Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 18:45:35 +0800 From: Reaver . Subject: Sk8r Dreams 18 Sk8r Dreams Disclaimer & Warning : Do not read this if you are either under age, offended by gay sex or sex in general, or by some oppressive/strict national/religious laws restricted from viewing this material. Comments and suggestions are all welcome if you have the time to send them along. Have a good day. Part 18 _______________________________________________________________________________ Aaron skated across the street... peacfully oblivious and unconcerned about anyone else. It didn't occur to him that others would also act like that. That is until a go-kart came out of nowhere, his eyes opened wide as the scrap yard on wheels hurtled toward him. He jump to avoid it, but slipped on his own skateboard. The front wheel ran over his ankle, and pain shot through his leg, he swore. The kart swerved as the driver attempted and managed to control it. He heard the pounding of feet behind him, and looked around to see a boy in a green uniform and black hair rushing to him. "I'm so sorry," He blubbered, his brown eyes hazing with tears, "I'm so sorry. Can I help? It was an accident" Aaron looked at him dispassionately. "It's ok dude, I'll live" He got up and winced. "Oooooh." "Look stop being such a dick head. Just be more fucking careful next time." Aaron kept his anger down, choosing not to go off at this... scout. He recognised the uniform. "...Ok..." The cub scout just looked at him with a concerned expression. "Isn't there some scout shit you should be doing now...?" Aaron asked, hoping the boy would go so he could hobble off with some amount of dignity. "Um, well Derrick did run you over..." He said, "So I think he can drag the kart back up here... as part punishment. I'm so sorry um mister, can I do anything for you." "Look it's just fine. Go help Derrick or whoever." The boy nodded looking nervous and very guilty. He looked into Aaron's eyes, and then turned and ran down the hill. Aaron let a slight contempt show on his features. He would normally have taken the time to abuse the shit out of some one, but it would've been no fun with that kid. He'd have just cried. He picked up his skate board and limped home, thinking that was the end of the matter. "What the hell happened to you dude?" James asked as he opened his door. "Oh some turd ran over my ankle." James looked credously at Aaron, then shrugged and turned. "A couple of scouts, dunno what they were doing. Don't fucking care either." Aaron said to James' retreating back. "You want me to fix that mate? Or you just gonna let her heal?" "Dude, it'd be great if you could do that for me." Aaron smiled. James took out maker, entered in a few commands, then hit enter. Aaron felt relief instantly. He rotated his ankle, and turned to leave. "Oi yo lil' shit, I'm gonna get somethin' out o' this here deal. Come an' fucking suck ma cock bitch." "I'm only teasing J..." Aaron smiled, "I wuz on muh fuckin way here anyway, had a wicked hunger fo' yo' cum." He licked his lips and fell to his knees. James whipped out his skater cock... it seemed to be 12" hard today... not too bad... he wacked Aaron in the face a couple of time. The smaller skater just grinned and growled... before trying to catch James' head in his mouth. James teased Aaron for a while, before allowing him to swallow his cock. A leisurely blow begun and lasted for several minutes, while James groaned and rubbed his hand through Aaron's short blonde hair, tugging and pulling at it. As James became excited he gripped onto his friend's head and begun to face fuck him. Pounding hard and fast until finally he exploded. Aaron savoured James' strong flavoured jism, before swallowing every drop he could. Aaron stood up and hugged a big bare chest. He loved feeling the muscles, a bit big for a skater, but it was what made J... James... he was who he was and was when he wasn't. Aaron frowned, then shrugged. "Statisfied?" "You know I never be Aaron." "So I'm not good enough fo' yo G?" Aaron mocked him. "Fuck off yo bastard. Get yo lilly ass outta ma place." James just smiled. "Well I spose I'd bettah bugger off. Got peeps ta skate an' places ta fuck." James just rolled his eyes, "Yeah right dude. Tell tha boys at your place I said yo, and that I'll visit soon. Might decide ta make uh few changes." James told him. "Well yo the boss." Aaron jumped back onto