Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2017 08:35:05 +0000 (UTC) From: Wombat Subject: 'The Old Valley Road Hotel #94' {Wombat} ( MM SciFi Anal Size Musc Biker ) [ 94 ! ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Old Valley Road Hotel. By Wombat. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Any constructive comments are appreciated. I'm at ''. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Nifty Readers, If you enjoy this story or others on Nifty, please send a generous donation to at '' to help support and maintain this free service full of wonderful stories so it may continue to remain available to everyone. Thank you all, Wombat ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 - 'A Rainy Day' Part 34. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Part 94: Hope House ------------------------------------ Andy Stewart or 'Scooter', the prior of Hope House in Kings Cross, invited Derek and Scott to come and spend a bit of time to see how a busy community house functioned in inner Sydney. Both Derek and Scott accepted as they were interested in gaining the experience. Hope House was a haven for those who had come to grief in Kings Cross, the nightlife hotspot of Sydney, people such as worn-out prostitutes of both sexes, homeless people, drug addicts, entertainers past their use-by date and people with mental health problems. It was named after Lady Hope Bagenall, a wealthy widow who had donated the money to buy the old mansion. When Scott went for a walk around Kings Cross during the day, he was amazed by the number of tourists he saw, people from many nations, Chinese, Japanese, American, Malaysian, Korean, European, British and so on. It appeared to Scott that the fame of Kings Cross had spread world-wide. The Cross seemed to have become a must-see destination on the itineraries of many tourists visiting Australia. Scott could speak many languages because he had downloaded the language skills into his brain from his friends at the Old Valley Road Hotel. He could now speak French, German, Mandarin, Russian, Italian, Arabic, Croatian, Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese and other languages fluently. Scott walked along the main drag, Darlinghurst Road. It was lined with bars, coffee shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs, newsagents, bookshops and so on. As it was during the day, the nightclubs were closed. He was passing a newsagency when he saw a magazine about hot Fords on the magazine rack. It featured Rory McPherson on the front cover as an expert on hotting up Ford Falcons, Rory the Scotsman now at Ringtail Springs. Scott picked up the magazine and began browsing it. He attracted a lot of attention because of his extreme muscular build. He was wearing a red form-fitting tank top, a brief pair of white football shorts and white joggers. His huge arms in particular attracted comments from passers-by. Scott pretended to ignore them and concentrate on the magazine. However with his telepathic sense, he was very much aware of what was going around him. A Chinese family approached. The couple's little boy, their only child, had a small toy koala that he was tossing up into the air. The boy's father caught sight of Scott and loudly declaimed to his wife in Mandarin what a barbarian over-muscled ape Scott was. That Australian man with the huge muscles in the red tank top reading a magazine was nothing more than a shambling gorilla-like subhuman unfit to be regarded as a human being. He was blissfully unaware that Scott could not only understand Mandarin but Scott was a telepath as well. The man's wife was bored with her husband's stream of opinionated statements but she humoured him with her dutiful replies. Scott sensed through her that the man's father held a senior position very high up in the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. An outraged wail came from the little Chinese boy. His toy koala had become caught on the wire spikes on the top of a low-hanging nearby sign there to stop pigeons roosting on the sign and shitting on people below. The little boy burst into loud tears and refused to move. His mother fretted over the little boy. His father mumbled impatiently. Scott replaced the magazine in the rack. With a graceful leap worthy of a ballet dancer, he retrieved the toy koala from the top of the sign. He squatted down and presented the toy koala to the little boy. He said in Mandarin to the little boy, "Here is your koala returned to you again." The little boy snatched the toy koala from Scott and turned away to his mother. Scott said to the mother in good Mandarin, "It is my hope that he is happy now. His koala toy I have retrieved for him. I have returned it to him." The mother thanked Scott profusely. She was surprised that he could speak Mandarin. The man was fuming. He realised that Scott had probably understood every word he had said about gorillas, apes and subhumans and Scott had shown him up. He abruptly took his wife by the arm and marched her off. The little boy followed, hugging his precious koala to himself. He took his mother's hand. The mother was fascinated by Scott's bright blue eyes under a mop of curly black hair. The blueness of Scott's eyes reminded her of her childhood home in a village in the mountains north of Beijing. When she was a child, the summer skies were very blue. The zenith was the same blue as the muscular Australian's eyes. Now the summer skies were a dull brownish grey because of the air pollution from all the factories in the countryside. Her father was a country doctor still practising in the village and the surrounding district. The Australian's eyes were like a glimpse of the innocence of her childhood. At her wedding, her friend from university, Zhang Zhenwang, said to her, "Remember Princess Diana." She understood that he meant it as a warning. Zhang disappeared after that. The woman never saw him again. She looked back at Scott and caught another glimpse of his bright blue eyes. Her husband hustled her off. They disappeared into the crowd. Scott turned and made his way back to Hope House. Derek went exploring around Kings Cross. It had been several years since he had last ventured into the Cross. It seemed to have become more crowded since then. Darlinghurst Road was thick with traffic both pedestrian and vehicular. Something made Derek duck down a narrow street. Walking along, he saw a painfully thin man sitting on the doorstep of an abandoned building. The man had curly red hair and dull blue eyes. He was wearing a faded black T-shirt and faded blue jeans that appeared to be several sizes too big for him. The man looked like a starvation victim but there was something oddly familiar about him. He looked at Derek dully wondering why the big muscleman was staring at him. Derek peered into the man's mind but could detect no trace of recognition. He did perceive that the man's mind was not functioning well. "Mark?" asked Derek. "Yeah," replied the man. He did not care if the muscleman was sent to beat him up. The sooner his miserable life ended, the better. It was only a matter of time before he died anyway. "Mark? It's me, Derek. Remember me? We were living together up until a few months ago." The man looked at Derek. He was puzzled. Derek knew it was Mark. He sent a mind glyph into Mark's mind to aid recognition. "Derek?" Mark asked tentatively. "Geez! You've stacked on a hell of a lot of muscle. You're fucking huge. I thought you might have been Derek's big brother but I don't think he's got a brother." "No, I don't," replied Derek. "And yes, I have stacked on a lot of muscle." "You're bloody huge." "Yeah and you look like you could do with a feed." "It's the bloody AIDS, mate. It's got me." "Shit! That's not good! Would you like a feed?" "Yeah, I could, thanks. The fucking landlord threw me out of the boarding house when he found out I got AIDS. So I'm on the fucking streets now." "That's bloody awful. Look, there's an eatery nearby that a mate of mine told me about. Let's give it a try." "OK." As they walked back towards Darlinghurst Road, Mark told Derek what had happened to him since he left Derek in Ringtail Springs. Not long after he had returned to Sydney, the police had arrested him and charged him with a break and enter that he had committed previously. They caught him on the basis of the fingerprints he had left at the scene of the crime. He was remanded in custody. Soon afterwards and before his trial, he came down with full-blown AIDS. The prison doctor diagnosed AIDS. The trial was a brief and perfunctory affair. The magistrate sentenced Mark to one year imprisonment. However, Mark was so ill by then that he was released on parole almost immediately. Deaths in custody are an irksome annoyance for the authorities. There is so much paperwork involved and there is always an automatic coroner's inquest. Coroners are prone to asking awkward questions, particularly as the issue had arisen of prisons becoming hot zones for incubating AIDS. Mark had been released only recently. They arrived at the Ritz Cafe which had been recommended by Ellis de la Mare. "This is a bit posh," Mark commented. "Don't worry about it. I'll shout you to a meal," returned Derek. "Yeah, that's right. You've got money." "Yup, enough to buy you a decent feed anyhow." They walked in. People inside stared at them. They wondered what the big, stunningly handsome muscleman with the film star looks was doing with a skinny scruffy derelict. They were approached by a Vietnamese woman whom Derek understood was the proprietress, Mrs Vuong. Derek greeted her and introduced himself and Mark. Her eyes widened when he told her that her restaurant had been recommended by his friend Ellis de la Mare. She was concerned about Ellis whom she had not seen for several years. He had gone away sometime after his boyfriend, Doctor Bryn Powys, had vanished in mysterious circumstances. She said that Ellis and Bryn had eaten at the Ritz regularly. She remarked that Ellis had taken his boyfriend's disappearance very hard and that he had lost a lot of weight before he went away to some place in the country. She asked after Ellis. Derek told her that Ellis had gone through a very hard time but he had found some friends including Derek. He said that Ellis had come good and had put on weight again. Ellis was just about back to his former self with the support of his friends. Derek also told Mrs Vuong that he, Derek, had come down from the country and was staying at Hope House at the invitation of the prior, Andy Stewart to gain some experience. Mrs Vuong looked at Mark with a smile. Derek picked up her thought that Mark was one of the unkempt unfortunates that the people at Hope House picked up off the street and worked miracles with. In her eyes Derek, a superlative example of Australian manhood, was one of those miracle workers. Mark felt discomforted by Mrs Vuong's appraising look. She showed them to a table. Derek and Mark sat down. After