Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2012 18:21:04 -0700 (PDT) From: Brian Roberson Subject: Scott's coming out party part 3 "Scott's Coming Out Party" "Enmity" Josh and David walked through the front door into their house with their school bags over their shoulders. They put the bags down by the door in the foyer and headed towards the kitchen, and towards the package of Nutter Butters in the pantry that they were about to put a significant dent into. They had just completed their third week after returning to school for the year, and they were both looking forward to the weekend. It was late September and an autumnal crispness was starting to permeate the upstate New York air, and some of the leaves were starting to change. They entered the kitchen and saw their dad sitting at the table. Their dad owned a law firm and did not always have to be in the office, so it wasn't uncommon to find him at home when they returned from school. He was sitting at the table reading his Wall Street Journal and drinking a cup of coffee. The boys both stood still as they entered the kitchen and saw their father sitting there, as they both knew what was coming. "There they are!" Walter Considine said as he got up from the table. He was a slightly portly, balding man in his early forties, with a small mustache and thick eyebrows. Almost everybody who saw him said that he looked like Thomas Dewey. The Old Man (as Josh and David called him), came rushing over and threw his arms around his two sons in a tight embrace, as he always did when he had to go for more than five minutes without seeing one of them. The boys both hugged him back, and he kissed them both on their cheeks. "How are you guys?" Walter said right before he hugged them again. "Good, Dah." They boys both said together. Although they both enjoyed this ritual, it could be excruciatingly embarrassing when it happened in front of other people, especially at school. There was no one else around though, so the boys both kissed him on his cheeks. The Old Man then released them and returned to the table, which allowed David to bolt over to the pantry to grab the Nutter Butters and Josh to pour two glasses of milk. They both returned to the table and sat with their dad while they nibbled on the cookies and drank the milk. "So how was school today?" The Old Man asked as he put his glasses on and looked over the stock page. David glanced over at Josh, who was staring down at the floor. "It was OK, Dah." He said. "Yeah, it was good." Josh said. The truth was that Josh had been hurt very badly that day, and was fighting off tears. "Well that's good to hear." Walter said as he turned the page on the newspaper. "So how are our stocks, Dah?" Josh asked. "Xerox is up, Martin Marietta is WAY up, Suzuki is steady, Hilton is down a little. Looks pretty good all around." "So are we rich yet?" David grinned. "And suppose I said yes." Walter smiled at him. "Oh I don't know, maybe a new Atari game or two?" "You need to get those grades up before you get any Atari games, Mister! You know the drill there!" Walter grinned. He then looked over at Josh, who was sitting in silence. "You sure everything's OK?" Josh looked up at him and smiled slightly before going back to his glass of milk. "Yeah Dah. I'm fine." He said quietly. The boys polished off three cookies each and drained the milk while Walter continued to study the stock page. After putting the glasses into the sink, they trudged upstairs after grabbing their book bags. They both went into David's room and closed the door behind them. Josh sat on the desk chair and David sat on the bed. "Come on, Bro. Let it out." David said. "No! I'm not crying over that stupid asshole anymore! I'm through with him!" Josh said angrily as he stared down at the carpet. "Well I'm not his friend anymore either!" "Bro, just because he's being a dick to me doesn't mean you don't have to be friends with him anymore! It's not like we're still seven years old and have to have the same friends. He was always more your friend then he was mine anyway. It was stupid of me to think that I could have something with that twerp! I wish I didn't take him to that stupid island!" Josh said. "But he's acting like such a dick, how can I be friends with someone like that? All I want to do is punch him out!" "David, don't! If you get in trouble one more time they're kicking you out! Then we'll have to go to different schools!" David sighed. "You're right. I just get so mad about all of this. How can he be such a two faced backstabbing pile of shit? Especially after what you had going on with him on that trip. You should just tell everybody that Mark sucked your dick and fucked men and boys for seven weeks!" "They wouldn't believe me anyway, even if I did do that." Josh said. When Josh returned to school three weeks before, he told some of his friends about his trip to St. Sebastian's the previous summer. He left out all of the incriminating details, but did mention the nude beach and the beer drinking and that he had nailed a British woman while he was there, all of which elicited a chorus of oohs and ahhs and soon spread through the school like wild fire. Mark, who had been avoiding and ignoring Josh, had been teased by a classmate about having gay sex on the island. The kid who teased Mark had just completely made this up, but Mark had thought that Josh had told people about what they had done. He then went from ignoring Josh to randomly walking up behind him and punching him in the back. He also spread rumors through the school that Josh