Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 15:48:00 +0000 From: Andrew Passey Subject: Be A Man Part One (Young Friends) While I finish off a couple of other stories to go up soon I've got a short two chapter story. This is loosely based on an experience I had growing up in the local scouts, thankfully these days I suspect there is much more risk assessment and the scenario as outlined couldn't possibly happen! As always please do donate to Nifty to keep this great resource going: http:/ ------------------ "Andy, time for scouts!" Andy's Mum shouted up the stairs. Andy sat in his room pretending not to hear. He didn't want to go to scouts. He wanted to stay here in his room but he also knew that wasn't an option. It was so frustrating. He loved the outdoors, the idea of scouts and outdoor activities. He geeked out on books about it. He knew all his knots. He knew what to do if someone you're hiking with breaks a leg, or gets hypothermia, or even gets bitten by a snake. That last one was a bit unlikely in England but even so, it was good to be prepared. The problem was that most of the other scouts couldn't really give a shit about all that and it was just an excuse to mess around and bully smaller boys. Boys like Andy. It was relatively low grade bullying, mostly name calling really. However there would be the odd pushing over when playing games, or a punch or a kick when backs were turned. Usually nothing so obvious that it would get them into trouble but it wore Andy down. His parents had half heartedly raised a complaint about it to Skip, the scout leader but he'd just shrugged it off. "Boys will be boys," Skip had said to Andy's parents. "It's an opportunity for Andy to stand up for himself. A great opportunity for him to grow up and learn how to be a man. That's what being in scouts is about. If I step in then Andy just won't learn those vital skills." Andy was pissed off about the whole thing. "Be a man." I'm thirteen fucking years old. I'm a boy. Not a man. He thought to himself grumpily. He didn't even know what it meant to "be a man". Throwing a punch back when someone punched him? That just wasn't his style and if that's what being a man entailed well he decided he'd rather just stay a boy. His parents had been convinced by Skip's reasoning and had fully bought in to Andy continuing to go to scouts. It wasn't like Andy was totally naive. He knew about growing up and eventually becoming an adult. He knew like all kids he'd be going through puberty even if he'd barely started it. He was well aware other boys at school were more developed than he was but then again he'd catch up he reasoned. He'd started wanking off and would have dry cums, but he was fairly sure that Skip was neither referring to that or the day when he'd start shooting sperm. More likely the whole "be a man" thing was just a vague deflection tactic Skip used to justify the bullying or justify him not doing anything about it. The major problem at scouts was Danny. If it wasn't for Danny then scouts would probably be fine. Danny was Andy's nemesis, but he also left Andy feeling very confused. It didn't help that he was the son of Skip so was pretty much untouchable. He'd also clearly been told about the bullying complaint as he would often say "be a man" to Andy at inopportune times to annoy him. Andy had no idea what being a man could possibly mean or do when you're doubled over on the floor after being kicked in the balls. It wasn't like he could fight back. After all, at 15 years old Danny towered over Andy and he was everything Andy was not. He was tall, confident, handsome, well developed, charming to adults when he needed to be. In the power dynamic between the two of them Andy knew Danny was the boss. Andy hated him at times. However if he was being totally honest with himself there was more to it. At night when it was just him on his own in his bedroom he'd occasionally face the truth. It was hard to do so but he would admit to himself that he had a crush on Danny. This just led to Andy feeling even more confused. One incident in particular was burned into his memory and he'd dwell on it when his hand was a blur of activity under his duvet. It had been on the scout camp last summer when Andy yet hadn't started puberty. All the scouts had gone skinny dipping in the river at the campsite much to Andy's embarrassment. He didn't like being naked in front of other boys. Especially older ones who were much more developed than he was. He kept his eyes looking firmly ahead as he stripped and entered the water. The last thing he wanted was to be seen to be checking other boys out. Once he was in the river things were fine. To his relief the water was deep enough to cover him up to his belly button. This meant no one could see his dick and he couldn't really see anyone else's. He relaxed and swam around enjoying the feeling of the cool water against his skin. They'd all played a bit of water polo together, and then.... the incident happened. Andy had suddenly felt breathing on his neck and realised someone was very close behind him. It was Danny. Danny had then pushed right up against him from behind. Andy could feel something soft touching the top of his bum cheek. He realised to his horror it was Danny's dick. Danny leaned