Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 10:17:53 -0600 From: Subject: Modern Vampire Chapter 4 The Modern Vampire By Topher Email: This story is entirely erotic fantasy. None of the characters contained herein represent any person, living or dead. Any similarities to real people or places are purely coincidental. This story contains graphic descriptions of gay sex between consenting male adults. If such material is offensive to you, I suggest you don't read it. The story revolves around Vampires, and will contain vampire related material. If such things bother you or offend you, do not read the story. I wanted this story to be more than the typical porn where the characters have sex in every other paragraph. It takes several chapters before the characters actually engage in anything sexual so please have patience and enjoy the story. My email is above; feel free to send me a message. Let me know what you like, let me know what you don't like. Feedback from both sides is appreciated. Thanks to Nifty, for giving us the ability to share, read, write and enjoy gay literature. Donations to Nifty are important, necessary and help keep the site alive. Chapter 4 The Café was small, one you would expect to find in a farm town, not in the heart of a populated city. Still, the Patrons of this particular Café were not what you could refer to as normal people. The Café was richly decorated, mostly blacks and grays. Heavy, thick black curtains adorned all the windows, as well as the door. The walls were painted with dull gray and plain, vases of fragrant flowers were set on all the tables. The architecture of the building was such that the Café appeared to have been plucked out of the dark ages and placed in modern times. Even the furniture within was antique, giving visitors a glimpse into the past. The floors were made of rough, uneven planks of wood stained a deep burgundy color. Several people sat around a coffee table in the center of the seating area, quietly talking amongst themselves. A young couple, holding hands, waited at the counter for the Barista to concoct their chosen drinks. An older man, dressed in a long black trench coat and a fancy top hat sat in a corner by himself, reading the newspaper. A younger woman, probably twenty four or so sat at a table near one of the windows. The curtains were pulled shut, eliminating all light that threatened to shine inside. She was busy clicking away at the keys on her laptop, a pen sticking out of the side of her mouth, making her appear busy and in deep concentration. She was beautiful, pale skin, soft green eyes and lustrous brown hair that reached down the small of her back. So wrapped up in her computer, she didn't even notice Phillip sit down next to her. Phillip wasted no time introducing himself, "Hello, mind if I sit here?" "You've already sat, so I suppose you ask more out of courtesy than permission?" She said distractedly. Phillip smiled, revealing his perfect teeth, white and pristine, "My name is Phillip, and you are?" He decided to take the direct approach with her. "I am none of your concern, I can assure you of that," she gave him a fleeting glance, judging him, inspecting him. Phillip could see the dismissal in her body language before she could say another word. "Let me ask you something," the Barista came over to the table and set down a mug, pouring black coffee for Phillip. "Just the way you like it Mr. Crighton," she said as she poured. "Splendid, thank you," Phillip sipped the drink, it was bitter, and oh so hot. "So you are a regular here?" the woman asked, suddenly a little more interested in him. "Well, I own this place, so from time to time I find reason to visit." He sat back, putting off a relaxed vibe. The young woman changed in an instant, from frigid and distant to warm, welcoming and willing. A smile broke over her features, and she tucked her chin down with mock shyness. She was a cunning predator, batting her eyes appropriately in the attempt to swoon her new acquaintance. "Judging from your clothing, I'd say you own more than this small little place, that's a $3,000 dollar suit you are wearing Mr. Crighton," she said with confidence. "You know your suits," he sipped his coffee. She smiled sweetly, "I've planned more than a few weddings, I make it my business to choose the grooms suit." "So, you are in the wedding industry?" He leaned forward, conveying curiosity about her. She fell right in, just as he knew she would. "It has its perks." "Perks? Is that what you youngsters are calling it these days?" "Youngster? You are hardly older than I am," she scoffed, "You couldn't be older than...what? 26?" He laughed, "My dear, I can assure you with the utmost confidence that I am far older than you." Her face changed from relaxed to guarded, her posture stiffening, "Oh really?" she said carefully. "You've been rather busy, and not just with weddings," Phillip looked into her