Baby Boy Ballerina and the Hockey Hunk

***Be warned, if you do not condone sexual experiences between boys and boys, or even boys and men, or if you do not care for diaper love and urinary use, then this story may not be for you. It is a tale of love, never abuse, and while there are sex scenes, they are amazingly light in this story. It is a love story through and through. As with all my stories, I hope that you enjoy, and I hope that you email me with your comments. Please email me at ****** If I had a story site left, I would gladly invite you to join me there, but sadly it was once again killed, so as of yet, I have not figured out what to do, but if you email me, when I do figure it out, I will email you to inform you of this. Also, if anyone has contact with Deeker of Deeker's Diaper Pages, would you please give me his email address, so that I can email him, I have lost it, and I wish to find out why he killed his site. If anyone knows why, I would also appreciate hearing it, in case I can not reach him any longer. Thanks.***

Chapter 1

Thirteen year old Kai Richards was wandering around the local electronics store waiting for his mom, Denise, to be finished at the medical supply store next door. He wanted to look at all the stuff in there instead of be seen with what his mom was buying for him, namely diapers. It was not so much that he was embarrassed about having to wear diapers, he was accustomed to it, since he had worn them every day of his entire life. It was more that he did not want any more people than necessary knowing that fact, but really, that was a forlorn hope, so many people already knew anyway it was not even funny, but still, he was thirteen.

Thirteen year old Kenny Smith was also wandering around the same electronics store, looking around at all the cool things, while his dad, Steven, was next door, also buying his diapers. Kenny too was used to wearing diapers, but only for bed time, he never did stop wetting the bed, and he knew that he never would, he had come to grips with that years ago, though it did still cause him some embarrassment, even though all his friends knew and were okay with it, more than a couple also having the same night time issues themselves, so he never was teased.

Kai is a very slender, almost pretty boy with strawberry blond hair, cut just a little shaggy, covering his ears and coming down to his eyes. His hair is also so soft and smooth, almost like that of a baby. He has delicate features, often being mistaken for a girl, with soft pink lips, full eyelashes, baby blue eyes, cute little button nose, deep dimples, soft pale skin, and a beautiful bright smile.

Kenny is almost the exact opposite though in looks, he is a good husky build, although nearly the same height as Kai at roughly five and a half feet tall. He is muscular looking, very well defined and toned, he would never be mistaken for a girl. He has dark brown hair and eyes, nice thick dark eyelashes, darker skin, but he too has a beautiful bright smile as well.

“Oh, excuse me.” Kai apologized immediately after bumping into the bigger boy he had accidentally bumped into because he had not been paying attention.

“No, excuse me, I wasn't watching where I was going.” Kenny also apologized.

“Neither one of us was paying too much attention huh!” Kai grinned brightly.

“Would seem that way. What were you looking at?”

“I was looking at the new Yoga program for the Nintendo Wii.”

“Oh, I was looking at the new hockey game for the Wii myself.”

“Hey, I've seen you here before.” Kai said suddenly, piecing together a couple things.

“Not too sure, I don't recall seeing you here before.”

“Well, I was just coming in one day as you were coming out. I saw what it was that your dad had stored in the car, and then he went and got you.”

“Oh, you're not gonna make fun of me are you?” Kenny asked softly.

“Definitely not. Is that where your dad's at right now?”

“Yeah. Where's your mom or dad?”

“Mom, and she's over at the same store buying the same thing for me. I wear all day, no real bladder control, what about you?”

“Night only, at least for now, but I probably won't be so lucky to keep it like that. My dad started day wetting when he was twelve, and he's had to wear every day since. Our doctor told both of us that my bladder seems to be following in the same footsteps though, so it might not be long for me.”

“How old are you?”

“Thirteen, how about you?”

“Same. When's your birthday, mine was three months ago, at the beginning of September.”

“Cool, I'm just a bit older than you then, I'm the end of August. Hey, what are you doing this weekend, maybe we should get together? I have lots of friends in hockey, but very few that'd come over.”

“Cool. Nothin much, my ballet class is off now for Christmas break, and we don't start back up now 'til the beginning of January. I also do figure skating, but that's on Monday's.”

“You're a ballet dancer and a figure skater?”

“Yeah, is that a problem?”

“No, well, isn't that a little girly?” Kenny asked softly so as not to insult Kai.

“No, not really. I do ballet all year, and I do figure skating during the winter and gymnastics during the summer, and not all boy ballet dancers are gay you know. Granted, a good portion of us are too though.” Kai said simply, because he had a very strong feeling that Kenny was much the same.

“Oh, you're gay? When did you realize it?”

“Always knew really. When did you realize it?”

“What makes you think I'm gay?” Kenny blushed.

“Call it gut instinct, but you didn't outright deny it either.”

“I admitted it to myself a few years ago now, but I think I always really knew it as well. So, would you like to come over this weekend then?”

“Sure, I'd love it. There's both our parents, let's go ask them.”

“Cool, come on.” Kenny said happily and dragged Kai over to meet his dad.

“Hi mom......Hi dad.” Both boys said at the same time.

“Hi guys.” Both parents said at the same time.

“Hey dad, I met Kai here today, and I asked him to come spend the weekend this weekend, would that be okay?”

“I don't see any reason why not. His mom and I were just talking, and it seems that you both have a couple things in common, and we were actually laughing, saying we should get you two together. Looks like we don't need to huh.” Steven asked of Denise.

“Doesn't look like it. I'm good with it as well. Let's trade information then and we'll arrange it all. Do you boys go to the same school?”

“Don't think so.” Both boys said.

“Yeah, with well over a thousand students in your school Kai, you'd probably not have seen everyone yet, but in the time you've been there, you'd probably have at least seen Kenny before. What school do you go to Kenny?”

“South central.”

“I go to east junior, so we're only a few blocks from each other.” Kai said.

“Cool. Where do you live?” Kenny asked Kai, the parents moved off and started talking amongst themselves as well.

“Seventh and twentieth.”

“I live on tenth and twenty fifth, so we're not really that far from each other.”

“That's cool then. I've never actually stayed at anyone's house before, what will we do?”

“You don't have to be scared to come to my house.”

“No, that's not what I'm getting at. There's little chance I'd be scared after what I've done. No, what will we do, can I bring anything?”

