Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1999 19:02:49 -0500 From: Charlie Subject: Andy-21 (Young-Friends) XXI Garth "My stars it's good to see you on the mend!" Wade exclaimed when he saw Charlie, "You gave us all quite a scare." "Thanks, sir." Charlie answered as he stuck out his hand to shake Wade's. "Sir? What happened to Wade? And where's my hug?" "Sorry, Wade." Charlie said as he melted in the big man's arms, "I thought you were mad at me." "Why in the world would I be mad at you? I've missed you, Charlie!" "Yeah," Charlie said, "I've missed you too. I wish we could all go back to... well, you know..." "We can't ever go back." Wade said as he held Charlie at arms length and looked into his eyes, "But that doesn't mean things can't get better." After they had all exchanged greetings and pleasantries, Karen invited everyone into the kitchen where they sat around the table eating cookies and cake and drinking coffee. "You've grown a lot, Charlie!" Wade commented. "You really think so?" "I know so! And your arms are getting so long!" "Yeah," Charlie said, "That's one o' the characteristics of eunuchs. Our arms and legs grow longer than normal. But I didn't think it had started yet." "Well it has. And I gotta say, it looks good on you!" "Everything looks good on Charlie!" Andy interjected before he had a chance to think about it. "We especially wanted you to see Wade tonight for a reason, Charlie." Dennis said. He wasn't anxious to present his proposal, knowing that Charlie might well get the wrong idea. So he decided to jump in with both feet just like he always did. "The truth is, this has been coming for two years; long before your surgery, long before we even met Andy. But things have worked out in our favor in many ways, and I think we have a plan you're gonna like." "A plan? Plan for what?" "As you well know," Dennis continued, "The school has been hounding me for quite a while, telling me they couldn't keep you challenged, suggesting that I find some alternative. Truth is they just wanted you out of their hair because you drive them to the limit and beyond." "They've always been good to me. I like school." "I know that. I don't mean it in any negative sense, but they want the best for you same as your mom and me. But the time has come when you can't do your best in public school any more." "But I'm behind a full year! Surely that makes a difference!" "Not really, Charlie. They have assured me that in the right environment you'll catch up in a couple of months. You were performing well beyond your grade level anyway." "That's why I wanted to go to summer school." "We can do a lot better than that. How's about we just tell you what we've got going, then you decide, ok?" Charlie looked around the table. Everyone had that same look: the look that said he was not going to like what's coming; the look that said he was the last to hear all this and that he was the only one standing in the way of their plan, whatever it was, from being completed. He hated being kept in the dark! He hated being treated with kid gloves! And most of all he hated secrets! So he nodded his assent and Dennis explained the scenario. "I started about two years ago trying to find a school that could give you what you need: lots of academic freedom, lots of music instruction, and yet not work you to death. Of course we were very limited financially by what we could do. And there was the farm work, and on and on. Some of those problems have now been solved, and it's time to make a move, if we're going to. "You have been accepted, based on your school records and past teachers' comments, in a school for gifted students in Myrtle Beach." "South Carolina?" "Uh-huh." "But that's..." "Let me finish, ok? Yes, it's too far away to be commuting every day. But they were very impressed with what they saw, and they want you very badly. It's very expensive, but you seem to have solved that problem with your hospital law suit." "But that money was supposed to be to expand the farm!" "Let me finish, ok?" "Yes sir." "I've looked at the possibility of expanding the farm, buying up all the land around us. But Charlie, it would take every cent of that money and more, and we'd still be poor farmers. And if we had a major crop failure, we'd lose everything! I can't take that chance with your money! There's simply too many other options for using it for your future. And there's also Andy to consider. You have a brother now, do you honestly want him and yourself trying the rest of your lives to keep this place afloat the way I've always had to do?" "But... if I go away to school, where does that leave Andy? He'll still be stuck here on the farm." "No he won't! That's the best part. He'll be going with you!" "But... what about you and Mom? How're you gonna keep the farm going?" "We're not, Charlie. I have a chance to rent out the land. We'll sell off the livestock over the next year or so, and then if things are working out in Myrtle Beach we'll be moving down there." Charlie had a look of terror on his face. What in the world was he going to do? The farm was his whole life! This farm had been in the family for generations! His grandfather, and his father