Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 20:18:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Auby Haley Subject: Union of Two Species - Chapter 3 There are no profits to be made here. Do not archive, copy or email this story without permission of the author. You have been warned. This story has been copyrighted. ­­­­ Main Characters (Major characters will be added as the story unfolds.): Jas Murdock Computer Adam Minor Character (Minor characters will be added as the story unfolds.): Elder Union of Two Species Chapter Three On The Run Outside Patty's, I could hear the thrashing of the acid rain hitting the building. I was safe inside while the storm's intensity had increased during my subnet travel. The downpour had gotten worse, the lightening brighter the thunder louder. Each explosion hammering the feeling of sadness that had come over me as I went through the motions of selecting and discarding bits and pieces of my life for the second time. Once again I found myself surrendering my comfortable existence to the unknown. The first time at the mercy of the Council and my father's adherence to the teachings of his church that force me to grow up and become an adult. Now, because of my inquiring nature, I was being force to be responsible for my own destiny. To run, becoming an outlaw, wanted by the Authority should they discover the information I processed. Targeted by the Goth `Adam,' I could only believe that he wanted to feed on me. Could I trust the Authority? No, truth be told, I could trust no one. The only trust left was within me. I had lived the last three years at Patty's. Patty knew who I was and he made no attempt to capitalize on my misfortune. He could have by turning me over to the Loyalist. They would welcome any success, large or small. Taking me as a prisoner would have been little more than an embarrassment to my father. I would be exploited for propaganda. A homosexual liberated from the harsh oppression of the Vegan Council. Now free to live my life as I chose. Free to have children. He hadn't, instead, Patty accepted me as part of his family. He had cared for me during the best of times and times that tested us both. From him, I learned to make the best candy in all of Gol's solar system. Living behind the shop I had taken the first tentative steps into the sub-culture of male-to-male sex. I had few regrets. I had been happy here. In the back rooms of the shop I found friends, discovered confidants and had sex with my lovers. I was about to leave it all behind. Fleeing into the night nearly as naked as when I was born. Taking only two plazsuits, my wristband, a small number of trinkets, and a few credits. The sum total of 22 years crammed into my carryall. Just before stepping into the pribubble the computer had created for me I turned and surveyed my rooms. Shaking my head as the door hissed shut when the pribubble enveloped me. The pribubble is both a security shield and a mode of transportation. It would keep the caustic effects of the rain at bay. It would also protect me from a Goth attack. Against the Loyalists or any other human it was useless. It would offer no protection from Adam. Against him I would have to rely on my mental defenses. I hoped my training would be enough should I run into him again. As the pribubble gently glided over the surface of the brick paved streets of Vega City I fought the urge to sleep keeping my eyes peeled for disturbances in the force wave that surrounded the pribubble. I knew that the wirstband would sense any changes but I felt the need to be an active participant in my escape. The wristband, now contain Computer, was directing the pribubble around the many checkpoints found throughout the city. It was best not to cross through one of these identification points. It would be hard enough to justify traveling at night during an acid storm. Traveling to the Outerzone would be equally hard to explain. Quietly gliding through the darkened alleys I watched for sunrise. Sunrise was over one full tick away. Once the sun rose, I could travel inside the shielded bubble with less chance of detection since people would be heading for work. I could blend into the crowded streets if I didn't make the Outerzone before sunrise. The average citizen didn't use a pribubble during the day. Only important officials of the government and the Church could use them without raising suspicion. If the rain stopped I could deactivate the pribubble and travel on foot. The plan was simple. Reach the Outerzone before sunrise without detection. Once there I would travel overland on foot following a ridge of mountains going northward. These mountains comprised the backbone of the Vegan landmass running from Vega City to Trader's Port. Traveling in the mountains would increase my chances of reaching the Port without detection. During daytick I would travel without the pribubble. Its use would be limited to nightick. Once I reach Trader's Port I would locate a