“No, we'll have lots to do. What have you done that makes you so sure you won't be scared while going on your first sleepover?”

“I got back just before the beginning of school after taking an entire year to go to Russia without my mom to study at one of the best ballet schools in the world. Trust me, I don't get easily scared. I may look like a sissy little girl, but I don't act like one, and I sure the hell don't get scared like one.” Kai said simply.

“Oh. I didn't mean to insult you.” Kenny said, gulping.

“You didn't insult me and I wasn't mad at you, don't worry. If I was mad enough, I'd probably just have popped you one in the nose. I've gotten in trouble a few times for doing that, but the bastards deserved it for teasing me. I've actually been suspended from school twice already this year for taking care of bullies like that. The funny thing is, they always swing first, yet I've never been hit.”

“Yikes. Not even I've been suspended for fighting, and I'm supposed to be a big tough hockey player.” Kenny laughed.

“Yeah, but you probably don't get teased mercilessly almost every other day for looking like a girl, liking ballet and figure skating and gymnastics, not to mention the fact that I think everyone in the school knows I have to wear diapers all day. You're not a bully are you?”

“Oh god no, my dad threatened me that he'd beat me to within an inch of my life if he ever found out that I was being a bully in any way. He was badly bullied too, that's why he made sure I was stronger than that, although he says physical strength means nothing, he had no mental strength, he says I do, but I don't really. It sounds like you do though, even if you do still get bullied.”

“Oh, they try, but I don't let them get to me. If they go too far, I just tell them where to go and how to get there, and to do so quickly. Most back off, most know now my reputation of being able to fight, but some don't.”


“Okay Kenny, I have everything we need, and we still have to hit the grocery store to get some food before we head home. You'll see Kai after school on Friday.”

“Same with you Kai, but we're going out for dinner now, because I don't feel like cooking.”

“Okay.” Both boys said as one.

“See you Friday afternoon then. Do you get out early as well?” Kai asked.

“Yeah, around lunch they told us.”


“Sweet, see you then. I'll call you tonight.”

“Look forward to it.” Kenny smiled, and then they split up and went their separate ways.

“He seems like a nice sweet boy, and unless I'm much mistaken, your new friend is about as gay as you are.” Denise said as they climbed in.

“Yeah, he's really nice, and yeah, he is.” Kai giggled.

“So, finally found the boyfriend you've been looking for have you?”

“Don't know, I'll let things go how they should and won't push anything, but I'd really like it.” Kai smiled happily.

“You know, as hard as sending you to Russia for a year was on me, you certainly did come back far more sure of yourself. Sure you admitted to me when you were seven that you were certain you were gay, not that it was hard for you to admit it, seeing as how you've known your entire life that I was. But, knowing that you were gay or not, before you left, you'd never have said that to me.”

“Yeah, well we had to shed a lot of inhibitions there, we all had to be who and what we were there or they wouldn't teach us. Almost every boy there was gay, and they forced us to admit it to ourselves and to everyone there, they said there was no shame in it, and that until we could be ourselves there was no way we could dance from the heart, because we had to know who we were in order to be able to do that. Not to mention the night times sure were fun. Granted, I was probably the first to admit I was gay, the lead teacher barely even got it out before I put up my hand and said I was happily gay.” Kai giggled, even if he did blush lightly from that, he had never told his mom that, she did know though.

“Thanks, I was already pretty certain that you got a little night action while there, I just hope you remembered all our talks and used protection.”

“Of course. Every boy there was scolded many times, saying that they knew that boys would be boys, and that gay boys played, and that there was always protection to be had, and that should we play, we had to use it, always, no questions asked.”

“Wow, they certainly never said that in the brochure.”

“How many parents would send their boys to an all boys ballet school for a year if they said that in the book, even though they really should have known what we'd get up to there. I mean, fully ninety percent of us were fully gay, the rest were bi, and sure didn't mind being there any more than the rest of us did.” Kai grinned.

“Well, I certainly knew what you were going to get up to, and a good deal of the other parents probably did as well. I know you've been looking for a boyfriend though, someone you could spend a long time with, so just take it slow and easy, let what may come, come at it's own pace and all will work out in the end.”

“Thanks mom, but you know, if I had a dirty mind, I could be taking that really bad right now.” Kai laughed.

“Take it how you wish, the double meaning was fully intended.” Denise laughed as well.

“Now I know where I get it from.”

“Yeah, like I'm one of those prudish straight old bitties.”

“Thank god you're not.”

“No shit. I know how hard it was growing up for me, knowing my parents hated me because of who I was, yet they never actually knew, and I swore I'd never do that to my child, even though I was certain I'd never have one.”

“Thanks.” Kai said sadly, he felt sorry for his mom, because on her eighteenth birthday, she told her parents, and that was the last time they talked to her.

They got to a local restaurant that they liked and went in and had their dinner.

“So, did you finally find yourself the cute little boyfriend you've been hoping for?” Steven asked Kenny as soon as they climbed in the car.

“Oh, I hope so. Did you see him, he was gorgeous, oh my god, I've never met a boy so beautiful in my life.” Kenny said effusively, blushing cutely.

“I'll say. I've never taken a second look at a boy before, but even I myself could easily fall in love with that boy, he's simply stunning isn't he.”

“Hey, old man, keep your hands off, I thought you already had a boyfriend of your own.”

“No, we broke up a few nights ago, but I was just admitting that he's beautiful. Don't worry though, I have no interest in having sex with a boy so young as you two.”

“Oh, sorry, but you sure didn't complain too much about that seventeen year old a few months ago though.”

“At least he was legal. Just barely, maybe yes, but legal all the same.” Steven grinned back.

“I thought the legal age was eighteen for you?”

“No, it's actually sixteen. I had to go check on it just to make sure, because the last thing I wanted was to get in trouble, but boy was he pushing it.”

“I don't really need to know about that.” Kenny said, clapping his hands over his ears animatedly while laughing.

“Not that you sick little boy.”

“I know, but it was too easy to pass up.”

“Oh, so now you're calling me easy.”

“Just call em as I see em. You've had four boyfriends in the last year, I haven't even had one.”

“Yeah, well the search for the right one has been rough. Jesse was fun, but he really was too young and wasn't really ready for a serious relationship. Now, Ben was good because he was closer to my age, and I thought we'd stay together for a while.”

