Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:37:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Sticky Fingers Subject: Obsidian Initiate The sun seemed to burn its way through the horizon as it emerged from night's slumber. The dawn sky began as a russet crimson, which blushed to warm pinks and then multi-hued oranges. It always seemed to me that the sunrise was like a great yawn as the world woke to life. My pale blues eyes stared back at me as I tried to ascertain the destruction in the rear view mirror. The cramped confines of the back seat had left my shoulder length blond hair a mess that defied gravity. It was as good a disguise for my nightly activities as any. Wrinkled clothes, messed hair, and unshaven would for all intents and purposes give me the same appearance as the rest of those that woke this morning and performed the walk of shame. The 'walk of shame' being that quick run back to your dorm or frat house the following morning after a night of sex. I've never been exceptional in appearance. I didn't have the powerful muscle that Cain possessed, or Etock's brooding intense gaze. Average is what I considered myself. My body was on the slender side and shaped by work in the fields back home. At six foot, I didn't tower over the others, nor did I strain my neck to meet anyone's eyes. My blond hair dusts my shoulders and I keep it all the same length. It helps to hide my eyes from the world and hopefully disguises who or whatever I'm studying at the moment. The few girls I dated in high school called me 'cute', but that word was so vague I never gave it much thought. I wear my clothes loose and usually hide myself in the folds of too much cloth, but that's my style. It's comfortable. Most of my clothes are black, and I probably teeter on the goth/emo side in appearance, but too often break the mold by wearing tattered and frayed blue jeans when warmer weather came around. The back seat of my old Citation was a poor replacement for my bed. To avoid suspicion I spent the night in the parking lot, curled up in my hoodie, and wished I had thought enough to bring a blanket. I was glad for a change of clothes, but I should have chosen something that would have been warmer. There were dreams that kept my mind busy in slumber, but nothing that tore me from my sleep, and for once, I was thankful. It seemed at least one weight in my life was lifted. I didn't feel guilty for what I had done, and I wasn't proud of it either. Somewhere in my mind, it was chalked up to necessity. Justice was finally served, and I felt a sense of freedom as I climbed out of the car and closed the door behind me. My watch said 8:13am, and I hoped to sneak into the frat undetected, but I could already sense Etock as I opened the door. "Oh, nice hair, Sunshine!" Sarah tugged at my hood, revealing the blond chaos beneath. "Looks like someone had a busy night." Sarah was a water Elemental. Her lascivious grin made my cheeks burn. Even though my previous night's activity was murder, the insinuated sex made me blush. It was always her goal to embarrass me in one form or another. She found my naivete a constant joy and reveled in my misery like a cat does its prey. Sarah's partner in bed as well as life, was Jasmine. Where Sarah reminded me of the typical cheer leader with her curly brown hair and cheery disposition, Jasmine was an exotic contrast. Jasmine's mocha complexion, prominent cheek bones, and generous mouth gave her a regal appearance. Some would have said she was African by descent, but her features told of a distant tropical island origin. She wore her jet black hair long and I often marveled at the natural sheen. She smelled of raspberry, and her eyes, while a deep amber in color, seemed too old. Unlike her youthful slender supple body, her knowing gaze seemed to drill beyond the surface to a hidden truth. She often wore sheer blouses of violet and magenta that meshed an ancient proclivity with the current fashions. "That's not what I smell on him." Jasmine glanced to Etock and then back at me as she took a step closer to Sarah. Sarah's eyes widened as she caught the scent. "You smell of blood." "That's enough, ladies. Let's leave Kris to freshen up." Etock cleared his throat and nodded to me. I gave Etock a visual 'Fuck you' with my eyes, turned, and bounded up the stairs. Warm soothing rivers traveled down my flesh as I craned my neck and relished the sensation. Long hot showers have always been a favorite of mine, and today's felt like an escape. The rush of water as it pressed against my skin massaged