Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 23:40:42 EDT From: Double A Subject: Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Disclaimer: Well, if you liked Chronicles Of Whiteshadow Isle: First Era, than you must be happy to see that I'm working on the sequel. Okay, before you get too confused by some of names and events that are mentioned, I should tell you that, after finishing the erotic version of COWI, I edited it to be more acceptable to a general audience. In doing this, I changed names, added events and more content, and made it a lot cleaner. "Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era" will follow that "PG" version of the first one a lot closer than it will the erotic version. I didn't post the "PG" version of COWI on Nifty, because I'm trying to get it published, but if you want, I can e-mail you the manuscript and you could read it. To tell you the truth, even if you didn't read the first book, erotic or PG, you'll probably still be able to follow this one. I haven't ironed out all the details yet, but it'll probably end up containing sexual stuff between teenagers, men, men and teenagers, and maybe even boys, men and boys, and teenagers and boys. This is a work of fiction. If any of you know of a real place like Whiteshadow Isle, please send all information about it to the e-mail address below. I'm applying for citizenship ASAP!!! Enjoy, and may the glory of Whiteshadow Isle smile down upon you! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 1: Return to the Isle It was a beautiful sunny day during the tail end of summer, as Prince Shawn, one heir to the Whiteshadow Isle throne, lay outside on a patio recliner, in the main courtyard, and relaxed. He was naked except for a plain white towel that covered him loosely below the waist. He thought little of this, because the men and boys of Whiteshadow Isle, both peasant and royalty, were prone to walking around with little or no clothes on. Shawn's black hair hung in his eyes, but he could still make out the silhouette of someone standing over him. Slowly moving into a sitting position, the long-haired Prince reached up and moved the ebony strands from his face. He felt an embarrassed rush come over him when he saw that it was his sister, Rebecca, gazing down at his reposing form. Quickly, he reached down and made sure that the towel was securely covering him. Seeing it was still in position, Shawn turned his attention up to his sibling, who was looking quite perturbed. "Shawn, do you know where that worthless wretch of a husband of yours is?" She asked with akimbo arms. Shawn yawned and shrugged his shoulders, "He took off after breakfast, but didn't say where he was headed. Why? What did he do now?" Rebecca sighed in frustration, "He promised to watch Carter today, while I helped mother to catalogue her scrolls. The last time I took Carter into the temple with me, he spilled grape juice all over the scroll with the historical analysis of warfare on it." Shawn stood up, tying the towel around his waist. Smiling up at his sister, he said, "You go help mom; I'll watch Carter." Rebecca smiled and, leaning forward, kissed Shawn on the cheek and said, "Thank you, Shawn; you're very sweet. I know you're tired from all the studying you've been doing lately, so I promise I'll make this up to you. It'll only be for a few hours, I promise!" Shawn nodded and said, "It's no trouble, Becky. Meanwhile, I'm going to have to talk to Bryan about responsibility again. It's not right that he doesn't help more." "He can't help it, I guess." Becky shrugged, "It's not like he wanted to have a kid." Shawn shook his head, "Now, don't you say that! I'm sure Bryan loves Carter very much, Becky. Whether or not he wanted a child, he has one and has to learn to deal with it. Now, off with you!" Rebecca nodded and jogged back toward the palace. Shawn watched her go, then turned his mind to the current matter. He yawned again, drained from the nights of studying kingdom literature, in preparation for his and Bryan's royal examination next week. In Whiteshadow Isle, the two heirs to the throne had to undergo a test every year from their eighteenth birthday until they took the crown, to see if they possessed the qualities to hold that amount of power. The examination's only purpose was to ensure that the two heirs were keeping up with their royal training and studies. If one failed, he would still be an heir to the throne, but it would suggest that he hadn't paid attention to his studies for that year. Two failures in a row, and, for that entire year, the poor sod would be forced to spend eight hours a day studying in the library, along with the standard four-hour daily royal training, up until that year's examination. They would have to pass it that time around or else spend the following year with the same grueling regiment. Shawn had, of course, passed every examination since his eighteenth birthday with generally high marks. On the other hand, Bryan had failed his eighteenth year exam, but had passed his nineteenth year one...barely; narrowly avoiding what they labeled in the palace as "royal purgatory." Bryan's twentieth year exam was next week, along with Shawn's twenty-first year exam. Shawn was quite confident that he would pass, but he was very worried about what his husband's results would be. Bryan spent very little time studying and, although he wouldn't get royal purgatory if he didn't pass, it was very bad if an heir failed more than once in the tenure leading up to his rise to the throne. This failure to appropriately prepare for the exam that tested his royal ability, coupled with Bryan's general laid-back attitude toward his whole title and to his responsibilities overall, was making many people around the palace begin to worry about how Bryan would handle himself as King, once the current sovereigns were gone. This included Bryan's own father, Brett. Lucas and Brett were in their forties now and, despite their generally good health, it was time to think about what would happen if one of them, or both, should die. Shawn had heard rumours that, soon after Shawn's successful assembly meeting back when he was only fifteen-years-old, the two kings were thinking of stepping down from the throne and letting him and Bryan take over. However, the rumour continued on to say that once they realized how immature and foolish Bryan acted, they thought better of it. Besides his royal duties, Bryan also had responsibility to his son, although he was frequently neglecting those too. Six years ago, through an act of drunkenness and pity, Bryan had slept with Shawn's sister, Rebecca, and made her pregnant. Of course, nobody expected Bryan to be an ideal father to young Carter, but there were times when he was expected to do certain things with the boy and he chose to pass the buck to someone else. Carter was an adorable, if somewhat rambunctious, child and Shawn felt that it was time that Bryan accepted the responsibility of fatherhood, whether Carter's conception was an accident or not. The raven-haired Prince vowed, as he stood there, to make Bryan study his lessons and pay more attention to his son, by any means necessary. He loved Bryan too much to allow him to shirk his duties and take his responsibilities, both as an heir and as a father, for granted. The one thing that made Shawn's task easier, though, was that Bryan could no longer get distracted with careless sexual escapades with Prince Michael. Michael had undergone "The Choosing" about a year ago and had chosen Zachary, the son of a shipwright. Zac and Mike spent a good deal of time together and, despite his history with Bryan, Michael was beginning to isolate himself from his former caretaker, in order to pursue a meaningful relationship with his chosen. Bryan's sexual escapades with Shawn, though, were quite a different story. The spark of their romance hadn't faded in the least, even after six years, and despite Bryan's retarded development in matters of state and outright neglect of his parental duties, Shawn still loved Bryan as much now, as he did when they were children and he knew Bryan felt the same way. It was this love that made Shawn want to help his half-brother become a more responsible person. For the moment, though, Shawn had his own responsibilities to attend to and so he made his way back into the palace. His home had undergone many structural changes over the last few years, and paramount of these was the building of several new bedrooms. Michael and Zachary shared one, Anna had another, Sarah took another, a fourth was built for Rebecca, and a fifth was given to little Carter. Beside the bedrooms, Carter accumulated many toys and so a special playroom was built to hold them. This playroom also doubled as a sitting room and had several plush chairs, two couches and even a fireplace. So, during the winter, Shawn frequently relaxed by the fire with a good book. It was also common palace knowledge that, late at night when they thought everybody was asleep, Michael and Zachary had sex in there. Shawn vowed to catch them one day. The crown jewel of the palace renovations, however, was the redoing of the Royal Assembly Chamber. The enormous room had a skylight put in, murals painted all over the walls, and the huge crest of Whiteshadow Isle was totally resewn and rehung, making it look even more majestic. A new fountain was put in on the other side of the main podium and an orchestra stand was constructed off in the corner. It and the palace temple were the only rooms in which Carter was forbidden to play. Shawn entered through the main gates and nodded in his head in acknowledgment as the guards descended to one knee in respect for the Prince. Shawn continued through the main hallway, newly decorated with paintings and statues. These elaborate pieces were to commemorate the hundred years of strife between the genders and the subsequent end of said strife, once the truth was announced by a young teenage Prince. A Prince who, until that time, never even believed in royal tradition. The young royal could never stop himself from smiling with pride whenever he walked down this hallway, as he gazed at the artwork that depicted him as some sort of saint. At the very end of the hallway, Shawn turned right and padded up the stairs, moving slowly to avoid losing his terrycloth covering, then walked down the hall until he arrived at the door to Carter's room. Pushing it gently open, he stepped inside. Carter sat on the floor, playing in a pile of toys. Lying on the floor beside him, sound asleep, was Spot. The leopard and the young boy had been very close ever since Carter was born and Spot had grown quite protective of him. However, the familiar smell of Shawn did not even cause the large cat to react and she remained asleep as he walked into the bedroom. Carter looked up as Shawn approached him and he smiled and announced, "Hey, Uncle Shawn, look what happened!" Shawn looked down and saw Carter was holding a tiny white object in his hand. "What's that, squire?" he asked. "I lost a tooth!" the child proudly proclaimed, smiling to show the gap in his mouth where his right lateral incisor used to be. He reached his little hand up, inviting Shawn to look. Shawn examined the slightly bloody tooth in his nephew's hand and laughed, "Yeah, you sure did! Make sure to put it under your pillow tonight and the tooth fairy will leave you a few silvers." Carter's smile grew. He jammed the tooth into his shorts pocket, then looked up again and, staring at the towel, asked, "What happened to your clothes, Uncle Shawn?" Shawn laughed and blushed slightly, "I was outside tanning when your mommy told me to come play with you." "Mommy said daddy was gonna play with me, though!" Carter exclaimed. Shawn sighed, "Daddy is busy, so Uncle Shawn is going to play with you, okay?" "Is daddy jacking off again, Uncle Shawn?" Carter asked innocently. Shawn blinked, "Excuse me?" Carter shrugged, "Yesterday, I went to your room to play with daddy and he was naked. I asked if he wanted to play and he said he was busy, so I asked him why he was busy, so he said he was jacking off. What's 'jacking off' mean?" Shawn ran his hand over his face and shook his head, "It's something that you don't need to worry about for a few years, Carter. He was mean to tell you that and I'm going to have to have a little talk with him." "What's it mean, though?" Carter persisted. Shawn shook his head, "I can't tell you. Ask mommy and if she wants to, she'll tell you." "Okay, fine!" Carter said, sulking. Shawn shrugged, "Anyway, why don't you come to my room so I can get dressed? Afterwards, I'll take you to the lake, okay?" Carter stood up and exclaimed, "Cool!" then, turning toward the leopard on the floor beside him, he called, "Come on, Spot! Come here, girl!" The huge leopard slowly got to her feet and stretched, yawning, before shaking and looking at Carter in intrigue. "Can Spot come to, Uncle Shawn? Huh, can she?" Carter begged. Shawn reached down and petted the leopard's head, stroking the fur between her ears. The huge cat seemed to smile as she pushed her head up against Shawn's hand and purred in contentment. Shawn smiled, "I don't see why not. We'll make a day of it." Carter giggled in happiness and, running over, hugged the leopard tightly. Shawn and Carter continued to lavish affection upon the leopard, who must have been feeling extremely serendipitous to have two people showing it such affection. After a few minutes, Shawn lifted his hand from Spot's head and, motioning with his arm toward the doorway, said, "Okay, we should get going, squire." Carter nodded and, turning to Spot, beckoned her as Shawn left the room. The three of them walked out from Carter's bedroom and headed down the hallway toward Shawn and Bryan's chambers. Once inside, Shawn stepped over a large pile of his books and opened the cluttered dresser containing his and Bryan's clothes. After sifting through the slatternly drawers for several seconds, he pulled out a white Bermuda-style swimsuit. With his back to Carter, he undid the towel and tossed it onto his bed. From behind him, he heard, "Can I see your penis, Uncle Shawn?" Shawn snorted in laughter and said, "Come on, Car! I already told you before that I'm not going to show you my penis, because it just wouldn't be right!" "Aww, you're no fun, Uncle Shawn!" Carter whined, "Daddy shows me his all the time!" Shawn's hands clenched into fists and he took a deep breath, then quickly slipped on the bathing suit and turned around, "Okay, let's go." The three of them walked back into Carter's room and, after almost tripping over a bucket of toy soldiers, Shawn limped over and opened up Carter's dresser. He sifted through the mass of small clothes and pulled out a small purple Speedo-type swimsuit for the young boy. Helping his nephew undress and get on his swimsuit, Shawn remembered and took the tooth out of Carter's shorts pocket, putting it in a dresser drawer, on top of a pile of underwear. When Carter was all suited up, the three of them, again, left the room. As they approached the stairs, Shawn stopped and turned back to regard his nephew, "I hope you didn't tell mommy about that word that your daddy told you, or that he shows you his penis." Carter shook his head, "Daddy told me not to tell mommy. He said that she would kill him if I did." "So he isn't a total dummy..." Shawn thought to himself, as he, Carter and Spot walked down the stairs. On their way down, a teenage serving wench passed them on the way up. Shawn stopped her with his arm and probed, "Servant, do you know where Bryan, Michael, Zachary, Anna and Sarah are?" The girl collapsed to one knee and said, "Prince Bryan went for a horseback ride, saying he'd be back by lunchtime. Prince Michael and his consort went for a bicycle ride and took a picnic lunch, saying they'd be back by dinnertime. Lady Anastasia is off on a date with a young man from town. Lady Sarah, I believe, is in the main temple helping Priestess Rebecca and High Priestess Margaret. Is that answer satisfactory, Your Highness?" Shawn smiled and nodded, "Quite. I'm taking Carter down to the lake now, so if Bryan comes back before we do, tell him to go to the library and study for at least two hours, or else he'll be sleeping in the playroom tonight." The servant got back to her feet and nodded, "Yes, Prince Shawn." With that, Shawn took Carter's hand and led him down the stairs, back through his favorite hallway, and off toward the main gate. He felt a poke in his side as they approached the large wooden doors leading outside and into the palace grounds. Shawn turned around to see Carter looking up at him. "Yes?" Shawn asked, seeing the worried look on the face of his sister and half- brother's son. "I...I was wondering...if we could...walk to the lake?" Carter stuttered. Shawn nodded, although it would triple the time it took to get there. Carter seemed to have developed a fear of horses for some reason, which made travel a lot longer with him around. A new invention called a 'bicycle' had come about two years back, but nobody had taken the time to learn how to ride one of those horseless carriages, except Michael and Zachary. With a sigh, Shawn and Carter exited the palace, with Spot following close behind, and made their way down the stone path, on the way to the lake, a good forty-five minute walk away. Being near empty between breakfast and dinnertime was not unusual for the palace these days. With the war between the men and women long over, and the war in Cargenon happening over twelve-thousand kilometers away, the residents of the palace weren't restricted to the grounds anymore. Anybody who wanted to go out was allowed anywhere in the Whiteshadow Isle boundaries without any safety worries. Shawn was concerned about Colonel Lance, who was off in Cargenon fighting, but the Colonel had sent them a message saying that everything was going just fine. He claimed that the Cargenonons were very poor warriors and the only thing stopping Whiteshadow Isle's outright defeat of them, was the size of the Cargenon army and the land that had to be covered. Cargenon had declared war more than two years ago, when Whiteshadow Isle had insisted that they conform to the gender equality. Cargenon responded that women were subhuman butchers who didn't deserve equality. King Luke had responded by making a motion for Whiteshadow Isle to declare war on Cargenon. Brett had seconded the motion and so war was declared. Unfortunately, the rest of the world chose to stay out of it, so Whiteshadow Isle was alone in its efforts. However, despite the need for a large army again, no funds were allocated away from Bryan's precious Vagrant Fund. Whiteshadow Isle was, for the past few years, quite a calm place to live. But that was all about to change.... ++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 2: Race Amoung the Ruins The sun was high in the heavens, suggesting that the time was around noon, as Prince Michael and his chosen, Zachary, sat on the grass, under the shade of a large oak, and ate lunch. Michael chewed on his tuna sandwich as he gazed off down the dirt path, spotting the faint image of a ruined cottage. With his free hand, he swept a tiny stream of perspiration off the bridge of his nose. The heat of the day seemed to have gone up to well into the thirties, in the shade, and, despite his simple garb of thin aqua-coloured shorts and white sandals, the blond-haired Prince was feeling quite uncomfortable. His bare chest was speckled in droplets of sweat, causing his skin to itch. Strands of hair from his pageboy locks hung in his face, stuck together with perspiration that dripped from there onto his nose. It seemed that by stopping to take a break, he was feeling worse than when he was back on the trail, pedalling like mad to keep up with Zachary's bike. Gazing over, he saw that his consort was feeling no better. Zachary's pale complexion was even more flushed as he sat there, concentrating on remaining conscious. His long brown hair, slick with sweat, was tied back in a ponytail that was quickly becoming undone. Sweat from his face collected in the little trough underneath his nose and caused his upper lip to shine. Every few seconds, he licked his lips, trying to moisten them, but the saliva quickly evaporated. His breath left his nose in pants, causing his nostrils to repeatedly flare. Reaching down, he took a nibble from his sandwich, timing it so it wouldn't fill his mouth when he needed to take a breath. His grey jogging shorts were quickly turning dark with sweat from his legs as well as the streams that coursed down his bare chest. "Maybe we should go back before we pass out." Michael suggested, brushing a fly from his cheek. Zachary looked up and gazed at his friend, as he heard his voice. Their gazes met and a smile slowly passed over Zachary dry, cracked lips, "Don't tell me you're actually tired!" He mocked, though the weak tone of his voice betrayed his own fatigue. There were times when Michael found Zachary's typical pubescent bravado to be cute, but not now. He shook his head and said, trying to be the voice of reason, "Come on, Zac! If we stay out here much longer, we'll either burn, faint, or go delirious!" Zachary crossed his arms across his chest and said, "You promised we could see the ruins and I'm not going home until we see them!" Michael sat and bit his lower lip in thought, before nodding quickly and getting to his feet, "Fine!" he declared, "We'll go see the ruins for a few minutes, but then can we please go home?" Zachary collected everything into a leather satchel and slung it on his back, "But what will we do at the palace? It's so boring there!" Michael smiled, "Oh, you'll soon find a great deal to do there. We could play in the gym, we could read in the library, we know..." "Fuck?" Zachary asked, smiling. Michael blushed and nodded, "Yeah, but this is after we head back to the palace. If you want, we could head back now..." "Uh uh!" Zachary laughed, "You're not going to trick me that easy! First we see the ruins, then we head back." "Fine." Michael grumbled, as he trudged back up the path and slung his leg over the bicycle. Zachary soon followed, and they pedalled off down the dirt path, toward the ruined cottage. Sweat dripped down their faces and bodies as they approached the end of the path. Michael regretted even telling his friend about the old abandoned town. Then again, he never thought that it would be so hot, so close to the end of summer. He really wanted the summer to end, and not just because his sixteenth birthday was this fall. He much preferred the cool temperatures of the autumn, just before the fall of the first snow. Zachary, on the other hand, seemed to prefer the heat and Michael was having a hard time spending so much time with him outdoors in this weather. If Michael really felt like it, he could force Zachary to stay in the palace with him and do less strenuous stuff. Since Zachary was only thirteen, Michael had legal control over him and, according royal law, he could tell Zachary to do whatever he wanted. Zachary would have to do it, or else he would be severely punished or even executed. Michael had let this rule slide for the near-year that he knew Zachary, though. They were only about three years apart in age and Michael didn't much like authority over himself, so he really didn't want to impose it over someone else. Besides that, he really didn't feel like ordering Zachary's execution. What Michael didn't have much control over, though, was the fact that he was expected to teach his Chosen about how to act like royalty. Granted, the two of them would probably never take the throne, since they had Shawn and Bryan in front of them. This was followed by Carter and whomever he chose, and, should Shawn ever have a son, his son and whomever his son chose would be in front of them too. However, it was still expected that they conformed to a certain royal standard, and Michael hoped Zachary would soon understand that his new situation meant more than just living in a huge castle. Despite their occasional disagreements, though, Michael had immediately fallen in love with him ever since he saw him at "The Choosing," and he spent a good portion of the past year trying to get closer to Zachary emotionally. Michael had figured out, soon after his fourteenth birthday, that he was gay, but Zachary didn't appear sure about what orientation he was. Michael had never before talked about whether Zachary felt actual love for him or not, because he feared ruining the relationship he had with his friend, when they already slept together every night, both literally and colloquially. However, his less direct methods of 'testing the waters', such as attempts to actually snuggle before or after sex, or inquiries about whether Zachary wanted to watch the sun rise or set with him, had proven inconclusive. Sometimes Zachary would do it, although not show much emotion in the process, and other times he would just give Michael a strange look and call him a weirdo. Michael wished he had to nerve to just say those three words to Zachary, as he had to his dearly departed Carter so many years ago, but he would always lose the nerve before he could go through with it. Although nobody except the evening door guards and a few servants knew it, Michael would sometimes sneak out at night and bicycle up to the hill where Carter was buried. He would sit crying by the stone for hours, hugging and kissing it and talking to it as if Carter were still there. Sobbing, he would say how much he missed Carter and how he'd never forget him. He'd even say how Zachary could never replace him. Sobbing, he'd talk about how sorry he was for deserting him and how he wished he would have stayed, even if it meant that they'd both be dead now. Michael would then go into the satchel that he'd always bring with him, and take out a raggedy old stuffed bear. Shawn had given Carter the bear and Carter had named it Snowflake. Ever since Carter had been killed, Michael had slept with it every night and he'd always bring it with him to Carter's grave. He'd put the bear against the stone and say how much Snowflake missed him too, then he'd lie beside the gravesite and hug the bear as he cried and cried. Afterwards, he'd kiss the stone goodbye, take Snowflake and put him back in his bag, and slowly bike back to the palace, where he'd crawl back into bed and go back to sleep. The path soon ended, and the two teenagers biked through the broken gate and into the old town. It used to be called Mostaf, but, because of its isolated position away from any other town and its small militia force, it was easy raiding territory for the female armies during the old war. Constant pillages had left it broke, and several fires had destroyed many of the buildings. It had long been abandoned, so was now a veritable ghost town. Due to all the dangerous materials that may have been left behind, Lucas and Brett had forbidden Michael and Zachary from coming here, but, as is a child's wont, they had come anyway. Leaving their bicycles by the broken-down, rusted gate, they slowly trudged up the broken brick path and into the town. The houses were covered in scorch marks and some were missing their roof. Many bricks from the road were gone, so gaping holes were left open to allow dust from the ground to swirl around the streets. The whole town was so silent that Michael and Zachary could hear their own heartbeat. Their intrigued eyes gazed around at the town, and they forgot the intense heat. "Hey, let's go check out the moneylenders over there!" Zachary exclaimed, smiling. Michael giggled in excitement and him and Zachary ran off down the road, careful to avoid the holes. The moneylender's place was at the very end of the street and was in quite good shape, considering the rest of the town. The roof and walls still seemed intact and the door was not hanging on its hinges or missing, like most of the other places. In fact, as Zachary reached out and pulled on the handle, he found that the door seemed to be locked. Turning to Michael in confusion, he said, "This is weird." Michael nodded and, his voice shaking, responded, "W..why don't w...we get out of here. This...this place is starting to creep me out." Zachary slowly backed away from the door and nodded, for once in agreement with Michael, "Y...yeah. I h...heard voices from behind the door." Both boys turned and began walking quickly away from the door, heading back toward their bicycles. Suddenly, they heard the door click and, with a squeak, open up. "Hey, you!" someone called after them. Both boys changed to a run and took off faster. "Come back!" Zachary ventured a quick gaze behind him, but that was all it took. His foot snagged in one of the holes and he went flying through the air, landing a few feet away, right on his knees, after which he collapsed onto his back, seething in pain. Michael quickly skidded to a stop and ran back toward his fallen comrade. A large man ran up beside them and knelt down beside the fallen Zachary. "Please don't hurt him!" Michael implored. The man looked up and smirked, "I'm not going to hurt him. I'm going to help him." With that, he tore a length of cloth from his black tunic and scrunched it into a ball. He pressed the ball against Zachary's right knee, then the left, absorbing the blood that flowed out from the torn skin. Michael watched him as he attended to his friend's wounds. There was something very familiar about the man. He had short black hair, dark brown eyes and half his face was hidden behind a thick beard and mustache. He was quite a large-built man and, as he stood to tear off another strip of cloth, Michael could see that he was well over six feet tall. He took one of Zachary's knees in his hand and said, "Tell me if what I'm doing hurts, okay?" Zachary sniffled, tears flowing down his face from the pain of his fall, and nodded. The man slowly bent each of Zachary's knees, but Zac's pain did not seem to increase. "That's good." The man said, turning to Michael, "Your friend's legs are not broken; they are just badly scraped." Michael nodded, "Thank you for your help...ummm...what was your name?" The man smirked again and Michael gathered that it was his way of smiling. Shaking his head, the man replied, "My name is not important. However, judging by the rings on the fingers of both of you, I gather that you two are Princes, no?" Michael stared down at the royal insignia ring on his finger, before looking back up in time to see the man get to his feet, "I'm going back into that shack over there," he indicated the moneylenders, "because I think I have a bottle of whiskey with which I can use to cleanse your friend's wounds. Wouldn't want infection to set in!" The large man slowly trudged back up the street, toward the moneylender. Michael turned back toward his friend, "Are you all right, Zachary?" He asked, concerned. Zac groaned and said, "I've been better, but I'll be fine, thanks to that guy." Michael nodded and turned back to watch the man continue walking up the road. Suddenly, a large wave of fear passed over him as he finally put a name to the man's gruff countenance. His face flushed of all colour and, turning frantically to Zachary, he asked, "Can you walk?" Zachary put both his feet on the ground and said, "I...I think so." Michael reached over quickly and grabbed Zachary's hand, "Well, then get up and run, because we're getting out of here now!" "But, Mike..." Zachary began to protest. "Now!" Michael repeated and pulled Zachary to his feet. Running off toward their bicycles, Michael towed Zachary behind him as he took off as quickly as he could. When they reached their bikes, Michael got on his and yelled, "Hurry up, fuck!" Zachary, seeing the urgency in his friend's face, painfully swung his throbbing knee over the bicycle and pushed off. From back in the town, they heard, "Hey! Where do you think you guys are going?" "Go, dammit! Go!" Mike yelled frantically behind him as he pedalled like a demon back down the dirt path toward the palace. Zachary, despite his pain, did his best to keep up. They dared not look behind them, although they could hear quiet footsteps getting louder and louder. Focussing on nothing but the path ahead, Michael took off so fast that he could hear nothing but the sound of his own pounding heartbeat. Intermittently, he yelled, "Hurry up! Come on!" behind him, as added incentive for his friend. After thirty minutes of straight biking, Mike felt a surge of pleasure as he saw the palace up ahead. Risking it all, he slowed down and gazed behind him. Zachary's form looked awful, as he was keeled over his handlebars, out of breath and the abrasions on his knees gushing blood anew. There was no sign of the man, though. "Just a little more!" He yelled back, and began pedalling quickly again. Halfway up the stone path leading to the castle gates, Michael slowed down and hopped off his bicycle. Bending over at the waist, he stood there and attempted to catch his breath. He heard the trudging footsteps and saw, out of the corner of his eye, Zachary walk up beside him and do the same, after tossing the ruined satchel, containing their half-eaten lunch, on the ground by his feet As Michael straightened back up, he saw a guard run up to him. "Your Highness!" the guardsman exclaimed, "I thought you and Zachary weren't returning until suppertime!" Michael took a deep breath and replied breathlessly, "...*pant*...Where...*pant*...Where's Shawn...*pant*...Must...*pant*...Bryan...*pant*...Where's....*pant*...*huff*...Where's Shawn and Bryan?" The guard put his hand on Michaels shoulder and said, "Are you okay, sire? What is wrong?" Michael shrugged it off and, finally catching his breath, said, "I'm not okay, but Zachary needs a doctor for his knees! Where's Shawn and Bryan?" "Prince Shawn is with Prince Carter at the lake and Prince Bryan is in the library, studying." The guardsman replied, "Should I fetch them?" Michael growled in frustration and said, "Just get a doctor for Zachary!" then ran off into the palace. Heading down a hallway, running at top speed, he soon reached a fork, turned left and ran all the way down the hall until he reached the wooden double doors of the palace study. Pushing them open, he saw Bryan seated at a table inside, leaning over a huge book with a look on his face not unlike that of someone trying to read something in a foreign language. Running into the room, Michael yelled, "Bryan! Bryan!" Bryan looked up from his studies with a smile on his face, "Hey, sport!" He exclaimed, "Great to see you! What's up?" Michael walked over and stood next to Bryan. He stared at Bryan's smiling face for a few seconds, before falling to his knees and starting to sob. Bryan stood up quickly and kneeled down next to Michael. "What's wrong, sweetheart? What happened?" "I saw...I saw..." Michael sobbed. Bryan reached out and grabbed Michael, hugging him into his arms. Bryan hated seeing the boy crying, and rocked back on forth on his knees, shushing the teenager, "Calm down, sweetie...Now, who did you see?" Michael slowly detached himself from Bryan's grip and told him who he saw. When Bryan heard, his face filled with anger and he got his feet. "Guardsman!" He bellowed. After a few seconds, a guard quickly ran into the room and collapsed to one knee, "Yes, Your Majesty?" "Get Shawn and my son back from the lake immediately and tell my father and King Lucas that Shawn and I will meet them in the throne room as soon as possible. I also want you to assemble a group of ten guardsmen on horseback and I want my own horse readied once again." Bryan ordered. The guardsman nodded and barked, "Yes, Your Highness!" before getting up and leaving the room in a jog. He knelt back down next to Michael, who was still crying, and put his hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, honey..." Bryan reassured, "They'll be no mercy for the bastard this time!" ++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 3: All Play and No Work Shawn had never expected the heat of the day to increase so astronomically by the afternoon. Although he stood waist-deep in the freezing, glacier-fed waters of the lake, droplets of sweat still cascaded down his body, causing streaks on his smooth, tanned face and matting the hair on his chest and belly. As his juvenile nephew began dog-paddling farther out into the lake, Shawn waded out of the waters and climbed up onto the dock, wanting to be at a better vantage point to view young Carter. The sun beat down on Shawn and dried the moisture from him quickly. He could even feel a slight breeze that, while hot, contrasted against the cold water on him, to raise tiny chill bumps across his muscular, lightly hair-covered arms and legs. Gazing over the water at his young charge, he smiled as he saw him playfully frolicking out near the middle of the lake. "Come closer to the shore, Carter!" Shawn called out toward his nephew. Shawn was so impressed with his nephew. Under the tutelage of High Priestess Margaret, Carter's grandmother, he was excelling in his history and royal affairs classes at the level of an eight-year-old. As he swam back toward the shore, Carter's dark brown hair hung in his dark brown eyes. His naturally red lips were parted as he struggled to take in air. He looked more like his mother than like Bryan, but he did have his father's large nose and hair colour. He also seemed to have Bryan's bluntly honest demeanour. Shawn found his nephew to be an adorable child and doing stuff with him always made Shawn begin to wonder about whether he wanted to have children or not. Carter's conception was purely an accident, but it was a breach of one of the highest royal laws and something that, if it had been done on purpose, might have gotten Bryan's claim to the throne revoked; although Shawn would never have allowed that to happen. As it currently was, Carter was next in line for the throne after Shawn and Bryan. This put the kingdom in a very precarious position, because Carter wasn't of royal blood and the country's minor nobles might get rebellious if they had a `peasant' for a king. As a result, Shawn's father, as well as Brett, had suggested that Shawn give serious consideration to having children within the next little while. Of course, the kings were, for the past little while, attempting to not put too much pressure on Shawn, since he was excelling so much in his duties as an heir. Thus, this `serious consideration' thing was basically their way of telling Shawn that if he didn't have a son soon, he might lead the country into open revolt. Of course, it wasn't so easy to just decide to have children; at least, not if you wanted to do it the traditional way. Shawn would have to find a woman who, he felt, possessed a good amount of qualities that would be beneficial to a child. Then again, Shawn hated the idea of having to go up to a woman and forcing her to have his child. Bryan had it easy, he just did it with his half-sister and Shawn didn't like the idea of doing that same thing to Anastasia or Sarah. Shawn already knew which woman he felt would be the best mother of his children. He'd known it ever since he first began thinking about having kids. With things the way they were, he would probably have to approach her on the subject before long, so, now that he finally had a few moments to himself, he began thinking about exactly what it was he was going to say to her. His thoughts were cut short before they got anywhere, though, as he heard the sound of horse hooves. Turning his head quickly, he spotted the guard riding down the path at top speed. Judging by the look of determination on his face, Shawn could tell that he was coming to tell about an emergency, or at least the guard seemed to think so. As such, Shawn collected the two towels up from the dock and turned to regard the armoured knight as he approached. Slowly the horse down to a simple trot, the guard dismounted even before the horse's movement had fully ceased. Taking two steps toward Shawn, he fell to one knee and said, "Your Majesty, I apologize for this interruption, however Prince Bryan commands you back at the palace immediately." Shawn smirked, "Prince Bryan commands me? Since when?" "Sire," the guard responded, "the prince's exact words were `get Shawn and my son back from the lake immediately.'" At this, Shawn's smirk faded and he said worriedly, "Why? What has happened?" "I know not, Your Majesty," the guard replied, "but Prince Michael and Squire Zachary have returned from their bicycle ride and the prince looked most distressed." Shawn nodded, then turned to regard Carter. There was no way he could him onto the horse and this was no time to handle his phobia. Turning back toward the guard, he said, "Stay here with Prince Carter. He won't ride on a horse, so I will take your horse back to the palace and send a carriage back for you and him." The guard nodded, "As you wish, Prince Shawn." With that, Shawn ran over and mounted the guard's horse. Spurring it into action with his bare heels, he quickly forced it into a gallop and headed quickly back to the palace. Upon arriving back, he quickly informed the guards about Carter and the knight still at the lake and they told Shawn that they would send back a carriage immediately. From there, he quickly jogged down the hallway and into the throne room. Inside, he saw his father and Brett sitting in their thrones, with grave expressions on their faces. Beside them, were Bryan, Michael and Zachary. "Shawn," Lucas said, regarding his son, his brow furrowed with worry, "we have a potential problem." Shawn walked closer to the thrones and, shifting his eyes around all the parties present, said, "Yes? What is going on?" Bryan walked over to stand beside Michael and put his hand on his shoulder. "Shawnie," Bryan said, looking at his husband with anger displayed in his light brown eyes, "on their bicycle ride today, Michael and Zachary saw Colonel Garrett." "What?!" Shawn exclaimed, "But I thought we banished him from Whiteshadow Isle forever!" "We did." Lucas responded, "It appears, though, that he's returned, and we don't know why." Turning to Michael, Shawn asked, "Where did you see him at?" Michael looked around and, looking at Zachary, he said, "We...kinda...went to the Mostaf ruins and saw there." Brett quickly turned, "But we ordered you two not to go there! It's extremely dangerous there, with all the broken materials and weak structures! You two must be punished for your disobedience..." Brett turned back toward Shawn and added, "but later." Lucas sat back in his throne and appeared to be thinking. Shawn began pacing, also appearing deep in thought. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Bryan exclaimed, "I've assembled some guards! Let's go get the bastard!" Shawn stopped and turned to face him, "Not before thinking this through, Bryan! We don't know what he's doing here or how long he's been hiding out there. Mostaf was an isolated town...He could have been there for months, even years, and we wouldn't have known. He could even have a whole army of soldiers at his command!" "Or he could be an old hermit living in exile in some abandoned town where he thought nobody would find him! We showed him mercy before by just banishing him, even though it was his fault that Carter got killed. This time, I say we slaughter the bastard!" Bryan responded. "Bryan! Enough!" Brett commanded, getting to his feet, "You had no right to assemble any guards, nor do you have any right to take any part in this! Why don't you worry about studying for the test that you have next week and leave this matter to us? When you display a noticeable amount of improvement in your royal studies, then you can have a say in kingdom affairs!" Bryan turned to Shawn, desperately looking for approval. Shawn smiled at his husband, but shook his head, "I know you want to help, sweetie, but we'll take care of it. Your father's right, you should go study." Bryan stepped away from Michael and stormed across the room and out the door, slamming it behind him. "I'm sorry for doing that, Shawn, but he really has to start taking his title seriously." Brett apologized. Shawn shook his head, "No, you were right, Brett. He has to learn to take his duties seriously." "Zachary and I should probably go too, if you don't need us anymore." Michael piped in from the other end of the room. Lucas nodded, "Yes, you two may go to your room. You will stay there for the next four days, in punishment for disobeying us." "Awww...." Michael whined, but slowly walked from the room, with Zachary following close behind. With only the three of them left in the room, Shawn turned to his father and said, "So, what do you propose?" Lucas stood up and said, "You will take the ten guardsmen that Bryan has prepared - since there is no point wasting them - and go down to Mostaf, being ever vigilant. Once there, you will locate Blade Garrett and place him under arrest. Use whatever means necessary, but bring him before us alive." "Yet what if he has a whole army?" Shawn probed. Brett arose, "If you see any indication that Garrett has any sort of large force with him, then get back here as quickly as possible and let us know. We will prepare our own army, just in case." Shawn nodded in acknowledgment and, turning around, headed toward the door. "Oh, Shawn..." Shawn turned around, "Yes, father?" Lucas smiled, "You may want to get dressed before you go." Shawn smiled as he realized that he was still only wearing his bathing suit. He nodded again, and left the throne room, heading down the hallway and up the stairs toward his room. Upon pushing open the door, he saw Bryan lying on the bed, reading a book. Bryan's long brown hair hung in his face, but Shawn could still see the deep blush that filled his countenance with the crimson hue of embarrassment and anger. Bryan briefly gazed up when Shawn entered, but didn't acknowledge him with any sort of vocal expression. Shawn could not help but feel guilty for not defending him back in the throne room, but he did have to admit that Brett was right in his sentiments. Bryan constantly neglected his studies and, yet, still liked to give orders and make decrees. Shawn walked over to the dresser and slowly opened the drawer. From the angle that he was standing at, he could see Bryan's eyes as they stared at the pages of the book. Shawn could see that he wasn't reading, but was instead just holding the book in front of his face, so he didn't have to look at Shawn. Similarly, Shawn wasn't actively looking for any clothes as he sifted through the dresser, but was instead just using it as an excuse not to stare at Bryan. Finally, after almost a minute of sifting through clothes, Shawn turned around and exclaimed, "You know, your father's right, Bryan! You really shouldn't be acting like a member of royalty if you're not going to study!" Bryan sniffled and, tossing down the book, put his hands on his face and began crying. "Awww, come on..." Shawn sighed. Walking over to the bed, he sat beside his half-brother and wrapped his arm around him, hugging him against his side. Bryan put his head on Shawn's shoulder and cried harder. "Come on, bro!" Shawn pleaded, "You're too old for this shit! Come on, now! Stop crying!" "I just wish I were as smart as you!" Bryan sobbed. "You're very smart, angel!" Shawn encouraged, "Your problem is that you just don't try!" Bryan separated from Shawn, "But I do! I do try! It just doesn't...doesn't sink in! I don't want to be the heir anymore! I want to be normal!" Shawn reached over and took one of Bryan's hands into his own. Gazing at the red-rimmed eyes of his husband, he smiled and cooed, "Oh, my sweet baby, you are normal. How about this: Every day, for at least two hours, we'll go into the library and I'll tutor you, okay? Would that make my angeldove feel better?" Bryan sniffled and smiled back at Shawn. "I g...guess so." he hiccuped. "Good." Shawn replied, and, leaning forward, kissed Bryan's lips tenderly. Upon separating, Bryan looked at his husband, his smooth, tanned face streaked with dry tears, and whimpered, "Sh...Shawnie?" "Yeah?" Shawn answered, squeezing Bryan's hand lovingly. "Can I come with you to arrest Garrett?" Shawn shook his head, "No, sweetie. You heard your father. You have to stay in your room and study." Bryan's hand shot forward and grabbed the impression of Shawn's penis beneath his swimsuit. "I won't let you go without me, Shawnie!" Bryan warned. Shawn released Bryan's other hand and tried to slap Bryan's hand away from his manhood. "Bryan! I have to go!" "Like I said, you're not going without me!" Bryan replied. Swinging his legs around behind him, Bryan leaned forward and began running his tongue up and down Shawn's penis through his bathing suit. Shawn tried to push Bryan's head away, but Bryan's hands were locked around his waist. "You have to study, Bryan!" Shawn said steadfastly, although his resolve was leaving him as his dick was hardening. "I said I'd study tomorrow, Shawnie! For now, I wanna be with my love when we go capture Garrett!" Bryan said, as his hand snaked through the leg-hole of Shawn's swimsuit. "Let me go!" Shawn begged, struggling as he tried to escape Bryan's grip. However, what his husband lacked in academic resolve, he more than made up for in physical strength. Bryan grasped Shawn's now-erect prick and pulled it down so it partially stuck out of the leg-hole. Bryan looked up at Shawn and licked his lips, "You think you're so smart! Well, let's see how you handle this equation! What do my tongue and your hot cock equal?" With that, Bryan flicked his tongue over the circumcised head of Shawn's manhood. Shawn tensed and sucked in a breath as the slimy piece of flesh slid over the sensitive head of Shawn's dick. "I'm kill you!" Shawn muttered, between gasps, as Bryan continued to flick his tongue over the mushroom crown of Shawn's cock. Bryan pulled back and smiled at Shawn, "You think you're some scholar, just because you read all those books? Well, to me, you're still my horny little fuckpuppy who likes to get his cock licked. Don't you like it, you horny boy?" Shawn responded with a deep groan. Bryan giggled and whispered, "If you like it, you have to say that you're my horny little fuckpuppy!" Shawn smiled, his face flushed with arousal, and whispered, "I'm your horny little fuckpuppy, all right? So, do me quick and then we gotta go!" "You mean I can come?!" Bryan exclaimed. Shawn smiled down at him and licked his lips, "Not before me, sweetie!" Bryan released Shawn and, grabbing the waistband of his swimsuit, yanked it down and off him, tossing it on the floor. Getting to his knees, Bryan unbuttoned his denim shorts and pulled them down. His own prick was already standing fully erect and glowing red with horniness. "How about we do each other?" Bryan suggested, but without waiting for an answer, he crawled over on top of Shawn and, grasping the shaft in his fist, aimed it at his mouth and quickly sucked half of it into his mouth, bobbing his head furiously up and down on it. He made loud slurping noises as he coated it in a film of saliva, while jabbing his tongue all around it as it continuously poked into his mouth. Shawn could see Bryan's glowing cock, standing a stiff six-and-a-half inches in all it's circumcised glory, hanging stiffly in his face, waving back and forth as Bryan continued to suck him. Taking the cue, Shawn reached his hands up and grasped Bryan's firm ass cheeks tightly, pulling them down toward him and sucking Bryan's hot prick into his mouth. Trying to concentrate on Bryan was difficult, with Bryan sucking on him from the other end, but he did as best he could. Both of their bodies shook with the increasing amounts of pleasure that surged through their bodies like lightning bolts of ecstacy. Shawn could feel the familiar tightness of his stomach muscles and the growing itch in his cock, so he tried to suck Bryan's prick as quickly as he could. Still, he knew that he would cum first and it would be really intense. When it finally hit, it was powerful and without warning. Shawn's face muscles clenched and he had to concentrate to avoid biting down on Bryan's penis. Sucking in a long breath through his nose, he let it out in continuous pants, as he rode through the waves of pleasure. Bryan continued to suck on his dick as it spasmed in his