Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 08:32:47 +0200 From: cameron castle Subject: boys by the bay/ part 8/ truth This is a short story of the life of a kid growing up in the late 70`s. This whole thing is nothing more than one big lie! This is why we call it fiction. So, none to the names or places should be considered real. Having said that, if you are prohibited from reading sexual content due to age, banned by local law, or have issue with reading stories of people engaging in sex within the following pages, stop reading now and go find the Disney page. This bit of fiction is not for you! You are warned! All the copy rights and legal crap that normally apply and sited for stories posted here also apply to this story. This story cannot be reproduced without the consent of the author. Please support with donations and contribute some scribbles... It's kind of fun. Chapter 8: Truth: "Why didn't you call? We'd come get you... There's nothing so bad you should go off and hide." He whispered in my ear as he hugged me tight. "Please.. Please never, never do this again... You have no idea what losing you is like for all of us." My Dad wore cologne distinct to him. That "Dad" scent is something children accept but rarely investigate, other than buying cheap Brute or Old Spice gift sets he'll stash under the bathroom sink but never wear. His was of a sweet musky spice and the familiarity made me want to cry. He hadn't seen me do that in years so I concentrated on being grown up: Men do not cry. On our ride home, as we rounded the bend at Gorst, all I desired was the bay. Will and David were on my mind as the only people I really wanted to see. My parents weren't in the mix because they'd kill me on sight. At least I thought so, until he hugged me so tight, I could barely catch another breath. Mama joined in wrapping her arms around both of us. Her arm felt limp on my back compared to Dad's but she's a girl. Will, Greta, Sue and Tom, Greta's husband, were standing outside our front door watching us in the drive. McCabe stood by his cruiser giving us some privacy. I felt the warmth of Dad's hug leave and an icy chill went through my body as I turned watching McCabe lead my parents to the hood of his cruiser where he had papers and pen ready for signatures. I froze as I knew they were discussing my fate. It sent my heart racing so fast I could feel pressure build between my temples as my vision telescoped on McCabe's moving lips: I tried to read them. As Dad signed a bunch of papers, Sue wrapped herself around me from behind. Her hug was more than show, since it wasn't that limp Christmas thing siblings do. She pulled me in. I wanted to grab her hands, rip them from me and throw a right landing square on her jaw, but my arms were froze at my sides. My thoughts were "Why now?" I had no control. This numbness was like Novocaine injected directly in my frontal lobe. It's the same time warp as when Dennis had me at Homestead Cemetery. It didn't happen all the time and the trigger eluded me for years. I don't remember when they started but know they happened, based upon other's reactions of situations. In the fifth grade, my friendship with Collin blossomed, off ice, toward the end of the school year. Collin's always been kind of a goon and, between the two of us, we found love in breaking rules. Since all of our friends were straight laced, little Nancy boys, we got off on being different. I think most hockey defenseman are like this unless you play at a Bible Camp or a pansy private school. The thrill of eluding capture attracted us to push against authority and be gritty, on and off the ice: getting away with it was the ultimate high but our morals kept us form true felony. Social misdemeanor was enough for us. One day, during the half hour recess, we decided to jump the fence and head for a new road being cut through, behind our school. The draw was much the same as porn to a teenager: earth movers, dump trucks, graders, and back-hoes: all little boy porn. We hid behind some bushes, above the earth movers whose tops passed fifteen feet below and less than a hundred feet away from our spot. As the equipment carved away at the side of our hill, we became bored. Somehow, now that we were 10 soon to be 11, the yellow heavy equipment had lost it's hypnotic appeal, even as it shook our feet with each pass. Collin chucked a couple of rocks at a massive yellow, Caterpillar, earth mover as it slowly passed below. About every five minutes, another would come along and we'd fire off three or four rocks a piece. Collin won the prize when one of his smashed a side window leaving a spiderweb fracture. The massive machine ground to a halt. The operator flew out of the cockpit and climbed to the roof of the cab. We huddled behind a huckleberry bush. I started to crawl back to the trail on my stomach like I'd seen soldiers do in some old 1950's World War II films on the afternoon movie. I was half way there and peaked back to find Collin who I sensed wasn't following. He stood up, flipped the guy off, and sprinted passed me laughing his ass off. When I stood, the operator showed no emotion as he stared me down through his droopy, stoner, sunglasses. I backed my way through the brush knowing he'd ID'd both of us: fucked. Looking up the trail, Collin was out of sight. For a big kid, he had wheels and as hard as I tried, I couldn't catch him: sprinting, hopping logs and dodging blackberry bushes. I found him crouched down by the chain link fence at the schoolyard. We were absolutely busted. No kids in the yard and we watched Principal Masterson walk into the woods opposite of where we hid. No doubt the machine operator had radioed ahead and the company called the school. Masterson was looking for us. When we tried to sneak back to our classroom, Ms. Nelson nabbed both of us by the back of our shirt collars and dragged us into the shared teacher's office between two class rooms. I felt numbness as all the kids eyes went wide as the sweetest teacher in the world tugged and shoved us through the office door. She slammed the door behind us, tugged Collin by his shirt collar, shook him around as she screamed at him and slammed him against the blackboard wall with a thud. It was like listening to an adult in Charlie Brown's world: distorted, faded, and slow garble. I only snapped awake as she bounced him off the back wall for a momentary snapshot. After school, Collin excitedly re-lived the experience and told me the blow by blow by acting it out against the exterior wall of the school as we waited for the busses to take us home. He explained, she had me by my shoulders, shaking and yelling at me about daydreaming in class and hanging around with kids like Collin. I missed it: I only had bits and pieces but tried not to let on. It wasn't over. The next morning, Masterson gave us five swats a piece. He laid into Collin more than me as each swat of the drilled out paddle popped and echoed off his fleshy butt cheeks. Collin cried like a girl as he watch me get mine. After Masterson was finished with me, my ass stung for hours. I caught all of it: I remembered every slap. The numbness seemed selective. A few weeks later, I was over at Collin's family farm and we were digging through a load of river rock his neighbor had dropped on their property for a new septic field. We dug larger rocks out to play shot put like we'd seen the massive Poles, East Germans and Russians throw during the Olympics. The game evolved and we tossed them into a flock of free roaming Chickens his hippie neighbor let run around to control slugs and insects in the vegetable gardens. It was cool because they'd scatter with the incoming mortars until one didn't. It flopped around, with a limp, broken, wing, in a dusty patch of freshly graded ground that dried in an early spring heat wave. As pain set in, it stopped moving and hunkered down, in a rut, in the dirt road beside the rock pile. Collin had me keep an eye on her while he ran back to his house. He emerged and we cornered and caught the hen beside the rock pile. Collin had her by her feet and held her upside down as we walked a few hundred yards, through the pasture, and into the woods beyond. It's weird how an injured animal plays dead when in the grips of death. We climbed and wound our way up a hill to a clear spot below a gigantic, old growth, fir tree where the ground was covered with untold years of needles that waft a sweet smell of piney decay. Collin flipped his shirt tail from his backside and pulled out a huge hunting knife. He unsheathed the blade that was as shined like chrome, and this is where I felt blinds drop over my mind. The back of my throat filled with an electric charge of drunken, nervousness and time began to flutter in patches. He grunted as he stabbed her with the shiny steel of a six inch blade. I watched the first plunge but then it was like his hand pounded into her body in rapid succession and I lost focus of how many times he stabbed her as her feathers turned pink and then deep red. Even after she stopped moving, Collin kept on jabbing the knife into her with his bottom lip curled under his front teeth as he stabbed away with thrilling intensity. Everything slowed down and felt so distant, without sound, as the numbness set in and held me rigid. "Where's the sheath?!" He yelled, snapping me half awake. He dropped it after he pulled the knife from his shorts. Things were fogged over in my mind and I hadn't noticed anything other than that shiney, steel, blade turning from red to pink as blood dripped off the tip. "Jon! Dad will kill me! Where's the sheath?" And he gave me a shove that woke me up a bit. I didn't remember moving but I had and was now standing on it. Collin gave me another push and I stepped off. "Jon, are you a retard or what?" Collin brushed the needles from the leather of the sheath as he surveyed for scuffs or damage. He then smeared the knife along the ground attempting to clean the blade but needles stuck to the sticky, blood, soaked, blade coating it like sprinkles on a cookie. "Get some maple leaves! Dad will shit bricks if he sees this... Jon! Get some God damn maple leaves! Move!" He screamed jarring me fully awake with another push of his free hand. I found a Big Leaf Maple a few yards away and plucked some fresher leaves from the forest floor. I felt like I had head cold, without the sniffles: plugged up and dizzy. Pushing my way back through the brush, my head began to clear as I rationalized what we did. I found Collin with his left short leg pulled up so his cock and balls were poking through the leg hole. I watched as he pissed all over her body. He made sure his stream soaked every inch and washed some of the blood from her feathers. He shook off and turned to face me, swinging his little pub around in circles a couple of times with a devilish grin on his face. "What'd you do that for?" I asked. "Keep coyotes away. I read they won't bother stuff humans touch and steer clear of human poop and pee... I want to see how it rots... Come up here every day and check it out!" And, he snapped the leg hole of his short's liner back in place. His upper thigh stayed exposed, as the stiff nylon slowly lowered down his leg. My eyes stayed glued to him. For some reason I didn't understand at the time, the sight of this slow decent gave me a stiffy. "Dumb dumb! We only have fox and coons!" I shot back as he noticed my lingering eye. I couldn't figure Collin's motives: Who wants to see decomposition? He shrugged as he adjusted and rubbed his junk a couple of times over the top of his gym shorts as he surveyed his work. He cleaned the knife with the leaves I handed him, re-sheathed, and stuffed it down the back of his shorts again for our walk home. On the walk back, Collin told me my eyes were huge, my mouth hung open as he pulled the knife out and my expression didn't change while he stabbed clean through her a dozen times, damn near splitting her in two. He acted like I let him down. Like, I should have been in there twisting her head off and cheering him on while smearing blood all over my face, or something. "Did you hear it squawk when I stabbed it the first time?" He laughed, "And then it, like, cried for a second and then plop, slice, splat it was gone! Fucking bled out! Beautiful!" I didn't answer but blankly stared at him as he acted out the scene over and over again. Our crime was a secret I never told anyone, just like when he cried, after Masterson was finished. I never told until now: not even David or Will. Later that night, he talked me into sleeping naked. We were in sleeping bags, on the floor of his basement rumpus room, watching a Saturday Night Live rerun. Most of the jokes were over our heads but we could brag about it to the older kids on the bus. Nothing sexual happened between us passed our mutual flipping open our friends bag to ensure total nudity compliance. Collin had a hard on, just about every time I checked.... I'd only check if he did first. I figure he got off on breaking his house rules as much as all the other s. Stiffies only happen for a reason and Collin's no queer so it had to be about the rules. As Collin slept, I put the earthmover and chicken murder together but didn't want to believe I wasn't normal. Maybe other people felt that electric charge at the back of their throat that fades into numbness just as thugs had stomach for trouble, punishment and death. But, as time went on, I knew I was different. Collin knew he's a thug..... He knew it. And, knew I was fucked up. As we assemble our reality, we all find quirks of experience that defines ourselves from others. Mine, at least early in life, was like temporary blackout much like downing a fifth of vodka. When overloaded with emotional garbage, I'd shut down. Collin, the thug, woke me to my quirk. I watched them sign documents, as all of this went through my mind again. Sue's hug began to fade away as I lost contact and retreated into myself. As McCabe spoke, my Mom's angry glare broke through. Sue released and stepped in front of me. I felt her pull me by the hand and she led me through the house and down stairs to Will's bed. Sue's my closest sibling in age and I never knew she noticed my mini blackouts until much later in life. As an adult, she told me when I was six or seven, I had I stared up at a young store clerk for a couple of minutes completely motionless, with my mouth hanging open. She said the clerk called her over completely freaked by the strange little boy who stood frozen watching him. She pulled me away from the counter and I'd craned my neck back to look at him. I was a fucking retard growing up. But then again, I'm sure he was a knock out. I don't remember any of it or have explanation, other than that. This situation was all about fear overload. Will's nose raked the top of my head and I heard a smooch as he kissed me as my haze faded and became aware of his embrace form my right. It was fucked up and I wanted to tell him what had happened and ask him why but, the girls were in here and it wasn't their business. "Jonny, I'm so fucking sorry... You could have waited for me... I'd of killed that son of a bitch... That mother fucking piece of shit!" "Will," Greta eased in, "He doesn't need that crap now." She was on my left rubbing my back. "Stop trying to save the world for a few hours, would you?" The two of them held me while Sue went upstairs to find the parents. Dad always said, "You have nothing in this world but family." Tonight this was true. I felt guilt as I'd fed McCabe a line of crap about going home. I got him to drive around the back roads for a half hour more than the trip required before he told me it was time. Mom and Dad came down about fifteen minutes later only to tell me to get to bed, "We have a long day tomorrow and much to discuss. We all need a little rest. You've had the hardest day of all, Jonny," Dad did all the talking: I think they could tell my emotions were on tilt. It was only eight but I was completely spent and I knew Sue convinced them to leave me alone for the night. Sometimes she could throw her bitchiness in reverse. After Will let go, I spread out and fell asleep. With a push and a few shakes, Dad woke me from Will's grasp, at five in the morning. I thought it was Mom, until I heard his panicked voice, "Wake up..... Wake up, Johann, wake up...... Now!" I think he was late for something. I knew this meant I'd be on his rounds as we'd catch an early boat to Seattle. I dove in the shower and it was all business: no daydreams or joystick fun. Dad had laid out what I'd wear: Church pants, new yellow Oxford and black tie. I knew I was in no position to argue and put the scratchy, confining shit on. We hustled out of the house with bananas and toast while Mom was in the shower. At least I didn't have to face both of them over breakfast. We were five minutes behind Dad's schedule. He had the Electra's 400 cubic inch engine screaming as we flew through the windy back roads: stomping the brake as we pounded into corners and flooring it off the other side that heaved me from side to side as it growled and plowed it's way down the road. Dad hated catching the Edmonds/ Kingston run, which was closest to our house because we'd sit in traffic with the commuters traveling South on the Interstate. So, he always hauled ass, every morning, to the Winslow/ Seattle run which landed below downtown Seattle. Dad's businesses and vendors were located in the industrial area south of downtown so this was the best route. We drove in silence with news radio blasting as he concentrated on the road with the Buick flying 20-40 miles per hour over the speed limit. My parents were crazy drivers. It didn't matter if they were late: they loved speed. My family is genetically cursed with at least two speeding tickets on our driving records at all times. The inquisition I feared began, after we boarded the ferry, once the commuters abandoned their cars for the galley or general seating area above us. On a normal morning we'd head up to the main deck for orange juice and, if I was lucky, a cinnamon roll. We stayed put and I felt my stomach try to push the banana and toast back out, as he questioned my sanity and explained how the whole neighborhood was out looking for me for days. I knew better than open my mouth until his hyper tone changed. He was busy beating me with language. "Dad, he just did it." "You let him?" I nodded. "You've done this before?" His blue eyes squinted as he asked. I thought before I spoke and even though I lied in a microsecond with a firm "No," I took to long to make my decision. Dad's face dropped and I watched a little color drain away. He turned his head and stared over the long hood of the Buick. He half whispered, "You know you're in serious trouble... What will you have me do?" My whole body chilled over as I spoke, "Dad, I won't do anything like that again... I promise. It all happened so fast. I only ran because... because of what Chris was doing! I knew-" "You ran because you knew what you two were doing was wrong... Unnatural... Perverse... and you didn't want to face consequences. You even came home, for Christ's sake! And then you up and ran from the very people who could help! Be honest with yourself and me. What could-" "But, McCabe said running away is what kids do, when-" "Not you... NOT you!" His hand slammed the side of the steering wheel, "We didn't raise you to lie, cheat, steal, and... and... Do whatever you did with that boy. Do you realize what a filthy thing that is!? Do you know what happens to people like that... LIKE YOU?" "Dad! Please! I'm no faggot!" "What did you say?!" His eyes were huge as he stared down at me. I wasn't his little boy anymore even if I couldn't speak so, I kept my eyes focused on my knees to avoid his stare. "Why did you let him?" I sat silently as I knew he was leading me to a sermon. "It's a disgrace. I am so disappointed, disgusted, angry, ashamed, and outright outraged by what you did, I can't even begin to verbalize- And how you reacted is the biggest disappointment! It is as reprehensible as what Aflotti did to you. Understand why?" I nodded, holding back tears. Dad was thinking out loud. It made for bad parenting but was his process for every problem: self talk whether we were there to witness it or not. I often imagined his mono-conversations, as he'd drive the back roads alone. Right now I just wanted out so I kept my mouth shut. "I don't know which is worse," He sat silently for a few minutes staring over the hood of the Buick and through the hatchback of a Ford Pinto as my gut tensed up and I held my breath to control my emotion of him knowing the truth. "You running away, you two boys, or violence.... Take your pick..... It's all bad. Your mother wants a psychologist. Will thinks you're normal," I caught him shrugging with wonder of his screwed up youngest's latest shame of his family. He paused for a second. I could feel his stare. "We haven't and won't tell your sisters or anyone else what you two were doing. Pastor wants to talk with you ab-" "I'm not talking to him," I hissed defiantly. "YOU ARE IN NO POSITION TO DICTATE TERMS!" He screamed and sat breathing heavily for a few seconds. I had to explain, "I don't believe that crap anymore and-" "Shut the hell up..... YOU keep your mouth shut, you're too young and have any say in any of this! You have no idea what's happening!" He hissed on the verge of exploding. I deserved his anger and he held his breath rather than rip into me anymore. As he did, I sat thinking about disgrace and disappointment. Letting Dad, Will, Collin or David down is the harshest bit of cruelty I could think of since they've always stood by me and helped me through every step of life. I knew Mom would go nuts but the thought of my parents sitting and discussing what I did, with other people, wrenched my gut. My families personal life is "personal." We never reached out for help: We gave it. Because of me, the table turned. After a few minutes of cool down, he shifted his body and turned to me, "You're my boy. I want you to have everything in life: Not be laughing stock. The path you've chose goes nowhere. You are so young: too young for any of that-" "Dad... I told you it won't happen again," I whimpered and looked up at him from my slouch hoping he'd see my emotion and leave me alone. My deepest, darkest, secrets were exposed and it was overwhelming. He sat for a second and then continued, "You know I never told you everything about Norway..... Europe..... When I was a boy..... It's now important that you know what the world is..... Will be. It never changes....... I watched German soldiers shoot your grandparents like sheep led to slaughter." Will told me this story but Dad had never touched on it with me until now, "Right back here," he pointed to where his spine connected to the back of his head. "They were shot for nothing other than to set an example for the rest of the village to stay in line.... So everyone would do as they were told and when they wanted whatever to be done..... There was no expression on their faces: not them or the soldiers. My parents must of thought it fate and to the Germans it was simply the business of war. Who knows? I always thought they were passive because of us kids: If they cried out to us, maybe they felt they'd emotionally damage us worse than their simple execution. But sometimes I think they welcomed it or even wanted it.... The world was so harsh, back then. It's confused me why they didn't fight.... Why didn't the village fight? I will never know. Authority: those who have it will impose their will upon you, if allowed. Doesn't matter how bad the policy..... Maybe my parent's lesson was to fight.... To not end the way they did..... But that war was far worse than just our family's experience. You know they gassed Jews, Gypsies, Russians, mental cases, retarded, and anyone who opposed them? Thousands upon thousands until the bodies were piled in the millions of people. And, they killed homosexuals. What you two did is exactly that. If you were an enemy of Germany, that's how they got rid of you: Pin a defect on the person. To them, anyone different was a problem whether it religion, skin, politics and so on. What you two did is the excuse people like them would need.... to kill you..... Do you