Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 17:09:11 -0800 (PST) From: Dan Ham Subject: Only The Lonely: Chapter 6 DISCLAIMER: This story depicts graphic sexual encounters between two concenting adults of at least 18 years of age. If you are offended by homoerotic situations, please leave. If where you live, it is illegal to read this content, please do not stay on my account, I do not want you to get into trouble with the local authorities. Other than that, please enjoy. This is my very first posting of any kind, so if anyone has any idea's, feel free to let me know. I'll respond, I promise, I have plenty of free time. Any resemblance between characters portrayed in this story and actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional Do not copy, change or anything else with out my permission. I'm trying to be as fair as I can. Feedback is always encouraged at Only The Lonely >From chapter 5: As we left, my parents looked at me odd. I was dressed for the month of January, and it was in the middle of May. I noticed how they looked at me, and all I could do was shrug. As we walked to his car, I noticed it was a black Lexus. When we were safely inside, I asked, "how do you have the money for these nice cars? Your first car was a BMW, and this one is a Lexus." He looked at me and gave me a grin that you would see on a chesire cat. We pulled out of my driveway and started to drive up towards the river. After driving for about 15 minutes, he looked over at me and said, "Close your eyes." Wanting to trust him, I did what I was ordered. And now for Chapter six: The next thing I knew, I was about to double over with nausea. I didn't want Rick to get upset, so I just sat still, trying to fight back the need to throw up. After a few minutes, the feeling subsided, and I was feeling like myself. We continued to drive for what seemed forever, but it had only been five minutes. "Okay, open your eyes, very slowly." Rick said. I slowly opened them. I was blinded at first, with a purple radiance. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I knew I was no longer on Earth. Before me, was a the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. We were parked at the top of a cliff. As I looked around, I saw that at the bottom of the cliff was a green ocean. The water was the most gorgeous green I'd ever seen. It was a mixture of hunter green and teal green. As I looked into the distance, I saw three moons rising from the horizon. All three moons were twice the size of our moon. That's when I noticed the color of the sky. It was a dark shade of purple. I turned around and looked back at Rick, "Where are we?" I asked, in awe. He just grinned at me, and said, "Welcome to my home planet!" I looked at Rick, and fainted. I awoke with him cradling me. I looked into those dark eyes, and knew everything was okay. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I think so, I think my brain overloaded for a sec." I replied. We sat there, in each others embrace for a few minutes, not wanting to leave the comfort of his arms, I decided that it was time for me to get up. As I sat up, he looked at me and said, "Well, I think it's about time I got you back home. Don't want to get your parents upset with us, now do we." I looked at him, and nodded. We both stood up and walked over to the car. "Why did you come to Earth?" I asked him. He didn't answer me. After we got into the car, he looked over at me. "I felt a strong presence there, someone that felt really lonely," was his reply. With that, he started up the car and started to drive back the same way we came. "You might want to close your eyes Trev. The transition is a little unsettling the first couple of times. You might not be able to handle it with your eyes open." Remembering the feeling from before, I closed my eyes. Again the wave of nausea overcame me. This time, it wasn't as bad, but I still felt like I wanted to puke my guts out. But, in no time, it was over, and I opened my eyes and saw that we were about a mile from my house. When we got back to my house, Rick looked over at me and said, "I know you wanted to know more about the gift, but now is not the time. You still have some growing to do. Plus, you still have to finish school." Knowing that he was right, I just nodded my head. "Do you want to hang out some time this week?" I asked, looking right into his gorgeous eyes. "You don't have to ask that, Trev." Was his joy filled reply. "Just think of me, and I'll be here." All I could do was smile. The rest of the summer was rather uneventful. Rick and I hung out and got to know each other. I learned that this wasn't his first trip to Earth. He, and others had been coming to earth for eons. I knew he was holding something from me, I just didn't know what it was. Rick was over at my house at least twice a week, the entire summer. He took me back to his planet a couple of times, and he took me to several other worlds as well. I was like a little child in a candy store. I saw a planet that had rings like Saturn, and one that had 13 moons. I wasn't looking forward to going back to school. I knew that when I went back, I was going to teased mercilessly. My first day back to school was, as I expected it. The bullies in my grade were waiting for me at the front door. I froze where I stood, when they started to walk over towards me. The only thought that entered my mind was, 'please don't let them beat me up.' No sooner had I thought it, than the same black Lexus I had ridden in, pulled up behind me, and Rick got out and walked over to me. Seeing Rick approach me, the bullies stopped, turned around, and went inside the school. I hadn't noticed Rick approaching, until I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned around fast, expecting another bully, and saw him. I started crying when I looked in his eyes. He held me and comforted me enough to get me to stop crying. "I'll always be here for you, you'll make it." Him saying that gave me the confidence to go in the building. He walked inside and followed me to my first class. After I walked in the room, he left and went to the office. He told them about what happened outside, and they told him that the problem would be fixed. The bullies were in most of my classes. After the bell had rung, I was called to the office. When I got there, the secretary told me to have a seat, that the principle wanted to talk to me. I waited for fifteen minutes before I was called into his office. "You wanted to see me, Mr Smith?" Mr. Smith was a fair principle. He was fully behind the school's anti-bully policy. "Mr. Marks. I have been informed that you have been bullied for the past three years, here at school. Why haven't you said anything?" He asked. "I've always been by myself, so I just figured, I could put up with it." Was my reply. "Well, no more. Who are the ones that are bullying you?" He demanded. I told him the names, and was dismissed. By the time he finished with his anti-bully speech, class was almost done, so I just waited outside my next class. When the bell rang, and the students left the class, the teacher looked at me with a curious look on her face, "What are you doing here Mr. Marks?" I looked at her and told her what happened earlier in the day, and she understood. I found it funny, when I didn't see the bullies the rest of the day. After school, I started to walk towards home. I had gotten about a block from the school, and was about to cross the street, when I saw the three bullies from school, come out from behind a tree, and start to walk towards me. As soon as I saw them approaching me, I immediately turned and ran. I knew what they wanted, I had gotten them in trouble, and they wanted revenge. Thus concludes Chapter 6. Hope you liked it. Let me know what you think about Chapter 6. Chapter 7 should be along shortly. Once again, I hope you like it, and as always feedback is always encouraged. Editor's Note: As this story progresses I find myself loving it more and more. I love the characters, and you have given us some very good food for thought. Please keep bringing us new chapters. Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher