Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 04:51:07 -0800 (PST) From: Joshua winters Subject: Daniel and Thomas 5 Daniel Tests Thomas Resolve The following week at school, at lunchtime I was wandering around, daydreaming. Should anyone ever tell you that daydreaming is a perfectly safe and harmless pass time! Don't believe them. Daydreaming very nearly got me killed. In my dream Thomas and I were fooling around, exploring each other's body. It was a sultry summer afternoon as we lay on the soft grass beside Thomas parents swimming pool. In my dream things were about to get interesting, when all of a sudden a hand clamped painfully onto my shoulder, snapping me out of my daydream and back to reality. "It's the school faggot guys. What a surprise hey?" Snarled Nick, the school bully and the bane of my existence. I would like to be able to write and tell you that. I snapped around as fast as greased lightening, grabbing hold of Nick's arm as I threw him over my head and watched him somersault onto the pavement. Then with my right fist, I delivered a swift uppercut to Nick's number two henchmen, sending him reeling over the wooden seat and crashing to the ground. Suddenly, Nick's second offsider made a lunge for me. I swiftly and expertly lashed out with a karate kick, striking him neatly in the kidneys. He crumpled to the ground, where he lay moaning in agony. I stepped over the three maimed and injured bullies and as I walked away I was satisfied that justice had been served. Like I said, I would like to write that, but it's not what actually happened. Rather I stuttered uncontrollably as I pitifully pleaded with Nick to spare my miserable life. "Please Nick, I didn't do anything, just, just leave me alone." I begged. "You didn't do nothing hey? You broke the law faggot, now you gotta pay, don't he guys?" Nick said, watching his goons nod in agreement. "What law? I didn't break any law I was only going over there to have lunch." I said pointing to the seats along the edge of the oval. "Oh it's a new law, in fact its so new I only just made it up," he said laughing at his own witticism. " Faggots. And that means you!" Nick said, as he poked me painfully in the chest with his finger, " are not allowed on the oval, so you broke the law. Now you gonna pay." As I started to protest, Nick suddenly punched me hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I collapsed to my knees in agony, only to be dragged back up to my feet by my hair. Tears welled in my eyes, partly from the pain but mostly from fear of what was going to happen next. "Awe the little sissy wants to have a cry," said Nick, "Stop crying, you make me sick you spineless wimp." Nick yelled venomously at me, slapping me hard across the face. The vice president of Nick's group of thugs, who in different circumstances and despite the fact that he is butt ugly and is thick as a plank, probably isn't such a bad person. He seemed to be feeling sorry for me. "Come on Nick, seeing as its only his first offence and he didn't know about the new law, we should probably let him off lightly this time," He said looking a bit concerned at how distressed I was. Nick scowled at his friend, "Don't you ever fucking tell me what to do! Hear me asshole?" Nick let go of me, for a second I thought I would be safe. Then suddenly it was too late to protect myself. I watched mesmerised as Nick's fist torpedoed at frightening speed towards me. Before I knew what had happened his fist connected with my temple, causing bright lights to explode behind my eyes. The force sent me reeling backwards, I can't even remember falling too the ground. As I lay there and started to feel the pain my vision blurred. Once again I started to bawl my eyes out. "I said stop crying you fucking wimp," yelled Nick as he viciously kicked me in the ribs. I felt something deep inside me snap followed by an excruciating pain in my side. I hardly had time to contemplate the damage to my ribs, before he once again kicked me, this time in the thigh. Before Nick could do anymore, I vomited all over myself and onto the pavement, before I passed out from the pain, I don't know if Nick stopped the attack of his own accord, rather, I suspect that his fellow gang members restrained him. My next conscious memory was waking up in the nurse's office. I figured that things must have gotten pretty serious as the school headmaster was standing there looking down at me, concern on his face, the nurse was also there standing beside me. "Its ok Daniel, you're going to be fine, we have telephoned you're father and also an ambulance is on its way." The nurse said attempting to reassure me. I couldn't talk, the pain in my side was almost unbearable. But when I heard that an