understand that kind of hate and where you'd fit because of what you did? Hear say was all the proof people like that need and-" "I'm no homo, Dad!" I squealed as my sinuses exploded and tears began to flow uncontrolled. For the next several minutes, I wasn't gay: I was nothing. "Let me finish. That kind of hate is alive and well, in this world... I know it well..... I thought we left it behind, in Europe, but it's here. Look around you, Jonny! It's the way of the world. Look at America! Look at how they treat people who are different or, I'll be very clear, even if you're white! If you're white and poor it's over for you the minute you're pushed out the womb! There's no access to money, if you're poor.... It's a lie. We had friends, otherwise we'd be in Bremerton working for scraps. They act as though this place is a melting pot but those who have an accent or different color or of a bad lot in life, know the truth. Where do you think we'd be, if my skin were a different color and we were of a religion other than Christian? I get looks due to my accent and you wouldn't believe what it was like the first ten years of living here.... Where do you think a homosexual fits in this place? Anywhere in the world, for that matter? Hiding something like that is impossible. Like all lies, they will be revealed for those who wait. Look at Nixon. Some things cannot be covered up. And with the Germans..... They are not guilty.... Not in this regard: Do you realize after the Russians and Americans liberated all those death camps they set everyone free except the homosexuals? Everyone but them! They remained in prisons..... Locked up for life. The world believed those people deserved life sentences. The world has no use for those kind of people. It was true then and now. Do you see what I'm telling you? Some hate is shared.... Is universal. And, it doesn't matter how much I love you or your family loves you. When things go wrong, the masses look to that minority to blame. Understand?" He sat silently waiting for what he said to sink in but I sat motionless because, at my age, none of what he said was relevant with the exception of losing his Mom and Dad. My mind shut down to his hard facts of life which were true of the times.... And, in some respects, true of today, in many places of the world. "You don't know what it's like to lose everything and I hope you never will... The people who love you so much all gone with two bangs and splatters of flesh and bone... They fell over... limp heaps with blood gushing from the back of their heads and out the crater the bullets put in their throats... It was like their necks were blown apart by a bomb..... chunks of flesh hanging off strands of skin or tendons..... Do necks even have those? Just blood everywhere is the point. Their legs and arms twitched and jerked around for a second or two after the shots.... It was like they were being shocked or something and then just gone, but I'm sure they didn't feel much..... Kicked into an open ditch... Gasoline dumped on their bodies... Set on fire... Gone. They made us all watch: everyone. You can't imagine what that was like for a ten year old boy to witness. It was all done in the name of hate for the sake of control. Complete obedience..... And you're-" "Dad!" I squealed sobbing. "We can't buy your way out of this kind of choice. Where will you go? Will you be happy? What will you do for family? What kind of future is that?" I bent over my knees and stared down at the floor mat wiping tears from my eyes, not knowing if he meant a future family or if he'd disown me and toss my ass over the side of the ferry at this very moment. He wouldn't let up so I kept still trying to control my stomach muscles from spasm as I cried. I hated him for knowing. I had my secret. I had my world so well compartmented. I had utopia, for a boy, and I blew it up. I hated myself. He continued on with how worried everyone was about me and then came back to his mental torture rack. "We know you touch yourself at night and sometimes in the morning. Your mother complains about your laundry..... All those old pajamas you've outgrown and things mixed in there.... She said she doesn't want to touch your pajamas and washes your stuff separate from the rest.... You take long showers... All of that is normal. It's what we all do as we grow into men," he was very uncomfortable as he spoke, "I did that, when I was a boy.... Maybe when I was fifteen or so. But, Jonny, you're so young and what you did with your friend is not.... It's an abomination against everything we taught you and-" I blocked him out as I wiped more tears. I gave up on controlling sobbing as he entered the most taboo subject of our house. I wanted to scream at him, "Shut the fuck up! Just shut the fuck up! You don't know! You don't know anything about Chris or anything about me! Shut the fuck up!" But it was impossible and would bring his unhinged wrath. I feared him as I feared Afloti. Would my Dad beat me? He never had but I could feel his rage beneath all of his speech. He might, so I just sobbed. He cut back through, "Do you think about boys or girls, when you touch yourself?" He asked in a tone demanding an answer. "Dad... I don't know," I felt myself shaking but felt detached. "The truth!" "Both, more girls... More than anything... Girls," I lied. He turned to me. "Both? " "Sometimes I think about people- Dad!" "You think about people having sex?" "Yes," I sobbed. My chest heaved and I couldn't catch my breath. He whispered, "You just wanted to see? The other boy offered? You didn't-" I nodded furiously and gave a grunt, rubbing my right eye, as I tried to catch my breath. Even if I could use "tame" words of today like, "Hey Dad I'm GAY," as kids do now, the way my Dad's mind worked, with everything cut to the bone and literal, he'd picture me doing the most "disgusting" things. I could imagine myself in his imagination..... It made me feel completely perverted and subhuman: a greasy, grimy, butt fucker of a cock sucking, gutter rat. Not that I even knew what, a guy like that, would look like but, that's what I thought. That's how he'd see me and what boy wants his Dad to think of him like that? I kept my mouth shut. "This is the answer?" He sat for a few seconds, with his unanswered question, processing everything and then mumbled under his breath. , "Maybe Will's right." I couldn't look at him. I knew he didn't intend for me to hear that last part. He spoke of taboo with Will and I was the subject. My skin shuttered and burned as I thought of that..... With Will and it was everything! "Johann you can't do that to us. You can't! " He raised the center arm rest and pulled me across the bench seat to him. "I'm so sorry... I need to know my boy will be happy. I never had a childhood and you kids are- just- Slow down. You're not even thirteen yet... I never had such thoughts, at your age... Just slow down. I need to know you will make right decisions in life." He pulled my chin up from my chest and gazed into my eyes. "Please talk to me about anything. You can talk to me or Will... I won't pull the phone away from you boys anymore... If you want to talk to Will alone, tell us, or just call him when we're not home...... I don't care about the damn phone bill anymore. You can call your brother, whenever you want, for anything.... We love you too much to see you suffer when you should be thinking of school, friends and hockey. You have the rest of your life for everything else. Understand?" He released my chin, pulled me in, patted my back and held me for almost a whole minute. I couldn't get over how many times they'd hugged me in the last half day compared to the last seven years of my life. "You must push everything in the past. Do you understand? I did it when I was younger than you and you must for all of us to move on! Accept the past and move on! It's the only thing we can do. Amends to those you've wronged and move on. Understand?" I pulled away and nodded unable to speak. This lie was deeper than anything I'd ever dug. I sobbed openly and loudly for a few minutes as Dad turned back and continued to stare into the hatchback of the Pinto. I'd take an Afloti beating, every day of my life, to avoid Dad's disapproval. He spoke so harshly and overtly of everything taboo. I guess that's why I lied: I wanted it to end. Docking at the ferry boat landing couldn't come fast enough. We drove to his accountant's office, at the Rainier Bank Building, up the hill from the ferry landing, in the heart of down town. He made me go in the bathroom, on the public lobby level, to wash my face before we went up to the 12th floor. A couple of sharply dressed, younger, business type, guys stopped and glanced at me with concern. One even asked if I was okay or needed help. I'd never been so embarrassed. The receptionist, who looked like a Vouge model, led us to a conference room. Dad treated me like a little kid as he introduced me to Greg, the three hundred pound accountant, who waited in there for us. I couldn't believe I had to wear my church clothes for this schmuck. I instantly hated him..... He had that fat guy smell like he needed a special flexible, extention tool, for a cordless drill, to wipe his butt hole because he couldn't reach it with his stubby, sausage, arms. In a way, I felt sorry for him..... But my mind kept wondering how he wiped himself and when was the last time he'd seen his dick or if it were completely consumed in all those layers of lard. Kids are cruel. I was no exception and it took my mind off Dad's conversation. Dad told him I'd been in a bicycle accident. He kept personal life completely separate from business and I doubt Greg knew he had children. After Dad lied, guilt set in not only for what he just did to "protect the family" but how I felt about Greg. Somehow, I knew I was wrong. Zoning out, as they spoke for a few hours, I thought about what Mandy said about inviting people into my life. I guessed this also went for family. Who knew, where I put my penis could come with this much complication? I wished there were a manual I could check out from the library: "How to keep the closet door locked." Dad grabbed a phone book stack of financial statements with back up documents and we were off fighting traffic down 3rd Ave headed south. We ended up at the Sears building on 1st Ave in the middle of the industrial area of town: Sodo Center. It was their flagship store for all of the Northwest: seven floors of overpriced crap Sears hoped housewives would put on their store credit card at 25% interest. He took me up to the fourth floor where I chose and he bought a weight set and bench to be delivered on my upcoming birthday. He paid cash. Somehow, that experience's excitement was lost as butterflies in my gut made me feel uneasy for most of the day. I hated being with him. For the first time in my life, I didn't want to be around my Dad. I'd rather hang around three hundred pound Greg to learn something knew than be with my Dad. Between his stops, I recounted my adventure for him, because he asked. Dad did tons of head shaking and asked "what were you thinking" questions like I should know better. I told him the truth about my deception, stealing, but left out sexual motives. Only after I told him about my fear of coming home, did my stomach settle down. He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a familiar reassuring squeeze. It felt right. After I was finished, he told me he knew I'd "do the right thing" for all those I'd wronged. He hadn't lost all trust or hope in me yet. Maybe it would be okay. We continued south to the Holiday Inn, across from Sea-Tac airport. Dad liked the snooty restaurant at the top of the hotel tower. I'd been here for a wedding reception a few years ago and would be as bored now as I was then. I was certain. The Seattle Space Needle has a rotating floor, in the restaurant, below the observation deck, so by the end of a half hour meal, you could see the entire city from six hundred feet of elevation, all from the comfort of your own table. This Holiday Inn copied the 1960's innovation. The only problem is there's not much to see other than split level /rambler neighborhoods, shity apartment buildings, used car lots, and pawn shops, from ten stories up. The view didn't even face the airport so a guy couldn't watch the planes take off and land. Boring! At least at ground level, we might gawk at a toothless hooker or drug deal gone bad..... something. After the hostess placed us at a six top table for just the two of us, Dad ordered a gin and tonic and me a root beer. She seemed to know him and took our order while pulling place settings to give him room to spread out the folders, files, and note pads we lugged with us. He began thumbing through a balance sheet and profit loss statement of some garage he was thinking of partnering with a mechanic from church to buy. After he was done, he slid it across the table and began walking me through the numbers. Then he showed me some market research about the State of Washington and automotive repair trends. The bottom line was to pass: a profitable business with too much inventory expense as auto makers out source manufacturing, crap location due to the death of the timber industry, and to much future expenditures due to changing technology of automotive industry: to much risk with shrinking profits in the near future due to technology investment versus revenue based upon current population trends and competition. The small time mechanic was at complete disadvantage to dealers and big assed corporations who could afford the long term investment. I was a little disappointed because Will and I would love a piece of anything to do with cars. We went through a couple of other statements of his existing businesses. Dad's eyes squinted at Greg's work as he concentrated on every line item. Everything came down to asset vs. liability. I intently watched his face as he turned into a human calculator. Nothing could draw his attention away from the few sheets of paper concerning every business: asset vs. liability. My mind wandered as I looked around at the obvious tourists, business people having liquid lunches and a few families with their precious, well mannered, little brat, kids who were given their first lessons of what the different forks, spoons and glasses were all about. "He has them all fooled. Fucking morons. Hope your planes crash into Mt. Rainier..... Morons," I thought. I bet the other patrons thought he's Dad of the year: bringing his kid to work, which was rare back then. I felt like one of his lapel pins or something. Hate began to consume me. His attention rattled, when this Greek guy slid into the chair at the head of the table. They both ignored me, after introduction. I stared at the guy, with his back slapping jokes, as they gossiped of their competitors. That guy probably made it on Dad's personal balance sheet as an asset. I'd seen him at dinner parties the parents had so he was one who crossed the line into Dad's personal life. They drank a few gin and tonics before ordering, while I sat contemplating my mother's reaction. It was clear she didn't want to deal with me last night: at least that's what I thought. It seemed to me, if I'd stayed on the road a month or so, they wouldn't want me back at all: Will might but no one else. I'd fade into memory as "that little disappointment." It's a weird, queer, kind of thought process I'd engaged: everyone was against me and I hated them. After lunch, we sped back into the Green River Valley to a warehouse, in cow shit Kent, for motel supplies and then reentered the interstate and continued South. I kept my mouth shut as we flew down the freeway, in the left lane, as Dad had the Buick up to 20 miles an hour over the speed limit. I didn't like being treated like a sideshow in Greg's office and over lunch with that Greek guy. I was processing what Dad said on the ferry boat. After returning, change is something I expected but dealing with change is harsh and uncomfortable. "Mom" is next and it would be far worse than Dad's. I wondered if she'd pull out the wooden cooking spoon or ping pong paddle for a bare butt swat-a-thon. I hoped I was too old for that. He kept glancing over at me. I hadn't noticed it before and was sure he'd done this all morning. It was uncomfortable because I knew I represented more than embarrassment to the whole family. I wasn't matching up to their world view. I'd fucked them over to some undefined value I'd never be able to repay. "You know, you better stay close to the house for the next couple of months: till school starts.... You're too old for a spanking and I know grounding you is stupid.... You're smart. You know right from wrong. You know you made a huge mistake, I know you understand it better than your brother and sisters would, at your age." He sighed and gave me another awkward glance. "That Aflotti guy, might try pulling something. Your mother and I don't want anyone else involved in this mess. Your Mom doesn't think it's a good idea for you to have a birthday party this year. He's crazy. I always said so and he went and proved it. What if he tries something?" I almost cried, as I'd verbally invited everyone before the end of school. I had it all planned out for a Friday in August: a sleep over where we'd pantie raid Julie's (if I could convince her to have a slumber party on the same night), root beer floats instead of cake, water skiing or knee boarding behind David's boat, and all the pizza we could eat via Greta's secret recipe. I'd invite the other four off the first line of our hockey team plus Chris and, if I could stomach it, Billy our smelly assed goalie. I whispered so I could hold back tears, "No. I get it... I'm sorry Dad. About everything. This morning.... everything.... I didn't mean to do any of that to you, Mom, or Will or David..... I'm sorry." "Ummm..." He fake cleared his throat, "I talked her into a dinner.... Out somewhere.... wherever you want..... Maybe a movie. You can bring.... Two of your friends they just can't stay over. Let's think about it for next weekend once you have things squared away..... Okay?" "Okay," I answered in monotone, as I thought through what he said. The lesson was, if you're going to get in trouble, go big: No cut in allowance, grounding or added chores: just get your ass kicked and all is well. I kind of understood. "Just stick around the house.... And, don't go anywhere without me or Will. David can come over.... I mean, kids can come to our house but you can't leave unless you're sure someone will walk back with you and you stay off the roads. I don't want you guys on the water either. You can't be alone until this thing is over. The beach is okay, when you're with someone.... Low tide walking around is okay. It's impossible for anyone to ambush you on the beach. Tell you what, when you have your friends over, we'll hit the four o'clock run out of Winslow.... I'll talk her into that. We may as well make it a Seattle trip..... Pizza at the Sourdough? Run up the hill for a movie or walk over to the aquarium? How's that?" "But if I can't be alone, why can't I have a party, Dad?" "Because sick people like him would love to mess up your life and it would be the time to do it..... In front of all your friends..... To destroy our family. To destroy your life.... Your mother doesn't want it. That, right there, should be reason enough for both of us." That didn't help. I'd never tell him how hurt I truly was. Mom's a complete bitch. Years later, I realized how cutting that punishment is to a kid turning thirteen.... Safety or not, something could be arranged. It's a kid's last "kid" birthday. Once we passed downtown Tacoma and sped over the Nalley Valley viaduct, headed for the Narrows Bridge, I figured we were headed home. I figured he wanted road time to talk and make up for this morning and a rolling car made it easy for long periods of conversation without the nuisance of direct eye contact. He wanted more information: it was obvious. Instead, he turned off of 6th Ave and down Jackson Street. We drove straight to Bret and Timmy's place. Dad told me he chatted with Mandy and then Bret's Dad, while I was with Chris. Now I knew he talked with McCabe, at length, prior to the hospital interview. It explained why they didn't come to Tacoma to get me: I had to deal with some consequence on my own. It was Dad's way. Pulling into my friend's driveway filled me with fear since I had no idea of what Dad really knew: if Bret had spilled the beans and he'd caught me in my "big lie" this morning. Bret's Dad was a chain smoker who tried to carry himself like Tom Seleck. He didn't have the build or suave so he was more like a white, JJ Walker with a clumpy mustache. The adults went out on the sun deck to talk while me and Timmy escaped to the tent. "I like Mandy," Timmy chirped as he zipped up the flap. "Yeah, she's nice. But, she called the cops." Timmy's eyes went wide. "What'd you do?" "Just ran away.... Was all. It was enough to call the cops, I guess." I couldn`t admit everything, for fear he`d think less of me or even understand it. After all, he's nine. Timmy thought about this as we sat down, crossed our legs Indian style, and touched our legs together, facing each other, for another round of twenty questions. "Did I do something wrong? When we were in the hospital, did we do something to get you in trouble?" Timmy asked with concern. "Don't worry about it.... I did. Only me. Not you or anyone else..... Only me." I assured him by reaching over to jiggle his knees. He smiled. "What then?" He asked with a little relief. I thought about Bret and then told Timmy Chris's Dad was the one who beat me and that's why Chris was in the hospital. I explained that's why I ran away: I was afraid of him and thought my parents would kill me too. I further told him I'd over reacted about all of it. I was stupid. I didn't touch on sex stuff: That's my business. He nodded and told me nobody ever told him the truth because they think he's to young to "understand." At his age, nine, is when skeptics are born as every adult in your life lies to "protect you" and you're figuring out all their bullshit between the lines they want you to read and believe without question. I thought about this before I spoke and gave him a new nick. "Tim Tim, Chris's Dad is a complete asshole. And, I'm gonna tell you everything, in a few years, only because we're new friends and all..... It's not only that, the truth is, it's adult stuff. I'm a kid and shouldn't of gott'n in the middle of all that shit. I'll absolutely tell you the God's honest truth of why and how we got the shit kicked out of us. It's that all anybody knows outside of my Dad, is nothing. It's the way it has to be. And, you're the only one I think I'll ever tell but I can't until I fucking understand everything for myself. I don't and it's best not to do anything until I do...... It's what Dad says and what I've done in the past, when I don't know what to do. And, the shit part is, it's not over. I don't want you thinking I'd hide shit from you. I'm not and won't...... I don't get any of it..... Any of it. I want to talk to Chris..... I want him here! I want it all back!" and tears flowed down my cheeks so I shut up. A big boy was crying in his tent. He sat there not knowing what to do. As I silently cried, he offered the only big secret he knew for certain to be true: Bret wasn't his real brother, and the exact description of what Bret had confessed to me a few days ago. I acted shocked and questioned him several times over like it was new information. I felt honored that he'd trust me with his family's secret and wanted him to know how I valued him. It helped me gain my composure. After he finished, in a way, I wanted to tell him the rest but knew better. Timmy continued, "Me and Bret told Dad about you last night. Bret went first. I went second." "I hate that. When they divide you up so you don't know who said what. Always tell the truth when they do that.... It means they know something for sure." He nodded and continued, "It was weird... It was like he already knew what we were going to say. Bret thought the same thing. And then you guys show up today.... Did Mandy call him too? Just like the cops?" I nodded, "I think so, Dad said he talked to both of them..... I