was gay and that he had had a "boyfriend" while they were on the island. Today, as Josh left his seventh period class to return home, Mark walked past him and spat in his face. "Bro, we gotta do something about him! We can't just let that rat get away with it! We have to figure out something." "I actually have kind of thought about something." Josh muttered. "What?" "I'm thinking about just telling everyone that I'm gay. Everybody. The school, the family, everybody." David's mouth dropped open. "Are you absolutely fucking crazy? Are you really serious?" "Sure. Then I'll tell everyone what really happened on that island, Mark included." "Bro! DON'T do this! I was just kidding before! Oh my God! Can you imagine what the Diocese will say? They'll kick you out of school! And our family...? Our GRANDMOTHER...?!" Josh had actually not thought about their grandmother, and just hearing her brought up made him instantly change his mind about all of this. Grandmother Dorina lived in the house with them. As a little girl growing up in Romania, she had always wanted to be a nun. When World War II came along, she found herself pregnant at the age of sixteen after having lost her self control and her virginity to a German soldier who's name she didn't even know. Nine months later she gave birth in secret to twins, a daughter Alina and a son Alig. Alina was Josh and David's mother. After the war ended, Dorina fled Romania with her two children, now four years old, and an aunt, when she heard that the Soviets were executing German war babies, and in some cases their families. She wound up in Berlin, stayed all the way through the blockade, and finally emigrated to New York in 1950. She was devoutly Catholic, extremely religious, and very strict. She often wore a veil and a habit, and had a large metal cross around her neck at all times. "Yeah, you're right..." Josh said. "I was thinking more of putting some peanut butter on his locker handle." David smiled. "Or itching powder on his gym clothes." Josh grinned. "Or a bag of dog shit on his desk." David laughed. Soon the two brothers were doubled over in hysterics. David, as he had always done, had cheered Josh up and made him feel way better than he had. Josh often wondered to himself how he would make it if he ever had to do so without Dave. Just then there was a sharp knock on the door, and Grandmother Dorina entered the room with her habit and her large cross around her neck, which she was fingering as usual. "What are you two heathens doing in here?" She said in a thick Romanian accent and a nasty scowl. "Nothing, Bunica." The boys said together, still laughing. "Josh. Come. I need to talk to you." "Oh come on, Bunica! Why?" "Just come! Follow me!" She said sharply as she turned and left the room. Josh sighed and followed her out with David behind him. They came to Dorina's room at the end of the hall. She then turned around and saw David had come too. "Aughhh...!!! It's always a set with you two! Always a pair! Go David ! I need to talk to Josh alone!" She then pulled Josh in and slammed the door in David's face. David burst into laughter and walked back to his room. Dorina walked over to her dresser and gave Josh a school picture of a beautiful teen aged girl. "Do you know who she is?" Dorina asked. "Yeah. It's Jennifer Kennelly from church. Why are you giving me a picture of her?" "I talked to her parents and they agree. You can go on a date with her!" Dorina said with a smile. "Oh come on! I don't want to date Jennifer Kennelly!" "Why not!" Dorina practically shrieked. "Why not? Because she's a total snob, she wears too much makeup, she's almost fat, she has weird looking teeth, her brothers are all jerks, and I don't want my grandmother chaperoning me on a date!" "She's not fat, those are her girl breasts." Dorina muttered while holding her hands out in front of her bosom. "NO!" Josh said as he handed the picture back to her. "You are a fool then! Or blind! She is a beautiful and graceful girl and you not even notice!" Josh began stumbling around the room with his arms out."Help me, Bunica! I can't see! I can't see!" Dorina slapped Josh on the arm as he started laughing. "I am serious, Josh! People will talk soon if you no have a girlfriend! You are far too handsome not to!" "Well what about Dave then? He doesn't have one either!" "That's because your brother is an idiot! " "Well I'm not dating Jennifer Kennelly! Sorry. There are too many other ways for me to waste an entire evening and be miserable." "Fine! You can go keep on waste time with your hooligan brother then!" Josh burst into laughter and left the room. He went down the hall into David's room and closed the door behind him. "So who was it this time?" David smiled. He was lying on his side on the bed reading a book. He had changed out of his school uniform and into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Jennifer Kennelly." Josh said as he sat on the chair and started loosening his neck tie. "Are you serious! Oh God! She's starting to hit the bottom of the barrel!" David laughed. Josh got up and slipped off his blazer, his tie, and his shirt. "Yeah, she wants me to take her out just so that she can chaperone." He laughed as he slipped off his slacks, revealing a white pair of Fruit Of The Looms. "That and not have any talk around church as to why I'm not dating." Josh laughed. He then lay down on his back on David's bed with his arms behind his head. David moved his book and scooted over a little to make room. He then leaned over, put his arms around Josh, and began sucking on