Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 16:56:45 -0500 From: Lee McDougal Subject: "The One" Chapter 3 Hey it's me again. I hope everyone is enjoying my story so far. I wouldn't know cause I haven't heard from any of you yet. But just in case here's the third chapter. I hope you enjoy it, and please if you want to hear more of this story email me. If I don't get comments, requests, or suggestions the story can't grow. And I'll grow tired of it. If you want to save the story please let me know! The One Chapter III I looked ahead of me, those red eyes staring straight at me. I knew just the wrong movement would be fatal. I had to time this perfectly. If I moved too quickly the damn thing would rip me to pieces. But if I moved to slowly he'd have time to charge at me and the end result would be the same. I quickly flew into the air and shot a single arrow at the beast. My aim was good and I took it down. I couldn't stay there; more would be on the way. Why didn't I listen to Luna and stay inside today? Luna begged me to stay at home today, but she was also the reason I left the safety of my home. I knew if I didn't go to work today, my findings from yesterday would be lost. I got a lot accomplished this morning, but now I was fighting for my life. The creature I had just killed is known as a Biaped. They are like bears with wings, but that doesn't describe them well at all, because they were much smarter than bears. They actually come from a very advanced race. The only thing is that their technology had developed much faster than their morals. They found their pleasure in life in attacking 'lower life forms'. At this time I was their prey. Most everyone was locked in at home, but me I was out on the streets fighting the things. I thought I could transport safely from my office to home, but the Biapeds intercepted me during my trip. To be honest I don't even know where I am. It looks like some island town. I'm pretty sure I smell the ocean, but that's not important right now. What really matters is survival. I knew getting to a transport was my only chance, but even that was dangerous. If they could take me out of phase mood (the state you are in while transporting) then for all I know they may have screwed up the whole system. They like their 'game' to have a fighting chance so they gave me this bow and arrow and a five-minute head start. As fast as these things move that wasn't much help. I knew if I didn't get out of here soon, I would be a goner. Luckily my 'powers' had kicked in as usual. Whenever I needed to use my abilities they would just suddenly start working. Being able to fly gave me a slight advantage over most of their prey. But that was not going to get my ass out of this sling. I knew I had to do something. If only Marco was here, he'd know what to do. Marco was at home safe; or at least I hoped he was safe! Luna told me something bad was going to happen today, but I didn't listen. I don't regret my decision; but then again if I don't live through this I'll never be able to save Luna. Well, I knew I couldn't fly much longer the wind was dying down which meant my powers were too. It usually meant I was doing the wrong thing too. When it comes to life or death situations like this, wrong moves are never a good thing. I turned behind me to see another Biaped about a hundred yards away. I knew my arrow would fall short so I tried something else. I put the bow down and concentrated really hard. I've never done this before, but I've seen it being done. It had to work. I centered all my power to my hands and they started to glow. It was working! After a while a ball of energy was fully developed. I threw it towards the Biaped. It met its target, and to my surprise it destroyed him completely. Then I saw that this one was not alone, others where watching behind him. His fellow Biapeds saw his destruction and started charging faster; there were at least five coming at me. I had to move fast. I could take off one or two with another energy ball, but five not possible. I had to try something else. I remembered a trick that I saw on a movie, and I thought it was silly, but then again it was really fast and got the job done. So I decided to give it a try. I put my hand to my heart and started the incantation. Meanwhile I sent a strong wind to slow them down a bit. The spell was starting to work and the sky clouded over. Soon lighting struck down from the air and fried the Biapeds. "Who said being a movie buff doesn't pay off sometimes?" I said. With killing that many of them, I was sure that I had some time to find a transport. I was right, and it was close by. I just had to go another few yards and I arrived at the transport. I jumped on and entered the location of my house. Crossing my fingers I hit the button. To my surprise it worked. And I was soon in the safety of my home. "Damn that was close." I said. "Nova! Where were you?" Asked a very worried Marco. "I got caught in some kind of slow down on the way home." I told him. It wasn't a complete lie, or the complete truth. I knew that the truth would be hard for him to take, and I just didn't have the energy to relive it right then. So I went to my bedroom to lay down. Marco joined me and cuddled in beside me. I was soon asleep. I'm not sure what time it was when I actually got home, but I slept through the entire night. The next morning I was somewhat refreshed though. I checked the news and the Biapeds were gone. I was glad to hear they had grown bored with us already. There was some tidbit on a bizarre storm that had come and gone over the islands formally known as "Hawaii". I had never been there so that explains why I didn't know where I was. I still didn't know how I got there, but I know the Biapeds had brought me there. I knew I had to tell Marco what happened, but not now. I had to get to work, and he had to go to class. I woke him up with a kiss. "Morning honey." I said. "Good morning." He answered. "Let's stay in bed today." "I can't I have work to do, and after tomorrow we head out