Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2018 19:11:14 -0400 From: Thanatos Talimenios Subject: Shadow Alley Chapter 1 Chapter One I must admit, learning advanced things is most dizzying. At least they speak the same language on Earth as me in this city, I walk away from the alley entrance back to the hidden portal. The portal lies at the back of an alley that happens to have a cafe. I notice they don't see me as a stealth by them, the cafe goers. I walk to the back of the alley and come upon the shadow wall, which to others seems like a brick wall. I see through it somewhat and walk through; I'm pretty used to the hidden nature of magic by now. Back in Shadow Alley I look around, not much to see but a few shops the imps built and stock with food and clothing that they magic together. They use a shadow forge to make the armor and weapons. They made me a scythe used as a caster weapon for shadow mages. I can summon that at any time and don't really know where it goes when I'm not using it. I wear shadow cloth linen garb of pants and a shirt. It has an energy shield protecting me from bullets and other magic or weapons. I have to actually activate the energy shield with a thought and don't always have it on unless I leave the Alley. One shop is stocked with wands and athames for ritual and black magic combat; normally black magic is only debilitating and painful or sometimes insanity inducing. I use spells of shadow that can also kill if I engage the battle mode. My first spell I learned from the imps two weeks ago is shadowbolt. Shadowbolts induce insanity, if used a few times they can knock out a person. If in battle mode it kills. Another spell I learned is Umbral Arrow. The arrow can knock out or kill depending. I also have been learning about magical resistance to magic; it might take a few hits from me to take out another mage. As a dragon, I have a limiter. I release it to engage in stronger magic battle. If I release the limiter, I am noticed by people in the area. I mainly fight supernaturals like goblins, but the imps fight them, too. I have since learned to bind Valkyrai, Thaothetl, Preyfar, Thaoxu, and Zaovho; they are imp familiars now. I've also battled Aiuvhoes, which are eldritch arcane imps that invade the Alley. I'm underground now in my room. There is an elevator of a non-electricity nature that lifts and descends to the underground area where the housing has been fashioned from stone. There a few other rooms, two story I hear is how to say it, within my home. I have a balcony that overlooks the lower underground portions of the hollowed out cavern-like area. Luckily, my imps keep my home clear of goblins that some through the shadow conduits to Shadow Alley. Elementals of Void, or void elementals, walk around, nigh floating a little, throughout the Alley and beyond to the tundra. Snow falls sometimes and the snow on the ground seems to simply lessen at times rather than melt. The imps say it will be sometime before others are invited while they train me in shadow magic. "Let me out!" my dragon rasps. It talks to me sometimes, but usually in a friendly way. "I'm not unsealing you, Drexl," I state perturbed. I wake up, naked, and go to the mirror. My nethers have increased in size a bit. At ten, I'm a bit bigger than most boys I've seen back home. I usually only see them if they're pissing. Some boys do things; I've wanted to with older boys but none wanted to, always talking about girls and breasts. My phallus is about four inches now, uncircumcised. I hear from imps that circumcised is normal in America. The alley entrances that I use connect to New York city, Charleston, and D.C. I've visited a few places in Brooklyn, but am largely uninterested. I watch imps humping each other sometimes, and get the feeling that I want to as well. Speaking of which...I've noticed I stay very clean now. I haven't needed to squat in two weeks, though I have a toilet now. Valkyrai tells me he also only farts. Which I don't understand as he doesn't eat. Putting on clothes, I walk over and grap a tome. I read it to learn further rituals, but most are boring. "Valkyrai, is that you?" "I'm Preyfar, master," he replies. "Okay, Preyfar, go get the other imps. I'm heading up to Shadow Alley," I request.