forward and whispered "Mmmmm.....You have the cutest bum around. " Andy was shocked by this and it only got more confusing. Danny had then parted Andy's bum cheeks slightly and slipped his soft dick between then. He moved it up and down with his hand whispering "Hmmm I could just take you off to a quiet part of the camp and fuck you now. You know there's nothing you could do about it. However I'm not like that...most of the time anyway. If you ever want a bit of fun just let me know." At the time Andy was confused by this, he knew about fucking, but that was something that you did with girls. Not that Andy had the slightest intention of doing that for many years. Could you also do it with boys? Is that why Danny was pushing up against his hole? Sounded pretty disgusting to him, he thought. Who'd want to put anything up somewhere as stinking as a bum hole? As the months passed though Andy had understood more about the mechanics of sex from friends and the odd magazine. He'd realised that fucking was something boys could do together. He was still very confused though. Why was Danny coming on to him? Did he think he could just make his life horrible at scouts and Danny would still want to mess around with him? Part of him was repelled, part of him....strangely attracted to it. He'd thought a lot about Danny's dick pushing into him, how big was it? It felt pretty large but Andy didn't really have a baseline to compare it too. Andy's major fear was that Danny might try and force him to do something. Andy knew he would be unable to stand up for himself and he'd let Danny do it. Then Danny would tell everyone Andy liked boys and his life would just spiral into a bigger nightmare. "Come on Andy, it's time to go!" His Mum shouted up again. Andy sighed and picked up his bag. He knew there was no way out of this. His ideal way of spending May Day weekend was to stay at home reading, but unfortunately that wasn't going to be the case. A short camp away with the scouts was how it was. He'd tried to persuade his parents to not let him go but they were insistent that it was part and parcel of being in scouts so that was it. He just hoped he'd be able to avoid Danny and not be bullied too much. "I know you don't want to go Andy but it'll be good for you, fresh air, exercise and you'll get to hang out with your friends," His Mum said to Andy as she drove him to the scout hut. "I don't have any friends there Mum, they all hate me," Andy complained bitterly. "Don't be ridiculous. Anyway this is a great opportunity to make NEW friends then!" She replied breezily. Andy sulked in the passenger seat. It was all well and good for his Mum to say this but she had no idea what the reality was like. She clearly didn't care he thought gloomily to himself. The car pulled into the car park and very reluctantly Andy climbed out with his bag. He said goodbye and walked over to the minibus where one of the deputy leaders was ticking names off, "Andy. Good you're all signed in. You need some extra kit this weekend so go inside and see the quartermaster," He told Andy. Andy always thought it was faintly ridiculous that they called the guy handing out the kit the "quartermaster" but it was just one of those strange scout things. There was a distinct whiff of the military about scouts at times and that was something that Andy was not attracted to at all. He went in and was given a small bag which he looked at in confusion. "Emergency bivvy bag Andy, Skip has got some interesting activities planned this weekend. It'll push you to your limits! if you're not a man beforehand you will be afterwards! " the quartermaster said. Andy thought it all sounded a bit ominous but he packed it into his rucksack and went back outside. Skip and Danny then turned up. True to form Skip started barking orders as if it was a military operation. Danny was chatting to his friends and smirking over at Andy every now and again. A lot of Andy's perceived bullying was this sort of thing, mental disintegration he called it. He didn't know what Danny would do or when but he always felt like something was just around the corner and the smirking contributed to that. Thankfully for Andy nothing untoward happened and they all filed into the minibus, Andy squeezing into a seat next to all the kit so he had no one next to him to tease or annoy him. They drove north. Deep into the Peak District and to an outdoor centre they'd stayed at before. It was dorms rather than camping and it was late by the time they arrived. They'd eaten a quick dinner and once that was done Andy was tired and ready for bed. To his relief Danny and his friends weren't in his little dorm area and so he was able to keep himself to himself. He fell asleep thinking things weren't going to be too bad at all. "'s time to push you guys, make you into leaders, see where your limits are," Skip announced to the twenty or so boys who were sleepily eating their breakfast the next morning. Not for the first time Andy felt that Skip seemed to confuse the Army with Scouts, he wasn't really keen on testing his limits. "In order to do that we've got an exciting challenge for you all," Skip said. "Some will succeed! Some might fail! Those that do will probably end up sleeping outside tonight! Not in tents either. Don't