they had ordered, Mark remarked, "You're looking bloody fit, like you've stacked on a shitload of muscle. I guess you don't have the AIDS like I got." "No, I don't," replied Derek. "Are you HIV positive?" "No." "How come? You 'n' me been screwing like rabbits." "I'm immune." "Well, fuck you, Mr Derek!" shouted Mark. "I'm fucking dying of AIDS and you sit there like a fucking lord." He stood up from his chair and headed towards the door. On his way he was seized by a coughing fit. He produced a mouthful of phlegm and spat it out on the floor. It was black. People looked at the gob of phlegm and recoiled in horror. Their faces were contorted by fear and loathing. A woman screamed. Mark walked out of the door. Derek tagged Mark telepathically. He then got up and calmly wiped up the gob of phlegm with a paper napkin. A blonde woman aged in her forties came over to him. She introduced herself as Doctor Barbara Poulton. She had a practice locally in Kings Cross. She looked questioningly at the black mass on the napkin Derek was holding. "Aspergillosis," announced Derek. "Hmm. If that's the case, he doesn't have long to live," replied Doctor Poulton. "Only a few weeks, days even. I heard him say he was dying of AIDS. Aspergillosis is unusual though. I don't often see it and I've got quite a few AIDS patients." Mrs Vuong walked over to them. "How dare you bring that man dying of AIDS in here and spread it around," she declared, her eyes flashing angrily. "People are dying of that disease and you bring that man in here to infect everyone." "It's hardly infectious at all," asserted Derek. "You can only catch it through things like unprotected sex and contaminated needles. No one has ever caught it through bugs floating in the air. It's not possible." "He's right," attested Doctor Poulton. "AIDS is caused by HIV particles and the virus particles can only be spread by infected blood or semen or breast milk. It's certainly not been known to be spread by any other means and, Mrs Vuong, as you know, I've got many AIDS patients in my practice. "What's that black stuff?" demanded Mrs Vuong indicating the black mass on the napkin held by Derek. "Bread mould," replied Derek distinctly. "It's the same stuff that grows on bread and cakes if you leave them too long. His immune system is so badly damaged that it's allowing bread mould to grow in his lungs. Look, people are breathing mould spores in all the time but it doesn't affect them because their healthy immune systems stop the mould from getting a foothold. Look, there's nothing to fear. Nobody is going to catch anything from him and die. Listen, it's OK. No one is going to die because of him." "Bread mould sounds reasonable to me," said Doctor Poulton. "Bread moulds belong to the Aspergillus genus and a mould infection is known as Aspergillosis. If it's growing in his lungs, it means he does not have long to live." "Yes," stated Derek. "I'm sorry. He's a friend of yours, isn't he?" asked Doctor Poulton. "He was but we parted on bad terms." "That's so sad. You're trying to reconnect with him and he's dying. He'll be dead soon and he's so angry. I'm so sorry, Derek." "Thanks," replied Derek looking down at the floor. He felt heavy hearted. Mrs Vuong looked from one to the other as she became aware of the unfolding tragedy. Derek did not want to eat anything after Mark's angry departure. He wanted to be out of the cafe as soon as possible. He offered to pay for the order but Mrs Vuong would not hear of it. She refused any payment. She expressed her sympathy at the impending death of Derek's friend. Derek thrust his hands in his pockets as he walked out of the cafe. He tried with Mark and he failed. He did not feel good about it. He tuned in to Mark's mind and found Mark seething with anger. Mark's feelings towards Derek had turned to hatred. He hated Derek because he, Mark, was dying of AIDS which he caught while he was in prison previously. In the prison he had been fucked repeatedly even while his arse bled. He had been gang-raped by the other prisoners until after he had become unconscious. The screws had picked his limp unconscious bleeding body up off a prison cell floor and taken him to the infirmary. There he had recovered, been repaired and then raped repeatedly by the prison warders. Then he was returned to the main prison only to be raped again and again until he was unconscious and lying in a pool of blood leaking from his arsehole. A few times he had to go to hospital to have surgery to repair his torn rectum or his ravaged anus. Derek had asked Mark a couple of times about the surgical scar down the midline of his abdomen but Mark had refused to answer Derek's questions. Mark was a good-looking spunky red-headed guy which is why the other prisoners went for him. The cycle of being raped into unconsciousness was repeated many times. It was no bloody wonder Mark had become infected with the AIDS virus. The wonder was that Mark had survived such treatment at all. And now Derek, Prince Fucking Derek, was sitting there in the cafe with his fucking huge muscles and gorgeous good looks and pots of money being sympathetic and wanting to be friends again. Well, fuck him! What really made Mark boil with hatred and anger was Derek had escaped the AIDS virus completely even though Mark had been fucking Derek up the arse just about every day. Derek loved being fucked by Mark who had been trying to give Derek AIDS. Yes, Mark admitted it to himself, he had been deliberately trying to pass HIV to Derek. Yes, he had been trying to make Derek HIV positive and come down with AIDS so Derek could suffer like he was suffering. And the screaming injustice of it all was Derek was immune to HIV! Derek could not get AIDS. He was immune to AIDS. Fuck! The fucking injustice of it all! Derek walked through the streets of Kings Cross with his hands thrust deep in his pockets. People stayed out of the way of the big moody muscleman. They were very aware of the big bulging muscles of his powerful arms. Derek's eyes prickled with tears that would not come. He was deeply shocked by the revelation that Mark had been trying to give him AIDS. That was one of the downsides of telepathy. You find out things you did not want to know. Derek was not angry. There was no point. He was a superman. If Mark had succeeded in infecting him with HIV, Hal would have cleared the virus out from his body anyway. Yes, he was immune now but he was not immune back then before he met Hal and became a superman. He was just phenomenally lucky. The tragedy of it was that he knew that Mark would refuse any advances from him. There was no way he could connect with Mark. Mark was going to die a miserable death as an unshriven soul. Derek was filled with a deep sadness. He became aware of Scott linking up with him telepathically. Scott offered to go after Mark and see if he could do better but Andy advised against it. Hal from Ringtail Springs supported Andy. Scott had a better chance with Mark because he was a friend, not a former lover. However, Scott was advised to let Mark cool down for a couple of days. Derek had tagged Mark. Scott could use the tag to home in on Mark, not like a robot or cruise missile, no, more like a shepherd bringing in a lost lamb trapped on a rocky cliff-face above a deep ravine. Scott was horrified by how distorted and malformed by anger and hatred was Mark's soul. To him it seemed badly damaged and diseased especially when he compared it to the great souls of Hal, Gabriel, Christian, Elizabeth, Peter, Wolf, Big Dick, Lovedeep and the others that were like great soaring pillars of glorious light. It was a serious challenge to Scott to effect a transformation of Mark to become a transfigured superman. Paul was easy and Scott could overcome the many problems with Cave Bear. Scott was determined however to do his best for Mark. Hal and the others assured Scott of their willingness to assist him in a difficult task. Derek felt daunted by the task as its difficulty became apparent. He admired Scott. He saw the potential for greatness in Scott. Scott thought back to the conversation he had with his Uncle Henry while he was chopping firewood at Ringtail Springs the day before the rest of the family left to go to Queensland. He remembered his uncle saying that your soul was the essential innermost you. It is potentially the immortal and indestructible part of you. It is that which sees when you look and listens when you hear. It thinks your deep thoughts. It plans and executes your well-considered actions. It was agreed that Derek would give up on trying to rescue Mark and that Scott would have a better chance. Scott was a former friend younger than Mark. He was never Mark's lover. He was never close to being a lover. Mark had targeted Derek because Derek was gay. To Mark, Scott was just a fun young bloke. Nonetheless, Scott would leave Mark alone until Mark's rage abated. That night Derek did not try to sleep. He was a superman so sleep was a luxury, not a necessity. Very early in the morning, he received from the Universal Consciousness impressions of someone trapped in a pile of rubbish. The person's consciousness was distorted like the person had been given some kind of drug. Derek jumped through hyperspace out of the bedroom and flew up into the night sky above Kings Cross. The consciousness on which Derek was homing in was fading fast. There was the impression of being trapped in a pile of rubbish in a confined space like a big metal box. The drug administered to the person seemed to render the person unable or unwilling to do anything. It appeared to have put the man into a state of terminal languor. Derek used his cryptoscopic sense to scan the dumpsters in the back alleys of Kings Cross. One dumpster he found contained the naked body of a young man near death. Derek flew down and opened the dumpster. Inside he found the young man. The young man's life force was guttering like a candle about to go out. Derek lifted up the body of the naked young man and used his psychokinetic power to clean off all the rubbish and food scraps sticking to the man. He cleaned the man's body thoroughly. For good measure he removed all the shit and half-digested food from the man's bowels. Cradling the limp body of the man in his arms, Derek flew up into the night sky. He flew back to Hope House, jumped into the bedroom he had departed from and laid the man on the double bed. The young man was deeply unconscious. He was near death. Derek consulted with the others at the house including Scott. He scanned the man's body with his cryptoscopic sense and detected heroin. The others concurred. The man had received an overdose of heroin that would soon kill him. Derek cleared all the heroin out of the man's body. Then he found that there were HIV particles and antibodies in the man's blood. The man was HIV positive. Derek cleared out the HIV from the man's entire body. Working with the others, Derek found and cleared a syphilis infection as well. He