his board and headed off. Busting moves along the way, Aaron gradually made his way back to his house. He'd have some boys to take care of when he got back. Tye was staying over with James tonight, so he'd be without his better half. But it wouldn't stop him from having fun with the group James had given him to look after. "Hey mister!" A voice called out, Aaron's concentration broke and he fell over. He heard running feet, and picked himself up. He turned to see it was the cub scout from before. With him was another boy in a cub scout uniform with wire rim glasses on. They both looked at him with guilty, concerned expressions. "Yeah what is it?" "Um look I'm so sorry about before... this is Derrick." "Uh right yeah whateva." "We were wondering if you could help us..." Aaron just gave them both a long look. "With our go-kart..." "No! Just FUCK OFF, ya fools have caused me enough pain fo' tha day!." Aaron stormed off, grabbing his skateboard. They started to sob behind him. He continued on trying not to heed them. "Now dat shit ain't cool boy." James grabbed him and pulled him behind a bush. "FUCK James man, wat yo doing here?" Aaron looked at him with wide eyes. "I waz watching you bustin' moves. But that ain' important." He glowered at Aaron, "Yo made the little geeks cry. Now you're gonna make it up to them." "Awwww shit. How am I gonna do dat man?" Aaron looked slightly irritated. "Yo gonna suck their cocks, dude." James said flatly. "Ain't gonna be happening, nigga!" Aaron gave him a horrified look, "Those are boys! You ain't changed them or nutin. Fuck, suckin off corrupted transformed kids is one thang man, but innocents be another." "Man I'm gonna give 'em some recompense on yo behalf first. I'm totally responsible for yo' ass in tha end. Yo' can suck their dicks AFTER I'm done." James shoke his head. He took out his palmtop and began to type, ignoring Aaron's further questions. The boys had begun to stop sniffling, when they froze suddenly. Derrick was smallish, his skin was pale, and his features soft. His blue eyes stared from behind his glasses, which were partly hidden by his blond fringe. He begun to get taller, his features thinning out. He aged quickly to 17, his eyes narrowing, slanting as his skin took on a yellowish tinge. His hair become black and retracted under his hat. Derrick look liked an over sized mean scout boy, that was when his clothes changed, his scout cap becoming a baseball style cap, turning green with a nike swish. It was pulled low over his eyes. The uniform rippled, his shirt turning into an umbro mesh tee, showing a super thin asian body through the holes, his pants turning into a pair of blue jeans, loose fitting. His leather shoes changed into a pair of adidas sneakers. His friend under went something similar, his features taking on an oriental appeal as he aged to 16. His black hair growing out and becoming more blue. His green hat turned into a red ecko baseball cap. His features turning more nasty as his shirt turned into a red addidas singlet, green shorts turning into a pair of black snap pants. White strips running down the sides. Nike sneakers replacing his leather shoes. They unfroze, and got up. They begun chatting in an asian language. James had turned the two boyscouts into bad ass ethnic vietnamese red hat boys. The 16 year old boy said something in a demanding tone, and Derick pulled out a cigarette packet and gave one to the younger thug. They begun to walk over to where the go-cart had been. Aaron turned his head to see the offending object, but instead saw an old holden sedan. The cream sides dented, the windows covered with tinting and labels. He could see a red on white P plate on the window. Derrick pulled out his keys. "Get the fuck out there Aaron." James said without looking at his companion. "You have some boys to apologise to." Aaron raced out, jumped on his board, and sped along fast enough to close to slam the driver door shut before Derrick could get in. The new asian boy let out a stream of obscenities in unaccented english. Aaron smiled and said something. There was a pause, Derrick looked at his now younger friend, they exchanged a couple of words. There was another pause and then Derrick replied to Aaron. They all smiled. Getting into the car, the two asian thugs in the front, they drove off with the skater boy in the back seat. James smiled, considering his next options for fun. end part 18