Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 04:36:30 -0500 From: Jeff A Subject: Alien Probe Alien Probe a story by parrafan Disclaimer: This story is completely true. The names have been changed, of course. And the locations have been altered a little. And the facts, well, I had to change them quite a bit to cut out the boring stuff. Oh, and the dates, they're all changed too. And the ages. But everything else is true. So - this is for adults only: no kids! If you're a kid, you shouldn't be reading this, you should be jacking off in front of a webcam or something. Dedication: This story is dedicated to all those kids who jack off in front of webcams. But there are no webcams in this story. I had to change that bit. * * * Alien Probe It was hot. Really, really hot. Me and Shawn were up in our treehouse. Well, it's his treehouse, really. Well, it's not really his treehouse either, 'cos it's over the other side of his back fence. Nobody really owns the tree. But the ladder is in his back yard, so it's sorta his treehouse. There's a kinda gate in his back fence, so anyone who wants to climb his ladder to the treehouse just goes through his back gate. Saves them from going all the way around to the front of Shawn's house. We woulda gone to the swimmin' hole, 'cept Shawn was grounded. His Mom said he had to stay near the house for two weeks. He couldn't even come over to my house. I live next door. I'm Tommy. I'm eleven - I'll be twelve in only seven more months. Shawn's already twelve - it's really cool that he lets me hang with him. Since Shawn was grounded, there was nothin' to do. Nothin' 'cept sweat. Then I had an idea! "We could play cowboys and indians?" I suggested, looking to see a reaction from Shawn. "Nah", he replied. "Ya gotta run around too much in cowboys and indians. Chasin' each other. It's too hot. Besides, all my cowboy stuff is in my bedroom, and if I try ta go get it, Mom will prob'ly give me some chores to do, seein' as how I'm grounded. She don't want me ta have any fun". When we played cowboys and indians, Shawn was almost always the cowboy. That's 'cos he liked tyin' me up and stuff. He played the cowboy really cool - he never hurt me when he caught me - not much, anyway, just a bit to make it real. But I didn't mind, not really. I had another brainstorm! "What about cops and robbers?" I offered. I was just making ideas, I didn't really want to do cops and robbers, 'cos I just had a big drink of water before, that my Mom gave me 'cos it was so hot. When we played cops and robbers, Shawn always had to be the cop, 'cos his dad was a cop, before he got divorced from Shawn's Mom and went away. When we play cops and robbers, Shawn always captures me and ties me up and tries to torture a confession outta me. His way of torturing me is by tickling. That makes me, uh...pee myself. I hate that. It makes me feel like a baby. But Shawn always knows when I'm, uh, close to doin' it in my pants. Sometimes he stops in time, but sometimes he, uh...keeps goin'. "Nah", Shawn muttered. "My guns 'n cuffs 'n things are in my bedroom. Anyway, I'm bored with bein' a cop". We looked out the treehouse window to the vacant lot. It was so hot, the air sorta... shimmered. Then Shawn said, "Hey! We could play Aliens...?". We never played Aliens before. Maybe it was a new game Shawn thought of. "What's that?" I asked him. "Well, I seen this guy on TV last night. He told the F.B.I. he got abducted by aliens. He said they probed him to find out all about human weaknesses, so they could invade Earth, and make slaves of all the humans. He was pretty convincing..." I wondered a bit about what Shawn had said. If it was on TV, it must be true. And this guy was on TV, Shawn said. "So, how do you play?" I asked cautiously. Sometimes Shawn's games could get kinda, er, rough. He usually liked to tie me up and stuff like that. Which is kinda fun, now and then. But not always. "Well, if we play, you gotta play properly..." Shawn warned me. 