eyes, engaging her body with his seductive powers, "Do not make a scene, remain quiet and this will go much more to your liking." His voice was soft but firm, demanding obedience. "How did you find me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyelids were droopy, she appeared subdued. "You can't just go around making Vampires darling. Surely the one who made you told you that?" He risked a quick glance outside to make sure the sun had gone down. She was fighting his Seduction, he intensified it, "I don't know what you are talking about." Again, Phillip laughed, "Liar. Now, you are going to stand up from the table and take my arm, quietly walk outside with me and not make a scene." She was totally enslaved to his Seduction and did exactly what he said. Once she was safely locked in the back seat of his car, he released the Seduction and she snapped back to her regular self. Her fangs protruded from her mouth and she hissed menacingly at Phillip. Her wrists and ankles were bound with immensely strong chains, she was effectively strapped into the back seat. "You cannot do this to me," she continued to struggle against the chains, and despite her Vampire strength, her struggles were useless. "Incorrect, I AM doing it to you. Now it's time for you to know who I am," he began, but was interrupted by her scream of frustration. "You are an Old One," she said, finally accepting her captivity, stopping her struggling. "Correct, and not just any Old One. The humans know me as Phillip Crighton, but Vampires know me as Prowler, assassin for the Old Council," he looked in the rear view mirror at her. She was panicked, he could see it in her body language, in her eyes. "Prowler. I make a couple vampires and the Old Council sends fucking Prowler after me?" She loosed another bellow of frustration, slamming her feet into the floor of the car. "Stop that, now," Phillip commanded. "Make me, Old One," her tone was sharp as a whip. Phillip screeched the car to a halt on the side of the road and threw open his door, "Fine by me." He calmly got out of the car and opened the rear passenger door, with a wave of his hand, he paralyzed her entire body. "I have powers beyond your miserable comprehension, you helpless fool," what he didn't tell her was that it was taking every last bit of his power and concentration to keep her paralyzed. He unlatched her chains and easily took her out of the back seat. "Now I'm going to do something that I don't normally do in these situations. I'm going to let you run for about three minutes before I come and kill you. Just to give you that last hope, that last fighting chance." He released her from paralysis. For a moment she was too stunned to move, but she came to reality quickly and leapt at him, bearing her fangs and aiming for his throat. Phillip reached out with his Telekinetic power and caught her in mid jump. She was confused, didn't know what was happening. Phillip slammed her into the ground with severe force; several of her bones were shattered. She moaned in pain as her Vampire abilities began to heal her body. "You should have run," he lifted her off the ground and slammed her down several more times. She was a crumpled bleeding heap of mangled flesh, he bent down over her, looking at what was left of her face. One of her eyes was destroyed, useless, but the other stared right at him. "Just kill me," she finally pleaded. In a savagely ferocious display of feeding, he bit deeply into her throat and drank her dry. He stood up and stepped away from her body, she was a vampire after all, still technically alive even without a drop of blood in her veins. He concentrated on her flesh, willing it to catch fire, and just as he knew it would, the bloodless vampire carcass burst into flame and began to smolder and turn to ash. He pulled out a handkerchief and used it to wipe the blood from his mouth, then tossed it into the fire. He pulled out a cell phone and dialed the only number he ever dialed. A voice on the other line answered, not bothering to identify itself, "Did you find her?" "Of course," Phillip replied, and then the line went dead. He got into his car and drove back to the Mansion. The Mansion was enormous, with over one hundred rooms, forty five bathrooms and plenty of living space. Massive columns and brick construction gave it the Tudor style. It provided a home for nearly seventy Vampires and serving staff, the Coven was one of the largest in North America and Phillip was its prized assassin. The gates opened automatically as he approached, recognizing the signal from his car. The landscaping was immaculate, bright green, healthy grass. Flowerbeds with literally hundreds of different types of flowers. During the day, bees swarmed the flowers, creating a light background buzzing that never ceased. It was almost sad to pull into the garage where Phillip parked and went inside. The Mansion was as impressive inside as it was outside