By boys in the hood.


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Copyright; 2014: boys in the hood.

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Author's note.



Just to let you all know that I am dyslexic and it's hard to write with this problem so a few spelling mistakes will happen and my grammar will come and go so please think about that before emailing me.

This story is a continuation of a story called Josh's Japanese adventures. That story can be found in the author's page under the name of mad max.



^^Some names and places may have changed
since past chapters. ^^



The last chapter ended with:



The park had to have new paperwork sorted out as the family name
Was now going to be placed on new signs in front of the gates and we
Had to get that done soon enough. The banks were told about our
Name change and soon all the staff heard about our new surname.
Well guys, let's go to the staffroom and sort out our new name
Tags and park I.D cards.' Chuck quipped.

It was funny to see our new surnames on our name tags and I was so happy
So have my grandmother's surname. "Now guys, we have to go to the
Traffic office to change our driver's licenses and have the cars
Placed into our new surnames so go and do some chores for now until
We return as we are heading to the golden Samurai Chinese
Restaurant for dinner." Dad remarked.

`Oh cool, I really like Chinese." Wang chuckled while we all looked at
Him like he was high on something. `Wang, you dork, you are Chinese."
Mathew sniggered. "I know, but we are not cooking tonight so we get
To eat out." Wang replied. We all laughed and told him he was so funny
And we all went on our ways to do our chores until dinner time.

We all headed to the main arena to the stalls we had there and sold
Our show bags and Lego models and also some snack food we sold at the
arena. Dad and Chuck had returned from the banks and the traffic
office and to some of the other departments that had to have our
names changed.

`Boys go get dressed ready for dinner.' Chuck said on the 2 way radios.
We took off to the villas and quickly dressed in nice clothing
Ready to eat in our Chinese eatery. The staff was ready for us
And knew the reason for our visit.




The final chapter



Spoken by Josh.





"We say good bye"


That night we enjoyed a lovely dinner and we all had fun that night as a new family. So now that we are all one name now we became closer to one another.



It was now six months later and I noticed something that was not right with Kinshi. I could not place where or why I was receiving these thoughts.



I was busy doing some chores for my dad's when I felt something burn in my heart. I knew this was not right. Kinshi was busy checking the P.H level on the wave pool with Harry when he collapsed onto the pool deck.



"Dad, dad, something is wrong with Kinshi, we are in the wave pool, hurry up and come here." Harry yelled into the radio.



I heard the radio squeak and I quickly stopped what I was doing and ran like a bad man to the wave pool. I arrived and looked to Kinshi and he was in some pain. Dad had called an ambulance and it arrived in a few minutes.



"Dad, what is wrong with Kinshi." I said while tears fell from my eyes. "I don't know son, let the medic's check him over." Dad told me. The medic's checked my love and put a mask on his face so he could breathe a lot better.



Chuck arrived as did everyone else. It didn't look good, Kinski had his eyes closed and was breathing slowly. It was hard to see him this way. The medic's put Kinshi into the ambulance and took off to the Orlando hospital.



I went with Dad while Chuck stayed in the park to take control of everyone. I was holding Kinshi's hand and I tried to talk to him. Not a word said. I felt something when I touched him but I could not work out what it was.



The ambulance arrived and Kinshi was taken to the E.R room and put onto a bed. "So what happened to him?" The Doctor asked Dad. "I don't know, my older son was with him and he said that Kinshi just collapsed onto the ground and just laid there." Dad told the E.R doctor.



So we watched the doctor take Kinshi's blood pressure and pulse. His temp was taken and the nurse was putting an I.V into his arm. As soon as the nurse stuck him I began to go into a trance.



In my trance I could see hundreds of ancestors milling around in my mind. "Josh, I am one of the high priests that has entered your mind and I want you to hear what I have to say to you." The high priest said.



Meanwhile Dad was trying to talk to me and I was standing up straight with a expressionless look on my face. Now the two of us were out like a light. The doctor was checking me over and said he did not know what was going on with me.


