Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 07:16:31 +0100 From: Lange Subject: betrayed love - chapter five umm, don't read this if: ~you are younger than 18 ~you are homophobic or you just generally don't like this sort of stories ~this is forbidden where you live = that means, read if you're sure you can risk it. thanks to William Watts for editing this ... I think the story would look not too good if he didn't do it ... not that I'm convinced of my writing ability. :) thanks to Silvia for 'helping' me with the story line. ahh yeah, my homepage is go there if you're interested in other stuff I write. forgot about this the last time: tis story is copyright my n-c-g [that's me, btw :-)]. All rights reserved. ... uhh, doesn't that sound dumb? :) so ... I hope nobody is offended by this chapter and you can enjoy it and please mail me if you like or dislike or whatever the story. ------- !!!!NOTE!!!! read the story first and then come back to read this. i'm sorry for the scene at the end, but it's quite important for the further developpment of the story. i apologize to all doctors or nurses and i hope that no hospital with the name St. Lawrence exists. the scene, like the one at the end, will never happen again in the story, i promise -------- ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ chapter five - time to heal That night they were all rather restless and neither parent got that many hours of sleep. Mostly they laid awake and stared at the ceiling, feeling the other one breathing heavily next to them. They thought again about everything that had happened, about Jason's childhood and the way their life would change from now on. They had the same thoughts over and over again and only sleep gave them a welcome change, from time to time. Jason's mother got up early, at 7 o'clock, since she had not seen any use in laying in bed any longer. As she prepared breakfast for the three of them, she thought about how Tania had begged her to let her go to the hospital with them. They were not ready to let her do this. After all, this was a regular school day and they didn't want to raise any more suspicion about what was going on than they had already experienced because of what had happened to Jason. Dwelling on her thoughts and leaning with her back against the sink, Jason's mother slowly sipped on a glass of orange juice. She was glad that Jason had had the courage to tell Tommy about himself, and she even admired him for doing that, because she knew that she could never have done that, if she had been in the same situation as Jason. He was stronger than her in many ways. Suddenly Tania jumped down the stairs. "Hey, morning, mom. Are you really sure that I can't come to the hospital with you?" "You'll be going to school, Tania, and one other thing. I want you to be honest with everyone who asks about what happened. Do you have a problem with Jason's homosexuality or the way it might affect you?" "Frankly, Mom, I don't want to get beaten up because my brother's gay but, other than that, I honestly have no problems with it." "I just wanted to know, so we don't hurt you somehow by helping Jason." "Mom, whatever it is you'll be doing, you won't hurt me. Jason is my brother and I love him. I don't want him to be hurt again." "I love you, honey, and thank you for being so understanding." "I love you too, mom." Weeping, they lay in each other's arms until Mr. Matthews entered the kitchen. "You shouldn't be crying," he told them. "Everything will be alright, I'm sure." He went over to his wife and his daughter and hugged them both, but he was also the first one to break the contact again. "Typical for a man. You sure know how to ruin a very touching moment." With a grin, his wife gave him the butter. He began to grin too and, after looking at each other, all three of them erupted in laughter, happy that the tension seemed to have disappeared for now. They ate in silence, with the occasional encouraging smile or nod to one another. After sitting there in silence for another few minutes, Jason's father glanced at the clock on the wall and signaled his wife. "Tania, we have to leave now. If there are any problems at school, come home, okay? Even without permission from your teachers. We'll take care of that later." "Dad, I'm sure there won't be any real problems and yes, Mom, I will be careful." "I did not even say anything like that." "But you would have said it. I love you, Mom. I love you, Dad." "We love you, too. Are you coming to the hospital right after school?" "Yes, I am. Now hurry, and get there to be with Jason." Smiling, her parents put their coats and shoes on, kissed Tania, and quickly left the house and headed toward their car. Tania went inside and prepared for school, such as by going through some texts she had to read. She was still deep into her reading when she heard the doorbell ring. She hurriedly grabbed the book and her bag, then put her shoes on quickly, while stumbling in the direction of the door. Her friend Nellie awaited her at the front door and, once Tania was dressed properly, they began walking to school, side by side. "Hey Tania, how are you doing? Is Jason