Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 09:41:24 +0000 From: Draiodoir Draiodoir Subject: Gay Male/ Sci Fiction/ The Gatekeeper/ Chapter 8 Chapter Eight: The Devas After Osiris's escape, the Mansion was chaotic. Roland stood from afar, watching his fellow Mordigans reconstruct the damage left by Os's magic. Heralds ran here and there, looking haggard and worried, talking amongst themselves. It was surreal, thought Roland. Only two people in the Mansion's history has been able to open the golden door... according to Lachesis's Book of Shadows, it was four hundred years ago when Clotho, one of the Mordigan Sisters, used it to escape from her siblings after a big argument. Caleb and Luna got Roland's attention, as his mentor strode to the Threshold Mirrors. "Caleb! Wait!" he called out. Running to Caleb, Roland saw that the Herald was holding a suitcase. "Where are you going?" "I'm leaving," said Caleb. "I quit. I'm no longer a Mordigan." "WHAT! Why?" Caleb smiled to Roland's alarmed expression. "I can't stay in a coven that had forgotten its fundamental virtues. The Elders won't even explain why they tried to capture Osiris." "Then I'm going to quit too," said Roland surely. "And well, I think I have a lead on why the Elders tried to capture Os." He handed Caleb a piece of parchment. Silently, the older guy read the passage written on it. The connecting threads shall break in plight And one of the three stars will lose its light A flesh from my flesh will come to rule them all Thus bringing forth the Mordigans' fall By the two Ultimate powers, I shall return To watch your spirits in the pyres of Hell burn "What's this?" Caleb asked still looking at the parchment. "It's a passage from Lachesis Mordigan's Book of Shadows," said Roland. "It's the curse for the Sisters created by Gerald Rouman when they tricked him and stole his powers." "You must stay here..." "But--" "Be my eyes and ears Roland," said Caleb. Some Mordigan witches stared to Caleb's suitcase, looking disappointed. "If you are right and this is the reason of the Elders, they won't stop until they get Osiris. Now that I'm no longer a Herald, I'll be free to find him... don't tell anyone that you have the BOS." Caleb handed back the parchment to Roland. "Be well." The embrace was only a few seconds long and Caleb and Luna started to the Threshold Mirrors to exit the Mansion, leaving Roland alone in the middle of the bustling Vestibule. * * * Waking up in a room that he didn't recognize had become Osiris's habit ever since he found out that he was a witch. When he opened his eyes, Os perceived that he was on a very fluffy bed with white sheets and comfortable pillows that felt like feather to his skin. But Osiris sat bolt up right when he realized that he was naked beneath the comforter. A woman entered the room and Os instinctively pulled the comforter to his neck while blushing profusely. The woman was young, probably not much older than Osiris, her flowing long black hair looked well cared for. She was carrying neatly folded clothes, approached the table beside the bed, put the clothes there and glanced at Os who was still trying to cover himself, making the woman smile. "Here are some clothes that you can wear," she said genially, "and lunch will be ready in five minutes, just go outside that door. Lazarus wanted to talk to you after you get ready. I'm Brigit Calipus but you can call me Bree." Bree extend her right hand and Osiris reached to shake it, making the blanket fall and exposed his torso. "I'm Osiris," said Osiris, hastily covering himself again, embarrassed that a girl was in the same room while he didn't have any clothes on. Bree walked out of the room but before she closed the door, she glanced back and said, "Relax Os. You don't have to hide what I've already seen. I'm impressed so don't be embarrassed." Bree gave him a wicked smile and a wink then finally closed the door. Osiris stared, mouth hanging open and face burning. He didn't need telepathy to know what Bree was talking about. Silently, he donned the clothes Bree gave him which comprised of a white tee-shirt, fresh boxer shorts and a pair of jeans. It was rather weird to wear normal clothes again as he got accustomed to the long robes of the Mordigans. Before getting out of the room, Os observed his surroundings. An old wardrobe, a table with a vanity mirror and a shelf of books were the only things in the room. Osiris read the titles on the spines but they appeared to be ordinary literature. Looking out the open windows, he saw that he was on the second floor of an old ordinary three-story stone house and saw a vast expanse of land that looked like rice fields, with a dense forest on the one side and rough roads on the other. Where in the world was he? It seemed that the golden door teleported him to what appeared to a province, but where? Osiris paced a little around the room, thinking hard. Who was the woman? And she mentioned a Lazarus character. It was rather too much of a coincidence that he, Os, managed to escape from the Mordigan Mansion then get rescued by a bunch of strangers just after getting out of the golden door. Apprehensively, he stared at the door, half-expecting it to burst open and a band of robed men coming in to kill him or wrench out his heart. But