know he talked to the cops before they talked to me..... What did you say?" "What we talked about in the tent. About, maybe, running away, the park, that weirdo nurse who chased us at that doctor's office and when we met Mandy, was all I said. I didn't tell about those condoms. He wasn't mad or anything. Was that okay?" "Yeah, man, the condom thing is our secret and everything else is the truth." "Ummmm... Where can I get more of those?" I squinted at him, "Why?" "This big kid gave me a dollar for it... How-" "You got a dollar! Shit kid, you're a genius! They only cost a quarter!" "Where do I get'em?!" He screamed as his eyes went huge with excitement of becoming a multimillionaire before age twelve. I laughed, "Timmy, I wish you were my brother." He smiled, "Really? Bret says I'm a pain in the ass." "That's our job! We're youngest!" Timmy giggled and I leaned in to gave him a bear hug. "Get off! Yuck!" I ruffled his hair. "You're cool and Bret knows it." "Yeah but, where do I get`em?! Can you buy me, like, ten dollars worth?" "Shaffer's but this big dude chased me out of there..... And, you're gonna have to grow about a foot before you can reach the machine.... It's in the bathroom..... You'll see it." Timmy dropped the subject as he had his info and sat silently. I could tell he was scheming: trying to calculate the capital required, revenue desired and margin required to cover the cost of renting a ladder. I hoped he wasn't financing through a sixth grade thug. A few minutes later Timmy's Dad called us to the house. Dad hated Scotch: "Ass dribble," he called it, when he thought I was out of ear shot. He was sipping bourbon on the rocks from a crystal tumbler: I knew it by the color and the way he sipped compared to other brown stuff. He savored bourbon and took other stuff with soda or something..... I watched him sip and savor. I hung around adults or Will, at my parents dinner parties. It was safer than being with my sisters. I always got in trouble, when I hung with them. So I picked up on all the little details of adult life, or what they'd speak of, with me at their heels. Dad seemed happy now. "Hey Timmy, how would you like to visit Jon tomorrow?" His Dad asked. "Heck yeah!" My Dad gave me a wink as he gave Timmy's shoulder a squeeze and explained, "We live on the beach so you'll need a bathing suit and all your gear!" "Wow!" Timmy giggled and started jumping up and down with excitement. I was astonished. Bret obviously didn't tell his Dad the whole story otherwise, Timmy wouldn't visit. Timmy chased behind us as Dad punched it out of the drive and up the hill to Jackson Steet. He shook his head as he peered in the rear view mirror, "God, I'm glad you kids are grown up! That one's hyperactive... Way too much work!" he smiled as he watched Timmy still sprinting up the hill a few blocks behind as we came to a stop at the intersection with Jackson Street. "Dad... Dad? Can we see Chris? Visiting hours are over at seven... If we hurry we can make it... Just for a minute... Please?" We sat at the intersection for a couple of seconds, even though no traffic was coming, but he took a right for the bridge and offered no explanation. I let it go. I had my answer of the point of the day: I'm a huge liability on his balance sheet. We drove in silence until we passed Port Orchard before Dad opened up conversation. He told me Mom's going to be pissed. He wanted us out of the house this morning before she could nab me, so we could talk before she went psycho on my ass. As far as Dad was concerned, Mom had no business in boy stuff which he knew was the cause of everything. He told me he'd take one for our team and calm her down before she took a pound of flesh. Dad also told me Mom blames herself but wouldn't explain why. He told me not to be defensive or argue about anything. Listen to her and wait for her to make her point then think before I speak, even if it meant sounding like a robot. If I did, she might go light. I knew Dad's pointers were to minimize drama in his life or they were playing "Good Cop/ Bad Cop." At this point, I couldn't tell. I thought more about the conversation I overheard in the cabin: Greta's question to Will about him knowing there was something wrong with me. I began to think Mom dropped me on my head as a baby or David and Collin were right: I'm retarded and just to stupid to know it. Why would she blame herself and why did I have to walk on egg shells around her? As he spoke, questions filled my head but I held them inside where they belonged. He went on to tell me how Timmy's Dad had told him Timmy wouldn't shut up about me: the hospital adventure and how I'd talk with and listen to him. So, over drinks, our fathers hatched a plan to keep Timmy occupied all day tomorrow. Timmy's Dad wanted him out of their hair so they could pack for vacation, run errands and set the house up for a sitter. Timmy's going to Disneyland. It was a surprise for Timmy just as it was for Bret for his ninth summer. In two weeks, the family would head for Cannon Beach, Oregon, for their family vacation which would include Bret. But for now, everything was about Timmy. My job was to tucker the kid out so he'd fall asleep while they drove all the way from LAX to Anaheim. I knew that'd be easy with the beach and Timmy's hyper nature. Timmy's Dad said he'd drive around all night, until Timmy falls asleep, in the back of the rental car, to ensure his boy would wake to open the hotel curtains and find the park in front of his face. Timmy's so lucky! I could only imagine what that would be like. I was there, when I'd turned five, and I only remember the Pirates Cave and the dopey Main Street Parade. Being there was like living inside a Disney cartoon. For an older kid, like Timmy, there'd be a bit of that with the thrill of rides. It doesn't seem fair that some kid's families can afford to go every few years and I'd never go back unless I hired some kids for cover, after I'm an adult. When I came through the door with Dad on my heals, I thought Mom's acidic stare was for me. She hugged me tight but, over my shoulder, I could feel heat from her laser beams of hate firing at Dad. I felt sorry for him. He should have thought through his decision this morning. Dinner was weird. Sue wanted to talk about us boys going to skate in Seattle, starting in August, and our first team skate sometime at the end of September. Mom joined into that conversation like nothing happened. Later in life I understood they were trying some afternoon TV psychology on me: waiting for me to talk about it rather than pry it out. I was happy to keep my mouth shut. That night, I heard them arguing, with Will's voice mixed in, as I lay in bed thumbing through some of Will's math textbooks he'd brought home from University. I zoned out knowing they were yelling about me. I couldn't take any more humiliation. I concentrated on the digits and diagrams that referenced theorems I'd never heard of and words that were more than eight letters long. I needed a dictionary but it was upstairs with all the yelling. I kept turning pages. I always thought I was smarter than my brother, based upon comparing our marks at each grade. But after looking at his textbooks, I felt there was noway I'd have his intellect, ever. I felt like a little kid again: craning my neck to look up, in wonder, of everything his big brother can do and he can't. It seemed so unfair that he was now arguing my fate with them. Being the youngest sucks. Mom brought a load of laundry down at eleven o'clock and noticed my light was still on. She gave me a smile, as she sat on the edge of my bed and I had to recount my whole experience for her. Will popped his head in once. I felt so honored that he'd seek me out for once. It was cool and nothing like Dad braced me for: Mom listened. Once in a while, she'd interrupt to ask a one word question: who, what, where, when, how or why. This made it easy and I didn't have to cry or be dramatic. It was about midnight, when we finished, and she'd shared a bit about living in Norway during the war and how she'd wished she could have run away when she was a girl: to Sweden or the States. If she had, she never would of met Dad, I thought, and that was her point: It's better to hang in than abandon those who love you and sometimes good things come from bad. I'll never forget how much closer I felt to her. After she left, I figured her and Dad would compare notes. The whole thing may of been a roose. This is something us sib's knew they did to get to the truth: we're not stupid. She was playing good cop, for a change. In the morning, I tried to give Bret ten dollars, after he dropped Timmy off, but he wouldn't take it. It turned out Timmy was nothing like Dad: he wouldn't take Bret's money either. Bret didn't hang around or even take a tour of my house. He told me he wanted to "get into Tina" as many times as possible before work. A penis has a bad influence on manors, friendships and everything else in life..... Mom was elated to have Timmy around. I couldn't figure her out. All she did was complain about me at Timmy's age. Now, she smiled, giggled and laughed at every little thing he did. Timmy's cute but not that cute. It seemed fake. He came to us in rubber, flip-flops that smacked his feat at an ear popping frequency, fitted in pale blue swimmers that barely covered an inch below his butt cheeks, little orange tank top, and a stuffed backpack in tow. It was obvious he dressed himself in his favorite things all from last year. "I never even knew I had an Aunt Sharon, never even heard of her...." Timmy explained as he continued to ramble, nonstop, about his Aunt Sharon's, in California, where he was going to visit because she's having a baby and his Mom's, somehow, going to help. She lives in Santa Barbara and he'd never been there or on a plane. He'd fly out at ten thirty tonight because all the earlier flights were full and they'd have to drive an hour or two to get there after landing sometime after midnight. We all laughed on the inside of the elaborate cover story his parents invented. Timmy was human Carp who chomped down on the lie: hook, line and sinker. Before Mom would let us on the beach, we had to slather up with sun tan lotion. She wasn't going to have Timmy's trip ruined due to sunburn. Timmy wanted me to do his back rather than Mom. I kind of understood: your own Mom is okay but somebody else's is just some dumb girl: you need a buddy to do it. It was awkward for both of us, when we got down to our waist bands. Mom made us slide them down a few inches below our hips and slather so we wouldn't get "pink belt." Timmy thought it was funny and I feared a boner since I never knew what would set it off and I felt it tingle, when the top of his butt crack was revealed. That kind of thing never happened in the locker rooms. And, it was less than an inch of exposure! After we were done, I thought about it, and decided to throw a tee shirt on: the bruises were still there and my scabs hadn't all molted off. As I pulled it over my head, I realized Mom knew I'd been naked outside. My butt and tummy were tan where they shouldn't be. She didn't say anything and I became as sheepish as when they heard me jack it, a year or so back. "How come it stinks?" "Low tide always smells. It's sea life..... Living and dead..... most of it just stinks no matter what... You've been to the fish market at Pikes Place, right? It's like working there, I guess, after a while, it grows on you... I love this smell," I answered to his crinkled up nose. It didn't matter. Timmy couldn't wait to dominate a new piece of Earth. We walked the beach exploring tidal pools or, I walked and he ran from pool to pool, zigzagging back to my path with new questions. He'd never experienced a live Sand Dollar with its hundred little spiny feet and brittle black, stubbled, surface. He'd only seen the bone white, dead, dollars that wash ashore along the east side of the Tacoma Narrows. I guess he thought they were fossils or something. Dollars live in huge clusters along the mud flats. Some colonies were living, while others were slowly dieing off only to begin new a year or two later. He flipped one over in his hand, watching it's hundred, spiny, feet twitch. He then tossed it in the mud and stomped it, with both feet, so it made squishy crunch. His face lit up from wonder to an evil smile. I had to keep him from stomping through the entire colony. Most boys get off on the bone shattering crunchy sound the dollars make as they're stomped but with Timmy I think he got off on being God to the little critters as he'd screamed, "Die you bastard Nazi pigs, DIE!" As we walked the tidal pools, he found crabs, sea snails, the tiniest of mollusks, and tiny, sand camouflage, rock, fish or a stranded flounder. All were common place for me but for him it was all new. To have the honor of sharing an experience with a kid is such rich reward and one I wanted to continue: the way his eyes lit up and went wide with wonder or his laugh and giggles. Emotionally Timmy became my brother as I answered every question and explained how the ecosystem worked. I understood my brother completely due to this few hour experience. I'd been around younger kids before but never had one as open and clingy as Timmy. He really wanted me as his best friend for life. I wanted that more than he could imagine. Such a gift he gave me that day. David sprinted down the hard pack mud patches, jumping and dodging puddles and tidal pools, towards us. As he closed the distance, I told Timmy he'd be my excuse to ditch David, if things got weird. He shrugged so I imagine Bret used him like this once in a while. I didn't really want to talk to David about my experience because I wanted Chris with me so our stories matched. "Will called and said your dumb ass was down here! You're such an asshole!" David said with a smile and then broke into giggles at my hair while purposely ignoring my bashed up face. Probably something his Mom told him not to mention. "That's what they say? And, shut the fuck up.... You guys couldn`t find me: dumb shits." He shrugged and smiled as he couldn't resist, "Will said you looked like the Broad Street Bullies painted a target on your back... You're not that bad. You're fucking bald and that's worse than the little love kisses on your ugly, assed, face. It's an improvement. But, your hair looks like something off Leave it to Beaver.... Or worse, one of them old 40`s movies. You look like a total, fucking, dork!" "Fuck off," I answered with a giggle, "I kind of like it," and rubbed the stubble on the top of my head. "The cops were at my house, Mom and Dad were screaming at me like I knew where you were and then your brother made me drive around with him for hours... Dad even took a couple of vacation days looking for you! You're a complete asshole! Our vacation is all screwed up because of you!" He gave me a pansy shove. I think he thought I was still in pain. I decided to let him. I knew the true meaning of his tone and comments: he'd never admit worry or missing me because those are the words of pussies. We didn't have to communicate that shit. After introducing him to Timmy, I began a bland version of my story. With Timmy here, it was awkward. I had to speak in code. I don't think Timmy caught on, even with David's shocked facial expressions of my crimes. Nervousness spread across Timmy's face and his body tensed as he looked David over during my story. David is a big kid and looked to be able to pound Timmy and ten of his closest friends into the ground with no effort. Big kids are scary to nine year olds. I was a little worried since Timmy's out of his element and sometimes David could be abrasive to younger or weak kids. Timmy had some lip on him that could get David worked up. Luckily, Timmy's curiosity of the beach overtook his interest in us and he wandered off to a tidal pool. As I talked my way through Bremerton, Timmy pulled the front of his shorts down and let a stream fly in the air. He flicked his penis around so his stream curled and peaked which made sounds of rippling splashes in the tidal pool. David heard it behind him and smirked. Timmy turned to me as he shook off with a big grin as he flicked his little worm in my direction. I smiled back as he stretched the elastic band to it's max and let it snap back against his belly. Simply show off, little boy stuff, of being naughty. As I rambled on about walking to the Pay and Save, he wandered back, we formed a little circle and Timmy's eyes focused first on me and then on David. He looked David up and down a few times over. His jaw went slack, as he began breathing from his mouth, as his eyes penetrated David in that little kid spongy information absorbing trance. He unconsciously began imitating David's pose: hands on hips, shifting his weight from one leg to the other and once in a while, adjusting his little pud just like David, every few minutes. We all did that, ever since we turned eleven, when adults weren't around, adjusting your junk was a way of expressing masculinity. It's weird how this is common amongst young teen boys and even weirder how it stops, for most, before turning 15. Timmy liked David's looks and attitude: hero worship set in. When I got to the part about Bret setting me up in his backyard tent, it reminded me how liberating it was to confide. I struggled with not telling David about me (the real me) as I had with Bret but I really wasn't sure how my "at home friends" would react. If Timmy weren't there, I may have and accepted the outcome of confession. But, how do you tell someone you're a freak? Not even that: a cock sucking queer, like the kid who rode our bus we verbally and physically beat the living crap out of everyday for the past three years? David was my best friend and I thought it fair he should know. But I couldn't: not now and probably not ever. As I continued, Timmy became completely self involved and his hands found the back of his shorts. They crept under his waist band and began to caress his butt cheeks beneath the fabric. I did that as a kid. There's freedom on the beach. Kids become oblivious to everything around and modesty is forgotten. Timmy felt it: no Mom to warn off limit places your hands can't touch, foul language, farts, or any bathroom talk a kid could imagine. There are no rules. Soon, he was playing with a little crack exposure by pushing against his waistband with the back of his wrists, as his hand grasped his ass cheeks, expanding the elastic band as far as it would stretch. David noticed and gave me a smirk while quickly shifting his eyes down at Timmy. "Yup, we all did that... Remember?" I defended before David made a snide comment. When we were young boys, we played all kinds of expose your junk games out here as we thought this place was as private as our bathrooms at home. My comment went over Timmy's head as he lost track of my story due to his new found freedom and fascination with David. Soon he had both hands shoved down the front of his shorts. He'd pulled the waistband down to just above his junk. David giggled and called him "a little horny pervert." Timmy gave him a quick flash of his junk and we all laughed. Timmy loved pushing the envelope as much as Collin. I think that's why I liked him so much. A few minutes later, I was on the part of Bret's 914 screaming down Yakima Street, when Timmy's hands shot out of his shorts and he went into full animation jumping around, waiving hands, and acting out our run from the crazy nurse as he took over my narrative. Timmy's version was way better than mine. When Timmy described how we were caught by Mandy, I almost cried. I had no idea Timmy was more concerned about me seeing Chris than getting caught. I fell in love with my new little brother. Nobody would lay a hand on Timmy without my wrath: ever. I took over his narrative and told David I hung out with Chris until the cops got there. They brought me home. My story was simple and convincing without lies: just lies by omission. "You know, we went everywhere looking for you? I went to the castle a couple of times, when my parents thought I was sleeping. I even rode my bike all over the place in the middle of the night: under the bridge, the park, Billy's barn, the abandoned house, the cemetery, fucking everywhere. The day I found my shorts and stuff missing, I knew you were long gone. I never thought about staying home. Will even said you didn't take anything from your house except they couldn't find your savings account book and some underwear. I should of stayed home! I would of busted your ass!" "It's funny. The hardest part was getting out of here. Once I was on the road, it was easy. Except for the hospital: that part was so damn hard. I... I cried when Chris showed me where they pulled out his spleen... Will told me what it is and does. We never covered that in science class. I doubt Chris knows anything. They probably won't tell him.... The way his parents are... I hate them... I can't fucking believe that dick did that to him and-" "Yeah. Ummm, me too, a little bit, when Mom told me about it. I mean, after the day he went to the hospital and you.... disappeared..... I mean, wouldn't you? It was so fucked up. Mom said he could catch the flu and end up in the hospital... Or worse... Why'd his Dad fly off the handle like that?" "Chris said," I took a deep breath and blurted out as fast as I could, "That his Dad beat him all the time. That he was grounded to hide marks on his arms, back, neck and stuff.... That, his Mom and Dad... didn't want people to see... It's why he missed school all the damn time too." "Shit," David sighed as I watched his face and body closely, "I mean... Fuck! How the fuck? He never said anything!" "He never said anything to you.... Seriously?" I asked, as my bullshit detector began to fire. "Remember that time he told us he got hit and slapped around, at that sleep over last year? "We've kicked every kids ass to keep them off his back and his MOTHER FUCKING DAD'S KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME?!" He didn't answer my question and seemed overly worked up. "David's a liar," my mind screamed. "You know, when he said that stuff about his Dad, you know, a year ago? You know, when we played Frisbee golf that time until 7:00 and we all got in trouble? When he said he got spanked with that paddle, after he showed up home late but had that black eye and said his sister did it.... I mean, yeah, right, a girl did that to him..... After he told us all that, I told Dad but that's where I dropped it because my Dad said unless-" "You told your Dad?" David asked astonished that I'd break our kid code. I nodded and David looked around the bay avoiding my eyes. "I didn't think it was worse than what he said," David flatly stated. He never made eye contact. I had my answer: he knew it was worse than simple spankings. He knew and I was too stupid to figure it out which deepened my guilt. But why didn't David do something or tell my dumb ass what was up? "Did Chris tell you about the stuff his old man did?" I asked again. "I kind of knew but not really. Same as you," David snapped as he'd probably felt my passive aggressive, revolving finger of blame, pointing his direction. Timmy's eyes were wide as David's mock anger grew across his face: He tried to make it look the same as when he had Andy in that choke hold years ago. I knew the difference. He was pissed because I caught him in a lie. I stood silent as my emotions were still at my feet and working their way up my body. I wanted him to tell me the truth so I kept my mouth shut knowing he'd continue. I wanted someone to blame, as a place to vent my anger while he wanted my forgiveness..... He knew. After a minute of silence, David shrugged and slowly, soberly, stated, "God Damn it... I'm fucking useless." That was real and deflated my pent up rage. David was as hurt as I but his process was slower. I let him stew for a few more seconds before I changed the subject as thoughts of what Mandy said. "David, you can`t tell him we talked until he brings it up... That might take a long time.... you can`t be that pissed off.... you can't-" "Yeah.... I know.... I just can`t fucking believe it.... for fuck sake. Mom said Aflotti went crazy: the fucking prick. She kinda knew this was going to happen.... She