Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 03:58:09 GMT From: Cold Mouse Subject: As We Know It Hey all, Cold Mouse here... this is my first attempt at a work of erotic fiction. All the usual disclaimers apply. This story contains scenes of sex between fourteen year old boys, so if that sort of thing is illegal in your jurisdiction, or if you're under eighteen, then stay away from this. Some of the unusual disclaimers apply, too... don't read this if you know me IRL and might connect me to the writing style, 'cause I'm not ready to come out yet. Of course, this is a bit moot, huh... :^) Also, I'd like to thank everyone who helped with the production of this story; Birgir, Joe AKA Arnia, and Chuck AKA the guy with the lowest self esteem of anyone I've ever met, and also everyone who commented on anything of mine that I had posted in the library. Anyway, here's the story, I'll be back at the end at the end to tell you how to contact me with feedback, good or bad... which I beg you all to give! Here it is... hope you enjoy! As We Know It Apocalypse! Revelations! Satanic Prophesy By Nostradamus and Eleven Other Prophets! "Sweet... Check it out, Patrick... Apocalypse!" I gestured with my elbow towards the magazine in question, the latest issue of Weekly World News, which lay slightly torn and battered on the newsstand, the last copy of its type. Patrick gulped down the last sit of his coke and threw the empty can into a trashcan, then turned his hazel eyes towards the item in question. "Cool!" We both exchanged a grin... the end of the world had been the subject of intense interest to him as long as I had known him, which was forever. Or at least six years, since he moved to my town in third grade. His morbid fascination had earned him a permanent place in the guidance office, but so far they hadn't changed him... his interest was still as strong as ever. Heh, I have to admit, it was rubbing off on me, too... In the years since I became friends with Patrick, the walls in my room had become decorated with pencil drawings of apocalyptic scenes, and I had even bought a Bible to read and re-read the last chapter... Revelations! I had never been very religious, and neither had Patrick... and we still weren't... but we both loved that chapter. The fact that the author and I had the same first name - John - only heightened my interest. Don't get us wrong... we weren't sadistic or anything... we weren't looking forward to the end of the world, we just found it to be an interesting topic, that's all. "Shall we buy it?" asked Patrick, hypothetically... of course we'd by it! I rummaged around in my jean pockets for money, and come up a single wrinkled bill... a one. "Damn..." I mumbled under my breath, and then louder, to the news seller, "Is this enough?" I lay the bill on the counter, futilely trying to smooth it with my fist. With a grunt, the large, unshaven man at the counter pointed towards the upper-right hand corner of the magazine. "One twenty-five?" I groaned disparagingly, then turning to Patrick, I added, "Do you have anything left over from the soda?" "No..." he glanced regretfully at the discarded soda can with downcast eyes, then suddenly brightened. On the sidewalk, a beam of light met his eyes... a quarter! Patrick swooped down like a hawk and scooped the coin up into his eager hands, and set it down next to my dollar. "There!" he said triumphantly, with a radiant smile that lit up his features, making him that much cuter... Hey, I already said I wasn't religious. In fact, I had little use for any parts of the Bible, save Revelations. Leviticus I hated in particular... I mean, my homosexuality alone prevented me from taking any stock in the laws set down in that chapter. But there was no space in my mind for Biblical thoughts now... not with Satanic Prophesy to be read! Patrick and I opened the magazine as soon as it was paid for and began reading it was we walked back to his house. We were disappointed to discover it was mostly the same thing all other magazines of its type were, but when we got passed the Page Three Girl - who, I was sure, held more interest for Patrick then for me --We saw the headline that grabbed our attention... "Hey, check it out John... 'Nostradamus sites May Fourth, 1999 as the date of the apocalypse!'" He grinned again, and the last rays of the setting sun bounced of his choppily cropped light brown hair as his did so, giving him an almost angelic aura. "That's tonight! Sweet!" "Yeah!" I returned the grin. My hair was orange, so I knew the light would not affect me the same way it would him. Rather, the glare would clash with my freckles... I looked better in darkness. The black hooded sweatshirt I was wearing had been selected because of that. "We'll have to stay up and wait for it!" We'd done this before... Nostradamus, at least according to Weekly World News, had made many similar predictions for other nights before now. It wasn't that we believed the predictions... rather, and excuse was a good one to stay awake until dawn, watching horror movies, eating junk food, and just talking. It's what we would have done that night anyway... it was Friday, and time for fun. The rest of the walk back to his house