Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 22:41:19 +1300 From: Stacey C Subject: Opposites Attract chapter 10 CHAPTER 10 KOEN Standing on the foot path outside Raul's apartment building Koen had to take a moment to catch his breath and roll his stiff shoulders, just letting the cool night air ruffle his clothing and loose mussed hair. He scented the air about him and picked up Rudi's familiar scent easily out of the many over powering ones around him. Her scent was still fresh, full of anger, shock and horror but he couldn't hear her which meant she'd slipped her skin to escape the area. Her reckless choice angered Koen but he quickly brushed it aside as not being worthy of him, it was his fault Rudi was acting reckless in the first place. With a sigh he started down the foot path with real reluctance, he didn't want to leave his mate, everything in him clamoured to turn around and go back in. Amazing to learn he wasn't even out of Raul's presence for more than five minutes and already he was stiff, tense and frustrated he thought to himself with sardonic humour. Even his skin longed to be pressed up against Raul's despite having just done so. His body despite the dull stinging and bruises that covered it, resented him with the same violence his spirit felt to be moving away from Raul. He really hadn't meant to stay away from Raul for two days and truthfully staying away had been one of the hardest things he'd ever done. Feeling Raul's need for him and his sexual frustration had nearly driven Koen out of his mind. But he needed to just follow his very un-wolf like habit and think, trying to get his practical, cautious head around such an enormous and life changing thing as a mate was daunting. Koen knew he'd been a spoilt brat and still was in many ways. His reckless nature had caused him to fuck up big and for the sake of his own tainted soul, he'd truly believed he'd needed exile from all he knew to learn to become a better 'wolf. He knew now it hadn't been fair to deny his family, just as it hadn't been fair to deny Raul, but he had needed the time away to grow up, just as he'd needed the time apart from Raul. He had thought he had grown up till the last month had taught him differently. Koen couldn't even use his old wariness against not wanting to be involved with a man again, as Raul wasn't just any man or any 'wolf either. Koen stopped at the end of the darkened street he was walking along to wait for a gap in the traffic and crossed the street, his senses tuned to follow Rudi. Koen knew after the full moon they'd spent as mates he could never go back, but that didn't stop him from trying to reason it all out. But it came to fuck all except two days of missing Raul and two days of fighting off his own incredible horny urge to hunt down Raul and get his hands on him. Two intense, feverish days of wanting nothing else but to get his cock, his teeth, his fingers, fuck even his tongue into Raul had nearly driven him insane. Feeling a dim echo of Raul's own sexual frustration and desire had near killed him. Even now after he'd had him twice the smell of sex and Raul on him had him still craving to do nothing but fuck him over and over again. Koen knew what it was to experience the fierce, raw, often blindingly intense emotions and urges that came with being a 'wolf but nothing had ever been like this. Koen had always liked and enjoyed sex, had even been wild and desperate to fuck on occasion, but he'd never been mindlessly in thrall to his own base desires. Just the incredible horniness and blood lust was enough to drive Koen crazy. Having been through many full moons in his time he thought he'd known what blood lust was. But what he'd felt before was a dim echo to the urge he had to sink his teeth into Raul and suck out his blood. He remembered when he and his siblings had been small they would sneer with disgust at their parents, who would come down to breakfast most mornings with fresh bite marks and they'd know they'd been feeding on each other again. You only feed on for prey, not your sweetie, you didn't seek the hot blood out of a deer and cuddle it as well. To a child such things are black and white, but now Koen understood what drove them to bite each other. It came from their basest most possessive wolf desires, this dark desire for the very life flowing through your mate. Wanting to feed on the essence of him was to possess all of him and have him in you, to feed your hunger, as he already fed your soul, your heart and your everything. To allow him to bite you, was to allow him to possess all of you, to feed his hunger. Koen hadn't realised he'd stopped, his hands balled into fists, his whole body trembling with where his thoughts had gone. He fought to slow his ragged breathing and his own instinctive need to go back and seek out his mate. With great difficulty