told me after it went down.... She started crying and then completely lost it when nobody could find you. It's when I cried to... It sucks, when Mom cries." "Sorry.... I didn't mean for all of that..... The sheriff said Aflotti's going away for twenty years or more... I heard Mom and Dad talking this morning, before I went up for breakfast. What he did to me is attempted murder. There's a thing... It's happening Friday... an arraignment... Dad's going... They don't want me to know about it. Maybe, if it works out, everything will be better.... For everybody." "They should put him feet first through a meat grinder... Blow torch his eyeballs out. Hang him with fish hooks through his nut sack! RED HOT POKER UP HIS ASS! " "Yeah... I know," I thought about it for a second and I could hear Mandy at the back of my mind and continued, "Chris is the only one who matters... Do you think he wants his Dad or his family even more fucked up? Seriously? When he gets back don't do all of the shit you're doing now. It's still his Dad. The sheriff said the best thing is to get his Dad out of their house so Chris doesn't get beat. I mean, he might feel... Like... he put his Dad in jail... I kind of feel that way." David and Timmy had questioning looks on their faces as I'd let it slip out. "I feel like... guilty for not noticing before and I got beat up too... With him... I couldn't do anything. Either way... I guess is what I mean... Imagine how Chis feels?" "Yeah but you were the only with him! It's not your fault. We can't let some asshole do that and get away with it! He can't get away with it... If and when he gets out of jail, this will be the first thing he fucking sees," David took a swing at me: his fist swished an inch away from my nose, "That mother fucker is going to pay. Nobody touches one of us... Nobody." "It's not about any of that. It's-" "I know.... Don't you think I fucking know? You at least told your Dad..... I didn't do shit." Guilt is a bitch and we both felt it for the same and different reasons. He'd carry his grudge for the rest of his life, as would I, but we'd take different directions of resolution. I worried how he'd react, if he knew the truth: me and Aflotti would have big trouble. My attention went back to Timmy and David got the message: there's a better time and place to discuss revenge and it's not in front of a nine year old. We took Timmy way out on the flats: far enough away that our house looked little a shack on the shoreline. This was our pit: a three foot drop off ditch formed by draining tidal pools. The tidal stream cut its way through the mud and clay as water rushes its way out as water recedes. Now it's reduced to a trickle that piddled it's way into the bay which produce enough moisture for a thin layer of super slippery mud around the perimeter and into the bottom of our pit. On a super low tide, we might get an hour of the pits exposure. Today, we'd get a half hour of fun. David took the first "seal slide:" taking a twenty yard run, diving onto the slippery mud with a smack of his belly and sliding along to disappear over the edge of the drop off. We got the idea from Pete Rose's base stealing, head first slides. He's about the only baseball player we liked. He played the game like a grind line center: no fear, all aggression and a green light from the bench of inflicting as much damage as possible to all those homos on the other team. Timmy's jaw dropped and he laughed, as David vanished over the edge. Giggling, he took off at full sprint and did his first seal slide. He was a natural as he must have pile drived David at the bottom of the drop as I could hear them erupt with laughter. Due to my bruised body, I wasn't going to risk anymore agony and walked over to the edge where I was pelted by mud balls from both sides. I dropped to my knees to return fire with handfuls of mud and seaweed, I blindly launched into the pit. Timmy's willingness for rough play was something I didn't expect. Most rich kids were hopeless, pansies like Jan. Every chance we could, we'd dump mud or something down Timmy's shorts and he'd pull the stuff out and toss it back at us with laughter. Once in a while, when he managed to catch one of us, he'd do the same to us and we'd squeal for Timmy's benefit. Tim's cool. We had no defined sides in our war, because of our odd number, but it was clear that both David and I let Timmy get away with murder: he's younger so when he caught us, he owned us. Timmy tried throwing mud balls at us but he was too young to generate much velocity or accuracy with his shots. So we allowed him to catch us in a run down where he'd smear us with the slimy stuff: back of the head, tummy, and pelt our legs. He tackled David by simply clamping on David's short, like he had a Pit Bull's death grip, bite. In a few steps, he pulled them halfway down his butt so David hit the dirt to avoid full exposure. I caught a rock crab mixed with a heap of mud right on my ball sack. They laughed their asses off as I screamed like a little girl, pulling the front of my shorts down to wipe away the slop and dislodge the spiny feet of the crab from my sack. A little green rock crab, the size of a nickel, feels like a loaded pin cushion tumbling across your nuts..... This dirty trick was nothing new. We'd drop them in a kid's shorts and hold his hands above his head while he'd squirm and cry as the alien would claw away at his junk. It always amazed me how a kid could summon super hero strength as they'd squirm and tug their way free in a matter of seconds, drop their shorts (no matter who was around: adult or girl), and slap at their junk to get that alien off. Boys are ruthless and I'd endured it at least a half dozen times in my life: good, clean, fun. Soon, all three of us were caked in mud from our battle. Timmy's shorts pulled away from his butt a few times and we made fun of his steely white moon's contrast against the black mud. He giggled and mooned both of us. David tossed a huge mud clod down the back of his shorts and, as he dug it out, I sprinted by and dumped a wad of seaweed down his front. Eventually, Timmy got sick of us shoving stuff down there. His solution was to drizzle mud down the front and back of his shorts on his own terms, rub it around, and then he simply ditch his shorts by throwing them as far as he could up the flats. He was now a "mud man." He was covered in slimy mud with only streaks of tan and the white where his shorts once covered. His little penis and scrotum were coated but the mud was so fine I could make out every wrinkle and crease of his bag and little cock. My mind went into "locker room mode": all my thoughts were of road kill, fingers smashed in car doors, and all things that float in the blue water of a Port-a-Potty. I had problems with locker rooms beginning shortly before I turned ten. I started to really notice boys. Not all of them, but a few. Being curious is normal, but there were always kids like Brad and Ilya who drove me wild with dirty minded sex thoughts. I ignored everyone else but always tried for an eye full of the select few. I knew it was wrong so I came up with my road kill distraction a year ago. Later, I found and hoped it was a way to keep from boning up in all kinds of situations. As I aged, I found it easier to park in a locker next to an ugly, foul mouthed, asshole like Billy. If I despised someone, it didn't matter what he looked like, I ignored him and everyone around him so boning up was impossible as my hate raged against that sack of shit at the next locker. The tide was coming in and I whispered to David, "He needs to be baked, before it's to late." We giggled as we made Timmy lay on his back, on a hard pack mud patch, above the rising tide. David and I drizzled mud over his body and rubbed it in so there was a nice layer, about a quarter of an inch thick, over every inch of him. We both took care over his face: avoiding his eyes and lips. We caked it into his hair and spiked it out from his head. His little penis went rigid as he lay there from the heat of the sun and the two pairs of hands attending to his body. David drizzled mud all over his unit so there was a mound of mud on his crotch. We knew he was like titanium hard under there because we always were. Boys don't touch another boy's parts so, we'd settle on heaps of mud, over fun zones, to conceal everything. It was a mutual and unspoken agreement that went back to when we were seven years old or so. We sat Indian style, at his shoulders, and every half minute we demanded he not move a muscle and Timmy complied, muffling giggles and smiles. Cure time is fun time for us "mudders." David had a hard time keeping a straight face while I kept my eyes on Timmy's and giggled with him. Being a kid is the best. Reliving and sharing some of my play through him was a close second. Ten minutes later, we let him hop to his feet. The cured mud made him look like an unfinished piece of pottery: crusty gray, brittle and cracking. His hair stood straight up like a punk rocker's fan. He felt the prickly tickle of crackling crust of mud breaking free, in chunks and shingles, all over his body. "Oh, shit! Oh, Man, Oh..... OH MAN!!!! IT'S ITCHY! IT'S ITCHY! GET IT OFF..... AHHH..... GET IT OFFFFFF!" Timmy squealed as he jumped around bending, flexing and shaking every muscle in his body trying to shed the crust. David began to shuck fragments from his neck and I dropped to my knees to work my way up his legs. The crusty scales flew off him as he giggled with the feel of excavation, as his friends hands worked his body. David's hands met mine just as I was spanking the mud from the sides of his spongy butt cheeks. When we we're done, his body was covered in a grey dusting of beach. His little penis was pointing straight up at his chin with mud still crusted to his balls and shaft. There are some places "boy code" won't allow you to touch. David told him to jump in the bay which he happily did with a skip and jump to a belly flop in a couple of feet of water. "That use to be so awesome.... The best. Wish we could still do that kid stuff," David admitted, as we watched Timmy roll around in the water. "Yeah. I know. I hate getting older," I sighed as I took in what we both felt: our bond fading. We watched Timmy wash the filth from his hair and he stood up revealing his shiny, wet, tan hi-lighted by the white of where his shorts once were. As much as I tried not to recognize it he's beautiful. The perfect male form in perfect proportion for his body and height. "God damn it, I'm such a fag," I thought. There was something simpler in Timmy's body lines: in his effortless movement compared to guys my age and older. I guess it made him cute in the same way a puppy is cute only there was something more to him. I couldn't look away and feared David would notice. Squishing mud between my toes and staring down at my feet became my strategy of fighting my bad thoughts. Even after trying to toss globs of mud with my toes, the thoughts wouldn't leave. Adults still seamed like Martians in the way they looked, thought, and behaved. He's still perfect in every way. I'd rather hang with him than a twenty something. I guess everything about Timmy was better. Maybe it's because he thought I was God due to the few years I had on him. I loved that look of respect and wonder he gave me. Something the youngest never gets from his sibs. I began to think of Billy, as my defense of a hard on. Billy never really washed his pubes or junk.... Well, he never really washed anything, as far as I could tell: all he did was stand under the shower after gym or a hard hockey practice- no soap or shampoo ever touched him. So he had this massive curl at the center of his pube patch that must of been formed by months of crusted sweat, crystallized piss, and dehydrated cum that formed that flaky curl. It was like his sister took her curling iron to him. And, he was rank, I mean, he smelled like wet dog, shit streaked boxers and a homeless guys arm pit. Just two years ago, he was a cute boy: even for a fat fuck. He once had that "Timmy Suave." I couldn't believe how everyone changed. I then thought about myself. I couldn't hit a baseball, like I used to, or pick up physical instinct of another sport, like I once had a few years back. Hockey and soccer were the only sports I played efficiently..... It seemed muscle memory was chiseled out and there was little room for adaption, as the morph into a teen continued at an accelerated pace. I think I'm ugly no matter what my Mom and Will say. I think most people feel that way about themselves, at one point or another. Most of the time, I thought people stared at me because I might have a zit or maybe I look a little like Alfred E Newman. Why the fuck do people do that? Leave me the fuck alone! There's nothing to look at here. It was simple: Timmy's body was so perfect compared to our morphing teen bodies where faces grew longer or flat out ugly compared to a year ago; puss filled pimples appeared on faces, backs and chests; weird shit was happening below everyones belt; and not to mention, all the funky odors we all aquire. Timmy's able to just jump in and not worry about how well he plays and could care less about his looks or oder: there's no hang ups to being a boy. I wished I were Timmy's age to shed all of the crap. I definitely wanted to shed the last four months of my life. My stinking thinking sucked all the blood out of my dick, like our Maytag in the spin cycle. I hated waiting for all this shit to end. I either wanted to be Timmy's age again or an adult with all the privileges of life. If I looked half as good as Will, I'd have no worries, I figured. David smiled at me, gave me a shove, breaking me from my thoughts and we dove in with Timmy. But even as we splashed, my thoughts wandered to when we were kids. Our "mud men," play began when we were six or seven all the way up to the summer we turned eleven. The only variation was our "mud pack" process. We'd start with a mud fight and progress to a chase game where we'd stuff seaweed, clear jelly fish and mud down the others shorts as part of the "struggle." Then we'd sit a few feet apart taking turns tossing mud mounds down the other's shorts: we'd stretch the front out like a basketball hoop and take free throws... It's the closest we'd ever come to actually playing that stupid game. The most effective method was to bank a mud ball off the others tummy with a splat. After a dozen, or so, shots, we'd press and slosh the mud around in our shorts and then pull them off as the mud formed a crusty Speedo on our bodies. One of us would lay flat on his back to allow the other to pelt, drizzle and rub the other down with slimy mud. We accepted stiffies as part of our game. We loved the tingly feelings they made. We even verbally compared and contrasted what they felt like, as most kids will, but our little boy games never went to sexual touch. It's amazing we never played sexually way out on the flats, where nobody could see. I still can't figure out exactly why I was never attracted to David or my other friends. Although, I once slathered David with the slick stuff even coating his little, rock hard, penis with my hand instead of covering it with drizzle, as we always had. He jumped like I'd shocked him with 480 volts but settled in after my wandering fingers made a couple of passes. That is as close as we ever came to fooling around with each other passed show me games. At the time, I was curious of what somebody else's felt like. I still really couldn't tell with all that mud and never touched him like that again for reasons I can't explain. It didn't feel right with David is all I can say. We continued to splash around for at least a half hour, following the tide as it rose. The beach cast it's spell as our play became intense. I tossed Timmy around like a sack of potatoes and let him climb on my shoulders for a ride into the deep where he'd fall backwards pulling me down. His junk pressed against the back of my neck but neither of us went hard as we both were deep into the play. It was just short of wrestling, due our difference in size. I didn't want to hurt him by accident and was as gentle as possible short of being called a pussy. I loved every second of it as it was like being a little kid again. I only wished I was his age and naked to experience true freedom again. If David weren't around, I'd probably drop my drawers to get that feeling again. I felt amazing. The pain of my back and bruises became nonexistent. The cure was home and friends. It was relief of guilt and depressing thoughts, even if it were temporary. I paid so much attention to Timmy I lost track of David. Turning to shore, I found him spinning Timmy's muddy swimmers, on his index finger, by the waistband, with a huge smile on his face. "Hey, Mighty Mite, you're all naked and look who's coming!" A few hundred yards away, Julie was walking up the beach. Timmy stopped splashing and his hands dropped over his stuff as he shuffled over to a deeper spot and knelt down in the water. David owned him: I could see a streak of fear wash Timmy's face as David chuckled. When Timmy's pleading eyes locked to David, David grinned and tossed his shorts out in the channel. I loved David as a brother from another mother but today I knew he was my unconditional friend. He always treated inferiors with contempt, teased or insulted them until today. If it were Timmy or me he cared about, it made no difference, he showed compassion for someone beyond us, for once, instead of being a complete dick. It's a centerman's mentality: fuck everyone else it's my shot and I'm the one who will win the game. Complete assholes. David came to my side and whispered he had to call it quits for his chores and lawn mowing route he'd picked up for extra money, as Julie closed in on us. We spoke about kicking the ball around tomorrow as he backed away from me and then he jogged off waiving to Julie without our usual group chit chat. Julie didn't have much to say as she hugged my wet body to her warm skin and little yellow bikini. I boned up due to body contact.... I'd bone up for any skin to skin contact, at this age. She pushed into me and her hands wandered to the small of my back as she pressed, hard, against me. My eyes closed because it felt so good to have her as my only friend who wasn't afraid to show it so, I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and squeezed in return. She smelled like strawberry shampoo and Coppertone and, here I was reeking of kelp and muddy slime. I knew she could feel my penis rub against her but all she did was hold me tighter. After we broke apart, her eyes glanced down at my shorts, she looked back into my eyes, and smiled. I blushed and felt like sprinting off. "I'm sorry.... Really, really sorry," I was talking about my stiffy but I don't think she understood as she laid into me. "You could of called. Why didn't you call me? I only wanted to know you were okay. I thought we were- Jon, that was really stupid." "I know. I know. I do stuff without thinking. I didn't mean to. I mean, you and David are my best friends. You guys have every right to be mad at me. I get it..... I'm sorry." She looked disappointed for some reason, "Jon? God, Jon," She sighed and shook her head, as we began walking. I had to practically catch, wrestle, and yank Timmy over to introduce him, after Julie prompted my manors by shrugging and pointing at the little boy hopping from puddle to puddle ahead of us. I guessed he was sheepish around girls who hug and kiss. Timmy was polite but looked to me with the classic "what do I do" expression of a kid confronted with a beautiful girl. He just stared up at her, with his mouth hanging half open. I felt his fear as my slow brain translated the hug: it was of boyfriend/ girlfriend stuff. That scared the shit out of me. What the hell was she trying to do? What did she expect? What the hell was I going to do? He had a reaction I wished I could of taken: ran ahead and kept a safe distance from her. Once in a while, he'd come back interrupting with a question and/or a critter. Once, he hauled ass back to us, and hopped around with spasms of excitement, asking if we could build some spears to hunt flounder like he'd seen on Johnny Quest. As he described the episode, both his hands went down the front of his shorts and we watched him fondle his little balls through the material. He was oblivious with his new freedom and Julie blushed as he pawed away. After he got his answer of "Are you crazy? Those damn things are impossible to spear but a hook, line and some cheese is all you need," he ran off, disappointed, with one hand still jammed down the front of his shorts. Julie held my hand the rest of the way as I told her most everything. When we came to our bulkhead, she pulled me back from climbing the stairs as Timmy raced ahead, and kissed me square on the mouth. Her lips seemed softer than Chris's but she was more passive with suction. It was kind of like when we were little kids- just sliding our lips around- only now we opened mouths like adults. Her little boobs squashed between us and she shoved her hips into me and ground my new hardon against her. I could feel her exhale through her nose and then it was over. She rested her head on my shoulder and hugged me a bit tighter. She smelled so sweet now. How's that possible: sweet? "Don't ever runaway without me," She demanded as she pulled away, turned and ran down the beach to her house. I stood there for a few seconds completely stunned as her little butt disappeared around the corner to her house's bulkhead steps. Girls..... Somehow, I'd lost my boner. That kiss was so unexpected. I blushed knowing somebody had to of seen us beyond Timmy. Even if it were just the neighbors, how fucking pants down in front of the class was that? People will talk! My head spun with the idea that a girl, like her, would want me for that. I mean, she was four months older than me but, at that time, I had no idea girls were miles ahead of boys not only in physical development but emotionally as well. She was in her second wind of a girl's "boy crazy" phase. She had no idea I was twice the crazy for cute guys, than she. When I looked up the path, Timmy was midway up the stairs, giddily gawking down at me, puckering his lips like a gold fish, with added sound effects of lip popping and smooches. I flipped him off and he started laughing. So I charged up the stairs at him and chased him all the way back to the house where Mom was busy with Will in the side garden picking cucumbers and tomatoes for our dinner salad. Timmy gave them a glance that nonverbally stated he'd tell by twitching his eyebrows at me: the little prick. Us youngest know how to exploit secrets. "Hey Timmy, wash the salt off or prepare to itch your balls off," I almost begged to change subjects. "Jonny! You're not in the locker room!" My mother snapped without even looking up as she plucked those crappy tiny tomato's from the vine. Will turned and looked at us with a puzzled expression as Mom was emersed into "operation ignore the children." How he could read my voice always freaked me out. He knew I was trying to hide something. I grabbed Timmy's shoulder and led him to the shower to avoid any embarrassing question from Will where Timmy would surely answer with the truth. Little kids are the worst about that kind of stuff. "Cool! It's outside!" I adjusted the knobs and Timmy jumped under the stream in front of me which seemed right. I did that to Will all the time because it pissed him off. At almost nine years old, riding the edge of annoying is great fun. Timmy went into full little kid mode and I loved it since it meant he's comfortable around us: leaving manors and trying to be "grown up" behind. "If you want to jump off the bridge, when the tides up, just rinse off or you can take a real shower inside..... Mom gets mad if we drop our shorts and soap up out here since those people built next door a few years ago..... I used to streek all the time.... But not now, I'm too old for that." Timmy laughed, "Noway! Nobody does that. It's just a stupid song they play on the radio." "Yeah, we did, cuz nobody cared, when it was just a couple of houses and a few cabins. The girls never did, I mean my sisters, or when Julie was around, us boys never