no one entered and Osiris stood there, debating with himself, even calling in his mind to the strange voice that helped him escape the Mansion for an opinion. Nothing. He was on his own. Os opened the door and saw that the room beyond was a dining area with a long table made of reddish hardwood covered with white cloth. There were twelve chairs around it and two were occupied by two guys talking to each other merrily, who stopped their conversation when they noticed Osiris. The one sitting at the end of the table was wearing a white tee-shirt, looking a little older than the other, with jet black hair that was long enough to cover his ears and dark green eyes that was obviously appraising Osiris. The guy to the right donned an open Hawaiian shirt with a blue tee underneath with brown hair and eyes to match. Both beamed at Os and the older guy pointed to a chair and said, "Come Osiris, you're just in time for lunch. I'm Lazarus Easter and this is Carlo Castro." Os walked slowly to the chair, his guard up, trying to anticipate any surprises. He reached the chair and sat quietly when Bree came into the room from what appeared to be the kitchen, carrying a huge plate of food. Another girl came in after her, who looked much younger, carrying a pot that was steaming and smelled rather good. Osiris's stomach grumbled but he ignored it as he stared to everyone in the room. Bree smiled and winked to him as she placed the plate on the table. Osiris blushed and Carlo creased his brows inquiringly to Bree, as the girl sat beside Os. The other girl sat beside Carlo. "I'm Alicia Gale," said the girl smilingly, after positioning the pot of stew at the center of the table. She looked young, probably seventeen and reminded Osiris of cheerleaders from New Valley High. He just gave her a nod. Os could feel a strange vibe from his surroundings. He felt vulnerable being surrounded by strangers in the house where he was totally outnumbered. They began to eat, passing each other dishes. Bree took the liberty of filling Osiris's plate with food as he appeared timid to reach any. He was having second thoughts. "Is there a problem Os?" asked Lazarus after he noticed that he wasn't eating. Os looked at Lazarus straight in the eyes, using his telepathy to detect any lie. "I know you saved me and everything but why did you do it?" asked Osiris. He made it obvious that he did not trust anyone in the room. Lazarus looked as though he was unsure of how to answer. For a few minutes, the table was silent. Then the guy closed his eyes and smiled. "It's unnecessary to use your power to me Os," he said opening his eyes again. Osiris stood fast, his face furious, that everyone on the table jerked in surprised. "Who sent you?" he roared, "The Hand? The Mordigans? Who?" "Os relax," said Bree, "No one sent us." He looked at her sharply. "Isn't it a bit coincidental that I got rescued by witches, again? So how did you find me?" "Lower your voice," Lazarus said, his voice ringing with authority. "You owe me your life so don't accuse us just yet. I might regret saving your neck." He paused a bit as Os stared at him. Lazarus continued, "We didn't find you. You found us." "What?" Osiris asked, his voice was still as loud as ever and it must have attracted the dog that came trotting in from the open glass sliding doors behind Lazarus. It was a beautiful golden retriever and it sat on the floor beside Lazarus' chair staring faithfully at Os, who eyed it warily. "This dog found me yesterday," Lazarus said, patting the dog's head. "He led me to the field where you lay unconscious and if he hadn't, it would have been impossible to find you through that thick undergrowth." "You're lying!" snarled Osiris loudly. Crying came from the room on Lazarus' right and Alicia stood hastily and went to it. A few more seconds, the crying stopped and Alicia came back carrying a baby in her arms. Osiris's mouth hanged open. "I told you to lower your voice," Lazarus reminded. "Sorry," whispered Osiris automatically then caught himself. The dog continued to stare him and when Os looked at it, a low gentle voice spoke in his mind. `Getting a bit distrustful aren't you?' it said to Osiris's mind whose eyes grew huge. "You..." he muttered, getting the room's attention, "you're a familiar." "He's your familiar," said Lazarus and the dog nodded in agreement. Osiris was still unconvinced. "How can I be sure?" he asked, his voice now in check. "Well, you can ask him anything about you," said Bree. "A familiar is tied to its master by more than magic. It is a guardian spirit that has been looking after you ever since your birth so naturally, it will know even your most inner secrets." Osiris wanted to discard any suggestions from the people in the room but he didn't know any way of knowing if the familiar was his. He gave himself a mental kick for not studying hard enough when he was still in the Mansion. `Fine', thought Osiris, `Okay then. Can you hear me?' He looked at the dog warily. `Yes', the voice said as though being said by an English gentleman. `What's your name?' `You can call me Anubis.' `Okay, if you really guarded me as a familiar, how come you didn't help me when the Hand first attacked?' thought Osiris, with a bit of resentment. Lazarus, Bree, Carlo and Alicia stared