Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 21:50:29 -0700 (PDT) From: Tristan T Subject: Wykester University: Discovery: 3 Legal Disclaimer: If you are not 18 or older or if it is inappropriate to reach erotic or gay material in you area, please leave. Any references to real life things in this story are completely coincidental and should not be taken to be true. REMEMBER: This is a work of complete fiction, that and imagination. And another thing, this story isn't meant to be made around sex. It is a story based on love. Enjoy. "Well come along now, we have a lot to discuss and I'm sure everyone is hungry." Mark Davidson struggled to not show the worry that was trying to etch its way onto his face. Ever since that voice had come, many thoughts ran through his head. 'Is that the voice of Urania? What does it mean love? What does the future hold? What can I do?' Little did he know, poor Hayden was struggling with thoughts of his own, battling himself in trying to sort out his feelings. 'Why the Hell do I feel this way about a boy I haven't really met? What is going on? And what the fuck was that voice?' Battles raged in his mind and his torn heart. He peeked over to his side to watch as Kiersten walked along, struggling with his own inner demons. 'Who am I? Who was that guy? What happened to him? What the Hell happened? And why does Hayden keep trying to protect me? Doesn't he know I can take care of myself and I don't need his pity?' But deep down, in a part Kiersten had locked up for ages, stuffed away for fear of being rejected and hurt, feelings were beginning to bubble and rise. Mr. Davidson once more turned to stare at Kiersten. He gave out a long sigh of worry and decided he would have to break one of his mot important rules - probe Kiersten's mind to find out what was going on. Within seconds of him trying to read Kiersten's mind, both scream in pain as one was feeling more vulnerable than ever, mind being ripped apart, the other, feeling the wrath of Nature as it did everything to protect Kiersten. Mrs. Srybe immediately ran over to Mr. Davidson, quickly followed by the rest of staff, as Hayden turned head over heels and ran to Kiersten followed by the other students. Upon impact between Hayden and Kiersten, howling winds once more picked up and crashed down on top of everyone and raised Kiersten into the air, away from any possible human interaction. "Kiersten, you must calm down!" shouted Mr. Davidson in vain attempts to calm Nature. "Someone tell me what the fuck is going on! I'm going freaking crazy here!" yelled back Kiersten. "I will, but you must calm down and let us survive without these torments." Slowly, the winds died down and peace one more returned. With a look back at all his students; Mr. Davidson waved them over to follow him into the cafeteria of Wykester University. Covered from wall to wall were tables, the tables at the ends of the walls containing food of all varieties. Mr. Davidson, with eyes glowing, combined all the tables to form a single, rectangular table that would seat them all, staff on one side, the other three occupied by the various students. As each went to go get dinner, Kiersten stood, alone, waiting, as if for some sign. Mr. Davidson and Mrs. Srybe approached and looked at him questioningly. As if by some telepathic link between the three, Kiersten said: "I'm not hungry. All I was is answers." "But you must eat my dear, keep your energy up," said Mrs. Srybe, trying to persuade Kiersten to eat. "No thanks. I've gone without food for much longer." "But Kierst, you have to eat something, or at the least, drink something, they have a nice variety." Since the first time after being rejected of helping Kiersten, Hayden once more spoke up. "Awww, that's cute Hayden. Kierst, I like the nickname. You know, you two would make a cute couple." Diana received a stern stare from Kiersten, telling her to shut her mouth. "Yeah, I agree." Dave sounded off as more and more students rose up to vote. "I didn't come here to start a love life, I came up here with the intention of learning, and not making things around me go haywire either." Hayden's eyes quickly lost all their hope after Kiersten's reply, his heart once more shattered by the hardened heart of Kiersten. 'Could anything melt his heart, thought Hayden.' "That will be quite enough. Now, let us begin. I owe everyone here an explanation of what is going on, especially Kiersten." As everyone sat down with their supper, except for Kiersten of course, Mr. Davidson continued, "As some of you might remember, Ivine, the man who attacked us, used to attend Wykester University. I was forced to expel him due to his nature - he thrived on power and might. All he dreamed about was being the most powerful of all, but I couldn't tolerate such behavior and had to turn him out. Unfortunately, he ended up as one of the many mindless zombies of the Arians, the group of mages bent on ruling the worlds. Yes, there are worlds apart from Earth that contain life. They are quite similar to us, but different in many ways. I will touch more on that subject later. But first, Ivine. He came back to us to capture Kiersten for his boss. We have no idea who his boss is, but we do know that he is the leader of the Arians. The reason they want Kiersten, either dead or working for them, is because, by prophecy, he is supposedly one of the Archangels. The Archangels are the final guardians and warriors of Urania - the plane that contains all life that is not divine. Urania is one part of the Trinity - Heaven, the top most, land of the Gods, Hell, land of the demons or punishers, contrary to popular belief, Hell is not a place of evil, it is a place where evil is made good once more, and finally, Urania, the plane where we and the other worlds exist. The Archangels are the strongest creatures. Their power easily outstrips our power by a capacity and intensity that cannot even be imagined. Continuing..." "What's this prophecy? And what happened to Ivine, where did he go?" asked an anxious Kiersten. "The prophecy, of course, Lylene?" "Wait, what about Ivine?" "I'm sorry Kiersten, he died." " hi....him?" "No, it was not you; it was the wrath of Nature. Nature doesn't take lightly to her warriors being hurt." "But he died because of me..." "He would have done much worse if he hadn't died. Lylene, continue please." Even with the reassurances, Kiersten felt horrible and guilty about Ivine. Who was he to have the right to control life? "Indeed Mark. The prophecy was recorded eras ago and is believed to be made right before the Nilve War, the greatest and most destructive war in history. It goes: Heed this