silence. As silence descended he motioned for Omas to begin his opening statement. The older priest rose to his feet and stood tall, hands clasped behind his back. "High Priest, members of the Panel, Shaper, we are here today for the most loathsome of reasons. The airing of these grievances in such a public forum shall do little credit to the priesthood, and shall cause little good for the people of Tylera. Nevertheless, I have been appointed Defender of these priests and shall perform my duties to the utmost. The charges presented by the High Priestess are most serious indeed, but they are answerable. "None of us shall like the answers, for they do little credit, and the answer that must be given to them by the panel shall do naught but cause strife. For, my fellow priests here cannot be held accountable for actions committed by the direction of others." "I hope you plan to base your defense on more than that they were following orders" Ter couldn't help saying. "I do, High Priest, I do." Omas told him in a snide tone. Ter leaned back having a feeling that this was going to be a lot longer of a trial than he had hoped. The next few hours proved just how right he was. Mina called forward boys from the orphanage, from the Acolytes, and from the Dedicated. Their testimony brought ugliness from the people watching. Ter could feel their emotions turning dark at what they heard. When Omas questioned them, questioned the events they presented. One especially stuck out. The young boy was only twelve, and the events he spoke of were over a year old. "So, you're telling us that you didn't do anything to invite the attentions of Priest Larrus?" Omas asked the young boy. "What do you mean, sir?" the boy asked back. "Didn't you climb into his lap on that night?" Omas clarified. "Yes," the boy nearly stuttered, looking scared. "He reminded me of my grandfather. I felt safe there. I was scared." "Didn't the kindly Priest comfort you then?" Omas asked kindly, his voice full of honey. "Yes, sir. But then he started touching me." The boy replied. "Didn't you want to be touched? You just said that he was comforting you." Omas asked "NOT LIKE THAT!" the boy shouted, breaking down into tears. "He HURT me when he stuck his thingie in me!" "But didn't you enjoy it?" Omas pressured the boy. "NO!" was the shouted response. "How can you..." Omas started to say, pressing further. "Enough!" Ter commanded from his stone chair. "Omas, the boy has stated several time that the advances were unwanted. Unless you have another line of questioning, this is over." Pretty much the same happened with every witness after that. The mood of the people grew angrier and angrier with each one. At midday a break was called for meals to be served, but Ter did not partake. An hour later, it began again. As the sun moved down towards the horizon, the trial itself was ended, the last witness dismissed. The panel was dismissed behind a tapestry to discuss their verdict, and the people waited. They were gone for less than an hour, and the light of the sun was beginning to fade. Torches high on the wall lit at a thought from Ter, breaking the gloom that was falling. The torchlight did little to assuage the sense of doom Ter felt coming. This trial had not been a good idea, no matter what Mina said. It was only going to make things worse with the people. The panel returned before his musings could go any further. The looks on their faces, and the thoughts behind their heads gave Ter the warning he needed. The senior Priestess read the verdict at his nod. When the last `guilty' was read off, the assembled people of Tylera gave a vehement shout of approbation. Eleven of the priests hung their heads at the verdicts. The twelfth, stood there and his eyes bored into Ter's. His old childhood friend, Polda demanded something from him with that look, something he knew he could not give. Polda had made his choices, and now it was time to pay for them. "Thank you, members of the panel. I know reaching your decision was not easy. Nor will be my decision of sentencing. People of Tylera, what you have seen here today grieves me greatly. As your priests, we are charged with leading you in the light of the Shapers. Our status as priests does not relieve of us of our responsibilities under the law. Remember that these were just twelve of us, not all. Remember also that they will pay for the crimes. You men, who once were priests, here then your doom. As the light of the new day comes to Tylera, you will be taken to the edge of the City, and there released unto the mercy of the Mists of Fate." "NO!" shouted Polda, shocking Ter. He was not expecting this. "Do you have something to say?" Ter asked him, his voice as firm as stone. "I demand the Right of Appeal!" Polda said loudly. I appeal to the Shaper himself for justice!" "You shall have your Right, Polda." Ter said firmly, sitting back into his chair and concentrating for a moment. Behind him, the form of Andrei rose from the silver throne. It walked in front of the defendants, looking them each in the eye for a moment. Not one of them, including Polda could hold that gaze for more than a few moments. The form of the Shaper moved back to the throne and sat back down. "I have heard the trial," Andrei's voice boomed over the crowd, but the words were Ter's. "I have read your souls. The verdict stands." "NO!" shouted Polda, despair in his every gesture. His hand shot up and to Ter's surprise, a bar of fire shot out and struck the form of