transfixed even though they can't hear the conversation. `I'm sorry but a familiar can only intervene in times of greatest need. At that moment, Caleb was battling the Hand to save you, so you still didn't need me yet,' the dog explained. `But in the hospital, how come you didn't save me? ` `You didn't need me then, either. As I remember it, you blasted that room all on your own.' The dog looked as though it was smiling. Os frowned at it. `Okay. Fine. Tell me something that only I could know.' The dog scratched its ears for a moment and then, `You nearly got slapped when you followed Angelina to the girl's bathroom without intending to, because you hadn't noticed the sign on the door because you were ogling so much.' He blushed and became thankful that their conversation was telepathic. `You could have known that from Jaypee. I need something that's more personal than that.' `Fine,' said Anubis' telepathic voice curtly, probably thinking that getting nearly slapped was already personal. `A week before the accident that killed your parents, your mother told you a story about why they named you Osiris. She said that Osiris is the god of the underworld and immortality in ancient Egypt. She picked out the name because one day you will do something that is immortal; something that shall never be forgotten by the world for thousands of years, for you, she believed were, are and will be destined for greatness. She told you this to improve your morale because one of your teachers scolded you for not being able to answer fractions and calling you stupid. Will that suffice?' He stared blankly. No one knew that story except him and his mother. He felt a lump form in his throat for being reminded of the two women that mattered most in his life but now were gone... It was personal indeed. `Okay, so you're my familiar,' thought he, giving the room a nervous glance and saw that everyone was still looking at him. `So what happens now?' The dog lay lazily on the floor as though it owned the place then said, `That would be up to you. I'm a familiar and once I reveal myself, I'm at your disposal. I'm going to follow you anywhere you go.' `Will you help me if they turn out to be members of the Hand or the Mordigans?' `Of course I will protect you, but you don't need to worry. They're not... but they are witches.' "So? Have you two decided yet?" asked Bree impatiently, who decided to continue eating. Lazarus and Carlo started eating too while Alicia took the baby to her room. "Anubis told me you were not members of the Hand or the Mordigans," said Osiris as Alicia took her sit, "but you were witches." "Sit down Os and eat before the food gets cold," said Lazarus. Os decided to sit but still didn't touch his food. "Yes we are witches," Lazarus continued, "Only witches can understand a familiar's call for help. We are not members of the Hand or the Mordigan Witches because we are a small coven. We call ourselves Devas." "How many of you are there?" asked Os. "You're looking at the whole Devas," said Bree. "Lazarus is our High-priest." "There are only four of you?" "One witch is a solitary, two is a partnership and three or more is a coven," said Alicia smiling. "You know about the Hand and the Mordigans?" asked Osiris to no one in particular. "Any true coven knows about those two. The Hand of Atonement and the Mordigan Witches are the most powerful covens in the world, with hundreds of witch members plus connections to the mortal world. They are well known, not just because of their influence and power but, due to their ceaseless war against each other, the longest magical feud ever fought in human history, though normal people are still oblivious to it," said Lazarus conversationally. "Don't you like the food, Os?" asked Bree. "Well, I don't really blame you. Alicia can't cook even to save herself." "Hey! You cooked everything that's on this table so don't you dump the blame on me," Alicia retaliated. Bree rolled her eyes. "Or maybe you want me to cook you something different, Os? Maybe some... sausage perhaps?" Bree said this while giving him a suggestive smile. Osiris gulped. "No," he croaked, "It's okay." Lazarus gave Bree an inquiring look but got ignored. "Eat Os. It's not like we'd save you, just to kill you," said Carlo. Osiris remained silent. `That's just what the Mordigans did,' he thought. Lazarus cleared his throat then wiped his mouth with a napkin. "You can stay as long as necessary Os. I'm sorry but I need to get going for class." He excused himself and went to a door beside the kitchen. The others continued to eat and after another minute, Osiris picked up his fork when he could no longer ignore his stomach. The first taste was exquisite so he continued to shove food into his mouth. Bree's cooking could rival Roland's, Os thought. The remaining four ate in silence and after dessert Carlo excused himself to go to the garden, while Alicia went and washed the dishes. Bree smiled at Osiris, then said, "Lazarus gave me some money so you could buy some clothes. Those robes won't really work now that you're back in civilization." He remained silent; he was still trying to comprehend what happened. One moment he was laughing with Caleb and Roland, joking about the date... now he was sitting in a house, who knows where, with people