though, and never failed to disappoint its guests. Paintings, tapestries, and photos were hung all along the walls. Rich carpets were laid out down the hallways, and sitting areas. Phillip walked down a hallway that lead to an enormous room full of various chairs, couches, and end tables. A massive fireplace was the focal point of the room, with a marble mantle atop which sat an array of beautiful sculptures carved from gold. Several Vampires were discussing something in hushed voices as he walked by. His status as an assassin made him a social outcast in the Coven. The other Vampires feared him, feared his powers. All Vampires have increased speed, strength and agility, but only a rare few get extra powers. Phillip was one of those rare few, and he was a powerful one. He continued down another hallway and ascended a grand marble staircase to the second floor. He went straight to his office and closed the door. He picked up his office phone and dialed a second number, knowing that his office phone was secure. He called the Coven Master, Bjorn. "I'm back. The Council business is finished," he pulled up his computer and sifted through his emails. "Excellent, I'm glad we were able to assist them, it looks good for our Coven's reputation," Bjorn said. "Any work build up while I was away?" "Actually, yes. We have a rogue Vampire attacking humans. He doesn't even bother to cover his tracks, and some of his victims survive." "Shit, that's bad," Phillip said, "Any other information?" "We don't have any right now, but start with his latest victim, a rich kid by the name of Cory Grenwich. Don't need to kill him, just question him and find out what he knows." "I'll see to it," Phillip hung up the phone and set to work digging up information about Cory Grenwich on his computer. It didn't take him long to find internet records on Mr. Grenwich, and he was even able to find out that Cory was still in the hospital recovering from his attack. Phillip managed to find a picture of Cory and memorized it so that he would recognize his face when he found him. He glanced at the clock, it was 2 in the morning, he wouldn't be able to visit Cory right now. He decided to drive around the city, searching for the rogue Vampire the old fashioned way, by looking. He knew of a few Vampire hangouts; he would visit a few of them, see if he could scare something up. His first stop was a sleezy goth bar with humans so dumb that they would actually willingly allow a Vampire to feed on them. He didn't really expect to find his rogue Vampire here, but he might be able to overhear some useful tidbit of information. As soon as he walked through the door, he was immediately able to tell that there were no Vampires here right now. He couldn't sense any of them, only humans. He passed a pair of women making out, their blood was so infused with meth that he could smell it, emanating off of them like a cloud of poison. He took a seat in the far corner of the place, out of sight. His Vampire abilities would allow him to hear any conversation he wanted anywhere in the room. He started his eavesdropping, hoping to overhear something about the attacks. He heard people talk about money, sex, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, family. All the usual things humans like to discuss, and none of it was helpful to him at all. The lesbians were still wrapped in one another and he made the decision to leave. He was wasting his time here, and none of these humans were the least bit interesting. His next stop was a little more fruitful, he found four Vampires, all young males. They were busy tormenting a young woman. She was Subdued, but poorly, he could feel her mind fighting against their control. They were showering her body with kisses, licking her skin, tasting it, caressing it. He waited for them to begin feeding before he approached them, "Gentlemen, if I might have a word?" One of them stopped feeding long enough to look up at Phillip with a blood smeared mouth, his eyes betraying the hunger that burned inside of him, "Get your own human, this one is occupied," the Vampire said rebelliously. "I am not here to feed, I enjoy the hunt, finding prey is almost as enjoyable as feeding, at least once you get to be my age," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "Go the fuck away, I'm not warning you again," he buried his face back into the wound his teeth had made on her breast and continued draining her blood. She was almost dead, her heart beat was as faint and light as a feather, struggling to spread what little blood was left throughout her weak body. "I'm looking for a Vampire, the one who's been attacking all these humans in the open, leaving some alive. Know anything?" "What part of, go the fuck away, didn't you understand?" The young vampire stood up now, squaring up to Phillip, prepared to fight. "Young and stubborn, fine, let's get this over with," Phillip was much, much faster than