barge Captain. A Captain, who wasn't afraid to make a few credits on the side and willing to hide me in the cargo hole, taking me off planet. One who had no love for Authority. With the credits I had it wouldn't be hard to find a captain willing to hide me in the cargo hole. I had been traveling close to a full tick when my wristband gave one loud tick. Without my asking, Computer spoke to me through the earpiece, I was wearing. "Jas, the sensors left active at Patty's indicate security has been breached." Damn the teachings, I thought. "Run complete diagnostic," I demanded. A feeling of apprehension washed over me. Was it Adam? He was a hybrid and could penetrate the safbubble that surrounded the candy shop. Or was it Authority? Up until now there had been no indication that Authority had detected my subnet travel. I waited as the computer ticked. "Computer, run Subroutine 372-niner-372-beta. No argument this time," I commanded. The computer offered no resistance to my request. "Running Subroutine 372-niner-372-beta and continuing data collection of breach. Sensors at Patty's are going off line. I am having difficulty scanning," Computer said. I had been on the run now for almost 2 full ticks and had managed to travel unheeded. Which of the two forces breached Patty's? Each one was potentially dangerous. The open question was which was more dangerous. Having fought Adam I believed that I could survive another attack. Now that Computer was aware of him, I had a better chance of surviving another battle for my mind. Just the knowledge of him made me better prepared since my mental defenses would kick in sooner. If necessary, Computer could interface with me. Against the Authority I would have to depend on my own wits. I reasoned that running the subroutine and tapping into their mainframe I could tract their movements just as they could track mine. It was a chance that I would have to take if they had breached the safebubble at Patty's. "Computer, do you still have my fathers virtual matrix?" "Yes, Jas. What are you looking for? If, I am to fulfill my directive, I have to know what you are looking for." "Use it and interface with the Authority mainframe. Scan for data transfers between Authority control and troops in the field. Monitor. Initiate and alter commands if necessary. Continue Subroutine 372 and data collection. "And Computer, I'm glad to know that with all the advancements you can't keep up with the human mind" "I try, Jas." The computer continued to tick as I closed in on the Outerzone. I noticed the pribubble had picked up its pace and I was taking a more direct route. No longer taking to the back alleys of the city. I was moving in a more northern direction. I had been moving east-northeast which had the fewest identification points. Anyone trying to outrun the Authority would take the shortest route, to the north. Going east first was a gamble. "Jas." "Yes, computer. What have you found?" The pribubble came to a halt. "Computer why have we stopped." "I'm continuing your commands. We have a problem. We are about to leave Vega City and enter the Outerzone having successfully passed all ID points. No tracking by the Authority noted. But, there appears to be a reception party awaiting our entrance into the zone. I have stopped forward movement of the pribubble awaiting instructions." "And, who makes up this reception party?" "Goths." This was something I hadn't expected and it wasn't making my situation any better. Someone had breached Patty's and now Goths. "Hold. Computer how many ticks will it take to know who breach Patty's?" "Complete diagnostic in fourteen hundred ticks. The Goths are becoming agitated. Sensors indicate going fear as sunrise approaches." "Well, since we aren't moving, please explain why diagnostic will take so long?" "There are thirty-two individuals involved in the breach. Scanning each and uploading their long-term memories into my database takes time. Their memories will be useful to design future tactics enabling me to fulfill my directive... Losing sensors at Patty's is delaying my ability to upload." I laughed. "I don't see what's funny, Jas." "No, you wouldn't." "Explain, please." "Computer, don't you think I need to know who breach security?" "You didn't ask." "Well, forgive me for my stupidity. I was hoping that you would know that I needed that information." "Jas, I would have to write a matrix designed, to anticipate the information needed, to match your chaotic neural fluctuations. Such a matrix would preclude extra diagnostic input/output for an extended duration. My directive prevents me from undertaking formulation at this time. As you know, I can run multiple diagnostics without jeopardizing your safety. To anticipate would take an additional sixty trillion gigabits, which is beyond present capacity. Mechanical/electrical-chemical interface with biological organism is limited given present capacity. This limitation does not allow a shift of information to rewrite