“I didn't know he was nearing a hundred, I thought he was only in his twenties!” Kenny said in mock shock.

“You know, if it wasn't for the fact that I was driving, I'd be tempted to grab you and beat that baby butt of yours.” Steven deadpanned.

“Good thing you're driving then, huh.”

“Only for you, but don't forget, we have to stop eventually.”

“Right, well I can still out run you.”

“True, but eventually you'll want food, and you'll come crawling back, begging me to beat you so that I'll feed you.”

“You know, you're probably right.” Kenny laughed.

“Here we are brat, let's go get some groceries, and then I think we're gonna head for dinner as well.”

“We should've just went with Kai and his mom.”

“Yeah, but then you boys probably would have asked for a separate table, and then you'd probably have started playing footsie under the table, and then you'd probably end up stripping each other right there in the restaurant and we'd end up getting kicked out.” Steven said with a straight face.

“And that's bad how?” Kenny asked just as seriously, but blushing again.

“Actually, come to think of it, I'm not sure how that's bad.” He laughed.

They went about their shopping and then headed out for some much needed dinner, because they too were getting hungry. After their dinner, Kai and Denise decided that they may as well go get some groceries as well, so they went and got them, and then all four of them headed home to stay for the night. As soon as they got home, both boys headed up to their bedrooms with their newest supply of diapers, Kai two bags, Kenny only one, and put them away. They then stripped down and Kenny put a diaper on and Kai changed his, so that they would be ready for bed. As soon as they were ready, they both headed downstairs, and both asked their parents for their new friends phone numbers so that they could call each other. The funny thing was, they both ended up with a busy signal because they both called at the exact same time. After two tries each, they managed to cross lines at the right time, and when they found out what they had done, they had a good laugh over it. The boys ended up talking for the better part of an hour before both parents signaled to their lovestruck sons that it was time for them to head to bed.

They had met on the Wednesday evening, they had to go to school the next day, and then they called each other that night again, talking for more than an hour this time, both excited about the up and coming weekend. Friday, even though it was a short day for both, seemed to crawl by about as slow as the average sloth for the excited boys. Finally the bells rang and they were off like a shot for their homes. Kai would be heading home first to pick up his things, he had packed, and then repacked the night before, so it was all ready to go next to the door. He had Kenny's address already memorized, so as soon as he grabbed his bag and relocked the house, he was off, nearly running the entire way there.

“Finally, you're here.” Kenny said excitedly after opening the door barely a second after Kai had knocked.

“Sorry, got here as fast as I could.” Kai grinned brightly.

“That's okay. Would you like a drink and a snack? Dad left lots for us.”

“That'd be nice, I didn't grab one at home, I wanted to get here as quick as possible, so I just grabbed my bag that I had packed and set right next to the door last night, and then I was gone again. I didn't even go fully into the house, just tossed my backpack down and grabbed my bag, locked the door back up, and then ran here.”

“Cool. Come on. I'll show you everything after we've had a snack.”

“Okay. So, when does your dad get home then?”

“Usually somewhere around five or five thirty, but he's gonna be late tonight, but he said he won't be any later than seven.”

“Oh, what's he do?”

“Tax attorney. What about your mom?”

“She's a doctor.”

“Cool. Well, here we go. This, in case you missed it, is the kitchen by the way, and here's the snacks.”

“You know, I did actually miss that one, thanks for pointing it out.” Kai said in surprise as he looked around. Kenny laughed.

“You're silly, I like that.”

“Thanks, so are you.” Kai grinned brightly.

They both grabbed a couple sweets from the assortment that was there for them to choose from, both eating happily as they just stood at the counter. As soon as they had their fill, they headed to the fridge and grabbed a jug of milk and grabbed a nice big glass of that and drank it down.

“Much better. I tell my dad all the time that he should have gone and done something worthy with his life, like be a cook instead of a lawyer, because he's such a good cook. I tell him all the time that I lie to my friends all the time about what he does because it's so embarrassing having a lawyer for a father. He asked me one day what I tell them he is, and I made him nearly swallow his tongue when I told him that I tell them that he's a porn star. I mean, how embarrassing having a lawyer for a father.” Kenny giggled.

“Well, at least if he's half as good a lawyer as he is a cook, then he must be pretty good, because that was awesome. My mom's not bad, but her talents sure don't show in the kitchen.”

“Most would certainly agree with you, that's for sure. Come on, let me show you the house, we can take your bag up to my room first and then we'll go from there.”

“Okay, lead the way.” Kai said happily, grabbing his bag that he had set down as they had entered the kitchen.

Kenny led Kai up to his bedroom and opened the door. There he found a large spacious and bright bedroom with a nice big queen sized bed, large desk, bookshelf, dresser, entertainment center, and a few other things. There were two more doors from the bedroom, one Kai found was Kenny's large walk in closet, that had an entire shelf dedicated to diapers, and the other led to his own private bathroom.

“Wow, nice bedroom, it's nicer than mine is, and I thought I had a nice bedroom. You have a larger bathroom and closet than I do, and your bedroom has twice as many windows as I have, and I have two. My bathroom only has a shower, but yours has a shower and a nice jetted tub, that must be nice.”

“Thanks, I like it. I guess having a parent that does so well has its perks.”

“I agree. I don't exactly get spoiled, but I do get everything I need. I can't imagine what the poor kids have to go through, never knowing where they're gonna get all that they need to survive. I always donate everything I can to charity once I'm done with it, just so that I'm at least doing something for someone else.”

“Same here actually. My dad and I even volunteer a couple times a month at one of the community centers to help feed the needy. We bring a full car load of food with us and then help to cook for them all. Last year during the winter I even went to a thrift store and bought every kids winter jacket they had and took them with us the next time we went and handed one to every kid, even if it was too big, it was far better than what most of them had.”

“That's a really good idea, and I bet it felt good.”

“It did. Even a couple of the kids at school who everyone knows are poor, I arranged so that they always had a nice hot lunch, but I made it seem like it came from the school, I just paid for it, because I hate seeing people go hungry.”

“Our school has a program for the poor kids for that reason, because there's so many there. You go to a much nicer school though, mine has lots of poor kids going there.”