and the others also found evidence of anabolic steroids that the man had used to build up the size of his muscles. He set in train processes to repair any damage to the internal organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys and testicles but he did not reduce the size of the man's muscles. Derek used his cryptoscopic sense to scan the man's body and found nothing else of concern. The man had quite narrow hips and waist. His torso sloped up to a wide deep muscular chest and broad shoulders. Derek thought he looked a real hunk. He had already cleaned out the man's bowels. He perceived that the man had quite a long rectum with a very short sigmoid colon. The man's rectum went almost straight into the descending colon. Now that the young man had been cleared of all the dangers to his life and health, he lay on the bed in a deep sleep induced by Derek to allow the man's body to regenerate. He would sleep for some time yet. Derek took a good look at the young man he had rescued. The man had a strong muscular build and he was quite good-looking in a sweet way. He had dark blond short straight hair with a lightly tanned skin. Derek removed his clothes and got into the bed with the naked young man. He got underneath the man, lifted him onto his own body and pillowed the man's head on his bulging pectoral muscles. He wrapped his big arms around the man's body. He did this to better feed the healing energy into the man and to aid his recovery. Derek would allow him to sleep as long as he needed to. He lay on the bed with the man sleeping on him. He listened to the night noises of the city. Occasionally a flying night insect would bang on the flyscreen over the window. He continued to direct healing energy into the man's recovering body. The man continued in a deep sleep. The sky outside lightened as the dawn approached. Birds sang in the garden outside. A congregation of magpies carolled in a tree outside the window. Derek knew that the magpies were a family group that lived on the property. There was always activity in the house. It increased as the morning progressed. Derek was telepathically aware of the activity. Everyone was interested in the welfare of the nameless young man whom Derek had rescued from the dumpster. The muscular body of the naked young man sleeping on Derek had Derek interested. Derek's cock was quite stiff. He had reduced its size to twelve inches (30 cm.) long and two and a half inches (6.4 cm) thick so that his sleeping bed partner would not feel too intimidated when he awoke. Late in the morning the young man stirred. Derek gently massaged the back of the man's head and kissed his cheek. The young man suddenly raised his head and looked down at Derek. "Am I in Heaven?" he asked. "No," replied Derek with a laugh. The young man looked at Derek quizzically. "Are you an angel?" he asked. "No," smiled Derek. "You are beautiful. You are the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Are you human?" "Thank you. And yes, I am human. I am a man." "Where am I?" asked the man looking around. "In Hope House." "Oh." The man looked around taking in his comfortable surroundings. He ran his hands over Derek's shoulders and arms appreciating the well- developed musculature. He looked searchingly at Derek. "You look like a dream lover," he said. "Thank you," replied Derek with a wide sexy smile. "I must be dreaming. This can't be real." "It's real alright." "OK then, fuck me and then I know if this is real." Derek grinned, "OK. Sure thing." The man reached down and felt Derek's stiff penis. His eyes widened and he rolled off Derek's body. He stared at the penis and looked at Derek who was sending reassuring but sexy mind glyphs into the man's mind. He was deliberately ramping up the man's sexual arousal with the mind glyphs. "Crikey! It's bloody huge!" exclaimed the man. "I never had one that big before." "It's OK. It should fit up inside you alright unless you've got a tiny arsehole," said Derek reassuringly. "I'll go easy on you, I promise. I don't get off on hurting people. What really gets me going is when you and I have a really wonderful time together. OK?" "Yeah, alright," said the man doubtfully. "Trouble is, I'm so stirred up thinking about it, I'm fucking horny as hell." Derek reached down and put his hand around the man's erect penis. It was rock hard and thick. It felt like it was a very serviceable six inches (15 cm.) long. He rubbed his encircling hand up and down the shaft of the man's penis. "I reckon!" laughed Derek. "Fuck! I'm so fucking close!" panted the man. Derek rolled the man onto his back and lifted up his legs. He applied his mouth to the man's arsehole and licked it hard with plenty of saliva. The man groaned in appreciation. Derek pushed his tongue up into the man's anus and vigorously moved it around inside, squirting even more saliva into the man's arsehole. Derek's long prehensile tongue massaged the man's prostate and the man groaned even more. "Oh fuck yes!" cried the man. "Oh fuck, this is fucking wonderful. No one's ever done this to me before. Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Derek enjoyed tonguing the man's shit-free anus. He had the man writhing around on the bed in the heights of delight. He kept on sending sexual mind glyphs into the man's mind to maintain the man's sexual tension. The man grabbed Derek's shoulders and cried, "Please fuck me. I'm fucking desperate! Please! Fuck me!" Derek knelt back on his knees. He spat a good big wad of saliva into his hand and rubbed it the length of his great big penis. The man's eyes widened as he took in the breath-taking musculature of Derek's body. He was awestruck by the big bulging muscles of Derek's thick powerful arms and shoulders, his bulging bulky plates of pectoral muscles, his wide deep well-muscled chest sloping down into a slim strong spectacular abdominal eight-pack. He admired Derek's thick strong thighs. "You really are the dream lover," he breathed as he looked up at Derek. "Thanks," replied Derek with a wide sexy smile. "Oh fuck yes! You're a fucking god!" Derek leant forward and hooked the man's legs over his wide powerful shoulders. Then he placed his cock head against the man's anal entrance. The man moaned deeply. He cried out as Derek slowly eased his big cock into the man's anal pucker and through the anal sphincters. Gently but inexorably Derek pushed his penis up into the man's rectum squeezing past the prostate until his penis penetrated right up into the depths of the man's bowels. The man moaned in deepest pleasure as Derek started a steady rhythm of thrusts into him pounding his prostate. His face flushed red. He put his strong arms around Derek's mighty shoulders and dug his fingers into the thick hard mounds of muscle on Derek's back. His rampant stiff cock rubbed up and down the sweat-slicked deep valley in the midline of Derek's muscular abdomen as Derek powered into him. While Derek continued to fuck the man, he pumped energy into the man enhancing his sexual arousal intensely. Thrills and tremors ran through the man's body as Derek continued to pump his penis in and out of the man's anus pounding his prostate as he did so. The man screamed as his groin contracted brutally. Orgasm hit him like an express train. Derek continued pumping energy into the man intensifying and prolonging the man's orgasm enormously while he continued thrusting his penis up into the man's rectum and lower bowels. The man raked his fingernails across Derek's back but left no marks on Derek's invulnerable skin. The man's eyes turned up into his head so that only the whites were showing. The man was filled with a tremendous desire for Derek, his dream lover, his god of love and sex. He wanted Derek with his whole being. He was a hole aching to be filled and he was being filled beyond his wildest dreams. Never had he been fucked like this. He was at the pinnacle of ecstasy. He reached out for Derek like a flower with tentacles. He wanted Derek with all his being. Derek was a treasure beyond compare. Derek pressed the big button in the man's mind and the man's telepathic sense unfolded into being. Joyfully the man's mind ran into Derek's mind. He was in raptures to be in such close communion with his god, his dream lover, whose name he found out was Derek. He wrapped his arms around Derek's powerful neck and covered Derek's face with kisses. Now that the man had become telepathic, Derek roared into orgasm. That triggered another stupendous orgasm within the man. Their minds smeared out and whirled around and around each other in a towering tornado of fire. The ecstatic tumult continued. Their bodies were locked together in an iron embrace. The man was pinned by Derek's mighty penis to his god and he was in a prolonged state of rapture. Finally like a grand symphony coming to an end, their combined orgasms coasted to a halt. The man's mind remained linked to Derek's. It was with the utmost delight that he remained connected to Derek both mentally and physically by Derek's stiff penis remaining up inside his anus. They lay closely connected together on the bed. Their thoughts passed rapidly between them as they swapped information with each other. The man was overjoyed to discover that as he suspected, Derek was no ordinary man. Derek was a god, a superman. The man seized on the hope that he too could become a superman and could leave his former life behind him. The man was known around Kings Cross as Jason Montana. He worked in a 'gentlemen's establishment' as a masseur and a male prostitute. With his clients he gave them a relaxation or pleasuring massage and often allowed his clients to fuck him. Now and then he would be the active partner but most of the time his clients wanted his arse. They paid him extra, a lot extra to fuck him without a condom. The good-looking muscular young man was in great demand. Some of the other sex workers were very jealous of him. Jason was twenty three years old. He had received formal training as a masseur with a certificate to prove it. The name on his birth certificate was Jason Craig. When he came out to his parents, his father flew into a rage when he found out that his son was gay. His father declared that no son of his would ever be a 'fucking queer'. He threw Jason out of the house with the words "if you ever show your fucking faggot face round here again, I'll fucking kill you!" Jason was seventeen years old then. Since then Jason had not only undergone training as a masseur but he undertook serious workouts at a gym in Kings Cross. He was introduced to anabolic steroids and along with his heavy workouts his muscles bulked up considerably. He put on a lot of weight and he became much stronger. His clients loving fucking the strong, muscular, good- looking, cute young man that Jason had become. He was known as 'The Muscle Cutie' to his clients. He was five foot nine inches (175 cm.) tall and he weighed fourteen and a half stones (203 lb, 92 Kg.) of solid muscle. With