and grandfather before him, had all died on this place! His dad had told him that the farm had killed them before their time, but that was just words to Charlie. "Dad," he pleaded, "You can't sell the farm! You just can't!" "We don't plan to, son. We know how you feel about this farm, and we could never sell it on you. But we can rent out the land and make more than we do farming it. And then we're free to move close to you and Andy. I don't think I could bear to be separated from you just yet. I know it's gonna happen sooner or later, but your mom and I just aren't ready yet." "Does... does that mean we'd be sleeping in a dorm of some kind? I don't know if I could..." Charlie's keen mind had instantly pictured a large dorm, with boys separated according to age group. This meant of course that he and Andy would be separated! Then of course there was Charlie's unique status as a eunuch. Right now it wasn't that obvious; but soon, very soon, people would start to question why his voice wasn't changing, why his arms were growing so long, why he wasn't developing a beard or body hair. "That's why Wade is here." Dennis answered, "He is quite settled in Myrtle Beach now, is singing in a theater down there. He has offered you two boys a room as long as you need it." "I'd love to have you!" Wade offered, "I've always admired both you guys so much!" "Uh... Dad..." Charlie said haltingly, "Can I talk to you a minute? I mean..." "I don't think there's any need, Charlie. Wade knows all about it." "I... I doubt it. Please, Dad?" "That you two are lovers?" Wade said. "Your dad told me about it months ago. He said it simply wasn't fair either to me or to you two not to tell." "You told him?" Charlie said with shock. "I had to, son!" Dennis laughed, "You two aren't always as quiet as you might think you are." Two very crimson boys looked at each other, then around the table. They found there no judgment, no criticism; only understanding. Dennis had obviously done an exceedingly good job in presenting the whole thing to Wade. But then Dennis always did a good job in whatever he did. And it was that characteristic, that Dennis always did a good job at everything, that would influence the final outcomel. I mean, the FINAL outcome! "There's something else." Wade said with one of the kindest looks Charlie thought he'd ever seen, "And Andy, this is gonna be news to you too." "You knew?" Charlie said as he bored two holes into Andy's head with his eyes. "Sort of." Andy said sheepishly, "I knew about the school, but I didn't know about staying with Wade. Actually I was wondering about that." "That just came up." Wade explained, "Mainly as a result of what I'm gonna say to you now. The theater where I work... Charlie I know you'd love it! Anyway they're anxious to hear you two do a duet. I hear you're as good as Charlie, Andy." "Me?" Andy said with disbelief, "But... I don't know..." "I guess you didn't hear." Charlie interjected, "I'm all done with show business. I decided that after the quartet broke up." "You can't do that, Charlie!" Wade said. "Why can't I? I mean, all they wanted was my voice! They didn't care that I had cancer and thought I was dying! All they cared was that I couldn't sing any more!" "That's not true!" Wade said, "We all cared a very great deal. But the cold hard fact is, as far as performing is concerned, you're right! People want to be entertained, and if you can't do that you're not gonna make it in show business. But you, Charlie, you're gifted! You can wind an audience right around your finger. The cold hard fact is, our quartet just couldn't make it without you! We knew it, so we had no choice really but to consider alternatives. Show business is a cruel business, but you've already proven that you're up for it and can do what it takes to be a success. I don't know if you want to spend your life that way or not, but don't underestimate the rewards. Anyone who has been as close to you as I have on the stage, have watched your face light up when the audience responds to you, have seen you come to life on the stage... You're a natural, Charlie!" Charlie looked at Wade, then at Andy, then his parents. Was he being railroaded, or was this the opportunity of a lifetime? Would this offer have come up if he hadn't lost his balls? What would they have thought if they knew that what was now reality for him had been a dream for at least a year? But reality had proven, as usual, to be somewhat different than the dream. Yes, he had his voice. Yes, he had a perpetual hairless body. But he could not procreate, nor could he produce the seminal fluid that Andy could; and how Charlie envied Andy for that! Would they move to South Carolina only to have Andy meet new people, to become attracted to some great looking guy or girl who could give him something Charlie never could? How long would it be before Andy grew tired of him in their new surroundings? How long before being the lover of a kid eunuch wouldn't be enough? But then he surprised all seated around the table, including himself. "Sounds like a blast, Dad!" he said, "How do we make it all happen?" "I don't think I understood." Karen said doubtfully, "What did you just agree