“Yeah, I've heard that about your school. I'm actually surprised that given how close we live that you don't go to my school, isn't it closer?”

“It's a real tossup. I think it's pretty much even. I could have went to either, but your school was more full, so the school board asked me to go to the one I go to to help even it out a little, so I agreed, just because it was the right thing to do. Most didn't though, knowing the facts about the school. I do what I can there to help out the others as well, but sadly, most of the ones I try and help are the ones I get harassed from the most.”

“Oh. If only they knew who was helping them, then maybe they wouldn't be so mean to you. Most of my hockey team actually goes to your school, half of them are poor too, but they got on the team because they're pretty good and my dad secretly pays a good portion of their fees so that they can stay. I like them all, but I wouldn't really call them close friends. All of them know about my night problem, and how it could soon turn into an all day thing, and they don't have issues with it, but I think it does hurt our friendship a little, because no matter how many times I invite anyone over, no one ever does. A few of them have, but definitely not as many as I've invited.”

“Who knows why. Do they know you're gay too?”

“I don't think so, at least no one's ever asked or insinuated anyway.”

“Maybe they do know and are afraid of it for some reason.”

“Possible I suppose. I'm pretty sure a couple of them are gay too though.”

“Let me guess, the ones who did come over!”

“Actually no, they're the ones that surprised me the most by not coming.”

“Probably too afraid to go after what they really wanted then.” Kai grinned.

“Maybe. Hard to say what goes through their heads sometimes.”

“No kidding. Hey, would you mind if I stripped down to just my diaper, I'm used to just walking around in only a diaper when I'm at home?”

“No, not at all. In fact, I might just get diapered up as well and join you.” Kenny blushed a little.

“Are you by chance a diaper lover?” Kai asked curiously.

“You'd have found out eventually anyway, so yeah, I am.”

“Does your dad know?”

“Yeah, he asked me a couple years ago why I seemed to go through more diapers than a bed wetter would normally need to. I tried lying and saying that I was having to get changed in the night. He just laughed and asked which one of us I was lying to, because it sure wasn't him, and asked me to try again, because he already knew the answer. I finally admitted that I was a diaper lover, and he grinned and said congrats for being strong enough. What about you? I know you have to, but do you like them as well?”

“Sure. Even if I miraculously got control right now, I'd never go without them now.”

“Same, not that there's much hope for that though. In the past year, my bladder's gone from being able to hold three hundred mils, which is already about half of what it should on average, to about two hundred now, so I have to go to the bathroom every hour at the most.”

“How do you play hockey like that?”

“I usually end up with very wet hockey gear, but I think I'm gonna start wearing diapers, the others already know anyway, and that'd be a lot easier. I'm just gonna use the pullups that I asked my dad to buy for me the other day, that's what I had him buy them for.”

“Eww, yuck. That's a good idea. I don't know how you stood peeing in all that gear.”

“Actually, we're all told that we pretty much have to during a game, because there's no going to the bathroom. All of us have done it, I just do it frequently. We always go right before getting geared up, but sometimes you just can't hold it all.”

“Oh. I'd rather wear diapers.”

“Same here, but I was reluctant, because I was worried the others would make fun of me.”

“If they do, then so be it.”

“Yeah, I know, and that's why I'm going to now. Have you ever played hockey?”

“No, have you ever danced before?”

“No. Not even sure how to.”

“Me neither. I've seen hockey games before, but I don't understand the rules at all, it seems so confusing.”

“Same with the ballet. Granted, I only watched a few minutes of it one day, and only because there was a cute boy dancing in those cute tights, and boy were they tight. I wouldn't even know where to start there, like how the hell can a person stand like that.”

“It's really not that hard. I'd be happy to teach you, and guess what, I bet that learning ballet would help you in hockey as well.”

“Yeah right, how?”

“Easy. You'd have greater flexibility and range of motion, it'd also teach you grace and elegance. I know hockey is supposed to be all about hitting and stuff, but I bet I could teach you how to move so that you wouldn't get hit near as much.”

“Um, no thanks, I don't think I can do that. There'd be about as much chance of me doing ballet as you doing hockey.”

“What makes you think I couldn't do it?” Kai asked seriously.

“Well, you don't know the rules, it doesn't sound like you even like the game, and you're so small.”

“One of my uncles used to be a hockey player, and he was really small as well. He told me once, that no matter our size, it doesn't determine what we can do, only our hearts and our heads can do that. I'll make you a deal, I'll cancel my figure skating for the winter and join hockey if you agree to join ballet with me.”

“Um, I don't know, can I at least think about it?”

“Sure, you can take 'til the end of the weekend if you'd like.” Kai smiled happily. He was always the sort to try new and interesting things, and he knew his mom would have no problems with it.

“Thanks. I know I'm gay and all, but I've never thought about ballet before, it just looks so girly, you know.”

“But really, it's not. Sure, you have to have grace and elegance, but did you know you also need incredible strength?”

“No, you're not strong, are you? You really don't look all that strong anyway.”

“No, but I am. Here, let me show you.” Kai said and then removed his shirt, and immediately Kenny could see what Kai had meant, because he had a full six pack ab stomach, very well defined pecs, and his arms, although lean, showed muscle behind nicely. Then Kai started to flex a bit, and it really amazed Kenny.

“Wow. You have an amazing body. I just thought you were skinny and kinda wimpy, even though I thought you were beautiful. Sorry.”

“Don't worry, I get it all the time, well except from the guys I've hit. They said afterward that my one hit to them felt worse than any five they'd ever gotten before from anyone else. Most people think that just because I'm a dancer and a gymnast that I must be a weakling, but have you ever seen a real dancer or gymnast perform?”

“No, not really.”

“I bet I use more muscles in half an hour doing either than you use in two hours of hockey. In gymnastics I can do the iron cross on the rings, do you know what that is?”

“Yeah, our gym teacher told us what it is last year when we were doing gymnastics for a while. He told us only the very best athletes can do it for the required period, and that even he could only hold it for a second at most.”

“I can hold it for almost ten seconds before I start shaking too bad. Then there's everything else, trust me, I may look weak, but I'm really not. I'm just a different type of strong than you are. You look big and strong, and maybe you are, but with some training, I bet I can make you really strong.”

“How much can you lift?” Kenny asked curiously.