seventeen- inch (43 cm.) biceps, a forty-six-inch (117 cm.) chest and a thirty- two-inch (81 cm.) waist displaying a well-defined six-pack, he was quite a hunk. Derek thought he was in luck finding a man like Jason in a dumpster. He considered Jason as definitely lust-worthy. Overcome with emotion and gratitude at picking up Derek's thoughts, Jason wrapped his arms around Derek's thick neck and once again covered Derek's face with kisses. Their lips found each other and locked together in a passionate embrace. Derek's arms tightened underneath Jason. His cock thrust up into Jason's arsehole once more and commenced a steady beat in and out of Jason's rectum. Derek sent small electric charges through his penis into the interior of Jason's groin. Jason's prostate received exquisite pleasuring. The continued thrusting of Derek's penis into Jason's anus drove Jason inexorably towards orgasm. "Oh, fuck, this is real. This is so real," groaned Jason. "Oh fuck yes! Fuck me! Oh fuck yes! Fuck me hard, real hard!" And Derek continued fucking Jason with rumbustious exuberance. His thrusting cock sent thrills running through Jason's writhing body. Jason was filled with lust, love and passion. He was in ecstasy. Never before had a man fucked him like this. Jason screamed as orgasm exploded within him. Derek kept on thrusting his big penis up into the depths of Jason's bowels. Jason would start winding down from one orgasm only to be thrust into another. The orgasms continued in a series of high peaks. Jason was having a Himalaya of orgasms. Every now and then Derek would roar into an orgasm. Jason could feel Derek's hot spunk flooding into his intestines. This drove Jason to high peaks of delirious joy. Their minds ran into one another like rivers of molten metal. They ravished each other with mutual ecstasy. Jason felt he could not get enough of Derek and Derek filled Jason to the utmost. Their joy, their happiness, their delight danced round and round one another in a fiery maypole dance. Their rambunctious love-making continued until late in the afternoon. Finally, finally the two men decided they had had enough. They endured the long languid process of separation as Derek gradually withdrew his softening penis from Jason's anus. They lay together in each other's arms as they luxuriated in the golden afterglow of glorious sex. Jason was fulsome in his praise of Derek. Never before had he been so wonderfully fucked. He luxuriated in his new reality. Yes, it was real. He was convinced it was real. He was keen to become a superman like Derek. He was even willing to go before the unknown God, pledge to serve Him forever and receive super powers like Derek from Him. He had never been exposed to God. He had no concept of God. Up until now the word 'God' had just been a swear word. He had never been to church in his life. Neither of his parents were believers although his paternal grandfather had been a Presbyterian minister whom Jason hardly ever saw. However, Jason trusted Derek completely. He had complete faith that Derek would never lead him to harm. He became aware of the network into which Derek was connected. He became aware of the other people in the house and elsewhere. There were many thousands of minds. Jason became aware of the numinous presence of God spreading his Presence over the network of telepaths. Yes, Jason will go before God, pledge to serve Him and receive super powers in return. He was keen. Derek wanted Jason to meet the other people in the house. Jason felt he needed some clothes. He looked at Derek and felt overawed by Derek's naked muscular magnificence. He wanted Derek to make his own muscles even bigger. However, Derek was keen for the others in the house see what a treasure he had found in the dumpster. He reassured Jason that he found Jason a lovely-looking hunk who should be proud of his body as it was. Jason was filled with love and gratitude. No one had appreciated him like Derek. He put his arms around Derek and kissed him. Derek reciprocated. With their naked bodies in close contact, their cocks stiffened. However, Derek felt that they had had enough sex for the time being. They had been at it all afternoon. Jason laughed. He had to agree. Nevertheless with Derek, he would have liked more. Clothes! Derek created a pair of blue denim jeans around himself. He remained shirtless and barefoot. Jason thought he might wear his masseur's uniform. Derek got the picture and created on Jason a close-fitting pair of tight brief white shorts with knee-high fawn ugg boots but no top. Jason was shirtless too. Derek wolf-whistled him. He thought Jason looked hot. Jason blushed. Derek put his arm around Jason and together they jumped downstairs. Jason was confused by the sudden change of scenery and finding himself among a whole lot of people. He was even more confused to pick up all manner of thoughts like 'Ooh! Nice one!', 'He's so cute!', 'Derek sure picked a hot one!', 'He's one cute hunk!' and so on. He felt embarrassed but everyone reassured him. They all liked the look of the man Derek had rescued from the dumpster. Andy came and introduced himself. There was a rapid telepathic exchange of information. Jason was surprised that such a hot hunk was the prior of the house. With a laugh Andy pointed out that Derek was the prior of the community house at Ringtail Springs and that Jason thought that Derek was even hotter. Jason blushed but Derek put a comforting arm around him as they laughed together. Scott joined them. He introduced himself as another ringtail possum like Derek. He was the deputy prior of the Ringtail Springs house. Jason was awed by Scott's size and massive muscularity. Scott conveyed the impression that Derek has found a really nice hunk in the dumpster. He christened Jason as the Dumpster Kid. Everyone laughed. Jason felt embarrassed at first but everyone took pains to reassure him. Derek took Jason around the room and introduced him to the other people in the house. Jason was glad of his newly acquired telepathic sense. He understood that he was in a room full of supermen and superwomen. Davey walked over. Derek had known him from Ellis's memory of him as Tom Lundgren's trainee whom Ellis had first met soon after Bryn disappeared some years before. They hugged one another. Davey was pleased to know that Ellis had found some peace and happiness at Ringtail Springs. Jason looked from one man to the other. He could not decide who was the more beautiful. Davey was a little taller than Derek but had a similar build. The two supermen laughed. Jason felt a moment of embarrassment but the supermen quickly reassured him. They enveloped Jason in a muscular hug. Davey wanted to know how Jason ended up in a dumpster with an overdose of heroin. Jason remembered being seized from behind by people and a woman injecting him in the pectoral muscle with something. The injection hurt horribly. After that his consciousness blurred out. He remembered being carried somewhere, thrown into a dumpster full of rubbish and the lid slammed down. He just lay there. He was too doped out to do anything. He had no idea who the people might be. He had never seen them before. His next clear memory was waking up in a strange bed on top of Derek whom he thought was the sexiest man alive. Jason was overwhelmed at being surrounded by so much love, grace, beauty, strength and power. He understood that the other people in the room were all superhuman gods and goddesses. They had all been ordinary humans once. Davey once had been a skinny desperate homeless young derelict hanging around Kings Cross. Now he had been transformed into one of the most beautiful musclemen Jason had ever seen. The people who had not mattered are now magnificent, powerful beings who could be fairly be called gods. They represented the destiny of the human race, a destiny that in the far future embraced the entire universe. That future was offered to Jason. The transformation was offered to Jason. He was offered the chance to become one of these great and glorious beings like Derek, Davey, Scott and the others. He was keen. He was ready. Jason was seized by a great desire. He wanted desperately to become a superman full of grace and beauty. He was fully prepared to go before the Lord God Himself and pledge to serve Him forever. He wanted to go now. He was desperate to leave his seedy life as a masseur cum prostitute behind him forever. The evening meal was nearly ready. Even so, Jason was determined to go before the Lord God and become a superman as soon as possible. He did not want to wait. Derek took Jason to Heaven. Jason pledged to serve God forever and God commissioned Jason as a superman. God decided to make Jason bigger and Jason was delighted when God gave Jason the same body size as Fox, a little lighter than Derek at 125 kilograms (275 lb.). He modified Jason's face to make him hunkier but more beautiful. The very bone structure changed but only to a small degree. The small asymmetries were ironed out. His jaw became stronger, squarer and manlier. His mouth became a little bigger and more sensuous. His skin took on a somewhat darker tan. His eyes became bigger and wider and they took on a bright blue hue. Jason would be recognisable but people would think that he had grown up into a stunningly good-looking muscleman. Jason was enraptured to receive such an impressive body. He was about the same height as Derek at 6 foot 1 inch (185 cm.). He was especially proud of his 23-inch (59-cm.) biceps and his 59-inch (150- cm.) chest atop his slim muscular waist that remained at 32 inches (81 cm.) now with a well-developed eight-pack. He and Derek returned to Hope House a fraction of a second after they departed. People clapped and cheered when they reappeared in the room from which they left. The people were delighted with the transformation God had wrought upon Jason who now looked every inch a superman. They all remarked on how short the time was between Jason's arrival in Hope House and him becoming a superman. Jason was unusual. Jason was eager to become a Roadknight like most of the other men in the house. He had heard many tales about the Roadknights and longed to become one. Derek arranged a Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 V-twin motorcycle for Jason who was filled with joy to receive the bike. Derek was relieved to discover that Jason already had a combined motorcycle and car driving licence. He did not need to magic one into existence for Jason. Davey became invisible and jumped to the boarding house where Jason had been living. He used his powers to retrieve Jason's documents from Jason's former bedroom. He returned them to Jason who showed his gratitude by giving Davey a big hug and kiss. During the night while they were having sex, Derek loaded into Jason's mind the knowledge required by a Roadknight. The following morning Derek mounted his Harley-Davidson and accompanied Jason on his Kwakker on a tour around the inner suburbs of