to, Charlie?" "Everything, Mom! I mean, it sounds too cool! I can keep studying music, and maybe even perform on stage. Andy can drive us back home on weekends, we'll be still together, and staying with Wade. What's not to like?" "Well..." Dennis stammered in surprise, "Nothing! But we thought..." "Dad, thanks! This is gonna be so cool!" In the boys' bedroom, Charlie threw his arms around Andy and cried as if his heart was breaking. "But Charlie!" Andy said as his hands caressed the bare back of his brother, "I thought you were really excited by the idea!" "I was!" he sobbed, "But... well... I had this picture in my mind of you and me spending the rest of our lives on the farm. But I know that isn't gonna happen. And I know Mom and Dad wanted us to go..." "They aren't trying to get rid of us, Charlie. It's just that... they know we can't stay here." "I know that, Andy. But I'm so scared!" "Scared? Scared of what?" "Losing you, man! I mean... in show business, in that new school, all those new people... and I'm just your little brother, can't even..." "Don't even say it, Charlie!" Andy said angrily, "I know what you're gonna say, and I don't wanna hear it! If you think that all you mean to me is sex, then we don't have much do we?" "You say that now. But when you meet..." "I'm not gonna meet anyone! Not the way you mean. There may be something better out there, but if I never try I'll never know, will I? And besides, I already told you a thousand times, I could never, ever hurt you! So quit that blubbering and get outa them boxers!" "My boxers never stopped you before." he challenged. "Won't stop me this time either, But tonight I want 'em off." "You want 'em off?" Charlie said with a grin, "Take 'em off yourself!" * * * "Where's Charlie?" Andy asked as he came in from the barn. It was late - almost dark. Andy had run into some trouble in the barn with a cow that had hoof rot. His chores had been delayed while he dealt with that problem, and he wouldn't leave until it was finished. It was Saturday night again, and by the time he'd finished in the barn Karen had to fix him a special meal. "I don't know," Karen answered as she worked at the stove, "He took off out of here around 6 on his bike, saying there was something he had to do." "Yeah? Like what?" "I have no idea, son. But it is getting close to your birthday. Maybe he's up to something along those lines." "Yeah, could be. But still, it doesn't sound like him." "Don't worry." Karen soothed as she ran her hands through Andy's hair. "He does things like that every now and then. I think sometimes he needs his space. He'll be ok." Charlie pedalled furiously for six miles. He liked his bike, wished he rode it more often. But there was usually someone to drive him where he wanted to go, and the temptation was just too great. But this was no ordinary trip on a bicycle. This was something he just had to do, but really didn't want to. But life had certain responsibilities didn't it? So he pedalled a little faster. He wanted to be back home before anyone suspected anything. "Well if it ain't my little brother, in person! I didn't think you'd come." "Hey Garth. Why wouldn't I come? I said I would." "Yeah, forever the committed little shit. I forgot, you never say anything you don't mean, and you never mean anything you don't say. Perfect little son, right?" "What did you want, Garth?" "Nothin', lil brother. I just wanted to see you. I been missin' ya!" "Yeah, I bet. If you miss me so much, why don't you just come home?" "Oh yeah, that'd be a real tender scene. I'm sure I'd be real welcome." "You would be, really! All you gotta do is..." "All I gotta do is kiss the old man's ass. All I gotta do is forget all my friends and knuckle down like you've always done, right? An' it wouldn't hurt to sing sweetly for mommy, right?" "I got a good life, and you could have it too if you'd just come home..." "I bet I would! An' I'd have a new brother too, right?" "Yeah. Andy's really kewl!" "I know. I met him one night when you were in the hospital." "You met Andy? He didn't tell me that." "Yeah, I met him. Gives a helluva blow job. Or maybe you already know that." "Now I know you're lying. No way he did that to you!" "You seem to know him pretty well. Or at least you think you do." "I do. I know him a lot better than you think. And I know he wouldn't do that to you, or anyone else." "Whatever you say, little brother. So anyway, how's it feel to be strung up like one o' Daddy Dennis' calves and have your nuts cut out?" "It's ok. Beats all that pain." "Guess that means there's no point in kickin' you there any more, right?" "You're welcome to try." "Ohhh! My lil brother is gettin' tough in his old age." "Not tough, just learned to deal with bullies a little bit." "Well forget it. I'm not gonna kick ya there or anywhere else. I just want to be your friend. After all, we are brothers." "That's the only reason I'm here. So what do you want?" "I told ya, I just want to be your big brother and do what big brothers are supposed to do... look after you. You want a smoke?" "I don't smoke." "Yeah, but this smoke is different. This one makes you feel real good!" "I told ya, I don't smoke." "Mind if