“Not a clue, I've never done weights before, never any need to.”

“Can we go to our workout room then, I'd like to see what you can lift. I lift weights with my dad a few times a week, hence the reason I look as big as I do. Although, I wasn't really allowed to start any heavy lifting until last year, but now I can bench press eighty pounds easily.”

“That sounds light enough.” Kai said thoughtfully.

“It isn't though. We'll set you up at fifty to start and go from there.”

“Okay.” Kai shrugged and followed Kenny to the workout room. It was a nicely appointed room with lots of equipment. Kenny headed over to the bench press machine and set it up for fifty pounds on the bar.

“There you go, try that.”

“Considering that I've never done this before, and never really seen how to do it, don't you think it'd be a good idea for you to show me first?” Kai asked.

“Probably wouldn't be a bad idea if you've never done it before. Sorry, should have thought of that. Normally I'd be in some shorts or something to workout, but we're not working out, I'm just curious.”

“Yeah, well you can strip to your underwear if you want, and I'm gonna take off the rest of my clothes now, seeing as how we were gonna get down to just diapers, but we didn't stop talking long enough to do it.” Kai grinned.

“No kidding. I'll get diapered up in a few minutes, but I'll just stay as is for now. Here's how you do it though.” Kenny said, showing Kai exactly how to do a proper bench press.

“Looks easy enough.”

“Fifty pounds is pretty heavy though for someone who's never done this before, so be careful.”

“Okay.” Kai said and then slipped onto the now vacant bench and grabbed the bar and lifted it up easily. “This is easy, can you put more weight on please?”

“Okay, how much more do you want?”

“Go to what you normally do.”

Kenny did so, and a few seconds later, Kai lifted that easily and did a few pumps with it.

“Still too easy, can you add a bit more?”

“How much?” Kenny asked, going white, because Kai was lifting what had taken him months of training to be able to do, and Kai was not even sweating or straining.

“Go another twenty or thirty I guess.” Kai shrugged.

“I'll go twenty, that'll put you at a hundred.”

“Okay.” Kai said, and waited for Kenny to finish.

As soon as it was ready, Kai lifted that easily and did ten pumps with it, still almost as easily, but there was a little strain now.

“My god, you're lifting more than I've ever been able to, and you've never done this before.”

“Yeah, but I'm used to lifting a hundred and some pound girl into the air and doing all sorts of weird maneuvers with her in the air.”

“Oh.” Kenny said, totally at a loss for words.

“Told you, dancing is a lot harder than most people think. I can teach you all that, I can make you stronger than you ever thought, in turn you'll teach me a new game as well, and I always enjoy learning something new. Now, let's go back to your bedroom so that I can strip down to just my diaper and so that you can get diapered.”

“Okay, but I bet if anyone at your school knew about what I just saw, they'd never pick on you again.” Kenny said in awe.

“Maybe, maybe not. Some kids are just assholes, and no matter what they know, they're always gonna be that way, at least 'til they grow up at any rate. They'd still pick on me and torment me, but I also know they haven't got an ounce of brains or sense, so no point in me worrying about it.”

“Just out of curiosity, have you ever gotten anything less than an A at school?”

“No, why?” Kai asked curiously.

“Just, you sound a lot smarter than most kids our age. I'm pretty smart too, I get mostly A's, but I do get the occasional B too.”

“Thanks. The school told me I should skip a grade or two, but I told them I didn't want to, and my mom agreed.”

“Wow. I wouldn't want to either though, just make it even harder.”

“Exactly. Okay, we're here, let's get into just our diapers, and just to be fair, I need a fresh diaper on as well, so if you'd like, we can change each other.” Kai said softly.

“Um, I'm not sure that's a good idea. Maybe we should just change ourselves.”

“Okay, I'm good with that. Do you want to do it separately then?” Kai asked softly.

“Um, I think maybe we better.” Kenny blushed.

Kai was starting to see that Kenny may have been the big blustery hockey player, but he was certainly very shy about where they were certainly headed, and Kai figured correctly that Kenny had never done anything sexual before and was embarrassed. He also figured Kenny was every bit as hard as he was and was embarrassed about Kai seeing it.

“Okay, I'll go to the bathroom then while you change in here.” Kai said happily and grabbed his bag and pulled out his diaper and wipes.

Kai headed to the bathroom and closed the door and proceeded to strip down and change his diaper. Once Kai had left the room, Kenny stripped down as well and grabbed his diaper and slipped into it. He figured he had the few seconds necessary to take care of something, so once he was well padded, just the way he liked, he stroked his boner just three times on the outside of his diaper, and exploded, and added his first wetting to the diaper, a small load, but wet at any rate. Kai too took care of the same problem and he too added a tiny amount of wetness to his diaper. Now he figured it would be easier to face Kenny without being so damned horny.

“Are you ready?” Kai cracked open the bathroom door and called out.

“Yeah.” Kenny said, a little bit of a sigh evident in his voice. Kai had to smile, because he heard, and he knew what the sigh had meant, and it meant well for him he felt.

“Oh my, you're beautiful in only your diaper.” Kai whispered once he came into the room to find Kenny.

“Wow, so are you. You have any idea how long I've dreamed of finding another boy like me?”

“Yeah, I think I do, it's probably been about the same amount of time as I've been dreaming the same thing.”

“Kai, I don't know if I'm gonna say this right, but hear me out please.” Kenny said softly and waited for Kai to nod. “I've been dreaming so long about finding a boyfriend, just like you, one who understood my desire for diapers, one that I thought I could fall in love with. When we met the other night, I think I fell in love with you right then and there, and then the past couple nights talking on the phone, I realized I really was falling in love with you. What I'm trying to say is, I need to know right now if you could ever be that boy for me. We can certainly be friends, even if you're not looking for a boyfriend, I'd really like that too, but do I have a chance with you as something more than just friends?” Kenny asked, pouring his entire heart and soul out, doing something he never thought he would have the nerves to do.

“Kenny, does this answer your questions sufficiently.” Kai asked, and then tenderly pressed their lips together and showed Kenny what true love felt like in a kiss that lasted no more than a minute.

“Oh god, yes. I've loved you from the moment we met.” Kenny said, a few happy tears leaking out.