ambulance had been called to take me to hospital, tears started to stream down my cheeks again. "Why do I always cry, I am such a wimp." I felt miserable, I had a throbbing headache. My ribs ached that badly it hurt just to breathe, my throat burned with that awful taste of bile from having vomited and even more embarrassing, at some time, though I couldn't remember when, I had wet my pants. Shamefully I turned my head away from them and cried. Life is so unfair I thought to myself. Suddenly Thomas appeared at the door. The head master tried to shoo him away, but Thomas was not going to be put off that easily. "Sir. Daniel is my best friend, he is like a member of my family, you have to let me see him, you simply have too!" demanded Thomas. For a little while the headmaster half-heartedly protested, but then he saw the resolve on Thomas face and he capitulated. "Ok, you can stay with Daniel until the ambulance arrives, but don't get him upset or excited. Do you hear me?" "Yes sir." Thomas agreed. The nurse moved out of the way so that Thomas could stand next to my bed. In a glance Thomas looked at the damage to my person. Noting the bruise on my temple and the ugly purple blotch on my injured ribs, there was blood in my hair, and Thomas could smell the vomit and urine. Thomas reached over and gently grasped my hand and he lifted my chin so that I was looking directly at him. As the tears were pouring down my cheeks I said, "I'm sorry Thomas." I thought that somehow he was mad or at the very least disappointed with me. For a moment he looked confused, Thomas eyes then hardened. "You don't have anything to be sorry for, don't worry Daniel this is never ever going to happen again, you have my word on it. " Thomas promised me. The real meaning of Thomas words suddenly dawned on me. Thomas knew without having to be told that Nick had done this to me and he was going after him. The thought of something happening to Thomas overwhelmed any thoughts as to the ramifications of telling the headmaster who had done this to me. I knew that Nick was going to do a lot more damage to me when he found out that I had told on him. I felt as if I had no choice in the matter. If I were to say nothing, then Thomas might get hurt and it would be my fault. No matter what, I could not let Thomas go after Nick. "Sir. I need to tell you what happened." I said looking desperately at the headmaster. Talking resulted in a stabbing pain in my ribs, but I wanted to tell him what had happened. "Not now Daniel, you need to rest, the ambulance will be here shortly. We can sort out what happened later when we know that you're safe and well." The headmaster said trying his best to not get me excited. "No, I need to tell you now. I won't be brave enough later and it will be to late." I insisted breathlessly. Thomas squeezed my hand, frowning to warn me against saying anything, which only made me more determined to talk, as it confirmed Thomas intentions to seek revenge on Nick. "Nick did this to me sir. He and his gang have been picking on me since almost the first day of school." I said before taking a rest to catch my breath. "Why would Nick do this to you? Daniel have you done something to provoke him?" He said with a perplexed expression. Suddenly Thomas jumped in. " Daniel hasn't done anything, his only crime is that he is kind-of-small for his age and he doesn't like fighting. Nick is a bully that gets off on picking on little guys." Thomas stated angrily. "Is that true Daniel?" The headmaster asked. "Yes sir. I am too scared to fight back, which only seems to make him madder at me, he keeps calling me names all the time." I told him. "What sort of names son?" I looked away because I was too embarrassed to tell him. The headmaster glanced across at Thomas, but he didn't say anything either, Thomas cheeks reddened a little, but he kept silent. "Daniel. I asked you what names does Nick call you? I can't help you if you don't tell me the truth young man." I looked up into his eyes and stared at him, suddenly I became angry, how could he run this stupid school and let this sort of thing happen to me. " He calls me names like, faggot, poofter sissy boy, butt fucker should I go on?" I blurted out angrily. The headmaster looked embarrassed and angry. For a brief moment I thought he was mad at me but then he reached over and patted my shoulder. "Its ok Daniel, you rest and take it easy, I have heard all I need to for now." He said as he tried to calm me. "Nurse, if the ambulance arrives before Daniel's father, then its ok for Thomas to go in the ambulance with Daniel to the hospital, it will be comforting to have his best friend with him." The headmaster said smiling to Thomas as he turned to leave. Thomas nodded