on vacation remember?" I answered. "Oh yeah, I can't wait!" He was getting excited. "Well, you get to class, and I'll see you this evening." "Do you think you could meet me at the University this afternoon?" He asked. "Sure, What's up?" I asked. "You'll see!" He answered playfully. So now I spent my morning wondering what the big surprise could be. But I knew I couldn't let it interrupt my work. So mostly I concentrated on Jon. He was really doing better these days. I guess he finally got used to me or something, he hasn't had an accident in 2 days. I was very proud of him. We got a lot more accomplished now, but that still wasn't much. I thought I had the answer to curing the black flu, but once again the virus simply mutated. The only thing so far I had accomplished is ways to kill off the cats quicker; that was not my intentions at all! So, I knew that every day I had to go back to the old drawing board. After work I headed to the university. I saw a very excited Marco waiting there for me. He led me to his study room and showed me his surprise. He had completed more than enough classes for his degree. He was set to graduate! All he had to do was take it easy till the end of the summer when he would officially get his degree. I was thrilled and I gave him a big hug. We had to go celebrate. I took him out to a nice place called Diamond's and got him a steak dinner. I had the same. We both went with a baked potato and salad as well. After dinner we went to back home. We spent the afternoon kissing, and cuddling. It was a really wonderful evening. We decided we would go out to the movies tonight as well. We went and watched a new romantic comedy. It was called "The Great Orgy". It was interesting to say the least. Though I'm pretty sure the writer was on drugs or was a little kid one. After the movie we took a walk along the beach. Just one more day and we'd be off on a romantic vacation, and I couldn't wait! Friday was nice; I took the day off where I could get ready for the trip. I was packing the clothes I would need for the trip, and helping Luna pack up her stuff as well. Luna was very excited about the trip; she had never been to the moon either. I was the only one that had been, so I guess I was the tour guide. I was hoping I'd remember all the hot spots to visit. Marco was at his house packing up some of his stuff as well; most of his stuff was already at my house. So I packed a bag for him as well. I told him he had enough clothes here, but he still wanted to pack a few accessories...whatever he meant by that. I was just glad that we would be leaving in the morning. I was totally pumped! I was a bit worried though. I still hadn't told Marco about my encounter with the Biapeds. I knew he suspected something, because he was acting kind of funny the morning after. So I decided I would tell him tonight. In telling him, I'd have to tell him about my powers though. I was worried that he might think I'm insane. Or that he would be freaked out by it. All the same, something inside me was saying TELL HIM. So I knew I had to do it. I just hoped he would take the news well. I decided to tell him at dinner tonight. After fishing most of the packing I striped off my clothes. I wanted to get a quick shower before starting lunch. I also had to relieve a little pressure. I had been sleeping with sexy for a whole week now! I had to get some of this sexual tension out. So I got under the water and started touching myself slowly. At first I just ran my hand over my cock. Just kind of feeling of the soft skin covering the head. Yes, I'm uncut if you were wondering. Then I took a step further and pulled back the skin. I always get this small tingling sensation when I do that. It always felt so good; soon I found a rhythm and was jacking quite quickly. It felt so good, and I knew I wouldn't last long. Soon I heard Marco come in. The sound of his voice calling out to me, and the thought of getting caught pushed me right over the edge and I shot my load all over the far wall of the shower. The water cascaded down my body and washed away the come. Soon I wasn't alone; Marco joined me in the shower. He saw that my cock was a little red, and so was my face. "I see you took care of the same problem I had." He laughed. "You too?" I asked. "Yeah, I've been horny as hell all week. I had to jerk off twice while I was at my apartment." He said, and then blushed himself. "Well, I guess you've been a bad boy then." I said laughing. "Why is that?" he asked. "You got to go twice, and I only went once." I laughed. "I guess I'll have to make it up to you soon, very soon!" He said. "I'm sure you will." Then I kissed him and turned up the cold water. We both calmed down quickly and got out of the shower. I knew it was a mean trick, but hey I had plans for our first time. And I wasn't going to let a shower stop them! We both got dressed and I started lunch. Luna wanted to help, but I told her I had everything under control. So instead of cooking she just kept me company. I really loved having her around so we talked while I cooked. She told me about what she had been doing lately, with all her newfound free time. She had met a new guy named Tom. He was a black cat with a job down at the fish store. To a gray cat with a healthy appetite for men and fish, this was indeed a sweet deal! She said she met him at the docks. She said she normally avoids that place being that is where the 'cat cult' had found her. But yesterday she just felt drawn to the place. So she went to the docks and was looking at the water. She heard someone come up behind her, so she looked behind her shoulder. But no one was there. She went back to watching the water, but then she heard it again. Soon enough she saw what it was. It was Tom he was floating near her. "What do you think your doing, wasting your powers trying to sneak up on me?" Luna asked. "Well I just wanted to check you out, I've never been caught before." Answered a surprised pussycat. "Well, I happen to be a familiar as well, so don't think you'll impress