Jackson's Interlude: Aldena


Chapter 31: The other world


The war had taken its toll.

Although it had been over twenty years since, the effects of the battle were still lingering in the hearts and minds of the people of Aldena. Gone was the once lush and beautiful forests and in its place a city with high walls and a fortress guarding its sanctuary tree. The Drow or Dark Elves had been defeated but the cost had been high. Nearly half the realm had been torn asunder by the ravages of battle and many lives had been lost.

They had come from the mountains in the north, The Drow also known as the Dark Elves lived in great underground caverns and the war finally had driven them out of the mountains and into the sea where they had fled. Peace and stability returned with time and in that time so did my birth.

I was born Aden Al Voa servant to a noble family in a little southern province called Aldetta. My Lord and Master Velour Voa Al Voa had proudly served our High King Lord Zasuan ruler of all the elves. My parents supposedly died before I could remember them and I was raised in the noble household alongside the Lord's children.

Despite being their servant they were kind to me and we often would play and swim together. Young masters Daius and Caius were twins and always full of mischief they were the same age as I and we were good friends. Their little sister Lamalia was amongst the most fair in the entire kingdom.

All elves have magical powers. The gifts are `Light-footed', `steady hand', `eagle's glance', and `serpent stealth' and finally the most rare, `The Hand of Ada'. Ada is what Elves call magic; it is also the name of what we believe to be our God and creator. The Hands of Ada are powerful warlocks with awesome magical powers. It takes many years of training and schooling to master the craft.

It was a dreary rainy afternoon and Caius, Daius and I were swimming in the river behind the manor.

"Aden I bet you can't do this!" Caius said

I watched as Caius swung from a tree branch and with little more than slight patter landed firmly on the water's surface but did not fall through.

"Bravo!" I cheered

Suddenly a small pebble hit Caius off the back of his head

"Ow!" he shouted and turned to see Daius tossing a pebble between his hands. He was almost twenty meters away

"Good shot" Caius called to him and I could see the smirk of Daius's face as he threw another pebble that Caius artfully dodged

"Hey watch that!" Caius laughed as he lost his concentration and one of his feet fell into the stream causing him to lose his balance and fall in completely.

We all laughed and were having a great time.

"Aden, why haven't you shown signs of your powers yet?" Daius asked me once we had all taken shelter under a tree.

"I don't know" I answered "maybe I don't have any"

Caius leaned against me and gave me a hug

"Don't be like that Daius, Aden here is just a late bloomer" Caius said and I shrugged him off "maybe you just need to practice" he said with a hint of glee

"Do you mean to push me into the stream again?" I asked

"Maybe..." Caius smirked

"I'm all set with the practice" I answered

"Spoil sport" he pouted

We were all getting up to leave when we heard shouting and with little warning two of my lords prized stallions broke through their pen and came charging towards us. Several servants were giving chase close behind.

Despite having powers of light-foot and eagle's eye, both Daius and Caius froze in fear as these two mammoth beasts charged at us. Instinctively I rushed between them and pulled them close into me and shut my eyes.

Though my eyes were closed I felt a surge of heat rush through my body and through my hands. I saw intense beams of light pulse out of me and surge towards the horses. The first horse blinded fell forward and came to a crashing halt a mere yard before us and the other frightened swerved sharply to avoid us.

I opened my eyes and saw the servants rushing up to us quickly followed by our Lord. I knelt down and bowed low as I had been instructed waiting for instructions.

"My Sons!" he shouted and rushed ahead grabbing Caius and Daius and wrapping them in his arms. I remained facing the ground.

"My Lord, young Aden used the hand" one of the servants said

"I Know, I saw it myself!" he shouted and suddenly I felt hands on my shoulders

"I'm sorry I hurt your horse" I said and was shocked as I felt myself being lifted up and wrapped in strong arms.

"You saved my boys lives" My Lord said wrapping me in his arms and for the first time I felt really loved and protected. "I can never repay you" he said

"They are my friends" I said

"Indeed they must be" he said "to protect them so fiercely; I can hardly believe it, a true hand of Ada in our home!"