was spent in perusal and discussion of the article. My mind kept drifting away from our talking, now that the initial joy at seeing the magazine had worn off. Now I concentrated all the mental energy focusing on my friend... did he notice that I would occasionally lift my eyes of the magazine and turn them instead to the admiration of his body? I didn't think so... and I sure as hell hoped not! By the time we finally reached his house, night had just about fallen, and we had given up on trying to read by moonlight... it was just not bright enough. I let him enter the house first, so I could gaze lovingly at him from behind as we made our way into his living room. Earlier that day we had rented Evil Dead 2... although I had heard from some guy I knew on the internet that it sucked, I wanted to see it anyway. Patrick and I had watched Evil Dead the previous weekend, and it we had both decided it to be the best horror movie... ever. Patrick ran over to his sofa and stretched himself out, giving we a great view. You know how in all those erotic internet stories, the love interest is always so wonderfully attractive that they seem almost perfect in every way? I can never true understand what the author's talking about until I compare their creation to Patrick. There was this one description I found in the Nifty Archive, in a story by the prolific net writer called Oxygen, and it fit Patrick to a tee. He wasn't a big kid... about 5'5, same as me... and was perfectly slim, whereas I seemed more scrawny then anything else. I had to satisfy my self with just that one glance though... anything further and he might get suspicious. I plunked myself down on his nearby loveseat, and asked, "You wanna put the movie in now?" "Sure," he said, with a glance at the magazine I still held. We'd gotten through all the good stuff on the way over, and really had no more need to finish it. Then he jumped back up. "You throw it on, and don't worry about keeping the volume down; my parents are out tonight. I'll go grab some soda from the kitchen. We don't want to be thirsty for the end of the world as we know it," he added with a grin, then scampered off to get the drinks. I stared at his retreating form until he turned the corner, then popped the video in, and sat back to relax in the love seat again. As I waited both for Patrick to return and for the preview to end, I glanced back through the magazine, to see the details on the end of the world as we know it tonight. Unfortunately, the article failed to provide any interesting information... just that, according to the long-dead prophet, the world would end at ten forty-seven that evening. Cool, I though, that gives us about an hour and a half to wrap up things on earth. Just as the movie was starting, Patrick returned, with a coke in each hand. Underhandedly, he tossed one to me, and opened the other. "Thanks," I said, but he didn't hear... the movie was starting. Contentedly I curled up on the loveseat and tried to watch the movie and Patrick at the same time. The first thing of many that I learned that evening is that sequels are not always as good as the original. In fact, they're often worse. And sometimes they suck so much you want to tract down Sam Raimi, wherever he is, and throttle him violently while yelling "What the fuck happened?!?" Evil Dead 2 was terrible! It lacked plot, it lacked interest, but most importantly, it was not scary. It tried to be funny! Before long, I stopped watching it entirely, and just lay in my seat focused entirely on Patrick, staring lustfully and exchanging witty remarks and sarcastic comments every time something stupid happened... which was pretty much constantly. Soon even that novelty ran out, and as then movie ran on we began to ignore it, instead focusing out attention on the upcoming apocalypse. Patrick had grabbed his Bible and was thumbing through a dog-eared chapter of Revelations, and I was pretending to re-read the Nostradamus article while I actually peered over the top at my friend, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. I can't remember for sure, but I think it was around the time Ash was being possessed by the evil dead that Patrick started to flip through the rest of the Good Book. "Hey, John," he called out over the sounds of bodily dismemberment, "Have you ever looked at any of the other stuff in here?" "Huh?" I asked, although I had some idea what he was talking about. Using the pretense of confusion, I got up and moved closer to him. I knelt beside him with my face just inches from his. He pointed to the chapter he had been referring to; it was Leviticus. "This kinda stuff... you know, all these laws and rules and stuff. Like how you can't wear clothes made of more then one kinda fabric, or how you can't eat animals that live in mud, or..." As he spoke, his voice grew softer and softer; now, when he paused, I almost thought I heard him gulp, "or how you can't... you know, like other guys." Could he be saying what I thought he was? "Yeah... I've looked through it, and you're right. I mean, why would God care what we wear or eat." My voice was just as soft now as his had been, just loud enough to be heard above the hideous laughter of the undead. "And