Sydney. Jason wore a red neckerchief with a Roadknight insignia around his neck to signify that he was a Roadknight trainee. His sleeveless denim jacket had no insignia on the back. Both their jackets were open down the front displaying their superlative pectoral muscles and abdominal eight- packs. The two men took New South Head Road east through Double Bay and on through Point Piper and Vaucluse to Watsons Bay. As they rode, they turned plenty of heads. People turned to stare at the two superbly muscled bikers riding their big loud V-twins through the exclusive eastern suburbs. From Watsons Bay they turned south towards Bondi, then west along Oxford Street. As they passed through Darlinghurst they received plenty of wolf-whistles from men and women alike. Jason experienced a brief moment of discomfiture but was quickly reassured by Derek. Piloting his big bike through the heavily trafficked streets was a valuable learning experience for Jason. They continued north-westward along Oxford Street through the central business district of Sydney. They travelled north over the Sydney Harbour Bridge and then circled to the west and south over the Anzac Bridge back through the City of Sydney to Kings Cross. That evening Scott and Derek perceived that Mark was close to death. Mark was finding it difficult to breathe because his lungs were so clogged up with bread mould. He was lying on the ground under a bush in the small park next to Elizabeth Bay Towers where Ellis de la Mare had his penthouse until he sold it. Mark was too weak to move. Scott and Derek looked at one another with concern as they shared their impressions with Jason. They understood that Mark would not last the night. Jason was already aware of Derek's run-in with Mark in the Ritz Cafe. Andy and the others in the house recommended that Scott should bring Mark to the house as soon as possible and start the healing process. Mark's hold on life was too tenuous for them to wait. Jason and Derek agreed to leave the house for Ringtail Springs that night. Scott jumped out of the house and flew up into the night sky. He homed in on Mark's mind and landed in the little park in Elizabeth Bay. He picked up Mark's limp body from under the bush and, cradling Mark in his arms, flew up high in the sky to Hope House. He jumped into a bedroom and laid Mark on a double bed. Derek and Jason departed. Scott heard the rumble of their motor cycles as they rode out of the grounds and headed westwards towards home at Ringtail Springs. He picked up that Derek intended to give Jason the intensive training to become a Roadknight. Jason was eager to learn. Derek planned to head west through the heavy night-time traffic of Sydney City then along Parramatta Road to the Western Motorway. Then they would follow minor roads at speed until they reached the other side of the Great Dividing Range. They would go out as far as Bathurst, then head southwest as far as Junee and circle back through the Great Dividing Range to Ringtail Springs. They planned to arrive at the community house sometime the following day after riding through the night. As supermen they did not need to sleep. Scott looked at Mark unconscious on the bed. Black phlegm was caked around Mark's mouth. Mark's breathing was laboured and he was breathing through his mouth. Scott could hear the rumble in Mark's chest. He reflected that if Mark's dead body had been found the following morning, the good burghers of Elizabeth Bay walking their pampered little poochies would have had hysterics at seeing Mark's ghastly corpse defiling their well-manicured little park. Using his psychokinetic power, he removed Mark's clothes, a black T- shirt and faded blue jeans. They were just about rags but he cleaned them up anyway. Then he cleaned up Mark's emaciated body. Mark was so thin that it was a wonder he was still alive. His limbs were like broomsticks. His ribs stuck out so much that Scott could have counted them. He reminded Scott of the pictures he had seen in his parents' books of the concentration camp victims in Germany at the end of the Second World War. Scott noted the surgical scar down the midline of Mark's skinny concave belly. Scott stripped off his own clothes and got into bed with Mark. He lifted Mark onto his own body, pillowed Mark's head on his pectoral muscles and wrapped his mighty arms around Mark's ravaged body. He gathered up the universal energy and focused it on Mark. The first thing he did was to clean out the aspergillus or bread mould infection from Mark's lungs so that Mark could breathe more easily. He cleaned out another fungal infection from Mark's throat and gullet. He removed the red-black blotches of Kaposi's sarcoma from the skin of Mark's legs and body. Then he undertook the task of complete removal of HIV from Mark's body and the other sexually transmitted diseases with which Mark had been infected, diseases like syphilis, gonorrhoea, herpes and so on. He also removed any incipient cancers that had taken root. As well he removed all the other infections that were infesting Mark's body as a result of Mark's disabled immune system. That took time. Dawn was approaching when it was finished. When it was done, Scott repaired the damage done to Mark's brain. Here he was glad to have the long-distance guidance from Christian, Gabriel and Hal back in Ringtail Springs. Then he made a whole lot of repairs and improvements to Mark's body. He did a complete repair of Mark's damaged intestines and arsehole that were the result of the repeated rapes Mark had suffered while in prison. He lengthened Mark's rectum and aligned it with his descending colon reducing the sigmoidal colon to just a small vestige. He made Mark's anus, rectum and colon all nice and tight and supple like that of a teenage boy. He removed all the semi-digested food and every trace of shit from Mark's bowels. He increased Mark's muscle mass back to how he remembered Mark when he was with Derek in Ringtail Springs. Then he added a bit more muscle until Mark had a good strong muscular build. Mark now weighed 195 pounds (88 Kg) of solid muscle. His height remained at 5 feet 8 inches (172 cm). Scott looked at Mark's square face. It had looked gaunt but Scott filled it out. He saw that Mark had a fairly low forehead but decided not to alter it. Mark still had his curly bright red hair. Scott gave him a good thick growth of hair on his head. He also gave Mark a good growth of bright red pubic hair and a treasure trail of curly bright red hair from his pubic hair up to his belly button. The rest of Mark's body was hairless. Scott was happy now with the way that Mark looked. He thought that Mark looked really hot and hunky. Mark continued sleeping. Scott reset all the metabolic processes in Mark's body so that Mark was completely healthy. Mark would wake up feeling perfectly fit and really good. And as well he would be randy and looking for sex. Throughout all this Mark remained in a deep sleep as if he had been anaesthetised. He remained lying on Scott's body with Scott's big arms wrapped around him. His strong hunky body stirred up Scott whose penis became fully erect. Scott reduced the superman proportions of his penis down to a still very impressive 10 inches (25 cm) long and two and a third inches (6 cm) thick with a big round cock head like a peach. His cock remained hard leaking precum under Mark's well- muscled torso. He put in place a small repulsive force field around his penis and his whole body so it felt slippery all over. He let Mark continue sleeping. Sometime after midday Mark's sleep started to lighten. Subconsciously he became aware of a big muscular man's body underneath his own. While still asleep, he grew sexually aroused. His penis stiffened into a splendid thick erection 7 inches (18 cm) long. Scott reflected wryly that it was not surprising that Derek could not get enough of Mark during the time before Hal arrived. Just for fun he lengthened Mark's penis 2 inches so it was now 9 inches (23 cm) long. As well, he made it thicker still to two and a half inches (6.5 cm). It was mid-afternoon when Mark stirred. Light from the sun streamed in through the windows. Mark raised his head, looked around then down at Scott underneath him. "Hi, Mark," said Scott cheerfully. "Hi," replied Mark doubtfully. He looked at Scott trying to work out what was happening. Scott sent him mind glyphs to aid recognition. "Scottie?" he asked. "Yep, that's me," Scott answered with a broad grin. Mark raised himself up higher off Scott's body and looked down at Scott. "Fuck, Scottie! You're huge!" exclaimed Mark. "Your muscles are fucking huge! How did you get so fucking big?" He ran his hands over Scott's shoulders and upper arms in disbelief. "I grew," laughed Scott. "I reckon!" exclaimed Mark. He shook his head and said, "This must be a fucking dream and I'm going to wake up fucking dead under a bush somewhere." "Why not enjoy it while you can?" said Scott with a smile. That got a laugh out of Mark. Then he caught sight of his own arms. He sat upright on Scott's groin and flexed his arms. He stared at his big bulging sixteen-and-a-half-inch (42-cm) biceps in disbelief. Scott fed mind glyphs into Mark's mind ramping up Mark's appreciation of his newly muscular body and at the same time increasing Mark's sexual desire. "Fuck me!" Mark exclaimed. "This must be a dream! I never been this big and muscly in me life!" He ran his hands over his body appreciating the size of his newly acquired muscles. He admired his thick round pectorals. "Fuck! I've never had pecs like these! Fuck! They're huge!" he exclaimed. He looked down and saw his slim strong belly sporting a six-pack of solid muscle. "This is fucking incredible!" he breathed. "It must be a dream." He saw his own fully erect penis jutting out from his groin. He looked at it puzzled. He rubbed his hand appreciatively up and down the shaft. "Fuck! That feels good!" he exclaimed. "I reckon though it's got a big bigger than before." "Maybe," laughed Scott. Then Mark saw Scott's big thick erect penis jutting between his thick muscular thighs underneath his own cock. He put his hand around Scott's shaft that was slippery with precum and with a small repulsive force field Scott had set up around his penis. He rubbed his hand up and down the shaft admiringly. "Fuck! That's one huge bloody cock you've got, Scottie," he remarked. "And it looks like you're ready to go." "Yep. I sure am," replied Scott with a grin. Mark looked down at Scott searchingly. "You are Scottie, aren't you?" he asked. "You're not the Devil who's come to fuck me to buggery, are you?" Scott laughed, "Nah. Don't worry. I'm Scott alright." Mark looked at Scott. A faraway look came into his eyes. "You know, mate," he said after a while, "you look like Big Ben." "Big Ben?" asked Scott playing it safe. "Yeah," replied Mark. "That was my first time in prison. I got done for assault and I got three years. Big Ben was my protector, you see. He was a big guy, but not as big as