'Playing properly' was a kinda code we had. It meant nobody could stop part-way through - ya hadda see it right the way to the end, even if ya didn't like it. But no tattlin' to your Mom. And whatever the other guy did to ya, you could do it back to him. "Now, let's see...since I was the one what saw the guy on TV, I reckon I should go first. Bein' the Alien, I mean. You can be the guy what gets probed", Shawn decided. " do I know what to do, like? I never saw the TV guy", I pointed out. But that detail didn't seem to bother Shawn - he just said I hadda 'act nacheral', and it would be okay. Shawn's idea of 'acting nacheral' usually meant I had to pretend to be frightened and stuff. Only sometimes it wasn't pretend. "Uh, okay", I agreed. "What do I gotta do first?" Shawn had this look on his face like he was thinkin'. "Well, the guy on TV said he was asleep when the Aliens came. So I guess maybe you should lie down and go to sleep". 'Go to sleep' was another one of our code words. See, when we're playin' a game, sometimes one of us has to be allowed to do stuff to the other one without any, uh, resistance, like. So when we say 'go to sleep', you don't really go to sleep, you just hafta pretend like you are. I dropped to the floor and put my head on my arm, like a pillow, and started breathing slow and heavy, like I was asleep. Shawn sat next to me, and just ran his fingers through my hair. It felt kinda funny, but maybe the Aliens don't got any hair, and he was wonderin' what it was. Shawn is clever like that. He knows all kindsa stuff. He pulled my hair back from over my ear, and stuck his finger in. Not far, only a bit - it didn't hurt. Then he put on this "Alien" voice. Only he sounded more like a robot. "I...Am...Probing...You...Earth...Boy", he said, real strange, like. "But...First...I...Must ...Find...Where...To...Stick...My...Probe", he went on. He wiggled his finger in my ear a bit longer, then he tried my nose. Lucky for me, it felt like it was his little finger, not the one he put in my ear. I wondered for a second whether he picked his own nose with that finger, and I nearly laughed. But you're not s'posed to laugh when you're asleep, so I clamped my mouth shut real tight. Shawn couldn't get his finger very far up my nose, even his pinky, so he quit. I think he wiped it on his shorts - I couldn't see 'cause my eyes were shut. Then he said "You ...Must...Have..An...Opening...For...Nutrients...Earth...Boy - You...Will...Open...It..Now" I guessed he wanted me to open my mouth. I sure hoped he wiped that finger. I had my head on its side on my arm, so I let my mouth drop open, like I was still asleep. Shawn stuck his big finger in my mouth, and kinda pushed my tongue around. I couldn't help it, my tongue licked his finger, automatically like. Shawn made a kind of grunt, then pulled his finger out of my mouth. I didn't have any openings left, so I didn't know what he was going to do next, where he was going to probe. "What...Is...This...Puny...Earth...Clothing?", Shawn said, grabbing my shirt and slowly pushing it up my back. I knew he liked running his fingers over my back when he 'tortured' me , when we played cops and robbers, 'cause I was pretty ticklish. He pushed my shirt right up to my shoulders, and moved his fingers all over my back - I guess he was looking for another opening to probe. He ended up pushing the shirt over my heads, then he dragged it down my arms and all the way off. That was okay. We took our shirts off heaps of times in the treehouse. And Shawn always took my shirt off when he was tickling me, when we played Cops. Then Shawn grabbed the waist of my shorts. "Another...Puny...Earth...Garment", he said, in that fake Alien voice. We had pulled our own pants down in front of each other lots of times before, so it was no big deal, not really. But Shawn never pulled my pants down before, so when he grabbed them and dragged them down to the bottom of my, uh, buttcheeks, I sorta felt funny, you know, like he was doing something sexy to me. But it was only my shorts - I still had my undies on. "More...Earth...Garments", Shawn said, in that robot voice, and he pulled my undies down to where my shorts were, just at the top of my legs. He had seen my butt before, when we played cops and robbers - 'cause sometimes he said he had to whip my ass, to make me confess. Not hard, like, just enough know, hurt a little bit. When he did that, he made me stand in the 'frisk' position, you know, the one where you lean against the wall with your arms and legs real wide apart? Only now, I was lying on