From that moment on my Lord did everything in his power to make sure I was properly schooled and trained for my gift. Caius and Daius became even closer companions over the years and then finally for my sixteenth birthday my Lord Velour Voa called me to his study. I went inside and found him at his desk in front of a warm fire.

"Aden, come in" he said smiling

I entered and bowed before him and waited for instructions.

"Rise" he said

I rose and stood in front of him. He remained silent and it unnerved me

"Sit please" he said so I nervously did.

"Aden you have served this house faithfully since you were born, you saved my boys lives, I believe repeatedly by this point, and you have mastered all that I have put before you." He said

"I do not deserve such praise" I said

"Regardless, there is a task I must ask of you and you must swear to me that you will do all in your power to honor it" he said

"I swear" I said

"On your honor and by your magic" he said

"I swear on my honor and by my magic, I shall do as you ask" I said and I felt my magic surge through me waiting to obey.

"Take this" he said and he handed me a scroll "and read it."


Aden Al Voa

In good faith and honor has served my family for many years. With the power granted me by our High King Lord Zasuan Sieger Al Ada I hereby grant this servant a freeman with all the rights and privileges of any other freeman in our realm.


I also wish him luck and good fortune wherever he may travel. In my Name Lord Velour Voa Al Voa.


"I do not understand..." I said "have I displeased you?" I asked

Lord Velour frowned

"Do you not with to be free?" he asked

"It is not that..." I stammered "but this is my home, the only place I've ever known" I said

"Your gift was given to you for a purpose, and that purpose is greater than being a faithful servant to me. Ada has great plans for you, it would not be right of me to keep you here when there are so many things you could be doing for Aldetta, no... All of Aldena." He said and I bowed

"Yes my lord" I said and he raised his hand

"my home shall always be open to you, all you need to do is place your hand on the door and it will open for you" he said "when your journey is over or if you need a place to rest or even to visit you will always be welcome here" he said

I stood and bowed low to his and then rose on my own

"Thank you" I said

"The hands are trained in the royal palace of Aldena near our Sanctuary. Go there and seek High Mage Venore who is a teacher there. He is an old friend and with this letter shall grant you entry" he said handing me a letter

"Yes, my..." the words would not come out "As you wish" I said

Lord Velour smiled and stood and offered me his hand which I shook

"Good luck" he said and I turned to leave.

That would be the last time I would ever see him again...

I made it back to my chamber when I heard Caius and Daius enter without knocking and sit on my bed

"What did the old man want?" Caius asked me and I simply handed him my scroll which he opened and I watched as his eyes grew wide and then I saw tears begin to form.

"You're leaving!" Caius shouted and Daius took the scroll from him to read and the same expression spread over his face.

"He is sending me to Aldena to Train with the Hands" I said and Caius rushed forward and embraced me

"Aden please don't go!" Caius shouted in tears and I felt my own approaching

"I gave him my word I would do as he asked" I said

Caius clung onto me and I saw Daius was having a hard time keeping his composure.

"I must" I said "but your father told me I could return whenever I wanted"

Caius looked up at me with big teary hopeful eyes

"You'll come back?" he asked

"I swear" I said "I'll come back"

Caius backed away and wiped his eyes

"Then I shall wait for your safe return then" he said stepping back

"We're proud of you" Daius said stepping forward giving me his own hug and then stepping back.

"I will miss you too" I said looking at them both

I gathered my few belongings into a satchel with my scroll and letter in hand I walked out of my chamber for the last time and walked out to the front courtyard. There were several servants waiting for me

"Master Velour has given you this horse for your journey" the servant bowed and I noticed it was the horse I had dropped with my magic. I appreciated the irony.

"Thank you, and pass along my thanks to ou... your master" I said and the servant bowed

"We're proud of you" I heard a few of them say

"I will miss you all" I said

And with that I began my journey from the only home I had ever known to go out and meet my destiny.