present programming, 01minus01. Unproven programming theory provides 01minus01plus01. Theory is sound as given but not applied. Use of unproven theory might free..." "So, what your telling me is that I have to ask you for the most minute detail and give you an instruction base on information that is less than accurate. And you can't interface with me," I surmised. Discovering that the computer could not interface was not something I thought of. This knowledge, now revealed, raised a number of questions. None of which I wanted to ask. A line of defense had been taken away from me and I hadn't planned for it. Of coarse Computer was correct. The wristband I was wearing limited what Computer could do. It didn't have the memory to perform all the functions I might need or want. "Correct, Jas." "O.K. Fine. Tell me who violated security at Patty's based on known data." "Authority." "Based on known data what is the probable intent of the Goth reception party?" "Without direct contact with the Goths their intent is unknown... Subroutine 372-niner-372-beta compromised... All sensor at Patty's off line... Unable to upload long-term memories of those that breached Patty's... Authority is successfully tracking our movement... Success is placed high at 93%." "Options?" "Limited. Tracking continuing and Authority success placed at 97% decreasing your success on reaching Trader's Port to 13%. Detection should you return to Vega City is at 100%... Detection of your exact position is in 257,438 ticks. Interception at 5,634 additional ticks." "How soon before I enter the Outerzone?" I asked. . "You are 291,067 ticks from entering Outerzone, Jas." "When is sunrise?" "269,006 ticks." " Computer, how many ticks until contact with Goth party?" "267,338 ticks." "Computer, end all diagnostics and maintain safbubble integrity. Initiate forward movement. At 200 ticks of the Goth party, stop and I will communicate. You should attempt to determine their intent at that tick." I began moving towards to Goths. The pribubble would protect me from them. With sunrise in so few ticks they would have to retire to their lairs. Once contact was made I knew that the Authority would be very close. I had to know what the Goth's intent was since they had made no moves towards the pribubble. I was out of options. Surrendering to the Authority was not an option I wanted to exercise. I would to a certain extent have the Goths feed on me. They at least would be humane. The pribubble came to a halt in front of three Goths. The first indication of sunrise was on the horizon. The three stood near a small outcropping of rock. They had made no attempt to attack. Inside the pribubble I was safe. I had felt none of the itching that would mean they were attempting a mind probe, if they could. More than likely they were blood feeders. I waited for the computer to run its diagnostic. It would take a small number of ticks for that to happen. "Jas, diagnostic complete. No indication of hostile intent. Sunrise is in 1502 ticks. Authority is aware of our position. Interception imminent." "Computer, initiate verbal contact with translation. Let me hear what they say. Monitor for wave deviations. The Authority is breathing down my neck and there's no time for our normal battering." The Computer ticked its normal demonstration when it was annoyed. "Goth party, (""õìaaeeuìaii ìÝniò Goth.") " I started, "Which of you will speak your intent to hinder my movement through the Outerzone? Sunrise is less than 1500 ticks. ("¼ðieiò oaò ea ìeeÞoae oci ðnueaoÞ oaò aea ia aìðiaBoae oc ìaoaeBicoÞ ìiõ ìÝoù oiõ Outerzone; Ç aiaoieÞ aBiae eeauoani aðu 1500 enuoùiaò.")" I could see their fear of sunrise. "Ìaò aeieiõeÞooa," an old withered Goth quickly said. Then the group turned and stepped back towards an opening in the rock. The Goths disappeared inside and were now protected from the rising sun. I hadn't noticed the opening before. The opening was hidden by the overhanging rocks, by the Goth in front of it, and since it faced westward it was in it's own shadow. Though the earpiece, Computer told me that the Goths wanted me to follow. I looked over my shoulder in the early morning light, Gol, our sun was just breaking the horizon. In the distance, I saw a small contingent of troops wrapped in their pribubbles approaching my position, rapidly. The Authority was sparing little time in trying to capture me. So, I was now important. The Vegan government having dismissed me now considered me a potential threat. The information I had discovered was so important to them they considered an invasion of the Outerzone. In doing so they risked inciting the Goths. Their actions could open a blood bath. Open hostilities with the Goths after 20 years of uneasy peace was a high price to pay. How many people would die because of my foolish curiosity should I continued to run? What price was I willing to pay? I had two choices, allow myself to be captured, suffering the consequences at the hands of the