the floor. I could feel Shawn grabbing my bare butt and squeezing it. He started breathing funny, I think he was just trying to scare me. Then he said he to take me back to his spaceship, 'the mother ship', he called it. I had to be blindfolded for this. Shawn said it was so I couldn't reveal any details to the F.B.I. later on. I think he got that from the TV show he watched. So he tied a strip of cloth over my eyes and around my head, we had used it before - he likes blindfolding me, to make it more scary I guess. Then he helped me to my feet, and led me to our beanbag, we had this old beanbag up in the treehouse, and he pushed me down onto it! I was a bit scared, I thought I'd fall on my face, but it was okay, he knew what he was doing. "You...Must...Be...Secured...In...Our...Mother...Ship...Earth...Boy" Shawn said. He was getting better at the Alien voice thing, he didn't sound as much like a robot now. I didn't know what he meant by 'secured', but when he took my hands and tied them over my head I figured it out. Shawn ties my hands when we play Cops as well, so I'm kinda used to it. "All...Earth...Garments...Must...Be...Removed" Shawn said, and he started pulling my shorts and undies down my legs. Now, we had played games before where we pulled our pants down a bit, but we kinda had this rule, see, that we never, ever, took them off all the way. See, anybody could climb up the ladder and look into the treehouse. Sally-Ann, who was Shawn's neighbour on the other side from me, was always sneaking up on us, trying to catch us doing something fun. If she saw us with our pants down, she'd tattle on us for sure, then my Mom would find out, and I'd be grounded for...well, a long time. I'd be shavin' before I ever got to do anything again. But we could always hear her comin', cause the ladder was kinda creaky. We always had time to pull our pants up, so long as they were only down a bit. Sometimes, if we were both, uh, jacking off, Shawn would make a noise exactly like the creaky ladder, and I would pull my pants up right away, in case it was Sally Ann, and he would laugh, especially if I got my wiener caught. Shawn's clever with sounds. It was sorta exciting to feel Shawn pull my pants down when I was blindfolded and tied up. He did it real slow, like. Down my thighs, then over my knees, down my shins, then over my feet and they were off, all the way. I never been totally naked in the treehouse before, but it wasn't so bad 'cause I was lyin' on my front, like, on the beanbag. My head was way down the other side; my, uh, butt was at the top, like, and my legs down the front. My toes could nearly touch the floor. Shawn grabbed my foot, and tied some rope on it, and then he pulled my legs apart and tied the other foot. It was about then that I kinda figured out where the Alien was gonna do his probing. "Another...Opening", Shawn said, and his Alien voice was getting better every time. He pulled my, uh, cheeks apart, and I guess he was lookin' right at my, uh, hole. Then he did something I never expected - he touched it with his finger! He kinda ran it all around, sorta poking it in a little bit, I guess it was his little finger. Then he said, in the Alien voice, "Need...Lubrication", and that's when he did the weirdest thing of all! He licked it! True! He licked my hole! He bent right down and put his face in my crack and actually licked my asshole with his tongue! Then he pulled my cheeks apart more, and ran his tongue all around, like he did with his finger! And just when I thought he might actually stick his tongue up my asshole, there was a scream from outside... "Shawn! SHAWN! Get your lazy ass in here this minute!" It was Shawn's mom, yelling for him, from her kitchen, I guess. Shawn yelled back "Coming, Ma", then whispered to me that he'd be right back. I guess he didn't want to piss her off any more than she already was, so he didn't really have time to untie me. I felt him get off the beanbag and climb down the ladder. I couldn't really move - he'd tied me up pretty good; Shawn knew his knots, all right. So I figured I might as well just wait for him to come back. I was pretty sure he'd come back. At least, I hoped he'd come back..... But I shouldn't have worried. After a few minutes, I heard the ladder creak and