and with all the strength of will inside him he managed to wrestle back the primitive drive and shackle it roaring in a corner while he finished what he set out to do. "Soon." He promised himself. Having got a grip on his demons he finally looked around at his surroundings and realised to his surprise he was some blocks away from Raul's apartment. He was standing in the middle of a park, he could smell Rudi ahead of him somewhere. He sat on an empty swing and idly used a foot to push himself gentle back and forth. "For what it's worth I'm sorry. It wasn't meant to happen this way." Koen finally said, his quiet words seeming to echo in the quiet park. A snarl was the only answer he got. "I know it must have come as a great shock to you. I had never any intention of ever fucking or even having another relationship a with man or `wolf." He went on when the angry silence grew with no word. "It's not so much that you were fucking somebody else, although seeing you fucking HIM, when you've been fucking me all these months was a fucking eye opener. No it wasn't that shock that blew my ass out of orbit. That special horror was reserved for seeing you with your teeth in him." Rudi snarled. "You never once bit me or allowed me to bite you and seeing you with your teeth in him made me feel far more betrayal then seeing you lying between his legs with your cock in him." Rudi went on savagely, her eyes glinting with anger, shock and hurt. Koen realised with some surprise that she was right, although he'd ever really been aware of it, now that he thought about he, he had never let Rudi bite him and had never felt more than a fleeting lustful urge to bite her. "Still I was coming to you tonight to tell you in person that I couldn't continue on and that it was time for us to go our separate ways. But as you have seen with your eyes tonight, I got side tracked." Koen admitted honestly, putting as much apology and as much of his regret into his words and his scent as he could. Rudi's harsh bark of laughter rang mockingly around them. "Oh that's rich of you, thank you so much for your consideration then. I'll have to remember that you were on your way to break up with me, before you stopped to dip your wick." She sneered. Koen shrugged, helpless and at a loss as to what else he could possible say to make this right. But there was nothing he could do, nothing he would change, except that he regretted what Rudi had seen. Seeing his expression darkened Rudi's expression further with rage as she stalked forward and slapped him hard across the face with her claws out. Koen didn't flinch back, he merely raised his chin and met her angry, betrayed eyes as he felt the blood trail down his face, letting her see all he had to say and couldn't get out in words. Rudi's eyes flashed back; with a loud growl of utter rage she slapped him again. To Koen's surprise he heard a deeper, louder growl echo Rudi's and then a blur shoved between them, sending the female `wolf sprawling. "Don't touch my mate you bitch." Raul snarled his golden eyes dark and glittering with possessive fury as he moved to stand between Koen and Rudi. "No one touches my mate but me. Too long I had to watch you take and touch what was mine, but not anymore." Raul went on his low, vicious growl a tone Koen had never heard from him before. Rudi picked herself up and shoved the black wolf with a sneer. "You should take pride in what you've done, I don't think I'm the bitch here. I saw you lying there under him, spread out like a bitch in heat. Chasing after him like a panting dog. No _man_ should ever take it like a woman." Raul sneered right back and returned her shove. "Now, now. A _man_ I am not sweetheart, but a `wolf as you well know. You should know better that a satisfied `wolf never strays. I'm not surprised I had such an easy task of it, when Koen was already stuck with a cold bitch of a girlfriend." Koen really wanted to step in and defuse this awkward situation but he knew he wouldn't be welcomed. Fights over mates were individual things and he knew Raul needed to defeat Rudi to drive it home that he was his, just as Rudi needed to revenge herself against the `wolf who'd stolen her mate. So he merely settled himself back on his swing to watch. He winced as the verbal blows turned to physical ones, and then the fight moved from human to wolf. In a fair world perhaps Rudi's outraged anger would have beaten Raul's jealous rage but while Rudi was fast and strong, Raul was bigger and stronger. It wasn't long before Raul had Rudi's smaller, lighter coloured wolf pinned to the ground, his jaws locked around her throat. Koen could hear Rudi's angry snarl and could see from her glowing eyes that she wouldn't submit. Snarling at this disrespect Raul shook his head and her throat locked in grip of his bloody jaws, drawing an unwilling whimper