Authority. Suffer the pain and degradations their inquisitors would inflict on my mind and body. Or accept the invitation and follow the Goths. I questioned their motives. Why would they suddenly appear and want to protect me from the Authority? What was behind their purpose in helping me elude the Authority? Why were they willing to risk a disagreement with the Vegan Council that could lead to war between our two peoples? The approaching troops made the decision for me. "Computer, initiate forward motion and follow the Goths. Hold once inside," I told Computer. After going through the opening in the rock it closed behind me with deafening crash leaving me in total darkness. It caught me off guard but the pribubble compensated. It immediately began to shimmer, broadcasting a golden glow. It was enough light to allow me to view the area closest to me. I was in a small space that had been carved out of the rock. I could discern what appeared to be the beginning of a narrow passageway that descended into the darkness. Moisture glisten on the walls and there was a strong smell of fungus in the air. The smell of decay made my stomach turn. A feeling of apprehension came over me. I couldn't shake it. But I knew I had to. "Computer, scan the immediate area." "Scanning... You are alone... Sensors indicate the passage extends downward at a 25-degree angle, for 75 ticks ending in a large open area. Along the passage are numerous cells each contains a slumbering Goth. Total number of six Goths in this pod. 5 Goths are identified as blood drinkers. Sensors indicate there is one active psychic in this pod. Along the passage are steplites. When activated they will illuminate the area in front of you. Should you decide to proceed." "Well, since most are asleep I'm reasonably safe. Continue the active pribubble and maintain what sensory input you can. I want to know as much information on each Goth in this pod. Increase the pribubble to maximum if the psychic turns hostile. "Computer, I'd like to know what I'm walking into. Give me a 50 tick update," I directed the computer, then started down the darken passage, the pribubble gently gliding over the steps which were roughly cut into the stone. As I did, the steplites glowed for every 10 ticks I moves down the passage. As I approached a light in the semi-darkness, the light behind me would go dark as the next brighten, giving off a bluish hue, allowing me to see my way down the incline. It really wasn't important for me to see since the pribubble would guide me through the passage maneuvering around any obstacles that might be in way. Computer was silent; occasionally it would give a tick, an indication that I was safe in the pod. As I moved deeper into the passage it became increasingly more difficult to keep my defenses in check. Knowing there was a psychic in the pod was disconcerting. The teachings I had received told me that Goths with psychic ability did not sleep during daytick. Psychic's protected their pod during daytick against any and all threats. The deeper I moved into the pod, a concern started to take root in my mind. When would I be identified as a threat? "Jas." Computer said, bringing me out of my ruminations. "Yes, Computer. Do have something?" I asked. "Sensors indicate that you will be entering the open area in 22 ticks. Also, the psychic has moved from his cell and is waiting in the open area. There is do indication of hostile intent. But have a concern." "Computer, is there any indication why the Goths wanted me to follow them? And what is your concern?" I asked. "No, Jas. The psychic is preventing my sensors from diagnostics beyond the immediate area. I had substituted various subroutines attempting to navigate around the blocks. All tries have failed. The only Goth in this pod I can now sense is the psychic. I'm not able to probe him either." "Well, I guess that we are about to find out. Maintain the bubble and hope my mental defenses hold fast." "Of coarse, Jas." As the pribubble bottomed out at the end to the stairs the area brighten. The area was not a natural formation. In the center of the area was a raised dais. Surrounding it in a semi-circle were three tiers of seats. It reminded me of the Vegan Council chamber. In front of the dais was the Goth. He was wearing a full-length black robe that spilled on the floor around his medium frame. His long gray hair was lying gently on his drooping shoulders. At first glance he didn't appear any different from any other inhabitant of Vega. He held himself as if he was carrying the weight of Vega on his shoulders. While I studied him I believed that his age was close to 300 yearticks. "Computer. Give me something to work with." I whispered. "I'm not able to access the Authority files that would identify him. You are deep inside the rock. All I can diagnose at this time is the Goth in front of you is extremely powerful and is expending an enormous about of energy. He continues to disrupt my attempts at mind