“I've loved you from the moment I first saw you, which was more than a month ago now, but when we met the other night, I knew for sure. I thought you were beautiful then, I think you're even more so now. Have you ever done anything at all with another boy, even just kiss?” Kai asked softly.

“No. Have you?”

“Yeah. Let's just say going to Russia for a year and going to an all boys ballet school was very enlightening. Every boy that was there was either gay or bi, and I lost my virginity during my first week there, on my first day I gave and got my first blowjob, and I've pretty much done everything else as well. There though was just for fun and stress relief, and I tell you, it sure is great stress relief, but no one there I fell in love with.” Kai said enthusiastically.

“Wow, really, you've even had anal sex?”

“Dozens of times. One of the boys there was eighteen, and he and I enjoyed each other a few times, and let's just say when he was wearing his tights, they left very little to the imagination, he was very well endowed.”

“Oh. I'm not that big though.” Kenny whispered, blushing.

“That's okay. One thing I realized there, and it was from a ten year old boy, is that you don't have to have a horse dick to make your partner scream in ecstasy. I'm not huge either, but all the others I had sex with sure seemed to enjoy, and the younger boys who fucked me sure made me feel good too. Most of us that were around the same age though had much the same sized dicks, so we're both probably about the same time. I'd ask to see yours and I'd show you mine if I thought you were ready for it, but I don't think you are, not yet.” Kai said happily.

“You don't have much shame, do you?”

“Nope. Especially not when I can talk freely. You and I are gonna be boyfriends, or at least I sure hope we will be, so why shouldn't I.”

“What was it like, having sex that is?”

“Absolutely amazing. My first time getting fucked though did hurt, quite a bit, but we were both young and inexperienced, and we learned afterward from a couple of the older boys the virtue of good preparation and lots of lube. After that, it did still hurt a bit, but it got less and less every time after, and it just feels so good now. You're first time, assuming of course you'll let me do that to you, will hurt too, but we'll do everything we can to prevent as much of the pain as we can.”

“My dad warned me about making sure to be well prepared or face pain, so I already knew that, and yes, eventually, I want for us to do that too. I already enjoy fingering myself when I jack off.” Kenny blushed brightly at having said that.

“You're pretty shy for a hockey player. I thought all you big jocks were embarrassed by nothing.” Kai teased.

“I'm hardly a big jock, and we never talk like this amongst us, not that I'd say anything of the sort in front of them, they'd kill me if they knew I was gay.”

“Probably not. Can you wet cum yet?”

“Yeah, how about you?”

“Yep. I started about half way through last year, and the boy who was sucking me at the time sure enjoyed my first load, we were sucking each other and I was on top. The guy who was fucking me at the time could even tell I had my first wet cum, he said it had felt way more intense when I came.”

“You were being fucked at both ends at the same time as sucking someone, wow?”

“Oh sure. We had lots of orgies together, they were a lot of fun.” Kai said happily.

“Wow. I've never even thought about that sorta thing.”

“Liar.” Kai giggled.

“Okay, well maybe a little.” Kenny blushed.

“That blush says a lot more than just a little.”

“Yeah, but not much.”

“Wicked. So is your dad as gay as I think he is?” Kai smiled.

“Yeah. Is your mom as gay as I think she is too?”

“Yeah. How did you manage to come along then?”

“Classic tale of man trying to live the straight life, I came along, even though he's not really sure how, and that's about it. He admitted to my mother not long after I was conceived, but before she knew she was pregnant, that he just couldn't be the man she needed him to be, that he was gay. A few months later she realized she was pregnant, told dad that she was pregnant and that she was gonna adopt me out because she wasn't ready to be a mom yet. Obviously he told her hell no, that he'd assume full legal responsibility and that she'd never be asked for money, and if she agreed to that, she also had no legal right to ever contact me, that it would be my choice and mine alone should I ever desire to do so. She agreed, dad told me when I was eight all of this, and I've never had the desire to contact her. How about you?”

“Little more complicated than that, but it sounds like you don't really need any reason to contact her, and I wouldn't either. My mom and her best friend, who happened to be gay as well, decided that neither one of them was gonna have a baby in the conventional manner, so they went to a clinic. His sperm was planted into my mom and I was made. They lived together at the time, they planned to live together to give me the mom and dad I deserved, but unfortunately when I was one, he was killed, murdered to be exact, by some redneck bastard who hated gays. He was killed after walking out of a gay bar downtown, he just walked out, and the guy fired once, he never knew what happened, they say he died instantly. I suppose that's at least a small comfort. My mom sued the guy for wrongful death, and he was charged and committed for hate crimes and murder. He even admitted in court that he was gonna go in and kill every fag piece of shit there. Of course mom gave all the money to me when I was born, so I'm pretty well set for life, but I wish he had have been there for me instead.”

“Wow, I'm so sorry.” Kenny said in shock.

“No need to be sorry, unless you're the person that did it, and he's never apologized. He was eligible for parole last year, just before I went to Russia in fact, mom and I were there, and I stood and asked the guy how he felt about gays, and he said they were mortal sinners, and all should be banished to hell. Well, he didn't get out, and he won't for at least the next fifteen years. He gets the full twenty five now, if they let him out then that is.”

“You went to a parole hearing for the killer of your father? What was it like?”

“Not much really, nothing like what you see on TV at all. The panel judge asked a bunch of questions, and then it was turned to the audience for our say. I was the only one to stand, and my one question guaranteed that he'd never leave prison.”

“That's good at least. It's scary though to know there are still more like him out there.”

“Yeah, it is, but really, is there anything we can do about it. No, not really. All we can do is live our lives peacefully, not rub our sexuality in other peoples faces, and hope it's enough. Really though, if it happens, it happens, we all have to go some time, all we can really do is hope we don't go too soon.”

“True enough I suppose. What should we do now, we've been sitting here talking for long enough?”

“Don't know. What games do you have for your Nintendo?”

“Lots, come downstairs and we can check them out. You can pick the game.”

“Okay.” Kai said happily and they headed downstairs.

Kai picked out the game he wanted to play, one of his favorites, and they sat there and played for the next few hours. It was the rumbling of their stomachs that told them that maybe they should go get dinner.

“What would you like for dinner?” Kenny asked after they shut everything down.

“Not a clue, what would you like, what do you have?”