his right nipple. This was something that they had always done, ever since they were toddlers. They didn't know why, they just had always done it. "You know, she might be right." Josh said as he stared up at the ceiling while David sucked away at his nipple. "People might start to talk. All the other guys my age either have girlfriends or they talk about girls all the time. I guess I should start doing that too." "Bro, don't listen to Bunica. She's full of shit." David said right before he went back to sucking. "I know, it's just...if she talks about it then you know that other people are talking about it too, you know?" David stopped, rolled back over on his side and propped his head up on his hand. He looked at Josh and smiled. Josh smiled back at him. "Josh, plenty of kids our age don't go out on dates. Once you get a car, find a girl somewhere that you can stand more than the others, then pretend that you're straight, and then you can turn gay in college." David said. This made Josh burst into laughter. "And don't forget to drive me around when I need you too, and then let me use it when I get my license." "You can have it for your senior year while I'm away at college turning gay." Josh grinned. "So..." David said after about a minute. "Jennifer Kennelly, huh?" "Yep! She even had a picture of her for me!" Josh laughed. "You know, I could date Jennifer Kennelly! She's kind of hot!" David said with a wide eyed grin. "So go tell Bunica and maybe it'll get her off of MY ass!" Josh grinned. David smiled as he got up off the bed. He ran out into the hallway yelling "Bunica! Bunica!" while Josh gathered up his school uniform and retreated with a smile to his own room. *************************************************************** Scott sat trembling in his room, terrified of what was going to happen once his father arrived home. He knew he was in big trouble when his mom showed up after school to pick him up. She berated him all the way home for his wickedness and cowardly lack of devotion to the Word Of God, and he was assured that he was in for it badly once his father was there. School had gone horribly for Scott since it had started three weeks before. As much as he had tried to hide it, he had developed a definite and obvious swish in his hips when he walked. His high pitched voice sounded quite feminine, and it didn't take long for him to be labeled gay by the student body. The harrasment started in earnest during the second week. He was being punched in the hallway, spitballs were shot at him as he sat by himself in the lunch room. People laughed at the sight of him, and he was being laughed at, called a faggot, and it went so far as someone trying to push him down some stairs. None of his former friends would speak to him, and he was not making any new ones. Everyone in the school either hated him or ignored him. By the third week, the harrasment and bullying was happening right in front of teachers, none of whom would do anything. On Wednesday of the third week, he became so despaired that he went to see a guidance counsellor. As he told the man about what had been happening to him, he broke down in tears. The man simply stared and waited until Scott got himself under control. He then passed over a box of Kleenex to Scott and cleared his throat. "Son, have you thought that maybe you've brought all of this on yourself?" He said in a thick drawl. Scott sniffled, blew his nose, and shook his head. "N-no , Sir." He finally said in a quivering voice. "You see, Scott. The problem is that you stand out from the other kids too much. You don't walk like they do, you don't talk like they do. You wear your hair kind of long. You seem a should I say...? A little bit like a sissy, to tell the God's honest truth." Scott simply stared at the man. This was not the type of feedback he was expecting to get. "Try this. Walk a little bit less funny, cut your hair a little, try following sports so that you can have something to talk to the other kids about at lunch, try talking a little deeper, and when they tease you, simply let them know that you don't care. Don't react to it like a woman would. Don't be so girlish and so much of a sissy. If they hit you, act like you don't even notice it. Eventually, they'll realize how tough and strong you are and they'll back off. Ya got it?" Scott nodded and blew his nose again. "Allright, you can run along to class now." He said. Scott then got up and returned to his math class, where he was punched and covered in spit balls as his teacher looked away. On Friday it was basketball in PE. Scott was probably the worst athlete in his entire school, but he tried as hard as he could. By the end of the class, he was hot, sweaty and exhausted. He decided that he really needed a shower, so he stripped down to his underwear and went into the shower room. He slipped off the underwear, draped it over a partition along with his towel, and entered the showers. He was the only one who was in there. He turned on the water and let it run over his body. He tapped some liquid soap out of one of the dispensers that ran along the wall and rubbed it all over himself, creating a rich lather. As he was doing so, he saw a figure come into the shower room through the corner of his eye. He looked over and saw one of his classmates Danny Evans walking naked into the shower room and go to one of the shower heads two down to his right. Scott stared as Danny turned on the water and began soaping himself up. His eyes ran up and down Danny's body as he washed, finally resting on his hairy, circumcised