Another doctor came to see us and he was one of the doctors who helped us when Kinshi was in the hospital that fateful night. He checked Kinshi and then turned to me and checked me over.


He asked Dad if we were still love brothers and Dad told him we were. He surprised dad by asking him to contact our love brother priest to come to the hospital as he might know what was going on with us two.



Dad grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket and quickly found the priest's number. He called and the priest said he would be there in 10 minutes.



All the staff was informed about Kinshi and they all said they would keep the park running while Chuck and my Dad stayed in the hospital.



"Josh, we have some bad news for you, it concerns Kinshi, he needs to return to Japan and he has to stay there forever as this is the wish of all the ancient ones." The voice said to me.



"Why, why does Kinshi have to return to Japan?" I said. "We really don't know Josh; the connection is strong for him to return to Japan as that is their wish." The voice told me. My eyes were filling with tears as I heard the voice in my mind.



A doctor told us that our love brother priest had arrived and was waiting to see us. "Bring him in right now." Dad yelled. Our priest arrived and was dressed in his special gown and had a tall black hat on. He knew something but only said he needed to connect to the both of us.



I felt a hand touch me and then he touched Kinshi and I felt both of them in my mind. `Kinshi, are you ok." I asked him. "I am, but I feel that I am getting weaker Josh, I don't know what is going on, no one has told me anything." Kinshi said.



`I know a little Kinshi, the ancient ones want you to return to Japan and live there forever." I said and tried to keep my connection with Kinshi. The ancestor returned to me and told me more about Kinshi's condition and told me that Kinshi had to leave soon or he would die.



`Why, why do this to one of your love brothers, why can't you stop this." I yelled in my mind. The voice said he was powerless to stop them from letting Kinshi die.



Then I reconnected to Kinshi and heard what the ancestor had said and he was struggling and his heart was beating a lot faster now. `Kinshi, don't fight it my love, calm down so I can work out what is going on." I told him.



His heart rate dropped back down while the doctor said he has seen Kinshi in this way before so that is why he asked for our priest to see him.



Then I felt something heavy enter my heart. It was an ancient one and he was faceless. "Josh, we do not want Kinshi to die but he needs to return where he was born, we can't tell you why but it must be done in a week or he dies." The older voice told me.



The priest was telling my Dad what was being said as he was informing Dad what we were dealing with. The news hit him hard and the doctors kept checking our vitals. Chuck just arrived and our brothers were waiting outside.



God how could this happen to us, we were now a family and we had to leave Orlando and head to Tokyo to live there forever. Why. I felt the ancestor return and told me we had to take Kinshi to see his parents plot after we had returned to Japan.



Kinshi would wake up after we landed in Japan but he would have to see his parent's grave site as soon as we arrived in Tokyo. Then the lights appeared and I found myself on a bed. I was hooked up to monitors and woke up with a start.



`What went on son, why does Kinshi have to return to Japan?" Dad pleaded. "I-I don't really know Dad, it's like his body has been linked to his homeland and the ancient ones want him to return and he only has a week to get there or he will die." I gulped.



"Doc, we need to get a medical plane ready to fly him to Japan, I don't know why but I have seen how the ancestors work and we need to do this now." Dad told the doctor.



"Ok, look it might take a day to sort this out, I know you want to go right now but we need to inform the Japanese medical staff there about Kinshi's problem and have an ambulance there to meet up with you." The doctor told my Dad.



"Ok, we will pack our bags and get things ready, we will need a place to stay, I was an ambassador there so I have connections there." dad said.



Kinshi was settling in and was still asleep. He looked like an angel and I wanted to stay with him but we had to quickly pack our bags and get all of us ready to leave. Chuck was going to stay in the park until he hears news about Kinshi. We might have to sell up everything if we had to live in Japan.



That night was a mess, everyone wanted to know what was wrong with Kinshi and we tried our best to explain what we knew about Kinshi's problems.