“Not a clue what I want, not even sure what we have, but that's why I asked you, because then I could probably make it.”

“Just do what I do then when I have the same problem. Just reach into the freezer and pull out the first thing your hand touches. Unless of course it's ice cream, for some reason my mom frowns on having that for dinner.” Kai giggled.

“That's funny, but okay, I'll do that, then we can go from there.” Kenny laughed as well.

The boys found something to make for dinner, and then together they made and ate it. Just as they were finishing their cleanup, Steven walked in.

“Hey there boys, how was your day so far?”

“Great, and yours?”

“Not too bad actually. I see you're enjoying your diapers again baby!”

“I really wish you wouldn't call me baby.” Kenny said exasperatedly, but he smiled too.

“I call em as I see em, sorry. Besides, no matter how old you get, you'll always be my baby. It's just the way it is, so get used to it.”

“Just remember, when you strip down, I'm calling you baby too.” Kenny grinned cheekily.

“I know.”

“Did you eat already, or would you like some of the leftovers we have?”

“I ate, but that was more than a few hours ago now, so I could stand to have a quick bite to eat.”

“Okay, I'll grab you something then.” Kenny said happily and made himself busy getting his dad a plate of food prepared.


“No prob dad. We're gonna go sit and watch TV, join us once you're done if you want, but make sure to change that wet diaper, it's starting to show.”

“Will do.” He answered around a mouthful of food.

The boys headed to the living room and turned the TV on and they flipped for a couple minutes until they found something that they both liked, so they watched that until Steven came in. Kenny turned off the TV.

“Why'd you turn it off?”

“Because Kai asked me to do something earlier that I want your opinion on. I already think I know my answer, and probably yours too.”

“Hmm, okay, nothing bad I hope?”

“Definitely not. When was the last time I honestly thought about doing something bad, never that I can recall.”

“True, so what is it then?”

“Well, Kai is a ballet dancer, and in spring and summer he does gymnastics and in fall and winter he does figure skating. Well, I do hockey in the fall and winter and usually baseball or something else the rest of the time. Kai wants me to join ballet with him, and in return he's gonna cancel figure skating this year and join hockey with me if I agree.”

“I think it's a great idea.” Steven answered before Kenny even had a chance to ask him what he thought of it.

“Okay, I figured you'd have that answer, but why? Ballet is such a sissy thing, and you always tell me that just because a guy is gay, doesn't mean he has to do sissy things.”

“That's right, but that doesn't mean you can't do them too. I'm more than willing to bet that with as strenuous as dancing can be, that it'll really tone you up more for hockey, as well as teach you a lot of different moves that you couldn't possibly learn elsewhere.”

“Kai said the same thing. I even asked him to show me how strong he was, and he easily benched a hundred pounds.”

“You're still only able to comfortably do eighty right?”

“Yeah. And he looks so much smaller than I do, and it really made me wonder, and I think I'd like to do it.”

“Good for you son. Learning new things is always gonna be allowed in my books, just as long as it doesn't cost huge amounts of money or cost you your education or free time.”

“All it'll cost him is basically the class, some tights, a couple outfits, and a few extras every now and then.” Kai added in quickly.

“Oh god, I'd have to wear tights.” Kenny all of a sudden realized.

“Yeah, and I bet you look good in them too.” Kai giggled.

“Probably.” Steven agreed.

“But......but.....I don't know about that.”

“You'll be fine. We can go get them tomorrow if you want to, and I'll call my mom and ask her to unlock my bank account so I can get the hockey gear I'll need, and you can hep me with that.”

“Um, okay, I guess so. You do realize how much hockey gear costs though right?” Kenny asked resignedly.

“I have a pretty good idea.”

“Well, double that pretty good idea and you'll probably be close.” Steven suggested.

“Oh, so about three thousand dollars then?”

“No, you would've been fairly accurate in your original estimate, if you buy only the best stuff, which I do suggest you do.”

“Oh, okay then, shouldn't be a problem. So, you're really gonna do it with me?”

“Well yeah, you knew I would anyway.” Kenny smiled warmly.

“No, I'd never presume to know you were gonna, you could just have easily changed your mind or decided against. Sure, I hoped you would, but that was just a bit of my own fears showing.”

“What do you mean?”

“How many boys do you know that like dancing?”

“Not many, well, none actually except you.”

“Exactly. I was afraid you'd say no just because it's not something boys do.”

“No, I'd never do it just for that. I doubt I'll be any good at it, but it doesn't hurt to try, does it?”

“Nope. Same with me in hockey, I'll probably suck at it big time. At least I know how to skate, and I bet I can skate circles around most of the people on your team, and if they get in my way, I'll just do a jump and flip over them.” Kai giggled.

“That might get a few odd looks, but somehow I doubt you'll be able to with an extra thirty pounds of hockey gear weighing you down. That stuff isn't exactly known for it's ability to flex much either.” Kenny pointed out.

“You're probably right, but mostly because of the reduced mobility. The extra weight is no problem.” Kai said simply.

“No, from seeing what I did earlier, I'd guess not.”

“No, it's not because of that. In training, I often wear extra weight so that I learn to jump harder and higher and do flips more effectively. It's usually only an extra ten pounds or so, but it's extra.”

“Wow, and I thought I trained hard for hockey.”

“Have you been scouted for playing professional?” Kai asked simply.

“Um, no, why?” Kenny asked curiously.

“Well, and I don't want this to leak out to the other dancers in my group, or at figure skating, but I have, for both. Why do you think I went to Russia for an entire year, it was fully paid for, everything, my mom or I paid not one cent. Most people that go there pay thousands of dollars. I was asked to go to see if I could stand the rigors of training to the tenth degree. Not only did I do so, but I surpassed dancers with ten years and more experience than I have. I hate saying that, really I do, I only dance because it feels good, but the fact is, they think I'm one of the best there is currently, and I have my pick of schools for post secondary paid for in full if I can continue to dance through 'til then. I was even asked to join an Olympic team for figure skating, but I turned them down, because that's not my true passion, and I just can't put my full heart into it. I do it mostly for the extra experience, and it's fun.”

“Wow.” Both Kenny and Steven breathed out at the same time.

“Yes, I do train hard, probably harder than you've ever trained before, but it's because dance is my passion, it's what I was made to do.” Kai said softly.