away the remnants of last night's carnage. My head hung lazily to one side as steam choked the air and I lost myself in thoughts about nothing. "Finish jacking off and hurry up! I gotta take a shit!" A pounding at the door pulled me back to reality and I fumbled with the faucet. I recognized the voice-Gaius, a Storm Elemental, was not known for his subtlety. We would have been almost twins in appearance, save for his short cut hair and large hooked nose. Of course, what he lacked in beauty he made up for in build. He was surprisingly well muscled and endowed, and lacked even a remote sense of modesty. On any given day or time he could be found lying about the frat house watching TV, either partially or fully nude. "Hurry up dude! I'm prairie dog'n!" Another round of pounding rushed me to blot my hair dry and wrap a towel around my waist. As soon as I unlocked the door, it was pushed open, Gaius shoved passed me, slammed down the toilet seat, and plopped down. The sudden explosive exit from his bowels filled the room and I made a hasty exit closing the door behind me. The sound was enough. I didn't want to linger for the inevitable aromatic assault. He was well known for his endowments, but possibly better known for the noxious clouds he left behind in the bathroom. Gaius' lover, Andrew, was towheaded, fair skinned, and freckled. During our recent trip to the beach he had burned to a crisp. The light dusting of blond in his hair was bleached by the sun and was now completely white. His sinewy shape gave him the illusion of height, but he stood eye to eye with me at six foot. Of our group we had barely exchanged greetings. He was quiet, but I didn't know him well enough to say shy. When you saw, Gaius, Andrew was seldom far away. They were inseparable, but Andrew always managed to blend into the surroundings as though he weren't there. On the few occasions he did speak it always seemed to startle those around him. The low even timbre of his voice held a seduction that made every word seem a prize. Wisely, he left Gaius' toxic morning ritual a solitary one. After a few centuries of life, I might find myself as cavalier about nudity as Gaius, but that wasn't yet the case. I closed the door behind me as I entered my room and relaxed. My fingers ached as I let loose of my towel and let it fall to the floor. My room had become a fragile solace. Lately, it was often interrupted by one intrusion or another, and most often it was the unwelcome rap of Etock's knuckles against my door. There are days when I look in the mirror and find every flaw, and others where I think 'not bad'. Most often I try not to look other than to make sure my appearance wouldn't frighten the public. It was difficult to believe that from this point forward I would never age. I didn't mind so much, but a part of me used to yearn for the days when I would grow old with my lover beside me. I used to entertain thoughts that we might sit on our porch in the fading heat of a mid-summer evening watching the world pass us by. A bitter joy made me smile at the thought. There was a silver lining to this fate. I wouldn't have to endure the adult diapers, senility, arthritis, and ravages of time usually imposed on a body. Still, I had to wonder about my family. My aunt and uncle had raised me after 'the incident', and watching them age would be difficult. To avoid awkward questions and divulging my nature, necessity would make me a silent witness in their twilight years when they needed me most. The closure of saying goodbye would elude me, and I wondered how the rest dealt with it in their distant past. To them, I suppose it was so long ago, that it was a frivolous preoccupation. Not having the chance to dry properly, made dressing a battle. Denim and damp skin don't work well together, but I managed. It was a relief to be clean and disconnected from last night, but the drive home stole some precious hours of sleep that I intended to recoup. My eyes opened and I listened, waiting to hear what woke me. There was no knock at the door or mumbled words from the hallway. After I climbed out of bed and opened my door I heard a voice I couldn't place. The familiar uniform stopped me in my tracks as I came down the stairs. A police officer was at the front door talking with Etock. "Ah, good, you're up." Jeff Palmer, Officer Palmer he usually insisted, smiled up at me. We had gone to school together, though he was three years ahead of me, graduating as a senior, when I began my freshman year. "Hey, Jeff, how's it going?" I grinned as his face flushed with anger. "Your father's missing, and I was wondering if you knew where he might be," Officer Palmer sneered. "Uncle Ben's missing?" Taking the last step, I leaned against the banister and gave Jeff my most sincere 'fuck you' look. "No... your father, Eric, is missing. He's just disappeared." Jeff exaggerated the word father as if to send another private attack between us. "Oh... that's a shame." I turned and walked toward the kitchen. "I'll call if I see him." Well that didn't take long. I only killed him just last night! I needed coffee. "Get back here. I'm not through with you yet," Jeff yelled. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jeff. Was there something else?" Sarah and Jasmine seemed to hang on every word as they watched the scene unfold. I took my time as I strolled back to the front door and stood beside Etock. "Where were you yesterday between 3pm and 5am this morning?" "He was here." Etock made it a command as though he were dictating an absolute truth to everyone in the room. "I'm sorry, Officer... Jeff is it? But is there something you're trying to get at?" Etock grinned as the words hit their mark. Jeff puffed out his chest in an attempt to reassert his authority and dominate the conversation and I had to stop myself from laughing. He was not going to intimidate Etock. "Eric hasn't just disappeared, it's like he was never there. There's nothing left in the apartment. It's empty." Jeff eyed me suspiciously. "How can you be certain he was here all evening?" I jumped when I felt Ashel's arms wrap around me and he pressed into my ass. "He was in our bed." Jeff's expression twisted from anger to disgust and then back again. "Unless you have a warrant, we're finished here. Good day." Etock shut the door in Jeff's face and turned. "Kris was in our bed all night." Again it was a command of fact as his gaze drifted across the room and settled on me. I ignored the stares and went to the kitchen. I still hadn't had any coffee. I don't know why I was surprised, but they covered for me. They were covering themselves as well. My actions had put us all at risk and I wasn't sure how I'd make up for my latest blunder. The other Elementals weren't exactly warming up to me. As was usual for this time of day, the coffee pot was empty and had already been cleaned by Ethel. There wasn't even what I called the 'pity swirl' in the bottom. The last sip of coffee someone should have used to top off their cup, but was left to harden in the bottom to avoid being the one to make the next pot. Damn her quick tidying hands. "If you wanted coffee, you should have gotten up earlier instead of staying out all hours of the night... up to no good. Now have a seat, and my 'damned quick tidying hands' will fix you a pot." Ethel's grin and sideways glance made me pause. "Ethel?" My voice betrayed me. I suddenly felt like a five-year-old caught sneaking a late night treat. Had she read my mind? "Yes, yes, we'll get to that later." She put her hand on my shoulder and I was overcome with a sense of calm and sat down in the chair beside the kitchen table. As she busied herself making the coffee, a feeling of dread started to envelope me. If she could read my mind, then she knew everything. FUCK! "Watch your mouth, young man..." Ethel didn't even bother to turn around as she issued the warning. With a click, the coffee maker sprang to life and the first drops of caffeinated nectar began to fall into the carafe. "Yes. No. Perhaps. And Yes. Yer mind moves perty quick for one so old." Ethel turned and I followed her gaze to find Etock standing in the doorway. "I'll see ya tonight after all yer nasty business is done." Ethel frowned and gave Etock a disapproving squint. She walked toward him and waited patiently for him to move aside. As soon as she stepped past him I heard a sharp slap and watched as his head bobbed forward. "Mind yer manners, young pup." Part of me wanted to howl with laughter, but the absolute look of rage and embarrassment on Etock's face stole my joy. "We meet tonight at the cave." The words hissed from between his clenched teeth. *** Many thanks to my wonderful editor, Chris. Many thanks also to those who were kind enough to drop me a note and express their interest in the story. I hope you like where this is going and also hope that future chapters don't disappoint. It is the feedback that motivates me and keeps me on track, so here's hoping you'll all take a moment to write a quick note and let me know what you think. Any and all suggestions or criticisms are always welcome. Hope to hear from you soon.