his thanks, squeezing my hand affectionately. Just then I heard the wail of a siren and the nurse rushed out of her office to direct the paramedics. For a little while Thomas and I were left alone. "Oh Daniel, why does this shit always have to happen to you? I don't care what you say, when you get well you're coming to Karate classes with me. I am going to teach you to defend yourself even if it kills you." Thomas said angrily. I tried to speak, but I suddenly felt nauseous so I closed my eyes instead. "Daniel. Dan! Are you ok" Thomas looked alarmed as he spoke. " I'm going to hurl, " I said. Then I puked all over myself. Thomas grabbed a plastic bowl and held it to my mouth while I continued to dry heave a few more times. Thomas picked up a face cloth and gently wiped the puke of my face. I looked up at him and much to my surprise I saw a tear roll down his cheek. Thomas looked so awfully sad that it started me crying again. "God we're a couple of babies," Thomas said as he sniffled and wiped the tears of his cheeks with the back of his shirtsleeve. Just then the paramedics rushed into the room. All together I spent two nights in the hospital. The injuries weren't that serious, apart from a broken rib, a badly bruised thigh and as a result of the punch to my temple I had a mild concussion. Whilst In hospital, laying there alone in the dark recuperating, I spent a lot of time soul searching. I gave a lot of thought to my relationship with Thomas, regardless of my analytical analyses, each time I thought of Thomas I became aroused, unfortunately I couldn't do much about it. Reaching down to touch myself was a new adventure in pain. I giggled at the thought of asking Thomas to masturbate me on humanitarian grounds. I could try. " But Thomas I will get blue balls and my testicles will drop off, you're the only one that can save me!" But with my luck Thomas would find the ugliest largest smelliest nurse in the hospital and explain my dilemma to her. The most frightening and embarrassing thing about being in hospital, even much worse then the beating that landed me here in the first place, was the dreaded sponge bath. The Nurse could have been an ugly old fat lady the mere site of her would have make anyone's privates shrink in terror, but no, I wasn't that lucky. The nurses aid was 19 years old and for a girl, very cute. Here I am a teenager and laying in bed all day thinking about sex, I cant touch myself because it hurts my ribs too much. Suddenly this cute girl with a bowl and a sponge walks in and tells me she is here for my sponge bath. I blushed so deeply that I turned an unnatural shade of red and then much to my chagrin I promptly got an erection, all this before she even touched me. I protested in earnest and said I didn't need a sponge bath, that I could do it myself. She told me if I could touch my toes then she would let me. Seeing as how I couldn't even touch my own penis without groaning in pain, touching my toes was impossible. Mind you she didn't make matters any easier for me when she told me that I was very cute and that all the nurses were drawing straws to see who would get to wash me. I won, she said with a sly expression. "Oh stop complaining, this isn't going to hurt a bit" she said as she started to remove my pajama shirt. By this time my whole body had turned a dark shade of red. I was so embarrassed. My cock, which I might add, has a mind of its own seemed to be throbbing in anticipation, why wouldn't the stupid thing go down, " I'm gay, I'm gay." I replayed the mantra over and over in my mind. My cock had an agenda all of its own, "well that's your problem, I am horny, I am horny." Was its reply to my mantra. Then the fateful moment arrived. The nurse pulled my pyjama bottoms down. The elastic waistband caught on my painfully erect penis, dragging it downwards, then suddenly with an audible smack it sprang back, slapping against my tummy. I nearly died right there and then from the embarrassment. The nurse blushed a little but being an ardent professional never uttered a sound. She just proceeded to wash me. After that I don't know what expression she had on her face because I had my eyes clamped firmly shut. She washed my face, my neck, under my arms, all of which didn't bother me and kind of felt good, but then she moved onto my stomach and inched closer and closer to my erection. She lifted my penis gently out of the way so she could wash around my groin. I could hear that little voice in my penis going, yes, yes, yes, meanwhile in my brain I am reciting my anti erection chant. " Ten ugly fat women standing in a row, should one ugly fat women accidentally explode then there would be nine ugly fat women standing in a row." But it wasn't working my