from Rudi as she slumped unconscious from a mix of fear, exhaustion blood loss and pain. "Raul! Mate! Let her go." Koen called out, putting the full force of his dominant power behind his command. He was afraid if it went on much longer Raul would kill Rudi, already his jaws and the thick ruff around Rudi's throat was dark with blood. Some fights over mates did go all the way to death and he didn't think he deserved anybody dying for him or for his mate to kill for him. At first caught up in his anger and blood lust Raul didn't hear the command, so Koen repeated it with another surge of his power backing it up. Raul stiffened and reluctantly he eased off Rudi, all but spitting her throat out of his mouth. He used his paws and the night dampened grass to wipe the blood off his muzzle. The black wolf stalked towards Koen, ignoring the sprawled, beaten but still alive body of Rudi and nudged at Koen hard. To be difficult Koen didn't move, a second and third more impatient nudge followed. Obligingly Koen got to his feet and began walking, painfully slowly at first, but a few painful nips at his heels had him being herded back towards Raul's apartment. Koen resisted Raul for fun. Raul having just defeated Koen's mate for the right to take her place would want to fuck him. All his instincts would be driving him to be claimed and fucked. Koen grinned down into the fierce, glowing eyes knowing his resistance was turning Raul on even more. "Did you really need to fight her? I'm flattered you felt the need but you could have just asked to be my mate." Koen drawled, deliberately returning Raul's mocking greeting from earlier. Raul snarled and nudged Koen so hard he fell on the hard ground, gasping for breath when the abrupt smack forced all the air out of his lungs. Raul jumped on his chest a little harder then he needed to, forcing out what air Koen had managed to get back and brought his muzzle of sharp teeth close. "I'm not fucking you as a wolf." Koen teased staring up into the hungry eyes above him. With a growl Raul slipped his skin and pressed his naked body against Koen's. "Will you fuck the man then?" Raul growled, not bothering to wait, his hands already wandering greedily over Koen's skin. Koen moaned as he shifted restlessly, encouraging Raul to touch him as and set his own hands to groping Raul. "Is this a good enough answer for you?" Koen answered into Raul's ear, sucking on the special spot behind his ear, deliberately teasing the earlier bite mark with a nip of his human teeth. A whimper was his answer as Raul shuddered in his arms, arching his neck to offer his neck. With a wicked grin Koen abruptly dumped Raul on the ground and with a malicious little wave sprinted off as fast as he could go. It was difficult to run as fast as he was going and laugh at the same time but the outraged, frustrated look on Raul's face was so comical. It didn't take long before he heard Raul's snarl, as he scrambled to his feet and launched himself after him. With his sensitive ears he could hear Raul's soft tread chasing after him and the excited, anticipatory scents of sex, of blood lust for sexual prey getting away and the raw need, always the burning need that came with the black wolf. Koen burst through Raul's broken door a scant few paces ahead of his mate and barely had time to gasp out another choking laugh before the black wolf pounced on him. All of Raul's momentum and formidable strength was behind his lunge and Koen hit the floor with a grunt, Raul's weight slamming down on top of him. Koen blinked in bemused humour at the ceiling as Raul dragged him down the hall into his bedroom. Then Raul was sucking all the air out of his lungs in a demanding, hungry kiss and feeding him back his own breath in return. Koen moaned as he returned the kiss, helpless for a moment in his sheer trembling, hungry need. His body hummed and roared at the feel of Raul's naked body against his, of his soul against the other side of the shimmery cord between them. Koen felt wild bloodlust rushing through him. His teeth and claws were lengthening as he dimly heard himself roar and felt his body arch up under Raul. Feeling Raul's skin give way under his sharp teeth and the hot, fragrant blood pour into his mouth had Koen's cock hardening to painful attention. Raul howled, his arms wrapping around him tightly as he titled his head back, giving himself to Koen. Koen could feel drugging pleasure and smug satisfaction at providing for his mate rushing through the black wolf, along with his own hunger for sex and blood. Raul wrestled Koen back down on the carpet, forcing Koen's teeth to rip a bigger hole in his neck as they popped out of the bite mark in his throat. Unable to help himself Koen licked up the blood, wolf serum acting to help close the open tears. Koen jerked, moaning as he felt Raul's hand wrap around his