We sorted out all the passports and who was coming with us. Harry and Craig plus me and Dad were heading to Tokyo while the rest would stay in Orlando until we had something worked out.



I was sad to leave my home and what we had built here but Kinshi was my husband and I loved him so much. That night we heard that a medical plane was ready to take us to Tokyo.



Dad had called a few favors from past company friends and had a house close by so we had a place to stay until we could work out what was going to happen to us.



Kinshi was looking the same when we last saw him. His vitals had slightly dropped so Dad said we had to leave right now. We arrived at the airport and checked in while Kinshi was placed into the medical jet.



Dad had a worried look on his face and while the medical team hooked Kinshi to all the machines we waited for clearance to take off.



Meanwhile back in the park our other brothers were trying to stay calm. Chef Chin was trying to sort everyone out. Wang was crying in a corner of the living room and Sonny was trying to cheer him up.



Back on the plane Kinshi was a little unsettled while he laid on the special bed and was given some medicine to calm him down. "It's ok Kinshi, we are heading to Tokyo, and you will be home soon." I said while holding his hand.



I felt him squeeze my hand but was still asleep. The plane took off and we quickly went up to 25 thousand feet. The plane leveled out and then all we had to do was to wait till we landed in Japan.



"Dad, I don't know why we have to do this but I know that Kinshi will recover when we land in Japan." I told my Dad. "I know son, I also know that the ancestors work in mystery ways but we will work something out son." Dad said and gave me a hug.



It was a long flight to Tokyo and the plane was smaller than the jumbos we usually fly in. We had something to eat and drink while a drip was feeding Kinshi with some special food.



It felt like forever to fly to Tokyo but soon we felt the plane descending to the airport. Kinshi gave a grunt when we flew into an air pocket.



His eyes opened and then closed. The captain told us to buckle up as he was about to land the plane. An ambulance was by the hanger where the plane would taxi to.



"It ok Kinshi, we will be on the ground soon and we will get you better soon enough. I told my lover boy. I felt the wheels hit the landing strip and in minutes we had arrived to the medical hanger where we unloaded Kinshi and the rest of us.



A doctor checked Kinshi and said he was improving a little and looked like he was starting to come out of his coma. Dad smiled and said we would be seeing our new home for now until we could find a house to live in.



After sorting out immigration and customs we took off to a suburb near where Kinshi's parents were buried. It was dark when we arrived at the house and Kinshi was looking a lot better but still sleeping.



His heart rate had improved and was returning to a normal rate. So we knew that Kinshi would be ok for now and we would go to the cemetery tomorrow morning.



"Dad, I know this will be hard on us all but we had to do this for Kinshi." I said while I watched Kinshi placed into a wheel chair. The house was typically Japanese built. A ground floor apartment with a small garden.



Dad had quickly called a friend that had a rental property not far from the cemetery. He was there to meet us and quickly gave us a tour of the house while Kinshi was placed onto his bed.


We had some food delivered and soon ate a hot meal. Kinshi was slowly waking up and looked better when we went to check him. "Kinshi, you are awake." I screamed. "What is going on, why am I in a strange room. Kinshi yawned.



"Son, you are back in Japan, for some reason you had to return here and we flew in a private jet to get you here." Dad told Kinshi. I was on a high seeing my love waking up and seeing him awake.



But he had to see his parents before he was fully recovered. `I feel a sense close by, why is that." Kinshi asked me. "Well Kinshi, we had to find a house that was close to your parent's grave, the ancestors demanded that we brought you here in less than a week so that is why we are here." I remarked.



`So this is just a temporary thing then?" Kinshi said while he looked at us all. "Son, I don't know how to say this but you will never leave Japan ever again, you had to return home and now you are back in Japan." Dad said while tears fell from his eyes.



"Oh fuck." Kinshi muttered. "Son, are you hungry as it's been a while since you have eaten a meal." Dad asked him. "Could go for a burger right now." Kinshi grinned.