Andrei. Immediately the construct burst into flame. For an instant, everyone there stood shocked. The people furthest from the dais, and closest to the doors reacted first, leading a stampede out of the Temple. Ter had jumped from his chair and watched as the people fled. Of all the outcomes possible, he had not expected THIS. Drawing on the knowledge Andrei had left him, he projected a shield around the dais, keeping Polda and his fellow defendants inside. Unfortunately, it also kept Mina, Omas, and the members of the panel inside too. "Well, well, so much for your precious Shaper, Ter." Polda said as the figure on the silver throne burned down to embers. "Looks like I turned out to be a Shaper myself. Guess that means I don't get banished." "Wrong, Polda." Ter said softly, tears coming to his eyes as he realized he had no choice whatsoever now. "Wrong? Your Shaper is dead. I have shown my power, I am a Shaper. Be nice and I might let you live. Call it pity. We were each other's first time after all." "Better for you if you'd taken me up on my offer, Polda." Ter said softly. Vaguely he noticed that the other defendants were pushing against the barrier he'd erected. Polda hadn't even noticed it. "What, be your little boyfriend? Sorry, Haerod showed me a better way. We have power, the right to please ourselves in return for our efforts. We cannot tie ourselves down to one person all our lives!" "He showed you the wrong way. I refused it and made it on my own merits. I wish you'd chosen otherwise, old friend." Ter told him. "Ha! It's time for you to kneel to me, High Priest." Polda sneered as a response. His arms raised to the ceiling and red fire burst out, hitting the ceiling high above and knocking stones loose. "No," Ter said simply, allowing a golden nimbus of power to surround him. He raised his arms and golden power streaked out and struck Polda in the chest. A look of pure surprise was on Polda's face, but he still reacted quickly. The blast knocked him back against the shield surrounding the dais, but did not kill him. He let loose another blast at Ter, then turned and cut a hole in the shield, jumping out into the Temple proper. Ter let the shield go, and barely noticed the other defendants making a break for the entrance as soon as it was down. Barely was enough though, and he incinerated them with a quick thought as he hunted down his old friend. Polda had faded behind a tapestry as soon as he could, making it difficult for Ter to find him, especially with the tears streaming down his face. `Oh well,' Ter thought. `If the tapestries are in the way...' that was enough to set the tapestries ablaze from floor to high ceiling of the Temple. A figure could be seen rolling on the floor as flames leaped about him. With a laugh, Ter struck again, this time with a hammer of force. The blow created a crater ten feet deep around Polda, but it didn't flatten him the way Ter had intended. Instead, the burnt figure raised to all fours from the middle of the crater and flung an arm out, knocking Ter back against the far wall. A moment later, Ter realized the wall around him was depressed about a foot, and broken stone littered the floor beneath him. For his next attack, he chose a vise of power. The glowing, golden vise wrapped around Polda and began to squeeze. Deeper and deeper it squeezed until it began to touch Polda's burnt flesh. Ter could feel the man trying to push it back, but Ter's will was stronger. Soon, it had moved past the skin and was eating into Polda's muscles and bones. The Temple rang with the man's screams, which cut off soon enough. As Ter released the vise, the only ting remaining were a few bits of ash floating to the ground. Ter sank to his knees and realized that his robes were tattered and filthy. He looked around the temple and saw devastation, but thankfully it looked like all the people had been able to get out. Eleven corpses were scattered between the entrance and the dais where he'd killed the other convicted priests, and a pile of stone stood where the priests on the panel had been. A chill ran down his back as he realized he hadn't seen the panel, or Mina leaving after the shield went down. A few thoughts sent the pile of stones flying in all directions. A cry full of open tore itself from his throat as he saw what lay underneath. Mina's body, on top of the panelists, as if she had tried protecting them with her last breath. He sank to his knees beside her, taking hold of an old, wrinkled hand and started weeping. "ANDREI!" he cried with voice and mind, staring up at the heavens through the Temple's skylights. "Andrei! I need you! Come back! ANDREI" *** Just as promised, Strausser was waiting on the edge of Tylera. Andrei appeared next to the elder Shaper, or Guardian actually. For a moment he felt the intimidation of having someone actually taller than him, but it passed quickly. It didn't help that Strausser was trying to loom over him as well. Well, two could play that game. "You know, J'Stan never really forgave for what happened in that bar in Phoenix?" Andrei said, his tone light and airy. "WHAT?" Strausser yelled. "I thought you said you weren't bonded to him!" "I'm not," Andrei smiled maliciously. "He just shared his entire memory with me. Quite impressive I must say. Stealing his trick du jour right from under him that way." "What are you talking about, boy? I thought you were referring to..." "The day of the cataclysm? The day Bjorn killed the twins? No. He forgave you for that. But he didn't