he barely knew. Bree fell silent and just sat beside him, empathic to what Os was going through. She just waited for him; they had time. "Where are we?" Os asked quietly. "This is Lazarus's house. Springfield, Riverlake just some kilometers from Queue City," provided Bree. So Os was still in Riverlake... he wasn't that far from Bumpville City, his home, but he knew he couldn't go back yet... not now that the Hand and the Mordigans were after him. He looked around. Could he really trust these people? `There's only one way to find out,' Anubis told Os telepathically. He frowned to his dog. `Easy for you to say...' He decided to give it a try, yet Osiris didn't lower his guard. He and Bree drove to the city for shopping, an hour away from the Easter estate. On their way to Queue City, he found out how loquacious Brigit can get. She gave Os a background story about Lazarus' house which was old and ordinary looking but rich in history. "Lazarus's grandfather built it as a gift for his wife when they married. Russ (Lazarus' nickname) practically grew up here and got so attached to the house that when his father tried to sell it he withdrew all his money from his savings account and told his father he would like to buy it," said Bree, steering around a corner. Osiris looked to his right and saw beautiful landscapes that he missed, being cooped up for so long in the Mansion. "So did Lazarus's father sell it to him?" Osiris asked while staring at the countryside. "Of course not. He was only twelve then." "Oh. So how much money did Lazarus have in the bank?" "Three hundred and fifty," said Bree, eyes looking ahead, "thousand dollars." Osiris looked at her, brows shooting up. Bree giggled. "Oh, for a second there I thought you were serious," he said, "You weren't, were you?" Bree just smiled as she took a turn on the road. "Lazarus' family is loaded. At least all of them were doctors and that's why he is trying to finish medical school, to live up to family tradition. His parents are in Iraq volunteering." "All of his family members are doctors?" "Yeah, but if you ask me, he didn't need to have a diploma for that," said Bree, "One of his powers is healing. He healed you when you came here." She glanced at Os then added, "Don't worry. Carlo was the one who took your clothes off. I was only teasing you." "How about you, what's your power?" Osiris inquired, changing the subject. Bree just smiled. "I'm telekinetic. And you're a telepath, right?" asked Bree, glancing at him for a second. "Yeah. How did you know?" "Anubis is telepathic too and that's how he called Russ to help you. Familiars can share the powers of their masters, you see." The hour was up and they arrived to the busy streets of a bustling city. Bree maneuvered the car so well, that Os figured she could have driven them blindfolded. Once or twice, Os gripped the side of his seat due to Bree's sudden U turns. "Here we are," Bree said happily as she parked in front of a huge mall. It had been a while since Osiris had been to this kind of place and he felt weird being around normal people again. Bree ushered him in and dragged him from shop to shop. It was fun choosing normal clothes, Osiris got so used to wearing robes he forgot how to dress stylishly and he was fairly thankful because Bree seemed to have an eye for trends. After at least two hours of walking and fitting and choosing, they went back to the car, exhausted but satisfied, putting at least six full bags of clothes, shoes and toiletries in the backseat. "That's what I need... a good shopping trip!" said Bree. Os looked back, feeling rather timid due to how expensive it had been. Bree noticed this and added, "Don't worry. Lazarus told me you needed this stuff. He wouldn't mind." They went back to the house and found Lazarus silently reading a book on the first floor by the living room. Lazarus looked up as Bree and Osiris entered with their shopping bags. "I see you went wild," muttered Lazarus staring to Bree. "Are those Osiris's things or yours?" Bree dropped the bag she was carrying and crossed her arms. "What's that supposed to mean? For your information, only one bag here is mine." Lazarus went back to reading. "Good." Bree put out her tongue and then went up stairs with the bags. Os approached Lazarus. "I'll pay you back, one of these days." Osiris said rather awkwardly. Lazarus didn't look at him but said shortly, "Don't mention it." Silently, Os went up stairs to find Bree was putting away his items in the empty wardrobe. * * * Alicia was rather the shy type and Carlo was always busy in the gardens. Lazarus wasn't usually home because of school and other stuff so Osiris got very close to Bree, the only Devas member with an Energizer battery for her mouth. She was very cheerful and never ran out of jokes and stories. Os learned to open up again, little by little, and he felt rather at ease with Bree. She was not hard to look at either, Os thought, seeing that Bree had a long elegant hair and soft brown eyes. "So, the baby's Lazarus's brother?" Osiris asked after two days at the house while he helped Bree tidy the library on the third floor which was composed of two large rooms: the library and the room where Devas held their rituals which was locked except if needed. He checked the books. He