"Well, I can't see a local MacDonald's around here so will a sandwich do for now and I will see if I can find a MacDonald's for you." Dad grinned. "A sandwich will be fine for now Dad." Kinshi said and got comfortable in his bed.



"Kinshi, it's just us lot here at the moment, Craig, Harry Dad and myself, the rest will come over when we sort you out." I told him.



`Oh fuck, I never thought what would happen if the ancestors did something to me." Kinshi gasped. "It was the ancient ones who demanded you return home but why this has to do with your parents I don't know." I told Kinshi.



"I have a feeling they were the ones that had a hand in it Josh, I won't know until I connect with them again." Kinshi gasped. Dad did find a local Mac store and brought a huge amount of burgers and fries for us all.



Dad didn't like us to eat much junk food but tonight was a special night and we all enjoyed our meals. I climbed into our bed and gave Kinshi a hug and a kiss on the lips before we all fell asleep.



In the morning Dad was up and had a delivery of food as we didn't know how long we would be staying in this house. Kinshi was now walking around the house checking to see that we were back in Japan.



`Oh my god, I just felt a Tingle all over my body." Kinshi gasped. "It means we have to get a move on to be close to your parent's gravesite." I said.



Dad was busy cooking us all some breakfast and soon after we had finished we used a rental car that Dad's friend had ordered for us all to use until we sorted out a car to use.



"Right, I don't know what is going on but as soon as we get to see Kinshi's parents grave I want to know what is going on." Dad informed me and Kinshi.



"We will try Dad, you saw how we can quickly go into a trance and when that happens we can't control our bodies." Kinshi said to Dad. The cemetery was a few miles away and in minutes we had arrived and got out of the car.



"Man, I am feeling a little strange right now." I said while we walked closer to the grave site. Then it all started when we arrived in front of Kinshi's parent's grave stone. Both Kinshi and I bowed to the grave stone and then all the lights went out and we were now in a trance.



"It looks like they are under dad, now we just wait." Craig muttered. It was not long before an ancient one appeared in our minds. "I see that you have returned Kinshi, welcome home son, I know you have a lot of questions but it will soon be sorted out for you." The voice said to both of us boys.



"My son, I am so sorry for bringing you back to Japan but we need you to be close to us again, we know you have a loving family in America but you are our son and we love you." Kinshi's mom said.



We tried to cry but nothing happened. I felt Kinshi fall to his knees and I soon followed. We continued to have a mind melt with Kinshi's parents and soon it was all explained.



"My son, you have grown a lot since we last saw you, my son's lover is also getting bigger, we have missed you both and we asked the ancestors to bring you home, we are so sorry for uprooting you but we needed you be close to us and the only way we could do that was to make you come here so please forgive us." Kinshi's Dad remarked.



"I understand my father, I had feelings that I could not understand but now that I am here I feel relief." Kinshi replied. Then it was my turn. "Josh, you have been a special person for my son and we know you love one another and we also knew you could not live without Kinshi beside you so please thank your parents for allowing us to be close to our son again.' Kinshi's mom said to me.



While we were in a trance the rest of our family looked on while we were on our knees. It must have looked so strange seeing us both on our knees and nodding our heads. Then a surprise appeared for me. It was my mom, oh god, I was shaking when I saw her in my mind. Kinshi also saw her and was happy to see her again.



`Son, you are my angel, I love you so much and this might be the last time I can see you again so please tell all of our family that I miss them all and I have noticed that the family has grown larger." Mom giggled.



"Yah, we found some kids that had no family to look after them and we wanted them to be a part of our family." I told my mom. It's been a long time since I last saw you when I was alive but today the ancestor's allowed me to contact you all." Mom grinned.



"I miss you mom, I am always thinking of you and you will always be in my heart, everyone who knows you misses you and Dad said he misses you and he hoped that you didn't mind him marring a man." I sniggered.