forgive you for stealing away that one night stand about a week before all hell broke loose." "You're weird." Strausser said, with a small smile on his face. "I'm weird?" Andrei laughed. "J'Stan's the one who can't get his priorities straight." "Ok, so now that you have established yourself as a very knowledgeable young man, shall we be leaving?" "Sure, where to first?" "Just close your eyes, open your shields, and let me take you there." Strausser said coolly. "Ok, ready." Andrei said, and he felt Strausser reach in and seize control. A moment later, he was in a dark cavern lit only by a reddish glow. If he'd tried to breath, his lungs would have been scorched. As it was, his clothes were burnt to cinders in less than a heartbeat. This place was familiar from J'Stan's memories as well. He turned around and was treated to a vista he'd never thought to see with his own eyes. The cavern opened onto a veritable ocean of fire. Lava stretched from horizon to horizon. Andrei could see waves inside the lake, broiling the surface and causing flares that reached up into a stone-covered sky. No living thing could survive here, but he had taken to wondering if shapers like them really were alive as humans knew it. `Why did you bring me here?' he sent his thought back to Strausser, after spending a while staring at the molten lake. He could feel the person behind him. `Because this is where I've been the last few millennia.' Strausser sent back, his mental voice almost a laugh. `What good does that do us in finding J'Stan?' Andrei asked `Easy, from here it's possible to feel things on the surface that would take forever to find otherwise. Open up your shields and turn your attention to the surface." Strausser instructed. `Ok,' Andrei responded, and opened himself up. Within moments he had found Tylera, a short time after that he found some other things that surprised him. What made him jump though was Strausser's arms reaching around from behind. `I love you John. I'm glad your back here with me.' Strausser sent. `What are you talking about you idiot!' Andrei sent angrily. He spun around and was about to continue, but what he saw scared him. A light was shining in Strausser's eyes, the light of pure madness. `John, my love, it's been so long.' Strausser's mad mind sent. The man tried to wrap his arms around Andrei, but he managed to get away, nearly slipping off the edge of the cavern. From J'Stan's memories, an image of `John' floated to the top of Andrei's mind. He looked nothing like the wiry, bald man! `Michael Strausser!' Andrei shaped the thoughts like knives, lancing into the madman's mind. `Your John has been dead for millennia! Snap out of it.' `NO!' came the mental shout in reply. `You killed him!' Andrei had just a moment's notice that an attack was imminent. He raised a shield before the blast of power from Strausser could reach him. The cavern around them began to shake and he almost missed the mental call. Ter was calling him! It only took a moment for him to center himself and teleport to Tylera. He passed through the shields easily, they recognized him intimately. The sight waiting for him in the Temple was not a pleasant one. He reappeared facing the golden and silver thrones he made. The pile of ash on the silver throne gave him an idea that things were extremely wrong. He turned and saw a pile of rubble, noting at the corner of his vision the burning tapestries around the room, but the scene next to the rubble grabbed his attention. Ter sat next to the crumpled form of the old High Priestess, crying over her hand. Mangled bodies lay amidst the rubble, and the High Priest's robes were smeared with soot. Andrei walked over and stood above his High Priest, fighting back the vomit that was rising inside him. He knew death like this from J'Stan's memories, but this was not something he was use to seeing for himself. His family's death by the Mist popped into his head and tears followed on that. "Ter," he began, but his voice caught in his throat. He cleared it and began again. "Ter, what happened here? I just left you a few minutes ago..." Ter looked up at him, eyes blazing, and reached out with one hand to grab Andrei's arm. A surge against his shields, announced the Priest's intentions and he let the man in enough to share the memories. He was astounded at how long he'd been gone. Days maybe, but weeks? That seemed impossible. Yet, he knew it was true. While they were in mental contact, he shared his memories of Strausser and the cavern with Ter. "What do we do now?" Ter asked quietly. "I ruined everything while you were gone." "I don't know." Andrei asked, feeling really, really young again. "I think the faith of the people is really hurting now. I can feel a real difference, it's harder to hold the shield now." Ter said slowly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Well, maybe we should go around and check on people. I don't think they'll readily come back here for a while." Andrei said softly. "What about the bodies?" Ter asked, looking down at Mina once more. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." Andrei murmured softly. "Into the mists of time let their souls burn." The bodies glowed softly for a moment, then disappeared with only a few smatterings of ash showing they'd ever been there. Andrei stood arm in arm with Ter as they made their way out of the Temple. As they stood on the great steps, their stomachs heaved at the sight of fires burning throughout Tylera. *** to be continued soon!