Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 00:41:32 -0500 From: Chris Samuels Subject: Accepting, Part I All that legal Junk: This is a fictional story about budding love between two young males, including sexual encounters. Some states/countries have laws saying you can't read this. Some people don't like to read this. If you fall into either of those categories, don't read this. All the following work is the original work of the author, all rights reserved. Accepting, Part I | ------------------- Trevor couldn't help but smile reading the latest chapter in "America: The Early Years", his history textbook. Sure, he was a bit of a geek, but he didn't mind. He always got good grades, and his parents loved to brag about him. "At least they have something to brag about" Trevor thought to himself. Sighing he returned the book to his dressed, amongst his Army action figures, and started to change for bed. It was only 8:30, but he didn't have much else to do. Not to say that he was anti-social, but Trevor never fully understood how to approach people, and how to make friends with them. His parents promised it was a phase, and he would grow into himself eventually. Easy for them to say though, his dad being Captain of the Wrestling Team, and his mom in Glee Club. They couldn't understand what he was going through. As if to make matters worse, lately, Trevor had been experiencing feelings of lust and passion, and didn't know what to do with them. He routinely woke up from relatively sleepless nights of torturous dreams, dreams where he discovered he could talk to people, could make friends with them, and in fact, could learn to love them. Everything would be going wonderfully when suddenly, someone would realize the person whose hand Trevor was holding was another boy. That's where the dream always ended, and Trevor couldn't understand it. No matter, he was sure it would pass. Maybe tomorrow he would be lucky, and make a new friend. Rather, maybe he would make his only friend. He began to look at himself as he was brushing his teeth. What was wrong with him. Why didn't people like him when they saw him. Other than his one hundred thirteen freckles (he had counted them many times on sleepless nights), he had a spotless complexion. His glasses were rather stylish (at least he thought so), and thanks to the braces he once wore, he had perfectly straight teeth. "Well, I might as well try to get to sleep, treasure what little I may have tonight". As he climbed into bed and turned off the lights, Trevor shouted goodnight to his parents, and hoped tonight would be different. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the middle of the night, Trevor was suddenly thrown awake. This wasn't like when his dreams kept him up. In fact, he couldn't even recall if or what he had been dreaming. That's when he heard the voices from outside. "Careful not to drop that furniture! It's irreplaceable! And don't mix up those boxes. Honestly, you should know this for what I'm paying you." Groggily, Trevor climbed out of bed. A quick glance at his alarm clock told him it wasn't more than ten minutes past five in the morning. Well, he might as well start getting ready, and see what all the fuss was. Not like he had any chance of getting back to sleep. A couple of minutes later, as he stepped out the front door, Trevor heard a woman's voice sing out "Hello! I'm Mrs. Martina! So nice to see you!" Great, he thought. New neighbors. They must be moving into Joyce's old house. She was a really popular girl at school, but it didn't matter, Trevor had never been a good friend of hers. Trying not to shirk the formalities, Trevor introduced himself and welcomed her to the neighborhood. Just as he was running out of things to say, Mrs. Martina went running off after a mover who seemed to be caring a photo (priceless, she seemed to think it was). "Make sure to find my son Ben!" She screamed back. Ben, huh? Trevor thought. Another kid I won't be friends with probably. Spying the paper, he went to grab it, make himself some cereal, and get ready for school. Maybe he would run into this Ben on the way out. Trevor took his time eating breakfast, as he was still pretty tired. When his father came down, and started some coffee, he noticed his son was forlorn. "Hey, something bothering you?" "No, it's just school lately. I just wish I could make a couple of friends, you know? Maybe I'm asking too much. But, maybe not" "Hey, you'll be fine. Besides, what other kid your age can boast knowing all the presidents, all the states and capitals, and at least fifty foreign leaders?" "I guess your right" Trevor sighed. His dad always had a way of saying a whole lot, and just not making him feel better. It was getting late, he had to get to school. As luck would have it, Trevor couldn't find his shoes, and ended missing his bus. He had to run the whole way to school. So much for being the first one to meet that Ben kid. Trevor arrived in class just minutes before the bell rang, and barely had time to catch his breath before the teacher called for silence. Rummaging through his backpack, he heard the teacher introducing a new student, and glanced up. The shock he felt was only exceeded by the embarrassment. At the front of the class stood the world's most beautiful boy. No more than six feet, slender, and rather fit, Ben was gorgeous. His brown locks fell over his eyes, cropping a baby face that could make someone scream. His gray eyes gleamed in the sunlight, and his smile called to Trevor. As he brushed his hair away, and looked Trevor straight in the eyes, he realized he'd been staring. Ashamedly, Trevor dove back to his backpack, only to discover he had developed an erection, again! Every time he saw someone cute lately, he got them. He didn't know what to do, especially not now... If he wasn't careful the whole class would notice and make fun of him. The class passed by rather uneventfully, something about Congress. Normally Trevor would have been paying more attention, but he couldn't stop thinking about Ben, and how badly he wanted to be with Ben. He didn't even know what that meant, just that he wanted something bad, and couldn't stand not to have it. As he got up to hurry from the classroom, he smacked face first into none other than that boy of his passions. "Hey", Ben said smiling. "I saw you this morning. You live next door right? Maybe you can come by later, and we'll get to know each other." Ben smiled again, and gave Trevor the strangest wink. Blushing, terrified, embarrassed, and not knowing what to do, Trevor ran all the way home. Chapter Two to come... In which Trevor visits Bens house -- send comments to