penis was winning out, it was as hard as a rock. After finishing washing my legs the nurse rolled me over onto my back. Relief at last as I thought to myself, what could possibly be horny about this position, besides, now my penis was safely hidden from site, but then she started to wash my butt and it started all over again. I heard the nurse giggle. " What's so funny" I demanded. "Well! Even you're bum cheeks are blushing," she said trying to suppress her laughter. "Oh god, please let me have a fatal brain seizure and put me out of my misery." I thought to myself. Finally she finished washing me and put my pyjama bottoms back on. But she didn't put my top back on me as she needed to re strap my ribs. "I have to go and get clean bandages to strap you're ribs, SHOULD TAKE ME ABOUT HALF AN HOUR," The nurse said emphasising the time it would take, and winking at me. I was confused, I couldn't grasp what she was hinting at. "I'll leave the wash cloth and water here" she said as she glanced at my groin and then looked back at me and winked. Suddenly I understood her intonation. I blushed and looked quickly away. As soon as she left I experimentally reached down touching my penis; much to my surprise with the bandages removed from my ribs there was hardly any pain. I looked at my watch, 30 minutes. I grabbed hold of my penis, and started stroking it madly. For the first time in nearly a year I was fantasising about having sex with a girl, Karen my nurse, to be precise. Within a few strokes I spewed cum all over my lower body and even so far up as my chest, it was the most awesome feeling of release I have ever experienced. Partly I think because of the stress and tension of the last couple of days, contributing to the build up of pressure within me. Two more times in that half hour I masturbated and two more times I came all over myself. By the time Karen returned with the bandages I was exhausted with my penis now decidedly limp. Karen looked me over and smiled wickedly. "Seems like you had a little accident, not to worry we can fix that." For the second time she pulled my pajama bottoms down and washed me. This time however my penis's had its own mantra, which was, "don't touch me bitch." Later as Thomas visited me in hospital and I told him what happened, he was giggling hysterically, he laughed so hard that he got stomach cramps. And to think I was trying to have a serious conversation with him. Thomas told me that he thought that Karen was way cute and that he would be thinking about her himself tonight, winking at me mischievously. "Maybe I was wrong about you? " Thomas said. "What do you mean, wrong about me?" I asked, confused by his comment. "Well if you wanked while thinking about the cute nurse, maybe you aren't gay after all." Thomas stated. "A good theory Einstein, but the other two times I was thinking about having sex with you." I retaliated. Thomas blushed a little, "well I guess you're a normal teenager after all, I mean like teenagers can get off thinking about almost anything, I used to get off looking at pictures of droopy breasted native women, in my dads National Geographic magazines, how desperate is that." Thomas said chuckling. "Man you're such a sick-o." I told Thomas mocking him with a disgusted expression on my face. "Did you get to see her tits?" Thomas asked hopefully. "Yeah she stripped completely naked, you know, so she wouldn't get her uniform all wet." I told him. I was surprised to see that Thomas had a half-believing look on his face. "THOMAS, you're such a dope." I said affectionately. When he realised that I was only joking, Thomas smiled shyly, but he none the less looked embarrassed. He gave me a playful punch on the arm, before reaching over to grab the TV remote control to tune into the Saturday cartoons. The school suspended Nick for three weeks, and they suggested to my dad that he have him charged with assault. The school insurance policy had to pay for my hospital and ambulance bills so from our perspective it was a matter of principal not money. I discovered that dad had gone to meet Nicks parents. When dad arrived at their home Nick's dad made him come out and apologise however my dad could hardly recognise him. Nick had been beaten nearly as badly as I had. At first dad thought that Thomas may have taken revenge on him, but when dad looked closely at a very embarrassed Nick he realised the injuries were not from a schoolyard fight. Dad's fears were confirmed as he spoke with Nick's father. It was apparent that Nick's dad was an abusive alcoholic. Which I believe, largely accounts for Nick's behaviour at school. As dad explained this to me, he said that we could press charges against Nick, but that it was totally up to me. I don't like