Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:06:59 -0500 From: mr. axl Subject: the axeman cometh 2 DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT WRITING THIS STORY TO GET SOMEOME INTO TROUBLE. SO IF YOUR TOO YOUNG. DON'T READ IT. AS FOR THE OTHER SHIT YOUR READING AT YOUR OWN RISK , HELL THE WAY THINGS ARE GOIN IT WILL BE ILLEGAL TO THINK IT SOON ENOUGH. AND TO YOU CRAZY PEOPLE. PLEASE DON'T HURT THE CHILDREN. END THE CYCLE. THE AXEMAN COMETH 2 As december started we had one of those unusual warm spells that are so common to these parts (I know that was contradictory) it made things a bit easier for us since it gave us an opportunity to hang out after school. We've got this huge skate park downtown and although not far from his house,Kevin had never been there. I would go there last year when Eddie wasn't around ,but I was not really into it now,I prefered to watch. It's like 40,000 sg.ft. one of the largest in the country but it's still crowded as shit.People runnin into each other and shit. But it was still nice to sit and watch them especially with Kevin next to me. "so do you ride?" he asked me "I used to bring my board last year, but I got no interest anymore" "why not?" "it's too crowded for one.Besides I got a better hobby now" I said squeezing his knee for a second. He blushed "so you just like me for my body" "Inside and out"I laughed and pushed him,nearly makin' him fall off of the bench. We sat and watched this little kid raisn' ten kinds of hell at some other kid for bumping into him. "damn he's a loud one" Kevin whispered "yeah he gets into alotta fights I bet" "your probably right,listen to him give it to that kid" Finally the other kid walked away as the boy continued to cuss at him. We started spending a coupla days a week at the park.It was convenient as the bus ran right by there and then we could ride until Kevin's stop which was right infront of his apartment and the it dropped me off about half a mile from my house. Or we could reverse the route and take a transfer which went to my house first. But usually we went by Kevin's first. He hated riding alone.Public transportation: it saves gas and it's a great way to get around but does every nutjob in the city have to be on the same bus.? One day we were at the park and watchin the riders. "so what about you?" I asked. "what about me what?" "do you ride?" "who me? no. I don't even own a bike" "oh. well you could get a board" I told him "their expensive too" "well you get a good deck,and then you add the hardware as you go.That's what i did" "hmm " was all he said. "hey theres that kid again" "yeah. I bet he ain't but like 11 or so" "he sure gets into alot of trouble" Right on cue there he was pushin some kid who looked to be atleast 15. "watch where your goin you big dumb fuck" The older boy only looked at him and rode off on his bike to another side of the bowl. The little one picked up his board and headed back into the middle of the chaos. After about 15 minutes a huge commotion was goin on just around the corner from us. I could hear a distinct voice... "get off of me , you mother fuckers" "I know that voice" Kevin whispered. I got up to see what was goin on but kevin pulled me back down. "no don't. please don't get involved" he looked at me pleadingly. "it's alright ,stay here if you want.I'll be right back" When I walked around the bushes I saw a bunch of kids standin' around and in the middle of them all were 4 kids of about 14 or 15. Two were holdin the boy as the other two were lightly slappin his face. "you got a mouth on ya don't ya motherfucker?" one kid said punching the littler one in the stomache. forcing a loud groan from the boy. then the other punched him in the mouth "ooof" came from the boy's mouth as well as alotta spit mixed with blood. when the kid started to fall the other two held him up. "you still wanna whoop some ass punk?" one of the kids said. "you can't take me one on one" Damn this boy got balls or dumb as hell. But I couldn't help but admire his spunk. Another punch to the mouth left him bleeding pretty good. "fuck you you little bastard" another punch The boy looked at the bigger kid defiantly and only said "I ain't no bastard ,you fuck" and tried to kick at him. This time one of them kicked him in the stomache. That was too much for me. "hey guys. Think you kicked his ass pretty good now" I said (what was I thinkin') "who the fuck are you? his brother or sumthin'?" "naw. just tired of watchin' you beat the shit out of him. Aint ya done yet?" "you better move on. or your next" one of the boys said to me. "hey look,I ain't tryin' to get in this shit."I said"but I ain't watchin' you beat him to death either" "fuck off " one said movin' towards me. before I knew what happened they were on me and I was