"Josh; is he happy with the man he loves." Mom asked me. "Oh yes mom, they do love one another but at the moment he is back in Orlando as we didn't know what was going on with Kinshi." I said.



Kinshi was seeing what was going on in my mind and waited for his turn to say something to my mom. "Kinshi, I won't hold you up as I know you want to speak to your parents but I have also missed my little boy and now this might be the last time I will ever get to talk to him so please look after my son and love him forever." My mom said.



"I love you like you were my mother and we did have some time together before the accident and I still miss you too." Kinshi replied. "I know son, I have to leave now, my time is up, so Josh and Kinshi always have me in your heart as I will never forget you." Mom said and then departed our minds.



"Mom I love you." I yelled out as she left our bodies. "My son, you will do well back in Japan, we will do you an honor by helping you and your new family with a new enterprise that will hold your family together." Kinshi's dad said.



"I miss you Father and Mother, I now understand why you brought me home and I do forgive you as you are my parents." Kinshi replied and tried to cry but we could not do so only had happy thoughts.



"We will be looking out for you Kinshi and Josh we love you both and will always be close to you all." They both said before leaving our bodies. We slowly returned back to our bodies and dad was asking us questions and it took us a little while to sort ourselves out.



"Dad, we will tell you everything but we need to get ready to leave so just wait a few minutes." I told my dad. We stood up and bowed three times and said our lover brother prayer in Japanese and then bowed three more times and thanked Kinshi's parents for their love.



Then we left the cemetery and returned to the house we were renting out. "Now Dad, here is the shortened story but we will tell all when we are all settled here." I explained to my Dad.



So after going through the reason for Kinshi returning to Japan Dad understands why we had to come here. Kinshi's parents needed him to be closer to them and the link was now closed.



I felt a special feeling going through my body and it felt like heavy weights were removed from our bodies. I was a kid again. No more worries about the park.



Kinshi felt the same and we told Dad how we felt now and told him that the ancestors would look after us and have a new income for us all. But for now we had to inform Chuck and the rest of the family what went on.




It would be a few months before the rest of the family would arrive in Japan. First off we had to find a bigger home for us all to live in and we found a brick three story house that just went up for sale.



It had plenty of room for all of us all and some. The kitchen was a little smaller than we had in the park but we had a surprise for Chef Chin and Wang, we wanted them to join our family as we need them to be with us guys.



So first the park was put up for sale and we had a ship send over all of our belongs and furniture. The house was redecorated and soon our family and household goods were going to arrive any day now.



A big bus was hired out so that we could bring the rest of our family to our new home. It was great to see the others again and Chuck loved the house.



It was then that the ancestors gave us a new job and that was an all American restaurant in the city of Tokyo. A train went past the restaurant so all we had to do was hop on and off where the train station was and it was a 2 minute walk to our new enterprise.



Chef Chin and Chuck would be the cooks while Dad was up front doing service. We took turns running the restaurant and we all enjoyed the more relaxing life in Japan.



Kinshi returned to the love brother's lodge and reclaimed his royal duties as the love brother prince and enjoyed every minute of it until he turned 21.



Yes our lives soon changed and today we are now adults and happy to have a family of our own. We are a family of four. Kinshi adopted two orphaned boys aged 10 and 11 and we have a nice house just a few miles from the restaurant and now we have ownership as both Chuck and Dad have retired and live together in the house we fist bought.



The rest of the family continued to live with their families as Craig and Harry now live in their own house and have two sons of their own. So the other boys have also grown up and it is always great to meet together as a family at Christmas and thanksgiving.




We made a shitload of money selling the theme park and that was handed out to all the family members when they turned 18. So that my friend is the end of our long and happy lives and we hope you have enjoyed what went on between me and Kinshi.



Our love brother family grew and now our sons are love brothers just like we were and boy are they a randy lot.






Thanks to those who have read all of my stories about Josh and Kinshi. It was hard to end it but I sure enjoyed writing about these two boys and their lives together.



Please check all of my stories here at


prolific authors section




Mad max.