me." Luna scowled. "Really, I haven't met anyone else like me." He stated. "You should get out more." Luna laughed. Luna was my familiar. If you don't know much about witches (I hate that word, I really don't consider myself a witch) familiars are animals that help us with our powers. Luna was a very good familiar. Hell, she had a better grip on her powers than I did. But hey I was learning! I knew my powers would someday accomplish some amazing goal. I knew this, because I was truly charmed. I had escaped death countless times. I was born dead, yet some how my doctor kept working with me till my heart started beating. I was 'dead' for over 10 minutes. Everyone was convinced that I would be mentally retarded, but I wasn't. I in fact finished in the top of my class. So I was quite exceptional. I had a few other scrapes with death before I was even in school. I was only five when I laid down for my nap and didn't wake up. I was rushed to the nearest hospital where I woke up a few hours later. My heart had once again stopped beating, but no one could find any explanation for what had happened. All the same, despite the fact that someone or something wanted me out of the way. I'm still here. So I know I have some purpose. After lunch I decided to take a walk. Luna wanted to go with me, and Marco said he had to do a few more things to get ready for the trip. I was starting to wonder what he was up to, but I trusted him. So Luna and I took a walk. We decided to walk along the docks this time. She wanted the chance to introduce me to her new 'friend'. We saw Tom setting in the same place they met, watching the water as Luna had been. We thought we'd have a little fun with him. So we sent our voices ahead of us. "Hey there Tom, how's it going?" Luna asked. "Doing good, nice to see-" He stopped when he realized Luna was no where in site. "Nice to meet you Tom!" I said. "O.K. you two where are you?" He asked. We came closer and finally he saw us. We apologized for our little joke, but Tom admitted it was pretty neat trick. Luna taught me how to throw my voice a long time ago. It's really fun at parties! We talked a little while, and Tom told us of how he came to work at the fish market. It turns out that he was adopted by a small boy who loved to fish, and one day the boy decided to start a business. Being that Tom loved fish as much as Luna did, Tom suggested a fish market. The business was very successful. They agreed only to sell fish that didn't talk as well. Talking fish was bad for business after all! Only a small faction of fish knew how to talk anyway. After our talk, Luna and I started walking back up the dock. It was a peaceful afternoon. We walked till we arrived back at the transport. We took it back home, and found that Marco had made it back home as well. We all agreed it was time to start dinner. I wanted it to be a good meal since it was the last big meal we'd have on Earth for a while. I fixed a salad with the artificial vegetables I had. Luna cooked meat and we decided to make it all into a taco salad. It was quite good. When we had all finished eating. I started my confession. "Marco I have to tell you something, and I know you might not like it, but you have to promise you'll listen to the whole story before saying anything." I said. "O.K. I'll listen." Answered a very worried Marco. I told him how I had fought the Biapeds Wednesday. I also told him how I had used my magic to do it. I told him how when I was little I was able to make the wind blow harder. And how Luna had taught me how to control some of my powers. All through my story he remained very quite. "So your saying you're a witch?" He asked. "No not at all. I have special powers, but witch is just what some people call us." I answered. "My powers come from God and I use them to help people and to protect myself and the ones I love." "This is a lot to hear at one time, first you tell me that you had to fight those awful things, and now you have special powers." He said somewhat frustrated. "I know it's a lot to hear at one time, but know that I would never use my powers in a bad way, and that I love you with all my heart. I never held this stuff back to hurt you. It was just so hard to say." I was on the verge of tears. "I believe you." He finally said. I took him in my arms and kissed him gently. He was a bit shaky at first, but soon he loosened up. I rocked him in my arms and led him to my room. I laid him down on the bed and said, "If you want me to give you some space. I will." He grabbed me and pulled me into the bed. "You aren't going anywhere, this is where you belong in my arms, and this is where I belong in your arms." I cried openly now. I cried for the fears I had of him leaving earlier, and I cried for the joy of him staying at my side. I loved him with every ounce of my soul. And I intended to show him! We both cried for a while, still holding each other tightly. Soon we both found sleep and drifted off into night filled with sweet dreams. __________________ Meanwhile: In a darker corner of the galaxy. "Yes sir, it happened just like we said. The mortal shot energy from his hands, and called lighting from above." Stated a frightened Biaped. "Very interesting soldier. But you know the price of failure to capture your game. Send him to the dungeon. Tomorrow he dies!" Proclaimed a very wicked looking Biaped with a golden crown upon his head. "Your majesty could what that rouge said be true? And if so, wouldn't that make him a witch?" Asked another Biaped. "Perhaps, but there is a certain legend of a witch that could bring lighting from the skies. I believe we should investigate this further. Send Xsar to spy on this human thing. Xsar will know what to do." Proclaimed the king of the Biapeds. "Yes majesty, your will be done!" Answered the Biaped. To Be Continued. What secret is Marco keeping from Nova? What does Tom really have in mind for Luna? What does the King of the Biapeds have in store for Nova, and what legend is he talking about? To find out, you'll just have to keep reading!