gettin' the shit kicked out of me. I ain't stupid I knew that atleast if I curled into a ball they wouldn't fuck me up too bad. They ran away suddenly and there was a cop standin' there. behind him Kevin stood with tears in his eyes. "you alright ?" "we're fine" The cop only looked at us and then walked on. Kevin came over to me."why Alex?" "I'm fine Kevin relax"I said but damn I was hurtin. I walked over to the boy. "you alright little guy?" "little guy ?" he said although it was hard to understand with his tore up lips "I got your little guy" "look a thank you might be in order"Kevin snapped at him"He just got the shit kicked out of him for you" The kid only sat there lookin' from me to Kevin. "Thanks"he said quietly"That was pretty stupid to take an ass whoopin' for me" "your probably right "I said. wincing at the pain in my ribs. "so why you pick these fights anyway? and with kids several years older?" "several years?" he said wiping his mouth on his shirt "I'm same age as most of these fucks" "your like what? 11?" He looked at me coldly then realized I wasn't makin' a joke and the coldness turned to shame. "I'm 13 man" he said lookin' at the ground "everyone thinks I'm just a little kid.That they can get away with shit on me.But fuck that I aint nobodies bitch" I looked at him for a minute.Suddenly it all made sense. "I'm Alex,and this is Kevin" "I'm Taylon.You used to ride here alot last year.Why did ya stop?" "Got tired of all the little kids in the way"I said and turned Kevin to leave. "hey .You talkin'bout me?" I only kept walkin' Suddenly he was at my side. "was that a joke or you pickin' on me?" "I just got tired of all the fights.I ride to relax, to get away from bullshit ,not to deal with it" "so that's it.I made you quit ridin'"he said triumphantly "don't flatter youself little guy. I just found something to do." "Hey!" he yelled at me "don't call me little guy" "look Taylon"I said turnin toward him"I just got the shit kicked out of me for tryin' to help you.Don't push your luck with me"I now stopped and looked at him. "Hey...." "just shut up."I screamed"if you didnt run your godamned mouth so much you might have had a friend to take the ass whoopin with.Better yet you wouldn't even have gotten the ass whoopin'"I was gettin heated and I noticed Kevin flinch out of the corner of my eye. Taylon had tears in his eye. But the look he gave me was one of defiance.He opened his mouth to say something,but I cut him off. "unless the next word out of your mouth is sorry or thanks.I don't want to hear it" He closed his mouth and I started walkin' again. He was next to me again. "what"I screamed at him. "I I I'm sorry.I I mean thanks" and he stopped and sobbed.But he refused to cry.He turned and left. Kevin only looked at me,I couldn't read the expression on his face. I turned to Taylon's direction. "Hey! hey T" He turned to me "who's T?" "you are "I smiled"Hey we gotta catch a bus home. How you gettin' home?" "I just live up the road" He said and turned back to go. "Hey T. see ya around. maybe we can ride together sometime" He turned and smiled at me " sounds good" he said tryin to sound nonchelant but the smile gave him away. "He's lying" "what?"Kevin said as we waited for the bus. "There's no apartments around here.He can't live up the road." "oh why would he lie?" Kevin asked me. " I dunno. Only place anyone live around here is....."then it dawned on me.I finished my sentance"the group home" "Hmm" Kevin only said "he lives in the group home.between that and his size no wonder he's always in trouble.he's just tryin' to gain acceptance" "damn that must suck" "little fucker can take a punch.They had his lip split and he was still talkin' shit" Kevin was still laughin'as we got on the bus. "hey when we gonna hang at your house" I asked "I don't know if mom will like that. she works all the time and when she comes home she wants to sleep." "it's cool. I was just wonderin'" I said." It's just that when it gets cold we aint gonna be able to hang here. And you won't be able to get a bus home at night. leavin' just my mom. And there is that late bus that runs from your house to mine " I smiled tipping him a wink. "we'll see" is all he said as he got off of the bus. I went home and took a shower.I couldn't sleep I was too restless.most of the soreness was gone.No. I was restless because I needed my Kevin. we had been able to sneak away for a few minutes of kissing and the occasional blowjob. I know it had to be killin' him too because he was always hard when I rubbed his groin. That night I had a ton of things runnin' through my mind.One minute I was thinking about my beautiful friend.The next minute I was thinkin' about T and fighting and riding skateboards again. I wasn't thinking about him sexually,but there was just something