you. You're like fucking huge. Anyhow, he and me shared a cell. He used to fuck me real nice. It was beautiful and God! I loved him. I really fell in love with him. Then one day some shithead cunt of a bastard shoved a sharpened screwdriver, one of those big ones, right up into his guts. Poor Ben, he died pretty well straight away, poor bastard. He was in agony. Fuck! It was bloody horrible. Anyhow, when they took his dead body away, it was fucking on for young and old. I was anybody's and everybody's. They all wanted to fuck me and they did. Those bastards fucked me inside out. Shit! It was horrible. You got no fucking idea what it's like being gang-raped. Anyhow there was this real big bastard. They called him Donkey Kong 'cos he was hung like a donkey and built like King Kong. He had the biggest fucking dick I ever seen. And fuck! He'd ram that bloody huge fucking great lump of meat of his up my arse and Christ! It hurt like fucking hell. That fucking bastard ripped me apart with that fucking great dick of his so much I fucking had to go to hospital and get my arse and my guts stitched up back together again. You see this scar down my middle, Scottie? That's where they cut me open and stitched my guts back together again after fucking Donkey Kong ripped them apart with his fucking dick. They put him in solitary after that. He was inside for life because he was such an animal, he raped some poor bitch and tore her cunt apart and she died because he stuck his huge cock up through her ripped cunt and he filled all her belly with his cum and she got all infected and died. He got done for murder, stupid bastard, and got put away for life. He was stupid too. Big and thick and stupid. He was fucking thick as two short planks, a real fucking retard! Fuck! He was horrible! That was all because poor Big Ben got stuck in the guts with a fucking screwdriver. I was kinda hoping he'd come back to make love to me but I got you instead, Scottie. What happened to you?" "I'm here now," replied Scott. He was aware that Derek's and Jason's minds had linked up with his. He sensed that they were riding their motorbikes through the streets of Gundagai on their way to Valley Road. Derek: << Now I know why Mark refused to let me fuck him. His arse got ripped to pieces while he was in prison. It's no wonder! But he never said anything to me about it. Mind you, I was quite happy most of the time to let him fuck me. Occasionally I felt I was caught up in a really unequal relationship with him the top all the time. It didn't really bother me much until towards the end when I got really shat off with the way he expected me to wait on him hand and foot. >> Jason was very interested. He remembered Mark from he was living in Kings Cross. Mark was the pathetically skinny homeless man with the curly red hair. Jason used to give Mark the occasional handout of food and money. "Yeah, OK, Scottie," said Mark. "You know, you look like Big Ben. You got the black curly hair like he had and the blue eyes just like him. But you got heaps bigger muscles than he got. You're fucking huge. And you're better looking too. You know, you really look like Superman too. Ben did a bit too but you look more like Superman." "Thanks." "You ever fucked a guy before?" "Yeah," Scott grinned. "Who? Derek?" asked Mark. "Yeah." "I bet the bastard loved it." "He sure did. He kept coming back for more," replied Scott with a grin. "Lucky bastard! How come you and him got such big muscles? You're both a hell of a lot bigger than when I last saw you." "It's catching." Mark laughed. "Is that why my muscles got bigger?" "Yeah. Something like that," replied Scott with a smile. Mark reached down and put his hand around Scott's rampantly stiff cock. He rubbed his hand up and down the slick and slippery shaft. Scott groaned and heaved a deep sigh. "Geez, Scottie, I love that huge big muscly chest of yours and those fucking great big ginormous arms of yours too. I reckon you're ready for action, matey." "Yeah." "I reckon I might stuff that huge cock of yours up my arse for old time's sake, like in memory of Big Ben. OK?" "Sure. There's a tube of lube in the bedside drawer if you want." Mark reached over and got the tube from the drawer. He smeared a liberal coating of lubricant all over Scott's rock hard cock. Scott groaned. Mark then applied a generous glob of lubricant to his own anus and gave it a good coating. He tossed the tube onto the floor. "Just go easy on me, will you," enjoined Mark as he positioned Scott's slippery cock head against his well-lubricated anal pucker. "It's been a fair old while since I had a cock this big up me arse and it's a fair bit bigger than Big Ben's." "'Ts OK. I won't push until you're ready," replied Scott amid heavy breathing. He put his hands behind his head. His enormous biceps bulged with power. He fed mind glyphs of relaxation, joy and sexual desire into Mark's mind. He kept his body still while Mark eased his arse back against Scott's cock head. Mark's anal sphincters relaxed. He gasped as the head of Scott's penis popped through the ring of muscle. "Oh Jesus fuck God! That's so good," gasped Mark. The penis slowly slid inside Mark's anus as Mark pushed back on it. Thrills ran though Mark's body as Scott's big thick cock slid past Mark's prostate into his rectum. "Oh fuck! That feels good, so fucking good!" moaned Mark with his mouth open as he pushed back on Scott's penis sliding up inside him. He put his hands on the immense hard rounded mounds of Scott's pectoral muscles. He ran his hands over the smooth slicked skin. He was highly aroused by the feel of the thick hard masses of muscle under his hands. He became even more excited as he ran his hands over the bulging hard bowling balls of Scott's enormous flexed biceps muscles. "Jesus Scottie!" he exclaimed. "I just can't get over how big your muscles are! They're fucking huge!" Scott sensed the rising sexual excitement in Mark. He was determined to make this a fuck to remember. Mark placed his hands back on the monumental bulges of Scott's pectoral muscles. He eased his arse back down on Scott's penis impelling it further up his anus. "Oh God! That feels so good," he moaned. "Fuck me, Scottie! Fuck me good! Fuck me real good!" Scott put his big hands around Mark's waist and gently pushed his penis further up into Mark's rectum. Mark moaned in increasing rapture as he felt Scott's cock moving up inside him. His mouth was open as he relished the feeling of a filling rectum. He exulted in the feeling Scott's penis filling his rectum. He threw his head back with his mouth open moaning in sheer bliss. This was turning out to be a most enjoyable fuck. As he felt Scott pushing deeper up inside him, he forgot about all the evil and misery that had filled his life up until now. When he felt Scott's pubic hair tickling his balls, he knew that he had taken Scott's great big penis fully up his arse. "Sweet Jesus! That feels so fucking good!" he moaned. "God! It feels good! Just like Big Ben." Scott revelled in the feel of Mark's newly refurbished anus around his rampant cock. "Oh fuck! That feels good, real good!" moaned Mark. "I think you're all the way in, Scottie." "I am," replied Scott. "You can start fucking me good and proper anytime you like," returned Mark. Scott thrust his cock gently in and out of Mark's arsehole. At the same time he lengthened his cock even more to twelve inches (30 cm) and thickened it to two and a half inches (6.5 cm). He stiffened his cock even more so that it bent upwards a little so that it put more pressure on Mark's prostate. Mark groaned in sheer rapture as he felt Scott's splendid penis slide in and out of his anus. His prostate was feeling wonderfully well- stimulated. Thrills and tremors ran all over his body from his well- filled pelvis. He lay down on top of Scott's magnificently well- muscled body and rested his head on the hard pillows of Scott's pectoral muscles. He revelled in the feel of Scott's massive strength. Scott put his huge powerful arms around Mark's waist. He used his psychokinetic power to guide Mark's raging erect penis into the deep, slick and slippery cleft down the midline of Scott's abdomen so it could slide up and down between the bulging muscular ridges of Scott's abdominal ten-pack while sandwiched between their bellies. Scott continued fucking him. Mark moaned and groaned. His face was flushed. His mouth was open. He drooled on Scott's chest. He was in double ecstasy. He was exhilarated to feel Scott's big penis thrusting up his arsehole deep inside him while at the same time his own cock was sliding up and down the deep midline clefts between the abdominal ridges of their muscular bellies. He thrilled to feel Scott's cock pushing past his prostate stimulating it with vigour. Scott increased the rate of his thrusts into Mark's arse. He totally enjoyed Mark's tight slippery arsehole and rectum that gripped his penis like a well-lubricated fist. Mark moaned. He was in raptures with each thrust of Scott's penis up his arse. Never before in his life had he had sex like this, either giving it or receiving it, either with a man or a woman. This beat all his other experiences hands down. But then, the only sex he had really enjoyed previously was when Big Ben was fucking him or he was fucking Derek. Now Scott was giving him the fuck of his life. This was heaps better than Big Ben even. "Oh fuck!" he moaned. "Oh fucking Jesus!" The persistent plunges of Scott's penis up through his anus and rectum into the depths of his bowels were causing a massive tightness in his groin. As well, his cock slipping and sliding up and down the midline grooves of their muscular bodies was giving him overwhelming stimulation. There was a tense ache between his balls and arsehole. His balls felt heavy, swollen and sore. A sharp tingling started up at the base of his spine. He felt as if he was being propelled by some irresistible force to the edge of a precipice. And Scott's cock kept thrusting into him. It filled his arse and his groin each time it pushed into his body. His body shuddered and trembled as he hesitated on the edge of the precipice. Tremendous feelings surged through his body as he lost his footing and plunged over the precipice. He cried out, "Oh fuck! Oh Sweet Jesus! Kentucky Fucking Christ! I'm coming! I'm fucking coming!" He gave a loud long scream. Something contracted brutally inside Mark's pelvis as Scott's cock plunged up through his anus. An instant of terrible pain surged through his body as something exploded deep inside him. The tingling at the base of his spine intensified until it felt as if a manic vibrator had started up inside the back of his pelvis. Then something burst from the base of his spine and surged up through his body. His whole body seemed to burst into flame. He saw a whole galaxy of stars. As Scott continued to thrust his cock up into Mark's anus, he saw Mark's eyes roll up into his head so that only the whites were showing. Then he sensed the