did it then..... She's seen me naked a couple of times, when we were real little.... like when I was six I think was the last time I streeked with her around..... We didn't have to walk all the way out there until we were about your age because by then, there were too many people around. It was like last year when we kinda stopped. Neighbors suck," I explained. "Sometimes, I go naked in the house- sometimes- when Bret's the only one home. It feels good. But mostly I like underwear..... Even in the winter. Don't know why but I do..... When Rolland's over we hang out like that- in our underwear- until we have to go somewhere or something- like at night and in the morning, after a sleep over." I nodded and pushed him half out of the stream and we began shoving each other around more than rinsing off. After about five minutes of giggling, yelling, screaming, pushing and shoving Mom popped her head around the corner and scolded us to stop wasting hot water. We stepped into the utility room where I dropped my shorts and placed them on the drying rack. Timmy's eyes locked on my junk. "Shut the door Timmy before Mom sees me and yells nonstop." He did with a huge grin on his face and leaned back against the door knob giggling at my nudity. He made me feel uncomfortable in my own house: this from the kid who, without a second thought, dropped drawers in his tent, on the beach, admitted running around naked just a minute ago and streeked across his lawn with a condom in tow, a few days back. "Put your trunks with mine. My parents will shit bricks, if you drip on the hardwood or sit on the sofa in those wet things. Seriously, you have no idea how they'll freak." He whispered, "But my clothes are in my backpack upstairs. Your mom might be up there or come down here and see me. Go get it?" I found it odd how free he was at his place and on the beach but now he's all modest. The comfort of home and out of sight, I guessed. Here I was treating him like he's one of the guys on the hockey team, with locker room nakedness, and now I felt a little stupid by making this mistake. I should of let the guest dictate the terms of the dressing room. "It's just us down here. Don't worry about it. We have clothes for guests. We always have company whose kids don't have gear because they forgot or their parents were to stupid to bring the stuff..... It's some of my old stuff. It'll fit. I have some cool stuff! Let's dress you up!" I grabbed my dick and wiggled it at him, "What's the matter? Did a crab lop your itty bitty teenie weenie off? It was that small, huh?" He giggled, "This better not be a trick. No girls clothes from your dopey sister or something. That better not be what you're thinking!" I let my dick go, "Nah, that's not what I mean by dress up. I'd never do something like that to my Little Dude: never, ever. I'm thinking we'll probably get dirty, if we go into the woods or something, later on. This way you don't have to worry about getting yelled at or anything: just pull my old stuff off after and slap on your travel clothes before your parents show up. Nobody will care, if my old clothes get ruined. It's better this way. You know how parents are and everything. You won't get in trouble." He nodded but probably wondered why I wouldn't get his pack. He really didn't want to drop'em. "Timmy man, what's the big deal? If a guy had a telescope, he'd of seen everything of your's a minute ago! I've seen your's tons! What's the problem..... You know my Mom's seen all my friends naked, at one time or another. She saw me a week or two back. Bet she even saw you earlier. Drop'em and go on up, if you want, she won't care. Nobody cares..... You're in my house not outside, in front of her, for Christ's sake." He thought it through for a second and giggled, "Nah, not in front of them.... You guys really did all that mud man and naked stuff all the time and your mom really didn't care?" "Hell yeah, every damn day of every damn summer we did it. Too old for it now, you know," and I pointed at my little pube patch as Timmy lowered his shorts and placed them next to mine. "Shave'em off like Bret!" He giggled. "I'd end up slicing my dick and balls off with Dad's razor or something," I shook my head, laughing and then cupped my nuts, "No way I like these guys to much..... And what would the guys say? They'd think I'm a little kid or something." He gave me a puzzled look and then giggled. I grabbed a towel for Timmy. I let him dry and then rubbed myself down with it after he was done. His little penis chubbed up so that it was as big as it would get prior to an erection as it poked out from his scrotum with a couple of degrees of elevation. I felt mine do the same thing as it swaying back and forth with my motion while I dried my my back with the towel swung over my shoulder. Timmy's eyes stayed glued to it until I'd completely wiped my entire body. I knew it was the same curiosity as in the tent but the way he stared was like a zombie drooling for brains. I began to wonder if he's like me. I had the beginning of those thoughts at his age. We walked down the hall and squatted, side by side, as I dug through all the soon to be hand me down clothes in the lowest drawer of the linen closet. I found him a pair of gym shorts and my old Hawaii 77` shirt from our only, family, Christmas/winter, vacation trip, when I was ten. Dad said we were all old enough to remember it and Will would be at university soon so it was our last chance for a Kodak moment in tropical paradise. Timmy didn't object to my choice. I think he was caught up in being naked in somebody else's house. I bet I could of put him in a pink blouse without him objecting. I led him into the bathroom where I grabbed suntan lotion and squirted stripes on his shoulders, down both his arms, another down the valley of his chest to just above the tip of his now fully erect cock which I tried to ignore but it'd been weeks since I masturbated and even though it was a little boy dick, it was so perfectly proportioned to his body. His little purplish pink helmet bobbed up and down and my mouth began to dry as I felt my heart race and cock inflate as he began rubbing the Coppertone into his arms as I rubbed it into his shoulders and back. I smiled down at him in the bathroom mirror as I squirted a glob on my palm and began rubbing lotion into the small of his back and then knelt to rub the back of his legs. I wanted to touch him all over, hold him, caress his calve muscles, stroke up his inner thigh and then land my mouth on his savory sex. As my hands stroked back up his legs, I rubbed his inner thigh all the way up to his legs split to his butt. He spread his legs, a little bit, and I could see his little boy pouch. I stroked up high letting my hands lightly skim over those perfect orbs to his hips. Then rubbed around the small of his back, again, to feel the transition of torso to his little boy bottom and let my hands wander a bit to low on his cheeks. "Stick'em up," I barely got out and he raised his hands in the air so I could continue up his sides and even into his arm pits which had him giggling. His body was so smooth and soft almost like Chris but even softer since his muscle tone was still of a young boy. God help me because I loved the feel of him. I grabbed his shoulders and spun him around. His eyes shot down and locked on my throbbing penis. "Wow," He giggled. "Yeah, your's got really big too," I whispered as my mind was at war as cute little Timmy's eyes scanned my stuff with his excited look of wonder.... He wanted to feel it- just to see- I knew that look. He's like me. My body shuttered with tension as my scrotum began to tighten and lift. I could feel lubricant ooze up my urethra. "What's happening? He's my brother. What am I doing?" I thought. He peered up at me, "Why you whispering?" he asked with a gulp. "Oh... Umm... This is weird," I stammered trying to calm down. I wanted to do him: it wasn't about me getting off. I wanted his hips pounding away as his tummy slammed my nose as I'd suck him off. I wanted to hear him moan, pant and squeal with my suction. I wanted to taste him. He took the bottle off the counter and shot a few lines of lotion down the front of his thighs. As I contemplated the risk of getting caught on my knees by Will or Mom, Timmy peered up at me then to my cock again as he crouched to rub lotion into his legs. I watched his face turn to pure wonder as he stared at it bobbing a foot away from me: could he smell my sex? Sometimes the stench was overpowering, when I'd drop drawers, after being around Jon or after we'd messed around. I knew there was a sex smell and both me and Jon had it. I felt his breath swoosh across my cock shaft and testicles. His attention to me swung my thoughts to selfishness of wanting to grab the back of his head and ram my cock down his throat. My thoughts were of dowsing his ass with Coppertone and fucking him like I'd done Jan. "How come you're not putting on lotion?" I croaked, "Oh, ummm. I really don't need it. I only put it on cuz Mom wanted you to this morning.... being polite." "Your voice is funny.... You okay?" I grabbed him, spinning him and put him in a full nelson which allowed my junk to grind into his back. Timmy giggled from what, I'm sure, he thought was naked wrestling. He felt so warm and slick against my penis as I pumped my hips a couple of times and then my brain flashed to my Wolf dream. I could see Schmidt's head lower to my tiny penis and his lips circling my shaft to pucker and suck. No wolf this time: just Schmidt slurping away. I remembered being in complete awe as I peered around the side of his head to see what he was doing to produce the vibrating, slimy spasms through my penis and into my tummy. I remembered my head slamming against the paper covered cushion, with a crunch, as the spasm entered my toes and worked it's way up my feet..... Then nothing. I released Timmy with a shove and nervous laugh. Timmy turned to me giggling as he wrapped his arm around to rub his back where my junk made contact. I turned and walked into my bedroom and hurriedly grabbed a pair of shorts and tee shirt from my dresser but fell backwards to my bed where I dropped my clothes to the floor. My mind shot through more memories: everything spun with confusion. How could any of that be true? Was it real? If I stayed in that bathroom a second longer, I would of raped him with all the fury of what I did to Jan: I was sure of it. I never wanted to lose a friend or hurt anyone again. I felt lost in my own head. Everything was confusing so I relied on Dad's advise: when in doubt, do nothing until I'd fully thought things through or found sound advice. But who could I talk with about this? Timmy followed me, stopping short, at the doorway scanning my room with total concentration of the loot of my domain. He held my old clothes in one hand. I thought he'd get dressed but he just stood there naked with his penis still at full mast. Timmy's mind was like a crow: shiny things distracted him even from our nudity. His eyes locked upon the rocket I'd built for a sixth grade, science, project, that hung above my bed. He glanced down at his cock then back to the rocket a couple of times with a smirk and sing song drama, he asked, "How come our rockets get all big stand up like that? Like on the beach and right now? I know it's because being naked is naughty but why can't I make it stay down when I want? I can make it go up just about anytime I want.... Just by thinking about making it big and it just pops up there..... But why won't it stay down when I want?" He stared at his little units eye staring back at him as he waited for an answer. "God, Timmy, do you ever stop asking questions?" My voice was cracking with confusion. Schmidt was like Denis. I knew it wasn't a dream: most of it seemed to real. I couldn't wrap my mind around it until now. Schmidt did something to me, when I was a really little kid: barely out of diapers, I thought, or at least I still had accidents at night.... My stomach churned as bad as when I thought Chris was dead but I couldn't figure out why. "You said that's what youngest do! You said it's our job! So, why does it do that?" Timmy demanded, although he knew the answer: He's to smart not to to know. "Mine just goes up anytime it wants. I think, sometimes, it goes up because of what you said: naughty naked games. It doesn't mean anything. Don't worry about it." As I said this, my mouth began to water as if I was going to puke. "Oh......... Rawwwwwrrr!" He grabbed his stiffy and started shifting gears with it as he ran a few circles around my room pretending to be in the Indy 500 or something: complete with squealing tires and grinding gear sound effects. I sat on my bed and stuck my hand down to feel my now soft cock that had secreted a little slimy drop of precum. I thought, if I tried to rub myself to erection, nothing would happen. My stomach was turning as I thought of what I almost did. Timmy came to a stop to look at my poster of Bobby Orr, after a fight, with blood dribbling out his nose and down his sweater. He looked over at the opposite wall viewing posters of the Swedish National Team and a couple of the Broad Street Bullies: Schultz beating the crap out of some Maple Leaf goon and a group photo of toothless smiles of the ultimate goon squad (the original felons on skates). I loved the Bullies because they forced the Soviets off the ice a few years back and the Swedes were the best chance of beating the Soviets in the upcoming winter Olympics. I couldn't wait to watch the little Northern European country kick a super power's ass..... Even if it was Sweden. "You really like hockey, huh?" "Yeah man, there's no game like it. So fast. You have to learn to react with the right decision, in a split second, and be disciplined enough to follow coach's system, when you do. It's like everything fades away: you, ice, teammates and coach is all that matters. You have to trust everyone and know they have your back. It's all about being there for everyone else. It means everything...." He shrugged. "Hey, that's a Plymouth Super Bee! Wow! 426 and everything! You even painted it Plumb Crazy!" He gasped hopping about a bit as he surveyed a few model's, on my bookshelf, I'd methodically assembled and detailed when I was ten and eleven. "You know cars! Fucking cool.... Most of my friends could care less." He nodded and began running around the room again roaring and grinding gears with his stiff cock. He came to a stop in front of me: pulling his penis up and then fluttered it, side to side, like he'd shifted into neutral and was ensuring he's out of gear. "Bob, booobedie, bob, bob!" he made the exhaust sound effects of a big block, funny car and shuffled forward, between my legs. "EeeeK!" he squealed as he came to a stop. I wanted, so badly, to give his stiffy a couple of slaps like my brother did when I'd bone up during some of our early morning, pre-shower, wrestling matches. It was all in fun, with Will.... But, Timmy's not my real brother. What would happen? Would I get in trouble? I quickly reached down and wiggled my index finger in his belly button while holding him behind his back with my free hand, "Honk, honk, honk," I laughed as Timmy squirmed around laughing while struggling for freedom. His body slammed against me and my penis sprang back to life with our contact. Schmidt and Denis faded to the back burner of my mind as his taunt for play gripped me. He spun around and pressed his backside between my legs and then put his full body weight against me so, I scooted back a bit so only my lower legs dangled over the side. He hopped up on the bed, pressed against me with all his weight to push me over. The crown of my cock was pressed against the small of his back and I wrapped my arms around him in a bear hug to gain control and bring him up from resting against me like that. He simply wanted a wrestling match with his new friend. It's what boys do. At least I did, without any sexual thoughts, with Will and David...... It was this year when things got weird. Timmy laughed. "Your's is up again! I felt it!" "They have minds of their own!" Timmy laughed as I released him and he flipped back around as he jumped up off me landing on the floor in a crazy karate pose. He peered down at my throbbing cock with a smirk. "Grab your bellybutton with tips of your fingers, like, with your fingernails and pinch as hard as you can... Ever done that?" I asked Timmy as his eyes worked their way up my body and finally met mine. "Why? What will it do?" "Just do it, I dare you." He stared at me knowing something was up as he grasped his button between his thumb and index finger with his fingernails ready to dig in. "Don't even think about it, just do it with all your might. Just do it! I triple, ass kicking, dog, dare you!" He did and doubled over grasping his nuts. "Oh my God..... Owwww...... What the....." I couldn't stop laughing as he bent forward and his hand grasped his aching balls. "Collin, you haven't met him yet, showed me that a few years ago..... So, now you know! You should of seen your face!" "Why, I oughta!" Timmy screamed, in his best Jackie Gleason, as he tackled me around my chest, with a leap that pushed me back against the mattress. He quickly straddled my stomach and grasped my arms back against the bed. I let him. He deserved his few seconds of revenge since he'd just experienced his first bellybutton, ball buster. And, when you're a kid, it hurts ten time worse than as an adult. He slapped at my face with baby taps, with his giggling never stopping, since he knew I was letting him win and he probably realized I was truly his friend. But, enough is enough. Grabbing him by the waist I bucked my hips while shoving him aside and pounded his skull with noogies as we laid on our sides. He hopped to his knees and threw his body over my torso with a Big Time Wrestling, body slam. He was laughing his ass off and I enjoyed this as a memory of my brother's pre-shower play on those early summer mornings, when he still lived here and it seemed like it was just us and David who ruled the world. Will was always gentle with me and I loved this role reversal. Timmy's the coolest little dude. In this split second, as I tuned into my nostalgic thoughts, Timmy shifted and began slamming his Mr. Minnow at my face as he tried to grapple over me to the top of the bed. I doubt he realized what he did. His little balls slapped my nose as his rigid penis grazed my forehead. He shifted so he sat behind me and scissor locked my head between his folded legs. I could barely hear anything as his thighs pressed my ears to my skull but I could still hear him giggling like a madman as I looked up into his happy eyes. I decided he'd win no matter what and simply acted like I was going for a hold by reaching back and pawing at his rib cage. I allowed him to grab my wrists and then acted as though he was the Hulk with super human strength. I could easily pull my head away but looking up at his delight of control was way to fun. He quickly released my hands to bend forward and grab both my nipples, "One wrong move and these get torn off, tossed in a ZippLock and taken home for my cat's midnight snack!" He began snapping his teeth and leaned forward, slowly lowering himself to chew my nipples off. With this move, his junk was jammed against the top of my head. My short army dog cut bristled against his pouch and base of his shaft. He felt those fine, soft, hairs and I'll never forget how abruptly his giggling ended with a gasp. His body shifted forward to press his shaft on the top of my head. Once he had full contact with the tip of his sensitive cock head, he stayed motionless for a few seconds and then gyrated clockwise and then shifted gears to a fever pitch in the opposite direction. He leaned forward until his tummy pressed against my face and I inhaled deeply against his suntan lotion, soaked, skin. I felt numbness set in and fought as my brain screamed "Jan! Not again!" Giving him a shove and pulling my head from beneath him, I hopped to my feet. Timmy was left in a heap, holding his little rock hard penis in his left hand as his chest heaved and he panted like he'd run a mile or something. It was clear he hadn't climaxed but was close and I knew I was numb longer than just the few seconds I thought. He attempted to use the top of my head like I used that blue comforter years ago.... My heart was close to nuclear detonation as I could feel it pound up my throat and hear each mammoth beat echo in my head. It felt like when I did it with Jon the first time: in excitement overload. But this was Timmy! I grabbed my shorts and pulled them on with shaking hands. When I turned back, he hadn't moved and was still staring at it. His little boy balls were completely drawn up to his body. He's so close. I wanted to tell him to rub, stroke, or let me help, let me suck it, but I stood staring at him with guilt building in my head as my heart continued to race. When we made eye contact, he had this look of puzzlement and excitement. His eyes went South again. "We need to get dressed. Mom might come looking for us, remember," I explained as I picked my old shorts off the floor and tried to act as if nothing happened. He stayed put and stared down at his throbbing, penis. I knelt on the floor, "Tim Tim, come on boy-o," I urged, as I opened the waistband for him to step through. He sat there and I watched his thumb and index finger make that classic doughnut, under the crown of his cock, squeezing his remaining foreskin. I was not part of his world, as he found his grip. "Hey, Tim! We've gotta go! No shit. Stop fucking around." Our eyes met again. In speechless Timmy's eyes was an answer to an equation: everything he'd seen me and his brother do in the tent, Julie's kiss with her gyrating hips, and condoms all made complete sense to him- it feels good, gets better, and there's a step beyond he wanted to try and that grip would make it happen. He admitted he rubbed it in the tub and it felt good. He had no idea, like most boys, until the trigger is pulled by accident: when Mama's not around to stop the experiment or in this case, me. Girls, boys, or whatever, it was an open field for that thing between his legs. And, he had no idea he'd be stuck with his parents, in a hotel room, for the next week with no opportunity to check out his discovery. I bet he'll hate Disney Land waiting out his delay of satisfaction. I wondered if he'd let his best buddy, Roland, in on his discovery or would he be like me and never talk about it until somebody else presses the issue, like David had months ago? Is Timmy like me or does he like girls? I hoped he wasn't like me. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. "Come on Tim Tim, Mom will freak," I waived my old shorts at his face and again stretched the elastic waistband, holding them open for him to step into the leg holes. He slid off the bed and his little stiffy was now a few inches from my face. This close up was my heart stopper. I could fit his entire shaft in my mouth and probably his nuts and the thought of his hips pounding, gasps and moans of his first suck slid me into mental lockup. I then imagined how it would grow in a few years. He's another lucky boy with perfect beauty who'd grow into a handsome teen capable of capturing any girl or boy he desired. I didn't want to get in trouble. I inhaled deeply as I pulled my old shorts over his butt and adjusted the waist band around his hips. He didn't have that musky boy smell yet.... A few more years, I guess. My shorts were a size to big for him but the draw string would fix that as I pulled it tight and tied a shoestring knot. He didn't object to me dressing him. It was weird, because at his age, I'd be completely pissed. "I can do it myself," was my quote from age five through thirty-seven. I fiddled with the waistband to ensure I'd tightened the string just enough to ride his waist but loose enough for him to drop the front for a pee, if he didn't want to go through a leg hole: Important boy stuff. As I grabbed my old tee shirt, he reached down and jostled the waistband into it's proper place. I locked up for a split second, watching him do that as my mind spun back to Schmidt's exam room. Schmidt stripped, diddled, sucked, I don't think he fucked but probably twittled my butt hole and dressed me that day. I remember feeling something slippery between my butt cheeks, after I woke in that cold exam room, and it chilled me now, after my experience with Jan and Dennis. That fucking asswipe, what did he do? I remember feeling small, confused, lost yet tingly but too young to comprehend anything was out of the ordinary as I jostled the waistband of my tennis shorts, all those years ago, just as Timmy did now. What is ordinary, if you have no life experience? That's the problem of youth. How could I communicate or understand what Schmidt did? Or, even know if it was a normal thing for a doctor to do? It had to be normal or he wouldn't of done it..... It had to be normal because Mom left me there. Maybe he told me what would happen? I couldn't remember any real conversation or explanation of anything. I mean, I can't remember every episode of Felix the Cat but I remember watching it as a little kid and everyone told me it was every day or I'd throw a raging fit.... As I dressed Timmy, it was just like that: my memory was picking up fragments of a TV show. It didn't seem real but was so complete it had to be real. So, how could Timmy know how inappropriate our little naked game was simply due to our ages and our relationship? Even back then I knew it was weird to be naked with Timmy. If he spoke to his parents about it, I knew I'd lose him as a friend. But, I also know Timmy: if it's fun and a secret, he won't tell. I didn't intend for him to thrust away on the top of my head.... Who would? So, I figured this wasn't the same as Dennis or Schmidt. I didn't force him and I wasn't going to fuck him up. Timmy's going to be my best friend: my brother. I knew everyone in my life would step away once they knew the truth about what Chris and I did. And, if they ever found out I did it with Schmidt, they'd point to that as the first step in my perversion. I didn't stop Schmidt or tell so maybe I liked it. I never told anyone about it so I must have wanted it or even initiated it. It was all my fault because I figured, just like Dennis, Schmidt knew, even as young as I was when he did it, that I'm a sick fuck. So they'd hate me but Tim was different. Maybe it was just his age but he seemed indifferent to such things. Most kids I knew freaked, if a black guy showed his face in our neighborhood. But not Timmy he even didn't care about that part of Mandy and either did I. So, I figured he wouldn't care about my secret, when he could understand. "Stick'em up," and Timmy's arms went in the air as I threaded them through the arm holes and lowered my old shirt over his head. "It fits.... You look all foxy and shit..... No crap. You wear this stuff well! If Julie could see you now, she'd be all slurppy and kissy! She'd slobber all over your face and even on your mouth!" and I made smoochy sounds. Timmy giggled, "Sick! NO WAY!" His tone told me he was embarrassed at my complement and wanted to switch gears. I picked up my shirt and slipped it over my head and Timmy took the opportunity to get a closer look at what was inside my closet. He pulled my favorite hockey stick out and examined the tape on the blade. People who watch a game on TV don't understand all the prep of the gear. The tight wrap is so damn important to puck control. Almost every player tapes his own stick and I was learning my method. That stick was perfect and Timmy's eyes scanned the blade and beat up shaft. I knew he didn't care one bit as I tried to explain spin of the puck and so forth. I could hear them upstairs in the kitchen. Then, Will bounding down the stairs, probably curious of where we were and why. "Lunch, Buddy! Lets go!" and we were off. The cool thing about nine year old kids is their ability to change subjects, games or modes, due to short attention span. If he had hormones raging through his body, God only knows what would of happened. But then again, if that were true, he'd be my age and I'd be on my knees satisfying his every pleasure in mutual transactions. After lunch, we spent the rest of the day walking around the Island with Will and then dropped the fourteen foot sail boat in the bay. Will let him handle the rudder as we manned the sails and were nothing more than ballast, for Captain Timmy, as the boat healed with the wind. We taught him to scream "Tack!" and "Come About!" before he turned the boat so the boom of the main sail wouldn't smack us. He loved being in charge. Will liked him as much as I. Timmy was all about the excitement of anything new which is the best part of being a boy: change is accepted and appreciated by most kids. After we pulled the boat ashore, at five that evening, I was completely spent. Timmy and Will were still bouncing around. I figured I wasn't 100% yet even though I felt fine. Timmy's parents were with mine, on the sun deck debating Ayn Rand. I didn't know much about her just that she'd appeared on the Donahue Show and my parents instantly hated her and her "objectivist" theories. Dad considered her a little, rich bitch, Russian who was booted from university due to the revolution and her poor academic performance. She didn't have grades or aptitude to hold her place under the new system which eliminated wealth and class as determining factors of enrollment. She freely admitted she had poor marks yet considered herself the "smartest child in her class." Since her parents couldn't bribe others to recognize her "superiority," it left her a pissed off, greedy, little bitch, wanting for attention for the rest of her life. This is the reaction of any psychopath. My Dad hated those who never earned anything in their lives yet preach they did: being born into or marriage to money is not earning it! Self entitlement is a psychological malfunction of the worst kind and people of the conservative movement were using her dribble to justify their greed and gene pool entitlement of wealth on the backs of everyone else. "How can anyone expect new ideas, if only the rich have access to education, careers or capital? All that accomplishes is stagnation. If you have wealth, what's the motivation of improvement of anything? I'd rather sit on my butt than work or produce new products. The stupidest thing ever was Kennedy lowering taxes on the rich! My success is due to everyone who built this country over generations..... Not just me. Christ, the agricultural industry of Eastern Washington wouldn't exist without irrigation projects of the 1930`a or Boeing without the governments investment in hydroelectric and transportation systems! Don't get me started of the importance of the military bases and military contracts to this region. I owe everything to this country and if taxed, I will need to work harder to maintain my standard of living! To think higher taxes encourages me not to work or produce is the ridiculous! I understand my responsibilities to this country!" And on and on he'd rant. It was a hot button issue with Dad as Carter, Ford and Nixon were such failures due to the economic and social effect of Vietnam catching up with the nation and the expansion of foreign manufacturing creating more competition for US workers. The Presidential Elections would loom large in our future. Dole, Bush, and Reagan were names they bounced around conversation as though they were baseball cards up for trade. Dad believed, no matter what, we were all screwed by the selection of such moronic candidates in all aspects of governance. "But what's the alternative?" asked Timmy's parents, "More of Carter's lust? More playboy interviews and blaming the US people for failure?" This silenced Dad. Timmy rolled his eyes and crossed them at me, in frustration, which made me laugh out loud. We were bored by this conversation as we'd finished our dinners and waited for our parents to excuse us for some TV but they seemed to ignore our fidgeting as Will, the trader, entered the conversation with his hate of both political parties and demand of a Jeffersonian political revolution. Timmy's Dad reached his boiling point as his wife ganged up against him, after listening to Will ramble, so he excused himself returning, a few minutes later, with a huge box wrapped in Philly Flyer's logo, wrapping paper. Where he found that, I'll never know. I was stunned that they cared about my birthday. We'd only met them days ago. I carefully untaped each end of the box and then the seam to save that paper for the back of my bedroom door. It was so sweet. Inside was a Coleman, six person, tent. This was the coolest gift and it changed the conversation which probably saved the grownups friendship. "Now, here's the thing: Sometimes a man needs a place to go that's special and private.... Where a man can just think. I think Jon's going to need that for a few summers. So, parents, promise me it's off limits to you. It's for Jon and only Jon unless he invites you in." My parents didn't say a word but I knew as long as Aflotti was free, they wouldn't allow me to set it up this summer. "Thanks, so much..... Timmy, Bret, David, Jon Collin, and Chris can come in anytime they want! This is so cool..... Thank you so much! This will be so sweet for camping and stuff...... I think down on the bulkhead would be best." "Don't suffocate my lawn. Anywhere but the lawn," Dad warned as memories of him holding a flashlight between his teeth as he mowed the lawn at nine thirty at night filled my head. I smiled but his expression told me I may never be able to set this up. The reason was obvious. In a matter of minutes they had to leave. Dad gave them a ride so they kept their BMW in our driveway. Dad told them it was better than paying for parking and he'd be in Seattle the afternoon of their return flight. I knew this wasn't true. He was up to something. I figured he was working a deal with Abe and Abe had control. Dad was working the body, with little favors, to gain the upper hand, until he had his opening for a knockout punch of negotiation. I let Timmy keep my clothes because he looked cool in them and I wanted him to have something that was once my favorite thing: that shirt. As we helped transfer luggage into the Electra's apartment sized trunk, Timmy gave us a puppy dog, sad, face and turned to his parents: "I don't want to see some dumb Aunt I'd never, ever, even met. Why do I have to go, anyway? What's the big deal? Why can't I stay with Jon and Will?" That went over like a fart in church. I couldn't wait for my little brother's return. On Friday I lived up to McCabe's demand. Engaging the owners wasn't as hard as I imagined since they had heard local gossip, in advance. I also had a few days to rehearse and work on controlling my emotions. Pulling fifty dollars from savings to replace the food I'd stole, fiberglass boat cleaner for the kayak, and new clothes for David was painful as I counted how many weeds I'd pulled weeds, mowed lawns and cleaned houses to earn it. Days back, Will helped me raise the kayak from East Bremerton. I froze my balls off diving down to place inner tubes fore and aft, and then inflating them with a portable air resevuoir and hoses Will borrowed from one of his old, stoner, friends who worked at a gas station. All of this was Will's idea because he didn't want to risk damage and scuffs by dragging it to shore via a winch. "Nothings worth doing, if you don't do it right." He'd picked that up from Dad. After spending a few hours cleaning it up and delivering it, I made a deal with the owner: I'd mow their lawn into November so they could cancel lawn service for the rest of the year. I offered to keep cutting for all of next season but, they declined telling me all I did was borrow a boat and they understood. The people at the A frame were difficult. They didn't have a lawn or much of a yard other than Sallal, Huckleberry and Salmon berry bushes scattered around. So I offered to paint their sun deck or anything to keep me from the court system. The old man was so pissed, I could see him shake and all the veins poke out of his neck and forehead. I imagined him lunging and choking me out for a second time. His wife had him leave the cabin. She went into detail of how violated they felt, which is something I hadn't considered. I hadn't considered anyone else, when I ran. Mandy's dismissive attitude toward me began to make so much sense. I felt small. She made her demands, in written form, on triplicate carbon paper. She even filled in slots for my parents to sign in addition to myself. I was a little offended since everyone else took me at my word but, after thinking about it, I broke into their place: what did I expect? In a nutshell, I had to wash their cars within a day of their arrival, sweep the leaves and fir needles off their sun deck every couple of weeks, and provide daily security check. Easy stuff. When I passed the contract to Dad, he skimmed it and said the it was so I understood what was expected: like I'd forget. But he knew I understood that my word meant nothing now. I'd shattered who I once was, due who I became: A hard thing to swallow. I left David's family for last. My second Mom hugged me tighter than my real one. She cried, after she had me take my shirt off to see all the bruises which were now in the process of vanishing as were the scabs. As I went through my story, I felt so comfortable with her that I almost told her the whole truth including my true nature. I didn't and this is something I regret. I needed her guidance but failed to act. She may have only attempted to "pray the gay away" but at least I'd know she loved me like her own. Even if I told her about Schmidt and Dennis, I she wouldn't turn me away. I know this because I did tell her, thirty years later. I never knew where I stood with my real Mom. The problem was, I saved them for last because I thought it would be easier but it was the opposite. My thought process or workings of the world were messed up. Everything was hard. After I finished, my parents invited all the families over for dinner. It was awkward for everyone and my parents forbid me to simply disappear with David to the basement TV room. David hung with me, on the sun deck, trying to be nice to everyone I'd screwed over. We all got through it and they became better friends and neighbors, as a result. The "summer people" were seen as invaders or above us since they could afford summer homes. Even if some were nothing more than plywood shacks assembled with the skill of a fourth grader, it was more than us locals could afford. We found they were just like us: striving for the best for their families. At least that's what I thought. McCabe stopped by after he received all the phone calls and shook my hand. It was stupid: like I'd been named defenseman of the year or something when all I really did was beat the wrap. "Bob will be proud" I thought. My actual birthday was a bust. The month was absorbed by nervousness, Timmy, making amends, working my ass off to keep my word, avoiding touching myself and worrying about Aflotti showing up to whack me so, on my day, things felt odd. It was Will, Sue, and the parents at our family birthday dinner. Greta and Tom couldn't come because Tyler was puking all over the place. At least that's what Mom told me. I wasn't sure because I didn't get to talk to her. I was so let down, I moped around the house. I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling for an hour completely depressed. I couldn't stand Greta most of the time but the combination of her with Tom I'd grown to love. Together, they were funny and playful. Greta alone could be a complete bitch. Without them, our gathering felt incomplete. Everyone was treating me weird: either being extra nice or like I'm a freak, not only on my day but the whole month. As I stared at the ceiling, I heard Mom close her bedroom door and then the clicks of her rotary phone dialing numbers, from above. Then mumbling and then her voice elevated and I could hear her clearly. "You have to come! He's almost in tears.... dragging himself around the house..... He's still a boy and how would you feel, at his age, if he just decided not to come to your party for no good reason. Try on some new shoes, why don't you?" A long pause and then, "I don't care what Tom said! He's a boy!" Another pause, "Greta, he's old enough to remember you were not here. He'll know what you think and you haven't thought any of this through. Please reconsider- your brothers and sister are the only family you'll have once we're gone. It's not like he meant anything-" Pause. "At least that's what your Father and Will believe and I do to. He's too young to make those kinds of choices! Tom's wrong!" Pause "Don't punish him : that's not your place! Greta! Greta! He's a baby..... Are you crazy? Your son has nothing to do with this! Jon would never-" A long pause. "You're being ridiculous.... If you're so concerned, we'll make sure the two are never alone..... No... That's not what I'm saying at all. He's your brother and he isn't one of those and that's that." Pause. "Greta, please..... Don't you hang up! Don't you-" I could barely hear Mom hang up the receiver and then the creek of her box spring as she lay down on her bed. She didn't come out of her room for at least fifteen minutes and I imagined us both staring at our ceilings wondering what we did wrong. I knew what I'd done, in more ways than anyone could imagine. I didn't intend to hurt any of them. I wondered what Mom was thinking: was she blaming me, herself, everyone, or worse? Mom baked a salmon, on an alder plank, over an open fire. Something a local Tribal member had shown her, when I was a little kid. I remembered that family and how we missed them when they moved off the island to California for "better opportunities." It's still one of my favorite meals with all that smokey flavor. But, all I could do was stare at the excess portions intended for Tom and Greta. All my gifts were predictable: hockey books, some car magazine subscriptions, and a little beach pale full of fruit rolls, Gatoraide gum, and thirty dollars marked "For the Puyallup Fair." I knew this would be the last year they'd pay for the Fair because after we turned fourteen, we had to chip in for all our clothes and our fun money was up to us to earn. Compensation for chores doubled but the needs of a teen are many. Dad made sure our allowance was low so we'd find a job which meant picking berries on a farm or doing yard work for neighbors. Once we could drive, we all found real part time work. This was my final year of true freedom: my next birthday would be a bitch. Will got me the best of my family gifts: an autographed Boston Bruin's sweater. Even if I was a Philly fan, this was way cool because he'd picked off player after player by going to games, hanging out at their practice rink and using his affiliation with his team and other local players to gather them. He did all the work. It wasn't some piece of memorabilia bought at some collector shop without emotion. Some of the players even wrote "Happy Birthday" or "Head on a swivel, stick on the ice" and junk like that. There had to of been twenty autographs on there. It was so fucking cool! Dad said he'd buy a frame with glass on both sides so, after mounted,we could flip it over and see signatures front and back. I think Dad was impressed with Will's selfless commitment to make my 13th birthday special. I was unable to grasp it, at that age, and just thought it was the coolest thing ever and it's mine. I figured it out years later: Will was a great brother. Even with the cool gift, I stopped going to Will's bed. It wasn't because I felt all grown up because of all the shit everyone was telling me. I noticed him shadowing me every day, when I kicked the ball around with neighborhood kids or bumming around with David. It was like I was a five year old, or something, it was like he was worried I was doing sex stuff with all the guys. He never said so but I knew that's what he thought and, why souldn't he? I figured he'd watched us play Mud Men, with Timmy, but knew that was just play because David was there and that's why he left us alone. I wondered what he would of done, if it were Patrick or Thomas? If the kid were closer in age, would Will let us shower and change together? Then I thought it was all just me but I couldn't be sure. I know I took it the wrong way, even back. I hated this new dynamic. I hated myself and him. He probably was protecting me, if Aflotti tried something, but I wasn't capable of that thought. I was more concerned about my families reaction of what little they knew and their discovery of the truth. Greta and Tom thought I was a fag, I mean, what were they saying behind my back and were they telling other people? I thought I could keep everything hidden and everything would go back to normal as quickly as the beating had faded and wounds had disappeared. Most of the kids I played with that summer never brought it up again, after a few days of interaction. But that's kids: as long as you're good with a soccer ball or whatever, they don't care. I had no idea what all the adults thought, outside of my family, and that bothered me: Did they all think I'm a freak or what? I figured they must of figured it out. I had to hide. I took David and Julie for my Seattle birthday dinner which was delayed by my Mother until mid August, just before Will left for the East Coast. I overheard Will arguing with her about not giving me a birthday party and he told her what a "Bitch of a Mother" I'd remember her to be. He's the only reason I got anything that year outside of the family. I figure Dad was only hopeful in the car weeks ago. It was only to Bremerton, not Seattle as promised, for shit Schakey's Pizza and a movie. After pizza, my parents dropped us at the theater and went off to do whatever adults do for a couple of hours. David got up to take a piss halfway through the movie and Julie took his seat right next to me. I started sweating. When he returned, David took a seat behind us. It felt so weird: like they plotted the whole thing. I sat paralyzed as my mind switched from the crap movie to her body rubbing against me, when we were on the beach, a few weeks back. Numb. She was sandwiched between me and David since no boy over the age of eight will tolerate folded, confined legs due to the "hump" of the interior floor of the Buick, where floor contoured around the drive shaft that ran down the center of the car. It's the worst on those long hockey trips and us boys would fight, push, shove, and bitch slap to keep from the middle seat. Julie's solution was to drop her feet into my floor space. I pushed my legs against the car door and she gave me a goofy look and then slid over next to me so we were an inch apart. When Dad turned left, she pushed against me. And when he turned right, I grabbed the armrest of the door to keep from touching her. If she were a boy, I'd pop her one square in the stomach for such a trick. Girls. It was so embarrassing to hear David giggle with every turn of the car. Girls. Julie held my hand, about half way home. I tried to pull away but she grabbed my forearm with her other hand so I just stared out the window as David kept laughing and giggling. It was kind of gross. She'd break her grip and wipe her sweaty palm on my jeans and then re-clasp. I can't lie, even with all of that slimy, sweat, she gave me a boner. She did all that with my parents in the front seat and David on her left: She has balls for a girl: I'll give her that. She even pressed her leg against mine. The physical contact had my heart rocking, stomach heaving and sweat pumping. Maybe that wasn't her sweat she was wiping on my thigh. I thought, if we actually went home together, to make out or something, I wondered if she'd be offended, if my first stop was to the kitchen sink to wash my hands. Or, if she'd get pissed if I reached down and adjust my junk as we'd walk through her front door. I doubt she realized how turned on by even the hint of sexual adventure I was.... Gay or not, any whiff of sexual contact, at that age, is mind blowing. My parents didn't seem to notice us piled in the back of the Electra doing our kid stuff. They had NPR cranked and were listening to more crap about the upcoming elections. They were so fucking boring. She even kissed me on the cheek, when we dropped her off just as I was taking a