dick. Scott couldn't help it as his eyes gazed upon the naked eighth grader. He stared at and studied the boys penis, muscle tone, and buttocks. Scott then looked up into his face, and to his horror, Danny was looking at him with an expression of shocked disgust on his face. Danny quickly rinsed off and ran off into the locker room yelling "Scott Welcher was staring at my dick in the shower! That faggot was staring right at my dick!!!" Scott was mortified. All he could do was stand under the water and stare straight ahead as the water splashed over his head. He decided to wait in there until it was as close to the bell as possible. However the gym teacher, Mr. Brown, soon popped his blond crewcutted head into the shower room. "Welcher! Get dressed and come into my office right now!" Scott turned off the water, went to the partition and put his underwear back on, and walked slowly back to his locker while his classmates all stared angrily at him. He quickly got dressed and went to Mr. Brown's office, where a trembling Danny Evans was sitting. Mr. Brown closed the door and angrily sat down at the desk. "Scott! Were you staring at Danny in the shower?" Scott simply stared at the ground. "Look up at me, Boy! Were you staring at Danny while he was in the shower?" Scott looked up and silently nodded. Danny burst into tears. "He saw me! He was lusting for me! I'm going to go to Hell! " Danny wailed. "You abominable little queer!" Mr. Brown sputtered at Scott. "I'll be damned to the firey lake if I let you set foot into this locker room again! How dare you bring your sodomite lust into a room where innocent and God fearing kids are in states of undress! I wish I could kill you with my bare hands!" Brown then took out a piece of paper, wrote what had happened on it, and thrust it into Scott's hands. "Take this to the office and let them deal with you! I don't ever want to see you again!" Scott got up and started to leave. Mr. Brown then stopped him. "You might only be a kid, so there isn't much that I can do about you now! Mark my words though, someday, you'll be an adult, and when you are, I'm gonna find ya! You hear me!? " Scott scurried out of the office in terror, and walked quickly to the office while fighting off tears. He sat in the Principal's office for a half hour before his mother came and got him. The Principal said that they would all have to meet on Monday morning to decide what kind of action to take against Scott. Scott missed fifth and sixth period because of this. Now Scott waited in his room in terror waiting for his father to come home. His father was a manager of a Home Depot, so he couldn't just leave right away. Eventually though, Scott did hear the car crunching into the driveway. He heard the door open and his father come into the house. "Where is he?" He heard his father yell. "He's in his room waiting fer you!" He heard his mother reply angrily. Scott heard the footsteps barging towards the door, and then it burst open. His dad was standing angrily in the doorway. "What do you have to say for yourself, Boy!?" Scott simply stared in horror. His father then came over and slapped him hard across his face. He then picked him up by his collar. "What do you have to say for yourself for trying to engage in sexual relations with a boy at your school? In a shower? Like an animal!" He then slapped Scott across the face again. His mother then appeared in the doorway. "He needs to be whipped, Alonzo. Like in the Bible. I looked it up." She said as she brought in a large bullwhip. Alonzo took the whip and cracked it a couple of times. "Boy, I want you to understand something. You need to make yourself right with The Lord right now, because you might not survive this night. We're not going to take you to the hospital tonight either. It is entirely up to The Lord as to whether you live or die during this ordeal through which you are about to go through..." He then cracked the whip again. He then turned around and put the whip on the dresser by the door. He then began to remove his belt. "We're going to do the belt first." Alonzo said as he turned his back to Scott as he struggled slightly to remove the belt. Scott then saw his opportunity he had been waiting for. He got and ran over to his father, and punched him in the testicles as hard as he could. Alonzo doubled over in pain and Scott pushed him out the door. Scott then took a cinder block that he had carried out of the shed several nights before and pulled it in front of the door, barricading it. He could hear his parents and sister yelling behind the door and trying to get it open. He then took his loaded up duffle bag and pulled it out from under the bed, opened the window, popped out the screen, and threw it out to the ground below. Scott then opened his desk drawer and pulled out the envelope containing the $500 in cash that he had removed from his parents private stash in their bedroom closet that morning. He then took the shell necklace that Josh had given him off of it's spot on the night table and put it on. He pulled up a chair, got on it, and jumped out the window. He grabbed the duffle bag and ran off into the woods behind his house. He didn't stop for at least a couple of miles. He stayed in the woods until nightfall. He walked through and eventually came upon a two lane road, which he knew would take him right into town, and then to the Greyhound bus station. He put his hand into his pocket where he felt the piece of paper that had Josh's address on it as he began trudging up the narrow, winding road. End of "Enmity"