anyone to suffer at all, not in any way, not even Nick. Deep down inside I felt responsible for Nick being suspended and for being beaten by his father. I told my dad that I felt that Nick was as much a victim as me and that getting the police involved would not help Nick at all. In fact I felt it would make things immeasurably worse for Nick. Dad finally agreed that, this time, it was up to me to decide whether or not to have Nick charged, next time the police would be called. I agreed with dad, " that's fair enough" I told him. Thomas told me later that Nick's gang had been disbanded. His group having decided that Nick's brutal and uncalled attack on me, was just way too left field for them. All up I spent two and a half weeks away from school, but I can assure you, it wasn't fun. Trying to sleep with my ribs strapped was almost impossible; standing up was nearly as bad. The most terrifying occurrence in the world when you have a broken rib is sneezing. Even as I write this now it still sends shivers up my spine. After a sneeze for nearly a whole hour your body aches. I also found walking with a badly bruised thigh is nearly impossible. I was in a hazy dilemma of pain, lay down and hurt or stand up and hurt. It was ten days before I was feeling well enough to be able to do either without groaning in pain whenever I moved. Ever-since the sponge bath when I was in the hospital, I was again starting to question my sexuality. After all I can't deny that I did have the most powerful orgasm I have ever had in my entire life while I was thinking about a girl. But as it turned out it was another three weeks before Thomas and I got to spend the weekend together and I was able to get a little closer to getting an answer to the nagging question about my sexuality. Much to my embarrassment Thomas had told Sara about the sponge bath resulting in Sara teasing me endlessly. After supper when I said I was going upstairs to have a shower Sara leapt up from her chair, returning seconds later with a bowl and a sponge, "need some help cutie boy?" she said laughing. Thinking about it later I realised that Thomas had probably told everyone about Karen, my nurse, because it was in his best interest for everyone to believe that I was straight and not homosexual. That way no one would get suspicious about Thomas and I fooling around. Later that same night, we were relaxing in Thomas bedroom. "Thomas, I want to ask you something?" "Sure ask away," Thomas answered over his shoulder, while he continued to play Pod racer on his computer. "Well, ever-since I was in hospital, I've been wondering about if I am really gay or not, I know this might sound really weird, but I was wondering if you would help me to find out." I asked. Thomas was so substantially distracted by the question that his Pod Racer crashed into a cliff and exploded, the PC beeping at Thomas, his computer other self was dead. "Sorry I said" guiltily "Shit, now I got to start all over again," he complained. Thomas stopped playing the computer game and he turned around to face me. "What do you mean, help you?" "Help me to prove once and for all that I am not gay" I said. "How do I do that?" Asked Thomas. "Uh, I don't know, I guess by letting me fool around with you and see if I like it or not." I suggested, blushing. Thomas looked incredulous, "you mean you want to do more then just kiss me?" "NO, I mean yeah, well kind of" I stuttered uncertainly. " I mean maybe we could kiss, that would be a good way to start I reckon?" I said confidently. Thomas looked thoughtful. I could tell by the expression on his face that he was excited by the prospect of helping me. When I looked down at his crotch I could see he was sporting an erection. Which was ok, because I was too and that was from just merely talking about fooling around. "Well you know me Daniel, I can like get off on just about anything, maybe if I try really hard and imagine that you're a girl then I could get off," he said defensively. "What do you want me to do? " Thomas asked. "Well I don't know, do I look like an expert?" I said getting a little cross. "Look you stand next to the bed and I will take your clothes off. We could begin like that?" I suggested. Thomas nodded in agreement and got up from his desk. He walked over to stand next to his bed but stopped suddenly and went over to his bedroom door and locked it. "We don't want anyone to barge in on us do we?" Thomas grinned nervously, as he walked back over and stood in front of me, he had his hands by his sides. I didn't know exactly how to start, so I did the only thing I knew I could do that was guarantee to make Thomas happy. I stood on my tiptoes now we were eye to eye. I moved my arms seductively behind Thomas head