just got a sense of stability whenever he was surrounded by them, as though all of life's questions could be answered by books. Their library was nothing compared to the Archive, but anything that was connected to the Mordigans made Osiris irritated and he decided he liked it here more than there, because it was smaller and less intimidating. "No. Randolph is Alicia's," said Bree tidying up some books about human anatomy that Lazarus forgot to put back. "Oh, Alicia's baby brother," said Os who tried to help by sorting the books too. "No. Randolph is Alicia's son," said Bree. Osiris dropped an encyclopedia on his foot. "What? But she only looks seventeen or something," said Os, rubbing his toes while staring to Bree. Bree picked up the book. "She's eighteen. Her step-father raped her when she was sixteen. She was sophomore then and had nowhere to go, so Lazarus helped her." "That's awful." "There are many awful things that are happening in the world Os. You're not alone. Probably, that's why we liked you the first time we saw you. We knew you were like us." Bree beamed to Osiris then continued. "Carlo's mother died three years ago because of a heart ailment that she attained after giving birth to him. His father was devastated and got insane. With no other relatives to turn to, Carlo asked for our help and here we all are. His father is in an asylum at Queue. We visit sometimes." Osiris listened to the lives of the people that shared the house. It looked as though the residence had become a sanctuary for those who needed saving. "And how about you?" he asked, "How did Lazarus save your life?" "You're being nosy, Osiris," Bree said turning her back to him. "I'm sorry... um... sorry," Os bowed and put the remaining books to the shelves. Bree turned and smiled to him, "I'm joking. Well, actually, I'm the one who saved Lazarus, in a way. He broke down five years ago when his brother died by drowning. That's when he started learning magic and he blamed himself for not being able to save his brother. Lazarus hadn't mastered his healing then." "And you saved him?" "He tried to commit suicide but I stopped him when I entered his room. My parents split up when I was thirteen and they forgot about their daughter when they got divorced. He was my best friend. His parents adopted me and I came to live with them." After cleaning the library, Bree invited Osiris to the veranda so that she could ask him more about his story. Anubis was lying there lazily, sunbathing. "Why were you so suspicious of us?" asked Bree, handing Os a cup of coffee. They were sitting in armchairs under a big purple umbrella. "Or are you naturally like that to people that help you and save your life?" Osiris looked embarrassed again. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that," he apologized, "It's just, I learned a lesson the hard way. Trust should be earned... not readily given." Os then proceeded in telling Bree the story about how the Hand tried to kill him first. "They attacked my school. Angelina died because of it... because of me." Bree looked at Osiris with compassion. "I bet you've told yourself that so many times now, you might even believe it!" Os evaded Bree's look which only confirmed the girl's thoughts. He then continued telling Bree about the Mordigans' rescue and the sudden change of weather when they tried to capture him. "Did they even tell you why?" He shook his head, "The Heralds just said that the Congress of Elders ordered them to capture me." "That's rather odd," said Lazarus so suddenly Osiris jolted, his coffee splashed to the floor nearly bathing Anubis. The dog growled sounding annoyed. "It wasn't in the nature of the Mordigan Witches to withhold information." "Where did you come from?" Osiris asked Lazarus. "I just got home from school," he answered. "Oh." Lazarus joined them. Bree gave him a cup of coffee too. He sipped the steaming drink and asked Os, "So, how long do you intend to remain with us Osiris?" "I... I'm not really sure yet. I don't really have anywhere else to go," said Osiris avoiding Lazarus's eyes. He got this weird feeling every time the guy looked at him, as though Lazarus was appraising him, looking for flaws. And Os noticed, Lazarus was like Caleb: manly, handsome, with a strong disposition, a natural leader which always gave Os the feeling of being a small schoolboy whenever the guy was in the same room with him. Add to the fact that Lazarus somehow gave this stiff no-nonsense attitude. "Well, you are in a house for strays, Os. I'm sure Lazarus won't mind if you stay as long as necessary," said Bree then turned to Lazarus and added with an eyebrow raised, "Will you?" Lazarus ignored Bree and looked at Os for a while and said, "Of course you can stay here." He then stood up, "I need to change. Bree, what time are you going to the store?" Bree checked her watch. "An hour from now. Why? Do you need something?" "No. Ask Osiris if he wants to go. He might get bored here in the house," Lazarus said as he left for his room. "Is Lazarus always that... stiff?" asked Osiris carefully choosing his words after the High-priest was out of earshot. Bree laughed. "No. He's just protecting himself," she said vaguely, more to herself than to Os. "From me?" "So you want to join me? We have a store in the city