alright?" "Morning, Nellie. Well, my parents were with him until about nine last night. They couldn't talk with him, as he was not really aware what was happening around him, and he kept slipping in and out of consciousness. He's not hurt that badly, having 'only' a lot of bruises, and, well, he's got a concussion too. I'll visit him in the hospital today, after school." "Have you told your parents that...well...that you know?" "That Jason's gay? Yep, I told them. I thought it would be better if they heard it from me, and not from somebody else." "Are they mad?" "At Jason? Absolutely not! They were really, really shocked to hear that Jason was beaten up and, near the end of my telling them about it the telephone rang and it was someone from the hospital telling them that Jason had been taken there. As for knowing about Jason's homosexuality, they already suspected that and frankly, looking back at the past, it really was quite obvious. I, as his sister, have not seen one single girl with him, ever. Not at home, not in school, not anywhere else. Plus, he's been really close to Tommy and hardly anyone else." "By the way, it was Tommy who started telling everybody about Jason being gay. I talked to some people after school, and they all told me that they had gotten to know about it from Tommy, Eric, Steven, or one of their friends. Most people believed these were only the usual rumors and didn't stay after school to see if anything was going to happen, but, well, a whole lot obviously wanted to see what they would do to him and they needed a little extra excitement after the summer break. Then Jason had to go and confirm that in front of everybody and make them all reconsider what they thought of him because he is gay and, well, you know the rest." "I wish I could have been there to help Jason. I'm grateful, though, that Mark came to me and told me what was happening. Why was he there after school, anyway?" "I talked to him afterwards and asked him that. He said he went because some of his 'friends' wanted to go or, in other words, there was this usual group thing going on. You know. If you don't go, then you're suspected of being gay too, and, well, Mark did not really want that to happen to him, even though he is absolutely straight. He looked pretty bad himself, by the way." "Now that you mention it ... yeah, he did, but I didn't really notice it yesterday. I was too occupied with worrying about Jason, I suppose. What happened to Mark?" "I don't really know. I think you have to ask him yourself. It was something involving some bullies from our school and he was trying to keep them from hitting Jason or something. I guess he got beaten up in that process too." "He tried to keep them from hitting Jason? I have to thank him later for doing that. Are you really sure that it was Tommy and not someone else who was involved? " "Absoutely, Mark said something like it surprised him the most that Tommy has been the one who punched Jason first. Anyway, have you called and thanked the ambulance crew that picked up your brother?" "Nope, I didn't even think about that. I was just so surprised to see them driving away right after I arrived that I didn't even realize it was Jason that they had inside. I just went home and, well, told my parents about Jason's fight." "Oh, I see. What's your first class?" "English, I think...I can't really recall my schedule by heart yet. Mark's in my homeroom, so maybe I can corner him there." When they stepped onto the campus, Tania immediately noticed the looks the other studentswere giving her. Some looked at her with pity and some with disgust and hatred etched on their faces. "Tania, are you scared?" "That they'll try to do something? Well, yeah, I am...pretty much actually, but I can't do anything to prevent something bad from happening. I'll stand by Jason, no matter what. He is my brother and I love him for who he is. Just because we now know he's gay, so what?" "I only hope there won't be too many problems because of this." "I hope there won't be any, either. See you later. Your homeroom's R102, right?" "Mine's R107. So, I guess I'll see you in second period math. Bye." "Bye." They parted and Nellie went to join some of her friends that she had spotted a short distance away. Tania went to her homeroom through half- empty hallways. In front of the doorway, she nearly bumped into Mark. He grinned at her, before his look changed to a concerned expression. "Are you alright and is Jason alright?" "Yeah, as fine as any of us can be. Is it already this late?" "Don't know ... seems to be. I wondered about that, too." "Mark, can I talk to you quickly, after class?" "Sure, but let's get in there first." They took their seats and waited for their homeroom-teacher, Mr. Davis, who arrived shortly after they did. He took attendance and let them go to their next class. Mark waited for Tania in the hallway. "So, what is it you want to know?" " was just...about yesterday...everything happened so fast." "Has anyone told you what happened, in detail, yet?" "No...only what you told me yesterday. No one else said a word. Nellie wasn't around then, and I didn't have the chance to talk to anyone else." "Okay wait...I was