probe." The ticks passed without interruption as if there was no today. No tomorrow. I waited for the Goth to take notice of me in silence. Yet I knew the Goth was certain of my presence. He was not ignoring me. His mind was concentrating on something far more complex. Somehow I knew to him I was just a footnote. My mind defenses would be useless against him. I doubted, even with an interface, I would be able to survive a battle with him. "Åõðnuoaaeoi, iÝi Jas Murdock," the Goth stated, his concentration did not change. "Computer?" "He bids you welcome. Give the standard welcome in return, Jas." I had a feeling I shouldn't wait for the Computer to tell me what was said before I responded. Unable to do speak the language of the Goths I had little choice. "May the Mother of Vega, keep and protect you, elder. ("ÌUeiò c ìcoÝna Vega, oaò enaoU eae ðniooaoaýae, ðaeaeuoaniò.")," I replied as the Computer translated. "ÅBiae U÷ncooi aea oaò ia ðnioðaeÞoaeò ia aiaoUoaoa oi ìõaeu ìiõ. Äai ea Þoai eaeýoani ia aìðeooaõeaB ìaoaiý oiõò aaaiìÝicò ocò onÝ÷iõoaò eaoUooaoÞò oaò; "aò Ý÷iõìa aþoae oi Uaõoi. ÅBiae uoe u÷e aneaoiB ia oaò ðaniõoeUoae uoe aBooa ocìaìÝic aecìeU." The old Goth said. "Jas, the Goth states that it is useless to probe his mind. He is asking for you to trust him since sanctuary has been granted. It is implied that no harm will be visited upon you. Given the understanding of Goth culture you are to demonstrate a corresponding expression of trust." "An expression of trust?" Since I was in the domain of the Goths there was only one way for me to show understanding and trust. The pribubble was the only thing that I had to offer. "Computer, deactivate the pribubble." Speaking through the earpiece, Computer listed several possibilities that might happen should it follow my instruction. After several ticks Computer obeyed the override of its directive and the pribubble dematerialized leaving me without my first line of defense. Immediately my mental defenses kick in. I tried to exhibit a sense of control. The Goth lifted his head and glanced at me, a curl of a smile danced across his lips and then was gone. He returned to his meditative state without saying anything. I stood watching him as I continued the struggle for control. It was clear to me that the potential for danger was high but it was waning the longer I was in the Goths presence. It was important that I could show restraint and show no fear. I did not wish to provoke an attack from the old Goth should my defenses launch an attack against him first. "¸÷aoa ðieeÝò anùoÞoaeò, iÝi Murdock. ¼eie ea aðaioceiýi aaeaBnùò. ÐnioaBiù uoe eieìUooa ìÝ÷ne nightick. ÅUi ðUoa eaoU ìÞeiò ocò ìaoUaaocò ðBoù aðu ìa ea anaBoa Ýia eaiu eýooani. Èa aBooa aneaoU aooaeaBò aeaB. `i Vegans aaþ aai ea oaò aeUuae," ("You have many questions, young Murdock. All will be answered in time. I suggest that you sleep until nightick. If you go along the passage behind me you will find an empty cell. You will be quite safe there. The Vegans here will not harm you,"), he told me. Hearing him and Computer translating at the same time momentarily fogged my mind. "I thank you for sanctuary and I will follow your suggestion," Again Computer translated for me. I shook my head in an attempt to clear my thinking. Hearing my own voice at the same time as the translation was confusing. I made my way down the passage as directed and soon came to a cell containing a single bed as furniture. It didn't look as comfortable as the one at Patty's but it was a place to sleep. After I stepped into the room the door shut behind me. "Jas." "Yes, computer," I replied. "My sensors can't monitor the passage from inside this cell. It isn't safe for you to be here." "Explain." "The walls of this cell are made of tredium. My sensors can't penetrate though it." "Well, I can't very well give up the security that has been given to me. Not with Authority waiting outside this pod. Your sensors work inside the cell?" "Yes." "Then monitor the door. Should it open unexpectedly activate the pirbubble. I'm going to sleep." I said, collapsing on the bed. I was tired, almost to the point of exhaustion. I hadn't realized how tired I really was. Before my head hit the pad covering it I was asleep. It was several full ticks when Computer woke me explaining that someone had knocked on the door to the cell. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I called out telling the person that had interrupted my sleep to enter. When the door slid open I recognized the old Goth that had directed me to this cell. After stepping into the room he said, "Please forgive me for waking you. It will soon be nightick. There are things that we need to speak of." He stepped aside and behind him was a younger and shorter Goth. "I took the liberty to have nourishment brought for you. I am afraid that it is the more common human nourishment that is available in the city. But it will ease the hunger I'm sure you have." I thanked him and the young Goth, taking the nourishment from him. The young Goth turned and fled the cell. Leaving me holding a plaztray filled with meat and various vegetables. As I ate the Goth introduced himself as Elder NaBee. He explained the conditions of my sanctuary. He went on to say that the Vegan Council was debating a resolution demanding I be turned over to the Authority. "Is not your people in danger?" I asked. "No." The Elder said. "The Authority means to have me. You know that they sent troops into the Outerzone to intercept me. I have information they wish to keep secret from the Loyalist," I explained. "Over twenty yearticks have passed on Vega since the implementation of the ceasefire between our two peoples. "We Goths have a number of lessons to draw upon. One is that you must have a force that is adequate for all eventualities. Another is that peace, a lasting peace, depends on a political agreement that both sides accept. An agreement both sides wish to honor. Yet another, learned most tragically, is that you must intervene to protect civilian lives when it is necessary. Peacekeeping experiences have brought these truths and many others that can be used to improve ongoing operations. "That is why you were given sanctuary; to protect you, too preserve the peace between our two peoples. The Authority will not invade the Outerzone, because we have sufficient force to prevent them from doing so. They would not want an open conflict with us since the U.N. is preparing a major offensive against the forces of the Vegan Council." "I believe the information I have may be worth the risk," I said sarcastically. "Perhaps you are right. The information, knowing about Adam, does put you at a greater risk." He must have read my mind but I never felt his probing. Nor did Computer react. "The Authority put much effort in keeping him secret. But we have known about him much longer than you have. They have not moved against us. We played a role in helping your scientists. Doing so is not something we are proud of." The Elder seemed to spit out the last few words. I could tell by how he held himself that aiding the Authority was distasteful and went against his personal beliefs. "Do you know were Adam is now? Why did he attack me last night?" "I am not sure he meant to attack you. He is a complex Vegan and does not understand all of our ways. Perhaps, over time he will learn. To answer your first question, he is here." The Elder raised his head. His eyes, a deep blue, seem to twinkle. We continued talking for several more ticks when he rose from his seat and beckoned for me to follow him. I did and we left the cell where I had slept, before Elder NaBee woke me prior nightick. We walked down an increasingly twisting corridor with many corridors branching off in different directions. All of the passages were dark except the one that we were in. If I were to get lost in this maze I would have to rely on the computer to lead me back to my cell. We had met no one as we traveled along. But Computer through the earpiece had informed me that other members of the pod were active in different areas. Still I saw no one other than NaBee. As we walked, I knew he could read my mind; I decided that I liked the old Goth. He was gentle in his ways. He was confident in his abilities to protect his pod and more than capable of defeating any adversary that might be tempted to battle him. I wondered if I would ever have the confidence he borne. Would I learn to control my mind, expanding its abilities, to be able to inflict unspeakable damage on an adversary? My Master had tried to teach me and I learned my lessons the best I could. But, compared to this Goth, the lessons seem inadequate. We humans had a lot to learn from these people. I began to wonder where we were going and was building up to ask when NaBee stopped and laid his hand on a closed door. He said nothing and appeared to be concentrating. His eyes focused on the door in front of him. Several ticks passed when I heard the interlocking mechanism of the door release and slide open just as mine had done earlier. NaBee stepped aside and asked me to enter the cell. The cell was almost totally dark. There was a single steplite glowing but it didn't appear to be giving out much light. I turned, noticing that NaBee was no longer with me. He had quietly left. As I turned back to the room my eyes adjusted to the twilight and I could see a low bed in one corner. Along the back wall there was a table and two roughly made chairs. As I took all this in I heard the door close behind me. Then the sound of the lock as it secured the door. ************************** Thanks to everyone for the e-mail, it's the only way I know whether I should continue. I appreciate your comments, criticism, suggestions, and anything you care to say. All email will be answered. If you would like to receive notification of future posting please let me know. Chapter Four -- Into The Fire, will be posted in a few days. E-mail at