Kundalini breaking out of its cocoon at the base of Mark's spine. As he had been taught, he guided it up through the seven chakras of Mark's body until it reached the crown chakra at the top of his head. Then Mark had achieved a full Kundalini Awakening. Mark became telepathic. His mind rushed joyfully into Scott's mind where Scott's love wrapped itself around him. Mark was in the highest rapture. He realised that Scott was no longer an ordinary human being, no longer just a kid, but Scott had become a powerful puissant god, a junior god but a god nonetheless. Scott continued plunging his cock into Mark's anus. He was enjoying Mark's strong muscular body, his tight arsehole, his strong bulging buttocks and Mark was enjoying Scott's enjoyment. Mark was enraptured to be in such close contact with the mighty being that Scott had become, both physically and telepathically. He was enfolded into Scott and was totally safe and protected by the mighty god called Scott. He was euphoric that Scott was enjoying so much his new, strong, muscular and perfectly healthy new body. He perceived that Scott had been a wee bit worried that Mark's awakening could go awry but everything went well. Scott was free to enjoy Mark's body to the full and he did. Scott continued thrusting his penis into Mark's strong muscular body. He delighted in Mark's beautiful tight anus that wrapped around his surging cock like a well-lubricated glove. He relished the sensation of Mark's internal organs moving and pulsating around his penis as it plunged deep into Mark's muscular torso. At the same he fed more energy into Mark. He sensed that Mark was rocketing towards another climax. Mark screamed as another huge orgasm shook his body. He saw stars again. Scott loved the feeling of Mark's internal organs writhing around his driving penis. He increased the speed of his thrusts propelling Mark to the extreme heights of orgasmic ecstasy. Mark screamed. This orgasm he was undergoing with Scott continuing to ram his penis deep up his arse right into the middle of his belly was far more intense than he ever had before. It seemed to rip him apart. He sensed the enormous power of Scott, the god with the huge muscles who was fucking him. His arse throbbed with the power of Scott's penis. This was one hell of a ride. This was one hell of a dream. It could go on for ever and ever. Amen. If he died, so be it. This was the way to go! He wrapped himself around Scott as much as he was able. He was enfolded in Scott. He revelled in Scott. He was enraptured by Scott. Yes, he loved Scott. He admitted it to himself. Absolutely he loved Scott. And he revelled in Scott's love that washed around him like a stormy sea. As his orgasm wound down he sensed that Scott was working up to his own orgasm. It was approaching fast. The stimulation and the sexual excitement overwhelmed Scott. He roared into a mighty orgasm as Mark was coming down from his. Scott plunged his penis as far as it could go up Mark's arse and his semen flooded into the depths of Mark's bowels. Mark felt the hot torrent of semen bursting into his bowels like lava. He rejoiced in Scott's orgasm. He wrapped himself around it. He rode it like a speeding rocket. He jumped joyfully into the exploding volcanic cauldron of Scott's pyroclastic orgasm. He too exploded into an orgasmic eruption. He felt as he was burning up in the intense thermonuclear furnace of Scott's towering orgasm. They twirled around one another in a dance of fiery love. They conjoined into twin ribbons twirling around each other in a double helix of fiery life. Mark sensed the fierce storm of energy pouring in through Scott prolonging their combined ecstasies of fire. It went on and on. Being fucked by a god was beyond comparison. Their storm of lovemaking continued on through the night. The sun had well and truly set hours before but Scott kept on fucking Mark with unflagging energy and filling Mark's belly with hot floods of his spunk. Mark was in a continuing state of rapture. He felt his skin tightening all over his body. His muscles were filled with weird aches, congestions, tensions and tingles. But Mark was completely beyond caring. He was too busy riding Scott's cock for all he was worth. He was enraptured by Scott's big penis plunging deep inside him and filling his bowels with hot spunk. His prostate ached. His balls ached. His arsehole ached. But he carried on regardless. This was one hell of a dream and he was going to ride it for all he was worth. He did not care that it might be a death dream and he would wake up dead. He would ride the hell horse through the gates of Hell itself and salute the Devil. It did not matter. All that mattered now was Scott, Big Scott with the huge and mighty muscles ramming his magnificent cock up his arse and filling him with spunk. And Scott's penis did feel bigger inside him. Mark could feel it stretching his arsehole beyond what he thought possible. It felt wonderful inside him. In between orgasmic blurs he sent a telepathic query to Scott who replied that he had enlarged his penis to superman proportions. It was now 16 inches (41 cm) long and 3.8 inches (9.7 cm) in diameter. It was no wonder that Scott's penis felt so big inside Mark. It was no wonder that Mark's anus was stretched so far. But Mark loved having that mighty cock up his arse deep inside his belly reaching up inside his ribcage and spewing cum into the core of his being right up next to his heart. He perceived that Scott could feel Mark's heart beating next to his cock head. He felt incredibly close and connected on the deepest level to Scott. Scott had kept his arms wrapped around Mark's body. He became aware that Mark had become much thicker, bulkier and more solid. Mark had become noticeably heavier as well. Scott ran his hands over Mark's back, shoulders and arms. He noticed that there was now a lot more muscle packed onto Mark's body. He put his hands on Mark's buttocks and found that they had become bulkier, rounder and firmer. Mark picked up Scott's thought through the multi-orgasmic blur that clouded his mind as he lay sprawled on Scott's body. With an effort he focused on Scott's thought that he had increased in mass. He raised his head from Scott's chest and saw by the light from the bedside lamps that his arms had indeed increased considerably in size. The bulge of his biceps seemed to rival that of Scott. He raised his head further and saw that his arms had become truly massive. They were packed with big muscles bulging with power. He sat upright on Scott's groin. He winced when he got a sharp pain in his belly from Scott's erect penis still imbedded up his anus up to the hilt. The pain faded very quickly to a delicious ache as his guts readjusted themselves to the changed position of the cock. That ache faded too to the very comfortable feeling of Scott's cock inside his guts. He sat on Scott's groin enjoying the awareness of Scott's huge stiff cock up inside him. "Mark, you're huge! You're packed with muscles now," remarked Scott. Mark flexed both his arms in a double biceps pose. His huge biceps muscles bulged up spectacularly into round mounds like bowling balls. Scott ran his hands over Mark's thick bulging firm pectoral muscles and his splendid biceps muscles. He appreciated the feel of the mass of firm muscle. Mark rumbled with pleasure as he enjoyed Scott's big hands feeling his chest and arms. Mark got the vision of his body from Scott's mind. He had become massively muscular. His pectorals bulged out into magnificent mounds of muscle. His belly was totally lean and now sported a spectacular abdominal eight-pack. He sensed Scott's appreciation of the eight rounded mounds of muscle arranged with approximate symmetry on either side of the midline cleft down the front of his abdomen. His shoulders had become massive. They looked much wider than previously because of his huge deltoids that looked as big as basketballs. His traps looked like they had been built up by years of dedicated weightlifting. His thick arms were enormous. They would do credit to a world champion body-builder. They appeared to rival Scott's arms in size. His veiny biceps muscles alone looked bigger than footballs. "You're so incredibly huge!" exclaimed Scott. "I love it! I love fucking incredibly muscly guys." "Like Derek?" Mark asked. "Yeah, like Derek." Mark caught Scott's thoughts of all the other muscular men he had been enjoying sex with, men like Derek, Nick, Paul, Bear, Hal, Luke, Travis, Bat, Gabriel, Alex, Zack, Gazza, Rory, Rick and the others. His eyes widened. "Sounds like you've got a real stud farm up there at Ringtail," Mark commented. "Something like that," laughed Scott. "I reckon you'll like it up there. You're sure are one hell of a muscle stud now, mate. You'll fit in really well there." "Even with Derek?" "You'll be fine. That I promise you. He's got over you well and truly now. He's got Jason now." "Jason?" "Yeah. Jason Montana." "What's he doing there at Ringtail? Shit! Jason used to look after me like give me money and food and stuff. Shit! So he's not at Lubricia's anymore. That's a bugger!" "Stick with me, mate, and you won't need any more handouts." "You serious?" "Absolutely, mate! Never more serious! Stick with me and your street and prison days are over," declared Scott. He spread his arms out wide on the bed. "Come on! Give us a hug," he said. Mark lay down on top of Scott and Scott wrapped his arms around Mark. He kissed Mark on the cheek. Then he searched for Mark's lips with his own. Their lips connected. The kiss deepened. It became passionate. Scott's tongue intruded into Mark's mouth. Mark let it in. Their tongues intertwined with rising fervour. Mark felt Scott's penis moving in his belly in and out of his arsehole. His prostate was being massaged by Scott's moving penis. His ardour increased along with Scott's. Soon Scott was fucking Mark with joyful exuberance. His cock was thrusting in and out of Mark's anus and pounding his prostate. Mark felt Scott pouring loving energy into him. He revelled in his powerfully muscled body and the powerfully muscled body of the man-god fucking him. His mouth opened. He cried out in his increasing sexual excitement. Soon orgasm hit him like an express train. He screamed. His eyes rolled up into his head. He saw stars. His semen flooded over Scott's muscular abdomen. Scott kept on pounding into him until he too roared into orgasm and filled Mark's bowels with semen. Their impassioned minds entwined around one another like in a manic maypole dance. Their lovemaking continued with a series of long orgasmic blasts that had become simultaneous. As soon as they wound down from one orgasm, they howled into another. They were travelling along the peaks of a mountain range of orgasms like the Himalayas. Their riotous lovemaking continued on through the night and into the following day. Mark rode Scott's penis for all he was worth. He revelled in feeling that mighty cock rammed up deep into his abdomen