Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 09:41:38 +0800 From: Soul Dreamer Subject: Sk8r Dreams Part 19 (Teen, sex, social, sci-fi) Sk8r Dreams Reaver Can be found at nifty archive gay sf-fantasy section ( ), Metabods site ( ), or CyoC ( ) Foreward: Don't read this if you're not allowed to by someone or some law....blah blah blah... If you are easily offended then you shouldn't read this either, contains sex scenes and for lack of a better term "physical transformation". It's been a while since I posted a new episode... Reaver. Part 19 _______________________________________________________________________ It begun to piss down with rain suddenly, the ramps and rails shining slick with moisture. James growled and stood there looking at the now wet skate park. He had only just arrived, and god knows he didn't feel like getting soaked today. He felt like taking out maker... but fucking around with the weather was not advisable. He shrugged; he could stay dry and skate inside back at his house. The rain increased intensity and James walked over to a bus shelter. "Well this will learn me for going to the furthest skate park... shit!" cursing as he sat down hard. Off in the distance James heard the rumbling of the bus, he got up, putting his board under his arm and fished around for some change. He stood patiently while the bus pulled, waiting for the door to open, the driver looked at him from his seat, obvious contempt evident. James just gave him an arrogant cool look in return, and dumped the correct fare into his hands. James walked down the bus and parked his arse in a seat behind a couple of boys. Sitting back, James relaxed into the bus seat, and appearing to drift off, started to listen into the conversation of the boys in front of him out of boredom. "Can't believe how bloody quick that came on." One said, as he ran his fingers through his short brown hair. At 14 he was pretty average, average height, average build. His brown eyes stared out from his pale face. Shifting slightly at the cool air that blew over his naked calves, he begun to think shorts were a stupid idea. He crossed his arms closer to himself, white polo shirt creasing. The other boy shrugged his shoulders. He was a bit smaller then his friend and a bit chubbier, but that didn't stop him being the more nasty of the two. His tee rose a little on his small potbelly as he turned to look at his friend. "Yeah, whatever. Bet yer pretty fucking sorry for wearing shorts now aren't you, Paul?" Thankful he had chosen jeans, a smile of amusement amusement crossing his features. His black hair loosely flipped in the slight breeze, which came from James' open window. "Oi wanker, close the window." James started, shifted up, gave the boy a cold look, and then closed the window. He let that insult slip away, and then went back to his half sleep. "Stupid fucking skaters. Bet he's just pissed cos his precious park is all rained out." The smaller boy said to his friend, Paul. Paul laughed, "Well skaters are pretty piss weak at the best of times, Vince. Still gotta be better then surfers, though." He looked out on the passing skate park as they took off again. "What a huge fucking waste of space, all so some wankers can ride up and down. A Time Zone would be a helluva a better use of the area." "Yeah? Know what I heard?" Vince said, "I heard that there was going to be here, but the council wouldn't sell the land. Something about 'Healthy Recreation' space requirements or some shit." Vince had an obvious look of disgust, probably a slight disturbance at the idea of 'Healthy Recreation'. James shifted to bring out his palm top, he'd heard more then enough of these little bastards. His fingers rapidly typed out some instructions, only settling back when he had finished. Paul ran his hands through his lengthening hair, still looking out the window. Shifting uncomfortably, he felt like there was less room in the paired seating. Turning he looked at Vince, who had grown. However the changes didn't register, not even a flicker. They both begun to age, going through a mini-spurt of growth, right before each other. Neither noticing, progressing from 14 to 17. Paul's brown hair had grown to his shoulders by now, and began to take on a matted look. Dreadlocks twisted themselves into being, his hair clumping in long strands. "Fuck man..." Vince said in exclamation, "Why'd you go and do that to your hair for?" "Um... dunno it seemed like a good idea at the time." Paul said with a distant look. Whilst Paul tried to think of the reasoning behind his new hairstyle, Vince began to change. Pounds begun to shed from his frame, his face losing its roundness. Fingers became thinner as he continued, thighs now pencil thin. He sat next to his friend now as a scrawny runt, his clothes hanging off him in a baggy way. His belt tightened around his now waspish waist. Paul looked at his friend appraisingly. "Don't worry about my hair Vince, what's with the loose clothing? Going 'baggy' are you?" He grinned evilly as Vince's sharper features went red from a blush. He laughed again, and kept on the attack hoping to keep attention away from his new hairstyle. "Baggy clothes like a skater wears, that's right isn't it Vince?" Vince's face remained flushed as his clothes changed again, the waist shrinking to fit. However the legs lost nothing of their looseness. Side pockets appearing in the denim, the back pockets enlarging, a hammer strap forming. His shirt arms lengthened down his arms, the material got thicker. The whole thing became a bright yellow, with a rhino blazoned on the front, as a hood appeared out the back. His sneakers expanding under the loose folds of his jeans, becoming dark grey, with the lace holes expanding and becoming ringed with blue piping. A few other blue highlights appearing on his new osiris D3's. So what if he dressed a bit... skaterish... nothing