first one to get to Tommy...after it happened." "Wait, why did you go there in first place?" "This Steven guy talked to us, you know, to the junior varsity basketball team, and that kinda made us go. Anyway, I stood there and everybody waited to see what was going to happen. Then Jason stepped out of the door and looked around, pretty much surprised and confused, but still somehow not knowing what was going on. It was really weird. Obviously, he didn't know what to do, but he did make a decision and he walked straight up to Tommy. He didn't look up though. Steven yelled at him about then, asking him whether he was gay. Jason looked up while slowly nodding that he was and, well, then Tommy pushed and hit him and the crowd seemed to form a circle around your brother, who was laying on the ground by then. That's when everyone moved in front of me and I found myself at the back of the crowd. You know, I tried to get through and help him, but there were these guys around me and, when they noticed that I did not participate and stuff, they started pushing me around. I was able to escape from them though, as I was very near to the school entrance and well, I ran to tell you after that and then I went back to help him." "I see ... so, who did call the police?" "No idea ... it was not me, but I was going to, as soon as possible. If it wasn't you, then I don't know who called...Look, I've gotta run. I have next period in the west wing." "Thanks, Mark." "Absolutely no problem. See you around." Mark started running down the hallway, turned around, grinned, and waved one last time. Tania smiled and went to go to her own room. The rest of the day was as uneventful as it could be after your brother confessed that he is gay. Of course, Tania was questioned about it, but most people were really all right with everything. She only wondered who all the people were who had been there when Tommy, Eric, and Steven beat up her brother. It was not like they could just come from out of nowhere and then disappear again. There must be some 'false friends', either the ones who had been there to watch yesterday or the ones who had told her today that they would never have gone there to see him get hurt. She was quite happy that her class schedule on Thursdays (and Mondays) were fairly light, compared to the other days. She quickly said good-bye to Nellie that name again and Mark who were already standing again in some corner kissing, before they got onto the bus to go to the hospital. Tania definitely detested hospitals, especially if she was the one who was sick and stuck there, but she hated visiting people there almost as much. Looking at it that way, she was sort of grateful that it was not her having to be there, but she also wished it wasn't her brother that was brought here either. He may be two years older than her, but they never did really argue, as she heard other siblings did. They were actually good friends, in some ways better friends than you'd expect a sister and a brother to be, and now she was really worried about him. She was not worried so much about his being in the hospital, as he would get over that, but about him being alone and without anyone to trust. Well, of course there was her, but she was, after all, only his slightly younger sister. At first she walked aimlessly through the hallways, before she finally came to a map showing the hospital layout. She still did not ask anyone for help, so it was not really anybody's fault, except her own, that she did not find the room right away. When she finally stood in front of the door, she took a quick, but deep, breath and entered. She did not see Jason at first, as her parents stood between them, but when he parents noticed her, they stepped aside and Tania had a full view of her brother. He looked better than she had expected and much better than she'd been afraid he would look. He even shot her a slight smile when he noticed her standing there. She came nearer, not sure what to do next, and nearly squeezed his neck the second she stood beside his bed. She stopped herself from doing so, realizing that she might hurt him by doing that and he probably wouldn't appreciate it either. That's why she settled for tousling his hair and giving him a peck on the lips. He smiled despite his discomfort from the not so minor injuries. "Hey bro. Have you slept long enough by now?" "Very funny." Grinning he tried to slap her. "Get well before you try that again." "Sis, is everything alright?" he asked, his voice changed from amused to serious. "At school, or ..." "Well, partly, but something else too...what do you think of me now?" "I think it was really damn brave of you to say it in front of everybody...I wouldn't have had the courage to do way. And I don't care whether you're gay or not, and I don't care what some dummies in school say either." "I'm glad, you know." "Me too. I wouldn't want it any other way." "Come here, little sister." She bent down and he gave her another kiss. "Now, let's talk about the more important things. When will you be getting out of here?" "I don't know." "But I do." That was the first time their parents had interrupted the brother-sister talk. "You'll