pulling him towards me and kissing him. Passionately I pushed my tongue into his moist mouth. For the longest while we just stood there French kissing. Sexily I ground my groin hard against him. I could feel Thomas raging erection pushing into me as we continued to kiss passionately. Thomas wound his arms around my waist and pulled me harder against him. My breathing became raspy. His eyes closed as I felt his hands reach behind me as he squeezed my butt. With a wet slurping sound I removed my mouth from his. I grabbed Thomas hair and pulled his head back so that his entire throat was exposed to me, which I eagerly attacked with my tongue. I sucked and kissed all over his neck until finally I reached the v of his tee shirt. I took hold of the bottom of his shirt and lifted it up; Thomas raised his arms to help me, so that I was able to completely remove his shirt. All the while Thomas had his eyes closed. I kissed my way down his throat and seductively planted kisses on his upper chest, leaving a moist trail of saliva on his silky smooth skin. Eventually working my way down to his nipples. To my amazement when I sucked on his nipples they became erect, just like I would imagine a girls would, Thomas moaned loudly as with my tongue I chewed and sucked on his left nipple, teasing it relentlessly. Every little while I would pull away from his nipple and blow on it with cool breaths. When he couldn't withstand the torture any longer I moved onto the other one. Thomas hands came up and rubbed the back of my head. "Ooh my god, Daniel that feels so fantastic, don't stop, please don't stop" Thomas pleaded. I had no intention of stopping but I was afraid that Thomas was going to cum, to make sure he wouldn't, I reluctantly moved my mouth away from his nipple, causing Thomas to sigh disappointingly. Slowly I licked and teased my way down to his belly button, which I tickled furiously with my tongue, particularly around the cute little bud. Thomas tummy convulsed as he tried to restrain his laughter, I discovered that he was ticklish so I mischievously continued to push my tongue into his belly button, finally he pushed my head away. "Stop, stop its too ticklish" Thomas protested. As it seemed like the right time to move on. I ran my hands down his sides as I dropped to my knees gently stroking Thomas legs. I sat on my haunches and placed Thomas foot in my lap, I could feel his shoe putting pressure on my erection, as I proceeded to undo the shoelaces of his Colorado sneakers. I removed his shoe and then finally his sock, which I held out with my thumb and forefinger as I screwed up my face. "Phew that stinks," I complained, throwing the sock into the furthermost corner of his bedroom. I changed legs and repeated the process on Thomas other foot. His feet were now bare. Thomas wriggled his toes against my erection. Gently I licked the little hairs on his knee with my tongue, it tickled my mouth, and it felt so erotic. Gently I caressed his leg, higher and higher my hand went until I reached the hemline of his shorts. Thomas moaned in anticipation as I continued to plant little kisses, all the way up his leg. Slowly I let my hand snake its way into his shorts. I kneaded and stroked the skin of his upper leg until I reached the cuff of his boxers. My finger teased around the edges for a while until Thomas couldn't stand it any longer. So I pushed my hand up into his boxers all the way to his thighs and caressed him, deliberately brushing my fingers against his testicles. Thomas moaned even louder. I feared that Thomas Penis would explode out of his boxers and shorts, so I withdrew my hand from inside his pants and groped for the catch on his shorts. However I soon discovered that taking your own pants off is a lot easier then taking someone else's off. No matter how hard I tried I could not get the clasp to undo, they were Daniel proof. "Oh stop playing with it and undo it for Christ's sake" Thomas said impatiently. "Well its stuck it won't undo" I said in frustration. "Damn, Daniel you're hopeless here let me do it" Thomas said as he reached down and with a quick flick of his wrist the clasp was undone. "Do you think you can take it from here?" Thomas asked sarcastically. " Yeah, I think so." I replied. Feeling like a complete idiot. Without any further obstructions I undid his zipper, then I pulled his shorts down and off his legs, discarding them with the rest of his clothes. Next I put my hand on the waistband of his boxers. Finally the moment I had fantasised about for so long came. Slowly I pulled his boxers down but just like what happened to me at the hospital Thomas cock, which is much larger then mine, I have to admit. Caught on the waistband of his boxers, when finally they were