that meant Shawn had come back. He didn't say anything - he was making this heavy breathing kinda noise, just to scare me, I bet. I got a bit scared sometimes when I had the blindfold on , and I'm tied up, and Shawn knows it. He deliberately tries to spook me by sneaking up on me, or making funny noises. Like he was doing now. Then he made a kind of groaning noise. I suppose Aliens groan, like anybody else. Then I heard a zipper. I couldn't remember if Shawn was wearing jeans or shorts - but maybe his Mom made him get changed. Then I felt him get onto the beanbag between my legs. He rubbed my butt like before, only slower this time, more gentle, like. Then I heard him spit, and I felt a warm drop land right on my asshole! He musta thought of a better way of wetting my hole than licking it. Then I felt the beanbag sorta move again, and I felt the Probe. I kinda guessed when I heard the zipper what Shawn was gonna do. I wasn't too worried - Shawn's wiener is only a bit longer than mine, but it's skinnier, about like a finger. And there was some spit on my hole, so... I could hear Shawn breathing as he lowered himself onto me, his wiener pushing at my hole. We never did this before, the most we ever did was jack each other off. Usually we just watched each other and jacked our own wieners off. But I didn't really mind - it was better than getting whipped, like Shawn sometimes wanted to do, to "beat a confession" outta me, like cops do. Yikes! His wiener felt really big! It's weird how it feels bigger than it looks when it's going up your asshole. I tried to relax my butt, to let it go in, but it felt like a... baseball bat, maybe, it was that big! But I relaxed some more, and sweated a whole lot, and finally he pushed it all the way in. I thought I felt some hairs on my buttcheeks, but it must have been Shawn's shirt, 'cause I know he hasn't got any hairs yet. Then the Probing started. That was even worse than when he put it in! But the rules were, we weren't s'posed to complain, and I wasn't gonna, no matter how much it hurt. I only ever complained once, and that was the day Shawn tied that string around my wiener and pulled on it. That really hurt! So, Shawn started Probing me, in and out, and breathing really hard, I guess like an Alien, then groaning, then he started grunting, and he reached under my hips and grabbed my wiener! Shawn doesn't usually touch my wiener - but he likes me to touch his when we're jacking. So it was a bit of a surprise. I wasn't hard at first, I think 'cause of the pain, you know. But then my wiener got hard pretty quick, 'cause Shawn was sorta rolling it around while he was rubbing it, it felt really good. Then the grunting speeded up, it was like ugh...ugh...ugh, kinda, then he got a bit louder, then he pushed it all the way back in and held it there, and his hips just kinda shook. Oh yeah, his hand made me have a cum as well, lucky I don't make that stuff or it woulda gone on the beanbag. I thought he would untie me then, so I could have my turn of being the Alien, and doing it to him, but he pulled his wiener out slow, like, and I heard a noise, I guess he was wiping his wiener on a rag, we had plenty of those lying around, and he wiped my butthole, sorta gentle, like, and then he zipped up! I heard the ladder creak, then nothing! That was just like Shawn - he only thought about himself sometimes! So, I was lying there on the beanbag, my head down and my ass up in the air, legs tied apart, hands tied, wondering if I should try to roll off the beanbag, or if that would get me in a worse tangle, when the ladder creaked again. "Shit, Tommy, you're still here!" I heard Shawn's voice. "Sorry, I thought you mighta untied yourself by now. I woulda come back sooner, only Mom made me go down the shop for some bread and stuff". He started to untie me, and I could finally stretch my back and rub some blood back into my hands, and get that blindfold off my eyes. "And guess what?" Shawn went on. "While I was at the shop, my Dad came home! He's still here! Mom said he could visit for a while, she's gone to some bar down the road. He wants to meet my friends. That's you! Come on, get dressed, you gotta meet him!" As I pulled my undies and shorts up my legs, I had the weird feeling I maybe already did. end