prophecy well, for it encloses one of the Archangel's fate. A boy shall be born on Earth between the day of a lunar eclipse and the day of a solar eclipse. Through love and training, the Archangel will once more be awakened, but be warned, of the Archangels, there are ten whose power is contemporary of the divinities, the lowest of the deities of Heaven. Their wrath shall follow this boy during his transformation, and if protected, he alone, will lead the War of Ultimatrion. Otherwise, life shall fail." With the completion of the prophecy, a heave silence fell over Wykester University. "The ten Archangels referred to in the prophecy, are those of the magic and power - Fire, Water, Air, Lightning, Psychic, Ground, Ice, Light, Dark, and Physical. They, combining their powers, were able to prevent the downfall of Urania, but weakened at their exposure to war, they couldn't prevent the onslaught of the real evil - the Disphisux. The Disphisux are the strongest creatures of Evil, contemporaries of the Ten Archangels. But one boy arose to stop them all in their tracks, a boy, to this day, who has never been seen again. This boy, who went by the name of Valian, stepped in front of the leader of the Disphisux, Kumarkow. And with all the power he had, he summoned a single beam of light and shot it at Kumarkow. Laughing dementedly, Kumarkow, grabbed this boy and asked him, "'Foolish boy, do you really think you can harm me, the greatest of all?'" Valian answered, "'NO, GOD is the greatest of all, and he has asked me to fight, and so I will.'" And that said, he put all his might and kicked Kumarkow. Kumarkow sighed and pulled from his robe, the Blade of Quezyan, and struck into the very soul of Valian. In his final breaths, Valian whispered, "'Forgive me God, I have failed you.'" In that same moment, a blinding golden aura surrounded Valian, and his eyes shown more gold than anything imaginable. A voice bellowed, from above, and another voice bellowed from below: "'You have awoken the child of Heaven, trained of Hell, raised of Urania, the Final Archangel, Power.'" The voice falling silent, gave way to a shrieking of utter, horrendous pain as Valian, in front of all eyes, transformed, the epitome of grace, beauty, and deadly power. Adorned with two feather wings of gold, and two lower, thin, skin wings that reached far back, majestically. His eyes, gold and when they glowed, a bright and lively gold, which commanded authority yet also, made a person feel loved. Valian, or the Final Archangel, Power, was adorned in clothes of gold that amusingly enough, did not hide much. He worn a long dress, similar to a gown, colored in all gold, which flowed freely in the wind. His skin was a mixture between a light brown and a pale white, creating a beautiful skin color, a dark white. His lips were full and plainly begged to be kissed, his face adorned with high cheekbones and a perfect nose. His body was toned and muscled, but not bulging. Power was perfect, but only one drawback, he was destined to always fight. And with a single wave of his hands, a murmur of 'Akrevia,' Urania was blinded in a golden light and all evil disappeared without a trace until a few centuries ago. Power or Valian has never been herd of before. Everyone lost all memories after that, except for the Ten Archangels whose fate it is to once more teach Power, once he awakens. And the War of Ultimatrion draws ever closer, the Archangels are building their efforts to find Power and the rest of Archangels; meanwhile, the Ten are looking for the Royal Family Members. There are ten distinct worlds that make up Urania. Earth, the Physical World, Kikier, the Light World, Dubormal, the Dark World, Navuz, the Water World, Simpet, the Fire World, Wugoha, the Ice World, Erebtie, the Lightning World, Quidos, the Ground World, Xajo, the Air World, and Ceiogadef, the Psychic World. Each world has a royal family, compromising of a King, Queen, and a Princess or Prince. The eleventh royal family, the Royal Family of Urania, is the home to King Dimber, Queen Alextria, and Prince Sephier. Prince Sephier was actually the lover of Valian and therefore, it seems that fate and destiny have decided to make them lovers through time, or so say the prophecies." "So, so, um....errr....I'm supposed to be one of these Archangels?" "Or say they say Kiersten. Now two more things, before we finish our lesson today, the eyes. Each human, after turning 18 years old, will receive a distinct colored eye, that at times when power is being used, will glow. The different colors represent the different power, for example, blue is water related, red, fire related, and so forth. The colors not commonly associated with the elements, such as clear, black, silver, and etc... are considered to be Light, Physical, Dark, or a combination of some sort. Finally, Wykester University is one of the many schools around the worlds that train warriors. In Earth, Wykester University is the most prestigious training place, and here, we have the most powerful of people." 'Sumar ehkval.' Kiersten yelped and shot right out of his chair and landed with a crash on top of someone. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, eh... oh Hayden. Umm....sorry, didn't mean to jump you there." "You know, you could have just said you wanted me, it would have been simpler," replied Hayden as he lifted Kiersten off and set him on his lap. As he felt Kiersten tense, he said "Kierst, you have to learn to relax or another one of those tornadoes will come through here. I'm not going to hurt you. I know you don't exactly trust me, but I haven't been downright filthy have I? Kierst...what's wrong?" 'Tumario vakiyr lomgy, heril verosk.' Strange words with a strange ring to it came to Hayden's mind. But far from calming him down, they seemed to panic him even more. "I'm...I'm...I'm hearing voices....." "KKKYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Glass shattered all around as a beast swooped into the cafeteria and flew straight towards Kiersten.... Tristin: Hey Guys! Tanks for the emails but please keep writing back. Sorry about cramming and rushing the last chapter, but there were some points I needed to get done. This chapter may seem a little boring but its history required for later. Discovery is coming to an end and I'm sorry I had to leave you on a cliffhanger, but you'll have to be patient. And another batch of bad news - I might not be updating as frequently maybe only once or twice a week because my college is starting to pack in its horrible homework papers and junk. Take care guys, and remember, email me. That way, I'll know whether I should continue or not.