worry though, those that succeed will have a nice warm bed here. You're going to be paired up with another boy. We'll be dropping you at different locations with a map and a compass. You need to find your way back here before nightfall. Otherwise you'll have to make your camp where you can! Any questions?"Skip's words had caused a fair bit of murmuring amongst the boys as well as some anxious looks. A few hands shot up including Andy's. "Erm, isn't it dangerous to have us sleeping outside on our own?" Andy asked nervously when he was picked. "Dangerous?! What are you afraid of?" Skip asked with a laugh. "Do you think a wolf is going to attack you? It's the Peak District, the most dangerous thing here is a slightly disgruntled sheep. You should all have sleeping bags with you, you should have a foil bivvy big with enough room for two people in their sleeping bags to fit in. In theory you'll all make it back but some of you might not so it's good to plan for that eventuality. Once breakfast is finished and cleaned up I want everyone to go to their beds. I will be doing a kit check so get everything out your bags before packing them for the trip. Once everyone is sorted we'll work out your pairs. Then you'll have a bit of planning time before we have an early lunch and then off we go." Andy's stomach was instantly full of butterflies. Part of him was excited, this was exactly the sort of thing he joined scouts for. This was what he read his books for but part of him was scared. Out alone in the wilds at night? He knew there were no wolves but it didn't make him any less scared. He'd seen horror films after all, everyone always thinks they're going to be safe. He would also be reliant on whoever he was in a pair with. He guessed it would probably be with one of the older scouts. It would make sense to do that. He was also fairly sure it wouldn't be Danny. Skip wouldn't do that after the complaint that had been made. In an ideal world it would be Darren he thought but he'd settle for Jason as well. He lay out all his kit on the bed and eventually Skip came around and approved it. He packed it back up and trooped through to the main room to sit down and wait for everyone else. Once all the boys were in, Skip started announcing the pairs. "James and.....Richard." "Darren and Rob." Andy felt disappointed, it wasn't going to be Darren and when the next pair of Jason and Chris were announced he began to get a sinking feeling. All the pairs were announced until the last one when Andy had already worked out who it would be... "Danny and Andy.". Even though by the end Andy was expecting it, his heart still fell at the news. Shit. With Danny, on his own. He assumed he probably wouldn't bully him too much. After all Danny sort of needed Andy to work with him to get them home but then again Danny was an arse at times. "Now get together with the other boy in your pair and me or one of the other leaders will be along to help you plan," Skip said before sitting down. With a sinking feeling Andy went over to sit with Danny who moved his chair around so Andy could sit by him. "Well....isn't this a total coincidence," Danny said, smirking at Andy. "Um is it?" Andy replied. "Oh yes, it's not like I have any sway with Skip at all to say who should be in my pair. None at all! So this is going to be fun, it's like our first date together!" Danny said with a wink and a squeeze of Andy's leg under the table. Andy felt confused and a bit flustered. Was Danny coming on to him? Was he winding him up because he knew he was gay? Or was he just revelling in making Andy feel uncomfortable. He was jolted back to reality when Skip came over with a map which he gave to the boys. "So, we will be dropping you two off here. The outdoor centre is here. You will have to work out a route to get back to here. You'll have a compass so if you concentrate it should be ok. Andy, Danny is in charge as he's the older boy so don't give him any trouble and do as he tells you," Skip said firmly, leaving Andy with the knowledge Danny would be bossing him around. "Don't worry Dad, I'll keep him in line. I'll show him what it means to be a man eh Andy," Danny said, smirking at Andy again. Skip nodded approvingly and went on to the next table. "So. I suggest we do this route," Danny said marking a route out with his pencil. Andy looked at it, "hmm, I'm not so sure," he said. "Those markings there are bluff cliffs, it might be tricky to work our way through them. Also, this area here looks very marshy, if it was too wet we'd have to detour quite far. Maybe this would be better?" He said marking an alternate route, "Let me rephrase my last sentence Andy, when I say "I suggest" I mean, "I'm telling you". So we'll do my route. Now, once we're up there follow my lead, I know what I'm doing," Danny said, his ego clearly taking over. Andy had major doubts about the route, it might look the most direct but some of those contours suggested it was steep and the route took in some difficult terrain. He mentally thought he should probably prepare for a night outside. It seemed Danny was clearly not going to listen to him and in Andy's opinion he'd already made a bad start with the route he'd selected. Andy sighed to himself, he'd just have to the and make the best of it.