around his knees his penis suddenly flicked up and slapped me on the nose. "MAN, that thing is dangerous, it could take an eye out" I said giggling. Looking at his erect penis. "Thomas it's humungous" I said awed. In reality it probably isn't that big but at age 13 it sure seemed that way to me, especially compared to mine. It was the first time I had seen it up close and it seemed bigger then what I had remembered. "Daniel stop admiring it and do something with it, I am so horny I need to cum, " Thomas pleaded. "OK, well, lay down on the bed." I instructed. For a moment Thomas looked disappointed, as if he were expecting something else to happen, but then shrugged his shoulders and complied. By now my own penis was ready to explode, but I didn't want to freak Thomas out by stripping naked. Instead I absent-mindedly rubbed myself through my shorts. Much to my embarrassment Thomas was watching me. "Slut." Thomas giggled. I blushed and said, "I am not." Without waiting any longer I got onto his bed and lay down flat on top of Thomas. I kissed him passionately while his naked erection pushed against my leg I moved my body around until his hot penis slid up under the hem of my baggy cargo-shorts felling it rubbing against my thighs as we gyrated together. We moaned simultaneously. "Dan, I so need to get off" Thomas said as he pulled my head away from him whispering into my ear. I acquiesced and gently disentangled his penis from my shorts as I slid down his naked body until my lips were once again at his nipples. I let my hand glide down his smooth stomach until I reached his penis. Ever so slowly I wrapped my fingers around him. It was the most amazing feeling it was both rock-hard and silky-soft at the same time. Gently I worked my way up his shaft until my thumb rested on the bulbous head. All the while I stared at his beautiful penis while I teased his fully erect nipples with my tongue. I rubbed Thomas pre-cum around the top of his penis. I could feel that Thomas was on the verge of coming. My own penis was ready to explode and I hadn't even taken it from my pants. For a terrible moment I realised that it was going to be all over as soon as Thomas shot his load, I wanted to prolong the moment, so I let go of Thomas cock and sat up looking at him. "Thomas, perhaps we had better stop." I said wistfully. Thomas eyes snapped open. "Are you fucking crazy, ooh god Daniel don't you dare stop" Thomas demanded angrily. "But Thomas I think we should talk about it, how it feels, don't you think" I said, continuing to stall him. "The only thing we are going to talk about is you getting your skinny little hand back on my knob and getting me off" Thomas declared. I was about to say something else when suddenly Thomas pushed his leg between my thighs and started to rub my cock with his knee. At the same time he pulled me back down into a kiss. Thomas grabbed my hand and placed it firmly back on his erection. I resignedly closed my fist around it, once again marveling at the feel of his prick. Slowly I started to jerk my fist up and down on his hot rod. Suddenly Thomas entire body went rigid and he let out a cry as his penis exploded. With my hand I actually felt the fluid surge up through his penis as he shot his load. The first stream hit me square in the face as it splashed against my cheek and dripped down into my hair. The second and third streams landed on Thomas chest and tummy, mesmerised I jerked faster and faster. I was completely astounded by the sheer quantity and the intensity of Thomas orgasm. Rope after endless rope of cum splashed onto his naked body. Finally Thomas grabbed hold of my pumping fist as he spoke breathlessly. "Stop Dan, Stop. Man that was unbelievable, " Thomas said exhausted. The only problem for me was that now I was so horny that I actually started to hump Thomas leg, but Thomas pulled it out from between my thighs. "Dan you got my cum all over you're face and in your hair" "I don't care, " I muttered as I reached over and kissed Thomas passionately on the lips. "Thomas I love you" I said. Thomas grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head back, he patted me on the back "yeah I know you do Dan but hey lets get cleaned up, in case mum comes looking for us." Feeling terribly disappointed I sat up and looked at Thomas. "What about me?" I stammered, as l looked down at my tented shorts. Thomas looked down following my eyes, "ooh that," he giggled, "well we can fix that after I get cleaned up and we say good night to mum and dad. "REALLY?" I asked gleefully? "Dan you're such a slut," Thomas laughed, "yeah really." He said as he kissed me again, then Thomas bounced off the bed and headed for the bathroom. Continued in, I maybe, even might be gay.