Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 15:19:29 -0700 (PDT) From: c.e. Jordan Subject: BROOKLYN BLUES: TYSON AND SHAWN part 3 BROOKLYN BLUES: TYSON AND SHAWN c. e. jordan >From previous episode: "I don't hate you, it's just that I don't play that... that **gay* stuff..." Ty's body stiffened and abruptly surged away from Shawn. Once more he was headed for the open bedroom door. This time Shawn didn't try to restrain him and remained seated on the bed, but he spoke quickly, "Wait Ty, I just meant I ain't never done nothin', well, nothin' like that. Don't go Ty, please Ty." Tyson hesitated at the door, but didn't turn around to face Shawn. With his head down, he mumbled, "Why? Why should I stay?" "I... I don't know, the only thing I know for sure right now is, I don't want you to go... ever. __________________________________ BROOKLYN BLUES: TYSON AND SHAWN PART 3 Tyson blinked, had he heard correctly? What did that mean? He turned to see Shawn perched at the edge of his bed, head down with hands clasped tightly between his knees. For the moment his usual cool self-confidence was gone. Ty was a bit shocked to see him looking so small and forlorn. "Shawn, I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay... as long as you want me... around." Shawn was surprised to feel the small hand touching his shoulder. He hadn't heard Tyson come back into the room. Something about this white-looking 'black' boy, with his round glasses and his funny solemn face, made him feel so peculiar... but peculiar in a nice way. He'd always felt 'on guard', different when among other kids. But being with Ty, for the first time he felt 'normal' inside and out. He felt like he'd been pretending all his young life... now, with Tyson, there was nothing to hide. For a moment the boys were shy and tentative with each other. Finally, they got the courage to look directly into each other's eyes. Filled with things to say but that they had no words for, they maintained an eloquent silence. And in the temporary quiet, the room was invaded by vagrant sounds snatched from beyond the window; random sounds of a kid yelling for a ball... and cars forever rushing by in the distance. These intermittent noises filtering in was all that kept them connected to a world that seemed so very far away. A boom box playing loud rap music began its pounding beat just below their window. This seemed to break the spell. Shawn grinned madly and began a sudden friendly assault on the younger boy. He grabbed Ty in a bear hug and they fell together onto the bed. Tyson laughed out loud as they rolled and wrestled among the soft piles of Shawn's laundry. A pants, a shirt, an underpants fell to the floor as they struggled together on the bed. Ty giggled even more when Shawn began tickling him. "Oh, wait a minute... stop, stop... Shawn... my glasses!" Shawn quit his teasing right away. And his body came to rest partially on the younger boy. His right leg was caught between Ty's and he found himself staring down into the flushed face. But the round glasses was twisted halfway off and hung from only one ear. Shawn rose up onto his elbows and looked down at Ty. He looked so young and so perfectly adorable. Gently lifting the glasses completely away from Ty's face, Shawn thought that the wide hazel eyes were the most beautiful things he'd ever seen. Never in his entire life had anyone ever looked at him the way this boy did: hungry, needy, trusting. It made him feel so... strong... yet so completely vulnerable. The boys were nose to nose for a minute, then laying the glasses carefully to the side, Shawn cupped the boy's cheeks with both hands. He found himself randomly touching Ty here and there... fascinated by the brief pink bloom that appeared everywhere his dark fingertip touched. That finger continued tracing the twin arches of Tyson's brow and paused at a spot on his temple that pulsed and pulsed just under the delicate skin. It felt so natural when Shawn found his lips pressed to that tender spot. Tyson sighed. His heart beat fast and the sudden rush of blood deafened him... and made him hard. "Oh god... oh god..." whispered Shawn, "I'm kissing you... and I like it." He sounded as if he couldn't believe what was happening. But his lips continued its progression across Ty's forehead and began traveling slowly downward. Nose. Pause. Eyelids. Pause. Ty raised his chin slightly and then their lips were brushing together... back and forth. Chaste and closed at first, Tyson's mouth opened up by instinct to receive the tentative flicker of Shawn's moist offering. "Shawn... hey Shawn, you up there?" A guy's voice was yelling from down in the courtyard outside the open windows.... The boys broke apart. "Shit." Shawn got up immediately and took a quick deep breath. He let it out slowly, a long, ragged, torn sound. But Ty lay where he was for a moment, stunned, missing the probing heat, the tongue licking deep inside his head, behind his eyes... missing the weight that had pressed him so sweetly to the bed. Then he too got up and followed Shawn to the window. The teenager called China was standing below their window. "What's up?" Asked Shawn. "Baby-Boy just been by here... he said he wants to talk to you `bout some stuff... tonight at ten under the Clinton Archway." Shawn was suddenly angry and pulled Tyson away from the window. Then furiously he yelled down at China who was still standing there, "Will you shut the fuck up ass-hole? Why you screaming out my business like that? If you want to tell me something you know where the hell I live." Looking scared, the teen below stumbled a few steps backwards, "Uh... sorry Shawn, I didn't think... sorry." **** "You alright Shawn?" Standing there quietly by the window, an intense and introspective look had come over Shawn's perfect face. When Tyson touched his arm, small muscles twitched under the polished brown skin, and his long eyelashes fluttered as if he was just awakening. His features softened as he looked at the younger boy's concerned face. "Hey, I'm okay mouse, don't worry," he smiled, "China is just an idiot." "Who is `Baby-Boy'? What does he want with you?" "Just a guy I know... and he ain't no baby." Shawn put one arm around Tyson's shoulder. "But it is real dark under the Clinton Archway... especially that late at night...why..." "Man," Shawn interrupted, "don't worry, okay? I'll be alright... besides it's getting late... if you don't want your mom to catch you over here you better go now... and, remember, you still have to get your mail from the mailbox downstairs." "Oh yeah... I forgot all about... all about everything." **** At his door macho Shawn was suddenly bashful. What he really wanted to do was reach out to Tyson before he left, wanted to hug him one more time, or just run his fingers through those curls. Instead, he ran his restless fingers through his own thick mop of short dreadlocks. And he mumbled, "Um, Ty? I'm really glad you talked to me today..." Tyson simply beamed at his new friend. His eyes, looking greener than before, seemed even larger, magnified behind the round glasses. He then turned to go without saying goodbye^×^Öa word he never wanted to say to Shawn. "Wait up Ty... um, er, do you think you can come over and stay with me tonight? We can play some games... watch movies, or somethin'... my mother wouldn't care, she probably ain't even gonna be home most of the time..." Shawn stopped embarrassed about his rush of words, it sounded a lot like he was begging-^Ö^Öand perhaps he was... "I dunno... my mom rarely lets me do stuff like that... but then, it IS summer and you ARE right next door so I don't know... but I will ask, alright?" "Great! Don't forget!" "Oh no, I shan't forget," said Tyson, unconsciously slipping back into his very proper British accent, and that made Shawn laugh. To be continued...