and gushing hot semen right up inside his guts like a rampant geyser. He was blissed out while Scott kept on fucking him with unabated enthusiasm. He luxuriated in the feel of his great big bulging hard muscles now enveloping his body. He relished the feel of his huge muscles tensing up as he launched into one orgasm after another. This was incredibly wonderful sex far, sex far better than he had ever had before in his life. He was determined to enjoy this dream to the utmost. He was sure that the dream was the last gasp of his consciousness before he died. Scott the superman was fucking him with insatiable energy. And Scott kept on fucking him. Their lovemaking continued until sometime in the middle of the afternoon. Scott: << You know, mate, we've been doing this for over twenty-four hours. I reckon we might go and do something else for a change, like meet the other people in the house. >> Mark nestled on top of Scott. He was in a state of complete bliss, having been fucked solid. He wallowed in the feel of Scott's big cock up inside him and Scott's huge arms around him. Maybe he had had enough but he did not want it to stop. He did not want it to end. He did not want to die when the dream came to an end. Scott: << You are definitely not going to die, mate. This is real, totally real. >> Mark: <+ Sure? +> Scott <+ Definitely absolutely sure! +> << The other people in the house would like to meet you. They want to meet the foundling who had been brought back from the dead. >> Mark: <+ Wanting to know what had happened to me. +> Scott fed a stream of thoughts into Mark's mind describing what he had done to Mark, how he had cleaned out all the diseases from Mark's body including HIV/AIDS and how he had made all the improvements to Mark's body. Mark wanted to know about the massive muscles that now clothed his body. Scott informed Mark that it was the magic semen that Scott had pumped into his bowels. This surprised Mark. Scott explained that it was a gift he had received from God that caused men's muscles to grow bigger, much bigger in Mark's case. Mark became aware of other people telepathically connected to Scott and himself. They were part of a telepathic network into which Scott was plugged and now he was as well. They were all interested in Mark the foundling, the man whom Scott had brought back from the dead. They wanted to see him in the flesh, with all the newly acquired muscle. Mark was astounded that there were so many telepaths, not just in the house but in Ringtail Springs and the rest of Australia and around the world as well. He felt Scott's cock soften and shrink inside him. He felt a twinge of disappointment. That cock had felt so good up inside his body. Now it was shrinking. He sensed that Scott had decided they had had enough sex for the time being. It was time for them to meet their hosts in the flesh. They could always go back to their lovemaking later. Mark was disappointed to feel Scott's soft penis slide out of his anus. He looked at the glistening penis flopped across Scott's thickly muscled thigh. Even soft it was still big like a fat long Polish sausage but he was astounded to see that it was perfectly clean. "This must be a dream!" he exclaimed. "Your cock doesn't have any shit on it at all! Not a speck! That doesn't happen in real life. I must be dreaming." Scott: << No, you're not dreaming. Don't forget I cleaned out your bowels when I was repairing them while you were asleep. Anyway, let's go and meet the others. >> He sat up on the bed, lifted Mark up in his arms and got up off the bed. He set Mark down on his feet on the floor and kissed him. Mark put his arms around Scott's chest and hugged him. He was reluctant to lose physical contact with Scott. He still had the feeling that once this dream stopped, he would die. All that had happened with him and Scott was just too wonderful to be real. Scott had turned into a massively muscular Greek hero god who could do all sorts of magical mysterious miraculous things. This could not be real. Scott looked at Mark appreciatively and wolf-whistled. Scott: << This is definitely real. You're real and so am I. Anyhow, you certainly have stacked on heaps of muscle. You look like a real superheavyweight body builder now. In fact I reckon you've grown a bit too, like a couple of inches. >> Mark looked at Scott uncertainly. "You're huge, Scottie," he said. "You're taller than you used to be. You sure I haven't shrunk?" Scott: << I'm positive you haven't shrunk. I've just grown. Anyway, go and have a look at yourself in the mirror. >> "What mirror?" asked Mark. Scott pointed at a blank wall and suddenly the whole wall became a mirror from floor to ceiling and from corner to corner. "What the fuck?" exclaimed Mark. Scott grinned. Mark laughed. "Yeah, you're a god now, Scottie. You can do anything you like. I love this dream." Scott looked steadily at Mark. His thought came through to Mark's mind loud and clear. << This is real, Mark. This is no dream. This is the new reality. >> "Fuck me!" exclaimed Mark. Scott laughed. << Don't tempt me, sexpot. >> Mark walked with a somewhat stiff gait over to the mirror wall. He enjoyed every step. His pleasantly achy arsehole and lower gut felt excellently well used. The whole inside of his pelvis ached and quivered pleasurably. His anal itch had been well and truly scratched. He purred as he walked. Closer to the mirror wall, he stopped and examined his huge lean hard muscular new body. "Shit a brick! I'm massive!" he exclaimed. He flexed both his arms in a spectacular double biceps pose. His biceps bulged up like bowling balls. They were huge. His arms, shoulders, chest, waist and thighs were all thickly packed with muscle. Scott: << If a Mr Olympia saw you, he'd weep with envy. Your body is perfect for a world champion bodybuilder. >> Mark grinned. He was enraptured with his new body. He went through a series of poses drinking in the reflection of his glorious body. His shoulders were as big as basketballs. His biceps were as big as footballs when extended and bulged up like bowling balls when flexed. His arms were like big slabs of meat. His chest was packed with two thick round mounds of pectoral muscle. His slim abdomen sported eight big bulges of muscle arranged almost symmetrically each side of a deep vertical cleft down the midline. The surgical scar was visible at the bottom of the cleft. His now bulbous buttocks had grown thick and strong. His massive thighs and calves rippled with swollen masses of muscle. Mark was so aroused by the sight of his magnificent body that his penis soon became fully erect. It stuck out from his groin. Mark admired his thick massive prong. He rubbed his hand up and down the shaft getting more and more excited. "Oh fuck!" he exclaimed. "It's one fantastic big cock. It's fucking huge! I reckon I'm gonna cum but I wish I knew how big it was." Scott: << I can fix that. >> A measuring tape appeared in his hand. He knelt down in front of Mark and kissed Mark's long fat cock. Then he ran the measuring tape along the upper side from the groin to the tip. "It's grown," he announced looking at the tape. "Eleven inches (28 cm) long." "Fuck! It's huge!" cried Mark. "How thick is it?" Scott wrapped the tape around the shaft. "It's about eight inches (20 cm) round," he said. "That's more than two and a half inches (6.5 cm) thick." "Fuck me! That's big!" declared Mark. "What about the rest of me?" Scott ran the measuring tape over the rest of Mark's body. Biceps 25 inches (64 cm); chest 57 inches (145 cm); waist 33 inches (84 cm); thighs 33 inches (84 cm). Then he magicked into the room a height and weight measuring apparatus. Mark's height had increased to 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm) and his weight was now 330 pounds (150 Kg). Mark started rubbing his hand up and down the shaft of his rock hard cock as he admired the big flexing muscles of his massively muscular body. "Fuck! I'm hot! I'm solid fucking muscle!" he exclaimed. "Fuck me!" Scott grinned, "OK." He came up behind Mark and wrapped his huge arms around Mark's body. He ran his hands up and down Mark's front appreciating the thick hard bulges of muscle that now covered Mark's body. His penis sprang to attention. The superman's penis poked between Mark's buttocks and thighs along his perineum and under Mark's big heavy balls. He ran his lips over Mark's thick muscular neck kissing and sucking as he went. Mark groaned with pleasure. With his psychokinetic power Scott levitated them both up into the air. He rotated them both so that they were both facing the mirror. He poked his rampant penis up in between Mark's buttocks until the cock head fetched up against Mark's arsehole. Mark moaned his assent and lifted his legs to allow Scott easy access. Scott pushed his penis up into Mark's anus as Mark groaned with pleasure. Scott's penis slid easily up into Mark's well- lubricated anus and up further up along through Mark's rectum right up into the depths of Mark's bowels. Mark groaned and sighed as he felt Scott's cock reach right up under his ribcage. With his telepathic sense engaged, he sensed that Scott could feel Mark's heart pounding against Scott's cockhead. He lowered his legs and felt his anus clamp around Scott's huge thick penis. The sensation was rapturously enjoyable. Scott began thrusting his cock in and out of Mark's tight well- lubricated anus. He put his force-field lubricated hand around Mark's rampantly stiff cock and rubbed it up and down the shaft. Mark groaned in ecstasy. His mouth was open. His eyes were half closed as he luxuriated in the sensation of Scott's cock plunging up his bowels into the innermost depths of his being. That plunging cock was driving him inexorably to an orgasmic climax. That along with Scott sucking on his neck, the front of Scott's massive body pressed against his back, Scott's huge powerful arms wrapped around his body and Scott's big hands roving over the front his body squeezing and massaging the bulging muscles of his torso. Once more Mark exploded into orgasm. His semen gushed out of his cock and sprayed over the mirror like white wood-working glue. He threw his head back and screamed in ecstasy. Feeling Mark's internals writhing and pulsating around his thrusting cock as well as feeling Mark's hard body bulging with muscle tense up in his arms and his telepathic connection with Mark's orgasmic tumult was quite enough to trigger another orgasmic eruption in Scott. He rammed his penis as far as it could go up Mark's arse into Mark's torso. He roared as his magic spunk surged up out of his penis and flooded into Mark's bowels once more. They remained tightly connected together in their orgasmic revels. They floated in mid-air. Their combined orgasms twirled around and around one another fuelled by the inexhaustible energy pouring in through Scott. Their climaxes continued on and on. -------------------------------------- Continued in Part 95. --------------------------------------