why does the people we're attracted to matter?" "Yeah... it doesn't matter, really. It doesn't make someone a worse person, I guess." Was he shaking? In the darkness I couldn't tell. It was my turn to swallow. Why was he saying this? Was he...? Well, I told myself, as long as the world was ending in a half hour, it didn't matter what happened anymore. "And besides," I continued, almost whispering now, moving my face in closer to his, "it's not like we have a choice... I mean, we might try to change, but it's not something that can be changed. We have to sort of make the best of it, you know?" There, I had done it; even if it was indirectly, I had come out. Taken a certain way, it might have even sounded a bit like an invitation. An unusual, subtle expression passed over Patrick's face. It was something like relief, something like happiness, and something like hope, all in one. "Yeah," he said, leaning in even closer, "I think I know exactly what you're talking about." We both leaned in further then, completing the connection as our lips met in a kiss. For a while, nothing happened; neither of us wanted to break the kiss. But it couldn't last forever, and eventually, together, we slowely pulled away, and gazed at each other in silence. Eventually, the silence was shattered by Patrick's soft voice. "As long as the world's ending in..." I glanced at the clock. "Twenty three minutes." "... twenty three minutes, I guess we can really do whatever we want now, right?" At the same time, we both smiled lovingly, and kissed again. When it ended, I answered, "Yeah... I mean, it's the end of the world... as we know it at least. We dunno if in twenty two minutes we'll be dead or what, so..." I paused to kiss him again... now that we had each other, we couldn't get enough. " we might as well make the most of our time left on Earth." "Yeah," he agreed, starting to remove his shirt. "There are no consequences..." " regrets..." "So now we can basically do whatever we want!" By now my shirt was off as well, and we joined in an embrace, and locked lips again. "It's strange," I whispered into his ear, in between kisses. "I wouldn't have thought I'd be so happy when the world actually came to an end." From then on he said nothing more, and neither did I. Instead I put my mouth to a much more practical purpose, moving it away from his mouth and down his neck, to his bare chest, and then even further down. Clumsily I undid his jeans, and pulled them along with his boxers down to his knees. Free from its denim prison, his cock jumped out at me. I'd love to say that it was six inches like in all the stories, but the truth is I wasn't really paying attention to details. I guess six sounds about right though. Rather then measuring his cock I took it into my mouth and began to suck. My only experience with anything like this was from the numerous internet stories I had read, tales of love and lust alike, so at first I was afraid I wouldn't be able to please him. But from the gentle moan that escaped his lips as I ran my tongue over the head, and from what he told me afterwards, I think I did well enough. Before long I was rewarded with the salty explosion of his boyjuice into my mouth. Once I had finished, we switched roles, as maneuvered my slim form atop his on the sofa, shedding my jeans as I did so. Of course since we had begun I had been hard as a rock, a fact not lost on Patrick as he took me into his mouth like I had done for him before. The bliss I received from his mouth was enough to make me swear off masturbation forever... no feeling had ever been so perfect, so complete before. The combination of love and lust manifested in the act gave it I heightened energy that surpassed any I had read about in the stories. Words could not describe the ecstasy I felt moments later, once I finally released into his eager mouth. Once I had, I rolled down, on top of him, and we snuggled together for a long, long time; doing nothing more then laying together on the couch, holding hands, half watching the credits for Evil Dead 2 roll on by the screen, half watching each other. Finally, the video stopped, and upon coming to the end of the tape, automatically ejected. The time came back on the VCR... eleven oh five. We had missed the end of the world as we knew it by eighteen minutes, but somehow that didn't seem to matter anymore. I turned to Patrick and said, "I really didn't think the world would end..." He smiles, and squeezed my hand a little tighter. "I know. Neither did I." Needless to say, the world didn't end that night. There was no worldwide nuclear war, no battle between Jesus and the Antichrist, no meteor showers or plague or pestilence or famine. Life still went on. But the magazine was right in one respect. It truly was the end of the world... as we knew it. But I felt fine. Wow, that's a lot shorter then I remembered... oh well. If you liked it, hated it, had no opinion, or anything, then please e-mail me at Or, you can send me an ICQ message at 26677504. Really, anything you have to say at all is good, especially bad stuff, cause I'll need to know what to do differently if I decide to make a sequel. Thanks in advance... and thanks not-in-advance for reading! Seeya!