sigh of relief to be rid of her. Giggling David punched me on the arm, after I got back in the car. "Finally having a real girl friend rather than the imaginary one living in your bed covers and old pajama bottoms?" Dad cut into me. David knew of my jerk off technique after we'd shared our secrets during Easter break. He told me he just used his hand and shot into the toilet, shower, or wash cloth he'd rinse out and toss in the laundry. He didn't think his Mom knew he did it. Kids are stupid. Dad turned to me and said, with total seriousness, "Women appreciate manors. Where are yours? Get out, chase her down and walk her to her door. You're not a boy anymore." I stared at him blankly, with a red face. David knowing of my jerk off method sat silently, with his face as red as mine. We were both mortified by Dad's comment. It meant no limits to an adult cut. David didn't want to be next. "Do it now," he demanded. I was genuinely scared: not of my Dad but, for the first time in my life, Julie. "Dad! I-" "Don't you Dad me. Now GO!" Mom was silent and didn't open her mouth to save me. Thinking back, it was the best thing ever to cover my tracks. Like Bob said, "Use them before they use you." If that's what they wanted to think: Fine with me I was hiding in the wide open. Maybe it would all workout. I got out and ran down the drive where I met her half way to her door. Her parents were loaded so they had twice the property but, her house was nothing like Brad's. Her driveway was at least a hundred yards or more that wound down to the beach and her place was about the same size as ours but she had JenAire appliances instead of Hotpoint. Yes, even at now thirteen I noticed these things. "Dad told me to walk you." "He's making you? You didn't want to, did you?" "Umm..... Never had to walk you before. We always dropped you off and waited for you to get around the bend but he said I should because you're a girl and all. I think it's kinda stupid. Are you going to fall in an open pit of fire or get lost or something? You can't be that stupid. I never had to walk you before. What's the big deal? Did you hit your head or something?" She blushed. It wasn't like a "getting mad blush," it was like "an about to cry blush." I just said the stupidest thing on the planet to razz her up, like when we were kids, and it backfired. "I mean, I would of but I don't know what to do anymore...... I mean, you're my..... I mean-" She stammered, "I like you. My Mom likes you so there's that. And I thought-" "Yeah?" I asked totally astonished all the touching, hand holding and stuff was for real. I'm a little thick. I tried to reason her advances were some elaborate plot of a joke. I didn't want them to be like that. I wanted everything to be normal. I hoped she'd get bored, like when she'd try to play world war two games with the guys: she'd just give up and go home once we left her out of the game. This time, ignoring and being dismissive of her only encouraged her. Fucking girls. "Yeah." She answered while gazing off at the bay. "Why is everything changing? I mean, you and David are my best friends..... I like you no matter what. Everybody does: even Will and my sisters. I like stuff like it was before all this dumb stuff started happening. You know what I mean. I know you do." She gave me a glance and we started slowly walking. She grabbed my hand, after a few steps but this time it felt right. I think she understood. I tried to explain, "You know? It's like.....Like..... I love you like always. Like when we were little all the way till now and always: is what I'm saying. You're the best. So we don't need to do much else about it. So, nothing needs to change very much. It's scary. It's really fucking scary and I don't know what to do and I don't want to do anything," I said in my most sincere voice because this is and was the truth of our relationship, as far as I was concerned. "Jon, it's because, it's what we do: what we're supposed to do. Mom even said I should have a boyfriend and take all those posters of Lief Garret, Eric Estrada, and Andy Gibb off my walls. She said they're old men and it was creepy for someone my age to have them on my walls. She said just not Collin, Todd, David or anyone like them. She even said Billy would be fine," She laughed as my stomach turned with the thought of her with Billy, "She said I should find a boy who treats me like a person not an object or stupid because I'm a girl. Somebody who wants me as a friend first. You've always been like that.. Always nice. But, you're not that way with every girl. I've seen you be mean and you're not to me. We know each other, and you've always been my boyfriend, even if you didn't know it... I've always thought of you that way, since the day we met. Always have. You know we're supposed to be together. You know it's true. I want it to be forever and more but Mom said this is only the first step and forever is a long time." We continued walking in silence and I thought about it/her. We met at David's fifth birthday party. She was the only girl there. David's Mom had a treasure hunt and had us running from place to place, giving out new clues, and each clue led us closer to finding the treasure. It kept us busy for at least an hour. I was active in the search but when we came to the big black "X" marker on the beach, all the boys started ripping into the sand with bare hands to uncover the tin foil wrapped treasure chest she'd made. The top being half an oat meal cylinder for the top of the chest with the body being an old shoe box. She'd put so much effort in wrapping it with tin foil and securing it with two leather belts to look like something from Treasure Island, it rivaled any piece of folk art. I thought it was so cool but those little bastards could careless. After they pulled it from the shallow hole, they tore and ripped it apart, in a few seconds, not even bothering to unclasp the belts. Tin foil shrapnel and cardboard scraps flew all over the beach. The chest was filled with Hot Wheels, candy bars, and cap guns. And, sharing isn't something boys do when uncovering buried treasure so those who dug the hole nabbed all they could hold. My Mom would paddle me for taking part in that kind of selfish anarchy. Boys. I stood at the fringe of the mob. When I looked up from the jabbing, swatting, tugging and fighting hands trying to hord as much as possible, my eyes locked on Julie who was directly on the other side of the fist fight, staring back at me. I glanced at David's Mom who was watching us size each other up. She handed us each a Snickers bar she'd wrestled away from someone in the hord. I don't think Julie broke eye contact from me, even when given the candy bar. We didn't say thank you. We just stared at each other. We ate lunch together and she followed me around for the rest of the day. I had no idea she lived four doors down until she came knocking on our door, just about everyday, for playtime. It wasn't until we turned seven that I was able to shake her for other interests. But, we'd always find each other due to boredom or for me, lack of David. This became one of those embarrassing dinner time conversation pieces parents pull out of their asses after you turn twenty. But, I don't mind this one. I really do love Julie and don't care who knows it. It's just that she doesn't have a dick and the rest of the hardware I crave. She'd be the perfect guy, otherwise. Before we reached her door, I asked, "Yeah? So, it's that easy? I mean, you can just say it and it's done because you're the girl? Does this mean we're going steady like on Happy Days or something?" "Okay." "Oh," And before I could fully understand what I just did, she kissed me on the cheek and ran into her house. She knew she was dealing with a moron. And, that's how I got my first and last girlfriend. Dad came home early, on a business day, a Monday, and dragged me into his office. In his typical fashion, he cut to the point. "Afloti made an agreement with the district attorney's office. Now listen to me. Listen carefully. He's agreed to avoid trial." He paused to gauge my reaction. "He claimed he wanted to spare you kids from testifying because the case is iron tight and he's facing 20 years, if it goes to trial." I nodded as I'd watched enough Quincy and Perry Mason to pick up on testifying, courtroom rough house, and protecting kids from it. "So, he'll go to jail for eight years without parole..... No trial: none of that. In other words, he won't get out until both of you will be adults. See?" I nodded because eight years was more than half of my entire life. It seemed like forever and fair punishment. "So, it's over, understand?" I nodded and flatly replied, "Good. Does that mean Chris will come home?" My Dad gave me a funny look like I was the stupidest human on the planet, "You better do some soul searching. Haven't you noticed the real estate sign on their fence? They're not living there and haven't since it happened. Coming ba-" "Chris said his parents are getting divorced and he'd move but he's gonna come home for a while.... He said they went to live with his Uncle Mario once his Dad's in jail they'd-" "Stop. Stop! Listen. You need to listen...... I'm sorry Jonny, sometimes I forget you're a boy..... You're still a boy whether you like it or not...... And people's hopes and dreams are usually not what life offers... Only kids believe that crap. Everything that family knew is gone. Without their Father, there's no money.... Their Mother doesn't work and probably has little, if any, marketable skills... From my conversations with her, she has little education. They're destitute within a few years, without him. If the family stays in that house, with a huge mortgage, I'd give them till February before they're on welfare.... I want you to know we could sue him, his family, for everything they have for what he did to you.... Everything. But, we won't do that: We can't. We will not bankrupt a family due to actions we are partially responsible..... Understand? We'd only hurt that little girl and your friend. That's not who we are. Understand? They won't come back...... They simply can't." I nodded. I couldn't imagine life without Dad, the bread winner, who I knew was responsible for all our lives. In a way, it didn't matter that he beat Chris..... It didn't matter. I couldn't figure out which was worse for my friend but knew I'd fucked one option up. It wasn't right in any way I looked at it.... "Now, do you have anything to say? Nothing to add? Anything to tell me?" I croaked, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything.... I didn't want things to get so messed up.... I didn't mean for any of this.... I-" "That's not what I mean. You need to think about it. What will we do for Chris's family? Think about it. And, what I said in the car: slow down and be a boy. Keep your thing in your pants for a few more years." He poked me in the center of my chest, "I'm dead serious: YOU are thirteen years old, that does not make you a man no matter how much we all tease, you slow down and think before you act. When you can do that, we'll talk about what being a man really means." I nodded and blushed as Dad grabbed my shoulder and spun me to the door with a push. "Stay in your room until dinner. Your Mom may not be in a good mood...... Fly low." As I lay on my bed, all I wanted was Chris or Jon. I wanted to be touched now more than anything. It was wrong to have those thoughts but, it's the truth. I skipped dinner telling Will I wanted to be alone. He didn't argue so, I stayed there, as I realized what Dad meant. Deep down, he knew I was queer and blamed me for everything that happened that day. I think he wanted my confession. Since he didn't get it, he didn't want to see me for the rest of the day. At least that's what I thought. "What we'd do for Chris's family?" killed me. How could I, or we, ever fix it? Even if Chris's Dad abused his family, I pushed him over over the edge no matter what that social lady told Chris. It made the Denis situation seem like a tick on the ass of an elephant. It seemed my penis is pure evil. Everything it wants gets me in trouble and all the safe stuff just isn't appealing. Maybe it's just me: evil. That night, I woke at midnight gasping for breath. Everything was clouded and hazed over as I slowly began to make sense of where I was: in my own bed, under a sheet due to the hot August night, sweat beading up on my face and chest as my favorite PJ's were bound up my legs with the back seam wedged up my ass crack. And then, I felt the chilling wetness on the front of my PJ's. I stuck my hand inside the waste band which returned to my nose with the bleachy smell of cum. My first nocturnal emission. I couldn't avoid sex. Once, when I pee'd earlier this week, there was some cloudiness in the yellow and I knew it was traces of cum. If I didn't rub it out, my body rebelled and made it happen without satisfaction. There was no sense in waiting for Chris or Jon. I had to have some kind of sex or I'd go nuts: this last couple of weeks was proof and now this. I'd do it like I use to. I pulled Will's old PJ's off and wiped myself with them. My cock rose again and I grasped it within Will's PJ's soft fabric fold and started sawing away, at hyper speed. My thoughts were of Jan as my balls smacked his ass the second time I fucked him with all that brutality. Then my mind slipped into my favorite fantasy of Patrick sucking Tom off: I could see Tom's little butt dimples flex as he rammed Patrick's little "O" shaped lips and Tom pulling away with a glistening, throbbing little pud as his chest heaved from his dry cum recovery. And then, my imagination threw Timmy to the tiled, bathroom, floor holding him down by the back of his neck as I mounted him from behind and slapped away: ramming his ass to shreds as I had with Jan. Then I remembered the look of wonder on his face after he raked his cock through my hair during our naked wrestling match. My hands stopped. I sat up, panting with frustration, and thought of Chris. I loved him and he loved me: At least I think I he did. And, summer was almost over and he still hadn't come home. I needed to see him so badly it was killing me. Why was I thinking of these other guys? Why was I dreaming of hurting Timmy? Starting again, I closed my eyes to see Chris between my legs sucking me with the gusto of when we were in the barn. I stopped. This time I gave up. My mind floated back to Dr. Schmidt's exam room, when I was three or four. I thought of the initial feel of heat of his mouth and his whiskers against his belly. How he pulled away and smiled down at me asking "Doesn't that feel wonderful?" I can't remember anything after his head returned to my belly and craning my neck around his to see his cheek and lips churn as he suckled my tiny tube. The only other memory I had was my head snapping back against the exam table's cushion with a crunch of liner paper and then looking at the ceiling like I was staring at the stars. I didn't want to stare at the ceiling but I remember feeling him suck my life out through my penis.... It wasn't supposed to do that.... It was there for pee but the feeling was so different than peeing. He had to be sucking my insides out my penis..... There was no other explanation. I remember being scared. It felt so tingley and then nothing. He must of killed me when the tingles pulsed out of my tummy and into my toes..... I was a little kid. It had to be scary and maybe that's why I blacked it all out.... Or was it simply an orgasm and I was to stupid to do anything else about it? Or, was I detached from everything at that point, just as I was with that crazy numbness? I had no idea. I remember waking and he was stuffing me back in my clothes. Mom had began to let me dress myself, at this stage, and he totally pissed me off because of how he lined up undies and shorts. It felt like he was strangling my body with clothing. I twisted, pushed and punched at him as he had my left wrist trying to force my arm through the shirt hole. Squealing, in that little boy pouting way, only brought a hand over my mouth and his other behind my head, "Now, now, be a good boy. We don't do that kind of thing indoors, now do we? Your noise level is to high. I'll have to get the big needle and poke you through your eye with the kid quiet serum, if you don't be quiet." His stare was that of a range roving predator. He'd eat me alive: I wouldn't make it passed five and a half, as he'd hunt me down. He'd finish the job: I was sure. "Now, Johann, you will let me finish dressing you," His thumb and index fingers pinched the sides of my neck like he was trying to decapitate a house fly with a splat of goo, "Or the needle comes out," his hand left my mouth and gripped my junk with a squeeze just short of inflicting pain, "We'll end up cutting it off and feeding it to the dogs..... Understand? All that happened here was noting more than a doctor's visit and it was fun because of this little doodad here! Don't be difficult and ruin this for you. I'm your doctor and if you keep it up, it comes off. Understand?" He stared into my eyes with lethal intensity. Most adults smiled at me, ruffled my hair, kissed my cheek, asked my how old I am but he wanted to stab a needle in my eye! I wanted to cry but Will told me only girls do that..... I had to stop doing that stuff or Will wouldn't love me anymore, I was certain. As much as I tried to suppress it, I felt a tear stream down my left cheek and my chest felt heavy. I couldn't cry! He'd tell Mama. I didn't want "kid quiet" stabbed in my eye. I wanted everyone to like me. He wasn't liking me anymore! His voice went back to a sing song octave, "All We're doing is putting your clothes back on so you can watch some TV..... You like Felix the Cat? I think he's on, any minute now! Be a good boy." Maybe it's because I was a kid but my memory faded after he put me in the TV bullpen. I kept replaying this memory as I still had doubt. Maybe I'm truly a pervert and made it all up like my Thomas and Patrick fantasy. But with every replay, I became sure it happened. But who could I tell? Who could verify this? This isn't something you just toss out over idle dinner conversation with my family, hoping for an answer. I was 99% sure but it's the 1% that's unsettling. I thought further of the rest of that day. I was so young I only had little kid scraps of memories so I wasn't sure if some of those memories were on the same day. I knew for a fact I was in that play room, with the half wall, for a long time: Mr. Rodgers, Jack Lalane doing his jumping jack routine, and Sesame Street were over before Mom came to pick me up. I remember kids filtering through and the nurse taking me to potty. Afterward, she gave me a lemon, Charms, lolly pop she pulled out of the biggest box of candy known to man she hid behind her desk. That sweet puckering taste is one of my favorite candies, to this day. I remember that and was positive it was the same day. But where we went after was less clear. We didn't go to the park after.... Maybe we met Dad somewhere. I fell asleep, trying to piece it together. The next night, I had to taste it. I wanted to suck cock so bad but there was nobody safe to do it with. I needed Jon but it was obvious he and his brother decided to spend the whole summer in California. Getting out of bed, I reached down and touched my toes as I contemplated the possibility of being flexible enough to do it to myself. I mean, dogs and cats do it all the time so why not me? My back hadn't hurt since a day or two after McCabe dropped me off so I thought I'd give it a try since it would solve a ton of problems. I went through all my hockey stretches and then focused on my back, neck, and well, everything. My first attempt wasn't even close. So I sat on the corner of my bed, with my butt barely catching traction, and grabbed the bottom of the box spring to bend over with maximum strength and flexibility. I got so close that when I stuck my tongue out, the tip grazed over my piss slit. But, it wasn't the same as when somebody else did it. I couldn't taste anything and somehow there wasn't as much feeling through my penis as when Chris flicked his tongue on me. I made several more attempts with only a few touches with my tongue. My heart was racing as I did a backward summersault where I ended upside down with my knees at my ears and I made a Timmy doughnut grip around the base of my penis and jerked away. I felt my but hole open up as I relaxed in the sensation of my strokes and listening to the pulse of my body coarse through my legs as they squeezed my head. I thought I wanted to taste my cum but as I stroked and came closer and closer to climax, I felt disgusted with the thought of slurping down my own spunk. Before I could really process this my ass clinched in a massive tweak of orgasm. I opened my mouth wide but the first stream splashed my chin and lips. I quickly adjusted my cock as three dribbles went bullseye on my tongue and down my throat. My taste wasn't like Chris or Jon. It wasn't as sweet. It turned my stomach as it felt thicker and cooler than Chris firing off directly in my mouth. When I kissed Chris I could taste me but it was faint compared to this. My back was stiff as I uncoiled to make my way to the bathroom, hobbled over like a ninety year old man, where I grabbed a wad of toilet paper and wiped my chin. After washing my face I stared at my naked body in the mirror. Then moved in to look closely at my face. It was hard for me to imagine Chris or Julie being in love with any part of me. I felt ugly and now sick with guilt of what I just did. Maybe I was sick just like Denis and Schmidt or worse. I had to have sex and it had to be with another boy. What if I never grew out of it like Dad and Will seem to think? I thought there might be a chance I'd stop, after Dad yelled at me on the ferry boat, but even after Julie kissed me and held my hand, I knew I liked guys even if I boned up due to her touch. I had just jerked it into my mouth...... Normal boys don't do that: they dream of pussy juice, titts, and who know's what else. I wasn't capable of such thoughts. A few days later, I felt way better as I jacked at least once a day, and life was adjusting around me as it once did. Mom took a few days off to be with us as Will started packing up. She was making strawberry, cherry, and blackberry jams. Mostly so Will could take some back to the U than for the rest of us. I knew this but thought that was cool because when I go, she'll do it for me. She even promised to send him an apple pie once they ripened at the end of the month. She's a bit nuts. I watched her cook all morning while trying to engage her in conversation but really it was just me babbling. It was like when we'd take those walks in the park. What I found so amazing about her cooking methods is she didn't use measuring cups as she cooked. She simply tossed sugar, fruit, and the rest of the crap in this huge pot. It seemed the only instrument she needed was the thermometer that clung to a skewer she hung across the pot. Then after filling the jars and they'd cooled, she'd melt wax to seal the top. Later, she made me an early lunch. I think she wanted me to shut up and what better than food to quiet a newly teen boy? It was my favorite: left over, roast beef, made into a sandwich with a thick slice of one of Dad's garden tomatoes, and with her homemade horse rattish sauce I loved more than anything. I was chowing through it as she took a break to go through the weeks mail. She opened a letter that bared the County seal. I watched her expression drop and then shift to anger: her face turned red and her eyes opened wide in disbelief, like the time David clogged up our toilet but continued to flush against his shit and toilet paper wad clog until it overflowed. He was to embarrassed to ask for a plunger or, maybe his Mom took care of those issues, and didn't know what to do other than flush it five times in a row. Mom had that look right now. She peered over the top of the page at me and I knew to clear a path. I tried to head for the bathroom, to wait her out, but I heard her feet stomp behind me and she practically tackled me midway down the hall. She dropped the now crushed letter, grabbed my shirt collar and pounded me against the wall so hard