I liked about him his guts. I felt bad for him that he had to live in that shitty group home and was forced to wonder what got him there in the first place. I also wondered about Eddie and how coincidental that he had been living in a group home from time to time over the last month,when he wasn't runnun' away from them. And then I would think about my Kevin,and everything else would fade.I would see those lips,those eyes and the long eyelashes,did I mention them? long and thick. Well the week went by and still Kevin did not invite me over,it had gotten cold again as it does here.I couldn't wait for another chance to go to the park again,I was seriously thinkin' about riding again.I even got my board out one night and looked at it for awhile,before putting it back into the closet,I would think about Taylon from time to time and wonder if he was alright. It was a thursday that I again asked Kevin if he wanted me to come over but again he said that he didn't know if it was a good idea,so I said to myself fuckit. I knew that when he got on the bus he would sit in the front so I sat in the back so he couldn't see me. once the bus left the school I made my way to the front to where he was sittin' alone. "mind if I sit here" I mumbled. He was lookin at the ground. He moved over without even lookin' up. "did you lose something on the floor?" I asked "naw" he said and then looked up. the look on his face was a mix of happy and worried."what are you doing here?" "well I had some errends to run in your neighborhood" I said giving him my cheesiest smile. "man,this might not be a good idea" "that's cool. I mean . I could always stand outside your apartment for awhile" I said as we got up to get off of the bus. "you could call your mom to pick you up" he said quickly. "no. that won't do,I will stand outside until someone offers me a ride" I said as I got off of the bus He only looked at me not quite sure what to think. "well I'll see you tomorrow Kevin"I said as I started off down the street. There was this drunk guy making his way across a street,for every step he took forward he took two to his side.sometimes stepping backwards. "fine you can come in,but you can't stay long" I turned toward him smiling. The apartment was on the second floor, in the living room there was a small t.v and a coffee table,a tan and yellow couch and a brown leather chair. The living room split off into the hall way where on one side was a bedroom and the other a bath. directly off of the living room was a kitchen/dinning room. I took all of this in as soon as I walked in.Kevin set his stuff on the floor and kept his head down. "well I've seen your bedroom,now you get to see mine.Here it is." he only whispered. I went to him."why so quiet?" I asked him "I hate this place Alex.I never wanted you to see this place" he started crying. "well if I hadn't of come home with you Iwouldn't be doing this"I said as I placed my finger on his chin raising it.Then I placed a soft kiss on his beautiful lips. "damn I've missed you so much Kevin"I said and hugged him. "you don't care that I live in a dump" he looked at me with tears in his eyes.the tears hanging in his long eyelashes. I wiped a tear away with my finger and kissed it. "I only care that I'm with you right now.I care that I can taste your sweet lips"suddenly there was a loud bang outside.We both jumped. "what was that ?" I asked "what do you think it was?" he asked crying harder"I hate this fuckin' place" I pulled him to me and hugged him "it's alright baby,I'm here" "I dont want you to leave me."he cried into my chest. "then I wont,I'll stay.You have some clothes for me to wear don't you?"I said to him"I'll tell mom I missed the bus" Mom was less than happy with my story but she gave in when I assured her that i would be going to school and would be home tomorrow. As soon as I got off the Phone with mom Kevin seemed to instantly mellow. I followed him to the kitchen where he reached into the cabinet above the sink and grabbed a pint of bourbon " heaven hill" it was called he poured it into a coffee cup and downed it. "so what you wanna do now?" he asked pouring another cup. "I dunno,whatever you want" I answered trying to sound unrattled by how easy he downed the rot-gut whiskey. "your gonna get busted when your mom notices her whiskey gone" "she never notices"He said solemnly. I saw the tension on his face as yet another argument broke out in the hall. " I just wish we could get out of here,thats why i have to make good grades. I wanna go to college and make enough money to never have to live like this. This is bullshit" I only looked at him not knowing what to say. I watched him take another drink. We did our homework and then watched the small t.v for awhile. I was so horney and everytime he brushed