called Nature's Best. We sell herbal teas, shampoos, essential oils and organic soaps. Carlo plants the herbs while Alicia and I make the products. Lazarus is good in marketing." Osiris just looked at her strangely when Bree changed the subject so abruptly. There was definitely something they were not telling him. He stood up with Bree and said, "Okay then." * * * Os had barely fallen asleep, when he heard banging outside his room. He sat straight up when he was sure that he was not dreaming. Looking at the table, the clock showed half past ten. Osiris heard Bree screaming outside, a crash, then an explosion. He opened the door when he heard Randolph crying. It was chaos; the dinner table was upended, plates lay broken on the floor and some parts of the walls had holes in them that were still smoking. But what really made the scene so bizarre were half a dozen ghostly figures hovering in midair like storm clouds trying to snatch as many things as possible then throwing them at Carlo, Bree and Anubis. "Os! Duck!" Carlo called out as one of the smoky things darted toward Osiris, who rolled forward, the spirit missing him by a hair. "What was that?" Osiris asked hurrying to Brigit's side by the stairs. Anubis was barking lightning bolts from his mouth, attacking the ghostly things but kept missing, making more holes in the walls. "Phantoms. We think they were sent by the Hand," she said as she brandished a broom at the one trying to get close to Os. He concentrated and directed a marble-sized energy blast at the smoky things. Osiris smirked satisfactorily as it hit home, wafting two phantoms away but his smile vanished as the phantoms reformed. "You said you were only a telepath!" accused Bree seeing Osiris's psychic blast. They ducked together as the two phantoms charged, apparently aggravated by what Os had done, their ghostly hands scratching the stairs. "I said I'm a telepath. I didn't say it's my only power." They hurried to the other side of the room. Carlo and Anubis had gone to Alicia's room to protect Randolph. "How come my power didn't work?" asked Osiris, as a vase flew into the sliding doors of the veranda, blasting the glass. "Phantoms are impervious to psychic powers; that's why I can't use my telekinesis. Where the hell is Lazarus!" shouted Bree as another phantom dashed towards them. "What's their deal?" "If they can get in your mouth, they can possess you. Even though they're insubstantial, they can't enter a body without using the mouth. They can hurt you physically and try to make you cry out so that they can get in--damn you!" Bree cursed as she swung the broom at a phantom's head. It shrieked as the broom hit it. "How can we kill them?" asked Osiris through gritted teeth, as one phantom scratched his shoulder. He tried to punch it but only hit air. "They're like smoke!" "I'm using this broom made of rowan which is a tree of protection. It can hurt them a bit but it's not that effective as there so many of them"--Bree hit another phantom with the broom--"there's a vanquishing spell for phantoms but I can't remember... aaah!" Bree shouted as the phantom that was about to charge exploded in her face. The blackish smoke cleared and there stood Lazarus, hands aloft and flicking at the floating phantoms. The vile spirits soared here and there as they continued to explode trying desperately to evade Lazarus's invisible power. After the High-priest was through, only three phantoms managed to get away by soaring away across the veranda, escaping death. Lazarus closed the glass sliding door casually, even though the glass was no longer there. When he turned around, Bree glared at him. "Where in the hell have you been?" she demanded. Lazarus raised his eyebrows. "I just came from my study group," said Lazarus. Carlo and Anubis came out of Alicia's room. Randolph had stopped crying after the phantoms left, and Alicia had put him back to bed. "How did you make them explode?" asked Osiris, unable to contain his curiosity. Lazarus had a ghost of a smile in his face. Bree rolled her eyes. "Degradation is my power, Os. I can make things explode by will," explained Lazarus then he looked sharply back to Bree. "I'm sorry if you forgot the banishment spell for the phantoms. It's not my fault you don't put an effort in learning to cast spells." Bree looked furious. "So what are you saying? This is my fault then? It's my fault we nearly got possessed by stupid gaseous ghost things?" But before Lazarus could answer, Bree stalked off to her room, slamming the door behind her. Alicia flinched and looked back at her room but thankfully, Randolph stayed asleep. Everyone started cleaning the dining room. Carlo and Alicia repaired damages using spells to mend the holes in the walls and reformed broken vases and plates. "Don't your powers work on the phantoms too?" Osiris asked Alicia as he helped her arrange the cutlery. Alicia looked sheepish. "Carlo and I don't have powers yet," she said quietly. Osiris looked obviously surprised. "I thought all witches have powers?" "Well, anyone that can cast spells can be called a witch but powers didn't really come as natural as spell casting for us." After cleaning up, everyone gathered by the table, except for Bree, who hadn't come out of her room. Os looked worried. The phantoms had