the younger Vampires. He stepped around behind the young challenger and twisted his head around backward on his body, satisfied only when his neck snapped. The young Vampire shrieked in agony and fell to the ground, still alive, but severely damaged. Phillip wasted no time in delivering another hammer blow to the Vampire's stomach, causing him to vomit all the blood he had just drank from the woman. He was squirming on the ground, his arms flailing to hold his head straight so it would heal. The other Vampires were too busy feeding to pay much attention to what was going on around them. Mistakes that only the young make, so enraptured by feeding that they forget themselves and their surroundings. "Now, do you know or have you heard anything about this rogue Vampire?" "Who the fuck are you? You move like lightning," "I am Prowler, at least that's the name you will recognize me with," Phillip told him. "The Coven sent an assassin to deal with the rogue Vampire?" The Vampire was grimacing as his neck healed itself, painfully. "We can't have his shenanigans mucking up our arrangements. The few humans who know about us are willing participants, but if the general population was to learn of our existence, we would be fucked. So yes, they sent an assassin to preserve our lifestyle." "I've only heard rumors," the young Vampire began. "Tell me these rumors?" "The Vampire you seek is female, not male. And she is dangerous, powers beyond her age," he reported. "What sort of powers?" Phillip asked. "Couldn't tell you," "Alright, anything else?" "Most of her victims have been male, which I'm sure you knew already. She leaves them alive on purpose, trying to separate the weak from the strong so she can turn them," he said, getting back up to his feet now that his neck was repaired. A clock on the wall chimed, signaling that it was four in the morning. The sun would be up in about two hours, it was almost time for him to go. "So she's turning some of them. Cory Grenwich is in a great deal of danger, he is still alive," Phillip didn't wait any longer, he didn't even bother to glance at the young Vampires as he walked out, he might already be too late. If she had snuck into the hospital earlier in the night, Cory could already be one of them. By the time he reached the hospital, the first rays of sunlight were coming over the top of the mountains to the west. He only had a short time frame now, minutes. He found the first nurse he could locate and asked her directly about Cory Grenwich. "I can't divulge privileged hospital information Sir, you will have to come back during normal business hours." He used his Seduction on her, and within moments, she told him where the room was. He left her standing there, in a daze, completely obedient to anything he could possibly say. He made his way to the room without being stopped again, the hospital was running on a skeleton crew because of the hour. Relief washed over him as he peeked into the room and saw a human male, presumably Cory, sound asleep in the bed. He silently crept into the room and checked to make sure everything was alright. The windows were locked; the bathroom was empty, only Cory was in the room, no uninvited guests except Phillip. He approached Cory, smelling him. From smell alone, Phillip could tell where Cory had been, he could tell whether the majority of Cory's visitors were male or female. He still smelled like a Vampire from the attack, but the scent was fading, so he got closer. He could smell her, traces of her saliva lingered on Cory's throat. She had healed the bite after attacking him, which showed attention to detail and that surprised him. What was this female Vampire trying to accomplish? She obviously wasn't trying to outright expose the Vampire world to the humans, but her actions were dangerously open and lacked caution. What purpose would she have for turning only those who managed to survive her attacks? He quietly left the room, trying to figure out how he would get in to speak with Cory when the sun was out. He needed to find an out of the way place to sleep the daylight away, somewhere that he wouldn't be discovered. He scoured the hospital, trying to find an appropriate resting place, and after about an hour of dodging sunlight pouring in various windows, he found a darkened room that would mostly shield him from the sun. Once he was safely inside, he jammed the door shut and put a cot up against it. He flopped down on the uncomfortable mattress and was soon meditating. Vampires don't really sleep; it's more meditation than anything. It was as close to relaxation that a Vampire could achieve. Phillip didn't mind meditation, it was one of the more potent ways to discover ones abilities. After a few moments, he was deep within his own mind, traveling his memories, his experiences, his decisions. He would rise just before the sun completely set for the night, giving him some time to visit with Cory.