have to stay here over the weekend, but you'll get discharged if you keep doing as well as you are right now. Then you'll have to stay at home for a few days before you may go back to school...although I suppose you don't want to go back there any sooner than you have to, do you?" "I don't want to go there ever!." "You know that you'll have to go back eventually." "Yeah, but I don't have to like it. I'm certain that I will enjoy the time I won't have to be with those assholes." At that moment all of their heads turned toward the door to the room, as they heard it open. Jason breathed a sigh of relief when he discovered it was only his doctor. "I know you probably have a lot of things to talk about, but I must ask you all to leave now. Jason needs his rest." "When may we come back?" his father inquired. "It would be best if you would wait until tomorrow." "Nat," his father continued, "you forgot that you have to give a presentation tomorrow. Jason, would it be all right if we didn't come until tomorrow night?" "Dad, I will survive it, okay? Mom, it's your job. Do it, alright?" "Okay Jason, we're leaving then ... Are you sure that you're going to be fine?" "Mom, I'm 17." "Okay, okay. You just rest up and get better then, " his mother told him. "Good night, my son," his father added." "G'night, bro." After kissing him good-bye, the family members emerged from the room and went home. His doctor had left too, and Jason soon drifted off to sleep. Sometime later, Jason woke when he felt someone beside him. The room was dark and Jason was scared. "Who's there?" "It's only me, Jason," the doctor answered, "just relax. I need to examine you." Jason was too exhausted to sense what would be coming next. When the doctor, a 50 year old and rather fat man, stood near the bed, [urned on the small reading light, and pulled the covers away, so he could look at Jason, clad only in a hospital gown. He let his eyes slide over Jason's body, lifting the gown and pulling it up to the boy's chest. Jason didn't realize what was happening until the doctor put his left hand on Jason's thigh and began stroking up and down. The moment the doctor's hand made contact with the lad's inner thigh, Jason began quivering in fear and he stared at the doctor with wide open eyes. He wanted to prevent this from going any further, but he could do nothing to stop the doctor from doing what he wanted to do. The boy hurt everywhere and was much too weak to even lift his arm. He could only lay there in disbelief and he began to cry when he felt the doctor's hand going up higher and higher, until it found its target. A sob escaped from his throat when he heard the doctor begin to groan, while touching his own and Jason's cock at the same time. The doctor then pulled his penis out of his pants and started stroking it in earnest, matching the strokes he was using on each rigid member. Jason turned his head from one side to the other, sobbing the whole time, while the doctor's eyes were shut tightly while he obviously swam in pleasure. Jason sensed that the doctor was getting close to cumming, as the strokes were more frantic now and his moans became more frequent. Jason's eyes now changed from wide open to shut tightly, and then back again. Tears were streaming down his cheeks in endless rivers, and he tried to ignore the shame and mental pain that consumed him the moment it was done to him. Finally the doctor shot his cum on Jason's belly and then he let go of his and Jason's organs. He stood there a little unsure of what to do next, until another idea crossed his mind. He lay down next to Jason and caressed his belly, all the while smearing his own cum around. Jason's tears didn't stop falling, in fact he only cried harder as the minutes continued to pass by. The doctor's hand then traveled higher up on his body and played with his nipples, higher still to touch his neck, until he finally touched his lips. His fingers were quickly replaced by his mouth, as he wanted more. As soon as his lips touched Jason's trembling flesh, sobs escaped from Jason's throat and the tears began streaming even stronger. The doctor didn't seem to care about what Jason felt about this. He pushed his tongue into Jason's mouth and moved it in there, oblivious to the fact that Jason was not reacting in any way. After lying there and kissing him for another twenty minutes, he got up and straightened out his clothing. "Thank you, boy." He kissed Jason one last time and then left the room, turning off the small light again. Jason kept crying and did not do anything to cover his nakedness again. He felt the cum drying on his body, he still tasted the doctor's spit in his mouth, and he thought he could still feel the man's raping fingertips all over his body. He did not care who would see him like that, he only wanted this to never happen again. If being gay meant being abused by some people, he didn't want to be gay. He had only wanted somebody he could trust with his secret when he had told Tommy, and now he lay there in some hospital bed, after having been used by some man to get off. And the only thing he wanted was somebody who would hold him now and make him feel better.