attacked because the Hand sent them there... to get him... it was his fault. He was about to open his mouth to apologize when Lazarus said suddenly, "Os, the phantoms were sent. You didn't invite them in here so don't think this is your fault." Carlo scratched his head. "I thought nothing could enter the house uninvited because of the Vampire Enchantment that we cast?" "Phantoms are ghosts Carl," said Alicia. "They can pass through walls and some magical shields. We hadn't anticipated the Hand using them." "Alicia is right. Phantoms are subversive spirits... very hard to control. Still, I don't think they'll return... though it was a clever move, sending spirits to possess Os so he will go to the Hand willingly instead of taking you by force"--Lazarus looked at Osiris--"Don't think of this as your fault Os and don't worry, we won't let the Hand take you away. So for now, let's sleep and we'll cast more protection around the house tomorrow." Osiris and Anubis went to their rooms. Even though Lazarus told him not to blame himself, Os couldn't deny that he nearly got everyone hurt, and with Bree freaked out already, he could feel her anger for getting nearly killed. Anubis lay in a basket Alicia had prepared for him and looked empathically at his master. Even a familiar cannot be certain of the future. Osiris stared blankly at the shadows... he needed to do something or everyone around him would end up like Angelina. It had been three days since the phantoms attacked and everyone assured Osiris not to worry. Lazarus was right, the phantoms hadn't return though Os couldn't hide his worry that the Hand might try to do him in again. So, to help him forget about the phantoms, the Devas made him feel as though he truly belonged with them. Everyone acted like brothers and sisters; Alicia was a sensitive sweet girl that always gave Osiris a third helping every meal, probably practicing her mothering skills. Carlo was great to Os too, teaching him the magical properties of herbs and plants. And as Osiris was only a few months older, they really clicked whenever they talked to each other. Os noticed that Carlo and Alicia were very much attached and he even caught them being sweet to each other but he didn't want to assume things. Probably, due to their age since they were younger than Lazarus or Brigit, they tended to be closer to each other. Bree flatly told Osiris that she didn't blame him for the attack. "Lazarus was right," said Bree while she and Osiris restocked the shelves in Nature's Best one afternoon. "I should have learned those spells. I just got pissed at myself because I can't help thinking what would have happened if Lazarus hadn't rescued us." Eventually, Bree got back to being talkative, always smiling and joking and telling stories which reminded Osiris of Aunt Celina a little. Bree taught him how to handle the cash register in the shop so that Os could call himself useful as he started to help there every afternoon. The one matter that Os couldn't help but notice was Lazarus's attitude. Osiris couldn't ignore this feeling that Lazarus was somewhat uncomfortable whenever he was in the room. His sentences were short though not really rude and Os overheard Alicia telling Carlo that something had changed in their High-priest about the same time Osiris arrived. This in turn made Os sense that maybe Lazarus was regretting taking him in, perhaps the High-priest realized that protecting him made the Devas susceptible to an attack from the Hand or the Mordigan Witches... which meant that as long as Osiris was in the house he was risking the others' lives too. "Is something wrong Os?" asked Alicia when she found him looking out of the library window deep in thought one afternoon. "Oh, it's nothing," said Osiris who looked startled for a second. "How's the baby? Bree said Randolph had a little cough." "He's alright now. Lazarus healed him already," Alicia said walking to his side, "He's with Carlo, Bree and Anubis in the garden if you want to join us? We're having a picnic." He just shook his head. "No I'm okay here." "You don't look okay to me," she pointed out, causing Osiris to sigh. "Lazarus isn't really thrilled about having me here, is he?" "What? Why would you say that?" "He doesn't smile when I'm in the room or he stops talking when I walk in. I just feel it and I don't need to be psychic to sense it," said Osiris staring down at the garden watching his familiar, Anubis, fetch a ball that Carlo threw while Bree and Randolph cheered. "And I think I know why." Alicia didn't know what to say so she remained silent. She too watched what was happening below. The silence stretched on for a few minutes before... "I think I need to go." "What?" Alicia said surprised. "Os, I don't think Lazarus would want you to leave." "I think he knows that I risk attracting the Hand's attention if I stay here much longer. That's probably why Verdandi Britestone wanted me out of the Mansion, she was afraid that the Hand might attack them because they were protecting me. I don't want to drag others into my mess. The phantoms were just the beginning. I can't risk all of your lives." "What happened to Angelina won't happen to us Os," said Alicia totally surprising Osiris. "How did you know about that?" he asked. Alicia smiled. "Brigit