that the back of my head slammed with an audible pop of my skull. "What did you mean by all of this?" She shook me by my shoulders, "What in God's name were you thinking? Do you know what you've put us through already? And, it will not end- it will not die!" She slammed me again. "Do you ever think about anyone else but yourself?" I gasped. Mom had spanked me, when I was little, but I saw Afloti rage in her eyes. I was scared for my life. There's no way I could fight back: it's Mom! Chris flashed in my mind as I imagined what he thought as his Dad beat the living shit out of him. How did he gather the courage to fight back? I prepared myself. "Answer me!" "Mama, I didn't mean-" "SHUT UP! YOU listen to me!" She hissed between sharp breaths. "We came from nothing. Nothing! To this country to build all of this for you! YOU CHILDREN! You're tearing us down... You think this is going to stay quiet much longer? You think everything's going to be like it was?" "Mama, I'm-" "SHUT UP! God Damn YOU!" She screamed about an inch from my face. This anger I'd never seen so I decided not to speak, even if asked. I wouldn't make that mistake again. "It will never be the same. You are finished. How will I face anyone when my son's out there trying to get in the pants of every boy in the eighth grade? OHHHHHH! NO! That would be bad enough but you went and found a little boy and his father's sitting in jail because of YOU!" Slam went my head against the wall with a crack and thud. She glared into my eyes and I started to silently cry. "That's right. YOU! His whole family's destroyed!" Her voice began to crack and tremble with each word, "And now, we're going to be crucified one by one: First you, then me, your Dad's businesses, then him, your brother, and both of your sisters, because no one will trust or take us seriously again. You are a liar and a... Fairy! Everyone will make jokes: even at Church! Oh yes, they'll act like they're praying for you, for us, but that's only show. Behind our backs everyone WE KNOW will say `at least we're not like the Petersen's and that fairy son of theirs'. The rest will hear rumors... They'll point at us and jokes will fly! YOU MADE THIS FAMILY INTO A CIRCUS ACT!" She slammed me again. "I'm your mother and I know. You don't care about Julie. You don't. That's the truth of it. THAT'S THE TRUTH! How in God's green Earth did I raise such a degenerate?" I stared at her with blankness instead of retreating into my usual numb defensive state: Every word penetrated. She hatefully glared at me as she pushed me back against the wall a final time, releasing me to turn and storm into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her causing the wall to rattle and me to slump against the wall. I picked up the letter. It was a court date: Juvenile court. She stayed in her room until morning. She didn't look me in the eye for a week after. It wasn't from guilt of her action. My Mom hated the sight of me. I knew the difference. After dropping the letter where I found it, I walked back down the hall, down stairs where Sue stood at the bottom, staring at me with her mouth dropped. "Jonny, what the hell was that?" she asked with condescending concern. "Leave me alone." She followed me down the hall as I made my way to my room. "Jon, she'll get over it... It can't be that bad." "Sue, leave me the fuck alone. You've never given a shit about me and made me feel like crap my whole damn life. Leave me the fuck alone," And I slammed my bedroom door in her face. She must of heard the whole conversation and I knew that bitch would put it together and hold it over my head. I was so fucked. I stared up at the popcorn ceiling not really thinking of anything: my mind short circuited with knowledge of what both parents thought of me. I hated myself more than ever as I thought of every misstep I'd made in life. Even if I added them all together, none equaled this. Hours later, I herd the Buick's tires yelp as Dad skidded to a stop in the drive. Sue, the bitch, called him. I knew her game, even without hearing the conversation. I braced myself for an Afloti style beating and trip to the hospital. His feet stomped the floor above me as he made his way to their bedroom so I hopped up on my bed to try to listen to them through the heating register connected to a duct that attached to their bedroom above. It was all whispers until the yelling and elevated voices began. "I don't care!" Dad screamed at her. "I can't leave!" "That job is nothing!.... We need you here!" "I'm tired of it! Now my life... After twenty two years of confinement! My life in trade of what?" "Selfish!" "You leave every day! This is solitary confinement!" "He's in school for seven hours! What are you talking about?" "This place! This damn place! You move us here! To the middle of nowhere! I can't stand it! The closet town: Poulsbo! God, made that place my own little piece of hell on Earth. No society other than fat house wives obsessed with their kids and the damn Sons of Norway Hall... I'm nothing but live stock, here. Next Bremerton-" "What is this babble? You agreed! This is bigger than the current situation! You wanted children as much as I! You wanted this place! For OUR future! All of US! Do you know what this place is worth!?" Dad's tone was now indignant, "Where we lived before has lost value: so much we'd never recover! Boeing may never come back! Logging is OVER! Waterfront never loses value! God will not make more and this place represents the future of this family. Now, you want to trade a dead end job for the future of your youngest child? He made-" "Money is what we talk about and is all you think-" "NO! you need to... Why do you change subjects? It's not about God damn money.... We need to be with our son! Don't you understand? It's all intertwined! Everything to this point!" "What part of we is you?" There was a long pause and imagine them in one of their classic stare downs. "I make a hundred times what you bring in not to mention everything else... Money is not part of this and we both know that. It may be a year or two. I'm sorry Anna, he can't be left to Sue. We can't do that to either of them: they'll be at eachother's throats after a few hours. He needs you.... Us. This thing is not over. He's still a boy. None of us knew he was doing.... those.... things..... but we may have, if we were around more. You know I'm right." My Mom began sobbing and guilt filled my gut. "Oh sure, now you cry," my Dad said with contempt. "I wanted a life... I want a life. I thought I'd finally got one." "You had that option nine years ago: remember: all or nothing. WE said we'd work it out... You don't think these events are related? You-" "Now you're being cruel-" "ME! You left him there! With that animal! So you could screw that-" "We're not rehashing this!" "Are you telling me these things are not linked?" "Damn you! I told you he... acted out. YOU KNEW HE DID! YOU KNEW VERY WELL! YOU READ THE LETTER THE STATE SENT! YOU DIDN'T WANT HIM INTERVIEWED! And, now look!" "Don't lecture me! YOU!" Dad paused, "You're right... It doesn't change that you are his Mama... You will be here for him... And, WE move on!" They were silent for a minute. "Oh, God..... You realize!? Have you even thought about this? It's public record now...We have to appear in court. How many attorneys live around here? What will everyone say? You think anyone around here will write letters for him, like they did for Will's college admissions, after all of this?" "Bullshit! Don't be stupid. It's sealed. He's not an adult." "That means nothing..... Rumors will spread. Who's going to write a simple letter of recommendation for a kid like that? Academic? Athletic?" "It's more important we work with what's in front of us than worry about the future or past. We will shape our future now." Their argument raged on as my Mom continued to plea for her "life" which meant abandoning me as a lost cause. I crept out through the sliding glass door and down to the beach where I sat listening to the tiny waves trickle against the rocks and an occasional Orca take a breath somewhere in the middle of the Sound. "I'm broken. They think they broke me. They don't love me and never will," I thought. I tried to process that my Mom was fucking around like something off that TV show Dallas without the twangy accent and all that oil money. They know about Schmidt: I'm pretty good with math. It was so huge. That whole conversation was all my fault. After hours of sitting, I wandered back up to bed. Sue came to get me for dinner but my answer was flipping her off. Nobody bothered me that evening until late that night. "I thought I'd save you the trip, Little Dude," Will crawled in bed with me after midnight so I figured he'd been out somewhere and had no knowledge of today's events. He smell like beer. "It bothers me we haven't talked about it. Mom and Pastor told me not to. And, all the crap I learned kinda agree with that. I'm leaving in a day or two so it's now, over the phone, or never. Mom didn't want me to even mention it. She has her head plopped deep in the sand: she wants it to go away, to live her June Cleaver life, in her Leave it to Beaver world. Why didn't you wait for us that day? Why did you run off? I would of killed him-" "That's what I was afraid of," I hadn't considered how Will would of react and now I felt better about running away. A fight wouldn't have gone Will's way: Aflotti would of killed him. "Great Escape, right?" "Damn straight," I answered, annoyed by his happy go lucky tone over something so serious in my life. "How long were you in the cabin?" "Too long." Will hesitated at my answer for a few seconds, "I broke in there too... Looking for you. But, you must of left, by then, huh?" "Really? How'd you figure that out?" "Same as you: stupid window lock," his voice cracked with unease and I knew I had a leg up. "You know what we we did in Afloti's barn?" I asked. "Not really- Dad kind of told me you guys were naked and checking each other out, or something?" "Chris was sucking my dick," I answered flatly. "Oh... Oh, shit. Ummm." "What? It's the truth." Will hugged me tight. "I don't care. I know who you are." "Yeah?" "Yeah.... What you guys were doing is kinda fucked up though." "Sure.... yeah.... right," I answered with sarcasm. "Jon, that's really-". I snapped, "You came to my bed, so get the fuck out, if you don't-" "What did I do?" I kept quiet as my heart raced in both rage and fear. I wanted to tell him. I needed to tell him. I wanted to find out about that day with Schmidt. But, everything in my life was the opposite of what I thought. I blamed him but, he's my older brother: the one who looked after me, beat up the big kids who picked on me, taught me how to defend myself, showed me what fun is and how to skate.... Why did he do this to me? "Look, they caught me screwing Kimberly Tollfson, behind the Church, after services, four years ago. I doubt you guys ever heard about it. God, I had blue balls for two days, after. Ached like a son of a bitch. They caught us a few seconds after I stuck it in.... I was pumping away.... I can't imagine how we looked: Her dress pulled up above her waist, panties dangling from her ankle, my pants around my knees as I had her pinned against the back wall of the church, you know, behind the smoke wood bush? I was pounding on her and she started moaning and that's what sank us. We had no idea services were over. Some kids saw us go in there and got her parents. We'd done it there before and thought we were safe. I'm mean, she was my main squeeze. It's weird how blinders drop when you're inside a girl.... But worse than getting caught was the heap of shit I had to eat from Mom..... It lasted for months. Dad thought it was funny...... He even gave me a beer, when we had our man to man about it that night..... I mean, I'm guessing, you were just experimenting.... messing around with Chris.... All kids fool around with their equipment... Some do it alone, some with a friend, and some even in groups.... Mostly boys do the group thing. Girls even mess with each other, if given opportunity and the right friend. There's this guy, Kindsey, he's a researcher who wrote all about this stuff. When you get to college, you can take some classes about sex.... No shit, they have classes about sex! What you did is not that unusual... Seriously, it's nothing." "He has no idea." I thought. I kept quiet knowing he was just trying to engage in some psycho babble bullshit. I knew he wanted to be a shrink as much as Dad wanted him to attain an MBA. "Jon, please talk to me." "Why?" "That's a start." "Fuck you." Will climbed out of my bed. "Jon, I didn't do a damn thing to you." "Yeah. Exactly. Fucking liar." "I`ve never lied to you," He sat on the edge of my bed and he continued to talk from the dark, "What bug crawled up your ass? Sue called me at Gabe's and left a message for me to come home. I called for Dad but he left his office by that time..... that was hours ago. If I missed something- the truth is I didn't want to be in the middle of all of that- You wouldn't want me here either. Don`t take it out on me. You know how Mom is.... `What will the neighbors think,' is about as far as her her mind expands. That's the truth. I knew it was about you but you hadn't talked about it so I figured you would now...... Now that some shit has hit the fan..... At least I assume that's what happened today." "Don't try to change the subject: I'm not nine, like Timmy. You lie. You do. You`re the worst kind of liar. Lies by omission: Pastor even said it's the worst kind because you know something fucks a guy over but you hold on to it.... Don't reveal it..... It hurts a person all the same or worse!" This was something I picked up from him when the parents made me do that stupid one on one with Pastor Robinson as he tried to guilt me into spilling my guts. I didn't tell him shit. "Jon, what are you talking about?" "Schmidt.... I herd them arguing. I herd you and Greta talking in the cabin. And, I remember it.... That's what that fucking wolf dream is all about. It's what its always been about. You knew and didn't say a thing and now I'm a fucking joke. Mom hates me.... Thinks everyone is laughing behind our backs...... I've always been that to you..... I was too stupid to figure it out. You could of told me..... You didn't.... I'm a joke." "You're not a joke! Look.... Ummm..... Jonny, you were a little kid..... How the fuck could you- Jon, don`t blame them... Don`t blame me. I overheard them when I was your age. Maybe a little older when I.... Look: Schmidt never did that stuff to me or the girls- I think. I don`t know. He did it to you. Mom was hysterical. It's like, when you were really little..... You'd run around touching yourself, strip down naked in front of company and she'd catch you doing that shit all the time, and then all the other weird shit like nightmares. When you were really little I remember you trying to see all your friends: get them to pull their shorts down and stuff. At first I thought it was funny because I was to young to know something was fucked up.... So did Greta.... I had to keep the girls from encouraging you. You probably don't remember much of that because it always ended with Mom spanking the crap out of you. But then, I heard Mom and Dad talking about it. Why do you think I never turned you away? I can`t help it, you`re my little dude: my brother. You came to me for help, when the parents ignored you.... You came to me, when everything got fucked up.... I'd never turn you away. You never talked about it.... I figured it was okay. I figured-" "I remember a lot of it.... Getting kids to show me and shit. I remember spankings and stuff. It doesn't change anything. He did stuff to me..... Why didn't you guys tell me? Explain it? I was scared every fucking night and all the fucking time.... Couldn't sleep. Thought I was normal.... Like everyone else, I mean.... I know what it is- Why the fuck didn't you say something? I feel so stupid. I'm a secret. They don't want me around because of the secret." "You don't know that! Look, how was I supposed to know when to tell you? Give you the birds and bees at five years old? Explain all that to a little kid? I mean, even Timmy's to young to understand all that.... He thinks that stuff is funny because he's to young to understand it both mentally and physically. See the difference between now and then? Put yourself in their shoes- my shoes. They assumed you were so young you wouldn't remember any of it or be affected. We all thought you were to young to remember and just outgrow the curiosity of-" I thought about it for a second as he kept rambling a lame excuse and broke back in: "You don't get it..... It's why I`m a fag. Isn't it? It's why all this shit happened with Chris. It's why Mom's never given a shit about me.... It's why everything is so fucked up." "Jonny, for fuck sake, you`re no fag and don't worry about what other people think about something that happened when you were a little kid. It will fade away. Believe me. And, Mom treats me the same way. She favors the evilness of the clan of sisters. You know that. You were just fooling around..... I know you- just shut the fuck up about it and move on like Da-" "You don`t know anything." He was silent for a second. "Look, I use`d to look at guys in the locker room, when I was your age.... I, umm, I jerked Paul off a few times when we were, like, eleven and twelve. He did it to me too...... Mostly at sleep overs. We both figured out how to do it about the same time.... Well, that's a lie: he showed me..... He did it to me after he demonstrated on himself. Remember how excited I'd get to go over there? It was because of that stuff. We didn't do it all the time: Just every chance we got. And, look, in a few years, I`ll be married. See? It didn`t mean anything. A lot of guys do stuff like that. What Schmidt did isn't relevant to who you are. You have to believe me. Just think about this- Dad`s a freak. He claims he never even beat off. So why isn't he a monk living on a mountain top somewhere? He was really fucked up, when he was a-" "Yeah, right.... You're making that shit up. You think I'm a dumb shit! I'm-" "Okay.... Then.... Just seriously, I don`t mean you`re a little kid or anything like that. And I'm not a liar. You can ask Paul. His face will give him away. I'm trying to help y-" "She`s right... He`s right. You`re wrong," I stated with force. "About what? The kid was on you, right?" "That's what I'm talking about.... You all think it's all I did.... All I've ever done.... And, it's not only that.... Mom's right. He's younger than me," I said with exasperation. "I taught him that stuff. He likes it..... I mean, the only girl I like is Julie and that's because we grew up together so we're friends... that's all.... All that kissing, holding hands, and stuff was her..... All of it was her doing stuff to me, when we were little kids and, and, even now.... I can't even put my arm around her..... I can't explain why but.... but... not always but sometimes, I see a guy and feel funny... I get all nervous and try to mask it by acting all tough around him. Sometimes I do stupid stuff, without thinking, and look like an ass, when all I really want to do is make friends with him at any cost.... When Jon sat next to me on the bus the first day of school, I almost puked. That feeling was with me all the way to school and most of the first day. All I did was think about him through every class. During gym orientation I made sure my locker was way on the other side of the locker room from him..... I had to. When I hung to close to him, I'd get a boner so I had to avoid him during gym..... When he sat with me on the way home, all we did was talk and I was all hyper nervous and thank God I didn't do something stupid like act all tough or brag or try to be funny. I wanted him so bad. The next day, at gym class, it took everything I had not to pop one in front of the whole class, when I saw him naked in the showers... We've done stuff. We do it all the time." "Oh," Will laid beside me put his arm around me and that was my queue to keep spilling which I found completely condescending and dishonest. "You won't tell Dad?" I asked for fun, betting he would. I wanted to hurt Dad as much as I could: fuck both of my parents straight up the ass. "Not a chance. Look, if you want to get it off your chest, I'm here. Okay?" "You don't think I'm a freak?" "You said `stuff' What do you guys do?" Will asked avoiding my question. "What Chris was doing. I do it to him more than he does it to me. That's about all I've done with anyone. I've done it with two other guys besides them..... I like doing it to guys more than them doing it to me. It's like how they kinda... they move and moan.... they like it.... They like me because I do it. I like that they like me for doing it. And..... Their bodies. Their dicks and stuff. How they move and stuff." "Oh." "Yeah. It's not every guy. I mean he has to... I don't know. He has to be a knock out.... Like-" "Okay. I believe you do stuff. But, are you sure?" He paused for a few seconds waiting for an answer I wasn't going to give him. I knew, if I denied him, he'd tell me what he really thinks. Will continued, "I hate to tell you this, because you won't buy it, but, you're only thirteen..... Whatever anyone tells you, sex is not black and white. Me and Paul did jack each other. It only happened a dozen times.... That's a lie. It happened most of seventh grade and that summer.That's the truth. When me and Paul messed around, it was something new, something we weren't supposed to do. See? Forbidden fruit. I thought it was the greatest thing ever. Then Jennifer Scanberg let me finger fuck her during some movie during the summer before the ninth grade..... I can't even remember what we went to see but, everything changed after that day. Me and Paul never did it again.... He found a girl too. You know, Paul's still a good friend. We write letters and shit. What we did is not a big deal. We don't even talk about it." "Will, it's not like that: it's what I think about. Not girls. Never girls. A guys chest.... That V shape of a muscled up stomach and where it points down to.... Every dick is different. Haven't you ever noticed? I mean in the locker room? No two are alike. I mean, I've only really seen three up close and felt em' with my hands and in my mouth. I like sucking on Chris more than Jon. I like the taste when-" "Okay, okay.... I'm not talking down to you so you don't have to prove anything, for Christ's sake. Just, give it some time. Please." "You didn't answer my question..... Am I this way cuz of Schmidt? Is he why I'm a freak?" "Look, I don't know. Seriously: you're not a freak.... You're not. I don't know if what you're talking about is just a- sorry- a phase. I had one with Paul, for the third time I've had to bring it up, when I was your age." "Fuck you. A phase. Fuck you. You don't know anything. You're just trying to be all grown up," I started to cry as I thought of him laughing at me inside his head like with his stupid condom joke, a month back. Like I was some toy and now he was watching me explode so he could play with my broken pieces: to be the hero like he'd done when I was little. "Fuck you!" I whimpered. I sniffled for a few minutes. He held me and I tried to pull away with a shove once in a while. I really wanted to punch him square on the nose. I knew, if I did that, he'd kick my ass but I really wanted to break some knuckles on him. "Are you done?" "Fuck off, liar," I hissed. "When you get off your rag, let me know," He got up and stormed away slamming my door behind him, probably waking everyone up. As I lay there, I found it easier without him: I had no time for his belittling bullshit. He came back a few minutes later. "Jonny, whatever I did to let you down, I'm sorry. I didn't know how to help you and back then: I was a kid myself. Think about that. I wish I had some answers for you. I really do and I'll never talk to Dad about this conversation: it's between you guys.... I promise. You're my brother... No matter what you are or may become, you are my brother. Okay?" I kept quiet. "I was afraid of that," he whispered. He stood at my door for a few minutes before he slunk away without my answer. I really hated him, in that moment.