wrong with it. "Well... at least I don't look like some dumbass surfer." He shot back with an attempt of venom. Eye glazed over, Paul also begun to blush, his IQ dropping a fair block of points. He wished Vince wouldn't bring up how stupid he was. Paul's blush wasn't nearly as deep as Vince's, since his rising tan masked it. His arms pushed out slightly as his chest expanded slightly, his body changing to a swimmer's build. "Fuck you, I only swim at the beach, I don't surf. At least I ain't a poser." Then he paused for second to consider a better retort. "Um... and at least like surfers are better then skaters... if you um... want to compare." "Nah fuck off Skaters are hella better!" He realised what he had said, "If you are comparing the two." His black hair begun to spike up, looking wet with gel. Vince reached down to pull his jeans down slightly, and unconsciously reached to pull out the excess tag of his SMP canvas belt so that it hung between his legs. Paul glared at his friend, an eyebrow ring piercing his tanned skin. His white polo shirt lost its collar, and then it's arm. Shrink wrapping to his body to show off his tight torso, the white material darkening to a blood red, as it became a singlet. The linen-like material of his cargo shorts rustled and thinned. Reforming and retexturing into a pair of quik-dry boardies, they brightened to a lime and lemon colour scheme. Paul shifted as his shoes dissolved into a pair of thongs. He looked Vince in the eye, "Nah, like surfers are totally gnarlier." "Dude, skaters rule over surfers ANYDAY." Vince said with disdain. "Man, surfers rule the world! We been here longer!" Paul shot back. They both halted at that point their brains mulling over their words, then spitting out some weird results. Vince was the first to move again, his brain moving that bit quicker. "Bro, let's stop arguing 'kay?" He smiled sweetly, "I mean it's ALWAYS the same argument, how 'bout we just kiss and make up." Blushing strongly as he did it, Paul leaned in and gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek. "Okay Vince, like I'm totally sorry, y'know? Ya know how much I'm in fucking loooove with my board." Vince laughed, bringing up his own board into view. "Hun, same, but I love you more." Paul again blushed deeply. Then looked outside, his eyes opened slightly, then he quickly reached out for a large red square button. The bus glided to a stop and both the teens got up, Vince carrying his board and holding firmly with his other hand onto his boyfriend. James watched them go, smiling to himself. The front door creaked open, and Paul looked around into his empty house. Seeing that it was unoccupied, he dragged Vince in and kissed him strongly. There was a clatter as the skateboard dropped to the tiles. The smaller teen dragged his larger mate towards the bedroom. Paul let himself be pulled towards his own room, loving his lover's domination. The door to Paul's bedroom was flung open as they tumbled in, knocking over a bodyboard leaning nearby. They didn't notice, continuing to stumble over to the bed. Vince reached down to Paul's board shorts, pulling on the lace- up front, and undoing the bow. He then slipped his hands in, down into his boyfriend's jocks, and begun to stroke what his hands encountered. Paul responded with a deep moan, his eyes pulling back up into his sockets in pleasure. He reached down and pulled down his Mango board shorts, grabbing his jocks in the process. The shorts, underpants and his thongs all came off him in a smooth motion. His naked lower body was tanned; his cock was long, thin and uncut. He groaned and shuddered as Vince's stroke turned into a tugging motion. With almost reluctance he pulled back from Vince's gripe, and turning, exposed his tanned bubble butt suggestively. Vince smiled and nodded, letting Paul assume a doggy position on the floor. Vince undid his belt and his baggy pants crashed around his ankles. He knelt as he pulled down his boxers, exposing his thicker cock, the red uncut head almost pulsing in excitement. Reaching into the mess around his ankles he retrieved his wallet, and removed a condom. Paul turned to see what the hold up was, smiled and waited while his lover prepared himself. Suddenly without warning Paul's hips were gripped hard, and Vince was thrusting himself all the way in. This would've been a cause for a scream of enormous pain, but Paul was loose enough to take it like this. In fact, he loved it. He grunted as Vince begun to pound him hard and fast, one of the hands shook as it moved from his hips down to his cock. Vince was reaching down to wank off his lover, as his pace of slamming to the hilt increased slightly. The two knelt there grunting and moaning, beginning to heat up the two begun to develop a sheen of sweat. Vince's remaining anchor hand slipped on the sweat on Paul's body, and he pitched forward knocking over Paul in the process. The tumbled into a laughing heap on the carpet. Paul smiled, and signal a squat. "Let's go for you on your back instead baby." Vince complied and laid on his back, his cock stood to attention. Paul put his leg over, and then proceeded to lower himself onto the upstanding pole. As soon as he felt himself hit the base, he begun to perform a rapid rise and fall, it looked like a very familiar action to him. He felt his cock being gripped tightly, and a fast jacking motion in time with his bouncing start. Soon both were sweating again in exertion, their tight bodies writhing in pleasure. Paul's eyes again pulled up into his sockets as he shot, the splurt spitting onto his skater boi's red hoodie. The sudden spasm in his anal muscles set off Paul, who arched his back to unload. Paul, exhausted, controlled fell into the arms of his smaller lover. They lay there recovering for a few minutes, still turned on. "Again?" Vince said with a mischievous smile. End of Chapter 19