mouth, expanding and shooting four streams of his husband's tangy juices down his throat. It only lasted for seven seconds, but for those few seconds, Shawn seemed to drift in and out of consciousness. When his orgasm finally peaked, leaving him drained and content, Shawn was able to concentrate on sucking Bryan's throbbing dick with renewed vigour. Bryan must have thought Shawn had forgotten about it, because he let out a grunt of surprise, dropping Shawn's now-limp cock from his mouth, as Shawn went back to work on it. With his full concentration totally focused, he pulled Bryan's dick from his mouth and shoved Bryan off him, breaking the 69 position. "Wha..." Bryan began to protest, but Shawn placed his finger over Bryan's lips. "Shhh...I was your horny little fuckpuppy for a few minutes, but now you're going to be mine!" Shawn growled, sporting a confident grin. Pushing Bryan onto his back, he reached forward and grasped the shaft of Bryan's prick, still slick with saliva, in his fist. Bryan gratefully spread his legs and submitted himself to Shawn's will. The stiff cock stood erect in a mature bush of brown pubic hair, glittering with the sweat of their exertion and emitting an odour that caused Shawn's head to swim and his spent prick to begin to show signs of life again. The circumcised mushroom head shone red in the sunlight streaming through the window and the very tip sported a drop of transparent fluid. Shawn wiped his finger over the tip, scooping up the tiny droplet. He extended his finger in front in Bryan's lips and smiled, "See how good you taste, angel!" Bryan closed his eyes, parted his lips and sucked Shawn's skinny digit into his mouth, suckling on it like he had with Shawn's dick. "Mmm..." he moaned softly. Shawn's other hand began to stroke Bryan's throbbing manhood with renewed vigour. Bryan's eyes were closed as he enjoyed the feeling of sucking on Shawn's finger, while his tanned husband pleasured his horny cock. Shawn smiled and licked lips, then leaned closer to Bryan, gently pulling his finger from Bryan's mouth. To make up for it, he stroked Bryan's prick faster and harder. With his lips close to Bryan's ear, he gently nipped at the lobe and growled, then pulled back a bit and whispered, "You wanna come get Garrett with me, angel? Well, you have to do what I say, because you're my slave, aren't you?" Bryan began gently thrusting his hips to meet Shawn's strokes, and he nodded, "I'm your slave, Shawnie. I'll do whatever you tell me to do." Shawn nodded and nipped at Bryan's earlobe again, before whispering, "Yeah, you like it when I play with your cock, don't you? You're my slave, because you'd do anything for it, wouldn't you?" Bryan groaned and nodded again, beginning to pant, "I love it when you stroke my horny cock, Shawnie! I'd do anything for it!" Shawn got back to a kneeling position and gazed down at his lover. Bryan's face was flushed in arousal and his body thrust up against Shawn's hand as Shawn squeezed and stroked Bryan's dick. Leaning down again, Shawn placed his mouth over just the head of Bryan's cock and ran his hot, slimy tongue around the pulsing head and over the drooling slit at the end, covered in sticky precum. Bryan's back arched and his breath hissed through clenched teeth, as he groaned, "*gasp* Oh fuck, Shawnie! *gasp* I'm going to fucking fill your mouth with my jizz! *pant* I'm going to blast my hot cum right down your fucking throat!" Shawn pulled his hot mouth off of Bryan's dick and straightened back up again. Gazing down at the desperately gasping Bryan, he giggled and shook his head, growling, "I don't want your fuck juice down my throat! You don't deserve it, because you've been a bad boy! You're a bad boy and I'm going to punish you!" Bryan gasped, arching his back, "Punish me, baby! Do whatever you want to me!" Shawn sat back on his haunches and grinned, as his hand flew up and down Bryan's throbbing meat, "You wanna be punished, you bad boy you?! Okay, you hot, sexy, bad, horny little fucker, I'm going to make you blast your gooey jizz all over my face! Yeah, you horny little fuckpuppy, I'm going to jerk your hot cock off until you can't stand it anymore and then you're going to cum nice and hard and blast your sperm all over my face, until it's dripping from my lips and hanging off my nose! Then, I want you to lick every drop of it off my face! I want you slurp your hot, sticky cum off of my face and, if you miss even one drop, I'm going to put you over my knee and spank you!" Bryan continued to grunt and thrust his hips up against Shawn's fist. Gazing up at Shawn through glazed eyes, he groaned, "Oh God, Shawnie! I'm going to do it! I'm going to fucking jizz all over face! I'm going to squirt my cum all over it, baby!" Shawn stroked Bryan's cock with one hand and began to gently squeeze Bryan's balls with the other. Gazing up at his tensing husband, he growled, "Do it, baby! I wanna see you cum, baby! I wanna see your body shake and I wanna feel your dick throb! Cum for me, baby!" Bryan's body grew increasingly more tense and, with a quick intake of breath, his back tensed and his hands grabbed the mattress underneath him. He almost screamed, "Oh! Oh God! I'm fucking cumming, Shawnie! I'm fucking...AAAARRRRGHHH!" Shawn continued to stroke Bryan's cock as he felt it throb and tense in his fist. He was slightly surprised as the first shot of his half-brother's cum squirt out and hit him below his right eye. Continuing to stroke it, he was soon hit with another shot across his nose, another across his lips and another one right above his chin. Each one was preceded by a loud grunt from Bryan. When it was over, Shawn quickly sunk his mouth over Bryan's dick and slurped up any cum that was left. Bryan tensed repeatedly as his sibling teased the over sensitized organ. Pulling back up, Shawn hissed, "Now, lick my face clean, or I'll beat you!" Bryan's eyes slowly opened and he smiled and got to a sitting position. Leaning forward, he quickly extended his tongue and licked the gooey, white trails from Shawn's face, his eyes closed. Shawn closed his eyes too and moaned in pleasure, as he felt the hot tongue of his husband tracing moist trails all over his face. "Whatcha doin'?" Shawn and Bryan's eyes popped open and they stared at each other for several seconds, before slowly their heads. Standing in the open doorway, still clad in a wet swimsuit, was Carter. The kindergardener's eyes were open wide with intrigue, as he stared at his uncle and his father, both bottomless and his uncle totally naked. His uncle appeared to have some sort of white stuff hanging off his chin. Not quite sure what else to do, both of them separated. Bryan quickly got back on his shorts and Shawn pulled a pair of jogging shorts from the floor and put them on. With that done, both turned and Shawn wiped his face with his arm. "Whatcha doin'?" the young boy repeated, "And what was that stuff on Uncle Shawn's face?" "Well, we were..." Bryan began to say. Shawn, reverting back to his mature adult form, raised his hand up in front of Bryan, a signal for him to keep quiet. "Well, see...ummm...what we were doing was...uhhh...ummm..." Shawn walked back and, seeing no real way to get out of it, nodded at Bryan, despite himself. "Well, son..." Bryan began, "You see, when two guys...or a girl and a guy...or, on certain occasions, two girls, really love each other...They do...stuff...because they...ummm" "Really love each other?" Shawn volunteered, smirking. "Yeah." Bryan responded. "But why were you licking Uncle Shawn's face? And what was that stuff? And why was Uncle Shawn rubbing your pee pee?" Bryan turned to Shawn for help, but Shawn shrugged and said, "Hey...He's your son!" Bryan sighed and, getting on his knees, down to Carter's level, he looked his son straight in the eyes and said, "Carter, sweetie...How much did you see?" Carter shrugged, "I dunno...I was walking to my room, and I saw Uncle Shawn saying some nasty words to you and rubbing your pee pee, then I saw you pee all over Uncle Shawn's face, but it wasn't pee, it was white and then you started licking Uncle Shawn's face and...well...What were you doing?" Bryan got back to his feet and shrugged at Shawn. Shawn, who was sitting on the bed, stood up and shook his head at Bryan, "There is no way out of it. You might as well tell him know...the real deal, before he goes and asks my sister." "Could you?" Bryan begged. Shawn crossed his arms across his chest and said, "Hey, you're the kid's father, Bryan! Take some responsibility for your kid, for a change!" Bryan looked down at his son, Carter's brown eyes looking up at him with interest. "Daddy," he asked, "what is the real deal?" Bryan bit his lower lip for a few seconds, then turned to Shawn, "Shawnie, could you close and lock the door?" "Should have thought of that before..." Shawn said under his breath, as he walked across the room and close and latched the door. Bryan put his hand on his son's head and led him over to the bed. As the two men and the boy sat on the mattress, Bryan looked down at his son and said, "Okay, now Carter...I'm going to tell you about something, but you have to swear on your right pinky finger that you won't tell anybody, especially mommy." Carter nodded. Bryan looked over at Shawn and said, "Let me know if I miss anything." Shawn smiled, "I will. Now, this I have to see..." Bryan shot Shawn an angry look, then, turning and looking down at his son, said, "Okay, now Carter, listen carefully. Shawnie...I mean, Uncle Shawn, me, Grandpa Brett, Grandpa Lucas, Cousin Michael and Cousin Zachary ...Well, we're all boys. There are also girls, like mommy, grandma, Auntie Anastasia and Auntie Sarah." Looking over at Shawn, Bryan smiled. Shawn shook his head, laughing, "It's a good start, bro. Now, hurry up, because we gotta go." Bryan nodded, "Okay, sure thing, Shawnie." and continued.... Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 4: A New Threat Following their unfortunate discovery by Carter, Bryan and Shawn had done their best to explain to the youngster about what they were doing and where he came from. Carter was more than a little intrigued by the whole notion, especially because neither of the young men left out any minute detail. Consequently, Carter left the room with more knowledge about sex than most twelve-year-olds have. The sun was sinking below the emerald hills, casting a green tinge to the ground at their feet, as the twelve men stood beside their horses, in front of the rusted gate of Mostaf. Standing at the head of the crowd, both wearing looks of determination, were Shawn and Bryan. Shawn had, once again, put his own neck on the line, by allowing Bryan to come along instead of studying. He was sure that when his father and Brett found out, he'd get a stern talking to, but it was a small price to pay in order to stand by his man. The air was still quite warm but it wasn't too muggy. Shawn fingered the hilt of the sword that was sitting in the scabbard around his waist. He licked his lips and gazed around at the dust-covered ruins. He couldn't see any sign that this was an ambush, nor could he see any evidence of a large army. Reaching beside him, he put his hand on Bryan's chest and took a step forward, perking his ears up and listening carefully. "There's nobody around, Shawnie!" Bryan whispered loudly, "Let's just go get him!" Shawn turned around and smiled at Bryan, "Okay, sweetie. Let's get him." Turning back toward the guards, Shawn nodded and said, "Okay, men, let's get your swords out and be ready for anything." The guards pulled their long-swords from their scabbards and nodded in readiness. Shawn motioned with his finger at Bryan and Bryan smiled and followed his husband as he walked slowly through the broken gates of the town. The two princes were followed, a few steps behind, by the ten knights. The armoured men kept a close watch on the two princes, tightly clutching their swords as they followed the young men down the dusty path. Shawn and Bryan moved carefully, avoiding getting their feet caught in the holes in the road. The air in the town was thick with dust, carried around by the wind that began to blow as dusk approached. The flimsy tank-tops that they'd donned before they left, fluttered about on their bodies as the warm air rose up from the earth. The only sounds, that they could hear, were the clanking of the armoured guards behind them and the gritty hissing noise as dust was blown around on the ground. Their own leather boots slid soundlessly along the road, as they made their way cautiously through the abandoned borough. Bryan wasn't sure, but he thought could hear the sound of someone breathing. However, when he turned to Shawn, it seemed that his sibling had heard nothing. As they passed by the deserted magistrate's office, Bryan heard the sound of heavy footsteps. Freezing in their tracks, he turned to Shawn and saw, by his husband's alerted expression, that he had heard it too. They quickly gazed around them, searching for the source of the noise. Shawn's eyes trailed over to the open doorway of the abandoned toy store, the door long since torn off its hinges, and saw that behind the counter, surrounded by shadows, was a large figure. Bryan followed Shawn's gaze and, upon seeing the effigy in the toy store, quickly drew his sword, appearing ready for battle. Shawn shook his head and put his hand over Bryan's, indicating for him to stand fast. Clearing his throat, Shawn summoned up a voice of command and called, "You there in the shadows! Show yourself, or we shall come in after you!" In voice slightly more emotional and less forceful, but one that Shawn and Bryan both recognized, the figure replied, "Well now! There's a voice that I haven't heard in many seasons!" As he said this, the figure advanced out onto the street. Looking slightly older than they remembered him, and now sporting a long beard, Bryan and Shawn soon came face to face, once again, with Blade Garrett. Garrett was wearing a smirk as he gazed at the determined faces of Shawn and Bryan. "My, how you two have grown!" Garrett commented. Seeing no threat, since Garrett was wearing a torn and soiled tunic, with no weapon visible, and no backup sighted, Shawn relaxed slightly. Bryan, however, clutched his sword tightly and, glaring at Garrett, sneered, "What the hell are you doing here?" Garrett crossed his arms across his chest, "I'm here doing what I've sworn an oath that I'd do for the rest of my life! I'm protecting Whiteshadow Isle!" "Bullshit!" Bryan retorted. "Shut up!" Shawn snapped at Bryan, before turning back to gaze at Garrett. From the indifferent look that Garrett always seemed to have on his face, Shawn couldn't tell whether he was lying or not. He looked sincere enough, though, and even seemed to be glad to see them. "Listen, Garrett...You were relieved of that duty when you were banished. Furthermore, it is against kingdom law for you to even be on our land at all!" Shawn lectured, trying to look Garrett in the eyes, even though doing so sent a chill down his spine. "Duties or not," Garrett responded, "I was born in this country and I bear loyalty for this country! Also, Prince Shawn, you need not remind me of kingdom law. Remember that I was a loyal colonel under your father and King Brett for over twenty years!" "Mr. Garrett," Shawn retorted, "you were stripped of your citizenship, six years ago this summer. Whether you defended our country for twenty years or twenty-thousand years, you are no longer in charge of our defense, because we banished you!" " I mean you no offense, but I was banished not by the kingdom of Whiteshadow Isle, which I had loyally defended since before I was shaving, but by a pubescent child who was experiencing an over dramatic depression caused, most likely, by hormonal overload." Garrett calmly said, as he regarded Shawn. Shawn's hand shot out and held back Bryan, who had his sword extended and was ready to run Garrett through. Two guards, sensing Shawn's need, advanced and held Bryan's arms. Turning back toward Shawn, he steadied his temper and replied, "Garrett, you were banished because you sent the heir to the throne to his death! That banishment was agreed upon by my father and Brett!" Again, keeping very calm, Garrett responded, "Prince Shawn, I did not send Carter to his death. If you should have blamed anybody, then you should have blamed the two guards who abandoned Carter and Mike. Abandoned two children who were incapable of defending themselves." "Well then," Shawn came back with, "why did you send two children who were incapable of defending themselves, off into `Bloodstain Row' with only two undercover guards? Why did you send them at all? The guards were under your command, Garrett, so you were responsible for their actions." "Enough of this shit!" Bryan growled, breaking free from the guards' grasp, "Let's take this traitor back to the palace already!" Shawn glared at Bryan and then turned toward Garrett, "I'm sorry, Garrett, but according to the kingdom law that you probably know so well..." "I'm under arrest," Garrett cut in, "and I am to be taken before the kings for questioning, before being placed in jail to await my execution. Correct?" Shawn sighed, "Garrett, I was once a hormonal teenager and perhaps I overreacted in my decision to have you banished. I really cared for Carter and it was your decision to send him out there, so I naturally blamed you. Now that I'm older and more mature, I can see that, despite the fact that we never got along, you were always a loyal defender of Whiteshadow Isle and you probably didn't deserve what you got." Garrett smirked and nodded, "You were always brat, Your Majesty, and I never liked how your father always took what you said, so seriously. However, it means...a lot, to hear you admit your possible error." Shawn nodded and sadly shook his head at Garrett, "Still, the decision was passed six years ago and we can't go back on it now. Please come peacefully and I will try to put in a good word for you at the palace." Garrett slowly descended to his knees and extended his wrists. Looking up at Shawn, he said, "I don't need your praise, Prince Shawn. I have a purpose for being here and I'm sure your father and King Brett will be quite interested to hear it." Shawn nodded at the guards, and two advanced toward Garrett and snapped chains around his wrists. Shawn smiled back at Garrett and said, "For what it's worth...It's good to see you again." Garrett nodded and allowed the guards to pull him to his feet and lead him back toward the horses. Shawn turned toward the guards and said, "We'll see you back at the palace. Bryan and I have a matter to discuss." The guards shrugged and continued walking back toward the gate. Once they were far enough away, Shawn turned toward Bryan and yelled, "What the fuck was that all about?!" Bryan averted his eyes from Shawn's and shrugged, "I don't like him, Shawn. I don't like him and I don't trust him." Shawn took a few steps away from Bryan, then spun around and threw his hands up in the air, "I...I...I can't even think straight, I'm so mad at you! You are a prince, dammit! You can't fucking go around threatening people, when they mean you no harm!" "But, Shawnie!" Bryan countered, "That man sent Carter off to die! How can you even think of saying that might have been wrong to banish him?" "Don't `Shawnie' me, Bryan!" Shawn yelled in response, "That man protected us for many years and there's a good chance that I overreacted in banishing him!" "What do you want from me?!" Bryan demanded, crossing his arms across his chest, "Do you want me to say that I'm sorry? Do you want me to say that I acted very unprince-like? Well, I won't! I'm sick of acting all proper all the time! I'm fucking sick and tired of it! That man is a traitor and a bastard and you should have let me run him through! What do you want from me, Shawn? What?!" Shawn paced around and shook his head, "I...I don't know. I'm trying so hard, Bryan! I'm trying so fucking, goddamn hard to show the people at the palace that you're a good heir and a good prince, but you're not, are you? Maybe you're just not cut out for this. Maybe you'd be better off back on the streets..." "No, Shawnie!" Bryan pleaded, "I don't want to leave you!" Shawn turned and walked forward, grabbing Bryan in his arms. Gazing into his eyes, Shawn hugged him and said, "I don't want you to leave either, but if you truly love me, then you'll be a good prince." Bryan gripped Shawn tightly, his muscled arms holding his husband firmly. They remained like that, until Shawn felt something cold and metal against his neck. He quickly separated from Bryan and they both turned around. Surrounding the two princes, were several men dressed in green and black armour. Clutched in their hands, were long metal tubes embedded with wood. It was nothing like Shawn or Bryan had ever seen before. One of the men aimed his tube at Shawn's head and smiled, speaking in a very articulate tone, "Well, well, what have we here?" Summoning up his royal-sounding voice, Shawn said, "What you have here, are the two heirs to Whiteshadow Isle and I demand that you let us go this instant!" The man holding the tube to Shawn's head turned to his comrades and chuckled. Turning back toward Shawn, he smiled and said, "This must be our lucky day. Are you going to come quietly, or do we have to do this the hard way?" Before Shawn could open his mouth to speak, he felt something hard smack him on the back of his head. He quickly fell to the ground and, just before losing consciousness, he heard an identical crack and felt a body fall down next to him. There was a chuckle and then someone said, "The hard way..." Then blackness.... Chapter 5: Driven to Extremes King Lucas's arms were crossed across his chest and his gaze regarded Garrett with a mixture of anger and sorrow. Brett shook his head in disbelief and conferred with one of the guards who went on the expedition to Mostaf. "I assure you, Your Majesties, that I know not what happened." Garrett expressed to the two kings, "The princes stated that they would return on their own." Lucas turned to Brett and asked him a silent question with his eyes. When Brett could not respond, Lucas turned back toward Garrett and took a few steps toward him. "Garrett, our sons have disappeared from a town in which you've claimed to have lived for the past three months. How could we not assume that you had something to do with it?" Lucas explained, in a raised voice. "Your Majesties, I came to warn you of impending danger, not to cause you the grief that losing your sons would cause." Garrett explained. "Ah yes," Brett cut in, "your claims that Cargenon has sent an army to Whiteshadow Isle. Our new colonel has already told us that Cargenon's forces are as good as decimated, so your claims are obvious lies!" Garrett sighed and, shaking his head and the kings, said, "Surely you know how much this country means to me! Why else would I risk my freedom in order to protect it?" Vizier Frost, who was observing the proceedings from beside the thrones, stepped forward and, regarding Garrett, said, "Blade, when you took over, for me, as colonel many years ago, you swore an oath stating that you would risk your life to defend Whiteshadow Isle from all harm. Do you, as kneel before us now, swear by that oath that your intentions here are good and do you also swear that you were not responsible for the disappearance of the princes?" Garrett nodded and replied, "I do so swear. Banished or no, I will always lay my life on the line, to protect this country. Regarding the two princes, I swore, many years ago, to protect the heirs to throne with my life. I lost much honour when one of them was killed and I deserved to be banished. However, I wish to make an amends now, by warning you of the coming army. Cargenon is more advanced than Whiteshadow Isle. They have long tubes that shoot pieces of metal, and small rocks that explode when they hit the ground." "And how, may I ask, do you know all this?" Vizier Frost probed. "After I was banished," Garrett explained, "I did much traveling. I roamed around the world on trade ships, paying my way with hard labour. I saw the rift between the two genders closing and the beginning of a new era of peace for the world. There were reports, however, that Cargenon was not agreeable to these changes. It was said that they valued their slaves, especially their female ones, and did not respect the females as equal humans. I spent much time in Cargenon, working in various factories and making contacts. Several months ago, I heard talk of sending an invasion force to Whiteshadow Isle. I didn't believe those rumours, however, until I saw the troops assembling by the docks. I booked passage aboard the ship, paying my way as a crewman, and we arrived here a few weeks later, in the dead of night. I followed the soldiers to a small camp just outside the ruins of Mostaf. In order to keep my eye on them, I took up residence in the ruins themselves. This was doubly good, as it also prevented me from getting caught, since Whiteshadow Isle patrols didn't seem to go out that far. I was keeping pretty secret, until this afternoon, when young Mike and his friend came across my residence...Or should I say, Prince Mike." The three listened to Garrett's story with interest. After it was over, Brett cocked his head in confusion and said, "Assuming what you say isn't complete bull, I find Cargenon's strategies to be quite ludicrous! Why send troops all the way over here, when they're losing the war back in their home country?" Garrett gazed up at Brett with a look that gave the king his answer. Brett took a step back and exclaimed, "Impossible! Colonel Lance assured us that we were winning the war!" Garrett shrugged and said simply, "He lied." King Brett advanced quickly forward and yelled, "Liar!" then, spinning on his waist, slapped Garrett across the face with the back of his hand. Lucas rushed down and grabbed Brett's arm before he could do it again. "Enough, Brett!" he exclaimed, "Perhaps Garrett tells the truth." Except for his head snapping back, the large man was unaffected by the blow. Turning back toward Lucas, he said, "King Lucas, I know not what Lance told you, but our kingdom's troops have been destroyed in Cargenon. The mood there, for the past several months, has been quite festive. They have celebrated every major victory that their army's won and..." "Wait just a minute!" Brett said, breaking from Lucas's grasp, "You say `our kingdom's troops' like you still believe yourself to be a part of this kingdom. You were banished, Garrett! You have no kingdom, nor any troops!" Garrett's eyes shifted to the floor at his feet and he nodded solemnly and spoke softly, "That is true. I am a colonel without an army. I am without honour." Lucas stepped forward and, looking down at Garrett, said, "Mr. Garrett, you have been arrested because you are trespassing on land from which you've been banished. Regardless of the loyalty you feel for this country, you have still broken the law and I'm sure that you are aware of the penalty. Do you have any final words before you are taken to the dungeon to await your execution?" Garrett looked up and looked into Lucas's eyes. Lucas could almost see sadness in the brown pools on Garrett's face. "Only that I was born in Whiteshadow Isle, I grew up on Whiteshadow Isle and I devoted my life to protecting Whiteshadow Isle. If I have to die, then I'm glad that it's in Whiteshadow Isle." Garrett said somberly. Lucas nodded, "You were a good colonel, Garrett." Two guards lifted Garrett to his feet and lead him toward the door. Frost stepped forward and called after him, "Halt!" The guards and Garrett stopped and turned around. Lucas and Brett turned toward Frost as well. "When you were talking about how we're losing the war and you said how they celebrate every major victory, you said `and' and then you were cut off King Brett. And what?" Garrett nodded, "And...the latest celebration before I left, was to commemorate the total destruction of the Whiteshadow Isle army, following the execution of their colonel." Frost blinked and his jaw dropped in disbelief. There was much talk amoungst the guardsmen in the room, as they discussed the news of their leader's demise. "You...You're lying!" Brett exclaimed. Garrett shook his head, "I'm afraid not, Your Majesty. They were quite ecstatic about his death, since they anticipated that it was the beginning of the total collapse of the Whiteshadow Isle army." "And it may very well be." Lucas said, walking back and collapsing into his throne. He placed his head in his hands and said, "Without someone to lead, it's only a matter of time before we are destroyed. None of the guards have enough experience to take over." Frost nodded, composing himself, "I'd gladly lead our troops into battle, once again, if only my reflexes were as good as they were twenty years ago!" "What about me?" Garrett volunteered, "I realize my position, but I would gladly offer my services to..." Lucas shook his head and cut him off, "I'm sorry, but you are prisoner and scheduled to be executed. If there was any other way..." Garrett nodded, "I understand." With that, Luke nodded at the guards and they escorted Garrett from the room. Turning to Brett, Lucas shrugged, "Well, we're in a tight spot now, aren't we? Not only have we lost our sons, but we've lost our colonel!" Brett shook his head, "I don't believe a word that the man is saying! I'm sure we'll hear from Colonel Lance soon enough." "Regardless," Luke exclaimed, "we still have to find our sons. Who knows what awful trouble they might be in!" Brett nodded and, turning toward Frost, said, "Vizier Frost, send our troops on patrols around the ruins of Mostaf. If indeed Garrett is telling the truth about that camp, I want it found! There's a good chance that our sons are being kept there!" "Yes, sire." Frost said and strode off through the room, to make the arrangements with the guards. Even as Frost was giving the instructions to the guards, though, Shawn and Bryan's unconscious bodies were being loaded into a large ship. Its destination: Cargenon. Chapter 6: Prepubescent Prison Bright lights and flashing images flew through Shawn's head, as he struggled to remember where he was, or what that painful throbbing on the back of his head was. With a start, he recalled the attack back in the old town. His eyes popped open and he gazed groggily around the room. He appeared to be lying on a large bed in a very dimly lit room. Feeling the cool sheets against his body caused him to realize that he wasn't wearing any clothes. The room appeared to be moving and, judging by the sounds coming from the outside, Shawn guessed that they were on some sort of boat. Comforting his distress somewhat, he saw that Bryan was lying beside him, naked as well, though not moving. Sitting up, he reached over and gently nudged Bryan's body. "Hey!" he whispered, "Bryan, you awake?" Bryan didn't stir, but he heard movement from the other end of the room. He turned his head toward the noise and squinted as he saw a spark ignite a candle, casting a glow across the whole room. Holding the candle, was a boy. He set the candle down on a table in the far corner of the room, and slowly walked toward the bed. Though the light was dim, Shawn could make out certain aspects of the boy's appearance. He looked to be no older than ten or eleven, with medium-length, dark-brown hair that hung in his face. He was topless, with his bottom covered by only a pair of dark brown breeches. His bare feet were small and turned slightly outward, as he made his way over. He appeared to be quite thin, with a bit of puppy-fat around his belly. He might have passed for a peasant boy, but his appearance was quite neat and he had a golden ring on his right hand. "So, you're finally awake." The boy said as he approached the bed, brushing the dark brown strands away from his face, using his fingers. Shawn squeezed his eyes tightly, trying to clear away the remaining cobwebs, and when he opened them again, he gazed at the boy and stammered, "Wha...Who...Who are you? Where am I?" The boy giggled, little creases forming at the corners of his mouth, and blushed as he extended his hand, "My name is Jordan. It's good to meet you." Shawn gazed at the boy's hand as he held it in front of Shawn. His fingers were long and slender, much like Shawn's, and his nails were neatly trimmed short. Slowly, warily, Shawn reached out and gripped the boy's hand, shaking it up and down in greeting. The boy looked at his hand as Shawn shook it and, slowly pulling them toward him, he held Shawn's hand up to his nose. His nostrils flaring, the boy seemed to be smelling his hand. After several seconds, he released Shawn's hand and, gazing at him, the blush on his cheeks deepened in pigment. "Your hand smells really nice." Jordan said, smiling. Shawn could see Jordan's eyes, a pale shade of green, glowing in the candlelight as he stared at Shawn. Shawn began to become very uncomfortable with the young boy's attentions toward him and he shifted his gaze over to Bryan's prone body as he said, "Thank you. But...what am I doing here?" Seeming to ignore Shawn's question, the boy sat down on the bed and put his hand on the prince's knee as he asked, "What's your name?" Shawn turned back toward the boy. Gazing at him with growing uneasiness, Shawn replied, "Sh...Shawn." Shawn was beginning to feel scared. He was in a dark room and he didn't know how he got there, his husband was unconscious next to him and there was a strange young boy who appeared to have a very big interest in him. The last thing he could remember, was being smacked on the back of his head. Despite his years of training for crises and his assumed preparedness and maturity, he was beginning to feel like a lost child. Noticing his shivering, the boy looked worriedly up at Shawn and asked, "Shawn, are you cold?" Without waiting for an answer, the boy got to his knees and wrapped his arms around Shawn's neck, hugging him. Shawn wasn't quite sure what to do, so he simply sat there and let the boy hug him. When over a minute had passed and Jordan was still hugging him, Shawn had finally cleared enough of his daze out to try and get a hold on the situation. Bringing his arms between their bodies, he gently pushed the boy away from him. Jordan fell off Shawn's body and landed on his back, gazing up at the raven-haired prince in confusion. Shawn slowly got on to his knees and looked down at the young boy, his irritation beginning to outweigh his fear. "Listen!" Shawn said with growing impatience, "I want to know where I am, what I'm doing here, where we're going and who you are, and I want to know these things right now!" The boy got on to his knees and said, shrugging, "I told you! I'm Jordan! Where we're going, is we're going home. I don't know what you're doing here, though. I just heard from the guards that we were carrying two people from the new land. I came down here and hoped that maybe you guys wanted to play. So, I waited and finally you got up, even though your friend didn't. So, do you want to play?" "Home?" Shawn inquired, "Where's home?" Jordan shrugged, "Where? Why, Cargenon of course!" "Cargenon?!" Shawn exclaimed, "They'll kill us!" "Why?" Jordan asked. Shawn sighed, "Listen, Jordan, I don't know how much you know about what's going on, but my kingdom is at war with yours. If I return with you, me and my friend will, most likely, be jailed and executed!" "Really?" Jordan said, putting his hand on Shawn's bare knee again, "That isn't very nice." Shawn gazed down at Jordan's hand on his leg and asked, "Why do you keep touching me like that?" Jordan looked at Shawn with puppy-dog eyes and said, "Because I like you. Don't you like me?" Shawn couldn't help but smile as he said, "I guess so. I just think it's weird that you keep touching me." Jordan took his hand off Shawn's knee and, looking up at him invitingly, he said, "You can touch me, if you want." "Aren't you a little young to be asking a man like me to touch you?" Shawn asked, smiling. Jordan's eyes began to show desperation as he gazed up at Shawn, "I'm not young! I'm eleven! Besides, like you a lot, Shawn. Please touch me." Shawn saw Jordan's hands reach down between his legs as he began to rub a small, but noticeable lump in the front of his breeches. Shawn gazed over at the still-unconscious Bryan lying beside him, and then turned back to Jordan and shook his head, "I can't. My marriage forbids me from doing anything with anybody else." The young boy continued to rub the lump at the front of his trousers, as he looked at Shawn inquisitively and asked, "What's a marriage?" Shawn was beginning to grow impatient and wondered if the boy was purposely trying to delay him. Trying to remain patient, he gazed at the boy and opened his mouth to speak. Instead, though, he let out a laugh and gazed down at his lap. The boy laughed too and asked, "What?" Shawn blushed slightly, as he tried to keep his eyes focused on the boy's face. Smiling, he said, "I'll tell you, but would you mind not doing that?" "Do what?" Jordan asked innocently. Shawn's eyes slowly looked down at the boy's casually stroking hand and said, "You know...rubbing yourself." Jordan's eyes looked down at Shawn's own crotch and, smiling, said, "I'm making you horny, aren't I?" Shawn's blush deepened as he smiled at the youngster. It was true that his penis had steadily begun to fill with blood ever since Jordan began his self-ministrations. Shawn tried not to think about it, but at this point, he was already half-erect. "How do you know about that stuff?" Shawn asked. Jordan gave Shawn a very large smile as he announced proudly, "Because my daddy is always telling me that I'm the sexiest boy in the world and people always get horny when I'm around them!" Shawn had to admit that the child was quite attractive. His slightly turned-up nose and big green eyes made him appear quite cherubic. Plus, the lump at the front of his breeches, combined with his pinkish-brown nipples that were beginning to turn red with his growing arousal, was having a very distinct effect on the prince. Still, Shawn seriously doubted that this boy was the sexiest boy in the world. The boy could see the effect he was having on the naked man sitting next to him, and, as he gazed up at Shawn, he stopped rubbing himself and undid the buttons of his trousers and kicked them off. Jordan's fully erect boyhood was now bared in all its prepubescent glory. It stood at a little over three inches and was circumcised. The whole thing was shining red with the friction of the boy's trousers, except the head, which was glowing a dark purple. It stood out against totally bare flesh with not a single hair visible. Climbing onto his knees, the boy thrust his hips forward slightly and pouted, "Don't you want to play with it? I'll play with yours afterwards!" Shawn shrugged in attempted indifference and said, "I'm nearly twice your age, Jordan. It isn't right for us to be doing anything like this together." Jordan reached out and put his hand on Shawn's leg, slightly above his knee. Rubbing it gently all the way up to Shawn's upper thigh and back, he gazed up at Shawn and pouted, "Please?" Shawn's head begged him to be reasonable, not just because an eleven-year-old was seriously turning him on, but also because his husband lay not four feet away. However, the jet-haired prince was now fully erect and his cock itched with a tingling heat that begged to be relieved by the oversexed youth sitting next to him. Using his lack ounce of sanity left, Shawn nodded his flushed face in approval and said, "Fine, but I'm going to play, then you have to do something for me." The boy's stiff little cock throbbed in approval and he nodded, "Anything!" Shawn smiled and said, "Okay, you have to help me and my friend get off this boat." "Deal!" Jordan exclaimed and smiled at Shawn. Shawn could no longer hold back any longer, and he reached his arms out, grabbing the young boy's shoulders. He aimed his mouth toward the child's rose-coloured lips and pulled Jordan forward, kissing him soundly. Sexual fury exploded in Shawn's twenty-one-year-old body, as he soon broke contact with the eleven-year-old's lips and, pushing him back against the bed, trailed his mouth downward. Jordan was whimpering and shivering, his head tilted back, as Shawn's slimy tongue lashed out, whipping moist trails of saliva across the boy's exposed throat. Shawn's hands reached up and he ran his fingers through the boy's soft brown hair and traced down the contours of his velvety cheeks, covered in soft fuzz, as he pressed his lips against the side of Jordan's neck and, sucking gently, swept his tongue back and forth across the spot, making it wetter and wetter. He wasn't quite sure what it was about this boy, but something caused an almost scary burst of passion within him, as he continued to stroke his face and plant wet kisses all over his neck. Moving his hands down, he gripped the sides of Jordan's whimpering body tightly and surrounded Jordan's right nipple with his lips. Having the boy's immature nipple encased in a cavern of warmth and slimy moisture, Shawn began sharply flicking at the engorged nub. Jordan's hands shot onto Shawn's head and he held the prince's long hair in two tight clumps with a vicelike grip. "Oh, fuck!!!" Jordan hollered, as Shawn continued his treatment, almost painfully dragging his face across the boy's flat chest and onto the second nipple. Shawn ignored the pain of Jordan tugging at his hair, combined with the added pain of it being on the still-tender back of his head, and converted it into the fury that he used to violently lick and suck at the young boy's tingling nub. Jordan's hips soon began to involuntarily thrust at the air, and he screamed, "Oh God! Please suck me! Please fucking suck me now! I gotta cum so bad!" Lifting his mouth off Jordan's abused nipple, he exclaimed, "Let go of my hair, you little cunt, and I'll suck you!" Jordan's hands immediately released Shawn's raven locks from his grip, and left the prince with a burning pain on the back of his head. Shawn's face immediately descended between Jordan's legs, but purposely passed over his aching cocklet. With sexual passion still erupting through his veins like raging lava from an erupting volcano, Shawn's tongue took long, wet slurps across Jordan's tight, hairless nut sack. He felt the two small balls shift inside, as he flicked his tongue all over them, tasting the pure, downy skin of a boy nearly into puberty. Jordan's whole body shivered and his legs moved all over, as he screamed, "More! Oh fuck, gimme more! I'm gonna fucking cum! Oh yeah! Oh fuck!" Shawn tongue moved up from the boy's tight scrotum and traced a long, languid line up along the base of the throbbing shaft of his little pricklet. The boy's hips thrust sharply up and down, rubbing his itching boyhood along Shawn's tongue. Judging from the growing tension visible in the boy's young boy and the almost pained expression on his face, Shawn could tell the boy was close to what seemed like it was going to be the most powerful orgasm of his young life. Wanting to make the best of it, Shawn waited no further and slurped the stiff little firecracker into his drooling mouth. The effects seemed to be mind-blowing. A small, high-pitched whimpering noise began at the base of the young boy's throat, got louder as it moved upwards and exploded in an ear-piercing shriek capable only by a boy whose voice hasn't yet changed. Shawn could feel the waves of muscles in the poor boy's body rippling as orgasm slammed into him with a vengeance. Shawn continued to run his tongue all around the spasming pricklet in his mouth, as it expanded and contracted, desperate to squirt the cum that Shawn figured the boy was still too young to have. He was quite surprised to feel a gentle spray of fluid across the back of his throat, as Jordan's body continued to be wracked with torturous pleasure. It wasn't a lot, surely not more than a few drops, but it was the sweetest tasting few drops that Shawn had ever tasted. The whole orgasm lasted about ten seconds, but Shawn was sure that the passage of time was not on the young boy's mind. When his body finally stopped spasming, he lay on the bed, his body covered in a sheen of sweat, and continued to shiver every few seconds, as the last vestiges of tension were released from his abused form. Shawn gazed down at the boy with love and kissed his sweat-soaked brow gently. The boy's eyes slowly opened and he looked up at Shawn and gave him a weak smile. "Thank you, Shawn." Jordan said in a hoarse voice, worn from his loud shrieks. Turning to look beside him, Shawn was glad to see that all the noise seemed to have woken Bryan up. The brown-haired prince rubbed the back of his head gingerly and, turning toward Shawn, squinted as his eyes gained some focus. "Sh . . . Shawnie?" Shawn smiled and nodded at him, "It's okay, Bryan. I'm here." Shawn reached out and took Bryan's hand into his own, squeezing it in affection. Turning back toward the young boy, Shawn said, "Can you get us out of here now?" Jordan slowly sat up and, smiling, said, "What about you?" Shawn shook his head and smiled, "Maybe once we're off this barge. Right now, you have to keep your promise and get me and my friend out of here." The boy slowly nodded, "Okay. I can show you to the lifeboats." Shawn nodded, "That would be fine. Say, why don't you come with us? I'm sure you'd love Whiteshadow Isle." Jordan looked unsure and shrugged, "I don't know. I don't have any friends there." Shawn smiled, "Well, you have me. I'm your friend." At that, Jordan's face lit up, "You are?! Okay, then! I'll go!" Shawn patted Jordan's head, ruffling his hair. The boy stood up and quickly pulled back on his breeches and buttoned them up. Turning to Shawn, he exclaimed, "Well?! Let's go!" Shawn turned to Bryan and said, "Come on. This kid is going to get us off this place." Bryan looked around in confusion, "Wha...Where are we? Who's the kid?" Shawn shook his head, "Forget it. I'll tell you later." The two men slowly eased out of bed and followed the boy as he skipped over to the door. "Hey, Jordan!" Shawn called, "You wouldn't happen to have any clothes, would you?" Jordan looked back at Shawn and giggled, "You don't need any! You're cute!" Shawn blushed, and was glad to notice that his penis had softened again. Holding on to the hand of the still groggy Bryan, Shawn followed Jordan through the door and out of the room. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 7: Sheep to the Slaughter While Brett was off attempting to instill confidence back into the returning troops, King Lucas sat alone in the dim throne room, with his hand on his face. He kept circulating the bitter facts around in his head. The troops had returned from their search for the camp and the search had gone well, but the subsequent battle hadn't. Garrett had, apparently, been correct. There was a large army of Cargenon's troops in a base camp outside of the ruins of Mostaf. Whiteshadow Isle's soldiers had engaged them, but without a set strategy, the soldiers had been decimated by the well-trained forces of Cargenon. Not helping matters, was the fact that the Cargenonons used their metal-firing tubes. They took down Whiteshadow Isle's soldiers even before they could get close enough to swing a sword. Worse still, there was no sign of either Shawn or Bryan, although they hadn't gotten close enough get a very good look. Out of the two-hundred soldiers that he and Brett had sent, only twelve had returned. Despite the fact that all the soldiers swore an oath saying that they were prepared to die for Whiteshadow Isle, Lucas really hated it when any solider died, let alone one-hundred-and-eighty-eight of them. There was no burial, just an hour of silent prayer. Lucas looked up briefly as Brett opened the doors and entered the throne room. "We'll get them next time, Luke." Brett said reassuringly, as he walked over and put his hand on the black-haired king's shoulder. Lucas shook his head and looked up, "We're losing, Brett. With their advanced weapons, they can destroy our forces, and without a colonel for the army, the soldiers are disorganized and have no set strategy. Lance is dead and soon we will be too." "Come on, why are you still believing that crap that Garrett told us about Colonel Lance being dead?" Lucas shrugged and said, "Well, we haven't heard from him in over two months and the only possible explanation for why Cargenon's soldiers are here now, is that we've lost the battle over in Cargenon." "Maybe he just hasn't had time to send us any news." Brett said, but didn't sound very sure. Brett slowly sat down in the throne beside Lucas and shook his head, "Okay, all right, we're losing! We won't go down without a fight, though!" Lucas stood up and said, "Yeah, we'll fight...and then we'll die! We can't win this one, Brett! Not without some real help." With that, Lucas walked quickly off to the doors of the room. "Where are you going?" Brett called after him. "I'm going to talk to Garrett. I bet he knows more than he's letting on." "Well, what should I do?" Lucas opened the doors and then turned back to Brett, "Assemble some scouting parties and try to find our sons!" he called at him, before walking out through the doors and closing them behind him. Making his way quickly down the hallway, the dark-haired king turned and walked down a dim, spiral staircase and descended into the dungeon. Walking to the end of the row of cells, he came to the one containing Garrett. The former colonel was seated on a steel bench and looked up as Lucas approached him. "Garrett, we need to talk." Lucas said, crossing his arms across his chest. The large, bearded man stood up and walked over to the bars to face Lucas. Tilting his head in interest, Garrett replied, "Yes, Your Majesty?" "Blade," Lucas began, "you were quite serious about Lance being dead, were you not?" Garrett nodded solemnly, "I'm afraid so, King Lucas. The references to the slain colonel from the country's opposing power were undoubtably about Wolfgang Lance, my successor as colonel of this land." Both men bowed their heads and shared a moment of silence, before Garrett looked up again and added, "Wolfgang was a very competent soldier while he was under my command, Your Highness. You can rest assured that he took down a great many of Cargenon's best, before his capture." Lucas nodded, before taking a deep breath and looking up at Garret again. Gazing at him sadly, he said, "This is no time to grieve, however. The troops that we sent off toward the camp...well...they found the camp, but all except twelve were slaughtered by the Cargenonons." Garrett bit his lower lip and shook his head, "What a waste." Lucas nodded, "They used some sort of metal and wood tube that shot small projectiles. These shooting tubes claimed our men, before they could even get close enough to swing a sword." Garrett nodded, "Yes, I've seen those things used before. The Cargenonons apparently call them `rifles.' These `rifles' shoot `bullets' at great distances and can kill a man with a single hit." Lucas smiled, "You've seen these weapons used before? Then maybe you know how we can combat them." Garrett shrugged, "Well, short of creating those dishonourable devices ourselves, the best way to fight them is to prey upon their weaknesses." "Which are?" Lucas asked. Garrett shook his head, "It is too difficult to explain in words. I might be able to show you, though." At that, Lucas shook his head, "I'm sorry, Blade, but you're to be executed. Simply letting you go would be a high breach of our royal laws." Garrett nodded, "I would never dream of second-guessing your authority, My Liege, but I have several strategies that may be of help to our country and I would hate to not be able to put them to good use. I understand my fate, however, and realize that my death is decreed by law. I have a proposal, therefore, that may solve all our problems. I only ask you to hear me out." Lucas nodded, "You've earned that right, Blade. What are your proposals?" Garrett smirked his equivalent of a smile and said, "You allow me to become the temporary colonel of our forces. I'm confident that, with me in charge of strategies, we can drive them from our shores. While I'm doing that, you can pick a soldier to become the new colonel and you will have enough time to train him. If we lose, then I will have been killed in battle and you will have, at least, partly trained a soldier to take over for me. If we win, then I will gladly submit myself for execution. Either way, I'll die, but at least there's a chance that you will gain a large victory in the process." Lucas appeared deep in thought as Garrett stood there silently, waiting for his judgement. After several seconds, Lucas shrugged, "How do I know that you are not working for them?" Garrett tilted his head and smirked, "My Liege, I've been a loyal defender of this country for many years. Do you honestly believe that I'd have my loyalty so blinded by their deviant ways that I would betray the country of my birth?" Lucas shook his head, "I suppose not. Assuming you can lead our forces to victory, what will we do afterwards?" Garrett gazed at Lucas proudly, "The Cargenonons are a proud people and if we were to cause them to lose this campaign, then it would take them many months to regroup. That should be enough time for you to send in your forces, complete with their new colonel, and take the battle to their shores again. With their destroyed confidence, the victory should be very easy this time." Lucas shrugged, "And you will swear to me, with every ounce of your honour, that you will come before us after we win, and you will allow yourself to be executed for your crimes?" Garrett nodded, "I do, Your Majesty." Lucas regarded Garrett for several seconds, his face once again showing deep though, and then he smiled at Garrett and said, "You know something, Blade? I don't honestly want to kill you. Therefore, I will grant you a full pardon if you can do me another favour. While you're planning strategies to destroy our enemies, I would like you to find Shawn and Bryan. If you can both find them and drive the Cargenonons from our land, then I will clear you of all crimes and revoke your banishment status, setting you free. You will be able to live in the country that you love so much." Garrett nodded, "That is indeed a difficult task, but if you will it, then I shall accomplish it. I do have a request in return, though." Lucas shrugged, "What request would that be? I will grant you a full reprieve and your citizenship to Whiteshadow Isle back. What more do you want?" Garrett shrugged, "I would like my status as colonel back, permanently." Lucas shook his head, "I cannot grant you that, because I did not strip you of your title. If you can find Prince Shawn, then you may ask him for your title back." Garrett nodded obediently. With that, Lucas smiled at Garrett and nodded, "Very well. You will be freed. Please shower, shave and report to the throne room when you are ready for duty...Colonel." Garrett nodded and said, "What about King Brett? I doubt he'll be pleased with your decision." Lucas nodded, "You let me handle Brett, Blade. You just worry about your task." With that, Lucas walked back down the row and told the guard to release Garrett. The guard nodded in agreement and Lucas quickly walked back up the stairway. He would have to find Brett and deliver the news. Garrett was right, he wasn't going to be pleased. Garrett watched Lucas walk away and then sat back on the bench. He took in a deep breath and let it out in a drawn out name.... "Shaaaaaaawn." Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 8: The Long Journey Home Gazing up at the clear blue sky, Shawn sighed in growing frustration as he urinated on the trunk of an oak tree. Having safely sneaked through the boat, avoiding the guards, they had stolen one of the lifeboats. Shawn and Bryan had then rowed off in a random direction, going for about forty minutes, before they sighted land. They had then docked the boat on a tiny beach leading into a huge forest, where they now plodded aimlessly through. "Are you done yet, Shawn?" came a small voice from behind him. Shawn turned around and saw the eleven-year-old Cargenonon boy that they had taken with them from the boat, Jordan, sitting on a tree trunk and watching him. He was a very sweet boy, but with the situation as it was, Shawn was beginning to lose patience with him. Turning back around, Shawn smiled and nodded, "I'm finished. Where'd Bryan go off to?" Bryan and Jordan had been formally introduced on the boat and, like he did with most young children, Bryan already attempted to form a less-than-moral relationship with the young boy. Shawn was sure that, if they had a few moments alone, Bryan and Jordan might have partaken in some questionable practices. Although, Shawn had noticed that Jordan's interest in sex was much higher than normal. He had a few questions that he'd ask the boy, when they had time again. Jordan stood up straight and gazed at Shawn lovingly, "He's off searching for a path or something. So, do you want me to suck you now?" Shawn blushed and his penis began to fill with blood, excitedly showing its interest. The brown-eyed prince shook his head and said, "Jordan, please! We're lost in the woods and it's beginning to get dark! We have to find shelter and food before nightfall." The young child giggled at Shawn, "It looks like you want to, Shawn." Shawn gazed up at the sky and tried to clear his mind of any impure thoughts. However, ever since he first met the child, he'd noticed a drastic increase in his sexual desire. His mind just kept circulating images that kept his heat level rising and filled his mature cock with want. Gazing down at Jordan again, he saw the boy wearing a large grin as he eyed Shawn's throbbing manhood. "Bryan could come back at any second, though." Shawn said, more to himself than to the boy. Jordan reached forward and grasped the base of Shawn's shaft in his fist. Even with Jordan's long fingers, he couldn't totally surround the piece of hot meat in his hand. "Bryan won't care." Jordan giggled, descending to his knees. "I won't care about what?" Jordan quickly straightened up again, and Shawn attempted to compose himself as Bryan walked through the trees and into the clearing where they stood. With a large smile, Bryan looked at both his friends blushing fiercely under his gaze. "Hey! Don't let me stand in the way of your romance!" Bryan joked. Shawn shook his head, "We weren't...I mean...Ah, forget it. So, what did you find?" Bryan shrugged, "I'm not really sure, Shawnie. I found a grove of peach trees, but most of the fruit seems to have been picked. Yet, when I looked around the area, there didn't seem to be any paths or any sign of people walking through here. Do you even know which country we're in?" Shawn shook his head and sighed, "There's no way to know. Jordan said that I was out for about six hours and Opal Bay harbour is about a four-hour horseback ride from where the ruins of Mostaf are located. You woke up about half-an-hour after I did and it took us about forty minutes to get to the lifeboat. So, that would mean that we were sailing for a total of about three hours and a bit, before we escaped. After that, we sailed due south...I think, for about forty minutes." "So?" Bryan prodded, "Where does that leave us?" "Lost." Shawn replied, frustrated, "It leaves us fucking lost." Bryan shook his head in disbelief, "So, with all your studying and royal training, you still don't know enough about geography to tell where we are?" Shawn turned to face Bryan and glared at him, "Listen!" He yelled, "I don't know which way the damn boat was headed, so I don't know which countries we passed by! There are several ways to sail to Cargenon and several countries that we could have passed by! Ergo, I don't know where the fuck we are, Bryan! I studied Whiteshadow Isle lessons and very little of it was geography! If I would have known that we were going to get knocked out and stranded in the middle of nowhere, I might have spent just a tad more time boning up on my geography, or even carried around a goddamn map, okay?! Besides, you're hardly one to go talking to me about studying! What have you been doing over the last few months, except gallivanting around like a fancy-free child, or playing with your dick? Come to think of it, maybe if you hadn't been so adamant about coming to Mostaf with me, you'd be back at the palace studying like you were supposed to and not worrying about where the goddamn bloody fuck we are!" "I just wanted to spend some time with you!" Bryan yelled back, "You've been so busy reading over the last few months that nobody has seen you anymore! Do you think I like going to sleep at night and waking up in the morning and you're not there? Do you think I enjoy going into town alone and going to the lake alone and watching the sun set alone and reading those god-awful books alone?" "Alone?!" Shawn retorted, "You have a son, Bryan! Why don't you take him to the lake or into town or into the library with you? I'm sure he'd love to spend more time with his father! Regardless, though, you have to study your ass off and stop with your stupid little romps in the woods! We aren't little children anymore, Bryan! Heck, we're not even teenagers! We're adults and you have to start doing `adult' things and taking `adult' responsibilities! You are the future of this kingdom and have to set an example for the younger kids in the palace! That does not include showing your penis to your six-year-old son, nor does it include telling him that you're jacking off!" "We may not be children, Shawn," Bryan responded, "but that doesn't mean that we can't still have fun! What happened to us? We used to do so much together and now you're always studying! Why can't..." Bryan stopped his rebuttal as he heard the sound of crying from behind Shawn. Both men turned around to see Jordan leaning against a tree trunk, sobbing into his hands. Shawn shook his head and him and Bryan walked over to him. With more than a little residual frustration in his voice, Shawn sighed and inquired, "Why are you crying?" Jordan looked up at Shawn, his red-rimmed green eyes glistening with tears, and hiccupped, "I...I hate...hate it when people...yell." "It's okay." Bryan said, shaking his head, "We weren't yelling at you." Jordan nodded, but continued to sob, "I...I know, but...people...people are always yelling...yelling at me and...and...I...I...don't know why..." his voice broke off as he began to sob louder. Shawn took a deep breath, the anger and frustration finally beginning to leave him, and reached forward, pulling the boy off the tree and taking him into his arms. Jordan's skinny arms wrapped tightly around Shawn's torso, hugging him and sobbing onto the prince's chest, matting the hairs there. Shawn's head toward to the side and he regarded Bryan with a slight smile, "Look...I'm really sorry." Bryan shook his head, "Na, it's okay. It's hard being lost in the middle of nowhere." Shawn nodded, "I'm sorry about not spending a lot of time with you. I really do love you, you know." Bryan smiled, "I know." Giggling, the brown-haired prince walked forward and wrapped his arms around Shawn and Jordan. "Group hug!" Bryan yelled, giggling. Within seconds, Shawn began laughing too and Jordan even stopped crying and smiled. After a minute, they all separated and Shawn and Bryan gazed down at Jordan. "Listen," Shawn said compassionately, "I'm sorry about us yelling before. You wouldn't happen to know where we are, do you?" Jordan shook his head sadly and said, "Sorry. If I knew, I'd tell you." "I know." Bryan said, patting Jordan's head, "Meanwhile, though, we should try to find shelter before it gets too dark. I say we just camp out back on the beach tonight." "That would be a great plan," Shawn laughed, "but I doubt any of us remember which way the beach is!" Bryan nodded, "Good point. How about we camp out here, then?" Shawn shook his head, "I say we go to that grove that he said you saw. Tracks or not, somebody picked those fruit, so maybe there's some sort of village around there." Bryan nodded and said, "Whatever you want, Shawnie. You're the brain." Turning toward Jordan, he asked, "So, kid, are you okay to walk for a little longer?" Jordan shrugged, "I'll be fine." With that, Bryan slowly began plodding through the soft mud, his bare feet making visible footprints as he walked. Shawn and Jordan followed his lead. After several minutes, they arrived at a clearing where a bunch of trees grew. It smelled very nice all around, like freshly cut grass and ripe peaches. They walked closer to the grove and Shawn began to examine the area. Several peaches lay on the ground, rotting in the sun and insects flew around the area in great abundance. Bryan had been correct when he said that there were no visible tracks around. As Shawn looked at the branches of one of the trees, he noted that it appeared that fruit had been neatly plucked off. This proved that there had to be some sort of human settlement somewhere close by. Also, the trees looked to be well-tended. "There has to be someone around here somewhere." Shawn said, turning toward Bryan and Jordan. "I'm hungry!" Jordan piped in. Shawn looked down at him and smiled, "I know you are and I am too. We'll find something to eat soon." Bryan looked at Shawn confusingly, "Umm, what about the peaches on the trees?" At this, Shawn shook his head, "We can't. These trees are owned by whoever lives close by and if we took from them, it'd be stealing." Bryan nodded and continued to look around, as Shawn examined the trees and looked around the area. "Mmm, I smell cookies!" Jordan exclaimed, suddenly. Bryan was about to pass this off as an illusion brought on by hunger, but, as he smelled the air, his nose picked up the scent as well. Turning toward Shawn, he declared, "The kid's right, Shawnie! It's coming from off in that direction!" Bryan's finger pointed to the right of them and Shawn, nodding in acknowledgment, whispered, "Yeah, I'm picking it up too. Okay, now follow me quietly, you guys." Shawn began slowly walking off in the direction that the smell was coming from. Bryan and Jordan, both smiling in excitement, followed the older prince close behind. They passed through the thicket as quietly as possible and continued down the muddy trail for several meters. After ten minutes of walking, they began to hear a faint stamping sound. As they continued along the path, the sound got louder and louder until they could see a break in the woods up ahead. "I think we may have found something." Shawn said, turning toward the two guys following him. As he arrived at the end of the forest, his face lit up with glee and he could hear two gasps from behind him. The woods ended in a huge clearing. People walked up and down a long, wide road that extended horizontally in front of him. The road led through an open gate built into a large wall, and through the gate, Shawn could make out a town. Excited at finally finding some sort of human settlement, Shawn stepped out from the forest and began walking toward the road. He turned around and smiled at Bryan and Jordan. "We're saved, guys! I knew that...." He began to exclaim, but as he looked at Bryan and Jordan, he noticed that they had stopped in their tracks and were blushing bright red. Turning back around, he saw what they were blushing at. All the hundreds of men and women who were walking along the road had stopped and were now staring at them in disbelief. The three had, in their excitement at finding civilization, apparently forgotten that the people of this town might be just a bit surprised when two naked men and a boy clothed only in torn and dirty breeches emerged from the woods. A blush to match his friends' passed over Shawn's face and neck and he gulped as one of the men approached him. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 9: Overwhelmed "He did what?!" Michael exclaimed to the guard, as he delivered the news to the teenage prince. The guard sighed and repeated, "King Lucas requests yours and Squire Zachary's presence in the throne room immediately. He has newly appointed Blade Garrett as the new colonel of our army and desires that you and Zachary be present at our first military meeting." Michael shook his head in disbelief, "How can this be? Garrett was banished! He's evil! This is crazy!" "I don't know any more details than you, Your Highness." The guard explained, "I only just found out myself and my job was simply to deliver the news." Michael gathered himself and nodded, "Tell Lucas that I'll be there in fifteen minutes." "Very well, Your Majesty." The guard replied, and, turning around, walked off. Michael continued to shake his head as he made his way out of the playroom and up the stairs to let Zachary know of this recent turn of events. He could not understand the logic of King Lucas's actions, but hoped that the meeting would shed some light on it. "It is bad enough that Shawn and Bryan are missing," Michael thought aloud, "but now this...." As Michael reached the top of the stairs, he noticed Carter was standing by the door to his and Zachary's room. Michael understood that the small child was bored and was wondering where his father and uncle were, but he couldn't understand why Carter couldn't bug his mother as much as he bugged Michael and Zachary. He didn't mean to be belligerent toward the youth, but it seemed like he was always around when Michael and Zachary wanted to be alone. "May I help you?" Michael asked as he approached the child. Carter looked up at Michael forlornly, his brown eyes glistening with tears that threatened to slide down his cheeks at any second. In a meek voice, he asked, "Umm...Do you...umm...know where...umm...daddy and Uncle Shawn are?" Michael knelt down and put his hand on Carter's shoulder, rubbing the thin material of his oversized T-shirt around on the bony area, and said calmly, "Listen...We already told you that we don't, okay?" Carter looked down at his feet as they shuffled nervously along the carpeted floor, then looked back up at Michael and, gazing at him with the same despondent look, asked, "Umm...Are they...umm...gonna be back to...umm...tuck me in tonight?" Michael shrugged and said, "I hope so, but I don't think so, Carter." "Oh." The six-year-old said sadly, looking at Michael as if he expected something. After a few seconds, Michael shrugged and inquired, "What? Can't you bug your mother or something?" Carter shook his head, "She's in the temple and I'm not allowed in there anymore." Michael sighed as he realized that he was probably wasn't going to be able to spend any time alone with Zachary for a little while, "Okay, Carter, I'll tell you what: Zachary and I have to go down to a meeting in a few minutes, but afterwards...Umm...I'll play with you, okay?" Carter nodded and, turning around, he began walking back toward his room. Michael took a deep breath and opened the door to his own room. "Michael?" Michael turned and looked back over at Carter. Playing with the doorknob on the door to Sarah's room, he said, "Umm...If daddy and Uncle Shawn come back...Tell them that I'm in my room, okay?" Michael nodded, "Sure thing, Carter." then walked into his room and closed and locked the door behind him. Michael sighed as he gazed around the chamber. The room that he shared with Zachary was an awful mess. Clothes were strewn all over the floor and hung off the bureau against the east wall and the bookshelf in the far left corner of the room. The bookshelf, of course, held no books, but instead was stacked with rocks, stale pizza crusts, plates, cups, and several empty bottles of wine. The bed was completely unmade and the pillowcases and sheets hadn't been changed in over two months. Michael no longer noticed it, but the entire room smelled strongly of sweat, mud and the generally pungent body odour exuded by two fairly physically active teenagers who didn't bathe much, one of which was still fairly early in the stages of puberty. The carpet on the floor, once a very pure shade of white, was now a sickly beige colour. The walls, painted sky blue, were covered in fingerprints and dried semen stains. Not even the bravest maids dared set foot in the room anymore. Michael didn't see Zachary, but he heard the sound of churning water and a loud yell of, "I'm just taking a bath! I'll be out in a bit!" from the direction of the washroom. Zachary taking a bath on his own free will was a rarity, indeed. Michael wondered what the special occasion was. Walking into the bathroom, he spotted Zachary sitting in the stone tub, surrounded by piles of frothy bubbles. His head was bent back and resting on the wall and his eyes were closed, with a smile of contentment creating two creases at the corner of his lips. His face and chest shone with a film of water and his chest rose and fell with each of his soft sighs of pleasure. Michael thought he looked gorgeous. Michael smiled as he tiptoed across the tiled floor and stopped just beside Zachary's head. Leaning over the relaxing boy's face, he opened his mouth and languidly licked his wet tongue across Zachary's glistening lips. Without even opening his eyes, Zachary's smile became larger and he giggled, "Hello, Mikey." Michael smiled and said, "Hurry up with your bath, Zac. We've got to go to some meeting and I said we'd be there in a few minutes." Finally, Zachary's eyes opened and he gazed up at Michael and nodded, "I'll be out soon, Sexy." Michael sat down on the rim of the tub and asked, "Why are you taking a bath anyway? You usually have to be dragged into the tub, kicking and screaming." Zachary pulled one hand up from under the water and put it on Michael's forearm, stroking it suggestively. The young prince shook his hand off, then stood up and laughed, "How could you think of that, with Shawn and Bryan gone?" Zachary shrugged, "They're grown men and can take care of themselves! Why should we let it stand between us and our fuck-time?" "Is that all you think about?" Michael giggled. Zachary stood up with akimbo arms and regarded Michael coyly. The thirteen-year-old's body was glistening with water, and, below a small tuft of brown hair, his five-and-a-half inch penis stood fully erect and pointing at the object of its desire. Michael wasn't used to seeing a fully clean Zachary and was even more taken by his maturing body than usual. "Come on in! " Zachary said, smiling and motioning with his finger, "The water is nice and warm and the jets feel so good against your body. Not as good as I will, though." Michael bit his lower lip in thought, his mind filled with conflict. On one hand, he was trying to avoid sex with Zachary, until he worked out whether there was any love between them. He was beginning to feel like he should be beyond simple `sex between friends' stuff. Straight guys did that, after all! On the other hand.... His thoughts were interrupted by Zachary reaching out and pulling at the waistband of Michael's denim shorts. "Fucking hurry up and get in here, please!" Zachary growled impatiently. With a sigh, Michael reached down and helped Zachary to undo the button on his shorts. They fell down to the wet floor as the last button came undone and Michael quickly pulled off his gray tank top. Slightly saddened by the less-than-sensual way that he undressed, he obediently stepped into the basin and stood in front of Zachary. Zachary reached out and took Michael's hands, dragging him back down on top of him as they sank into the water. With his back against the basin wall, Zachary leaned his head and groaned as he reached around Michael's body and grabbed his ass cheeks in his hands. He held Michael tightly against him as he thrust his body against Michael's, rubbing his stiff prick against Michael's own. Michael could feel his penis begin to harden as Zachary's rubbed against it. It was much more because of his general love for the young teenager, than from any real sexual desire, but he began to thrust back against the warm body underneath him. Zachary's fingers soon delved between Michael's ass cheeks and Michael could feel one of them pressing firmly against his puckered butthole. "Stop it!" Michael exclaimed, in between gasps. The prince was relieved to feel his friend's fingers straying away from his rear region and focusing their tightly gripping attention on the small of his back. He heard Zachary whisper under his breath, "Spoiled brat." Michael tried to ignore that comment, but instead of his sexual tension rising, only his anger and frustration were. As he continued to thrust half-heartedly against Zachary's prone body, his mind raced with many thoughts. Zachary had never thought of himself as an heir or a squire. He only wanted to have sex or go biking. Whenever Michael disagreed with any of his suggestions, he'd always get called a brat or a priss. His visits to Carter's grave were getting more frequent over the last month. It was as if he was drawn to it whenever he had problems with love. Maybe, Michael thought, he should not expect so much from such a young child. It was unusual for someone that young to understand what love really was, so maybe he should enjoy the casual sex with the adorable child while it lasted. Michael quickly expelled that from his head, though. Michael needed to be loved and, as cute as he was, if Zachary wasn't going to do it.... His thoughts were, once again, interrupted as Zachary, groaning loudly, gripped Michael's body tightly and his thrusts began to get irregular. Michael could feel the young boy's penis tense against his belly and the prince could feel the missiles of the thirteen-year-old's semen spray across his submerged belly. Michael's own dick had long since gone flaccid again and he slowly stood back up and exited the tub. As he walked over and wiped himself with a towel, Zachary began to recover and sat back up. Stretching, the boy turned to Michael and said, "You didn't get off?" Michael pulled back up his shorts and, while buttoning them, shook his head and said, "No, but it's okay." Michael took a towel from the sink and handed it over to Zachary. Standing back up, the boy wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the bath, hitting the button on his way out to stop the jets. Walking back into the bedroom, Michael was, once again, dressed in his damp clothes, but it didn't matter. He stood there and watched as Zachary got on a pair of shorts from their cluttered dresser and a black tank top. Turning back to Michael, Zachary shrugged and said, "Well, we have to go, don't we?" Michael nodded and, walking across the room, he opened the door and motioned for Zachary. As Zachary walked toward the door, Michael swallowed hard and said, "I love you, Zac." Zac froze in his tracks and stared at Michael, "You what?" Michael took a deep breath and said, "I love you. Don't you love me?" There was a long pause, and then Zachary shrugged and shook his head, "No. Why?" "Oh...ummm...No reason." Michael said as nonchalantly as possible. The two boys slowly left the room and began walking down the hallway. Michael was in front and, as he approached the stairs, he stopped. Zachary turned around and said, "What's wrong? You coming?" Michael nodded and said, "Yeah, it's just in the throne room. I'll be there in a minute. I just have to do something first." Zachary shrugged and started down the stairs. Michael watched him go down the long stairway, on his way to the ground floor where the throne room was. Tears began to well up in Michael's eyes and, after making sure that he could no longer hear the sounds of Zachary's footsteps going down the stairs, he sat down on the top step and began to cry. "Why does everything bad have to happen to me?!" He sobbed loudly, his face in his hands. He heard footsteps behind him, but could not stop himself from crying. He felt a small hand on his nearly-bare shoulder and a high-pitched, "Why are you crying?" Michael calmed his tears long enough to say the first thing on his mind, "I miss Carter." He felt the carpet shift and he looked up to see Bryan's six-year-old son sitting next to him. "But, I'm right here!" The small child said. That only made Michael cry harder and he leaned over and wrapped his arms around the boy, hugging him tightly. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 10: Detoured Shawn tried to avoid the gaze of the man who was approaching him. He was a largely built guy with a thick beard and mustache. He wore the clothing of a peasant and, judging by the smell, Shawn gathered that he worked either on a farm or in an abattoir. "It's a hot evening, true enough," the man said, as he approached the crimson form of Prince Shawn, "but I don't think that warrants anyone of your age walking `round the city limits, wearing nothing but a sheepish grin, stranger." Shawn crossed his arms across his chest in embarrassment and shook his head, stuttering, "My...My friend and I were...were captured by the Cargenonons and...and they took our clothes." The man nodded and said thoughtfully, "Cargenon, eh? Well, then, if your story is true, you really must be a stranger to these parts. Far as I know, the war is only between them and Whiteshadow Isle. Are you from Whiteshadow Isle?" Shawn nodded and said, "Yes, my friends and I are trying to get back there, actually." Crossing his arms across his chest, he nodded, "Hmm, there's not much I can do for you where that's concerned. I'm just a farmer and don't know much about ships and such." Shawn nodded, "Well, can you, at least, tell me which country I'm in?" At that, the man smiled and exclaimed, "Sure'n I can! You are standing on the firm soil of the great land of Bismark!" "Bismark?!" Shawn exclaimed, "You mean the home of High Priestess Anna?" "Yes indeed!" The main responded, "I didn't think the people down in Whiteshadow Isle knew of our high priestess!" Shawn smiled, "Well, your high priestess and I have met before, many years ago. Do you know where I might find her?" The man shrugged, "I suppose she'd be at the palace. I doubt you'll get in to see her, though. King Robert doesn't let just anybody through the gates...especially not naked foreigners." Shawn nodded, "Well, if you could provide me and my friends with some clothing and point us in the direction of the palace, I'd like to try my luck." The man regarded Shawn for a few seconds, before his face broke into a grin and he laughed, "You sure are a tenacious young man, aren't ya? Well, I think we can do you one better. It'll be dark in a little while, so, if you like, my wife and I can offer you a safe place to stay for the night. In the morning, you can try your luck with the royals." Shawn thought about it for a few seconds, before shaking his head, "I'm sorry, good sir, but, as much as you may like your land, this is not my home. I'd prefer to try the palace tonight, if I could." The man nodded, "Well, if you don't get in, my offer still stands." Turning around, the man yelled, "Judy Lee! Could ya be a dear and run home to get a change of clothes for these three lads?" A young woman in the crowd nodded and ran off down the road, through the town gate. Shawn looked behind him and motioned for Bryan and Jordan to come closer. They reluctantly did so. "Well now," the man said, "I'm sure the little lady will be back shortly. Meanwhile, I don't think I got the names of you strange young men." Shawn extended his hand and said, "I'm sorry. My name is Shawn, good sir." The man shook Shawn's hand in a tight grip. Shawn motioned with his head at Bryan and Bryan slowly stuck out his hand and said, "I'm Bryan." The man smiled and shook Bryan's hand. Jordan simply stood there and shook his head at Shawn. Shawn smiled and, looking back up at the man, said, "My little friend here is a little shy. His name is Jordan." The man stepped back and smiled, "Well, Shawn, Bryan and Jordan, it's nice to meet all of you. My name is Saul...Saul Hansen." They all stood in silence for a little while, unsure what else there was to say. After a few minutes, Saul said, "So...Did y'all really get captured and have your clothes taken away, or were you just fooling around in the woods and lost them under a pile of leaves or something?" Shawn smiled, "No, we really did get captured and have our clothes taken away." Saul laughed, "Those must have been some pretty perverted captors!" At that, Shawn and Bryan laughed, but Jordan remained shyly silent. After a few more minutes of joking around, Saul's wife came back down the road with a large bag. As she got close, she shrugged sheepishly and said, "I couldn't carry all of em, so I stuck em in this here sack." Saul smiled and nodded at her, then turned back toward the boys and said, "Just go through the sack and take what y'all need." The three boys sifted through the sack and came out with some old tank tops and cotton shorts. There was even a small T-shirt for Jordan. While the three of them got dressed, Saul shrugged and said, "So, what makes you so confident that your trek up to the palace isn't going to be for nothing?" Shawn pulled up the shorts and said, "Just call it a hunch, Mr. Hansen." Saul laughed and shook his head, "Please...Call me Saul." Once the three of them were clothed again, Saul nodded in approval and said, "Well, maybe now you'll be able to walk through the town without scaring all the women off." Shawn laughed and said, "Yeah, maybe." Then, turned to Bryan and Jordan, he said, "Okay, you guys ready?" Both of them nodded and then Shawn turned back toward Saul and inquired, "Okay, well, if you'll just direct us to the palace, we'll be on our way." Saul nodded and pointed down the road, "You just stay on the road and don't turn or nothing. Just go straight on through and you'll go right to the castle." Shawn nodded and began walking toward the road. Bryan and Jordan, who had heard everything that Shawn and Saul were talking about, followed behind him. Shawn could feel the shyness that his two friends felt, but he didn't display it as openly as they did. Shawn had never left Whiteshadow Isle before and was unsettled by the suspicious stares that the townsfolk gave him, as he walked down the road, clad in clothes that weren't his own. Still, as uncomfortable as it was, Shawn was sure that it would be ten times worse if they had gone the whole trip to Cargenon. As they walked, their heads looked around at the marketplace that they currently walked through. As it was evening, most of the booths were either closed or in the process of closing. Bismark apparently hadn't solved its homelessness situation as effectively as Whiteshadow Isle had, as there were many beggars who lined the streets. Sadly, some of them were Jordan's age or younger. Shawn could see the sympathy displayed on Bryan's face, as he gazed at the young waifs. It must have hit quite close to home for him. After walking for several minutes, they soon saw the shape of the castle manifest itself through the dusky dimness in front of them. It was smaller than Shawn's home, but was still impressive looking. It was made from bluish-gray stone and long creeper vines snaked up the outer walls. As they approached the entrance to the palace grounds, they saw fewer and fewer people around the area and more and more guard patrols. The guards regarded the three boys very cautiously, as if they expected them to pull out weapons and lay siege at any moment. When they finally arrived at the fence door, the two guards standing there drew their swords and one of them exclaimed, "Halt!" The three boys ceased their movement as the other guard stepped over and regarded them critically and asked, "What is your business here, sirs?" Shawn stood up stiffly and, assuming his tone of authority, stated, "My business, guardsman, is to see King Robert of Bismark. I am Prince Shawn of Whiteshadow Isle and behind me is Prince Bryan of Whiteshadow Isle!" The guard turned to his partner and they shared a laugh as the guard turned back toward Shawn and said, "You expect me to believe that I'm in the presence of royalty, when all I see before me are three boys wearing peasant garb?" Shawn extended his hand in front of the guard's face and said, "Peasant clothing or not, my royal insignia ring will confirm my identity to you!" The guard reached up and took Shawn's hand, staring at the gold insignia ring on his finger closely. After a few seconds, he let it go and, turning toward Bryan, said, "May I see your ring as well?" Bryan nodded, trying to make himself look as royal as possible, and extended his hand toward the guard. The guard examined the ring closely, then, turning toward Shawn, said, "And the child?" Shawn shook his head, "No, the child is not royalty." The guard shook his head, "I beg to differ. He has a ring on his finger just like you two." Shawn looked down at Jordan's right hand and noticed that, in fact, he was wearing a golden ring. He'd dismissed it previously as nothing important. The guard took Jordan's hand and studied his ring, then let it go. "Well?" Shawn asked, "May we please pass through the gates to see your king?" The guard stepped back beside the gate and turned toward his partner, then, smiling, nodded at Shawn, "Oh yes, you shall pass through our gates, all right!" Simultaneously, both guards extended their swords, pointing at the three boys. The guard on the left was still smiling as he unlocked the gate with his free hand, and opened it up, saying, "Please put your hands behind your heads. You are all under arrest!" Shawn stepped back in shock, "What?! What's the meaning of this?" The other guard quickly walked behind Shawn and stabbed him gently in the back, making him yelp in pain and walk forward again. "My dear Prince Shawn," the guard in front of them said, "that small boy beside you is Prince Jordan, heir to the throne of Cargenon. While we are not actively at war with Cargenon, I think His Highness, King Robert, would be most interested in hearing what Prince Jordan is doing here." "But he came with us!" Shawn protested. The guard nodded, "You will get your audience with the king, Prince Shawn, and then you can explain everything to him." The guard behind them barked, "Move!" and, to avoid causing any more trouble, Shawn and Bryan complied. Shawn looked over at Jordan and gave him a questioning look, but Jordan just shrugged and, looking close to tears, whispered, "I'm so sorry!" Shawn shook his head and whispered back, "It's not your fault." Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 11: A New Hope "...and so tonight, the two guards and I will go scout out the area." Acting Colonel Garrett finished explaining to the assembled royals. King Lucas turned to Brett, who was sitting beside him, and hoped for a more positive attitude from him, but Brett's face remained callous and untrusting. Lucas frowned and, turning back toward Garrett, he probed, "And what have you planned for tomorrow?" Colonel Garrett started up again into a vivid explanation of his military strategy, filled with loads of technical stuff that Lucas tried his best to follow. Standing several feet across the room, watching the proceedings, but not actually paying any attention, was Prince Michael. His eyes were still red-rimmed and his face, streaked with dry tears, as he stood stiffly and tried to keep from thinking. If he allowed himself to think, his mind would only wander to the occurrence a few moments previously, the second most depressing moment of his life. He would think about how lovesick he was. He would think about how much Zachary hurt him by saying that he didn't love him. So, he just stood there and didn't think about anything. Michael could see Zachary, out of the corner of his eye, standing beside him. He could not bear to make eye contact with him, but he couldn't help not looking at him. Despite what Zachary had said, Michael was still in love with him and it gave him a clenching pain in the pit of his stomach to feel such love for someone who didn't reciprocate. Michael could feel tears welling up in his eyes again and he realized that he allowed himself to think. Swallowing back a lump in his throat that felt the size of a baseball, he tried to remain unemotional, facing forward and looking like he cared about what was going on with that bastard, Garrett, but he found that he just couldn't. "Why wouldn't he love me?" Michael thought, as tears began to slide down his cheeks anew and re-mat the tiny blond hairs that grew there, "Was it something that I did? Am I nothing more than a sex object for him? Is he even capable of loving anyone?" He could feel Zachary's eyes on him, studying him and watching him cry without saying a word to comfort him. "I wonder if he even knows why I'm crying?" Michael considered, as he stood there and silently wept in misery for himself. "Michael? Michael!" Michael looked over and saw Lucas standing in front of him. The black-haired king looked at him, concerned, and said, "Are you okay?" With so much going on in his head, he didn't even distinguish that the meeting had adjourned. Looking around, he realized that he was standing alone in the room with Lucas and Brett. Everybody else was no where to be found, including Zachary. Michael wiped his eyes with his wrist and nodded his head, "Yeah...Yeah, I'm fine." "Okay, then." Lucas replied, "You are free to go, and remember that you are not allowed to leave the palace. You're still punished." Michael nodded obediently, and walked toward the door. Lucas went back over to the thrones and spoke quietly with Brett. As Michael reached out to pull the handle of the door, he stopped and turned back toward the kings. "Uhh...Your Highness?" he asked, meekly. Both Lucas and Brett turned around and Lucas remarked, "Yes, Michael, what is it that you wish? We're quite busy." Michael swallowed hard and said, "Umm, it won't take long. I'm...I'm just wondering...Umm..." "Prince Michael," Brett cut in, "princes must always speak forcefully and get straight to the point. What is it?" Michael nodded and, taking a deep breath, said, "Yes, I know, but...umm...this is kind of hard to ask. It's and stuff." "Michael, we hardly have time for..." Brett began, but Lucas raised his hand for silence and, turning to Michael, stood up and walked over to him. When he reached him, Michael was looking ready to cry again. "He's certainly a sensitive child." Lucas thought. "Does this pertain to why you were crying during the meeting?" Lucas inquired. Michael blushed slightly and, nodding, said, "Yes, and I'm sorry for that. I would have left, but wasn't sure what would have been more rude." Lucas put his hand on Michael's shoulder and nodded. Turning toward Brett, he said, "Brett, please go to the main hallway and assist Garrett in his preparations. I shall be there shortly." "Me?!" Brett exclaimed, "I don't even agree that the man should still be breathing!" "Brett, please!" Lucas responded in a raised tone, "Go to the main hallway now! I must...speak with young Prince Michael." Brett opened his mouth to retort, but, knowing that Lucas's word was final, shut it again and stood up. "I'll just...I mean...So, I'll...I'll go...Yeah." Brett stuttered and quickly walked from the room. Turning back to Michael, Lucas said, "Okay, then." and, with his hand on Michael's shoulder, led him over to the thrones. Lucas turned two of them to face each other and sat down in one of them. Seeing Michael's hesitation to sit, Lucas smiled and said, "You may sit, Michael." Michael nodded and quickly sat down in front of the king. Lucas smiled and, leaning forward in his chair, he regarded the boy with a warm smile and said, "So, what's troubling you, my boy?" Michael tried his best to make eye contact with the man in front of him, but just wasn't able to keep his gaze focused on King Lucas's face, with his forest green eyes that regarded Michael so concerned and his visible smile visible through his graying beard and mustache. So, gazing at the golden necklace around the king's neck, Michael stuttered, "W...Well, Your Majesty..." Lucas raised his hand, cutting him off, and commented, "First of all, please call me Luke and, second of all, calm down; I may be your king, but I'm also your friend." Michael nodded and, with tears already beginning to flow down his cheeks again, Michael sniffled and said, "Well...Luke...It's about Zachary." Lucas leaned back in his throne and assumed a pensive look. "Oh?" Lucas responded, "What about Zachary?" Michael opened his mouth to speak, but instead, he put his hands over his face and began to sob. Lucas sighed and, moving his throne closer, put his hand on Michael's knee and cooed, "Aww, what's wrong, Michael?" Michael responded something, but it was muffled by his hands and his sobs. "I can't understand you, Michael. Take your hands away from your face." Lucas instructed. Michael took his hands away from his face and, leaning forward, held his stomach in his arms as he sobbed, "Zachary...Zachary doesn't love me!" "He doesn't?" Lucas replied, "How can you be so sure?" "He...He said so!" Michael bawled, "I asked him if he loved me and he said no!" Lucas nodded and said, "Ah, well I understand how his saying that would make you feel sad. However, you must keep in mind several factors. First of all, he's only known you for a year. Love can sometimes take many revolutions of the seasons to bloom! Second of all, he's still a young boy, Michael. He may not be mature enough to have the need for love that you do. Give him time, Michael, and he will eventually come around. After all, you're going to be with him for a long, long time." Michael's sobs tapered off and he looked up at Lucas and, sniffling, said, "But...but what if Zachary isn' know..." Lucas nodded in understanding, "Hmm...Well, that would be unfortunate for you. Tell you what, why don't you sit down and discuss your concerns with Zachary?" Michael shook his head, "Zachary just wouldn't understand how I feel. I've tried to snuggle with him and do romantic stuff, but all he wants to do know...umm..." Lucas smiled, "Have sex with you?" Michael blushed brightly and nodded, "Yeah. He just likes to go biking, play sports, play games and...well...the other thing. It's" "Like he's treating you like just a friend?" Lucas finished. Michael nodded. Lucas smiled, "Well, maybe that's because he thinks that you're only interested in being friends. Michael, do you love Zachary?" Michael nodded. "Well," Lucas explained, "if you really care about him and want him to realize that you like him more than a friend, then you should gather enough nerve to tell him so. From what I know of Zachary, I'm pretty sure that he isn't interested in the opposite sex, and the fact that he's willing to be intimate with you is a good sign that he isn't totally repulsed by you. If you make it known that you care for him, maybe the result will be in your favour!" "Or maybe not." Michael added. Lucas shrugged, "Look, Michael, love isn't easy. It could be that Zachary and you are not meant to be, but the thing is that you two will be together until death or gross insubordination says otherwise. The very least you two can do, is try to live with each other in peace. You do have three days of being stuck in the palace with him. I'm sure you can find something to talk about." Michael nodded, "I understand, but I would really like someone who was fun to be with and also loved me. I wish I could find somebody to snuggle with and be close to. Like Shawn and Bryan are...or were...or whatever." Lucas nodded, "Yes, well the way I see it, you're just looking for someone else like Carter, right?" Michael nodded, his eyes beginning to tear again, and he sniffled, "I just miss him so much, Luke...especially now that I'm interested in finding someone to love me. He would have, too. I know he would have!" Lucas nodded, "Probably, but you can't keep searching for another Carter, because you'll never find one. The closest you'll come, is his mother, and she's already married." "Does she have any other kids?" Michael inquired. Lucas sighed, "Michael, you chose Zachary and you're kind of stuck with him. You have to get over Carter, though. It's been six years." "I'll try and make Zachary understand, but does Carter's mom have any other children, Luke?" Lucas sighed and nodded, "Her and her new husband had a boy a few years back. Maybe it would help you feel a bit better if you got to meet him. I can invite her and her husband to dinner and they can bring the child with them." Michael's face lit up, "When? When can you invite them?" Lucas smiled, "I'll talk to her tomorrow morning. For now, I want you to go to, and speak to Zachary. Try to make him understand how you feel. Above all, though, remember that he may need time." Michael nodded and stood up, "I'll do that. Thank you so much, Luke. I...I wish I had a father like you." Lucas stood up and took Michael in his arms, hugging him, "You're a good kid, Michael. You just need to learn to be less sensitive about everything." Michael detached himself from Lucas and walked back toward the door. After pulling it open, he turned back and said, "I hope we find Shawn and Bryan soon." Lucas nodded, "Yes...So do I." After the door closed, Lucas collapsed back into the throne and shook his head, "Oh, to be young again!" he said out loud. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 12: Raining in my Mind With the points of swords pressing into their backs, the three princes were escorted through the decorated hallways of Bismark Palace. "I can't believe this!" Bryan whispered to Shawn. Before Shawn could respond, the guard behind him jabbed him in the back and barked, "Hey! Shut up, you!" Bryan jumped and yelped in pain. He looked ready to deliver a string of expletives that would make a sailor blush, but Shawn reached over and took his hand. Bryan's anger seemed to drain and he smiled at Shawn and held his hand as they walked through the palace. Jordan looked on jealously, but shook his head and went back to concentrating on keeping up with the older men. Finally, they arrived at two large double doors. The two guards moved out from behind them and one of them pulled open the door slightly. "You three get inside. His Majesty has been informed of your arrival." Shawn nodded, with his arm behind him rubbing his back, while Bryan replied, "Thanks for nothing, guardsmen! You'll be in big trouble once we tell our fathers how we've been treated." The guard leaned in close to Bryan and said, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." Then he and his partner walked off back down the hallway. Shawn turned toward Bryan and Jordan and said, "Well...Shall we?" Both boys nodded and Bryan shot Jordan another disapproving look, before pulling open the door and holding it for the two other princes. Once they were inside, he stepped through and shut the door behind them. The Bismark throne room looked quite similar to the one back at Whiteshadow Isle, in its great size and decoration. Seated at the front of the room was King Robert. The king of Bismark was an elderly man, who looked to be in his early seventies. He had short, gray hair and a well-manicured mustache. Dressed in a red puffy shirt with a jacket and dress pants the colour of Bismark navy blue, he stood up as the three boys walked across the marble floor toward him. Standing beside him, dressed in a navy blue, collared shirt, crimson necktie and navy blue dress pants, was a young man that Shawn knew, from the occasional meetings during royal assemblies, to be Prince David, heir to the throne of Bismark. Prince David was thirty-four and had short red hair and green eyes. He stood with a bored look to his pale face, which broke into a slight grin as Shawn and his friends approached. It was a well-spread rumour that David hated his father, due to his keeping the throne well into his golden years. On the same token, it was said that his father kept the throne, due to his not believing that David was wise enough to be king. Of course, all these rumours were unsubstantiated. "Ah, if it isn't the two young princes from Whiteshadow Isle," King Robert said in his typical deep, booming voice, "and their apparent comrade, Prince Jordan of Cargenon!" "King Robert, I..." Shawn began to stay. "Prince Shawn, did your father not teach you proper respect when addressing foreign kings?" King Robert exclaimed. Shawn shrugged and began to reply, "Well, King Robert, he..." Robert cut in again, "What manner of half-assed royal training did you receive, Shawn, that you address me in such a manner?!" Shawn turned to Bryan in confusion, but when he saw the growing anger on his husband's face, he quickly turned back and replied, stuttering, "I...I...don't...don't quite understand what mean! I've...I've called you...King Robert, haven't I?" The king shook his head, tsk'ing Shawn, and boomed, "You will address me as `Your Highness' or `Your Majesty.' Anything less would be disrespectful!" Shawn took a deep breath, and replied as calmly as possible, "With all due respect...Your Majesty, I am Prince Shawn, heir to the throne of Whiteshadow Isle, and not some common serf who's...." "You, my dear prince," Robert interrupted in anger, "are not in Whiteshadow Isle anymore! You have no power here! You are in my country and while you are in my country, you will address me how I say you will address me and do what I say you will do! Here, in Bismark, you are not a prince, but a peasant, and right now you are a criminal!" "Criminal?!" Bryan bellowed in response, "Now, you listen here, you old piece of...." "Bryan!" Shawn yelled. King Robert sat back down and smiled, "Prince Shawn, I mean not to be hard on you, but I do expect more from the heir to a country. Take my own heir, for example..." Robert extended his arm in display toward Prince David, who was still standing at attention for the entrance of the princes. David turned toward his father as he was displayed and Shawn thought he could see a sneer beginning to grow on his counterpart's face. "My son," King Robert continued, "has been groomed, right from birth, to be, at all times, proper, polite and, above all, respectful. He wears proper clothing and even a very becoming necktie, while you three wear dirty clothing not unlike that of a farmer!" "That's because our clothing was given to us by a farmer!" Bryan responded, exasperated. "What does he mean?" Robert asked, turning to Shawn. Shawn crossed his arms across his chest and shook his head, "Again, with all due respect, Your Majesty, Bryan is as much a prince as I am. If you wish to address him, then do so yourself!" King Robert sighed and, turning toward Bryan, muttered, "Very well. Prince Bryan, what do you mean?" Bryan turned toward Shawn and whispered, "Why couldn't you just tell him? I'm no good at this!" Shawn smiled and whispered back, "You seemed all right with it, a few seconds ago! You're a prince, sweetheart, and you have to learn how to communicate with other royalty." "But..." Bryan began to reply. "But nothing!" Shawn interrupted, "Just look him in the eyes and tell him exactly what happened! It isn't that difficult!" "Is there a problem?" King Robert inserted, impatiently. Shawn nodded at his half-brother and Bryan turned around and, clearing his throat, he replied as forcefully as he could, "Yes, Your Majesty, there is, actually! You see, we were knocked out and captured by the soldiers of Cargenon and taken aboard a ship bound for what would probably be an unfair trial and a subsequent execution. For reasons unknown to us, they stripped us naked and left us on a bed in the hold. We woke up and managed to escape and, after paddling for several hours, we came upon the shores of Bismark. After landing, we made our way into town, still totally naked, and enlisted the help of, as I mentioned before, a farmer in order to get some clothing. We now come before you, Your Majesty, to ask for your help in returning to Whiteshadow Isle. We believe that our people may be in grave danger!" Bryan took a deep breath after he was through and turned to Shawn for approval. The raven-haired prince looked to be positively glowing with pride and, though he looked ready to kiss Bryan, he simply reached out and took Bryan's hand, squeezing it in affection and admiration. Both boys then turned back toward the king, awaiting his response. The king looked to be seriously contemplating Bryan's monologue and even Prince David seemed interested by what was just said. Leaning forward slightly, King Robert responded, in a fairly calm voice, "So, let me understand this correctly: You two were captured by Cargenon and you believed that, should you have stayed aboard the ship, Cargenon would have executed you. So, in attempting to save your own lives, you escaped from your capture - from Cargenon, mind you - and ended up on my shores. Is this accurate?" "Quite accurate...Umm...Your Highness." Bryan replied, nodding. "Uh huh." King Robert replied, cocking his heads, "So, why, my two little princes from Whiteshadow Isle, do you have, Prince Jordan, the heir to the throne of Cargenon hiding behind you, with his hand down the front of his pants?" Prince David successfully stifled a giggle, as Shawn and Bryan looked behind them to find Jordan blushing bright red. His right hand, as the king had stated, was down the front of his breeches, obviously grasping his penis. From his crimson blush and the sheen of sweat covering his face, Shawn and Bryan had a pretty good idea of what he was doing until he got caught. Turned back toward the king, who had assumed a surprisingly comical look, Shawn replied, feeling a blush pass over his own face, " see, Your the time...we weren't aware of his title. He was just a small child who...Umm...offered to help us escape." King Robert's eyebrows raised and he said, "You're telling me that the prince of Cargenon actually offered to help you escape? In those words?" Shawn shrugged, "Well...mostly." "Mostly?". "Well," Shawn replied, "it took a bit of persuasion." King Robert peered between them and stared at Jordan for a moment, before turning back to them and saying, "Hmm, I assume your methods of `persuasion' did not involve much physical coercion?" Shawn's blush deepened a few shades as he shrugged and said, "Well...Umm...not really." King Robert's shook his head, a look of extreme impatience on his face, "Not really? Mostly? Prince Shawn, are you intentionally trying my patience or are you always this insufferable? I'm asking you a simple question and I demand a straight answer, or else I'll send you back to the dungeon and let you straighten your tongue out there! For the last time, Shawn Glazerman of Whiteshadow Isle: Are you going to tell me how it is that you managed to convince the prince of Cargenon to help you escape capture and why he is in your company presently?" Shawn turned behind him and looked at Jordan. The eleven-year-old boy had removed his hand from the front of his breeches and gazed at Shawn with his expressive emerald eyes, a look of sorrow and regret on his childish face. He mouthed the words, "I'm sorry, Shawn." before turning his gaze downwards and staring at his bare feet. Turning back toward the king, Shawn looked the old man in the eyes confidently and said, "In order to convince Prince Jordan to help us escape, I agreed intimate with him." A slight grin passed over the faces of King Robert and Prince David. The king cocked his head again and probed, "Intimate how?" Before Shawn could respond, Bryan cut in, "Your Majesty, what my brother is trying to say is that he and the young prince fucked. The poor boy's screams of ecstacy actually were the thing that woke me up from unconsciousness." This time, Prince David could not stifle his laugh. His father spun toward him and barked, "David, shut up!" Shawn smiled and shook his head in disbelief and Bryan crossed his arms across his chest, confidently standing firm on his point. Jordan looked up in shock and giggled. The king turned back toward Shawn and then looked at Jordan, and then back at Shawn again and said, "Prince Shawn, beyond the questionable fact that you seemed to have had sex with a child who is about half your age, lies the fact that it was with an enemy. Also, isn't it a breach of your marital code for you to be with another in that way? Regardless though, I'm sure your father would not approve as I don't." Shawn shrugged, "You let me take it up with my father myself, thank you very much. Furthermore, how can you call Jordan an enemy when he obviously wouldn't hurt a fly?" The king shook his head and said, "How foolish are you really, Shawn? He could have been aware of your desire to return to Whiteshadow Isle, so he played the passive angel child. However, once he gains access to your palace, he could off your father and Brett!" "I wouldn't!" Jordan protested. All eyes turned toward the young prince. The king leaned forward and said, "Very well, Prince Jordan...Why don't you stop this covert operation and tell me what your plans really are?" Jordan could not meet the gaze of the king and gazed at the floor as he responded, "I don't have any plans!" "Hmpf!" The king retorted, "Do you really expect us to believe that you just happened to latch onto Prince Shawn, because you like him? And look at me when I'm talking to you!" Jordan slowly looked upwards and appeared to try hard to look at the king. His high-pitched, prepubescent voice shook with fear as he replied, "But...but I do like Shawn! I've never met anybody from another country before and when I heard two of them were onboard the ship, I really wanted to meet them!" "Bullshit!" The king rebutted, "You can't expect anybody to believe that your intentions are pure! Why did you not identify yourself as a prince when you met Shawn?" The boy looked close to tears as he responded meekly, "I...but...I...I mean...I didn't think it was important! You have to believe me! I...I...I love Shawn! I wouldn't do anything to hurt him or anybody where he lives!" The king sat back in his throne, "Very well. I'll believe you...for now. Still, however, I would like you out of my country. You will be chained up and kept in the brig of the ship, to keep you out of trouble." "No way!" Shawn interjected, "Jordan is my responsibility and I will take care of him!" The king thought for a moment before responding, "Very well, but you two are my responsibilities. I will grant you passage on a ship that will take you back to Whiteshadow Isle. In order to assure your safety, my son will accompany you." "What?! Why me?!" Prince David protested. Shawn shook his head, "If possible, I'd like it if your High Priestess would accompany me instead. I've worked with her before and know her, unlike your son whom I've only met for short periods." "Anna?" King Robert questioned, "Oh well, granted. You will leave tomorrow morning. Tonight, you will be given a room in the palace. I highly advise you to let us keep the Cargenonon in the dungeon." Shawn shook his head, "No, I won't allow that. Jordan will sleep with us." "Very well." The king replied, "But I must tell you that, lately, our ships have been under attack by Cargenon battle-boats. In order to avoid them, the ship will take a roundabout route instead of directly to Whiteshadow Isle." Shawn shrugged, "I have no choice. How will this affect our getting back?" The king shrugged, "I'm sorry to say that it will take several weeks to sail all around Bismark and another few weeks to reach the shores of Whiteshadow Isle. The total trip should not be more than a month and a half, though, unless there's a storm or some such thing." Shawn nodded, "It will have to do." With that, the king and the prince stood up. Prince David smirked at the three and said, "Come, you guys, I shall show you to your room." Shawn nodded and he followed Prince David back toward the door. King Robert called after them, "You will find more appropriate garb in the cabinet of your room. Supper will be served shortly." Jordan looked around suspiciously as David held the door open. He didn't like this place. Staying close to Shawn, he followed him through the door and down the hallway.... Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 13: Sexual Healing After his talk with Lucas, Michael hadn't gone to voice his concerns to Zachary, as the king had advised. Instead, he had gone to the gymnasium and tried to sweat his emotions away. He'd jogged around the track a few times, played a solo game of basketball, and lifted some weights. Afterwards, he'd used the public showers, rather than his private bath. Still, however, he felt frustrated and depressed. He didn't know how he was going to face Zachary again, after what had happened. He felt trapped in a situation that just couldn't be repaired. For a few serious seconds, as he stood under the spray of hot water from the public shower, he contemplated killing himself. Supper had been a solemn affair. There were two empty seats at the table and Michael spent most of the meal just gazing at them sadly. The goat cheese chicken breast with mashed potatoes, which was normally Michael's favorite, just didn't taste that good. The table, which normally buzzed with conversation, was almost silent, except for the usual clattering of plates, glasses and utensils. He and Zachary had sat next to each other, but, again, neither said anything to the other. Even though nobody really expected Shawn and Bryan to return, everybody felt all the more forlorn when, by the time the maids had cleared the table, the two seats were still empty. As promised, Michael had gone to play with Carter after dinner. He really wasn't in the mood to have fun, but he half-heartedly chased the giggling boy through the palace hallways, trying to catch him, and made a real effort to find him when they played `Hide and Go Seek.' In the end, Michael stretched out on the couch in the playroom, and read a book, while Carter sat in front of him, playing with building blocks. Michael had just reached chapter fourteen of his book, when Zachary entered the room. He walked in front of the couch, where Michael was sitting, and just stood there. Michael could feel Zachary's eyes gazing down at him and, seeing no other choice, lay the book down forcefully and addressed Zachary in a very patronizing voice, attempting to show him how he felt, "Yes?...Is there something I can do for you, Zachary?" Zachary seemed to either ignore or not detect Michael's hinting tone and replied, "I was just wondering if you want to play basketball or something?" Laying his patronizing tone on a bit thicker this time, Michael stared daggers at Zachary and replied, "I was in the gym for three hours today, thank you very much! If you want to go down there at seven in the evening and sweat like a rutting pig, then go right ahead, but I'm going to stay right here!" The brown-haired boy seemed to pick up on Michael's demeanour this time and inquired, "What's wrong, Mike?" Staring at Zachary, Michael could feel his attraction for the boy beginning to fade into his general frustrated attitude. He shook his head and said, "If you don't know what's wrong, then I'm not going to tell you!" Zachary dropped down on the couch beside Michael and, putting his hand on the blond prince's knee, exclaimed, "I seriously don't know! Please tell me!" Michael pushed Zachary's hand from his leg and stood up. Looking down at him, with tears glistening in his eyes, Michael said, "What's wrong, is that you're a heartless, insensitive, cruel, unemotional bastard!" And quickly ran from the room. Carter was so involved with his toys that he didn't notice him leave, nor did he notice Zachary standing up and running after him. Michael ran through the hallways, trying to lose Zachary, but Zachary was quicker than him and managed to grab hold of Michael's shoulder when they were a few feet away from the doors to the temple. Michael spun around and exclaimed, "What? What do you want from me? Haven't you done enough?!" Zachary had a slight smile on his face and he stepped back and replied, confused, "But what did I do, Michael? Please tell me why you're so pissed at me!" Michael turned away again and shook his head, feeling the tears burning in his eyes yet another time that day. He felt Zachary's hand squeeze his shoulder and he heard, "Mike...What's wrong?" Michael was mildly surprised that Zachary didn't sound impatient or belittling. He actually sounded concerned. This, along with the constantly recurring thought in his mind, made Michael explode into sobs. He sunk to the floor and leaned against the wall. Zachary sunk down the floor with him and his hand on Michael's shoulder began stroking it gently. Not in a sexual way, but more of a soothing rhythm. "Come on...What's wrong, Mike?" Zachary asked, sounding even more concerned. Michael tried to speak, but the emotions ran too deep in him at that moment and all that came out were incomprehensible words masked by his sobs and hiccups. "What's the problem?" Zachary continued to plead, "What do you want of me?" Zachary's tears of sorrow began to shift to tears of anger. What he wanted of Zachary, at least at that moment, was to be taken into his arms and hugged like a normal person would do for someone they cared about. He wanted Zachary to plant angel kisses all over his wet face and shush him, saying that things were going to be all right. It was so obvious what he wanted, yet Zachary didn't seem to pick up on it! He shrugged off Zachary's hand and stood up, then took off down the hallway again. This time, Zachary didn't follow him. He was so wrapped up in his anger and misery that he didn't see the person in front of him until they caught him in their arms. Looking up through his tears, he saw the concerned face of High Priestess Margaret Scott looking down at him. "What's wrong, Michael?" She asked, releasing him from her grasp. He looked up at her warm face and his sobs lessened somewhat. Overtaken by longing, he wrapped his arms around her again and hugged her tightly, crying into the front of her robe. She reached behind the prince and stroked his back, while shushing him. After a few seconds, she could feel no more tears soaking through her thick robe and she gently eased Michael's head from between her breasts and held him at arms' length. Gazing into his red, teary eyes, she asked, "Why are you crying, Michael?" Sniffling, he responded, "I...well...I mean, nothing. I'm fine." Smiling, she shook her head, "Something's wrong, child. What is it?" Shrugging, he sniffled and said, "Well...umm...Zachary doesn't love me and I miss Shawn and Bryan and I really miss Carter and...well...everything is just so hard, lately." She nodded and her smile turned to a frown, "Hmm, it seems to me that you're feeling lonely and sorrowful, because you have nobody whom you can relate to on a personal level. You've shared intimate contact with my sons before, as well as the small boy whom Shawn originally chose. You hoped to find a similar closeness with the boy that you picked during your choosing, but instead find that he isn't giving you that desired contact. Is that about sound?" Michael nodded and said sadly, "Yeah, that's right. You're so smart, High Priestess." She smiled and, reaching up, stroked his moist cheek with her hand. Looking at him thoughtfully, she said, "For many months, it seems that you've been possessed by much woe. I can't recall, for as long as I've known you, that you've ever been a very happy child, but, since this past winter, I've detected a much stronger melancholy pervading your soul." Michael nodded, finding it surprisingly easy to look Shawn and Bryan's mother in the eyes, and replied softly, "This past winter was when I chose Zachary." She nodded and said, "Yes, I know. I would very much like it if you'd join me in the temple for a few moments." She motioned down the hallway with her hand and Michael nodded and slowly followed her. As they approached the temple doors, he was glad to see that Zachary was nowhere to be found. She pulled open the two large double-doors, engraved with many drawings that suited the whole spiritual aspect of the place, and held them open for Michael. Michael stepped through into the Scott temple and she gently closed the doors behind her. Michael had never actually been inside the temple. He'd always been too intimidated, after all the stories that he and Zachary had told each other about it probably being haunted. It was a beautiful room, though, and rivaled even the Royal Address Chambers. The walls were covered in stained-glass windows and beautiful paintings of various significant events in the history of Whiteshadow Isle. There were pews lining the floor and glass-doored cabinets, filled with scrolls and books, against the side walls. At the front of the room, was a raised area with a podium standing in front of several decorated chairs. Against the rear-wall, was a cabinet containing large scrolls of the main religious books of Whiteshadowism, and above that was a stained-glass window of a Star of David. However, the thing that stood out the most, for Michael at least, was when he looked upwards. The ceiling had an elaborate mural depicting the `Coming of The Righteous One,' an event that was supposed to happen someday, with a beautiful angel dressed in flowing white robes coming to bring eternal peace and contentment to the whole planet. In the mural, the angel stood on a green hill, surrounded by smiling and cheering people. With one arm, it was holding an infant, and the other was on the back of a small boy who was hugging its leg. The angel had the delicate effeminate facial features of a woman and the muscular build of a man. From the looks of the mural, the angel resembled a teenager of about fourteen or fifteen-years-old. Michael was still looking at the ceiling, when he heard Margaret call him. He followed her to the front of the room and off to the left. They paused in front of a white wooden door, and she turned to the book and, smiling, said, "You know what's through here, don't you?" Michael swallowed hard and nodded, "People talk about all sorts of weird stuff that goes on behind there. It's called the ritual room." She laughed and shook her head, "Religion is a lost cause on most of you males, so you mock what you do not understand. It's true, rituals are performed through here, but we don't sacrifice chickens, as some say. The truth, Michael, is that I brought you here today, because I want to help you." "H...Help me?" Michael asked nervously. She nodded, "You see, my child, you are filled with much grief and longing, but know not how to channel it. You cry, but resolve nothing with your tears. I can help you gain understanding and knowledge about how to help yourself. I can help you...achieve peace." Michael took a step back and began to feel scared. Stuttering, he said, "I...I...I don't know. What are you...I mean...What are we going to do?" Margaret reached down and put a hand on his shoulder, then said reassuringly, "Don't worry, Michael, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. We could simply talk, if you want." Michael took a deep breath and peered around the dark temple, then back at Margaret, "No, I...I mean, what...what are...what do you want to do in there...I mean, to me?" Margaret smiled, "I don't want to do anything to you. I just know a religious ritual that may help you feel better and, if you're open, I'm sure you'll find that it helps you." Michael bit his lower lip in thought, and then said, "You're not a spell on me, are you?" She shook her and, putting her hand on his back, she opened the door and said, "The more you worry, the deeper you sink into total darkness. If, at any time, you feel uncomfortable, then you may leave." He slowly nodded and followed her as they made their way into the dark room. She closed the door behind them, making the room totally black. Michael was scared at first, but suddenly he heard a snap and saw Margaret standing in front of him, lighting a bunch of candles sitting on a marble table. Michael detected a very sweet smell in the room and, for every candle that she lit, the smell got more intense. The more Michael smelled it, the more he wanted to and he began to feel his head spinning. After she had lit twenty or so of the candles, she turned around, her eyes glowing in the glittering light, and said, "Now, Michael, I'm going to ask you to do a few things and I want you to remember that if, at any time, you don't want to do something or you want to leave, then just go. Do you understand?" Michael nodded slowly, but was so focused on that beautiful smell that he didn't hear anything except a string of sounds coming from her mouth." Bending down, she opened a small cabinet on the floor, in the upper left corner of the room, and pulled out a small bottle of a bluish liquid. As she turned the cap, opening up the bottle, she looked at Michael and said, "Michael, before I begin, I'm going to need you to take off all your clothes." Michael nodded obediently, totally drunk on the smell of the powerful incense, and pulled his tank top up over his head, leaving it on the floor in front of him. After that, he slowly unbuttoned his shorts, letting them fall to the floor where he kicked them off. Standing naked before the High Priestess, he simply stared ahead blankly. She smiled at him and said, "Now, lay face down on the table next to you." Michael nodded and shuffled over to a long table a few feet beside him. It was raised off the ground and appeared to be made of white leather, but when Michael lay down on top of it, it felt like velvet against his front. Closing his eyes, he let his arms dangle off the sides and he sighed in contentment. He soon heard footsteps walk over beside him and he jerked as he felt something hot and wet running over the small of his back. "Don't worry!" He heard Margaret say beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder, "It's just a special lotion that I have." Michael could feel himself regaining his senses back somewhat and he inquired softly, "Wha...What are you doing?" "Just lie forward and relax." He heard her say, "I'm going to rub this lotion into your skin and I want you to just keep taking deep breaths." Before he could even think about protesting, he felt her hands move down his body and slowly knead his muscles, working the lotion into his skin. He groaned as he felt the stress being massaged out of his back. As the lotion got absorbed into his pores, he began to feel as though his whole body was wrapped in a warm blanket. Her hands moved up and began massaging his neck and he heard her say, "Michael, I want you to tell me about when you first met Zachary." Michael felt as though he was floating. He could see nothing but blackness, and could only feel the warmth in his body and hear the sound of Margaret's voice. All other sensations seemed to disappear. It was as if he'd lost consciousness, but was still coherent to those two things. In a slightly slurred voice, he responded, "Zachary was so beautiful. We were such great friends when we first met. On the night after the `Choosing,' we went up to our room, locked the door and fucked all night long. For the `Showing' the next day, we had to be woken up and neither of us could walk properly, because our asses were throbbing. God, every freaking day for a month after that, we fucked and fucked. When we weren't fucking, we slept and slept. I think there were days when we just forgot to eat and never left the room. It was so great." Margaret's hands moved back down the boy's body and began to knead the small of his back. She nodded in interest and said, "Yes, I remember all that. What happened afterwards, when you began to get tired of having sex all the time?" Michael sighed and said, "It began to get really boring to fuck all the time. I kept seeing Shawn and Bryan kissing and hugging and doing really romantic stuff. I really wanted romantic stuff like that too, so I began to snuggle with Zachary, after we'd had sex. He never liked it, though. He'd usually shove me off him and tell me to let him sleep. I also wanted to watch the sunset with him, a few times, but he always said that he wasn't into shit like that. I said it was all right. I said, all the time, that I didn't need to snuggle or watch the sunrise or sunset. I said I didn't need to do shit like that either." As Michael said the last few sentences, Margaret could see tears form in his eyes and begin sliding down his cheeks. She rubbed more lotion into her hands and continued to massage the small of his back, then nodded again and said, "But it wasn't all right, was it Michael?" "No." Michael sniffled, "I kept saying it, but I never meant it. He always wanted to go biking or play sports and I kept doing all that stuff, always thinking that it would make him want to be close to me." "It never did, though, did it, Michael?" Margaret responded. Michael began to cry harder, but was still understandable, "He loved his fucking sports, but I never did! I wanted to do stuff to make him happy, but it just made me miserable! I showed him all the cool places that were close by, but he never thanked me! He just looked around for a while, left and then used me as some freaking sex toy! I was a fucking blowup-doll who he could mess around with! I tried so hard to make him love me, but it never worked! I don't even know why I told him that I loved him! I mean, I knew that he didn't love me, so why did I even ask? I hate him so much!" "But you don't, do you?" Margaret said, moving his hands up to his neck again, working more warm lotion into his skin. "No." Michael sobbed, "I wish it were true, but I still love that son of a bitch and I don't know why! I have to keep myself from being nice to him, because I'd keep letting him fuck me and I don't want to let him! I...I just wish he loved me." "How much do you love him, Michael?" she asked. "More than my own life! I'd do anything for him! I love the way he looks in the morning and before he goes to bed at night! I want to be with him always and, whether or not he ever loves me, I will always feel this way about him! Every time I look at him, I fall in love with him all over again." Margaret nodded and stepped back, letting Michael cry for a few minutes. While he sobbed, Margaret put the lotion away and got another bottle from the cabinet. Wiping her hands of the previous lotion with a towel, she covered them in the new solution and then walked back to Michael. "Michael, I'd like you to now turn over onto your back." She told him. He sniffled and obediently rolled over, still lost in semi-consciousness and his eyes still shut. She walked over again and looked down at the boy's resting form. Putting his hands down, she began rubbing the new lotion into his stomach and chest. "Michael," she said, "I'd like you to tell me about your old friend, Carter." A smile passed over Michael's face and he said, "Carter was such a funny kid. When my parents abandoned me, I met him on the streets and we'd keep ourselves distracted by having fun with each other. We'd run around and play games and he'd always want to play these wrestling games, which I didn't like. At night, it would sometimes get cold, so we'd curl up in an alley together and hold each other as we went to sleep. Even after we found Bryan's hotel, we still slept together sometimes, but he didn't stay at the hotel. He liked to steal food from the market and stuff, so I didn't see him as much as I would have liked to. He'd always come around for my birthdays, though." Margaret nodded as she stroked the boy's slightly defined pectoral muscles, and inquired, "Michael, can you tell me about the first time you ever realized that you loved Carter?" Michael's smile faded, "It was when Shawn and he came to the hotel. Carter came in and told me about all the exciting stuff that he'd seen at the palace and, as I stood there and watched him waving his arms around and telling me how huge everything was and how he was like a prince, I began getting a funny feeling in my stomach. I got an impulse to reach out and kiss Carter right on his beautiful lips. His hair and eyes never looked so sweet and he just looked so great. I hadn't seen him for a few months and I never realized how much I missed him until that moment. I mean, I know that I was only nine, but at that moment, I wanted to be really close to Carter and I somehow knew that I was in love with him." Margaret smiled slightly, then took a deep breath and said, "Michael, after you were attacked by the spy and you escaped through the window, what were you thinking as you ran back to the palace?" Tears began to flow down Michael's face again as he said, "I was thinking...I was thinking...that I was scared and that I was a coward who was running out on his friend. I was thinking that I needed to get Shawn and Bryan. I...I also was thinking that it was the last time I was going to see Carter...and I was right...." By the time he said the last sentence, he was sobbing again. Margaret remained unaffected though, and she continued to stroke his chest as she said, "Michael, can you go back to the moment you first heard that Carter died?" Michael continued to sob as he said, "I...I couldn't believe it. Lucas, Brett, Shawn and Bryan had come back from the hotel. Shawn and Bryan were taken to the doctor immediately, but Lucas sat down with me and he just said, `Listen, Mike...I'm really sorry, but Carter died. We tried to bring him back, but there was no way. He'd lost too much blood.' I remember just sitting there for a few seconds and thinking that this was some joke. I think I had gone stupid or something, because I kept looking over at the door and expecting Carter to burst in and then everybody would start laughing, but I was mostly sure that he really was dead. Then, I just started crying and I didn't stop until I passed out. I was in such pain and that last moment with Carter kept going through my head again and again. All the blood and the children...It was just so awful." Margaret nodded and, slowly, moved her lotion-covered hands down and rubbed them gently across Michael's penis and scrotum. While she did that, she looked up at Michael and said, "Michael, do you love Zachary as much as you loved Carter? If you could choose one, which would you pick?" Michael's sobs slowly tapered off until he stopped completely, as if nothing had happened, and he said, "If I could pick who I loved more, then I'd pick Zachary, but I cared about Carter more. Carter was like a really good friend. Zachary, I wish, is more so." Margaret wrapped her hand around Michael's penis and squeezed it gently, before smiling at him and saying, "Then, as of this moment, I want you to consider yourself free of your emotional shackles. Don't risk losing Zachary like you lost Carter. Go to him, Michael, and tell him how you feel. Do it tonight." Michael's eyes opened slowly and he looked over and smiled at her, before getting off the table and slowly getting dressed. "So, how do you feel?" She inquired. Michael laughed, "Slimy, but I'll be okay. What did you do, anyway?" She shook her head, "Just some chicken sacrificing." As she extinguished the candles, put the bottle away and washed her hands, Michael walked out of the room. He was feeling confident for the first time in his life and it was time to go and confront his fears. For the sake of Carter's memory, he was going to make Zachary love him. For some reason, he knew that it was possible. It was possible and he'd achieve it. Somehow.... Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 14: The Kids Aren't Alright Bryan locked the door behind them and, walking over to the soft looking bed, fell backwards onto it. Looking up at the ceiling, he groaned and exclaimed to nobody in particular, "Can you believe that shit?!" Shawn nodded as he strode around the room, opening drawers and cupboards, searching for where the clothes might be. "Do you guys hate me?" Jordan asked, slowly walking away from beside the door and toward the bed. Bryan lifted his head up and, rubbing the bump on the back of it, exclaimed, "Not as much as I hate that old bastard of a king!" "Bryan, King Robert isn't a bastard..." Shawn lectured, as he opened up a dresser drawer and looked around inside, "He's just...well...overly proper. He might stick to the rules a little too..." Shawn stopped talking and, straightening up, he turned to Bryan and laughed, declaring, "Actually, you're right! King Robert is an old bastard, isn't he?" Bryan smiled and nodded, laying back on the bed and rubbing his eyes with his fingers. Working himself back into the conversation, Jordan repeated, "But, do you guys hate me?" Going back to searching through the drawers, Shawn mumbled, "No, Jordan, we don't hate you." "Because even though you got us arrested," Bryan said, adding on to Shawn's statement, "you did help us escape the ship and things ended up working out in the end. We're going home." Shutting the last drawer of the bureau, with a growl of exasperation, Shawn stood up and turned to Jordan. With a small smile and slight blush, he queried, "Jordan, I've been meaning to ask you...Why do you seem mean, what's with all the..." Looking up, Bryan smiled and interrupted with, "Why are you so horny all the time?" "Yeah." Shawn said, nodding. Jordan shrugged and said, "I dunno. My brothers always used to do stuff with me and it felt really good, so now I like doing the stuff with myself and other people." Bryan giggled, "You're some kid! Is that why you were jacking off in front of the king?" Jordan blushed and said, "He made me feel nervous, so I tried to make myself feel better." Shawn smiled and shook his head, as he walked over to another bureau. His smile faded, though, as he futilely searched through it. Bryan sat up and stretched, then said, "Have you tried the closet, Shawnie?" Shawn slammed shut the drawer, then looked over at Bryan and queried, "What closet? Where?" Bryan pointed over at a door near the front of the room. "I thought that was the bathroom...." Shawn muttered as he strode across the room and over to the door. Opening it up, he laughed as he saw that it was a closet and it was full of various articles of clothing. Turning to Bryan, he asked, "How did you know?" Bryan stood up from the bed and, looking over at Shawn, shrugged and said, "I didn't. I thought it was the bathroom, too." Shawn growled playfully and then began sifting through the closet. Meanwhile, Bryan turned toward Jordan and commented, "You know, I think your family might get a little worried that you're not still on that boat. Won't they miss you?" Jordan frowned and shook his head, "I don't think so. Everybody always called me a pain in the ass and treated me more like a slave than a prince. I'm glad to leave!" "But won't they get angry with your disappearance and send massive amounts of troops to get you back?" Jordan shrugged and exclaimed, "Probably, but I don't want them to find them. If they did, they'd probably beat me bloody." Bryan sat back on the bed and said, "Interesting position you've put us in. If they don't get you back, they'll likely attack Whiteshadow Isle mercilessly. If they do, they'll make you suffer." "But they won't get him back." Shawn cut in, approaching the bed with a handful of clothes, "If Jordan doesn't want to return, then we'll protect him and just have to suffer the consequences." "Isn't that very un-princelike, Shawnie?" Bryan inquired, smiling, "I mean, I haven't read as much of the royal books as you, but doesn't it clearly state that the safety of the kingdom outweighs the safety of the single citizen?" Shawn smiled back and crossed his arms across his chest, "Come now, Bryan...Just because I memorized all those rules, doesn't mean I have to follow all of them." His smile fading, he continued, "I refuse to sacrifice our young companion here, just because his kingdom attacks us." Jordan cocked his head and inquired, "But my country was going to attack yours even before I left the ship, wasn't it?" Shawn threw the clothes onto the bed and him and Bryan turned toward Jordan in shock. "N...N...Not as far as we knew...." Bryan exclaimed nervously. "Those soldiers...." Shawn said to himself, then turning toward Jordan, he said, "We encountered a few soldiers back in our country, but...but there were only a few." Jordan shrugged, "Before we left Cargenon, I heard my dad talk about sending the army to Whiteshadow Isle. He said that they'd be taken care of within a month." Bryan lay back on the bed and laughed, "So, we're here, getting yelled at for not wearing a tuxedo and bow-tie, while, meanwhile, our country is being attacked." Suddenly, he sat up again and exclaimed to Shawn, "But our guards can handle them, can't they? I mean, we'll just destroy them like we destroy every other threat, won't we?" Shawn sat down on the bed beside Bryan and, his face a mask of sadness, shrugged and said, "I don't know. I thought we were winning this war...I thought Colonel Lance had the situation well at hand. It makes no sense that he'd even allow a ship to escape carrying troops bound for Whiteshadow Isle." "We publically executed a Colonel Lance of Whiteshadow Isle a few months ago." Jordan said softly. Bryan lay back on the bed and groaned in frustration. Shawn turned to Jordan, but didn't register much shock. Instead, he simply shrugged again and said, "Makes sense. Colonel Lance tried to build up our hopes by telling us that we were winning the war, when, really, we were losing. Undoubtedly, our troops have all been destroyed in Cargenon and they're just coming to finish us off with their metal tube weapons." "Rifles." Jordan corrected. "Whatever." Bryan said, "The fact, is that we're sitting in Bismark with our thumbs up our asses, and our country is being taken over. We won't even be back for over a month and it'll probably only be to survey the ruins of our country and be executed like everybody else." "Our fathers...our sisters...our mother..." Shawn sighed, "Whiteshadow Isle only have one possible chance." "Which would be?" Bryan inquired. Shawn shrugged, "With the loss of our colonel, we need another one to plot strategy with our troops. My father is a smart man and, if backed into a corner, he could easily find a replacement who would probably be willing to help defend our country and would even be just as good as Colonel Lance, if not better." Bryan's head turned toward Shawn, "Please tell me that you don't mean who I think you mean!" Shawn sat back up and shrugged. He opened his mouth to explain, when there was a sudden knock on the door. All three of their heads turned and they heard the voice of Prince David saying, "Ten minutes to dinner, children." Bryan turned toward Shawn, his qualms momentarily gone and said, "What a prick! `Ten minutes to dinner, children.' I mean, come on!" Shawn stood up and shrugged, "When in Bismark...Do as the Bismarkians do." Shawn sorted through the clothing and handed it out to Bryan and Jordan. As they got undressed and began putting on the new clothing, each of them had several thoughts racing through their minds. Jordan was the first to voice his. As he tucked in his navy blue dress shirt and buttoned his sky blue corduroys, Jordan looked at Shawn and said, "Shawn...I'm really sorry about what my country is doing to yours." Shawn shrugged and said, "Don't be. You're just a kid and have nothing to do with all this shit. Your only concern should be to learn to keep your dick in check. You leave the political and military matters for us to worry about, okay, sweetheart?" Jordan nodded and struggled with his white necktie. Shawn smiled and walked over, helping Jordan with it. "We really have to get home, Shawnie." Bryan commented as he buttoned up his black vest, "I feel so helpless here." Shawn nodded as he finished with Jordan's necktie and worked on buckling his belt, without looking up, he said, "We'll be home soon, Bryan. Just keep positive." There was another knock at the door and a shouted, "Come on, people, let's get moving! Father is waiting!" To Bryan and Jordan's surprise, Shawn yelled, "Would you just shut the fuck up?! We're coming, god dammit!" Bryan turned to Shawn and smiled, "Finally, a little life from the stone!" Shawn smiled, a slight blush to his cheeks, and shrugged, "He was just really pissing me off!" Finally, they were all dressed. Shawn looked over the two younger boys and made a few last-minute pulls and tucks, then nodded. Jordan looked really adorable, with light blue corduroys, a Bismark navy blue, collared silk shirt, a white necktie and shiny white dress shoes. Bryan wore an emerald green dress shirt, a black suede vest, black breeches and dark-green dress shoes. Shawn thought he looked like some psycho leprechaun. Shawn wore a puffy orange dress shirt, a black blazer, black breeches and black leather dress shoes. With a huge grin, he imitated a lisp, saying, "Look at u-th! We look th-imply th-sma-th-ing! I've never th-een us look th-o th-uper!" Bryan laughed and, using the same tone, confirmed, "You're th-o th-illy, Th-awnie!" All three boys giggled as they brushed their hair with their fingers. Finally, feeling ready, Shawn ran over to the door and opened it for his companions. Smiling, Bryan and Jordan walked through it and the three followed a guard, waiting outside the door, down toward the dining room. As they entered the room, they saw that, already seated at the table, were King Robert and Prince David. Both looked up at the three as they entered, shooting them negative looks. "Princes Shawn, Bryan and...*sneer*...Jordan, I'm sure that in your respective countries, it's still considered quite rude to be late for the meals." King Robert said sharply. Shawn sighed and said, "Your Majesty, we apologize for our tardiness. I had a bit of difficulty with...." Shawn's voice trailed off and he shook his head. "With what?" King Robert probed. Shawn stood there silent for a few seconds, then, after turning to look at Bryan and Jordan, he turned back and shook his head and said simply, "No." "No?" King Robert asked. Shawn shook his head again, "No...No, I'm done being all royal and shit with you! Before, you were being a real asshole with us and I won't stand for it anymore! Just because you're having problems with your son, doesn't mean you can act like a fucking jackass toward us! You may be king of this country and we may be in your home, but that's no excuse for the way you're treating us! Geez, when I was taught that Whiteshadow Isle was the nicest place, it may not have just been propaganda! Now, either stop with this bullshit, or, when I get back to my country, I'll see to it that Bismark pays for its treatment of us!" King Robert nodded, "Yes, yes I have been treating you badly, haven't I? Well, that's going to change right now." The king snapped his fingers. Four guards left their posts and approached him. Staring directly at Shawn, he commanded, "Take the three boys down to the dungeon and serve them their dinner there! If they don't like the rules and laws of the land, then they can stay where others who feel that way are!" Before the guards could advance on the surprised boys, a voice rang out from the door way, "Not so fast, Robert!" All heads turned to the doorway, to see a tall, brown-haired woman, dressed in priestess robes, standing there. "You will leave Prince Shawn and his friends alone." She said simply, as she walked further into the room. :"But, High Priestess Anna," King Robert protested, "they insult me! They disobey our rules! They consort with criminals! Shawn even called me a `fucking jackass!'" Walking over behind the king, she gripped his shoulders and massaged them gently. "Oh, Robert," she laughed, "you are a fucking jackass and I usually find it so fun, however I will not stand for ill treatment of Prince Shawn. He's my friend and his country is the nicest on this planet." "The nicest, Anna?" King Robert inquired, surprised. Smiling, she stepped away from King Robert and began walking over to the three boys. Looking back, she said, "Oh, Robert, Bismark has its qualities, but it can't compare to the beauty of Whiteshadow Isle, you know that!" "Well, I don't think..." King Robert began to say. "Hush!" She said, "Stop thinking and eat your soup!" The king obediently did what he was told. The high priestess walked over in front of the three boys and she gazed at Shawn, smiling, "It's very good to see you again, Your Highness." Shawn smiled back and, taking her hand, he pulled it up to his mouth and kissed her priestess's ring, then gazed up at her and said, "The feeling is, most assuredly, mutual." Despite being totally homosexual, Shawn found Anna to be the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. She looked to be in her twenties, but Shawn knew that she was almost twice that. She had long, straight, honey-brown hair that went down to just past her shoulders and framed her face. On the back, she had two thin French braids halfway down her hair. When Shawn stared at her, he looked into two big beautiful azure pools that were on either side of a thin, perfectly sculpted nose. Her lips didn't need makeup, as they had a natural pinkness, and two adorable creases at the corners, when she smiled. Bryan didn't have the same totality of gayness, and Shawn could see him staring dreamily at the high priestess's shapely body, its curves visible beneath her flowing robe. Jordan was blushing bright red and staring at the floor, occasionally shooting glances at the shapes of her breasts underneath her clothing. Motioning toward the table, she said, "Come. Sit." Shawn nodded and elbowed Bryan, knocking him out of his reverie. He looked around quickly and followed Shawn and Jordan as they sat down at the table. Bryan appearing to be praying that she'd sit next to them, but, as soon as the boys were seated, she made her way back up the table and took her seat next to King Robert. "So," she said to Shawn, "I hear you requested my presence to accompany you back to Whiteshadow Isle tomorrow morning?" Shawn swallowed his spoonful of soup and nodded, saying, "If we have to go with anybody, I want it to be you." She smiled, "Aww, that's so sweet of you." Then, turning toward Bryan, she said, "So, Prince Bryan, how have you faring? I haven't seen you for six years! You've grown so much!" Bryan shrugged and smiled, "Yes, it has been too long, High Priestess. I'm glad to see you again." She gave him a wink and said, "Yes...I can see that you are." Turning to the third boy, she grinned largely and inquired, "And who are you, child?" The brown-haired prince of Cargenon took a deep breath and, with crimson cheeks, stuttered, "I...I...I'm J...Jor...Jordan, High P...High Priestess...Anna." "He's the prince of Cargenon that came here with Shawn and Bryan, Anna." Prince David added, after swallowing a mouthful of bread. Anna regarded David as he spoke, then turned back toward Jordan and said, "Well, well...So you're the prince that has our dear king in such a beastly mood. If Shawn trusts you, however, I shall trust you to." Jordan hastily went back to eating his meal and Anna turned her attention back to Shawn, "So, Shawn, how is your father?" Shawn shrugged, "Well enough, I suppose. Feeling his age, sometimes, but he can still play a mean game of soccer." They both laughed and Anna said, smiling her sweet smile, "Yes, I would believe so! And your mother?" Shawn smiled, "She's quite well. Services have been drawing in many people as of late, so her temple is flourishing. Training continues for Priestess Rebecca to succeed her, but she still appears to have a good many years left in her, knock on wood." "And how goes the war with Cargenon?" She inquired, her smile fading as she knew the answer. Shawn shook his head, "Not well, I'm afraid. It would appear that our colonel has been killed and Cargenonon troops have already invaded Whiteshadow Isle. That's why we are in such a hurry to return." "Shawn had this really stupid idea that his father would give Blade Garrett control of the army again, since we recently found him back on the isle and had him arrested." Bryan added. Anna nodded her head, "Hmm, seems like a problematic dilemma." "You mean, Colonel Garrett?" Jordan cut in. Shawn shrugged, "Not anymore, we stripped and...." His voice trailed off as the realization came upon him. Turning toward Jordan quickly, Bryan asked, "Jordan, why did you just call him `Colonel Garrett?'" Jordan shrugged, "Blade Garrett arrived on Cargenon about four years ago. My father made him colonel and gave him control of the Cargenon armies. Why do you ask?" Shawn jumped up from his seat. Turning toward King Robert, he yelled, "Your Majesty, we have to get home....NOW!" Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 15: Written all Over my Heart It was going on nine-thirty by the time Michael returned to his room. The smell was as overpowering as always, and he winced at it as he walked in and shut the door behind him. Zachary was laying on the filthy bed, reading a book, but on closer inspection, Michael saw that the cover read, `Improving Your Football Game.' Zachary's shirt lay on the floor beside the bed and his long brown hair was splayed about his naked chest, providing its own coverage of the young teenager's muscular torso. The old Michael would have been so turned on, that he would have jumped on the bed, grabbed Zachary and fucked him until their cocks and asses were sore. The new, refined Zachary, however, stood firm. "Hello." Michael said simply, as he walked further into the room. Zachary looked up from his book and said, "So, are you going to tell me what was wrong with you before, or not?" Michael nodded and said, "Actually, I am, but you have to get dressed, because we're going out." Zachary sighed and, looking back at his book, he said, "No, Mike, I'm too tired tonight. Why can't you just tell me here?" The blond prince put his hands on his hips and shook his head, "It's very important to me that we go out to do this. Please?" Zachary nodded, closing the book and setting it down on the bed, then, groaning, he swung his legs over the side and stood up. "Do I really need my shirt?" Zachary whined. Looking slightly annoyed, Michael exclaimed, "I suppose not. Look, just come on, okay?!" "Do I need shoes?" Zachary inquired. Michael reached out and took Zachary's hand, growling, "Just come on!" "Okay, okay! I'm coming! Let go of my hand!" Zachary bitched as Michael dragged him to the door of their room. Once they got there, Michael let go of Zachary's hand and, turning to him, said in a calm voice, "Okay, just follow me." Michael closed the door behind Zachary and began walking down the hallway. Zachary, sporting a confused look, followed him. They headed down the hallway, down the stairs and toward the main gate. "Hey, where are we going, anyway?" Zachary probed, walking beside Michael. "You'll see...." He mumbled, as he continued his trek down the dark hallway. Once they arrived at the main gate, the night guards smiled at Michael and Zachary and helped them open the huge doors. The two boys walked through and entered the palace courtyard. The clear sky was dark with night and a half-moon hung in the sky, surrounded by many stars. The air smelled sweet with the aroma of the palace flower gardens, trapped in the wind. Off in the distance, the tiny flickering lights of the town of Dawson illuminated the view slightly. Sounds were scarce at this time, limited only to the almost inaudible voices down in the village and the quiet sounds of footsteps from the patrolling guards. In the center of it all, right in the middle of the courtyard, were a small tableclothed table and two chairs. On the table were two small candles, with flames flickering in the gentle evening breeze, a large bottle of Whiteshadow crystal wine and two simple goblets. "I set something up for us." Michael said proudly, as he walked toward the table. Zachary continued playing the ignorant one and asked, "Set what up? What the heck is going on, Michael?" When they arrived at the table, Michael walked over to one end and pulled the chair out, looking over at Zachary and announcing, "Please take a seat." Zachary shrugged and walked over to the other chair, pulled it out and sat down. Michael sighed and sat down in the chair that he was holding. Zachary looked across the table at Michael and asked, "So, what's going on here?" Michael smiled and said, "First, would you like some wine?" Zachary continued to look confused and he shrugged and said, "I guess so, but what's the deal with this whole candlelight thing under the moon? We're like one of those sappy couples from those chick books!" Michael shrugged off that comment and, taking the already-opened bottle, filled each of the goblets half-full with wine. Even before he put the bottle down, Zachary had picked up his glass and drained it. Immediately, the young boy went into a coughing fit that almost made Michael crack up. "You okay?" Michael asked, concerned. Zachary coughed a few more times and then gasped, "Yeah....great." "Want some more?" Michael asked, smiling. Zachary's face blushed with the alcohol and he nodded. Michael poured a little more into his friend's cup, before putting the bottle down and gazing at him across the table. Zachary seemed less inclined to slam back this glass. "Now," Michael decided to begin with, "do you know why I got so upset at you before?" Zachary shrugged, "Nope." Michael sat back in his seat and took a small sip of the strong wine, before replying, "Okay, can you think of anything that you might have said or done, today that might have made me angry with you?" Zachary sat back and seemed to be genuinely thinking that question through, before answering, "Umm...Not really." "Okay," Michael answered, swallowing back his growing frustration along with another sip of wine, "do you really care why I was so upset today?" At that, the brown-haired youngster nodded and said, "Well, yeah...." "Oh?" Michael inquired, "Why do you care?" Zachary laughed and said, "Come on, Mike! You're my best friend and I was worried! Now, are you gonna tell me why you were all sad today, or what?" Michael couldn't hold back his smile and he responded, "Zac, do you really think I'm your best friend?" "Well, yeah." Zachary said, smirking, "I mean, it's not as if I have anybody else, is it? You are my friend, aren't you?" Leaning forward, Michael took a large sip of the wine and, looking straight at Zachary, said, "Well, I don't know. How would you feel if I told you that I wasn't your friend?" Zachary's shoulders slumped forward and, for the first time since Michael had known him, the brown-haired boy looked like he was about to cry. Looking at Michael sadly, he exclaimed, "I would feel...oh man...I dunno. I'd be really bummed, because...well...So, you aren't my friend?! Why not? Oh geez, what did I do?! I'm so sorry! Please say you're still my friend!" Michael nodded, "I'm still your friend, but something very similar happened today, where I asked you something and you said no. That got me really bummed and it was the reason I was so sad today and it's what I want to talk to you about." Zachary stared at Michael for a few seconds, before realization passed over his face and he exclaimed, "Oh! You mean the whole love thing?" Michael nodded. Zachary took a large gulp of wine from the glass, then gasped and said, "Come on! You're my friend and I'm cool with that, but...I mean...I'm not into all that love stuff." Michael smirked, "You seem fine with the fucking." Zachary laughed, "Well, yeah! I mean, it's fun and it feels good! It's just like playing basketball or going biking with you." "So," Michael replied sadly, "you don't feel...anything more than friendship, when we have sex?" "Not really." Zachary replied, "Like I said, it's fun and it feels good." "Okay," Michael said, sitting back, "that's fair enough. Now let me tell you something. Whenever we fuck, I'm enjoying not only the feeling, but also being really close to you and making you feel good. Afterwards, when you drift off to sleep without snuggling or even kissing me, I still feel total love for you and I'll sometimes lie in bed and look at how beautiful you look while you're asleep. So peaceful. So happy...." Michael refilled his wine goblet and gazed at Zachary, looking for his reaction. Zachary stared at Michael and his young face registered confusion. Finally, he said, " watch me while I'm asleep?" Michael nodded, "I do it a lot." " think I'm beautiful?" Zachary questioned, his eyebrows raising. Michael smiled and commented, "From your cute face right down to your adorable toes, I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." Zachary opened his mouth and began to say something, but it again and seemed to be thinking. Finally, he shrugged and said, his blue eyes gleaming in the candlelight, "No...Nobody's...ever...ever said I was beautiful before...." "Well, you are, trust me." Michael reassured, before continuing, "Ever since I met you, I wanted to do like Shawn and Bryan do. I wanted to take you to the lake and have a picnic under the stars. I wanted to get up really early and watch the sunrise with you in my arms. After sex, I actually wanted to hold you for a little while, without you rolling over and going to sleep. Dammit, Zachary, I wanted to feel your lips against mine and have it not be a prelude to sex! I wanted to actually `make love' instead of `fuck'!" Zachary shrugged and shook his head, confused, "But...but I'm your friend! We do loads of other stuff together, don't we? We go on hikes and bike rides and explore ruins! We play basketball and soccer and football and floor hockey! Don't we do enough stuff together without you worrying about that mushy crap? Holding back his exasperation, Michael drained his glass and refilled it, before saying, "Zachary, I hate sports! I hate soccer and basketball and floor hockey and football! I hate going out on blisteringly hot days and sweating while I pedal like mad to keep up with you! I hate going on hikes and getting bitten by mosquitos and stung by bees! I like sitting in the palace and reading. I like playing my lute. I like going into town and finding out what's happening in the world." "So," Zachary shrugged and inquired, "why do you always seem so excited to do all that stuff, if you really hate it?" Michael looked at Zachary thoughtfully and said, "Zac, give me your hands." "Why?" Zachary inquired nervously. "Just give them to me, please." Zachary slowly extended his arms across the table. Michael took both of Zachary's hands into his own and squeezed them gently, then, while looking into the young boy's puzzled eyes, Michael said softly, "Zac...I do those things...because I love you. I'm not excited because we're going to play basketball or football. I'm not excited because we're going hiking or for a bike ride. I'm excited...because, by doing these things, it allows me to spend time with you and to talk to you. I happen to love that mushy crap and, since you never want to watch a sunrise with me and never want to hug me, I have to settle for doing something that I don't enjoy doing, simply because it gives me a chance to be with you. That, my sweet Zachary, is why I do all that stuff." Michael opened his hands and let Zachary's go. They slowly retracted across the table and down to his sides, all the while Zachary didn't once take his eyes off Michael. They stared at each other for almost a minute and a half, before Zachary shook his head and said, "I...I don't...I don't know what to say. I feel really bad now, because if you can do all that stuff that you don't like, maybe I should do that other stuff that I don't like...." Michael shook his head, "You sort of missed the point. I like playing basketball and floor hockey and going hiking. I don't like it because I find it fun; I like it because you like it. If you don't feel like doing the romantic stuff with me, then you shouldn't. I...I just thought I'd let you know how I felt, because I did promise to tell you why I was so upset." Zachary nodded, and said simply "Yeah." Michael smiled and, standing up, said, "Well, I guess that takes care of that. I said what I had to say, so we can go back to the palace now...I mean, if you want to. The guards can take care of this." Zachary looked up at Michael blankly for a few seconds, before slowly standing up and saying, "Y...Yeah, I kinda would like to go back right about now." Michael nodded and slowly started walking back toward the palace. "Wait!" Michael turned around and saw Zachary standing behind him, with that same befuddled look on his face. Shrugging, he said, "Well, does this romantic stuff work?" Michael smiled, "You really want to know?" Zachary shrugged, "I...I guess. I mean, it can't be that bad...Can it?" Michael cocked his head and giggled, "It depends." Zachary smiled and giggled too, then his laugh faded and he said, "Okay, seriously...What do" Michael looked around and said, "Well, first, let's walk over to that grassy patch off the stone path." Zachary nodded and followed Michael off the path and onto the palace lawn. There, Michael sat down and looked up at Zachary, saying, "Well, I'll sit down here. Now, you sit down beside me." Zachary slowly walked over beside Michael and sat down. They sat there for several seconds, then Zachary asked, "Okay...Now what?" Michael shrugged, "Well, I guess we something affectionate or something." "Like what?" Zachary inquired. Michael thought for a second, then said, "Well, how about you give me your hand and I'll hold it like before." "Okay." Zachary said, shrugging, and extended his hand to Michael. The blond-haired royal took it and squeezed it lovingly. By doing so, his eyes met Zachary's and his head swam with a combination of the alcohol and his intense love for his chosen boy. "So..." Zachary said, still gazing at Michael, "What now?" "Well," Michael said, tearing his eyes away from Zachary's to regard the sky, "the moon is very romantic. Doesn't it look beautiful tonight?" Zachary looked up at the sky and stared at it for a few seconds, then looked at Michael again and said, "Yeah, it kinda is." Michael looked at Zachary and smiled. Zachary looked back at him and, giggling, said, "You know, in the chick books, this would be the part where the two people would kiss." Michael smiled and continued to gaze at Zachary, and the brown-haired boy gazed right back at him. After a few seconds, Michael's smile faded and he nodded and said, "It's okay. We don't have to. The moon is really nice, though." With that, both boys stared back up at the sky again, clutching each other's hand. Suddenly, Michael felt Zachary squeeze his hand tightly. Michael turned and saw the thirteen-year-old gazing at him, his eyes registering happiness, but the rest of his face showing total seriousness. Michael reached out and stroked his free hand through Zachary's hair and across his smooth, soft cheek. Zachary reached out too and put his free hand on Michael's cheek, rubbing it awkwardly. Then, in unison, they tightened the grip of both their hands and leaned in, pressing their lips hotly together, while still clutching each other's hand. Finally, they released each other's hand and they placed both their hands on either side of the other's face, pulling their lips as tightly together as possible. As their noses rubbed together and their tongues touched, Michael, for the first time in his entire life, felt completely...and totally...content. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 16: Bittersweet Symphony By Shawn's command and Anna's insistence, King Robert ended dinner and went about getting them passage on a ship, as soon as possible. By the time a crew was found and woken up, the boat prepped and ready and High Priestess Anna packed, it was going on one in the morning. The three princes and Anna hastily made their way aboard, and, without wasting any more time, the captain of the merchantman called for the anchor to be lifted, and the sails to be raised, and they were off. Shawn stood on the stern and gazed at the disappearing image of the town, as they sailed away from Bismark. A look of sadness was on his face, as stood there and felt totally helpless against the imminent threat to his people. He'd let Garrett's patriotic story sway him and it had made him lose focus on his surroundings. He'd let his defensiveness of Bryan cause him to send away the guards, so he could scold his husband in peace. Why had he let Bryan come along with him? At least one of them should still be at the palace! At least one of them should be there to help save the country. Would his father act in desperation and make Garrett the acting colonel, or would he see through his ruse and execute the bastard accordingly? What about Michael and Zachary? Did they have any idea at all about the storm that was brewing? And his sisters, stepsisters...and his mother...Would they survive whatever horrible plan Garrett had inevitably concocted, or would they be eliminated as well? And the people! What would.... His thoughts were cut off as he felt a hand grip his shoulder. He spun around to see the beautiful face of High Priestess Anna. She was smiling a grin of reassurance, but her eyes betrayed the fear that she shared with Shawn. "At least we're on our way." She reassured. Shawn shook his head and said softly, "It'll be too late." "What if the boy is lying about Garrett being a colonel for Cargenon's armies?" She inquired. Shawn gazed at Anna forlornly and responded, "What reason would he have for lying? If Garrett is not a traitor, then by the time we arrive back at Whiteshadow Isle, he'll either be executed for his crime of trespassing or will have led our armies in victory over Cargenon. Either way, the boy serves no purpose in sending us back with the intention of revealing Garrett's treachery, unless what he says is true. " Anna nodded, "Possibly, but he is from Cargenon, Prince Shawn. Are you fully sure that you can trust him?" Shawn turned back from the railing of the boat and replied, "Utterly. I've read his words carefully and, though I make no covenants about being infallible, I believe that he is genuine." Anna nodded and said, "Your Majesty, I've always trusted your judgement, ever since you delivered the stirring speech that ended the gender wars, back when you were only just beginning to shave. If you say that you trust Prince Jordan, then I will stand by you and make no more mention of the topic. Now, I must take my leave; I have a very unsanitary hold assigned as my sleeping area, and it must be cleaned and blessed before I retire. I shall leave by asking you to stay strong and hopeful. We shall be there within forty-five days and worrying will only make your trip that much longer and more difficult." With that, she gave his blazer-covered shoulder one final squeeze, before releasing it and slowly walking off down the deck. Shawn gave the disappearing landscape one more look, before spinning around and calling, "Anna!" The religious leader turned and smiled at him, replying, "Yes, Shawn?" Taking a deep breath of the salty ocean air, Shawn relayed, "Anna, I would like it if you would join me in my own chambers, after you are done cleaning yours. I have a very important matter that...well...I'd like to discuss with you." She nodded, "As you wish, Prince Shawn. I shall be there in about an hour or so." Shawn nodded and said, "Fine." She walked off down the misty deck until he could no longer see her. As he stood there, looking around and trying to figure out what to do, he jumped as he felt something smack his ass. He spun around to see young Jordan standing there with a small oar in his hand, giggling in his squeaky voice. Lunging his hand out, he grabbed the oar from the boy's hand and, smiling slightly, yelled, "Gimme that!" Jordan smiled and said, "You have a crush on the high priestess, don't you?" Shawn snorted and, tossing the oar across the deck, he said, "No, Jordan, I don't. I'm married, number one, and, number two, I'm gay." Jordan cocked his head, "Gay? Does that mean that you only like boys?" Shawn shook his head, "Not just boys. All males." Jordan smiled his wicked little smile and, reaching out, put his hand on Shawn's thigh, saying, "Well, what about boys?" Shawn gazed down at the boy and shook his head adamantly, "Not now, Jordan. I'm really not in the mood." Jordan blushed slightly and whined, his other hand rubbing the growing lump at the front of his corduroys, "Aww, come on! I'm so damn horny!" Shawn laughed, "You're always horny, kid. Why don't you find Bryan? I'm sure he'll be glad to do stuff with you." "I asked him already and he said that he wasn't in the mood! Why isn't anybody in the mood except me?" Jordan continued to whine. "Bryan not in the mood..." Shawn thought aloud, "That's not like him at all." Jordan shrugged, "Fine, then I'll just masturbate in front of you. You'll have to watch me because you can't resist and I won't stop until you agree to play with me!" With that, Jordan slowly moved his hands down his body and over the lump at the front of his pants. Closing his eyes, he began stroking it with his hands. He smiled and said, "I have to make sure it's totally hard before I jack off. I love rubbing myself like this, because it makes me feel so itchy." Shawn swallowed hard, but couldn't bring himself to walk away from the show in front of him. Jordan continued to stroke himself through his pants. He opened his mouth slightly and licked his lips, moaning, "Oh God! Feels so good...Ah...Oh...Ah...." Shawn stuck his hand in his pocket and adjusted his growing erection as he watched the eleven-year-old continue to play his game. Finally, the boy's hands moved up to the button of his pants and undid it. Opening his eyes, he smiled at Shawn devilishly as he saw the effect he was having on the young man. Slowly, he pulled down the zipper and hissed, "Oh baby, you're gonna love this..." Slowly, he tugged down his cords and, as soon they descended below his waist, his little three-inch erection sprung out and stood stiffly perpendicular to the boy's hairless body. It was already glowing red with friction and excitement. Grasping it in the first three fingers of his right hand, he looked at Shawn and smiled, saying, "Don't you just wanna suck on it all night long?" Shawn swallowed again and, feeling his breathing rate increasing, he stared at the boy's red-hot poker and licked his lips, not even bothering adjusting the stiff erection that he was now sporting, despite the anxiety he felt in his body. Closing his eyes again, the boy gripped his skinny erection with three fingers and began slowly stroking it. "Oh God...Feels so good...." Jordan moaned as he began thrusting to meet his stroking fingers. "Jordan, please...We're out in the open! Anybody can see you!" Shawn warned, as he absentmindedly stroked the lump at the front of his breeches. His body shivering in lust, Jordan groaned and said, "I don't care!" "Please stop doing that...." Shawn said half-heartedly. Jordan stroked his pricklet faster and panted, "If...If you want...want to have a piece...piece of me, you better...better hurry up! I'm...I'm...gonna..." Sighing, Shawn laughed and said, "Fine! Just please get off the main deck!" Jordan stopped jerking off and opened his eyes. His young face flushed with exertion, he said, "Great, let's go to your room and fuck like rabbits!" Shawn walked over and stroked Jordan's hair with his hand, "You're a strange kid, Jordan, but I love ya." "I love you too, Shawnie." Jordan replied. Shooting him an amusing look, Shawn watched as the kid pulled his pants back up. He then put his hand on the boy's back, steadying him on his wobbly legs, as they walked over to the ship's stairs and headed down toward where his room was. It was a big enough ship that there happened to be four small holds, enough for each of the three princes and Anna to have their own room. Escorting Jordan down into his room, Shawn closed and clasped the trap door, then turned to face him. Without exchanging any further words, Shawn grabbed the boy in his arms and carried him over to the old mattress that was to be his bed for the next month-and-a-half or so. Once there, he tossed him onto it and watched as he bounced, giggling childishly, upon its springy surface, before crawling over on top of him. They gazed at each other lustfully for a few seconds, before Shawn descended on the boy, grabbing his head in his hands and kissing him soundly. As they kissed, Shawn could hear Jordan mumble, "Mrppha phi pha phiffif! Pha phaf phu phuf, phuffi!" Shawn let go of the boy's head and separated his lips from Jordan's. "Say what?" Shawn inquired. Jordan licked Shawn's saliva off his lips and giggled, "Enough with the kissing! I wanna fuck, Shawnie!" Shawn nodded and sat upright on his knees, pinning Jordan to the bed from the waist down. Bending his arms back, he slid them out of the blazer, then tossed it onto the floor. Smiling down at the boy pinned beneath him, he reached up and began slowly undoing each of the buttons of his shirt. With each button undone, ever more of Shawn's lightly hair-covered chest was revealed. Jordan lay immobile beneath him, smiling and biting his lower lip in excitement. The preteen's newly buttoned breeches were already sporting a new lump as he watched Shawn slowly strip. When the last button was undone, Shawn peeled back the garment from his flushed torso, slowly pulled his arms out of it, then tossed it on the floor beside him. Now topless, with his slightly-muscled chest heaving with each of the raven-haired prince's pants of air, he gazed down at Jordan, a look in his eyes similar to a wolf looming over an injured deer. Reaching down, he slowly undid the boy's necktie. Looking up at Shawn, the brown-haired child licked his lips and urged, "Come on, Shawnie! Hurry up!" "You know..." Shawn said, as he continued to undo the knot of the boy's tie, "I've never let anybody except for Bryan call me that. I just don't feel right with you saying it." Jordan puts his hands on Shawn's wrists and, looking up at him sweetly, begged, "Aww, please! It's such a cute name!" Shawn shook his head as he finished undoing the tie and said, "Sorry, sweetheart, but no." Jordan pulled his hands back and pouted, "Aww, you're such a...a...well, I don't what you are, but it isn't good!" Shawn smiled and, pulling the undone tie back and forth across the back of the boy's neck, he warned, "You keep that up and I'll leave right now!" Jordan emphatically shook his head and begged, "Please don't! I'm sorry!" Shawn pulled the tie out and tossed it on the floor, and nodded, "That's better." Moving his hands across the boy's chest, he began slowly undoing his buttons. Jordan began to pout again, "Aww, come on! My dick is getting soft! Hurry up, dammit!" Shawn laughed and said, "Aww, you young horny kids have no sense of foreplay!" Speeding up, he undid the rest of the buttons on the boy's shirt and, with his help, pulled it off him. Finally, Shawn saw no other choice and stood up off the mattress. Jordan looked up at him worriedly and asked, "What are you doing? Where are you going?" Shawn shook his head, "Nowhere." And undid his belt. Jordan could not take anymore, and, jumping up off the bed, he grabbed the waist of Shawn's breeches and tugged them down. Now naked, Shawn's cock stood stiff and throbbing in six inches of erection, the circumcised crown pulsing with the man's heartbeat. Shawn laughed at the boy's desperation as he grabbed Shawn's hands and attempted to pull him back toward the bed. "Now, now, young prince. Patience is a virtue!" Shawn said, smiling as he resisted Jordan's tugs. "Yeah, well so is horniness!" Jordan retorted. "Actually," Shawn corrected, "Dante Alighieri defined lust as one of the seven deadly sins." Jordan growled and pulled Shawn's hands harder, saying, "Yeah, well I'll go to Hell, but first I wanna fuck you!" Shawn shook his head, "Let go of me and I'll let you." Jordan unclasped his hands from Shawn's and stepped back, awaiting the older prince's advances. Shawn smiled, "First, you have to turn around and face the wall." "Why?" Jordan inquired. "Just do it, or I won't do anything with you." Shawn warned. Jordan sighed and turned around, with his back to him. Shawn smiled wickedly, and bent down, picking up the discarded tie. "Hey!" the ginger-haired boy protested, as he felt Shawn grab his hands and tie them behind his back. Shawn finished tying a double-knot on the necktie, and, when he was confident that the boy's hands were secure behind his back, he let him go. Jordan struggled for a few seconds, before turning around and favouring Shawn with a sour look. "What kind of sick joke is this?" He protested. Rather than answer, Shawn giggled and pushed Jordan backwards. The boy fell on the mattress and bounced up and down a few times. "What the fuck are you..." The boy began to protest again, but Shawn quickly descended over the helpless boy and jabbed his tongue hard into the boy's bellybutton, licking all around the tiny depression. Jordan's head tilted backward and his legs shook as he quivered in lusty arousal. "Oh God..." He groaned, as Shawn licked out the prepubescent's navel, his hands stroking across the boy's smooth, quivering belly. Jordan's breath left his mouth in shaky pants, not unlike that of an overheated dog, and his shoulders bent backwards, tensing with his trapped hands, as the jet-haired royal continued his assault. Shawn's tongue moved out of the boy's bellybutton, but trailed a line of saliva up to the boy's chest, speckled in sweat with arousal. Bending his head up slightly, Shawn smiled, a string of drool hanging off his bottom lip and connecting it to the boy's chest, and growled, "He liked when I fucked your little bellybutton with my tongue, didn't you? Yeah, it made your kiddy cock all hard and itchy, didn't it?" Shawn looked down and saw that his statement seemed to be correct, as a significant lump adorned the crotch of the boy's corduroys and seemed to be straining to be released. "Oh fuck yeah!" Jordan groaned, "I'm gonna juice all over my pants if you don't stop doing that!" Shawn giggled and, reaching his hand over, he stroked the small lump a few times, then turned to look at the flushed face of the eleven-year-old again and said, "Well, if you cream your cords, then I'll never play with you again, so you'll have to hold it. Now, I'm going to lick over your little boy-tits and suck on them like a baby. You'd like that, wouldn't you? You like when someone licks your hard little nipples, don't you?" Jordan nodded, smiling, and said, "Yeah, Shawn, I..." "It doesn't matter whether you like it or not!" Shawn interrupted, "I'm gonna do it, because you're all tied up, aren't you? You're my prisoner and I won't let you go until I'm finished!" Before the boy could say another word, Shawn's lips descended over the boy's stiff little right nipple, sucking on it and flicking at it with his tongue. The results were obviously positive, as the poor boy cried out in extremely vocal pleasure, his toes curling in ecstacy. Shawn put hand in the boy's hairless armpits and pulled his chest up against his lips. The boy's breathing rate increased until he was wheezing and his little erection was throbbing visibly in his pants. "I...I can't take much more!" Jordan cried, "I...I'm gonna fucking cum! I'm...I'm gonna juice! I can't...can't hold it!" Shawn lifted his mouth from the boy's nipple, leaving a connecting trail of spit. Flicking his tongue at it a few more times, he moved over the other nipple and lowered his mouth onto that one. "Please!" Jordan cried, "You're such a bastard!" Shawn gave the little nub one hard suck, before lifting off it and moving back down the horny boy's body. A sheen of sweat covered the eleven-year-old's body as Shawn crawled back down the mattress until his face was above the throbbing lump in his flimsy pants. "What...What are going to do now?" Jordan panted in inquiry. Shawn smirked and said, "You be quiet, prisoner, and just lay back. Now it's time for the real fun!" "Please untie me!" Jordan begged, "My arms hurt!" "Stop struggling and I will!" Shawn informed. Jordan lay back and tried hard not to move, but it was obvious, with his highly aroused nipples and cocklet, that he was having a hard time. With that, Shawn moved his concentration to the front of the boy's pants. Leaning down, he ran his tongue over the fabric-covered boyhood in front of him. It jerked in response and Jordan arched his body and then fell back and groaned, "Oh geez..." Shawn giggled and reaching up, slowly unbuttoned the boy's cords. "Hurry up!" Jordan protested. Shawn sat back up on his knees and scolded, "One more outburst like that and I'll get up and walk away, leaving you tied up." "Sorry, Shawn." Jordan apologized. Shawn bent back down, but crawled upwards again. Looking under him, he said, "Just for that, I'm not going to touch your horny little dick until you suck me off!" "Okay!" Jordan said agreeably. Shawn moved his body lower to the bed and stuck his six-inch erection against Jordan's right cheek, smearing it with a thin trail of precum, "And do a good job too, or else there'll be nothing for you." Jordan turned his head and slurped Shawn's manhood into his hot little mouth. Shawn leaned his head back and groaned as the boy went to work on his cock, slurping around the circumcised head and tickling over the tip. "That's a boy..." Shawn panted in encouragement, "Suck my cock like a good boy and I'll fill it with cum." "Mrphal phul phee." Jordan mumbled with the hot piece of meat in his mouth. Shawn deduced that it probably wasn't important enough to justify pulling his dick out of the boy's sweet mouth. As the preteen continued his expert treatment of Shawn's aching prick, he slowly began thrusting it into his mouth. The boy seemed to adjust his technique accordingly and Shawn reached down and stroked the boy's hair as he sucked on him. "You're really good at this, aren't you?" Shawn commented, panting, "I bet your brothers loved it when you sucked them off, didn't they? Did you like drinking your brothers' cum? You did, didn't you? You loved slurping their juice, because you're a nasty little boy who loves to fuck." "Mrphpha phurf pha phipho phia phai phick." Jordan replied. Shawn could feel his body tensing and he began to thrust faster into the child's mouth, gasping, "Oh fuck! I'm gonna fucking cum, Jordie! I'm gonna fill your baby mouth with my sperm!" Jordan began to respond, but was cut off as Shawn grasped the side of his head and began jerkily thrusting over his slurping tongue. Jordan was still startled as Shawn cried out and he felt the first warm, sticky jet of the young man's cum hit the back of his throat. The next three squirts filled his mouth and began leaking out the corners. He gagged once, but swallowed it as fast he could. As quickly as it began, it was over and Shawn, panting in exertion, pulled out of the boy's mouth. "Was that good, sweetie?" Shawn said, smiling as he looked under him and saw the boy's chin drooling with white goo. Keeping obedient, Jordan nodded and gurgled, "Yesh." "And now..." Shawn commented, "It's your turn." "Yay!" Jordan cried as the man began crawling back down the mattress, until he was over the boy's pants-covered cock again. Continuing his previous activity, although somewhat drained after his orgasm, he pulled down the zipper and tugged the pants down. Jordan lifted his ass in assistance. Once finally released from its cloth prison, Jordan's angry looking pricklet sprung out and slapped Shawn's cheek. The veins on the side were visibly coursing with blood and it throbbed with the quick pump of the extremely horny boy's heart. It took stiffly out in the middle of the boy's naked crotch, unadorned with even a single strand of hair. Shawn licked his lips, but spat into his right hand and gripped the sweaty shaft in his fingers, as the boy had. Smiling down at it, Shawn growled, "And now, I'm gonna beat your little dick off and I want you to spray my face with your juice." "I...I might not. I mean, I don't know...juice, when I cum." Jordan warned. Shawn shrugged, "Just try. If you juice, then I'll untie you, but if you don't, I'm going to let you go back on deck, totally naked and still tied up." Jordan nodded and, closing his eyes, a look of determination passed over his face. Shawn giggled and he wasted no time and quickly began to stroke the boy's thin pricklet. The boy began to thrust in sync with Shawn's strokes and Jordan panted and sighed, "Oh...Uh...Oh geez, I'm gonna cum soon." Shawn smiled as he continued to jack off the child, "I know, sweetie, I know...Just let yourself go." The boy's stomach began visibly tensing as his already highly aroused body was propelled toward orgasm. His chest quickly moved up and down in his quick gasps of air. "Uh...Oh God, Shawn! I can feel it! I'm gonna cum!" Shawn's other hand reached down and gently petted the boy's silky scrotum as it was pulled tight against his body. He smiled and said, "That's it, baby. Cover my face in your sweet juice. I wanna see your sexy body quiver in orgasm." Jordan continued to pant as Shawn beat off his small dick. Suddenly, his whole body clenched and he gasped, "Ooh....I'm cumming! Uh...Oh God! AH!" Shawn felt the boy's body begin to quiver and he quickly lowered his face over the boy's little poker. It expanded in his stroking fingers and began jerking. The first two times, nothing happened, but the third time, a tiny amount of clear fluid, about two or three drops, squirted out across Shawn's lips. It jerked one more time, with nothing coming out, before Jordan's body relaxed onto the mattress and stopped its shivers of pleasure. Shawn licked his lips and tasted the precious fluid. It was unlike anything Shawn had ever tasted...Sweet, yet somewhat tangy. He was still savouring the flavour, when there was a sharp knock at the trapdoor. "Shawn! I finished my cleaning and I'm ready to talk if you want." Shawn jumped off the bed and whispered, "Shit! She's early!" Turning to Jordan, he said, "Get dressed and clean your face off!" Jordan slowly got to his feet and said, "Okay, but could you please untie me?" Shawn laughed and ran over, yelling, "One second!", then, quickly licking the boy's face, he drank up what was left of his previous cum and untied the boy's hand. As Jordan rubbed them to get the circulation back, Shawn got his pants on as quickly as he could, then ran over and unclasped and opened the door. High Priestess Anna descended into his room. Looking around, she grinned as she saw Shawn and Jordan, both half-naked, standing there blushing like mad. Turning to Shawn, she laughed and said, "Forming a bond between Whiteshadow Isle and Cargenon, are we?" Shawn laughed and said, "Sorta." "Well," She said, "You wanted to talk to me?" Shawn nodded and, turning to Jordan, said, "Thanks for your time, sweetie. Run off now and find Bryan." Jordan nodded and, picking up the rest of his clothes, he ran over the ladder and began ascending out of the room. Just before he left, he called down, "Thanks for sucking me off, Shawn!" Shawn shook his head and ran over, closing and locking the door. Turning back, he said, "Sorry about that." Anna smiled, "It's okay. Now, what is it?" Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 17: Come out and Play The sounds of rushing footsteps outside his door woke Michael up the next morning. Slowly, wearily, he opened his eyes and yawned, before noticing the arm on his chest. He turned his head and smiled as he saw Zachary lying beside him, his long brown hair hanging in his face, concealing his facial expression. It moved slightly with every breath that the boy took in his sleep. The thirteen-year-old was snuggled up close to Michael, with his arm draped over his chest. "So, it wasn't just a dream." Michael whispered aloud to himself. Michael yawned again and, reaching up, took Zachary's arm off his chest and lay it down beside him. The amber-haired teenager slowly sat up in bed and gazed around the room, illuminated only by streaks of sunlight streaming through their tattered curtains. It was as filthy as ever, but it never truly affected Michael as much is it did at that moment. Something needed to be done...and it needed to be done today. Turning back to look down at the still slumbering boy, Michael reached down and gently brushed the hair away from his friend's face. Michael's smile grew and he felt a tingling sensation in the pit of his stomach as he gazed at the innocence sleeping beside him. Zachary's lips were slightly parted as air passed back and forth between his pinkish lips. His eyes were closed, enmeshing his long eyelashes together, and his eyelids quivered every few seconds with a dream that he must have been having. Obviously, it was a good dream, because his lips were curled up slightly in a slight grin. Zachary's bare, slightly muscular chest, uncovered by the blanket, rose and fell slowly with his breaths. The prince gazed at him and, slowly, leaned down. Very softly, Michael brushed his lips against Zachary's and, reaching down, took the boy's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Zachary tensed for a second, then, with a groan, his eyes slowly opened. He looked up at Michael's grinning face and, smiling, he said, "You kissed me. Why?" Michael shrugged, "I dunno. I've heard that, sometimes, people who are in love will wake each other up by kissing them." Zachary slowly sat up and nodded, gazing down at his hand as Michael held it, "Ah, so you're still on this whole love thing, eh?" Michael nodded, "I had a lot of fun last night, didn't you?" Zachary squinted up at the ceiling for a few moments, saying, "Umm, what did we do last night, again?" Michael released Zachary's hand and said, "Well, we drank wine until the moon and stars, then we sat on the grass and held hands as we looked up at the sky. Then, we kissed, and it was the greatest thing I've ever felt." Zachary remained thoughtful for a few more seconds, before nodding his head and exclaiming, "Oh yeah! Right! Yeah, now I remember. It was pretty nice, I guess." Michael smiled, "So, I hope you now see that romance isn't as bad as you thought." Zachary shrugged, "I guess not. We're still friends, though, right? I mean, just because we're sort of acting all...ummm...lovey-dovey and shit, doesn't mean we can't still do friend stuff, does it?" Michael laughed, "Of course not! We can still do everything we used to do, but now we're in love and we do other stuff too." Zachary shrugged and smiled, "Okay. I don't really mind the love stuff, just so long as we can still play basketball." Michael nodded, "Yeah, we can still play basketball." They both sat in silence for a few seconds, before Michael said, "Well, I guess we should get dressed and see what all the racket is." Zachary nodded in concurrence and inquired, "Yeah, but I have one last question for you." Michael slid out of the bed and, trudging over to the dresser, pulled out one of the last clean pairs of boxer shorts that he had. Pulling off his jogging shorts, he pulled the boxers on and then replaced the other shorts. Finally, he turned to Zachary and replied, "Yeah, Zac...What's on your mind?" Zachary slowly slid out of bed and, stretching, pulled on his shirt and said, "Well, I was just wondering...ummm...Are we ever going to have sex again?" Michael laughed, "Yeah, of course! Just not as much as we used to, though. It's important for two lovers to develop other mutual interests beyond carnal ones. You're just going to have to learn to masturbate." Zachary sat back down on the bed and pulled on his socks, grumbling, "I prefer not to." Michael walked over and sat beside him. He put his arm around his friend and pulled him closer to him. Looking into his downtrodden eyes, Michael smiled and said, "Listen, sweetie, our problem was that we got stuck in a routine that wasn't very healthy. You said you'd be open-minded to this romance stuff, before we went upstairs last night, so if you stick with it, I'm sure you'll find it's a lot more fulfilling than just fucking each other up the ass all the time. I love you, Zac, and I want us to be happy together, since we're going to be together for the rest of our lives." Zachary sighed and, looking at Michael, leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. Smiling slightly, he said, "All right. I'll try, but only because you're my friend and you really want this. I hate it when you cry." Michael smiled and, reaching down, pulled on his socks. As they both began lacing up their shoes, Michael turned up to Zachary and said, "How about this? Each of us gets to pick things that we want to do each day, right up until we go to bed, and the only rule is that they have to be activities we'll enjoy doing together." Zachary smiled, "Cool. I'll pick the friend stuff and you pick the love stuff." Michael nodded, and finished lacing his shoes, "Okay, then. My first activity for today, is that we're going to clean up this room from top to bottom." "What?!" Zachary exclaimed, "That'll take all day!" Michael shrugged, "No, it won't. We'll have the help of several maids. Besides, we can do it together, so it counts as an activity. We'll clean the floors and wall, organize the shelves, clean all our clothes, change our bed and get that disgusting smell out of it. It shouldn't take more than a few hours. After it's done, we have to promise not to let it get this bad again." Zachary nodded, "Fine. Then, we'll do that one first, to get it over with. Afterwards, my activity will be...ummm...Hey, sex is a love thing, isn't it?" Michael nodded, "When done right." "Ok," Zachary conceded, "then I pick a basketball game between us and Ana and Sarah." "What if they're busy?" Michael asked. "Then we'll have it with Becky and Carter." Michael laughed, "Carter, Zachary? We'd destroy him." "Well, that's my first activity." Zachary stated, "Now let's find some maids to help with your...activity." Michael nodded and they stood up and walked over to the door. Opening it up, they saw several guards walking down the hallway. "Hey! What's going on?" Michael called. One of the guards turned around and said, "Today is our first attack on the Cargenon base, Your Majesty! We shall surely destroy them, with Colonel Garrett leading us!" "Yeah, well good luck!" Zachary called after him. "Thank you, sires!" he called, then jogged off to join his friends. "Now," Michael said, moving on, "Where are all the maids when you need them?" ------------------------- Four hours later, Zachary and Michael sat on their now clean sheets and gazed around the room, while the maids struggled as they lifted garbage bag after garbage bag out of the chambers. The walls and floor looked, for the first time in almost a year, clean and tidy. The bookshelf looked almost empty without all the trash that they'd stacked on it. The dresser was polished with varnish and didn't have socks and underwear hanging off it. All the clothes had been washed and replaced in the drawers. They even had a hamper in the corner of the room. The bathroom looked totally redone, with the floors cleaned and shined, the sinks and faucets polished, and the medicine cabinets emptied of rotten herbs and powders. A particularly brave servant had even cleaned out the drain of the washing basin. The whole room smelled like roses and cinnamon. Michael couldn't have been more pleased with the turnout, but Zachary crinkled his nose as he stared at the unsullied domicile. "It doesn't even feel like our room anymore." Zachary muttered, concerned. Michael put his hand on the boy's knee and smiled at him, comforting, "Don't fret, Zac. It's still our room, but now it's the room of two princely lovers. We can now have sex on our bed, safe in the knowledge that we're not being watched by any peeping fungus or louse." Zachary looked around the room again and shrugged, "I guess so, but it'll take some getting used to." Michael nodded and stood up, announcing, "And now, Zac, it's time for your activity." Zachary nodded and stood up. Turning toward one of the exiting maids, he called, "Wench, do you happen to know where Sarah and Anastasia are?" The maid nodded and said, "I believe, Squire Zachary, that Lady Sarah and Lady Anastasia are with Priestess Rebecca and Prince Carter in the gymnasium." Zachary nodded and thanked the maid, then turned to Michael and inquired, "That's convenient. You up for a little four-on-two, Mikey?" Michael shrugged, "Hey, it's your activity." Zachary nodded and he and Michael, already dressed in jogging shorts, tank tops and running shoes, made their way through the doorway and down the hallway toward the gym. As they walked out through the public showers, Michael jumped as a volleyball smacked the wall beside him. "Hey, sorry!" Sarah called from the center of the gym. Michael's heart-rate slowed and he shuffled through the doorway and into the gym. Rebecca, Sarah, Anastasia and Sarah seemed to be playing dodge-ball, as they kept tossing the ball at each other. Carter already stood off to the side, apparently `out.' Anastasia grabbed the ball as it was tossed at her and, turning toward the two boys, said, "Hey, guys! I heard you two finally cleaned up that stink-hole room of yours!" Zachary sneered under the patronizing gaze of Anastasia's brown eyes and replied, "Yeah, well it wasn't that bad!" "Oh please!" Sarah commented, "It was like living in a pile of shit! I don't know how you two did it for so long!" Before Zachary could respond, Michael cut in with, "Okay, well we cleaned it, so let's drop it, okay? Anyway, you girls interested in playing some basketball with us?" The three girls gazed around at each other and began talking. Their conference was broken, by Carter running up from the sidelines and tugging on Rebecca's spandex shorts, begging, "Please, mommy, I wanna play with them!" Rebecca smiled down at her son and patted his head, then looked over at the two boys and said, "Okay, we'll play, then. The boys versus the girls." "Aww, why can't you girls take Carter?" "Come on, Zac." Rebecca said, "It'll be fair and, besides, he wants to be on your team." Zachary looked down at Carter as he stood between him and Michael, eagerly jumping up and down in excitement and his brown eyes glowing in happiness. "Fine." Zachary said in submission. The three girls ran off to the game cupboard and grabbed a basketball, then came back and Michael, Zachary and Carter joined them in the center of the gym, for the beginning of the game. The game that was played, was lopsided from the beginning, despite the even teams. Zachary hardly ever passed the ball to Carter, and when the six-year-old did manage to get it, he couldn't do much with it except pass it, which always fell short due to his small size, or attempt to shoot it, which was comical at best. Michael tried his best, but he was never very good at basketball and he didn't like it much, so he mostly served to pass the ball. Except for a few lucky baskets, he didn't score or even attempt it. On the other team, Rebecca was the one who fell short, since her daily routine consisted mostly of study and temple duty. She didn't even try to outdo the male team. Anastasia and Sarah, on the other hand, were very athletic and dominated the courts, even competing with the sports-minded Zachary. Rebecca tried to keep up with them, but, with everybody running around, she just couldn't. After an hour of play, the females were winning by three baskets. Zachary had the ball and dribbled it expertly, flying around Sarah's blocking, when his concentration was interrupted by a small boy that ran through the men's showers and across the gym floor, stopping next to the basketball net. That lapse in focus, caused him to lose control of the ball and bounced off toward the corner. Anastasia and Sarah ran to get it, but Rebecca called after them, "Stop! Hold it for a second, girls." They stopped and Michael and Zachary turned to regard her as Rebecca approached the young child. He appeared quite young, no more than four or five, and had long whitish-blond hair down to his the base of his neck and big, bright blue eyes. As he stood there smiling, his small nose wrinkled slightly and two dimples appeared in his cheeks. Carter looked at the boy with interest for a few seconds, then looked up at Michael and asked, "Who's that?" Michael shrugged in unsureness, but felt a tightness in his stomach as he stared at the young child. Breaking his gaze away, he looked down at Carter and said, "I don't know, but he reminds me of someone." Getting down on one knee, Rebecca gazed at boy's face as she said, "Hello there. Who might you be?" In a boisterous and friendly voice, the boy replied, "Hi! My name is Kyle and I came to the castle with my mommy and daddy!" Rebecca smiled sweetly and replied, "Well, do your mommy and daddy know where you are? People are not allowed to just walk around the castle alone." Michael straightened up and wiped the sweat from his brow, as he noticed King Lucas and two other people, a man and a woman. The boy turned to look behind him and, with a giggle, announced, "There are my mommy and daddy!" The man was standing erect and respectfully as he stood beside the king. He wore clothes that were simple, but not trashy. From that, Michael deduced that he was a high level peasant, such as a constable or a rich merchant. He stood slightly behind Lucas, accepting his place as an inferior. That confirmed his position as a high level merchant, for they were quick to accept the rule and position of a monarch, since they were like kings in their commoner society. When Michael looked at the woman, though, he swallowed hard and felt the tightness in his stomach turn into a slightly painful burning sensation. She had long blond hair and green eyes and was wearing a peasant's dress. It was pink and brown, with lace tassels. Her face bore wrinkles of her age, but her eyes and smile showed a small glint of a kept youth. As her eyes fell upon Michael, her smile dropped and she stared at him knowingly, clasping her hands in front of her waist. "Ah, there you are, Kyle!" The man called toward the young boy, "You should know better than to run off!" The boy turned from Rebecca and ran back over to the man, standing beside him. Lucas turned toward the assembled group and said, smiling, "Ah, I'm so glad all of you are here, in one place. It'll save time for introductions. We missed you at breakfast today, Michael and Zachary. I gather you'll be joining us for lunch?" Zachary nodded, but Michael just stared ahead blankly. "What's going on, father?" Rebecca inquired. Lucas nodded at her and said, "Yes, well, first, I should tell you that our forces returned from their battle with the Cargenon base." "Oh, and how did it go?" Sarah inquired. Lucas smiled largely, "It was a very good success. We weakened their forces substantially with minimal losses. It appears that Garrett's strategies worked very well. There will be a more detailed report at a meeting tomorrow morning at nine. All of you are welcome to attend." Rebecca nodded quickly, but, turning back toward the small family, she probed, "I see. Now, who do we have joining us." Lucas nodded, "Well, I thought it nice to invite some guests for lunch. They will also be staying for the victory dinner tonight. "But who are they?" Anastasia inquired. "I believe I can answer that." The man beside Lucas piped in, "My name is Jacob Lightsen. I am, I suppose, the property owner for the marketplace in Dawson. I arrange the setup of the stands, take a small cut of the earnings each day and keep the area safe from thieves by hiring local police. Basically, I'm a merchant. I'm also married to this lovely lady." The woman turned her head toward her husband and smiled, then turned back toward the crowd and said, "I'm Amber Thompson. I run the child welfare in Dawson and try to find homes for the children who've lost their own. I operate mostly out of the main office at the Zardwar hotel." Lucas turned to regard Michael, as he stood there with a blank expression on his face and sadness in his eyes. "Michael," He noted, "I believe you know this lady." Michael continued to look blank for several more seconds, before he finally nodded and stated, "Yes, I do." Amber looked at Michael and frowned sadly, saying, "Hello, Mike. Lucas told me that you might want to talk to me about certain things." Michael looked up at Amber and shook his head, "No, I'm fine now. I talked to someone and I worked everything out." Amber nodded and shrugging, said, "Well, that's good. I brought along my son, Kyle. When I told him about you, he said that he really wanted to meet you." Michael looked down at the small boy, then slowly descended to one knee and gazed at his face, sighing. Kyle's face broke out into a grin and he said, "You're Mike?" Michael nodded and said simply, "Yup, I am." "Isn't he adorable, Michael?" Amber said, standing above him, "Kyle...well...he would have been Carter's half-brother." Michael nodded and continued to gaze at the small boy's face. He saw his shiny blond hair, his emotional blue eyes and the dimples in his cheeks as he giggled. Kyle stopped giggling and said, "Mommy told me that you knew my brother. I wish I knew him, but he died before I was born." Michael bit his lower lip and nodded shakily, "Yeah...yeah, he did." The blond prince slowly straightened up again and looked at Amber solemnly. Amber frowned again and said, "Isn't he cute? Only four-years-old, too." Michael bit down his lips as hard as he could, but he could no longer hold his tears back. "He looks just like him...." Michael managed to utter, before breaking down into violent sobs. Amber took Michael into her arms and hugged him, as he buried his face into the front of her dress and continued to bawl pitifully, soaking it with his tears. Everybody else looked on sadly, and Lucas nodded in understanding and put one hand on the shoulder of Kyle and the other on the shoulder of his grandson. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 18: Speechless When Shawn was finished, Anna simply gazed at him blankly. Breaking the uncomfortable silence, after a few seconds, the prince said, "Well? Will you agree to it or not?" The high priestess shrugged and said, "I don't think I have a choice, Shawn." Shawn shook his head, "You do. If you don't want to, then I will not bring up the matter any further." "Shawn," Anna stated emphatically, "both your kingdom and mine, state that, since this is the highest honour any woman can receive, it would be the height of stupidity to refuse." Shawn laughed, "Oh, that's such bullshit! If you don't want to, then you shouldn't!" "Doesn't the woman have to be from your own country, though?" Shawn shrugged, "It doesn't matter much. I mean, they aren't going to excommunicate me if she isn't." At that, Anna nodded and smiled, "I see." Shawn nodded too, and shrugged, "If you don't want to, then it's fine. I mean, you're still one of the nicest...." "I'll do it, Shawn." She cut him, smiling. A grin broke across Shawn's face and he exclaimed, "You will?! I mean...That's great!" She nodded, her blue eyes glowing in the faint light and favoring Shawn with an affectionate gaze, "Yeah...I'll have your baby." Shawn laughed and exclaimed, "Why does it sound so weird and emotionless when you say it?" She shook her head and, reaching out to the young man sitting next to her, she put her hand on Shawn's knee and said, "Listen, Prince Shawn...In times of yore, people frowned on the idea of a man just choosing some woman, having sex with her and her having his child. In these times, though, it becomes necessary, with the need to create an heir to the throne. You are homosexual, correct?" Even though it was true, Shawn found that her saying it made him sound abnormal and he blushed as he sheepishly nodded. "So," she continued, "you can't be expected to establish any real relationship with a woman. You have Prince Bryan...and, apparently, Prince Jordan, and that's fine., that's fine. So, as your next option, your only choice remains to find a female friend who's willing to do this favour. You chose me for this, and I really am both flattered and honoured." Shawn smiled, relieved, and said, "Thank you so much. I mean, if you had said no, I'd have been sad, but I would have accepted it. I'm really glad it's you, though, that does this thing with me." "But Shawn," she inquired, "surely you have other female friends? I know that Prince Bryan had a son with your sister. Why didn't you ask his sisters to grant you this favour?" Shawn shrugged, "I didn't like the idea of having sex with my half-sister, especially not either of those tomboys. I'm already married to my half-brother, after all, so I figured that I should be perpetuating the incest thing any further." Anna laughed sweetly, and tossed her long hair over her shoulder, "So, Shawn, why did you pick me?" Shawn blushed and smiled at her. Reaching forward, he took her hand off his knee and held it in his palm, squeezing it gently as he did to Bryan's, then looked her in her big blue eyes and said, "High Priestess Anna, I chose you because you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. You're not only beautiful, however, but also funny, smart and compassionate. Back when I was a bratty teenager, you saved me from the retorts of the assembly, by delivering your speech about the true nature of the gender conflict. I was the one who was canonized by my country for ending the war, but it was really you who accomplished that. It was really you who should be the hero, not me. You are so wonderful in every way, and my mother still talks about you in high regard. Anna, if it were at all possible for me to be attracted to women, then I would be head over heels in love with you." She smiled and said, "You're very sweet to say all that, Shawn, but I don't deserve it. It was simple happenstance that you chose me instead of one of the other priestesses to read the true story of gender wars. Your mother, and my counterpart, has always been very complimentary of me, just as you are, but I don't deserve any recognition for my deeds, really. As for the other things...well...I hope you are aware that I'm forty-three years old, over twice your age. Not only is it a bit awkward to hear someone of your age say such flattering things to me, but also you should be heedful that, at my age, it will be more difficult for me to give you a child, then if I were twenty or even ten years younger. Also, if we happen to have a girl instead of a boy, then the chances of success should you wish to do it again are ever more decreased." Shawn nodded, "I've already thought this through, Your Grace, and I'd like to proceed with it. Of all the women in this world that I'd like to be the mother of...well...of all the women who I want to have my...geez...Well, you're the only woman who I want to do this with. If we don't get it right the first time, then I'm willing to keep trying until we do. If we have a girl, I will love as much as I would a boy, and we can try for a boy afterwards." She laughed, "You men always talk about childbirth, like women can just shoot children out, one after the other. In your youth and remaining innocence, Shawn, I do care for you. Were you twenty years older, or me twenty years younger, I'd have a mad crush on you." Shawn smiled, "And, after all that, if I happened to be straight, single and not a prince, I'd probably ask for your hand in marriage." "And I'd probably accept, dear boy." Anna responded. Shawn nodded and released her hand, then, looking at her awkwardly, said, "Well, anyway...I suppose we should talk about when we'd like to start...ummm...trying." Anna shrugged, "I'm ready whenever you are. I even believe that I'm fertile this week, so it would be best if we did it as soon as possible." Shawn blushed, "Uhh...okay. So, how would we...ummm...." Anna smiled, "You've never done this before, I take it?" Shawn shook his head. Anna nodded and put her hand on his shoulder, "Just lie back and leave everything to me." Bryan paced worriedly around his room. It was unheard of, in his opinion, that he should be made to simply sat back and enjoy the ride, for the next month. Then again, he couldn't just pace for the next thirty days. His thoughts were interrupted by a sharp knocking at the door. "Yes?" He called up at it. "It's me." Came Jordan's voice from the other end. Bryan sighed in exasperation. He'd dispatched Jordan rather coldly, the last time he came by, and he was hoping to be alone for another hour or worrying, before Bryan went to bed. Still, perhaps it was good to have human contact and not be confined to a dark, dank cellar all the time. Walking over to the door, he unlatched it. It slowly creaked open and Jordan's head poked down, gazing around worriedly. "Are you busy, Bryan?" He asked. Bryan turned his back to the door and walked over to where his mattress lay. "Not really, squirt." He responded. Ignoring his slightly derogatory comment, Jordan giggled and climbed down the ladder, into the hold. "What are you doing?" Jordan asked, as he saw Bryan standing around, looking uneasy. Bryan shrugged, "Actually, I was planning on going to bed, until you came knocking." Jordan smiled, "Oh good. Can I sleep with you?" Bryan shook his head, "I'm really too nervous for sex, Jordan." "No!" Jordan exclaimed, "I don't mean sex, I just want to be with someone tonight. My bedroom is so dark and scary. I wanted to ask Shawn, but he's sleeping with Anna tonight." Bryan looked up sharply, "He's what?! Jordan shrugged, "I was having sex with Shawn a little while ago, and Anna came. I listened at the door, and Shawn said that he wanted to make a baby with her." "Oh!" Bryan exclaimed, relieved, then continued, "You know, I didn't know that Shawn was interested in having kids. It's quite odd that he didn't tell me." Jordan shrugged, "Why should he? Having children is an individual decision made the particular prince, and needs no conference with any other royal staff." Bryan put his hands on his hips and smiled, "You're a lot smarter than you let on, aren't you?" Jordan cocked his head and giggled, "Sex isn't all I think about." Bryan laughed too and sat down on the mattress, patting a spot next to him. Jordan sat down next to him and gazed at him happily. "Why did you hate me before?" He asked. Bryan shot him a confused look and urged, "When did I ever hate you, Jordan?" Jordan shrugged and replied, "Back in Bismark and just before, when I came by and you told me to fuck off." Bryan sighed and said, "Jordan, back in Bismark, I was concerned because you had gotten us arrested. Before, I was even more concerned because we learned that Garrett is representing Cargenon." "So, you don't hate me?" Jordan inquired. Bryan put his arm around the boy and hugged him, "Of course not! Now, can we please go to sleep?" Jordan nodded and, releasing himself from Bryan's grip, he lay back on the mattress. Bryan removed his vest, shirt and breeches and kicked off his shoes, before lying beside Jordan. The faint light from a dusty porthole showed a faint blue glow as the sun got ready to rise again. Jordan shifted next to Bryan's body and snuggled up closer to him. Bryan wrapped his arm around the boy and pulled him yet closer. As Bryan was beginning to doze off, he heard a voice beside him inquire, "Bryan?" "What?" He groaned. "Tomorrow morning," Jordan asked, "can we have sex?" "We'll see, Jordan...We'll see." Bryan replied sleepily. The three boys impatiently sailed back toward Whiteshadow Isl. Nobody knew what would await them there, but they all feared the worst.... Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 19: In the Eyes of a Child It was interesting that, no matter how many times he'd thought about Carter and no matter how many tears he'd shed, Michael still wasn't prepared for actually meeting Carter's mother again. The last time he'd seen her was almost six years ago, and Shawn and Bryan had shed more tears over it than he did. It was only now, after he'd aged and developed a sense of how much he truly did care for his former friend, that meeting his family had such an emotional effect on him. Not even whatever it was that Margaret had done, could prepare Michael for this event. He'd genuinely thought that he was over it and that his mourning period was finally over, but after seeing young Kyle, he knew that it was not. Everybody sat around the table and ate hamburgers and fried potatoes for lunch. Lucas and Brett sat at the head of the table, with Amber and Jacob on either side of him. Beside them, were Anastasia and Sarah, then Rebecca and Carter, then Michael and Kyle. Zachary sat beside Michael with nobody in opposite him. As Michael sat opposite of little Kyle, he spent a good deal of the meal looking at him. It was uncanny how much the four-year-old looked like his half-brother. His hair was a bit lighter than Carter's and Carter's nose was more puggish, but they both had the same adorable smile and sweet-sounding laugh. After crying for a little while, when Amber had first arrived, Michael now felt a lot better, but still felt a bit melancholy when he gazed at Kyle's shining blue eyes and lovable dimples as he laughed at Prince Carter's antics. It would appear, though, that Michael's minor dolor was minuscule in comparison to the sadness etched on Zachary's face. For, as Michael turned to assess how his thirteen-year-old lover was doing, he saw the young teenager was absentmindedly pushing a fried potato around the plate with his fork, a forlorn look on his face. "What's wrong, Zac?" Michael inquired. Zachary looked up at Michael and, his lips pulled up in a slight pout, he whispered, "I thought we were going to do stuff together! It was your turn to pick the thing and I was kinda looking forward to doing something romantic with you...." Michael shrugged, "Well, we have guests now and, as princes, we have to put our personal desires aside in order to entertain them." "They're not guests!" Zachary whined, "They're relatives of your old boyfriend!" "He wasn't my boyfriend, Zachary." Michael responded, "He was just a really good friend who...." "They made you cry!" Zachary whispered in response, tears glistening in his eyes, "I hate it when you cry!" "Well, I cried because I still miss Carter and seeing his mother was sort of sad for me!" Michael replied, trying to keep his voice down. "How could you still miss him so much?" Zachary replied, "It's been six years!" "I...I don't know." Michael whispered back, shrugging, "I just really loved him, I guess, and it's sort of sad to think about." Zachary shrugged and inquired, "Did you love him as much as you love me?" Michael shook his head, "It isn't the same, Zac! With him, I just really loved him as a great friend. With you, I like you as a friend, but I love you, because...well...I already told you why." "So who would you rather have as a boyfriend?" Zachary probed, sniffling. Michael smiled, "I'd rather have you, silly!" A smile crossed Zachary's lips and he leaned his face forward and puckered his lips. Michael shook his head, "Not here. Not in front of all these people." Zachary leaned back again and whined, "Aww, come on!" Michael looked around quickly, then giggled, "Fine, but make it quick." Zachary and Michael quickly leaned forward and kissed. Carter and Kyle immediately broke into a chorus of wolf-whistles, and everybody at the table started laughing. Zachary and Michael leaned back in their seat and began blushing. Once everybody was done embarrassing the two boys, Amber turned to Michael and inquired, "So, I take it that the boy sitting next to you is the Zachary that I've been hearing so much about?" Michael nodded and smiled, "Yes, ma'am, he is." She smiled and nodded, "Did you two ever meet before the Choosing?" Michael shrugged, "Sort of. He and his father attended Shawn and Bryan's wedding." "Did he and Carter ever meet?" Jacob piped in. Michael smiled, "Which Carter?" Amber smiled, "Oh, that's right! Bryan named his little boy Carter, didn't he? He meant, did my son and Zachary ever meet?" "I don't really know." Michael said, shrugging. "Oh, okay." Jacob said, "Anyway, it is good to finally meet you, Mike. Amber has spoken many times about you." "Did she?" Michael responded. Amber smiled, "Of course. Nobody knew Carter as long as you did, so I was always hoping to ask you some things about him. I just never got around to it, I guess. I was also told that you had some things you wanted to discuss with me." Michael nodded sadly, "Yes, I knew him since we were five-years-old. I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about him, but I no longer need to ask you anything, myself. I know that I requested to see you, but I have since come to grips with the questions that I wanted to ask, with the help of the High Priestess here, and, of course, Zachary." "I see." Amber replied. "Don't get me wrong!" Michael added, "It's very nice to see you again and I'm glad to meet Kyle. It's just that I have no real things that I wanted to ask you. Originally, I was having a hard time finding love, but my courting of Zachary was easier than I thought it would be." Again, Amber said, "I see." Then added, "Well, it's nice to see you again too, Michael. If you no longer need my assistance, then I shall complete lunch, ask you a few questions, if you have the time, then we shall be on our way. I do so hate leaving the hotel unguarded." "No!" Michael exclaimed, "You don't have to go! Please stay for dinner! The only thing is...well...Zachary and I won't be joining you people." "You won't?" Lucas inquired. Michael shook his head, "No, Zachary and I shall be eating alone." "Oh...I see." Lucas said, smiling knowingly. "No, no, it's okay, Mike. I probably wasn't going to stay for dinner anyhow. Tonight is steak night at the shelter." Amber reassured. Michael nodded and went back to eating. He could feel Zachary's eyes on him, but didn't look up. The table conversation returned to what it previously was, with the little ones giggling, the adults discussing various matters, and Michael and Zachary eating quietly. After lunch had concluded, everybody stood up and Lucas turned to Amber and suggested, "Why don't we all go to the sitting room to talk? That way, the young ones may play amoungst themselves, while you may have your conversation with Michael." Amber nodded, "Sounds like a plan." Turning toward Michael, she inquired, "Mike, what do you think?" Michael was feeling a mixed reaction. He was still a bit sad to be around the last remaining vestiges of his emotional past with Carter, but now he was also getting a bit frustrated with having her around. After all, he wanted to spend time with Zachary today. He shrugged and said, "I guess." Lucas nodded at her, then walked over to Michael. Looking down at him with questioning eyes, showing a bit of anger, he whispered, "Michael, what's the problem?" Michael shook his head and whispered back, "I...I don't know. I was just hoping to spend the rest of the day with Zachary, but now she's here." Showing a bit of amusement now, Lucas retorted, "But you were the one who invited her! You were feeling lonely and missing Carter, so I suggested that we invite her over and you seemed to think that it was a good idea." "I know." Michael whispered back in reply, "Since then, though, I have discovered my love for Zachary and begun to get him involved with the idea of romance. However, it's quite fragile right now and anything could make him give up." Lucas looked over at Zachary, then turned back to Michael and nodded, "Yes, I understand. Still, they are here and, as princes, it is your duty to be, at the very least, cordial. Amber wishes to ask you some questions about Carter, since you were the one who knew him best. I know that sort of thing might make you sad, but it's something that she'd really like from you. Please, Michael?" "Actually," Michael corrected, "I probably won't feel that sad anymore. That cry I had back in the gym actually made me feel much better." Lucas nodded and smiled at the boy. Putting his hand on Michael's shoulder, he gently urged him forward and down the hallway, following the rest of the crowd toward the sitting room. Everybody entered and took a seat, while Carter and Kyle sat on the floor and Carter showed Kyle his toys. Looking across the room at Michael, who sat on the couch, looking more than a little impatient, Amber smiled and said, "So, Michael, why don't you tell me about how you met my Carter?" Michael sighed and told Amber about how Carter's father had gone off on a ship, hoping to make some money, but had never returned. He told Amber about how he'd been left with his uncle, but his uncle had treated him badly and he'd gone off to live on the streets. He told her how they'd met on the streets and had been inseparable. It was a lot easier to talk about than he'd thought it would be. He hoped that this meant that his grieving period was finally over. She listened with interest, nodding and asking many questions. After he was finished, she frowned and said, "So, you were his best friend?" Michael shrugged, "Mostly. I lived at the hotel full-time, while he preferred to go out and live the life of a pickpocket and a beggar, so I didn't get to see him much, after I started living with Bryan." She nodded, "Yes, I was sorry to hear about Shawn and Bryan's capture. We can only hope for the best." "Yes," Brett cut in, "we hope for their return, but fear the worst. Still, our...<*ahem*>...Colonel, hopes to earn himself a permanent position back in our army, by looking for them, anyway." Lucas glared at Brett, then turned back toward the group and was about to speak, when Spot lazily walked into the room. Amber and Jacob jumped up, screamed and hid behind their chairs. "Kyle!" Amber yelled, "Get away from that thing!" "It's okay, mommy!" Kyle replied, "Carter says that she's friendly." To prove his point, Carter stood up and called to the leopard. Spot turned toward him and walked over. Carter pet the big cat's head and, sooner after, Kyle joined him. "See..." Kyle commented, "She's nice, mommy." Spot began emitting a low purr and sank to the floor. Kyle and Carter sat beside her and continued to pet her as she dozed off. Meeting their worried gaze, Lucas smiled and said, "A little present that Shawn and Bryan brought us back, from when they had their honeymoon. She's quite harmless, I assure you. Verily, she sleeps with the boy every night." Amber and Jacob let out their breaths and slowly took their seats again. Amber looked over at Michael and said, "I apologize for my reaction, Michael. You were saying?" Michael shrugged, "It's okay. Spot tends to scare away intruders, even though she'd more likely lick them to death. Now...ummm...What was I saying? I don't think I was saying anything, actually." "Oh." Amber said, shrugging, "Well, then before we head off, can you tell me what my Carter looked like? Was he a cute boy?" Michael smiled reminiscently, "He was adorable, Ms. Thompson. His looks can be found in Kyle, actually. They have almost the same face." Amber looked down to regard her son, who was joining Carter in rubbing his face against the soft fur on Spot's neck. She smiled at them for a few seconds, then looked up and Lucas. Standing up, she nodded her head in a small bow and said, "King Lucas...King Brett...I thank you for inviting us to the palace. I very much enjoyed the meal and meeting Princes Michael and Carter. I only wish Prince Shawn and Bryan could be here too." Lucas nodded and, speaking to Amber but looking at Michael, he said, "I shall escort you to the gates." Amber nodded and, looking behind her, said, "Come, Kyle. We're going now." Kyle stood up and whined, "Awww, why do we have to go already? I wanna play with Carter and Spot more!" Jacob smiled, "Maybe some other time, son. Let's go now." The two kings left the room with Amber, Jacob and Kyle, while Carter tagged along with them and Spot slowly stood and followed them out too. Michael and Zachary now sat in the room with just Rebecca, Anastasia and Sarah. "Well, that was interesting." Rebecca said, smiling. "I guess." Sarah said, turning toward her twin sister, "I'd much rather prefer finishing our game of basketball, though." "Yeah." Anastasia concurred, turning to Michael, "Let's go back to the gym now, okay?" Michael stood up and said, "I guess we could do that." Everybody turned to look at Zachary, but Zachary shook his head and smiled, "Actually, I was hoping that we'd be finished for the day." Rebecca nodded, "Yeah, that's actually a good idea. I better go and shower, because I'm due in the temple for the evening services for the conclusion of Harvest Bounty." Anastasia stood up, "Yeah, and I got another date tonight. He's such a sweetie." Both half-sisters walked out, leaving Sarah there alone with the two boys. Frowning, she stood up and said, "Well, if nobody wants to play, then I guess I could always go see if father needs any help." Michael smiled and nodded at her, "Take care, Sarah." She smiled and walked out of the room, calling back, "Yeah, you too, Mike." Zachary waved at the exiting girl in overexaggeration. Michael turned to the boy sitting in the chair next to him and shrugged, "Well, what now?" Zachary bit his lower lip and said, "Well, it's your turn to pick the activity, isn't it?" Michael smiled and nodded, "Yes, I suppose it is. What time would you say it was?" Zachary looked out the window and looked at the sun briefly, before turning back and supposing, "Hmm, I'd say it's about two-ish...Maybe three." Michael nodded and, reaching out, took Zachary's hand into his own. Zachary was all too happy to do the same. After a few seconds, Michael laughed and said, "Wouldn't it be easier if you came over and sat beside me on the couch?" Zachary giggled and, standing up, sat back down beside Michael and they took each other's hands again. "Okay, then." Michael said, gazing into Zachary's beautiful eyes, "My activity for now, shall be...hmmm...Well, how about we take a bath together?" Zachary frowned and exclaimed, "I already took a bath yesterday, though!" Michael shook his head and replied, "We'll make it so it's totally dark in our room, then we'll light a few candles, pour some sweet-smelling oils into the basin, get in, and turn on the jets. We can sit together in the nice warm water and just talk about stuff. I don't think we've ever just talked." Zachary smiled and squeezed Michael's hands harder, "That sounds so neat." Michael giggled, then continued, "And afterwards, we'll get out of the tub, dry off, then, while we're still slippery from the oils, we'll lie down on our bed and make sweet love to each other." Zachary leaned forward and let out a long purr, rubbing his cheek against Michael's own. Michael let go of Zachary's hands, then reached up and pushed the brown-haired boy's head so they we facing. With their lips already inches apart, Michael closed his eyes and covered the rest of the distance, kissing his lover's mouth deeply. Slowly, wetly, he snaked his tongue into the young teenager's mouth and Zachary's reciprocated. His mouth watering with the taste of Zachary's tongue, thin rivulets of saliva drooled from the corners of his mouth and down his chin. He could feel his body heating up with passion, but it wasn't raw lust this time; It was the romantic love he felt for the young boy whom his mouth was currently attached to. Breaking their lip lock before he got too heated up, he wiped his chin and mouth with the back of his hand and, swallowing hard, nodded. Zachary opened his eyes and understood. Quickly, they both stood up and walked, hand-in-hand, from the room and toward the staircase. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 20: Where Angels Fear to Tread Blade Garrett spun around and just barely managed to parry a swinging sword. The Cargenonon soldier swung his sword again and Garrett attempted to dodge, but only succeeded in falling off to the side. Before Garrett could lift his sword again, the soldier kicked him in the jaw with his steel boot. A flash of pain exploded in the black-haired colonel's face and he clenched his teeth to avoid screaming. Just barely holding on to consciousness, he gazed up weakly to see the Cargenon guard leaning down over him, smug look of satisfaction of his face. Sheathing his sword, he reached over to the other side of his belt, toward a small pistol. "Never take your eyes off your opponent for even a second, as long as they still have a pulse." Garrett quoted in his head, as he reached up and wrapped his large hand around the guard's neck. Garrett slowly got to his feet, still clutching the Cargenon soldier's neck, and gazed at the soldier's now-cyanotic face with extreme anger. With his other hand, he rubbed his bruised jaw gingerly. "Where are the Whiteshadowish princes, you miserable piece of horse shit?" Garrett demanded. The guard gasped and sputtered, "I...I don't....know! They...were...taken!" "Where were they taken?! Tell me or I'll kill you!" Garrett growled. Out of the corner of his eye, Garrett saw another soldier of Cargenon approaching, a concerned look on his face. "Colonel Garrett!" He called, "What are you doing?!" Garrett reached down with his free hand and pulled free the pistol from the guard he held. Turning his head, he stared at the approaching soldier and nodded, before aiming the pistol and pulling the trigger. The bullet struck the guard right through his neck. A look of shock passed over his face, before he clutched the gushing wound and collapsed the ground, gagging and gasping. Garrett dropped the pistol to the ground and turned coldly back toward his prey, not bothering watching the shot soldier die, and reiterated, "Now, will you tell me where Shawn and Bryan are, or do I have to kill you like I killed your friend." The guard gurgled, "I...don't...." The rugged colonel did not let him finish his sentence and, with a sharp flick of his wrist, he snapped the soldier's neck and let him drop limply to the blood-soaked grass. Feeling quite frustrated, Garrett gazed around the battlefield and sighed. Several of his soldiers were still engaged in battle with the remnants of the Cargenon forces. With supplies coming in only twice a month, and the last supply ship gone as of yesterday, it would be a simple matter of decimating the forces here and then assembling an ambush for when the support arrived. With his knowledge of Cargenonon tactics, it was quite simple to plot attack methods that could easily counter Cargenon's forces. Coming in low and from all directions, they'd defeated Cargenon's planned firing patterns and gotten close enough to attack with swords. With the intensive training that Cargenonon troops got with firearms, they'd lacked in focused swordplay training. That, Garrett knew, was Whiteshadow Isle's main expertise. So, with only a handful of soldiers, he'd managed to destroy an entire battle group. He'd even killed a few by his own hand. Unfortunately, there had been no sign of either of the princes. Without the princes, it would make it much harder for Garrett to assume a permanent position as Whiteshadow Isle's colonel. King Lucas had given Garrett this temporary position a lot quicker than Garrett had expected, though, so maybe he could convince the naive king that he could accomplish more if he retained his position on a more permanent basis. Gazing around, he regarded the landscape with a smirk and commented, "But this truly is a beautiful land." "Pardon, Colonel?" a Whiteshadowish soldier inquired, approaching Garrett's position. Garrett shook his head, "Oh nothing. How goes the battle, Major?" The officer smiled and nodded, "Very well, thanks to you. Your strategies were almost impeccable." "Almost?" Garrett commented, "Major, no battle would be truly honourable unless a few men laid down their lives for their country. My plans were perfect." The captain bowed his head and smiled, "Yes...I stand corrected. You are truly a military genius and it has always been a pleasure to serve you, Colonel Garrett, sir." Garrett stepped forward and placed his hand on the soldier's shoulder, looking into his hopeful eyes. Smirking, he said, "Major Killian, if you wish to gain my respect, then prove it to me in the battlefield, not in mere words." The captain nodded his head in a bow again and related, "I did kill seven of Cargenon's finest today, Colonel Garrett." "And I'm very pleased with that." Garrett stated, "However, the path to being a good soldier is not in simply taking the lives of your enemies. It's in leaving the battlefield with the enemy knowing that it was you that killed them, not just some generic soldier." "Yes, Colonel Garrett, sir!" Major Killian barked, then walked off to assemble his troops. Garrett surveyed his departure with pride; Whiteshadow Isle's soldiers were so much more disciplined and conditioned than Cargenon's. His second-in-command, Major Killian, would make a fine colonel someday, but he still seemed to have a lot to learn. A gurgling cry from down the field brought Garrett's eyes up top survey the scene. One of his soldiers had decapitated the Cargenonon that he was fighting. Garrett rubbed his hands together and smirked, whispering to himself, "There is no better way to kill one's enemy, then to remove their head." That last fallen guard signaled the end of the battle for today. The base camp was in ruins and, should anybody have managed to escape the wrath of his army, Garrett knew that they'd be severely weakened and dishonoured, probably never willing to join any battle again. They never would anyway, though, because Blade Garrett had planned a cleanup attack for tomorrow evening, to search the outlying areas and destroy anybody that they'd missed. Cupping his hands to his mouth, Garrett yelled across the battlefield, "Form up!" The guards began to slowly make their way back to where Garrett stood. Some pulled their weapons from the corpses of their opponents, while others simply picked up their dropped weapon. This reminded Garrett and he bent down and picked up his sword. While looking at the ground, though, he spotted the fallen pistol, along with the soldier's main rifle. Smirking to himself, Garrett picked them both up, as well. Slinging the rifle over his shoulder and placing the pistol in his boot, he stood erect and awaited patiently for his troops to form up. The sky was quickly growing dim over the battlefield. The grass was olive green with shades of crimson where the slaughtered bodies lay. Most of Cargenonon soldiers, some as young as fifteen, but a few of Whiteshadowish troops, killed by a lucky sword thrust or a stray bullet. The air smelled of sulphur, feces and rotten meat - the stench of death. After several minutes, Major Killian had assembled the surviving troops at Garrett's position and they all stood ready to move out. Garrett turned around to face the guards, some injured, but all weary, and, clearing his throat, declared, "This is a good day in the annals of Whiteshadow Isle. We've won a very significant battle against our foes and taught them that we are a force capable of ending their pitiful existences, should we have the correct strategy. Thanks to my plan and your ability, the day is ours and it is a day that Cargenon will not soon forget. Tomorrow, at around the same time, we will return to this location and ferret out any of the cowards who ran from us, rather than standing and fighting. For now, though, smell the air and revel in its significance." A few of the soldiers did so and grimaced in disgust. One young guard commented, "It smells like death." "Exactly, Private!" Garrett exclaimed, "I love the smell of death in the evening! It smells like...victory!" With that, he turned around and led the troops back along the road to Mostaf. They marched along behind him, their swords clanging at their waists and their boots stomping along the stone road. It made Garrett feel just like he did back when he used to lead the Whiteshadowish troops into battle against the women. He almost smiled at he thought about the looks on the faces of the Cargenonon soldiers as their beloved Colonel arrived at their base and gave the order to destroy them. Cargenonon's were just so much fun to kill... ...And so gullible too! Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 21: Cloud Number Nine Michael slowly shut and locked the door, using his free hand. His other hand clasped Zachary's tightly, and, as the latch clicked, Michael felt a gentle tug on his arm and he turned around to face his lover. Zachary smiled at the blond prince, with his top teeth biting down on his lower lip, and gazed at him suggestively. Michael nodded and, reaching down, took Zachary's other hand into his own and stood there, staring back at him. "So, what now?" Zachary asked, grinning. Michael pulled on Zachary's arms, drawing his friend close, and kissed him soundly. "Now," Michael said, after they'd separated, "we get undressed." Zachary shrugged and, drawing his hand out of Michael's grip, began to pull off his tank top. Michael unclasped his other hand and shook his head. Zachary shot Michael a confused look, until Michael reached over and grabbed the base of Zachary's tank top in his hand. Zachary smiled and raised his arms up as Michael slowly peeled the shirt off of Zachary's sweaty body and tossed it in the open hamper. A sheen of sweat covered the thirteen-year-old's muscular chest and belly, which were still totally void of any hair, and dripped down his neck. His nipples stood erect, whether by irritation or arousal, and his innie bellybutton glittered with perspiration. Zachary lowered his arms back down, stopping once to scratch his armpits, which were also absent of any pubescent growth. "Now you." Zachary giggled, and reached out to grab the base of Michael's shirt. As his friend had done, Michael lifted his arms up and allowed him to gingerly peel the shirt off of his body. Zachary crumpled the sweaty tank top in his hands and threw it into the hamper to join his own shirt. Michael's torso was also blanketed with a sheen of perspiration. His chest was dusted with several faint blond hairs and a small line of them ran down his stomach toward his crotch. His muscles were less defined and his belly wasn't totally flat, but he was still a fit boy who Zachary found himself drawn to. Zachary had never spent any time really examining his new lover's body and found it quite fascinating. Michael also seemed to have several hairs growing from his armpits, which Zachary had never noticed before. "You're so sexy..." Zachary found himself saying. Michael grinned and replied, "Thanks. You're pretty hot, yourself!" Zachary smiled and, blushing slightly, said, "Well...ummm...We can't really take off each other's shorts, because..." Michael nodded and slowly pulled down his jogging shorts, kicking them aside. His half-erect penis stuck out slightly from below a small growth of pubic hair and his scrotum hung loosely below that, the two testicles easily visible from within the thin sack. Michael saw Zachary unabashedly looking at his manhood with a grinning face and a sexy blush to his cheeks. He smiled and giggled, "Your turn, Zac." Zachary looked up quickly and, a deeper crimson coming over his cheeks, he nodded. He bit his lower lip and reached down, gripping the waistband of his shorts in his fingers. Smiling at his friend and lover, Zachary pulled down his shorts and stepped out of them, leaving them laying on the floor beside him. Zachary's own boyhood was crowned by a small tuft of light brown hair and hung limply over his tight scrotum. The circumcised head of the boy's penis shone with sweat that had collected o his crotch. Now standing naked in front of each other, both boys blushed slightly as they smiled and their nostrils flared as the musky scent of their pubescent bodies reached their noses. The natural aphrodisiac penetrated every pore of their teenage forms and caused a stirring in their loins that they were both unable to prevent. Both boys knew what the other was thinking, as they now both stood with fully erect pricks, but Zachary's temerity caused him to voice it. Gazing into Michael's green, lust-filled eyes, Zachary whispered, "I wanna fuck you so badly." Michael nodded, "I know. Let's get the bath going." Quickly the two boys broke their stare and walked their hot, horny bodies into the bathroom. Michael turned to Zachary and said, "Why don't you get the jets started and make sure the temperature is all right, while I find the bath oils?" Zachary smiled and walked over to the wash basin. Pressing the button on the side, Zachary started up the whirlpool jets and dipped his finger in, testing the temperature. While he fiddled with the dials on the side, Michael was crouched down on the floor, removing bottles from it, in search of the oils. Just as Zachary finally settled on a temperature for the water, Michael exclaimed, "Aha!" and pulled out two bottles. He replaced the rest of the things that he removed and brought the bottles back to where Zachary was. They were glass cruets topped with a cork and one was filled with a ruby-red liquid that seemed to glitter, while the other had a clear substance within. "What is that?" Zachary probed. Michael opened up the bottles, pulling out the loosely fitted corks, and replied, "Well, the clear one is a normal rose oil that's very slippery and smells really pretty." To enforce his point, Michael held the bottle out to Zachary, who smelled it. Smiling, he nodded in approval and inquired, "And the red one?" Michael smiled, "This one is something that Shawn gave me a few years ago from the wedding presents that he and Bryan got. Supposedly, it's an oil made from the flowers of a very rare plant that grows only at the base of a volcano on Arroyo Island. It's supposed to increase your sexual desire." Zachary laughed, "Do you believe that?" Michael shrugged, "I don't really know, but it never hurts to find out." Giggling, he held the bottles over the basin, pouring half of the contents of each into the churning waters. The room immediately began to fill with the smell of roses and cinnamon. Michael closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Zachary giggled and said, "Smells really nice." Michael opened his eyes again and nodded, then, turning toward the brown-haired boy, said, "Well, let's get in." Zachary nodded and he and Michael slowly slipped their legs over the wall of the tub and descended onto the benches. Both boys let out groans of contentment as they sank through the water. Laying back against the wall, they closed their eyes and grinned as the jets of water caressed their bodies and the oils coated them in a film of slippery warmth. "The water temperature is awesome, Zac." Michael commented as he scooted over and sat beside his friend. Zachary arched his back and sighed, then nodded and replied, "Yeah, it's really great." Michael reached his arm out around Zachary's slippery back and pulled him against him. Zachary allowed himself to be dragged closer and, meeting Michael's gaze, their heads leaned forward and they kissed briefly. Rubbing his legs together, Michael blushed and said, "The oil feels really good, doesn't it?" Zachary nodded, his face inches away from Michael's, and smiled, blushing as he was. Laughing in embarrassment, Michael and Zachary moved farther apart on the benches and attempted to compose themselves. "So..." Zachary began. "Yeah?" Michael inquired, looking up quickly. Zachary cleared his throat and said, " wanted to talk, right?" Michael nodded, "Yeah..." "What about?" Zachary asked. Michael shrugged, "Well...ummm....I don't really know." Zachary took a deep breath and, trying to be as discreet as possible, reached his hand underneath the water. "What are you doing?" Michael probed. Zachary quickly pulled his hand back up and, blushing deep crimson, shook his head, "N...Nothing." Michael giggled, "I saw what you were doing! That oil's getting to you, isn't it?" Zachary shook his head, "No! I...I was just...itchy. That's it, I was just itchy and was scratching myself." Michael smiled, "You were doing more than scratching yourself, love." Trying to get the focus off him, Zachary shrugged and said, "That reminds me of a good thing for us to do. Why don't we play `Truth'?" "Truth?" Michael asked, fighting the urge to do what Zachary was just doing. "Yeah, it's like `Truth or Dare,' but...uhhh...without the dare part." Michael shrugged, "Okay, sounds fun. Who asks first?" "You can." Zachary said, "You were the one who had the idea of us sitting in the tub and talking, after all.". "Okay," Michael said, smiling, "what were you just doing?" "That's not fair!" Zachary exclaimed. Michael laughed, "Hey, you wanted the game, so now you have to tell me. You were playing with yourself, weren't you?" Zachary nodded sheepishly. "I knew it!" Michael exclaimed, "That oil does work, doesn't it?" Zachary shook his head, "Only one question per turn. It's my turn now." Thinking for a few seconds, Zachary asked, "When was the first time you ever got your dick sucked?" Michael giggled, "When I was nine, Carter tried it on me." Zachary nodded, "Cool. It's your turn again." Michael smiled, "That oil is making you horny, isn't it?" Zachary rubbed his legs together and nodded, "Yeah, but I'll bet it's making you hot too, isn't it? That's my question, by the way." Michael nodded, blushing, "Yeah, it is. We promised we'd talk for a while, though, so...ummm...My question is...Do you love me?" Zachary shrugged and sighed, "I don't know. I mean, this stuff is fun and all, but I'm just not sure if I have that same gooey eyed thing that you have yet. I love being with you and I love doing stuff with you, but I don't know if I love you, just yet." Michael nodded, "That's fair enough. Your turn." Zachary shrugged, "Come on! I can't think of anything anymore. Please can we get out?" Michael smiled, "I probably shouldn't have put in so much of that stuff. If you want to get out now, I guess we can." Zachary stood up, his cock visibly aroused and standing fully erect, throbbing with his heartbeat. His whole lower body shone with the slick oil. "Hell yeah!" He exclaimed. Michael stood up too, his manhood obviously in the same urgent state as his friend's. "Shall we?" Michael inquired. Zachary splashed out of the basin and onto the floor, scurrying, still dripping, back into the bedroom. Michael giggled and ran after him. Running right into him, they both fell, giggling, to the floor. Michael gazed down at Zachary and giggled, "I need to fuck you so bad right now, it's not funny." Zachary smiled and, wrapping his slick arms around Michael's wet and slippery body, he pulled him down and they kissed, their bodies pressing together and their horny pricks throbbing side by side. After over a minute of sucking on his tongue, Michael separated from Zachary and lifted the boy's legs up onto his shoulders. Zachary knew what was coming and closed his eyes, tilting his head back and lifting his butt off the ground. With his lover's legs on his shoulders, Michael leaned forward, bending Zachary almost in half and spreading apart his slick ass cheeks, revealing his tight, puckered anus. Taking his stiff cock in his hand, Michael placed it against the thirteen-year-old's tight hole, and pushed. The slipperiness of both their bodies allowed it to slide in fairly easily, and Zachary grit his teeth and let out a low groan as he felt Michael enter him. "Oh God!" Michael seethed, as he buried himself as deeply as he could inside Zachary's tight ass. Reaching down, he grabbed Zachary's slick hips and used them as leverage as he began pulling back a bit and then thrust back in again. He soon developed a rhythm and each time he buried his horny prick inside Zachary again, they compressed the young boy's boyhood between their bodies. Zachary let out a low groan for every thrust that Michael did and grabbed the older boy's arms, clutching them tightly as he got fucked. After a while, Michael stopped and detached Zachary from his arms. The young boy looked up, a desperate look in his eyes and panted, "What?" Michael shook his head, "Turn over." Zachary understood and pulled his legs off Michael's shoulders, then slowly turned over, trying to be careful not to let Michael's dick leave him. Getting onto all fours, Zachary pointed his ass upwards, urging Michael to begin again. Michael gripped Zachary's thighs and used them to begin pistoning himself in and out of Zachary's hot, tight ass. The oil allowed Michael's prick to slide almost effortlessly through the tight channel and Michael leaned back his head and groaned as the sensations ran through his horny body. Zachary tried to push back against Michael, getting as much of the boy's dick up his ass as possible. A tingling sensation ran through Zachary's whole body, but was strongest in his throbbing boyhood. Unable to stand it any further, Zachary lifted a hand up and reached beneath him, gripping his oily cock in his fist and began stroking it fiercely. "Aww, fuck!" Zachary groaned, as the combined sensation of his ass and his cock caused raw bolts of energy to pulse through his body. His balls pulled tight against his body and his muscles began to clench up. Michael's thrusts into his friend were so rapid and so unabashed that he was taken by surprise as his orgasm suddenly smacked into him. A wave of pleasure so powerful that it made him slightly nauseous, passed over his whole body and clenched his muscles. Tossing his head back, he yelped several times as his manhood throbbed as it thrust within the hot, tight passage and spurt forth five globs of his hot, sticky semen. Michael's breath hissed through his clenched teeth and he struggled to stop his head from swimming, as his cum peaked as slowly drained out of him. Zachary could feel the hot liquid spray around his insides and that was the last his ravaged body could stand. He was seized with the grip of his own climax and, through his misted mind, he could feel his young penis spasm within his jacking fist and spurt forth several streams of his thin, pubescent jizz, covering his fist and staining the floor beneath him. With both of them spent, they collapsed, still naked on the floor and dozed off peacefully. Michael's penis, now soft, was still partially buried in Zachary's slick butthole. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 22: Roads Converging The weeks went by quickly. Much to Michael's delight, the summer soon ended and the days began to grow much more chilly. On the downside, it meant less candle-lit dinners with Zachary out in the courtyard, but it also meant less biking and hiking, which didn't disappoint Michael much. Zachary's romantic education was coming along very nicely, although he still hadn't told Michael that he loved him. This didn't bother Michael too much, though, because the times that they spent curled up on the couch together, spoke volumes about how Zachary felt for him. They still had sex, but it was a lot less animalistic and a lot more passionate. Also, they didn't do it in the playroom anymore. Blade Garrett's strategies were the deciding factor in the defeat of all Cargenon forces on Whiteshadow Isle. He'd begun to train the squad leaders on how to use the captured firearms, and they, in turn, would be responsible for teaching their respective companies. He'd been granted permission by the kings to finish his training, before he was to submit himself for execution. He was still confident, though, that he could convince King Lucas, at least, of the value of his continued service in his searches for the princes. Carter continued to be a typical preschooler and enjoyed playing with Spot whenever no human was around to do stuff with him. Rebecca tried to spend more time with her son, but there were always questions about when "daddy and Uncle Shawn" were coming home and it depressed her to think that they might never be back. Anastasia continued to date the same young peasant boy, getting ever more serious. As a result, she spent less time around the palace. This depressed her twin sister, Sarah, who was more of a tomboy and not so interested in dating. The rumour around the palace was that she was a lesbian, but she tried very hard to quell it. Lucas and Brett tried their best to run the kingdom in an orderly fashion, but they had many distractions to contend with. The biggest of these, of course, was the absence of their sons. Without the two heirs, the next in line was Carter, but he couldn't rule because he was under fifteen and hadn't chosen a mate yet. Thus, he would be a puppet king, while the real rulers would be the vizier and the army colonel. That was another problem. Colonel Garrett hadn't found the princes yet, but he had saved the country from being taken over or even destroyed. It hardly seemed right to say, "Well, thank you for saving our lives. Now, would you mind sticking your head in this noose?" It appeared as if he'd proven his loyalty, but Brett was still skeptical and, despite being a hard-ass, it was usually possible to convince Brett of things, over time. Then there were Michael and Zachary, who, despite Michael being a crowned prince, had not an ounce of royal blood between them and, so, would not be allowed to rule, except as a last resort. This put Michael and Zachary in a very awkward position in the kingdom, since they had all the power of royalty, but no royal training, no binds to the throne and free range movement anywhere in the world without there being a significant impact on the kingdom's structure. There was no worry for now, though, since Brett and Lucas were both fairly healthy and still ruling gloriously. It was the beginning of autumn, on the day before Michael's sixteenth birthday, when a large Bismarkian ship finally pulled into Opal Bay Harbour around ten o'clock in the morning. As soon as the gangplank hit the wooden pier, Prince Shawn scurried down it and fell to his knees upon the wooden boards of the docks. With tears soaking into his beard, Shawn leaned forward and pressed his lips against the pier and sobbed. Several seconds later, he heard footsteps behind him and straightened up to see Bryan standing beside him, smiling. "Glad to be home, eh, Shawnie?" Bryan inquired. Shawn gazed up at him and wiped his watery eyes with the back of his hand. "You have no idea." He replied. Bryan nodded and turned back toward the boat. "Come on!" He called, "Nobody here will hurt you!" Jordan stood nervously at the top of the gangplank, gazing around as if expecting guards to come rushing out and arrest him. Shawn slowly got back to his feet and called, "It's okay, sweetheart, nobody here will harm you. Just stick with us!" Jordan nodded and slowly made his way down the plank, still gazing around fearfully. When he reached the bottom, he stepped cautiously onto the pier and looked up at Bryan. "Are...Are you sure this is okay?" He stuttered. Shawn nodded, "We're in charge here, Jordan. Nobody would dare contradict us when we tell them to leave you alone." "O...Okay." Jordan nodded. Bryan smiled and took the boy's hand, squeezing it comfortingly, then they took off to catch up with Shawn, who'd already begun making his way up the pier. Bryan and Jordan stopped in front of a carriage rental booth, where they overheard Shawn talking to who appeared to be the owner. "What do you mean, `we don't rent horses?'" Shawn exclaimed. "We don't!" The tough-looking man behind the counter replied, "We need them horses to pull our carriages. I can rent you a carriage for fifty silvers per day." "But we don't need a carriage!" Shawn responded, "All we need are two horses for a few hours! We'll bring them back before nightfall!" "No deal." The man responded, simply. Sighing, Shawn removed his ring and placed it on the counter in front of the man. Glaring at him, he said, "Do you have any idea of who I am?" The man gazed at the ring briefly, then back at Shawn and replied, "From the looks of that ring, you're a master jeweler, but we don't accept jewelry, just silvers. Also, for the last time, we don't rent horses!" Shawn snatched his ring back and said, "Sir, I no mere jeweler. I am Prince Shawn of Whiteshadow Isle and I demand that you rent me the horses immediately!" The man leaned forward in his booth and said, "First of all, Prince Shawn is probably dead or hanging in some Cargenon dungeon by his testicles. Second of all, the `Prince Shawn' that I know, would never allow himself to get that dirty." Shawn opened his mouth to retort, but then closed it against and waved off the man. Walking back toward his two giggling friends, Shawn shrugged and said, "I guess we're walking." "How can you walk if you're hanging in a dungeon by your testicles?" Bryan laughed. "Shut up." Shawn groaned, as he began to trudge up the road. Bryan and Jordan followed closed behind him. It would appear that the rumour of their demise had spread throughout the town, as nobody gave Shawn or Bryan more than a passing glance as they made their way through the crowded Dawson streets. It also didn't help matters that they wore soiled clothing and Shawn and Bryan sported beards and mustaches. Jordan's eyes were everywhere as he looked around the huge city. He'd grown to love and respect both Shawn and Bryan and seeing the place where they grew up and currently live was very overwhelming for him. He was so nervous that he was tempted to stick his hands down his pants, but he knew that his two friends disliked that habit of his and so he was trying to break himself of it. It was a couple of hours before they finally broke through the downtown area and gained sight of the palace grounds. They never found the palace so beautiful, as when they stood in the marketplace and gazed at it off on the hill, the morning sun illuminating it in a glowing radiance. To Shawn and Bryan, it was like heaven, and they stood there and stared at it for several seconds, before they heard a small voice behind them inquired, "What? What are you looking at?" Bryan pointed toward the castle and, smiling at Jordan, laughed, "That's our home. I mean, that's my home and Shawn's home." "And it'll be your home too." Shawn continued. Bryan turned to Shawn and shrugged, "I don't know how good an idea this is, though. As soon as we enter the palace, he'll probably the recognized and we can't stop our fathers from throwing him in the dungeon...Can we?" "What?!" Jordan exclaimed, "I thought said everything was going to be all right!" Shawn smiled and nodded, "It will. It will." Then, turning back toward Bryan, he whispered, "We'll just say that he's our personal servant." Bryan giggled and shrugged, "I hope that works." Suddenly, Shawn felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around slowly, he saw a guard gazing at him suspiciously. "You seem lost. Is there any place you'd like to be directed?" The guard probed. Shawn smiled, "Captain Franklin, do you not recognize me?" The guard took a step back and exclaimed, "Who are you and how do you know my name and rank?" Bryan shook his head and said, "Captain, it's us, Shawn and Bryan. We've returned from capture in order to stop a spy." "Impossible!" The guard said, shaking his head, "Those two were captured over a month ago. They're surely dead by now." Bryan smiled and yelled, "Guardsman! How many times have I told you that when the door is closed, you knock?! If you pop in on me one more time, I'll go tell my father and he'll strangle you with your own scrotum!" The guard broke into a grin, "Prince Bryan! It truly is you! And Prince Shawn...Why, now I recognize you! By the crystal waters of Opal Bay, it is so good to see that you're not dead!" Shawn cut in, "Very well, now that the pleasantries are over, we really must get to the palace." The captain stepped back, "Of course, of course! I should probably escort you, though. The guards at the gate might mistake you for a bunch of vagrants!" "We'd appreciate that." Bryan replied. The guard stepped forward and began walking. They followed him for a few steps, before he turned around again and asked, "Who's your friend?" Shawn shrugged, "Nobody important. Just a personal servant we picked up in our travels back." "Personal what?!" Jordan exclaimed. "Not fully trained yet." Bryan cut in, putting his hand over Jordan's mouth. "Ah, I see." The guard said, giving Shawn and Bryan a funny look. Starting up again, he led the three boys down through the plaza and the remainder of the town, until they reached the palace gates. "Guardsmen!" Captain Franklin called, "Please open the gates! Our princes have returned!" The gate guards turned and regarded the three, then smiles broke across their helmed faces. They unlocked and pulled open the gate, then descended to one knee and bowed their heads. Shawn smiled and passed through, followed by Bryan and Jordan. The captain returned back down the path toward the town. Almost shivering in anticipation, the three princes quickly made their way up the stone path and toward the palace. Time was short, Shawn felt, and he needed to deliver the news immediately The guards at the palace doors opened them as the three approached. They stepped through them and back inside the palace. Shawn took a deep breath, smelling the scent of his palace for the first time in six weeks. "Where do you want to go first?" Bryan inquired. Shawn smiled, "To our rooms to get cleaned and shaved." With that said, Shawn turned toward a passing maid and called, "Wench! Come here for a moment." The woman wearily made her way over to the three, "Yes, what may I...." Her voice trailed off and her eyes flashed with recognition. "Your Majesties!" She exclaimed loudly. Bryan nodded and shushed her, then said, "Where is the gang?" The serving girl smiled and said, "Anastasia is still asleep, Sarah is in the gymnasium, your mother is in the temple, Michael and Zachary are asleep, and your fathers are observing the military drills of Colonel Garrett." "Excuse me?! Colonel Garrett?" Shawn exclaimed. She nodded, "Yeah, he was made colonel again soon after you were taken. It is a temporary thing, however." "Sure it is." Bryan said sarcastically. "Where are they? I must know!" Shawn demanded. She shrugged, "I suppose they'd be out by the barracks." With that, Shawn and Bryan took off back down the hallway toward the palace doors. Jordan scurried along behind to keep up. They ran back outside and down the pathway toward the barracks. As they approached it, they sighted a large group of people assembled there. Standing off to the side, observing them, were kings Lucas and Brett. "Father!" Shawn called as they approached the assembly. The two kings turned their heads to where the voice came from and when they spotted the two princes, huge grins broke across their faces. "Shawn! Bryan" Lucas exclaimed and ran off toward them. The assembly broke up and everybody gathered around Shawn, Bryan and Jordan. Lucas grabbed Shawn and Bryan in his arms and hugged them both tightly. Bryan hugged Lucas back, then detached himself and walked over to his father. "I'm sorry about what I said before." Brett said, shaking his head at Bryan. Bryan smiled, "I've forgotten about it already!" and grabbed his father, hugging him tightly. Brett hugged his son back. When the hugging was done, Lucas and Brett straightened up and looked down at Jordan. "Who's this?" Lucas inquired, looking at Shawn, but indicating the brown-haired preteen standing beside him. Shawn shrugged and, sticking to his story, said, "Oh, he's just a...." "Prince Jordan...of Cargenon." Said a voice from behind the kings. They all turned and saw Blade Garrett standing there, looking at Jordan ryely. "You're pretty far from home, aren't you, Your Majesty?" Jordan shrugged and avoided the tall man's gaze. Pointing at Garrett, Shawn exclaimed, "Don't listen to that man! He's the colonel of the Cargenon armies!" Lucas nodded, "I know." "You know?!" Bryan probed. Lucas nodded, "Yes, he told us yesterday evening. He said that he was sent from Cargenon to spy on us and provide strategy from their armies against us. However, he said that after he arrived back on Whiteshadow Isle, he just couldn't betray his home country, so he remained in Mostaf, unwilling to help Cargenon, but unable to help Whiteshadow Isle." "And you believed that crap?" Shawn inquired. "My son," King Lucas said, "Garrett has killed his own men in order to protect Whiteshadow Isle. He's defeated one of his own armies, for a country that has sentenced him to death if he wins. He's a traitor to Cargenon now and has defeated their presence on this country. He saved our lives, Shawn. He has nothing to gain by lying to us and even less to gain by murdering the men that he was assigned to protect and lead." Shawn shrugged, "Very well, he's won. Now, are you going to execute him or what?" Lucas sadly shook his head, "I just can't, Shawn. He's done too much for this country, so, in exchange, I've pardoned him of all his crimes earlier this morning and granted him citizenship again. Shawn shrugged, "Fine. I suppose you might be right to pardon him for his services." Lucas nodded and, gazing briefly over at Brett, he turned back to Shawn and said, "He'd like more than a pardon, Shawn. For his services and loyalty, he's requesting to be permanently promoted to colonel status. The guards love him and respect him and he now has dual experience.. He helped us win a battle here, but I'm confident that he can win this war for us." Shawn shrugged, "So, if you're so sure, why don't you just promote him then?" Lucas shook his head, "I can't. You were the one who banished him from his post, so you're the only one who can give it back to him." Shawn nodded. He looked at Bryan, who was shaking his head, then at Jordan, who simply shrugged. Turning back toward his father, Shawn said, "I'd like to think about it today and give my answer tonight." Garrett nodded, "Very well. Shall we get back to the drills now?" Lucas nodded, but Brett turned to Jordan and said, "What about the Cargenon prince, though?" Garrett turned to Brett and smirked, "Prince Jordan is a shy sprout who was abused by everybody, including his own father. He is totally harmless and he's the black sheep of ten brothers. Nobody will even miss him." Shawn cut in, "Bryan and I would like him as our personal servant." "What the..." Jordan protested. Bryan slapped his hand over Jordan's mouth and said, "Please?" Lucas smiled, "I suppose...I mean, if he's harmless." Shawn smiled and, putting his hand on Bryan's and Jordan's backs, he led them away, saying, "Well, we're going to get cleaned up. See you soon." "Welcome back, boys!" Lucas called after them, "I want to hear the story of your capture and escape by lunch time." Shawn nodded, though nobody saw him, and him and the three other boys headed back toward the palace. He had a lot to think about, it would seem. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 23: Oily Residue Shawn dried his face off with a towel and walked back into their bedchambers, as Bryan and Jordan remained in the bathroom to finish cleaning up. For the first time in six-and-a-half weeks, his tanned body was properly bathed and his face was clean-shaven. Their fathers had insisted on keeping their room as they'd left it, so it was as if they'd never been gone. As Shawn sifted through the drawers and pondered whether it was more proper to wear formal attire, since the afternoon meal would, no doubt, be a celebration centered around his and Bryan's return, or whether they should keep it casual. He was still sifting through the drawers, when he felt someone's arms wrap around his bare waist. Turning his head, he smiled as he saw an equally naked Bryan pull him against him. Shawn felt one of Bryan's hands reach up from his waist and held the long black hair away from the back of his neck. Feeling Bryan's limp penis pressing against his ass, Shawn groaned as Bryan leaned forward and brushing his soft, velvety lips against the sides of his neck. Shawn closed his eyes and leaned his head back onto Bryan's shoulder as he smiled and felt his whole body tingling with the sensation. The hand on Shawn's hip pushed him and, slowly and reluctantly, he lifted his head up and turned around. Now facing Bryan, he saw his husband mouth the words, "I love you." before leaning forward and kissing him full on the lips. Bryan's arms moved up along Shawn's damp body until they were under his arms, with his hands pressing Shawn's back against him. Shawn's hands were up around Bryan's head, as he ran his fingers through his half-brother's silky brown hair. Their tongues playfully poked at each other between their mouths and each could feel the other's hot breath against their cheek. Their penises remained limp, though, as both felt that this was more of a kiss of relief and happiness, than of sexual intentions. "Hey!" They slowly broke contact with each other and turned to see a frowning Jordan standing in the bathroom doorway. "Yes?" Shawn licked his lips and inquired. "What about me?" The eleven-year-old child protested. "What about you?" Bryan giggled, walking up to him. "Hey! Quit it!" Jordan exclaimed as Bryan lunged out and grabbed him. Walking over to the bed, Bryan tossed Jordan down onto it and laughed as the naked child bounced a few time, before Bryan jumped on it himself and began wrestling around with the boy. Meanwhile, Shawn managed to settle on some clothes that they could wear, and pulled them out, tossing them in a pile on the floor. "Okay, you two," Shawn said to the two wrestling boys, "time to get dressed and get back to our regular duties. We're home now and the vacation is over." "That was a vacation?" Bryan probed then added, "You should have told me; I might have had fun instead of being a nervous wreck!" Shawn shrugged, "Well, we were all pretty nervous after what Jordan told us, but I guess it's all right after all." "You mean you actually trust Garrett?" Bryan exclaimed, hopping off the bed and gazing at Shawn seriously. Shawn paused for a moment and then slowly nodded, "Bryan, Blade Garrett is a brilliant military strategist and a man of honour. If his intentions were to harm Whiteshadow Isle, then he would have arrived with the army and had us all defeated in a fortnight. Not only does he insist that he is loyal, but according to our fathers, he has won several battles for us in our absence. I highly doubt that Garrett would dishonour himself by killing his own soldiers as part of his strategy." "So?" Bryan said, unconvinced. Shawn shrugged, "So, Bryan, tonight at dinner, I'm going to give my permission to allow Garrett his former position back. With what he's done here, I don't think he'll be very welcome back in Cargenon." Bryan's stubbornness faded and he nodded, "Okay. Well, if you're sure about it. Well...I trust you, Shawnie." Shawn nodded and the three boys got dressed. Shawn had settled on collared shirts and white Jeans for all of them. That way, they didn't look like slobs, but they also weren't all stiff and proper-looking. Shawn had a gray shirt, Bryan had a red shirt and Jordan had a black shirt. Jordan looked much better now that he was clean. It reminded Shawn of how Carter had looked when he'd bathed him after the Choosing so many years ago. Jordan still didn't look fully comfortable in his new home, but he didn't look that nervous anymore. The three boys walked to the door and, as Jordan opened it, Bryan turned to Shawn and said, "Okay, so I guess we go down to lunch now?" Shawn smiled, "Actually, I believe there's a special someone who'd really love to see us, just down the hallway." Bryan nodded and smiled, "Oh yeah! I bet he'll be surprised!" Shawn walked through the door and smiled, "I sure hope so. I asked that nobody tell him that we returned." "Who?" Jordan asked. Bryan giggled and walked into the hallway, standing beside Shawn and replying, "You'll see, Jord." With that, Jordan childishly skipped alongside Shawn and Bryan as they walked down the hallway toward the last door on the right. Stopping in front of it, Bryan shot a smile at Shawn and then knocked gently. "Yeah?" came little Carter's voice from the other side. "Guess who!" Bryan exclaimed, getting onto his knees. There was a sudden clatter of activity in the room and a shouted, "Daddy?!" The door flung open and Carter paused only for a second to confirm his beliefs, before flinging himself into his father's arms and hugging him tightly. Bryan stroked his son's hair and, carrying him, stood up. Carter's arms squeezed Bryan's neck tightly and he exclaimed, "Oh, daddy! I missed you so much!" Bryan pat Carter's head and said, "I missed you too, kid." Carter smiled and, looking over Bryan's shoulder, said, "Hi, Uncle Shawn." Shawn smiled and said, "Hi, Carter. You're glad to see your daddy, eh?" Carter nodded and said, "Uh huh. Who's that?" Shawn turned to Jordan and said, "Jordan, this is Carter, Bryan's son." Jordan had figured that out already and his eyes were open in shock. Turning to Shawn, he said, "Bryan has a son? How?" Shawn shrugged, "He and my sister." Jordan smiled and, turning to look at Carter, he said, "Hi, I'm Jordan, a friend of Shawn and your dad." Carter smiled childishly and giggled, "Hello." Getting a better grip on Carter, Bryan started back down the hallway. Shawn and Jordan followed him and they headed down toward the dining room where lunch was, no doubt, awaiting them. Upon their arrival in the dining room, Shawn saw many people sitting around the table, which was covered with a beautiful spread of all sorts of food. He spotted his mother, speaking to Anna. They both stood up when the four boys entered the room and Margaret immediately ran over and hugged Shawn tightly. "I was quite worried about you, Shawn, and I'm very happy to see you home." Margaret said, tears streaming down her face, as she stroked her son's long black hair. Shawn hugged her back, "I missed you too, mother. I was very concerned that I might never get to see you again." The high priestess kissed her son's cheek affectionately and pulled back, holding him at arm's length. Smiling now and sniffling back her tears, she said, "Come now, Shawn. You needn't be so stiff." Shawn nodded and smiled too, "Fine. Being away from you people was the hardest thing that had ever happened to me. I was lost and hurt and I missed everybody like crazy and I worried so much that something would happen when I was gone. It was totally uncool." She nodded and let him go, then turned toward Bryan. Bryan gently set down Carter and smiled at his mother. "It must have been very hard on you, Bryan. I know how emotional you tend to get." She commented. Bryan was about to defend himself, but slowly nodded and admitted, "I was so scared that I would never get home and I'd be killed by the Cargenonons. I missed you and dad and Carter and...well...everybody. It's so great to be back in Whiteshadow Isle again." Margaret nodded and hugged Bryan tightly. "I missed you, son." She said. "I missed you too, mom." Bryan said, embracing his mother. They separated and Margaret gazed thoughtfully down at Jordan. Assuming a pensive look, she nodded and said, "And you are Prince Jordan of Cargenon, correct?" Jordan nodded, blushing slightly, and said, "Yes, High Priestess, ma'am." She smiled slightly, "Your father is a stubborn fool whose sexist attitude will be the end of him." Jordan nodded, his blush growing deeper, "Yes, ma'am." "Then tell me..." She said, placing her hand on his shoulder, "Who are you loyal to?" Jordan looked up at her interrogating gaze, then, turning to Shawn, he responded, "I'm loyal to Shawn and Bryan, High Priestess." "And your father?" She inquired. He paused, then shook his head, "My father can drop dead." "And your country?" He shrugged, "Whiteshadow Isle is the most beautiful country in the world. I still love my homeland, but I won't miss it much, for as long as I'm here." She removed her hand from Jordan's shoulder and nodded, "Very well." Then, motioning at the table with her head, she and everybody else took their seats. Shawn sat across from Michael and the blond prince had his hand clearly grasping the hand of Zachary, who was sitting next to him. Shawn smiled at Michael and nodded, silently casting his approval of the situation. Michael smiled back and moved his chair closer to Zachary's. Standing up from his position at the head of the table, Lucas held up his chalice aloft and proclaimed, "I'd like to propose a toast to this joyous occasion! To the return of our two princes, who braved many obstacles in order to be back with us right now. To Shawn and Bryan!" "To Shawn and Bryan!" Everybody at the table repeated, except for the two boys mentioned. They simply sat there and smiled shyly, sipping from their wine glass. When the toast was completed by all present, Lucas sat down and conferred with Brett for a few moments. Then, the red-haired monarch stood and proclaimed, "This kingdom has been through much in the last few months, but I'm confident that with the victories garnered already, we have struck a blow against the rebellious Cargenon and taught them the true might of Whiteshadow Isle." Everybody nodded in agreement. Shawn gazed around the table for a few moments, then took another sip from his glass and stood up. Those that noticed his action immediately stopped talking and turned to regard him and those that didn't were silenced as he cleared his throat. "My friends and family..." Shawn announced, "I had originally intended to make this announcement during the evening meal, but my father's and Brett's declarations have made me believe that this is the correct time. After some thought, I have decided that it's about time that we corrected an error that was made several years ago." He turned toward Blade Garrett and stated, "Mr. Garrett, when you issued the order to ferret out that spy twenty-four seasons ago, I believed that it was that decree that cost my then-chosen his life. However, I was an immature teenager who was far too emotional to think straight. Puberty tends to do that to a boy. Realistically, if that spy hadn't been found, this kingdom might be in a much more dire position...possibly even captured. What I'm trying to say, is that I stripped you of your title falsely. In attempting to correct that mistake, as well as in service for your continued loyalty to this kingdom, I am hereby awarding you the title of `colonel' on a permanent basis." Colonel Garrett stood up, holding his glass in his large hand, and nodded at Shawn. Smirking, he said, "Your Majesty, I swear to continue upholding this kingdom for as long as it remains in existent. Thank you for placing your faith in me. I swear not to disappoint." Lucas nodded in approval to Shawn, but Brett looked less sure. Shawn smiled at Garrett and sat back down again. Garrett nodded at Lucas and then sat back down as well. Turning to Bryan, Shawn smiled and said, "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Bryan shrugged, "Like I said, Shawnie, I trust your judgement. I just hope that there are no consequences." Shawn smiled, "There won't be, my ever-suspicious brother. You worry too much." Bryan sat back in his chair and shrugged, saying softly, "Do I?" "If that's all..." Lucas said, looking up from his plate, "Let us partake in this feast, for we are again a family!" Everybody agreed and began eating what was in front of them. The room was soon filled with the sounds of banging plates and utensils and the hum of conversation. Jordan began to strike up a conversation with Michael and Zachary. From what Shawn could see, the eleven-year-old was quite fascinated by the two lovebirds and the three of them sat there, giggling. As usual, Jordan had a small lump at the front of his trousers. Shawn attempted to start a conversation with Bryan, but the brown-haired boy ignored him. "Bryan?" Shawn said, once more. Finally, Bryan turned around, looking annoyed, and replied, "Yeah?" Shawn smiled and said, "So, what do you want to do, now that we're home again?" Bryan shrugged, "I don't know if I'll have time to do much. I have to take the Royal Exam soon, I'm sure, and I don't know shit." Shawn shook his head, "Bryan, we just got back! They'll give us a month or two, I'm sure! Either way, there'll be plenty of time for you to study." Bryan nodded half-heartedly. Shawn, deciding that he wasn't going to get anywhere with this, went to eating his lunch. When the meal was over, everybody went about their business of the afternoon. Michael and Zachary said that they were going to go to the lake. Jordan wanted to follow them, but they had told him that they'd rather be alone. Thus, he went off, saying he was going to go to the gym. Bryan claimed that he might as well study, so he excused himself and left for the library. Brett claimed that he had to go do some thinking, so he left the room in his usual quick, unexcused manner. Colonel Garrett had planned a patrol for the following morning, so he excused himself to go off and ready his troops. The girls went with the two High Priestesses to Margaret's temple. Soon, all that was left at the table was Luke and Shawn. Smiling, Luke commented, "Looks like it's just you and I, kid." Shawn laughed, "Yeah. What do you have planned?" Luke shrugged, "I have a council meeting in a few moments. Why don't you go off and play?" Shawn smiled and nodded, "Maybe I'll join Jordan in the gym." With that, Shawn stood up and left the room, leaving his father sitting there. He was heading down the hallway toward the gymnasium, when he realized that he was still wearing his formal clothing. Turning around, he headed back and walked up the stairs toward his bedroom. Lucas sat there for a few more moments, pondering the situation happily. His son was back, the enemy was defeated. Life was, once again, fairly normal. He stood up and walked through the archway, down the hallway and stopped as the guards bowed and opened up the large double doors to the throne room for him. Waiting for him inside, was Jasper, his Domestic Consultant, Calvin, his Foreign Advisor, Fargo, his treasurer, Wesley, his cartographer and, of course, the Vizier, Frost. "All rise for the king." Frost announced, as Luke approached. Everybody began to stand up from their thrones, but Luke waved his hand a shook his head, "No, no, please. Let's get right to business." Everybody sat back down again and waited until Luke was seated, before saying anything. "Well, Your Majesty," Vizier Frost began, "it has come to our attention that..." The old man was cut off as the throne room doors opened. Luke turned around and smiled at the newcomer's approach, "Greetings. Is there something that I can do for you, or would you like to add something to this meeting?" The new arrival smirked slightly and said, "Actually, there is only one thing I'd like to add...." As the person spoke, he pulled a pistol from beneath his shirt and pointed it at Lucas. Everybody in the room was caught off guard by the quickness of his movement and could do nothing as the intruder pulled the trigger of his weapon. The bullet struck King Lucas straight through the forehead and into the brain. He was dead even before his body hit the floor. "Long live Cargenon!" The intruder exclaimed, as he turned his weapon on the rest of the room's occupants, as well as the rushing guards. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 24: Afternoons and Coffeespoons Shawn's fists and teeth clenched as he surveyed the cleanup efforts in the throne room. He was still wearing the flimsy white tank top and gray jogging shorts that he'd been wearing when the unlucky guard, returning from military training, had stumbled upon the massacre. It was like a bad dream, but this time it was like one where you wake up furious. The ebony-haired prince knew that he should be feeling sad for the death of his father, all his advisors, Vizier Frost, and three guards, but he just couldn't. With all the activity of the palace, nobody had seen or heard anything. Shawn knew very little about firearms, but he did know that there was always a very loud *bang* whenever one went off. It was impossible that there was nobody alerted. True, the dining room was empty and true, most of the guards were outside practicing drills, but not even a maid or a servant or a cook? Adding to his anger, was that the guards at the gate had sworn that nobody had come or gone between the time when the dining room cleared, to the time that the bodies were discovered. "That could only mean one thing..." Shawn thought to himself, as he swallowed back the vomit that was threatening to expel itself from his mouth, "The person who did it was still here. There was no way any assassin would be that stupid...unless they were a resident of the castle." Shawn gazed around uneasily as guards solemnly lifted the bodies up blankets and carried them away, while the maids attempted to clean the blood off the carpet. The assassin had used a gun and only the royals or the royal advisors had access to where the guns were kept. To his left, he spotted Blade Garrett silently observing the cleaning efforts. Since all the advisors were killed, that left the main suspect as Colonel Garrett. He naturally had access to all of the weapons and was colonel of Cargenon, but it would make no sense, since he was just made colonel of his home country again. He had also recently slaughtered many Cargenon soldiers and, it appeared, turned traitor on them. Besides that, Shawn thought that Garrett had more honour than to attack several undefended men. To Shawn's right, stood Bryan and Brett. Bryan cried into his father's tunic as if he was a young child again and Brett appeared sad, but he was never much on showing emotion. It was possible that either of them could have done it, but it didn't seem probable. Brett and Lucas were in love. Sure, they had fights, but there was no motivation for Brett to kill the advisors or, especially, Lucas. As well, Brett was now through with the throne, since the death of one king automatically ends their combined reign. Why would Brett hurt himself like that? As for Bryan, well, Shawn could not even begin to consider that possibility, since the idea of it seemed so ludicrous. Bryan had nothing to gain by doing that and Shawn could not even bring himself to believe that his lover, husband and brother could be so heartless. Shawn would have liked to check out their alibis, but this occurrence would surely cause much turmoil in the kingdom. Foremost, was that Shawn and Bryan were automatically the new kings now. With the loss of Lucas, Brett was now a commoner, though Shawn was going to offer him a position in the assembly. Another disquieting concern for the young king was that a spy was in the palace and could, and probably would, strike again. Cargenon's forces could not be too far behind and Shawn was no longer sure that he could fully trust Garrett. Then again, he couldn't really trust anybody now. Gazing over at the sobbing Bryan, again, Shawn corrected himself. He trusted Bryan fully and completely. He walked over to where the boy and his father was standing and gazed up at Brett worriedly. Brett noticed his presence and looked at him, smirking slightly. Shaking his head, Brett said, "We're doomed." Shawn shrugged, "Not necessarily. We'll find out who did this and then we'll deal with them." "Yes," Brett responded, "but then what? The assassin could have been any person of high authority in the palace! Whomever it is, their discovery will result in more disastrous results for our fair country. Another Cargenon army could be on the way or even already here! I still don't fully trust Colonel Garrett." Shawn nodded sadly, "I feel as unsure as you sound, Brett, but we must remain positive." Seeming to ignore him, Brett removed Bryan from his body and stated, "And, to top it off, you and my son are now the new kings. All the training and exams in the world cannot prepare you for the responsibility of rule. Also, I hardly think my son is ready." "I am!" Bryan protested, sniffling and walking over to stand beside Shawn, "Whoever did this will pay! That is our first order! We'll find the assassin, devoting all our men to it!" Shawn put his hand on Bryan's shoulder and shook his head, "Bryan, we don't know what this internal attack means! We need to assemble patrols and send them out. I say we devote three-quarters of our men to patrols and the other quarter to searching." "But it'll take too long to find the killer, then! While we're searching for armies that might not even be here, they could kill you, or me, or dad!" Bryan replied. Brett shrugged, "I will let you two discuss this amoungst yourselves, since none of this is any longer my concern. I must pack my things and depart into town. My ruling days are finished." "No, dad!" Bryan exclaimed as his father turned to depart, "Please don't go!" Shawn shook his head, "Brett, please don't leave. I'll officially appoint you as the new Vizier. With what's going on, we'll need your experience to help" Brett smiled and turned back, "Very well. I'll do my best. I take it you're going to want to have an assembly meeting?" Shawn nodded, "Yeah, we'll meet in the dining room in twenty minutes." Brett nodded, "Very well. I shall let the palace staff know." And left the room, shaking his head. Bryan sniffled and gazed at Shawn forlornly, "Why don't you look sad? Your father was just killed, wasn't he?" Shawn shrugged, "I'm sad enough, trust me. However, there'll be time enough for tears later on. Right now, we have to find out who did this and see, to what extent, Cargenon is established again in our country." Bryan nodded and, gazing over at Colonel Garrett, whispered, "I think I know who did this." Shawn shook his head, "It just wouldn't make sense, Bryan. Colonel Garrett is a man of honour who has killed many soldiers of Cargenon in his battles. There's no reason for him to have committed such an atrocity." Bryan nodded, "Well, I have my beliefs and you have yours. It's only a matter of seeing who's right." Shawn sighed and put his hand on Bryan's shoulder again. Gazing into his eyes, he informed, "Bryan, we have been unexpectedly thrust into power. As the new kings of this country, we have to learn to think as a single unit. You need to put your feelings aside and start thinking logically." Bryan shrugged Shawn's hand off, "But I can't. There's no logical suspect in the whole castle. Who would gain anything by doing what they did?" Shawn was about to answer, when a voice from behind them answered, "I have a few suspicions." Both boys turned around to see Colonel Garrett standing solemnly in front of them. With their attention acquired, Garrett continued, "Theoretically, the king of Cargenon could have offered anybody any sum of money to assassinate King Lucas, as he is a very rich man. However, on examination of Lucas's body, I found that he was shot straight through the head. It was too accurate a shot for any average assassin and very few people possess such skill with a foreign weapon. No, the assassin had to have spent six months, at the very least, in Cargenon in order to attune his skill to such a degree. Offhand, I can think of only two people in this palace that have any chance of possessing such a skill. One of them, of course, would be your new friend." "Jordan?" Shawn exclaimed with a smile on his face, "Obviously you don't know him like I do! He's too shy to even look a stranger in the eyes, let alone kill them! He's a puppy, Colonel." "And there's only one type of gun that he is adept at handling and it isn't the type that was used to kill Luke." Bryan added with a smirk. Colonel Garrett sighed, "Perhaps...but think for a moment. Jordan is a prince of Cargenon who has access to this type of training. Cargenon ferries hundreds of prisoners around each day, but this boy chose to grow attached to you, a member of royalty for the enemy country. Your escape from capture seemed a little too easy, since you are, after all, a highly-prized prisoner in such a war. It was quite possible that this whole thing was a plan of theirs, since they knew that you'd grow attached to the boy's magnetic personality and take him back to Whiteshadow Isle with you. As well, the assassination only happened when he arrived." Shawn listened with much interest and when Garrett was done, Shawn nodded and replied, "That is a very intriguing theory, Colonel. However, I don't think that Jordan could have done it. Number one, he had no firearm on him and wouldn't have been able to access the palace store, and, number two, my father did not fully trust Jordan and would never have calmly allowed him into the throne room unattended." Garrett nodded, "Yes, I was thinking the same thing, and...." Bryan cut Garret off, "Colonel, you mentioned that there were two possible suspects that you could have mentioned offhand. The second one was you, I take it?" Garrett was about to say something, but then paused and nodded. Shawn shrugged, "So, what prevents us from believing that it was you?" Colonel Garrett took a deep breath in mild exasperation, as though an explanation shouldn't have been necessary, and replied, "Yes, I had access to the training and the palace weapon stores, however, I didn't do it. I respected King Lucas more than any other man on this planet and would not tarnish my title and my honour by surprising and shooting my own king. Vizier Frost was my mentor and former colonel, teaching me everything he knew about the art of war and bestowing upon me the privilege of succeeding him when he retired from leading the armies. I worked with the other advisors as a functional group and respected them all very much. Finally, I am well aware of the repercussions of assassinating those people and, no offense intended, but I don't think you two could ever hope to achieve the level of respect and love that Kings Lucas and Brett garnered from their citizens and their cabinet. Thus, I wouldn't dare to do anything that would cause you two to step up above being two bratty princes." Shawn and Bryan crossed their arms across their chests and Shawn smirked and replied, "So, basically, you couldn't have done it because you don't respect us enough to allow us the throne?" Garrett shook his head, "I mean no discourtesy, King Shawn. After all, whether I like it or not, you are now my liege and I will have to accept that. Keep in mind, though, that the last time we were together for any length of time, you and your half-brother ran around the palace, fancy-free, and acted like total whelps. You wore very little, if any, clothing, you were constantly spoiled by your parents and were poster children for why teenagers are looked upon as the most untrustworthy, contemptible lot in the whole world. If that wasn't bad enough, you, King Shawn, had me stripped of my title and banished, simply because you were depressed over the death of your young friend, Carter." "And now?" Shawn inquired, slightly offended. Colonel Garrett smirked, "And now, you seem to be a hero in the eyes of Whiteshadow Isle. You have grown up a lot in the last many years, both of you, and I notice much maturity that has manifested itself. You two both have a lot to live up to, as far as being kings are concerned, but it is my duty to be as loyal to you two as I was to your fathers. I also must say that it was a very wise choice to bestow the title of Vizier upon Brett. Now, you only have to fill the advisors positions and we may be all right, yet." Shawn and Bryan nodded and Bryan smiled and said, "Colonel Garrett, the past is the past. Your job now is to prove your continued loyalty to Whiteshadow Isle and convince me that you truly are not responsible for this tragedy, for I still don't believe you." Colonel Garrett nodded, "That's a fair enough request...Your Highness." Shawn nodded at Garrett and stated, "If that's all, Colonel, then please go inform your guards to be present in the dining room for the assembly." Garrett nodded and walked past the two boys and left the room, leaving Shawn and Bryan alone with the maids. Shawn turned to Bryan and shrugged, "Well, with everything that needs to be done now, I don't think there'll be enough time to grieve." Bryan nodded, "Perhaps. Still, I'm really going to miss your father." Shawn took Bryan's hand and nodded slowly and said softly, "So am I, angel...So am I." Still holding hands, the two boys continued to silently observe as the bodily fluids of Lucas Glazerman and his cabinet were scrubbed from the carpets like wine stains. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 25: The Fog of Dusk That evening, just as the marketplace was closing and parents were calling in their children from the outside, a small funeral was held on a very familiar hill, overlooking the town of Dawson. King Shawn and Bryan had agreed, during the assembly meeting a few hours before, that it would be better if they held the actual funeral with only a few people that night, and had a memorial service sometime next week, where everybody else could come and pay their respects to the king. Thus, the only attendees of the service were three of the servants, Margaret and her daughters, Michael and Zachary, Brett, Colonel Garrett and, of course, the two young kings. As they all made their way to the services, the first drops of rain began to fall and, once upon the hill and exited from the carriages, it had progressed into a steady downpour. Still, nobody there was too concerned about their dress clothes being ruined. In fact, the rain seemed all too appropriate to the mood. There was quite a bit of emotion in the crowd, as they stood and awaited the funeral's commencement. Rebecca sobbed into her mother's robe, totally consumed with sorrow at the death of her father. Feeling sadness for the loss of one of the most compassionate males, in Lucas, that she'd ever known, Margaret cried as well, as she held her daughter against her with one hand and used the other to futilely dab her eyes with a drenched handkerchief. Michael sobbed on Zachary's shoulder, because he felt that a special bond had been developing between him and Lucas. He'd finally felt that someone had understood him and now this had to happen. Zachary tried his best to comfort his friend and lover, but he was very uncomfortable being around so much emotion. He was also uncomfortable with his dress shirt sticking to his chest and causing his nipples to itch terribly. Bryan knew that he had to try to keep his composure as best he could, being the king and all, but, as his father slowly walked to the front of the crowd to begin the service, he lost it and began sobbing into Shawn's already-drenched shirt. Not even Shawn, who tried his hardest to see this circumstance as a cause for anger rather than sadness, could contain his grief when faced with the farewell ceremony for his own father, and, with his long dripping hair hanging tangled in his face, he held Bryan's hand tightly and cried freely. As Vizier, Brett presided over the affair. He kept a solemn, stone-faced appearance, even though his eyes betrayed his sadness. It was not hard to notice a few tears mingling with the other rivulets of water that streamed down the crimson-haired man's face. The six caskets were all slowly lowering into their graves, as Brett gazed out at the crowd, through the mist of the raging cloudburst, and, clearing his throat, began, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here tonight, on the twenty-second day of Tiger's Eye, to bid farewell to, not one, but six very important people in all of our lives. Wesley Harroway, our prized cartographer, was always around to keep track of how our land was developing. He and his scouts made sure that we knew of all of the most important places in the country, whether it be the best fields for planting grain, or the best places for our forces to ambush pirates and renegades. He was our youngest royal advisor and, therefore, his loss is particularly hard. I'm sad to admit that, in my duties as king, I never paid much attention to his personal life, so I don't know if he had any family or friends outside the palace. Is there anybody here who has anything about Wesley that they'd like to share?" The crowd was silent, except for the sounds of lachrymose bawling. Brett sighed and said, "Very well. I suppose Wesley was a private man to us all. We shall have to remember his talents based on the good that he has done for this kingdom. Next, we lost Calvin Ruperts, our foreign relations and trade advisor. Calvin was an instrumental part of this kingdom, because Whiteshadow Isle relies very heavily on what the rest of the world thinks of us. Whether we were supporting the female countries with food, during the gender wars, or we were attempting to ease tensions between us and Cargenon, prior to war breaking out, Calvin was always right there to help us achieve our goals overseas. Without him, it'll be very difficult to achieve that level of peacefulness, since Calvin was so very respected by all who met him. Does anybody have any kind words about Calvin that they'd like to share?" Shawn slowly released Bryan's hand and stepped away from him. Walking over to where Brett stood, Shawn wiped his hair from his eyes and sniffled, then said, "As most of you remember, Calvin was very helpful in my big speech to the world leaders, all those years ago. He wasn't a stupid man, so I'm sure he knew where I was headed with the questions that I asked him. Still, he told the truth and was instrumental in my proving several points to the council. Without him, we may not have achieved the success that we did. I never did get a chance to thank him, because whenever I tried, he would tell me that he was just doing his job. I should have insisted, but I didn't...and now I'll never get the chance." With that said, Shawn nodded and Brett, then slowly stepped back beside Bryan and resumed his quiet sobbing. Brett stood in silence for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "Fine words from our new king. Anybody else?" The crowd showed nobody else with any interest. Brett nodded and said, "Very well. Calvin was a modest man, it's true, and a very honest person. It was a pleasure to work with him and he, too, will be missed deeply. Calvin's counterpart, Jasper, was also unfortunately killed in the attack. Jasper was to the home front, what Calvin was to the foreign front. Calvin was in charge of making sure the most important people in the world, the citizens of Whiteshadow Isle, were content. He assigned the taxes, but if the people had a problem with them, he was always open to changes. He also organized our yearly festival, which always has attracted people from around the globe to our shores. Every little thing that he did was so very important to our people, that any single peasant, should one have been here today, would have spoken about how helpful and compassionate he was to them and their families. The fact that he spent so much time interacting with the common folk, is probably a reason that none of you, presumably, have any fond memories of him, isn't that right?" Confirming his statement, none of the assembled crowd spoke up on his behalf. Brett nodded, "Very well. Next, I'd like to pay my respects to our honoured treasurer, Fargo Davis. Fargo was one of the most meticulous people I've ever met. He kept our funds in check right down the last silver and would suffer an anxiety attack if anybody dared take any money without asking, even if it were myself or Lucas. He was extremely intelligent and could do any math equation in his head, without the need of an abacus. It would be a lie to say that he was one of the most liked people in the palace, because he really wasn't, but the simple truth is that we'd have been lost without his help and he was instrumental in holding this kingdom together. Without him...I really don't know what we're going to do. Does anybody have any thoughts they'd like to share?" Bryan sniffled loudly and slowly walked forward. Brett smiled at his son's approach and stepped aside. Bryan turned around and wiped his puffy eyes with his wet finger and, taking a moment to compose himself, said, "When...when I had first returned to the palace and Shawnie and I were looking for a few moments alone, we could never seem to find it, when Fargo was around." Shawn couldn't help but smile through his cries and even Bryan smirked slightly and giggled, still sniffling and crying somewhat, "Yeah...When...Whenever Shawnie and I would sit down and begin to get close, he always seemed to walk into the room and interrupt. `The palace can't be put on hold because you want kissing time' is what he'd say. I never really liked him, but it was always fun to make him mad. I...I'm going to miss that." Bryan began to cry again and walked back to where Shawn stood. Shawn giggled slightly and took Bryan into his arms, hugging him. The two boys cried as they remembered those times. Brett nodded and paused. Gazing out over the crowd, he shook his head and, putting his hand over his face, he commented, "Umm...I'm finding it difficult to continue. Colonel Garrett, if you could?" Without waiting for an answer, Brett walked off to stand beside Margaret and his two daughters, Ana and Sarah. Seeing little other choice, Colonel Garrett stepped up to where Brett had been and, assuming his usual emotionless look, cleared his throat and continued, "I believe Vizier Silverberg was about to pay his respects to the former Vizier, Thomas Frost. I knew Vizier Frost better as Colonel Frost. When I was a young soldier, entering soon after the death of King Eric, I was trained by a very stern and skilled colonel, by the name of Thomas McDowell Frost. Colonel Frost slapped me around and mocked my fragile and childish spirit. He taught me that the enemy was not a human, but simply a target to be destroyed. As he got older, though, his senses dulled and his heart softened to the pitiful cries of the dying enemy. So, he stepped down and gave me, his most conditioned pupil, his position. Thomas Frost was a man of extreme honour and dignity and a human who I was both proud and fearful to serve under. Even in his declining years, it was always a special relationship that he and I shared. His love for me was only surpassed by his love for Shawn and, through that, he became a warm and affectionate human being. I can't say that I totally agree with that, but he made a lot of friends and I'm sure that he knew what he was doing. He will be missed in more ways than he could ever know. Does anybody want to share any fond memories of Thomas Frost?" Shawn and Bryan were too busy hugging and comforting each other to hear what Garrett was saying, especially over the howling of the wind that was beginning to pick up, but Zachary left Michael's side to walk up to the front. Garrett stepped aside to allow the thirteen-year-old child to speak. "When I first arrived in the palace, I found the experience to be very cool, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to just move in all of a sudden. Lucas and Brett were very busy doing whatever, but Vizier Frost actually took the time to show me around and tell me more about Michael and everybody else living here. He kept reassuring me and telling me that if I had any problems, I could always just come to him and he'd try to help me as best he could. He was always very nice to me and I'll miss him for that." Nodding in conclusion, Zachary stepped away and walked back over to Michael, who had stopped crying to listen to him. Colonel Garrett nodded and said, "Very well. Finally, and some might say most importantly, we are here to say goodbye to King Lucas Glazerman. Words...cannot properly express how much his presence will be missed. I have led his armies ever since he took over the throne from his father. I was there at his coronation ceremony. I have protected his kingdom for over twenty years and I have called him my liege during that time, with respect and honour. King Lucas was a fair king and a good king. He loved his citizens and treated all those under him as equals. He also loved his son, Shawn, more than any person in the entire world. King Lucas was a good father and would go out of his way to put royal matters on hold in order to spend time with his son. He spoiled him growing up, but soon corrected that as Shawn got older and began to take his duties for granted. He respected his son's wishes to marry his brother, which is something that most fathers would never do. King Lucas was also a very loving grandfather. His stepson, Bryan's son, Carter, spent a lot of time with Lucas and Lucas loved that little boy so much. Most fathers dread the day that somebody calls them `grandpa', but not Lucas. He loved children and he loved Carter. Lucas was a wonderful friend. He treated all his advisors, including myself, as equals, instead of servants. Most of the other kings of the world liked him a lot. Prince Michael has had a lot of trouble during his growing up and Lucas tried his best to help Michael through puberty and how to find love. Lucas made Michael feel much better about himself. Lucas helped Michael become more independent. Lucas was a passionate lover. Ever since he first chose Brett, Lucas has defended him on all fronts. Their relationship has always been one of much love and affection. Their occasional fights resulted only because Lucas cared too much about Brett to allow him to go off the beaten path. Where Brett remained serious, Lucas tried to get him to `loosen up', as it were. Above all, though, Lucas loved Brett and would risk his own reputation to defend his younger friend. I can't think of any one person who would miss Lucas more. We all feel a deep and painful loss today, because Lucas has been with us for so long and has left us so suddenly. High Priestess Margaret, you said you wanted to say a few words?" Margaret lifted Rebecca from her chest and walked forward toward the front of the crowd. Walking past her loudly sobbing sons, she reached the front of the area, beside Colonel Garrett. Gazing down at Lucas's casket, she placed her hand on it and closed her eyes for a few seconds, before turning back around and addressing the audience. "What can I say, really? Lucas knew me first, in a time when men and women were mortal enemies. When I heard that the king wanted to meet with me, I expected to be raped, had my children taken away and then never heard anything about it again. That was the way it worked in those days. Lucas wasn't like that, though. Neither was Brett, by the way. Digressing, when Lucas came to the temple to see me, he was not dressed with the intention of impressing me. He wore a simple white dress shirt and black slacks. He had long hair at the time, and he had it tied back in a simple elastic. He and I went into a private room and, rather than just take me right there like an animal, he sat me down and, to my surprise, asked if I had anything to drink. I offered him a glass of wine, which he accepted and I stood there and watched him drink it. So far, it was nothing like what I had expected, so I was less than shocked when he asked me to sit beside him. As we sat together by the reading table, he took my hand into his own and, looking me in the eyes, told me that I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. I was, of course, flattered by his complimentary attitude, but still fearing the worst. After a few seconds, I began to become extremely worried by his calm, gentlemanly attitude and so I inquired as to why I was honoured by his presence on this fine day. That's when he told me the words that I'll never forget for as long as I live. He said, `My dear priestess Margaret, you are the most beautiful woman who could ever possibly walk in this world of war and strife. Your features are so delicate and your spirit, so pure. I have admired you from afar for a long time, you see, and I could never take my eyes off you for very long. You seem so knowledgeable, so logical and, of course, so beautiful. This kingdom of ours is lucky to have someone of your qualities, who is not plotting to overthrow us. You live in contentment, while your sisters fight battles to ruin us. It would do me much honour if you would agree to help me give this kingdom an heir. With the combination of both our skills and traits, we could help this kingdom flourish for a long, long time. If you do not wish it, however, I will go now and you will never hear anything of the sort from me again.' Well, I was taken quite aback by his offer, but I was quite taken by his politeness. I probed as to what would happen if we had girls. I explained that I desired not to have any children if I had to watch them be executed. He was very quick to promise me that if I had any girls, I would be free to keep them with me and no harm would come to them. So, while still a bit wary, I agreed to mother the child of the king. Needless to say, the first child that I had with Lucas was a girl. True to his word, he allowed me to keep the child with me, but he again asked me if we could try for a boy. This time, he swore that if another girl was born, I would keep that one and he would never bother me again. I was, unfortunately, a bit smitten with the young king, so it didn't take too much to get me to agree. The second child we had was, of course, a boy. The child was to be taken from me immediately after circumcision, but instead, Lucas let me keep baby Shawn one more night. Another thing that I'll never forget about Lucas, was that not only did he let me keep Shawn for one more night, but he left me alone with him. It made me feel so special that the king of my country actually trusted a lowly priestess enough to leave the heir to the throne alone in my custody. Needless to say, I gave young Rebecca an early dinner that night and put her to bed. I then spent the entire night up with Shawn, rocking him in my arms. I never wanted that night to end. In the morning, Lucas came back and took Shawn from me, but he let me kiss the baby goodbye. That was the last time I ever saw Shawn until he was thirteen and I managed to catch a glimpse of him in town. For all that Lucas did for me and for all the good that he did for this whole country, I'm going to miss him terribly. I'm only glad that his spirit may live on in the two beautiful children that he and I had together...That he and I almost didn't have, if it weren't for him being such a wonderful and understanding person. Goodbye, Lucas. I...I love you." As she walked back to her place beside her daughters, Garrett nodded and gazed back as the peasants now began to fill the graves with dirt. With his back to the crowd, Garrett gazed at the rapidly filling grave of King Lucas Glazerman, and a single tear rolled down his cheek and mingled with the rest of the water on his face. "Goodbye, Your Majesty." Garrett whispered. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 26: A New Era Begins Upon returning to the palace, the first order of business, for all who attended the funeral, was to change out of their soaked clothing. So, after the black carriages dropped everybody off at the main gates, Shawn and Bryan quickly made their way through the sobbing crowd and up toward their chambers. It had been a lot harder on Shawn than he thought it would be. His thoughts of rational royal dealings had deteriorated into those of a boy who'd just lost his father. Bryan was his usual emotional self, though, so the hallways rang with the sounds of lasting sobs and the occasional sniffle, as the two young kings made their way back toward their room. As Shawn reached for the door handle, he heard the shuffling sounds of activity inside and he was reminded that, because the two of them didn't attend the funeral, Jordan had been asked to babysit Carter. He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and peeled the hair away from his face with his fingers, before opening the door. Bryan's sobs had lessened by that point, and he quickly did the same and followed Shawn inside. Jordan sat cross-legged on the floor with Carter, watching the six-year-old play with several dolls. Both of them quickly stood up as the two older men walked in. "Hey, you two." Shawn greeted them, smiling slightly. Jordan frowned and asked, "How was it?" Bryan stepped up beside Shawn and shrugged, "It was a nice service. My dad and Colonel Garrett did a really good job with the eulogies." Shawn nodded and added, "Not many other people had anything else to say about anybody. It was quite sad." Jordan nodded and said solemnly, "I'm really sorry that this happened." Shawn smiled sadly and, stepping forward, put his hand on Jordan's shoulder and stroked it gently, "I know you are, sweetie. It's going to be very chaotic around the palace for the next little while and I might be pretty busy, what with the circumstances of the deaths and the position that it left myself and Bryan in, but I want you to know that I'm really glad that you're here and that you've agreed to watch Carter. It'll make things much easier on us. You're going to have to act more mature from now on, though. No more of the you-know-what." Jordan nodded and smiled slightly, "It's no trouble to watch him. He's really very cute and fun. And...I understand about the other thing." Shawn nodded and ruffled Jordan's hair, "Good boy. Now, I also wanted to tell you that...." As Shawn and Jordan spoke, Carter stood there and watched intently, trying to figure out what was going on. After a while, he began to get frustrated with being ignored and walked over to his father. Looking up at him, Carter tugged on his wet pant leg and whined, "Daddy, what's going on? What are they saying?" Bryan turned his eyes away from the conversation in front of him and regarded his son with sadness in his eyes. Kneeling down to eye level with the boy, Bryan took his son's hands into his own and, looking into his eyes, asked, "Carter, do you understand what happened today? I mean...with Grandpa Luke and Uncle Tom?" Carter shook his head and replied, "Why? Where are they?" Bryan swallowed back the tears and, taking a deep breath, looked up at Shawn and Jordan, who were now watching him, and shook his head, "I can't do this." Shawn nodded and frowned, "You have to, Bryan. It may seem hard, but he deserves to know. You're his father and you need to take responsibility for this." Bryan sighed and nodded, then, turning back to Carter, said, "Well, sweetheart, it''s like...there's this magical...Umm...Uhh...Ah, forget it. You deserve to know the truth and I don't want you to grow up believing something that I sugar-coated for you." Now the six-year-old really looked confused, and he inquired, "What? Forget what? What are you talking about, daddy?" Bryan nodded and took a deep breath again. Getting back to his feet, he walked past Shawn and Jordan and over to the bed, undoing his wet pants. Removing them, he sat down on the mattress wearing his boxers and then looked over at his son again, "Carter, sit beside me. There's something important I need to tell you and I want to do it right." Carter continued to look confused as he slowly made his way over to the bed and sat down beside Bryan. Looking up at him slightly impatiently, the youngster probed, "What?" Bryan reached over and took his hand, then, gazing into the boy's inquisitive eyes, said, "Carter..., tonight something...happened to Grandpa Luke, Uncle Tom and a whole bunch of their friends. Somebody...did something bad to them and...and now they're dead." Bryan managed to say it without crying and he was quite proud of himself. He paused and allowed what he said to sink into his son's mind. Carter sat there for a few moments and said nothing, his young face showing that he was mulling that over in his mind. After almost a minute, Carter looked up at Bryan again and asked, "Why did someone make them dead?" Bryan shrugged and shook his head, "I guess they must have been a really bad person and didn't like them. I don't really know, Carter." A few seconds after Bryan had said that, Carter finally nodded and said, "Oh." Squeezing his son's hand slightly, Bryan inquired, "So, how do you feel?" Carter shrugged and said, "I dunno. I feel sort of...weird." "Do you feel sad?" Bryan asked. Carter shrugged and said, "I guess." Bryan shrugged, "Well?" "What?" Carter replied. Bryan smiled, "If you want a hug, or you wanna cry, it's okay. I'm here." Carter shook his head and pulled his hand away from Bryan's, standing up. "No, it's okay. I wanna play now." Carter responded and went back to where his dolls were, sat down on the floor and began playing with them again. Bryan sat there and stared at him for a few seconds, then stood up and, unbuttoning his shirt, made his way into the bathroom. Shawn and Jordan had observed what had happened and Shawn was very proud of Bryan. Once again, he took responsibility and he came out in a fairly favourable position. Looking over at Jordan, Shawn said, "Well, I'm going to go join Bryan in the bath. Watch, Carter, okay?" Jordan nodded, tears running down his pale cheeks, and he sniffled, then said, "Yeah, okay." "Are you okay?" Shawn inquired, putting his hand on the eleven-year-old's shoulder. Jordan nodded, wiping his face with his wrist, "Yeah...It's just...I don't think Luke trusted me and I was really hoping that I could make him like me, but now he's dead and...I dunno..." Shawn nodded and hugged the boy into his arms. Patting his back lovingly, Shawn shushed him and said, "It's okay. My dad would have grown to love you, I'm sure." As Shawn hugged Jordan, he noticed Bryan walking past him, clad only in a white towel, and toward the door. Separating from Jordan, he inquired, "Where are you going in such attire?" Bryan opened the door and turned, exclaiming, "I can't find the cufflinks that my dad gave me! I have to go look for them, or else he'll kill me!" "Can't you look for them afterwards?" Shawn replied. Bryan called back as he quickly walked from the room, "The maids might sweep them up! Get in the bath! I'll be back in a few minutes!" Shawn shrugged as the door shut behind him, "He's such a brat sometimes." Jordan giggled and said, "Well, you do look really wet. I wouldn't like it if you got sick." Shawn smiled, "You're such a sweetheart. You don't mind watching Carter again?" Jordan shook his head, "Not at all!" Shawn nodded and undid his pants, then peeled them off his damp legs. Tossing them into the open hamper in the corner of the room, he went around and collected Bryan's clothes, putting them there too. Jordan giggled and said, "Would you just go, so you don't catch a cold and die?!" Shawn smirked, "Being the dramatic one, are we? Okay, but make sure to keep an extra-special eye on Carter. He may have a delayed reaction to the death of my dad, so if he starts crying or anything, let me know." Jordan nodded and, with a snappy salute, exclaimed, "Yes, Your Majesty." With a sneer of mock anger directed at the boy, Shawn stepped into the bathroom and stripped off his boxers and shirt. Putting them aside to be put in the hamper later, Shawn slowly stepped over the basin wall and into the heated water. He let out a sigh of relief as he descended into the hot bath and leaned back against the stone wall. Many a good time was had in this very tub and Shawn always seemed to relive every moment of happiness while inside. It was hard to be happy, given the current circumstances, but Shawn could take a bit of comfort in the knowledge that he was now king alongside the love of his life and they might be able to help the kingdom. Who knows, they might even gain the same amount of respect, in time, that his father did. His thoughts were interrupted by Jordan's voice from the doorway, "Umm, Shawn?" Shawn quickly turned around. He wasn't embarrassed at Jordan seeing him naked, though, because, after all, it was pretty academic by now. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to leave the room for five seconds. I want to get a doll from Carter's room." Shawn smiled, "You don't need to ask permission, guy." Jordan nodded, "I know...Just didn't want you to call me and find that I wasn't around." Shawn nodded, "If you see Bryan on the way out, let him know that I'm anxiously awaiting his company, with or without the damn cufflinks." Jordan giggled, "I'll tell him." Shawn nodded and lay back again. With him and Bryan in charge, it would be a whole new era of command. He was definitely against the circumstances that placed him on the throne, but he couldn't say that he didn't enjoy the idea that he was now king. Bryan might not have been ready quite yet, but Shawn loved him to death and looked forward to helping him along in his efforts to become the royal that he constantly complained about becoming. Like it or not, Shawn was going to turn Bryan into a respectable monarch. Shawn had a bunch of new ideas that he was going to propose, and one of them was the beginning of royal training for Michael and Zachary. Even though they'd probably never rule, it was never too early to start them on the path. Shawn had so many ideas that he was distracted with thinking about them and realized, fifteen minutes later, that neither Bryan nor Jordan had returned. Wondering what was going on, he impatiently slipped out of the basin and wrapped a towel around his waist. He had just walked through the doorway, back into his bedroom, when he heard the gunshot ring out from somewhere in the palace. Shawn stood there in the doorway and listened as four more followed in quick succession. The noise outside his room quickly erupted in the sounds of rushing footsteps. Shawn, however, calmly climbed into a pair of old jogging shorts and, his body still dripping wet, made his way over the door and prepared to investigate. He already knew what had happened, though, and tears were already streaming down his cheeks. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 27: Choices Shawn slowly walked down the corridor, the sounds of activities in the main hallway getting ever louder as he approached it. As he rounded the corner, Shawn took several steps back and grit his teeth to avoid throwing up. Prince Jordan, the young boy from Cargenon, lay dead on the carpet. His body was filled with several bullet holes and blood poured freely from his wounds and formed a widening pool underneath him. Colonel Garrett and several guards knelt beside him and held his limp and bloody extremities, searching for some sign of life. From the grim looks on their faces, it appeared that none existed. As the raven-haired prince looked up, he spotted Bryan sitting in a far corner of the room. His legs were clutched against his chest and he was sobbing, with blood streaming down his right arm from a wound on his shoulder. His only material covering, a simple towel, was partly undone, but had a red rim from all the blood that has dripped down his body. A small pistol lay in front of him, in a small pool of blood. Shawn hadn't anticipated this at all. When he had heard the gunshots from his room, he had been sure that he would come down to find the dead body of Bryan laying on the floor. He had been preparing himself to deal with it. He had been prepared to deal with the loss of the throne so soon after he'd gotten it. He had been preparing to tell Carter that his father was dead. He was sure that he'd probably not be as calm, but... "But I guess it doesn't matter now." Shawn thought as he stood watching the scene before him, "Bryan is the traitor and that's almost as bad." Shawn walked further into the room, giving Jordan's body a cursory glance as he walked past it and the assembled guards. If Blade Garrett and his crew knew of his arrival, they made no acknowledgment, as he slowly sauntered past them and toward the huddled body of Bryan. Shawn stood in front of Bryan for several seconds, without saying anything. Though the boy was crying, Shawn was sure that Bryan could see him standing there, but made no acknowledgment of his presence. Slowly bending down, Shawn took the grip of the pistol between his thumb and forefinger and fished it out from the rapidly coagulating crimson pool. He gazed at it for several seconds, studying the intricacies of the new weapon of destruction, the streamlined contours of the device that, in a single person, could kill twenty men before they even got without thirty-five feet. He lightly touched the muzzle of the gun with the thumb of his left hand, and noted that it was still hot. The warmth was almost comforting, like the warmth felt while lounging in front of a fireplace during the cold winter months. Like the warmth of a hot stew sliding down your gullet after a long autumn's day of gathering leaves together and going for long strolls in the park. Like the warmth in your heart when you finally meet that special someone and they tell you that they love you. Tears streamed down Shawn's face as he examined the weapon for one last second, then turned around and, rearing back, threw it as hard as he could. It soared through the air and smashed right through a vase sitting on a pedestal at the other end of the room. The large hallway resonated with the loud bang of the vase shattering, combined with the pop of the gun going off as it hit the wall, shooting a gaping hole through a painting, but both sounds were drowned out by Shawn's scream of anger. Colonel Garrett and the guards spun around from the other noises in time to see Shawn run over and pull a sculpture of himself off a pedestal, watching it smash into pieces of the marble floor. One of the guards stood up, presumably to go quell the situation, but Garrett held him back. "Stay!" He said, "You don't want to mess with our king when he's in this mood." Shawn spun around from observing the mess he made and, striding back toward Bryan, yelled, "How could you?!" Rather then responding, Bryan just sobbed louder. Shawn threw up his arms and yelled, tears coursing from his eyes, "I mean, I loved you, Bryan! I trusted you! How could you kill my father?! And Thomas?! And Calvin?! And Jasper?! And Wesley?! And Fargo?! How could you kill Jordan?! Why would you betray your kingdom like this?! And me?! How the fucking hell could you betray me, God dammit?! I loved you, you son of a bitch! I fucking defended you! When your father said that you'd never be a good king...." Shawn suddenly felt a hand grip his shoulder and a loud, "Shawn!" yelled in his ear. Shawn spun around to see, through his mask of tears, that Brett now stood before him. "My son didn't kill those people, Shawn." Brett said, matter-of-factly. Shawn wiped his eyes with his wrist and said, "Of course he did!" "No, he didn't." Colonel Garrett said, walking slowly over to where they stood, "Bryan is not our traitor." Shawn stumbled backwards a few steps and, looking up at the two men, stuttered, "Th...then...who?" Colonel Garrett pointed back at where his guards were gathered. " were right all along?" Shawn asked, much chastened. For the first time in his life, Shawn saw a smile pass across the bearded face of Blade Garrett as he said, "Worry not, Your Majesty. I shan't gloat." "So, he was a spy all along?" Shawn probed, sniffling. At that, Garrett shook his head, "Jordan truly did love you, Shawn. He had just spent his entire life being ostracized by his father and brothers. I guess he just couldn't pass up the chance to, perhaps, win back his father's respect by killing all the royals in the palace. I doubt he intended it from the start, though. When we rushed to the sound of a struggle, we came only in time to see King Bryan wrestle the gun from young Jordan and fire the strange weapon at him in defense. Fortunately, Jordan's first shot had only grazed Bryan's shoulder, or it may have been the end for the young monarch." Brett nodded at the apparent resolution of the affair and extended his hand down toward his son, offering to help him to his feet. Bryan looked up and slapped it away, before climbing to his feet on his own. His sobs now diminishing, Bryan stepped over to Shawn and looked at him through his red-rimmed eyes. Shawn shook his head, "Bryan, I..." He was promptly cut off as Bryan punched him sharply in the stomach. The wind knocked out of him, Shawn collapsed to the ground with a groan and lay there cringing in pain. "How dare you doubt me?!" Bryan yelled down at him, "I thought you trusted me! I thought we had a bond that could not be broken!" "I...I'm sorry, Bryan!" Shawn coughed as he slowly began to get back to his feet. Bryan kicked him in the head, causing him to fall back down again, "You called me a traitor! You fucking accused me of killing Luke and Vizier Frost! I always stood by you!" "Bryan...I...." Shawn began to say. "No!" Bryan yelled back, "I don't want to hear you anymore, you lying, untrustworthy, insensitive bastard! I've had enough of your shit!" Looking back toward Brett and Colonel Garrett he continued, "I've had enough of all of you people's shit! `Study harder, Bryan.', `Be more mature, Bryan', `Think more, Bryan.', `Why can't you be more like Shawn, Bryan?'. Well, I've through!" Bryan brought his hand up in front of his face and yelled, "You see this?! Well, this is what I think of being some fucking king!" Bryan pulled off his royal insignia ring and tossed it on the floor at his father's feet. By this time, most of the palace had come to see what the commotion was, including Michael and Zachary, Margaret and her daughters, little Carter, and even the still visiting High Priestess Anna of Bismark. Bryan turned around to the still-prone Shawn, "I don't know how long you've been thinking that I was the one who killed your father, but I don't want to know about it! I came to this place because you did and I didn't want to leave you! I thought you loved me and trusted me, because I sure as hell loved and trusted you! Not anymore, though! I mean, being not only husbands, but also brothers, I thought maybe we had a bond that would let you know, in your heart of hearts, that I would never do anything that would hurt you so bad. I guess we don't have that bond, though. I guess all these years, you never really fully trusted me! Well, fuck you, Shawnie, we're through!" Bryan pulled off his wedding band and through it down beside Shawn's body. "Bryan! Calm down, now!" Margaret called, "You're acting like an idiot!" Bryan turned toward his mother and said, "Well, that's all right, isn't it, mom? I mean, you still have your good, intelligent, mature son! What do you need me for?" Before she could respond, he turned back toward his father, "Dad, you kept pushing me and pushing me to become king, but I never wanted it! I never wanted any royal shit! I was on the street, with the real people and I was real happy with that! I only came back because I thought Shawn loved me. Next thing I know, I'm turned into this...this...prince and made like I belong here! I was brought up as a fucking stableboy, dad! I was never a prince, and you know it! I was the one who stopped the first traitor and I was the one who stopped the second one! None of you royal fuckers could do anything about it, but I did it! Me! Don't you agree, dad, that I was the reason that both your stupid traitors are dead?!" Brett could only nod in acknowledgment. Bryan turned toward Rebecca, "And you!" Rebecca tried hard not to smile as she inquired, "Me? What did I do to you, Bryan?" "You did that!" Bryan said, pointing toward Carter, who was watching the scene with quiet curiosity. Rebecca reared back and slapped Bryan, then yelled, "Don't you dare bring him into this! You were never a real father, anyway, so if you don't want the responsibility, then just get the fuck away!" Bryan stepped back and rubbed his reddening cheek gingerly, then nodded and turned toward Michael and Zachary. "Bryan, what are you doing?" Michael asked, fearfully. "Michael, you don't belong here! You belong on the street with me and Amber and the rest of the peasants! You took me for granted, though. You got all nice and comfy in your pampered royal life. You picked your Chosen and now you're settling into your big room with your stone bath and all that shit!" Zachary turned to Michael and said, "Maybe he's right. I don't know if I'm cool with all this royal shit, either." Michael shook his head, then turned back toward Bryan, "Bryan, I don't know what your problem is, but you need to look around you and see what a jackass you're being." Bryan nodded and smiled, "Yeah, a jackass." Then walked away from the crowd and started back toward the stairway. "Bryan! Come back here now!" Brett yelled. Bryan spun around, "No! You can't order me around anymore! I don't want the throne! You hear me, dad! I quit! I'm going to go up to my room, take a few things and then I'm leaving and you can't stop me!" "Please don't go, Bryan!" Michael yelled. Bryan stood there and crossed his arms across his chest, "Oh, I'm going, all right. You hear me, everybody? I'm going and I'm never coming back! And anybody who wants to come with me is welcome to it!" There was a long pause as everybody looked around uncomfortably. "Bryan, please don't go! A little responsibility is necessary for life. Don't do this to yourself!" Margaret called. "Sorry, mom." Bryan responded, "Why don't you come with me? This place never treated you right anyway." Margaret shook her head, "Bryan, you're not being reasonable." "Fine!" Bryan replied, "How about you, Becky?" Becky shook her head, "Fuck you, Bryan." Bryan smiled, "Fair enough? Ana...Sarah...You two are my sisters...You may be the only siblings that I can rely on. You have no future in this palace. Come with me and we'll start a new life." The two twins looked at each other and then turned toward Bryan. Ana shook her head, "I'm sorry, Bryan. I have a boyfriend in town...and I don't know where you're going, but I can't come." "And you, Sarah?" Bryan inquired. Sarah glanced over at her mother, then over at her father, then she looked back at Bryan and slowly walked toward him. Bryan smiled as his sister approached him. He took her hand and held it as she stood beside him. "Okay," he continued, "how about you, Mike? You know that you don't belong here! You and Zachary should just come with me." Michael looked at Zachary, then back at Bryan and said, "Bryan, I don't know why you're doing this, but my place is not with you! It's with people I can count on, like Brett and Margaret and Rebecca and, I guess, Colonel Garrett. They took me off the street and gave me a life. They gave me Zachary and I'm not going back, Bryan. I'm staying here." To punctuate his point, Michael took Zachary's hand and they walked over to stand beside Margaret and Rebecca. Bryan nodded, "Okay, I guess maybe I misjudged you too. Well, what about you, Carter? Wanna come on a long trip with daddy?" "No!" Rebecca cried, "Don't take Carter! Let him stay and be brought up to be normal. He doesn't need your shit! You're insane!" Bryan smiled, "He's my son, too, Rebecca. Let him decide on his own." Rebecca looked over at Margaret, but she just shook her head and said, "This is a pivotal time for Bryan. It's time to let everybody have an option. It's up to you." Rebecca nodded, tears glistening in her eyes, and kneeling down, looked at her son and said, "Sweetie, daddy's leaving and not coming back. Do you want to stay with mommy, or go with him?" Carter's brown eyes sparkled in his innocence and he smiled and asked, "Why is daddy leaving?" Rebecca shook her head, "I don't know." Carter stood there, then looked over at Bryan and Sarah, then back at Rebecca, then over at Shawn. Breaking away from Rebecca, he ran over to where Shawn was now standing and said, "I wanna be with Uncle Shawn!" Rebecca smiled slightly. Bryan nodded, then turned toward Shawn, smirking, "Well, it's time to make a choice, isn't it? What about it, Shawnie? Are you going stand with your people and rule as king, like some spoiled royal brat who let his daddy wipe his ass until he was eleven, or are you going to stand with me, your brother, and prove that you do love me and trust me after all? I don't really want to leave you, Shawnie, and I know that you don't want to leave me. So, what's more important to you? Your kingdom...or me?" "Don't listen to him, Shawn!" Rebecca warned, "He's trying to goad you and, besides, if you go, Carter will go too." "Please be reasonable, Shawn." Brett said, "My son has made his own choice, but you will be a great king and you must stay and put the pieces of this broken kingdom back together." "Brett is correct, Shawn." Garrett said, "We don't know how many more of Cargenon's troops are on their way here. There may even be hidden camps! We need the guidance of a king. As much as I don't fully trust your ability, I must admit that you did end a war for us once before. Perhaps you can do it again." "Don't go, man!" Michael pleaded, "They'll make Zac and me the kings and we don't know shit about how to rule!" Shawn turned toward Margaret, but she just shrugged, "Shawn, I've only been with you for a fraction of your life. However, I can tell that you're a very smart young man. Only you can know which decision is the right one." Shawn nodded, then looked around indecisively. He gazed at his sister, Brett, Colonel Garrett, Michael and all the people that didn't want him to go, then he looked at Bryan. Bryan had a warm smile, a genuine look of concern for Shawn. Shawn had sworn to stand by Bryan forever, in sickness and in health, for good and for bad. Yet, as Shawn gazed down, he saw the fallen wedding band at his feet. Bryan had told him that they were through. Shawn bent down and picked up the golden band from the marble floor. Turning it around in his fingers, he gazed at the symbol of Bryan's undying affection for Shawn that Bryan had tossed so unceremoniously to the floor. Images of their youth and all the things they had shared passed through Shawn's mind. He thought about how much he loved Bryan and how hard it had been to live for even three weeks without him. He thought about how Bryan had helped bring him back from the brink of suicide when Carter had died. He thought about all the love that they'd shared, all the nights of snuggling, all the passionate sex. That evening that they sat by the lake, Bryan clutched in his arms, and watched the sun set together. He thought about Shady Sands. He knew that he should really go with him. Then, he thought about all the times he'd yelled at Bryan to study, to be more mature, to act more like a prince. He thought about how neglectful he was of his own son. He thought about how difficult Bryan could be. He thought about their fight in the forest of Bismark. Bryan had always been an outsider, while Shawn had been more compliant...more passive. Maybe it would be best if Bryan just went off and Shawn stayed here with his palace. Shawn turned to look at Rebecca, his only sister and his last reminder of the legacy of his father. Rebecca could see that Shawn had already made his decision, and she exploded into sobs, clutching her mother. Margaret knew as well, and she simply nodded in understanding, as if she could read Shawn's mind, and hugged Rebecca against her. He slowly walked to the center of the hallway and smiled at the assembled royals, then announced, "Come, Carter. We're going with daddy." Without a second glance, Shawn turned his back to the crowd, lifted Carter into his arms and walked over to Bryan. Bryan smiled smugly and mouthed a silent cheer, then said, "Take care, It's been a blast." Then, he, Shawn, Carter and Sarah made their way around the corner and up the stairway to get their things. High Priestess Anna sighed as she saw Shawn walk away from the crowd, then sadly turned around and left the room. Garrett and his guards slowly made their way back over to cleaning up the dead body on the floor. Chronicles of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era Chapter 28: Final Goodbyes As they reached the top floor, Sarah split off from them to go to her room and pack. Shawn stopped over in Carter's room and gathered up a few of the young boy's clothes and possessions, including Spot, while Bryan went to their room and found their travel bags. By the time Bryan returned, Shawn had assembled all the things that were being taken into a large pile on Carter's bed and Bryan began loading it into the bags. "Hey!" Shawn called over to Bryan. "Yeah?" Bryan replied, zipping shut one of the bags. Shawn extended out his hand. It had Bryan's wedding band in it. Bryan smiled and took it from him, slipping it back onto his finger. "I was never totally sure that you did it, you know. A small part of me just knew that you didn't." Shawn said. "Yeah, right." Bryan replied sarcastically, as he zipped closed his duffel bag. The three guys took the bag and the leopard and left the room. Carter stopped in the doorway for a second and waved goodbye to all the things that he had left behind. From there, they went into Shawn and Bryan's room and Shawn began emptying the drawers out, as Bryan stuffed the clothes into the bags. "Are you going to miss the royal life?" Bryan inquired, as he haphazardly jammed the clothing into the duffel sack.. Shawn stopped to think for a moment, then shrugged, "Maybe a bit. But, you're more important to me than any stupid throne, and we don't need to be royalty in order to be happy." Bryan looked up at Shawn, "You sure?" Shawn nodded and, leaning forward, kissed Bryan tenderly on his lips, "I'm sure, sweetie." Bryan finished with the bags and, turning to Shawn, took a deep breath and said, "Well, are we ready?" Shawn smiled and nodded, "Let's go." They had five bags amoung the three of them, so Bryan and Shawn each took two and Carter took the lightest one in his small hand. Leading the large leopard toward the doorway, the three of them made their way out of the bedroom. Sarah waited for them in the hallway, carrying two bags of her own. She smiled at the three of them and said, "We ready to get out of this place?" Bryan nodded, "Pretty much. Tell me something, though...Why did you choose to come with me?" Sarah cocked her head and replied, "Come on! Ana and Rebecca have their lives here! Ana has her boyfriend and Becky has her temple thing, but what do I have? You're my brother, Bryan, and I'm not going to stick around here if you're not. I don't need dad or mom or any of these hoity-toity royal suckers!" Bryan smiled and nodded, "Well, thanks for coming, sis. It means loads to me." Shawn smiled too, but said, "Hey, if we're gonna go, we better do it before morning, people." Bryan smiled, "You sure you don't wanna stick around here? You still seem to be stuck in the prince mode." Shawn shrugged, "I go where you go, angel." Bryan nodded and, with that, they all headed down the hallway, toward the stairs. Suddenly, Shawn stopped and, looking down at Carter, said, "Oops, I nearly forgot." Reaching into his jeans pocket, he pulled out three silvers and handed them to the boy. "What's this for?" Carter asked. "For that tooth, of course! The tooth fairy stopped by and told me to give you this." "Oh, Uncle Shawn!" Carter said, giggling, "I thought you forgot!" "Me?" Shawn asked innocently, "Why would I have to worry about forgetting? If you want to blame something, you should blame the darn tooth fairy!" Carter laughed out loud, his lips parting and revealing the new adult tooth that was almost finished pushing its way into the spot. They continued down until they reached the main hallway again. It appeared that the crowd hadn't moved in the least, except the body of Jordan was now gone. Brett looked at them and asked, "Now that you've had a moment to regain your sanity, children, are you sure that you truly wish to leave?" "Yes, father." Sarah replied. "Very sure." Bryan answered. Shawn sighed and said, "Brett, I truly believe that I've made the correct decision." Brett nodded, "Very well. Let me state, then, that, by walking out on your reign, you, Shawn and Bryan, are now honourless in the eyes of Whiteshadow Isle royalty. You will no longer be recognized as royalty in our eyes, and your children will not be allowed to participate in any Choosing ceremony. According to our laws, you two are total disgraces." "Is that the way you feel, Brett?" Shawn asked. Brett smiled and shook his head, "No. I love you both very much and you are not disgraces. However, you picked a somewhat inconvenient time to leave and that makes me quite cross with you both. However, you two are allowed to make your own decisions and if you don't want to be kings, that is fine. I won't concern you with any more royal matters. You four are free to leave the palace and live on your own wherever you choose to, but please buy a nice-sized cottage somewhere. Don't let yourselves become street urchins." Shawn laughed, "Don't worry. I have taken a substantial amount from the treasury, and it should be enough to fund our new life for a little while." Brett nodded and extended his arms. Shawn smiled and, walking forward, dropped his bags and hugged his late father's lover tightly. "Good luck, Shawn. We'll miss you." Brett said. Shawn separated from Brett and, pulled his royal insignia ring off his finger and handed it to him. Brett then turned to Bryan and said, "Bryan, you acted very immaturely today. However, you are no longer my responsibility, so let us put that behind us. Despite all that you've done and all that you've become, I want you to know that you are still my son and...well...I'll always be proud of you." Bryan nodded and hugged his father. "Please, for the love of God, be good, Bryan!" Brett exclaimed. Bryan smiled and said, "I'll try." Brett turned to Carter and simply shrugged and said, "You make sure and be a good boy, Carter. Always listen to your Uncle Shawn and Aunt Sarah and, once in a while, your daddy." Carter smiled and wrapped his arms as far as they'd go around Brett's waist. "Goodbye, grandpa." The boy said. Further well-wishing was done as Shawn, Bryan, Carter and Sarah went down the line of people and listened as they each offered their wishes. Margaret cried as she hugged her sons, daughter and grandson, goodbye. Rebecca cried as she hugged her son goodbye. Garrett offered his usual handshake and best wishes. Rebecca approached Bryan and, gripping his shoulder, turned him forcefully toward her. Glaring at him, she said, "You better pay attention to Carter and be the best damn father in the world, because if I find that you are neglecting him, I'll track you down and tear out your liver with my bare hands." Amidst all the farewells, High Priestess Anna approached Shawn and gently led him away from the crowd. "What?" Shawn asked, as he saw her serious expression. "Shawn..." She said, "I thought...I mean, you and I..." Realization passed over Shawn's face like a ton of bricks and he nearly collapsed with it. He opened his mouth, but it was a clear thirty seconds before he said, "Oh shit!" She stepped closer to him, "Shawn...I'm pregnant. It was supposed to be your heir if it was a boy, but since you're not the king anymore, I don't know what...I mean...What do you want to do?" Shawn ran his fingers through his hair and stuttered, "Umm...Oh geez...If only I'd known!" Anna shook her head, "Shawn, you are young and it's okay. I'm going to return to Bismark and you don't ever have to hear about your child." "No!" Shawn exclaimed, "I mean, I'd like to know how it works out. I'm...I'm really sorry." Anna nodded, "Very well. You know how to reach me, so just contact me whenever you get where you're going. If you wish it, our child shall know of you." With that, the priestess turned and quickly began walking off. "I'll visit when I can!" Shawn called after her, but she didn't turn back. "What was that all about?" Bryan inquired as he managed to get away from Rebecca's threats. Shawn shook away the daze and replied, "N...nothing. Are we ready to go?" Bryan nodded, "Yeah. My father has two carriages waiting for us outside to take us to the docks. One for us, and one for Spot." Shawn nodded and walked back over, picking up his bags. "We'll walk you to the main gate." Brett commented. With that, the four of them, leopard by their side, made their way down the main hallway with the crowd of royals following them. At the main gate, the carriages did, indeed, await with doors hanging open in anticipation. The porters took the bags and started loading them up. Turning back toward the somber crowd, Shawn smiled slightly and said, "Well, that's it, then." Bryan turned toward Michael. He stood stiffly in the crowd, clutching his lover's hand tightly. "Come on, Mikey. Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye?" Michael stood there for several seconds, before, tears streaming down his face, he launched himself away from Zachary and the crowd and wrapped his arms around Bryan tightly. "Please stay!" Michael sobbed into Bryan's shirt. "We can't." Bryan stated, "Our calling is out there in the world." "I changed my mind! I'm coming with you!" Michael cried. "You can't!" Shawn stated, "You and Zachary have to stay and rule as kings. I know you two can do it!" "I don't want you guys to go!" Michael sobbed, breaking away from Bryan and resuming his tantrum against Shawn's body, "You said you'd never leave me!" Shawn hugged Michael tightly and said, "Michael, if you come along, there will be nobody to rule. Your leaving will collapse the kingdom! Please don't make us take you, because in a few seconds, we're going to!" Shawn pried Michael from his body and said, "Mike...I love you. Bryan loves you. But, you need to express all that love onto Zachary. You need to stop crying and be tough." Michael sniffled and hiccupped, but began to calm down. "Zachary!" Bryan called, "Come here for a moment." The long haired thirteen-year-old worked his way through the crowd and walked over to Bryan. Bryan put his hand on Zachary's shoulder and said, "Zac, you make sure and take care of Michael. He's a sweet young boy and needs a friend like you. Be good to him for us." Zachary smiled and took Michael's hand into his own, "I will, you guys. I swear." Michael turned toward Zachary and continued to cry. Zachary reached forward and, taking Michael's soaked face into his hands, pulled his lips against his own and kissed him soundly. Shawn and Bryan smiled, then quickly made their way through the gate with Carter and Spot. The porter helped the large cat into the specially-made carriage and Shawn, Carter and Bryan climbed into the other one. "Goodbye!" Shawn called as the carriage began to move. Everybody waved goodbye, except for Michael and Zachary, who were still too busy kissing. Michael pulled away just in time to watch as the two carriages disappeared into the autumn mist and were gone from sight. FIN