I do?" "Not really, long as you're happy with killin' yourself." Garth lit up his joint, and blew a lungfull of smoke in Charlie's face. Charlie tried not to cough but failed, then waved his hands in the air trying to clear the smoke. "You'll get used to it." Garth said laughingly, "Give me enough time and I'll make a man outa you, nuts or no nuts." "Garth, I gotta go soon. Did you want anything more?" "Matter of fact, I did. I got a friend over in the car wants to meet you. She's never seen a guy with no nuts, says she'd be glad to get naked with ya if you'll show her." "That's disgusting!" "Not really. She's quite a fox. And besides, I'm curious. Can you still get it up? Or maybe you never could. Maybe you're a virgin. Yeah, you probably are. Wouldn't want to piss off Daddy Dennis, would we?" "I gotta go, Garth." "So what do I tell Mindy? She's lookin' forward to gettin' laid tonight by a blond haired queer with no nuts." "So lay her! You got all the qualifications." "You callin' me queer?" "I'm not callin' you anything, Garth. You set it up, you deal with it. But I'm goin' home. I was kinda hopin' that we could be friends, but that's not gonna happen, is it?" Garth looked at his brother curiously. This was definitely not the cowering little boy he'd last seen. He tried everything he knew to intimidate him, but nothing worked. But he'd get him. Sooner or later he would find an Achille's heel, and then he'd have the last laugh. Charlie had been through a pretty severe ordeal and Garth knew that in there somewhere there was a way to get to him. Why did he have to get to him? Garth didn't know; but he knew he had to and he would, given enough time. * * * Andy's seventeenth birthday was without doubt the best he'd ever had. It was his first as a member of a family, his first ever remembered on time, his first cake. And as if that weren't enough, Dennis arrived home from work with a very sly grin on his face. "Happy birthday, son!" he said as he entered the kitchen. "Mom and I already agreed that we'd wait till after dinner, but I can't wait. Your present's out in the yard." "In the yard? What on earth!" "Why don't you just go see?" Karen suggested. "Good idea, Mom." And Andy walked out the door, then fell to his knees. "Dad!" he exclaimed, "Oh man! Mom! Oh my..." There in the driveway was a brand new, bright red pickup truck with a huge white ribbon around it, with a large banner over the windshield that read "Happy Birthday Andy Conner." It was everything that Andy had been wishing for but never expected to get: four wheel drive, extended cab, mag wheels, CD player, even dual exhaust! Everything any self respecting Carolina country boy could want. "Dad!" he stammered, "I... I can't... How..." "It was a joint effort." Dennis explained, "Carlo Meoli had offered a car for you to ferry Charlie and you back and forth to Wilmington. When he found out you two would be going to school out of town, he made good on his offer. We found the money to add to it to get you the truck you wanted. Happy birthday, son!" "Oh man!" Charlie exclaimed, "C'mon, help me get this ribbon off here and take me for a burn, Andy! WOW! Look at that! This is so totally awesome!" "Just a minute," Karen called, "We've gotta get some pictures. It might be a while before there's another new vehicle in this family." "Dad," Andy said, "I can't take it. I know how tight money is, and I just can't take it." "Andy!" Charlie yelled, "Are you outa your mind? Look at this truck! Of course you can take it!" "He's right." Karen agreed, "You have to take it, Andy. You and Charlie are more than important to us, you're our whole lives! You're gonna be coming home almost every weekend, and we want you to be safe! This truck is big and heavy and safe, and it's new so it won't be breaking down every time you try to go somewhere. You have to take it, for us!" "I... I guess so. Well, come on, Charlie, lets get this ribbon off and try her out!" The next few weeks were, in the words of the boys themselves, totally awesome! Everywhere they went, they went in that new red truck. For their last summer on the farm, Charlie said more than once, this was certainly a summer to be remembered. Wade had arranged an audition in mid July. Of course Andy wanted to take his new truck, and since it was far and away the newest vehicle on the farm, Karen and Dennis agreed. So with Karen and Charlie in back, Dennis in the passenger's seat and Andy driving proudly, they headed for Myrtle Beach. The audition was a great success for both boys, after Charlie had got over the grand theater they'd be singing in. It had been built only four years ago, and had more electronic gadgets than they had ever seen before! Strobe lights, countless spotlights and color accent lights; parabolic microphones and tiny headsets, a sound system that could amplify a mouse sneeze. There was a control room and sound mixer large enough to dance on, though Wade suggested that it might not be a good idea. At the audition itself, the full band was there. Andy sang a solo, then Charlie, then they sang a duet. They sang two numbers with the entire cast, including a young boy only a year older than Charlie. He was the son of