aching cock and begin to stroke it. Raul moaned and shifted against Koen, so caught up in what Raul was doing to his cock, it took him a moment or two before he was aware that Raul had licked his own fingers and mixing the spit with Koen's drooling cum and was stroking their two cocks together. "I want . .l need . . " Raul panted out, his voice a rough growl. "All I think about is riding your cock, getting your teeth in me and mine in you." Koen heard his own moan in response to Raul's roughly muttered words, words that were almost an echo of his earlier desperate urges. His cock and his teeth actually ached in response. Then he was struggling for breath again as Raul shifted, impaling himself on Koen's aching cock. Koen growled, feeling his sharp claws digging into and raking deep furrows in Raul's thighs. He felt Raul stiffen and whimper a little above him, in pain not pleasure. Koen had a moment in his sexual fever to worry that Raul had to be sore, even he was getting a little that way and then he was past caring. Finding he was only capable of impatiently thrusting his cock up into Raul and feeling the equally impatient thrusts as Raul fucked them both. It didn't take much of their relentless fucking before Koen was helpless to do more than pant heavily and thrust violently, feeling is body arch and shudder with the force of his desires. Raul wasn't much better, he trembled as badly as Koen was, and his normally sleek black hair was a wild tumble as it fell around them both. His eyes were glazed and feverish as they gazed down into his, reflecting the dazed, greedy flushed expression on his face. Koen couldn't seem to stop staring at Raul's vulnerable, tawny neck, his newest bite mark added to the collection marching up the right side. Just staring at his marks on Raul, feeling the warm glow of Raul's blood flowing in his veins had his blood lust rising again. As if in answer Koen saw Raul's eyes flare the blood red of blood lust and then Raul was coming at him with the speed of a striking snake. Koen growled, wrapping his arms around Raul as he felt the black wolf's sharp teeth bury themselves in his neck. Raul rocked forward one more time and growled into his neck. Koen could feel him tense and jerk once as the flood of his cum coated their stomachs. Smelling and feeling Raul's sexual ecstasy and the heady pleasure of wolf serum, coupled with knowing he was feeding his mate, set Koen off. He began to thrust into Raul with jerky, greedy strokes. The feel of Raul's hot, tight insides closing around his cock and squeezing with Raul's orgasm was more then he could take and he felt his balls tighten and his cock explode with the violence of the pleasure he felt. Oblivion claimed them both and it seemed like an age passed before Koen or Raul could move, but move they did. Raul slid off Koen and flopped weakly against his side. When Koen could get the energy to move he too rolled onto his side and forced himself to his feet. Picking Raul up, he got a sleepy grunt for his trouble, but he persisted as he got them both to the more comfortable bed just two feet away from where they'd been. It was then only to easy for the pair of them to wrap themselves lazily around each other and sprawl on the bed, half dozing as neither was able to move their sated bodies. "Mate, not to disturb the mood but I think it would be wise to move to your apartment for the rest of the night." Koen heard Raul say after some time had passed. Koen grunted a query. "Thanks to you my front door is busted and I'm not too into the idea of sleeping in here with the door wide open." Raul went on, amusement and exasperation in his voice. "Mate why is it you have to do so much talking?" Koen complained. Raul shrugged. "Has to be said." Koen opened his eyes. "Raul we've been fucking off and on here all night with that door open, why is sleeping here any different?" Raul snorted. "Neither of us is capable of thinking when we're fucking, but now I am back to my sense we need to be moving. I refuse to sleep here and you will be paying for a new door." Koen grinned. "Yes Sir." Raul grinned back but untangled himself from Koen and began to get dressed. "Well hurry up mate, the quicker we can do it, the quicker we can get to the fun stuff." Koen laughed. "Christ Raul you have to be the horniest `wolf on the planet. Three times not enough for you?" He teased. Raul raised his chin and smirked down at Koen. "No matter how many days I live, I will never have enough of fucking you." Still laughing Koen reluctantly got up and began dressing himself, on his way past he slapped Raul on the ass. "Well I always wanted my own bitch." He taunted. "Fuck you." Raul replied, flipping the bird mockingly at Koen "Any time." Koen replied with a smirk of his own as he hurried out the door, playfully evading Raul's playful punch on the way out.