against me my dick sprang to life,but one thing I had learned about Kevin was that he was all business when it came to homework. When he finished he got up and said "well I'm takin a shower,I'll be back in a minute." "you want some help?" I asked. "you and I both know we wouldn't get very clean and the hot water in this building sux" "well all the more reason to shower together since I need a shower too" I smiled at him "alright but no funny business" he said as he started to undress. "I remember when you wouldn't get naked infront of me,now look at ya" I said laughing. "now I just do it to tease ya" he said removing his underwear and running to the bathroom. I was naked and right behind him in a second. when I got in the shower he handed me the soap and asked me to wash his back. when I got to his ass he said"no funny business " and turned to face me taking the soap "now turn around and let me do you" "oooh how exciting" I said turning around but I knew what he meant. After we had both washed and rinsed I just couldn't control myself. I dropped to my knees and licked his beautiful,freshly cleaned boydick. "oooh man that feels good Alex.I have missed you so much" He placed both hands on the back of my head. letting out a gasp as I took him all the way inside of my mouth. Suddenly the water that was running onto my back went ice cold.I jumped and nearly bit him. "told you the hot water sucks"He said grinning. We got out but didnt bother to put on clothes wearing only towels. when he went into the living room he noticed that he hadn't placed the chain on the door although he had locked the other 3 locks. "come here" I said to him as I pulled out the couchbed. I pulled his towel off and then he returned the favor. "now it's my turn" He said pushing me onto the bed and putting his face into my groin. He licked up one end of my already hard shaft and back down until he reached my balls which he then placed into his mouth.I felt like I was gonna explode,he then raised my legs and began to lick my rosebud which was quite tight as I had only had sex one time in the last several months,and that was with him. In the past I was always a randy boy who would fuck around with several boys but since meeting Kevin he was the only one I needed. As his tongue darted in and out of me I was transformed to another world.I pulled his head tighter to my ass as I wanted his tongue all the way inside of me,finally his teasing was too much. "fuck me Kevin"I hissed at him. He pulled himself up and asked "what??" "I need you inside of me"I hissed again. pulling him ontop of me. when he was ontop of me I kissed him hard and I could feel his hardness poking me in my stomache. I brought my legs up and placed them on his shoulders,grabbing his boyhood and placing at my entrance. When he pushed into me I felt a bit of pain and tensed abit,I knew I had to relax but it hurt a little and it was a reflex. "should I stop?" he asked. "It's cool,I'll be fine "I said pushing back against him until the head popped in. It felt incredible to have my beautiful lover inside of me,he gasped as he pushed even deeper into me feeling overwhelmed with the heat from my love passage. "ohh hell yes.Kevin you feel so good inside of me" He was now completely inside of me and started to pump into me harder and faster,all of his nearly 6 inches slamming deep into me. "harder "I hissed. "Ohh shit I'm gonna cum"he moaned "not yet "I said wrapping my legs around his waste. He was now pumping into me furiously,making short,quick strokes. "awww shiiiiit." and he exploded inside of me,filling me with his seed before collapsing ontop of me. He started to get up, but I pulled him back onto me and kissed him and,feeling his rod soften inside of me,when it was completely soft he pulled out of me and pulled himself up and rested himself onto my still hard prick. "your turn now "he whispered.placing my stiff cock against the entrance of his pucker.As soon as I felt myself slip into him I thought I would explode. Kevin started moving up and down on my shaft. "oh yeah fuck into me Alex" he moaned"Yeah that's it" he felt so good I just had to take charge, without pulling out I rolled the both of us over to the side and then worked my way around to his back,with him on his hands and knees infront of me. As I pushed into his backside I reached around to his now hard again boydick and squeezed it tightly,just the way he liked it. "Oh fuck yeah. fuck me Alex" I heard someone out in the hall say "someone gettin'thier freak on in there" But it was just background noise to the noise Kevin and I were making. His ass felt so good,I looked down at it nearly as dark as the rest of him,almost no tan line. He kept pushing back against me."deeper Alex,push deeper" he begged. I could feel myself building to