“When did you start dancing?” Steven asked.

“I was three when I really started to dance, but only at home. My mom would put music on, and I'd stop what I was doing and just dance to the music. Then, just after I turned four, on TV I saw the nutcracker, it was just before Christmas, and I asked my mom if I could go to ballet school, because that looked like what I wanted to do. The very next day, we went searching for a school that would take me in, even though I was diapered, and one in particular, after seeing me dance, said that was no problem at all. That very afternoon I went and bought my first pair of tights and dance shoes, and I've bought a few hundred since. I should also note that my first pair of tights were pink, just a soft pink, but they were my choice. That was when my mom realized that I might be gay. The day I asked for my first tutu though when I was eight, and would know better by then, she knew.” Kai giggled.

“You wear tutu's?” Kenny gasped.

“Yeah, but only at home.” Kai answered defensively.

“Wow. And here I thought I was odd for wanting to wear a dress from time to time.”

“Nah, not at all.” Kai said dismissively with a big grin.

“Good. So, have you done a lot of performances then?”

“Yeah, but I hate doing them. I hate showing off, and it always feels like I am when I dance. But it's what I love to do, I couldn't stop doing it any more than I could stop breathing.”

“I feel the same way about hockey sometimes, but I'm nowhere near as good at it as you clearly are in dancing.”

“But maybe you could be, it just takes dedication and training. I dance for an hour every morning, and another hour on just flexibility, and then usually an hour or so before bed. I'm surprised you didn't ask me what I was doing last night as I was talking to you, because I was wearing my cordless ear piece for my phone and doing my stretching as I was talking to you.”

“I thought I heard you grunt a couple times, but I thought nothing of it, just figured maybe you were playing a game at the time.”

“Nah. Probably the times you heard me grunt were when I was trying to put my feet behind my head. Even though I can do it easily, it still causes me to grunt a little.”

“Really, you can do that?” Kenny asked in shock.

“Oh yeah, here watch.” Kai said, and then stretched lightly to warm up, and then standing where he was, he pulled his right leg up to his side, grabbed it with his left arm and then proceeded to pull it up and behind his head, grunting lightly as he got to the crucial point. He held it for a few seconds and then slowly lowered it back down.

“Yikes. I hope I'm not expected to do that.”

“Eventually yes, but I'll work you into it slowly. We always team up during our stretching routines, that way we can help each other out, so I'll be your buddy.”

“I'm not so sure I'll ever be able to do that.”

“You'd be surprised. You should already be fairly flexible if your hockey coach is doing his job properly, so it probably won't take long to really train you good.”

“Well, I think he does a good job, and I guess we're pretty flexible.” Kenny shrugged.

“Can you touch your toes?”


“Good, can you touch your head to your knees?”

“No, but I almost can. A couple of the others can though.”

“He at least tries to get you guys being able to do that?”

“Yeah, and a whole bunch of other things.”

“That's good, then it won't take long at all, just a little pushing is all it'll take.” Kai said, and Kenny wondered if pushing meant literally or figuratively, or most probably both.

“Well, I'm used to being pushed, so it can't be that bad.”

“You've never had a teacher like me though.” Kai grinned.

“Somehow I think you're gonna learn a lot Kenny.” Steven mused.

“Sounds like it. It also sounds like I might die real soon.”

“Nah, I wouldn't kill you, I like you too much for that, but I'll probably make you wish you were dead a few times.” Kai giggled.

“That I don't doubt. My hockey camp coach told us the same thing last year when I went there.”

“Good, then you're used to the drill then.”

“Yeah. So, I'll need some money tomorrow please dad, it seems I have some stuff to buy.”

“I'll give you my bank card, or I can just go with you, since I'm off.”

“We can go alone, if you don't mind.” Kenny asked hopefully.

“Then go alone, no biggie. You'll have your cell phone and can call as well in case you need anything.”

“Cool, thanks dad.”

“No prob kiddo.”

“Well, I'm gonna go call my mom and tell her the good news.” Kai said.

“Okay, the phone's in the kitchen I think, the last time I saw it it was on the counter anyway.” Kenny offered.”

“Thanks, I'll be right back.” Kai said and hopped up to go phone his mom.

He found the phone quickly enough and called home and talked to his mom, explaining what he was going to do and what he wanted for her to do. She was more than happy to go along with the plan, thinking that Kai could certainly stand to better himself even more so from learning a whole new skill set that he had never tried before. They talked for at most half an hour before they hung up, and Kai headed back to the living room to join the others.

“What did she say?” Kenny asked curiously.

“She said she thought it was a great idea and is going to unlock my account tonight for me so that I have nearly unlimited funds. I can only spend ten thousand dollars without having to go direct to the bank, but I doubt we'll spend that much, at least I hope not.”

“My god, you could spend up to ten thousand dollars? That's huge.”

“Yeah. It probably is, but I'd never dream of spending that much.” Kai shrugged.

“I'd hope not. Well, go ahead and sit down and join us and we'll watch TV for a bit.”


Together the three of them sat and enjoyed the shows for the next couple hours before Kai admitted that it was quite late for him and that he needed to get to bed. Kenny admitted that he too normally would have been in bed for about an hour by then and he too was getting sleepy, so they said goodnight to Steven and headed upstairs.

“Are you gonna sleep in the bed with me tonight?” Kenny asked bashfully.

“Sure, where else would I sleep. Don't worry, I won't rape you in the middle of the night, I'm too tired for that.”

“Okay, then I won't rape you either, even if I have no clue what to do.” Kenny blushed.

“You'd figure it out in a hurry, don't worry. I'm usually up at around five, is that gonna be a problem for you?”

“No, 'cause I'm the same, although I might sleep in a little with staying up so late. I always have to be up really early for hockey practice, so it kinda got to be routine for me.”

“Good. I like to workout in the morning, would you join me, I can start teaching you some of the things you'll need to know?”

“Sure, I usually work out in the morning too.”

“Cool. Well, goodnight.” Kai smiled warmly and reached in and gave Kenny a quick tender kiss. The smile that erupted on Kenny's face was huge.

“Goodnight.” He whispered back brightly, and he reached over and turned off the light.

Both boys were sound asleep a few minutes later, and there they stayed until just a few minutes before six the next morning.