has a big mouth but you'll love her for that. All I'm saying is that you can't think you're cursed just because there are sick people out there who put a mark on you Os. You are a great person... don't let them get to you." Osiris bowed his head, still unconvinced. "But the threat still remains and as long as the Hand is after me, no one near me will be safe." He left the library leaving Alicia crestfallen. * * * Osiris quietly packed, putting clothes and other personal items inside a small backpack when the door opened. Lazarus came in looking rather distressed as he watched Os packing. "What do you think you're doing?" Lazarus asked. Os just continued packing. "I'm leaving," he said shortly, turning to face Lazarus and seeing that Bree, Alicia, Carlo and Anubis were just outside his door. Anubis pushed the door closed giving the argument some privacy. "Why? What's you're reason?" "You know why," said Osiris. "You're the one who made me realize it." "What are you talking about?" asked Lazarus sounding very agitated. "You know, I thank you for saving me, I'm entirely grateful for it. But I know and you know that I am risking all of your necks as long as I'm staying in this house. I get it. That's why you appear--stiff whenever you see me. It's like I'm a time bomb waiting to explode and you're probably regretting saving me already." Lazarus looked as though someone had slapped him. He slowly shook his head. "That's not the reason Os," he explained, "I'm sorry if I'm a little rigid, it's just... it's something else. It's not what you think. I don't see you as a risk." "It's like I'm cursed, Lazarus. I'm even afraid of myself," muttered Osiris sounding hopeless. "I need to go or the Hand might attack again and they will--you will--all of you'll be in danger." Os picked up the backpack and turned towards the door but Lazarus grabbed his arm stopping him from leaving. "Don't worry Os. We can take care of ourselves." "They're powerful. They killed Angelina. And I can't... I can't let that happen again," the youngster muttered. Lazarus embraced Osiris, as the younger man could no longer hold his emotions. "Every night her face has haunted me, and I'm just tired of it all." "Bree and I have been confronted by the Hand before and we're still here and I know you're powerful too. Maybe if we are all together, we can protect ourselves from them. We're already involved Os," Lazarus said reassuringly. He felt so safe. It had been years since he felt this kind of security... the last time being when his father hugged him before leaving for Mexico seven years ago. Osiris had forgotten feeling this safe, as though he could jump off a cliff without fear for he knew someone would catch him. He felt more protected than the walls and enchantments the Mordigan Mansion offered him. Lazarus became a brother he never knew and he let his emotions show. Osiris let it all out... he cried. "Sometimes it takes more courage to say you need help, so let us help you. You're stronger, I know it... stronger than the magic or any ability that you think defines you," said Lazarus. "Stay here with us." Os looked at Lazarus, his walls of defense was fighting not to crumble. . But it was like holding water in a cupped hand; the tighter he grip, the more it slips through. What is it in Devas that held Osiris to them? As though the Mordigan's magnificent Mansion was nothing compared to this simple old house for it was the only place Os ever felt he belonged. It took a moment but he finally let the walls fall as he nodded, giving his trust to the Devas High-priest. Lazarus smiled then the door opened. "Os is staying," said Lazarus brightly, still holding Osiris in a hug as Brigit walked in. One look at her face gave Lazarus the impression that something was wrong. "What? What's wrong?" he asked as he released Os. "Someone's trying to enter the house," Bree said gravely. To be continued... NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Greetings my reader! If you are reading this note then it only means you stuck until the end of this chapter. Many had extended their approval so far and I thank them all so much for making me feel so good inside. Reading your comments felt as good as sex... well, seeing that all I have right now are your comments hehehe... I'm taking my midterm examinations this week and I really ought to find a real job. You know what they say, "even if you're the best of the best if you aren't making paper, what you're doing is a hobby." Though I really love writing I might stop for a while though I promise you I will finish posting this story and I hope you stay alive until the end so don't do anything stupid friends... I want to thank my wonderful editor for polishing my English grammar and giving such wonderful words of encouragement... I'm not sure if he'll appreciate it if I post his name... I'll ask him next time. Any errors left uncorrected is my fault. Send those emails to and please put the title of the story at the subject as I have to stories on Nifty currently active. I'll try to reply to everyone but if you hadn't heard from me, take my deepest apologies. Love you all and hope my writing do entertain you. And if you have time, check out my other story "Falling for a Straight Guy". Until next chapter, Fritz D. Ilagan