one of the veteran singers, and was a regular on the show. Mark and Charlie instantly became fast friends. He helped Charlie and Andy find their way around backstage, showed them where the costumes were kept, how to quickly change from one to another, and generally mothered them until they were comfortable in their new surroundings. "Man!" Charlie ranted two nights later when they were finally in their own bed, "Mark is so awesome! And he knows so much about show business! He's so great!" "Yeah," Andy agreed, "He's really nice. I'm glad you... uh... glad you like him so much." "Uh, Andy," Charlie said when he'd realized what he'd just done, "Do I detect a little jealousy?" "It's ok, Charlie. You're my brother and that's never gonna change. If you find someone else you really like, it's ok. I'm not gonna..." "You're not gonna ever believe me, are you? I love YOU, Andy! And nothing's ever gonna change that! Mark is really great, but he's a friend! No more! I don't even think he's gay, and even if he is I don't care. I love YOU, big brother, so you're stuck with me!" By the end of July the boys were beginning to pack for school. They were planning to leave the first week of August, which would give them almost a week to get settled in. They were to do two shows before school opening on August 6, and that had them very apprehensive. Wade had assured them that there'd be lots of rehearsals and they had nothing to worry about. But of course they were nervous anyway. Then the night before they were to leave, Charlie disappeared. Like the previous episode, and two others, he had taken his bike after his chores were done and just vanished. This time was different though. Instead of telling someone, he'd left a note that said simply he had something that he had to do, and not to worry about him. * * * Andy sat at what had been Charlie's computer, now their shared computer, idly browsing various sites on the internet. He spied the icon on the desktop that was the email program. He had no email correspondents, had never exchanged email with anyone. Curiosity got the better of him and he clicked on it. He saw a maze of mailboxes and folders open. He browsed them, opening note after note, until he came to a folder labeled simply "Carlo." More curious now, he opened one of the notes, then another, then another. Each one he viewed opened his eyes a little wider. At first he'd felt guilty for what amounted to snooping, but when he opened the note with today's date on it, he jumped from the desk and went flying downstairs. "Mom! Dad!" he screamed, "We gotta find Charlie! Come see! We gotta find him now!" "Calm down! Karen said as she met him in the downstairs hallway, "What on earth!" "Where's Dad?" Andy demanded. "Right here, Andy. What's got you so riled?" Andy took his parents upstairs and showed them the folder. It was a series of somewhat disjointed threatening notes from someone named Carlo. They were addressed to Charlie's correct email address, but in the notes they kept referring to, not Charlie, but Tonio! "They're from Garth." Dennis soon surmised, "I was afraid of this. He still can't leave Charlie alone." "Charlie's been meeting him." Andy noted, "That's where he's been going on his bike." "It's a good thing you taught him some self defense." Dennis said, "At least he can take care of himself." "That's just it, Dad." Andy said as he tried to calm himself, "I'm afraid... Oh my God, what have I done?" He moved the mouse pointer to the last note and clicked it open. "Well," the person calling himself Carlo said, "I guess this is it. Show time. Carlo meets Tonio for the last time. I'll be waiting for you in the usual place at the usual time. This time we say good-bye. Don't be late, Tonio! If you are, you know what'll happen to that pretty new brother of yours, his fancy truck, and Daddy Dennis. I have been waiting for this meeting for a long time and I don't want to be disappointed. You won't be a no-show, will you Tonio?" "So what's the big deal?" Dennis said blankly. "That's good, isn't it? He knows you boys are going away to school and he wants to say good-bye. I'd rather Charlie stay away from him, but it looks to me as if they're just going to say good-bye and that's the end of that." "You still haven't read that book, have you Dad?" "I'm reading it, but I'm only about two-thirds through." "Dad," Andy said, almost frantic now, "It looks like Charlie and Garth are acting out that book, just like I thought, only I didn't know Garth was involved." "I still don't see the harm..." "Dad, think about it! In the book, Carlo is Tonio's outcast brother, or at least that's what everyone thought. Carlo is the cause for Tonio's castration. They are arch rivals, Dad! Tonio was a good singer, taught by his mother. Guido comes along and takes Tonio into a conservatory for castrated boys. Carlo sorta fades out of the picture. It looks like he's gonna get away with what he did. Then Tonio is getting ready to move to a new city to start a career in music. Tonio went to met Carlo for the first time since his castration, before he leaves. Dad, Tonio killed Carlo!" * * * If you wish to comment on this story, please send your comments to me at