climax,I had missed this perfect,tight ass way too much and I knew I wouldn't last much longer. Each time I pushed into Kevin he would make a moaning or a grunting sound,the bed was squeeking and he was starting to moan louder,as I pumped into his ass I continued to work furiously on his tool,squeezing tighter the closer I came to my own explosion. Suddenly colors flashed before my eyes and I exploded into him just at the same time he shot all over my hand and the bed. I pulled out of him and rolled him over Kissing those juicy lips over and again,he parted them slightly and allowed me to insert my tongue. "I love you Kevin" I said as he lay there with his eyes closed. "you are incredible Alex" he whispered to me, never opening his eyes. We held each other for awhile longer . "hey,We should put on some clothes before we fall asleep ,your mom might trip" He handed me a pair of shorts and then told me he was wore out and wanted to sleep. I was feelin abit sore both front and back so sleep sounded good to me too. Kevin removed the chain before getting into bed. I woke up to the sound of someone opening the door,I was abit disoriented so I wasn't able to figure out who the hell this woman was at first so I just watched her as she walked over to us,Kevin never woke up. She bent down to kiss him and then looked at me"who are you?" she asked no unpleasently And headed to the kitchen before I answered. I got out of bed and followed her into the kitchen. She removed a large can of folgers coffee from the cabinet. "I'm Alex,Kevin and I are in some classes together in school." I said taking the can of coffee from her and filling the pot with water. "do you know how to make coffee?" she asked "yeah ,but dad always says it's too strong" "the stronger the better"she said grabbing her coat and purse from the back of the chair."I'm gonna shower real quick,you should probably go back to sleep " "it's o.k,unless you just don't wanna be bothered" "no. the company might be nice"she said through a tired smile.She was actually an attractive lady with the same eyes as Kevin,but the exhaustion both mental and physical was written all over her face and made her look very old. I started the coffee and sat down and waited for her to return,I got up for a minute and watched Kevin sleep,he was so beautiful sleeping with a kind of tense expression, he didnt look peaceful at all but he was still beautiful. I sat back down in the chair,just as I heard the bathroom door open.She came out in a thick bathrobe with a wrap on her head. She poured herself a cup of coffee and took a sip"little week" she said reaching into the cupboard and grabbing the whiskey pouring a shot into the coffee. As she did this I noticed that she drank out of the same cup that Kevin had drank out of earlier. "so you Kevin's friend or you just making him do your homework?" "I don't need him to do my homework"I said smiling abit" he's my friend " "oh yeah" she said "your the one he stayed with for a week" "yeah" I answered. "he talks about you alot,well when we get the chance to talk that is"she said trailing her words off. "we're pretty tight" I smiled. "Kevin hasn't had alot of friends lately, seems like since the first time we moved,it's an ongoing thing.I was with his step-dad for a coupla years,we had to move and it seems like we just keep on runnin'" "don't think he ever mentioned him" "Jess was a real bastard to Kevin,I didn't know he was hurting him until one day I came home from work early. He threatened to kill me if I left him,so one night I took Kevin and some clothes and we been runnin ever since" "wow" is all I could manage as I looked at her. "sometimes it's for me others it's for Kevin.I can't figure out why those boys wanna beat him up" "I think their jealous of him." "How so?"she asked. "well, I mean..." how was I gonna answer this one now?" he real smart and he's a good lookin' guy too. Not that I'm an expert or anything" I said blushing. I could feel her staring at me until she got up to pour another drink,half whiskey, half coffee. "yeah,He is a beautiful boy,my little angel.He deserves so much better than this" she said staring into her glass. "well you better get some sleep,you two got school tomorrow don't ya?" "yeah,I guess your right." I said getting up "nice talkin' to ya umm...." "Betty. My name is Betty" she said again with that tired smile. "good night Betty"I said smiling at her and crawling in bed,Kevin rolled over and snuggled to me.I could see her watching for a second as I pretended to sleep. She poured and finished one more glass,as she went to her bedroom I heard her say "It just gets harder "and shook her head. continued.............. well here is another chapter. hope you liked it. there are some very pleasant surprises instore so stick around AXL