Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2018 17:04:55 -0500 From: Wesley Lewis Subject: Diary of a lost Kid Chapters 11-14 Diary of A Lost Kid By: Wesley Lewis Chapter 11 Entry 33 I am so freaking happy!!!!!!! Thank god miracles do exist. Ok maybe I'm over-reacting. But who the hell cares? I wanted to scream like a banshee. I didn't though. I didn't want to embarrass Dad and Pop. The doctor wanted me to come back in a month for another test. But that was the least of my worries. The dads took me out for ice cream after that. It was awesome. I also got the day off school because Pop thought I would be too nervous for going to classes today. I love him. Wait, that's the first time I've said that about Pop, I need to tell him that. Phillip was so excited when he heard the news. And people say Mondays suck. Entry 34 Tuesdays suck ass!! Ok I'm being overdramatic, but seriously I could've had cancer, and this is how the teachers welcomed me back? With homework!?!?!? Guess who gave us the most, yep you guessed it, Ms. Jones. God, if I didn't hate algebra before I do now. At least Seamus gave us some good news though. Wesley is home from the hospital, but it'll be little longer before he can come back to school. I hate to say it but he's lucky, he ain't got to put up old lady Jones. Seamus is collecting all the homework and Chloe is helping him catch up. Chloe is an awesome chick. She's a bit of a tomboy, a total departure from her twin Lacy. Lacy is a total diva, kind of bitchy as well. I'm glad Wesley has such a good support system. I guess though I have that same support system also. Holy crap! I just remembered my birthday was next week. I hadn't even thought about that. Fifteen years old. Wow, I can't believe I's going to spend a birthday with an actual parent of mine. I'm so glad Dad had those tests done. This year I have two fathers, a boyfriend, and new friends I can celebrate with. I'm thinking that I want my name changed to match Dad, Jacob Aaron Evans. People could still call me Jam though, I love that name. Oh bedtime. Entry 35 I got a surprise visit after getting home from school today. Mrs. Ford came by, but she had bad news. Mr. Ford died last night in his sleep. I started crying because I really liked him I was sad to have to leave them. I asked Mrs. Ford what she was going to do, and she told us that she was moving to Florida, so she could be closer to her daughter. We caught up for a while before she left. She told us that the funeral would be in a few days and I promised I'd be there. After she left I went upstairs to be alone for a little. I'm glad I had the chance to know Mr. Ford, he taught me how to fish, and even let me drive his boat on the lake. Pop came up and made sure I was ok and so did Dad, they're both amazing. I think I'll just turn in now, I'll write more later. Diary of A Lost Kid By: Wesley Lewis Chapter 12 Entry 36 Today was the visitation for Mr. Ford. It was weird seeing him lying there in the coffin. When mama and daddy died I didn't get to see their bodies because of the accident. He looked so peaceful. I asked Mrs. Ford if I could put something in the coffin with him. She asked me what it was, and I showed her the lure he taught me to make on our first fishing trip. She told me I could and when I did it felt like he was taking a piece of me with him. I didn't cry at the visitation. I held it together until I got home then it was like a dam burst. I didn't eat much that night. Pop and Dad didn't push me to do so either. I'm glad they aren't forcing me too either. I surprised Pop tonight telling him I loved him. He cried, I cried, we blew snot out our noses like the men we were. It felt good. The funeral is tomorrow so I better get some sleep. Or at least try to anyway. Entry 37 Well, today sucked ass. It was so hard saying goodbye to Mr. Ford. For some reason it was harder saying goodbye to him than Mama and Daddy. I guess it may have been contributed to the fact that I was only eight at the time and didn't fully understand what was happening. I'm glad I got to say goodbye to him. He was the happiest foster home I had until they placed me with Pop and Dad. It's amazing how far I've come in the two weeks. I didn't have a boyfriend, I didn't know I was going to have another father. I love both of those guys and I think I'm easily falling in love with Phillip. I'm scared to tell him that though. It's not that I think he will freak out but it's more like I'm afraid I will freak out. I don't know why, but it just seems like something I would do. God, it sucks being in love not knowing what happens next maybe I should talk to someone about that. Maybe I'll talk to dad about it tomorrow. Entry 38 Well crap, now I've got an appointment after school tomorrow with a quack. Ok so maybe I'm being a little harsh there calling him a quack. His name is Dr. Hawk. I think it's funny because he was Dad's psychologist after Mama left him. He stopped seeing him after he met Pop. So hopefully he can help me with this problem I'm having. School has been good lately. The great news is that Wesley gets to come back next week. Entry 39 Well now I'm even more confused than ever. Apparently, I have an abandonment issue brought on by confessions of love. I should explain what that means. The last thing I told Mama and Daddy before they died was I love you. By the time I got to the point to where I was to the point I could say it to Mr. Ford, he had a stroke and I had to leave. Doc said that's why I'm scared to say it to Phillip. I think that's total bull honestly. The one constant for the past eight years has been Phillip. He should be the easiest person to tell I love you to. Pop had been a constant factor in my life off and on since birth, but it still took a while for me to say I love you to him. I guess it was easier to say it to Dad after finding out he was my bio-dad. Maybe it's just hard for me to say I love you to people I've known longer. It's a bunch of psychobabble to me. I've asked Dad and Pop what they were going to do for my birthday on Monday, but all they would tell me is that they have something planned and it was a surprise. I guess I'll have to wait to find out. Phillip said he had an extra special birthday present for me. Now, I'm excited to find out. Usually me and Philip just told each other happy birthday and that's it. Phillip says that now we're boyfriends that ain't going to cut it. He said we should do something more personal for the person. He is so sweet and considerate. I can't wait to find out what he's going to get me!!! Diary of A Lost Kid By: Wesley Lewis Chapter 13 Entry 40 Today was a total drag. It was a bore. A lot of schoolwork, and no fun. I am anxious for this weekend though. I have no idea what to expect because I haven't had a real birthday party in eight years. I really didn't want anything to be honest, I have an awesome boyfriend, amazing friends, and a wonderful pair of awesome dads to help take care me. I never really thought I would have a support system like this again. I know I've probably said that too much but it's true. I feel so lucky to have all this again. I'm starting to cry now. Dang, I'm like a baby lately crying all the time. I'm glad it's actually happy tears though. It used to be every time I cried it would be because I was sad or upset. But the only thing I've had to be said about recently was Mr. Ford. I wish he could've been here for my birthday but it's ok at least he's not in any pain. Mrs. Ford told me that he had left his boat to me. She said it was one of the last times he was really happy when we went fishing the last time. It felt good to know I gave him a happy memory I two. Ok I'm stopping for today I got tear stains now. Entry 41 OH MY FUCKING GOD! BEST! DAY! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, had to get that out. I had the happiest day in eight years today. It started off me getting woke up by a dog. Just for clarity, we didn't have a dog. She was a gorgeous little chihuahua. I read the name on the tag and it said Leah, hmm just Leah. It was a cute name. she was a beautiful golden color with a white underbelly. She had a cute little yip. I looked up and saw Dad and Pop standing at my door with grins on their faces. I raced to the door and hugged them both. The whole time I hugged them Leah was just barking, well really yipping. It turns out Benji's mom, Joh, was a dog breeder. I'm going to have to have a conversation with Benji about keeping secrets from me. We headed downstairs after cleaning up a little mess Leah left after getting a little excited. Imagine my surprise when there was literally a feast waiting for me down stairs. There was ham, bacon, sausage, pancakes, biscuits, and even grits and eggs. Truthfully, I think they went a little overboard, but I forgive them I think I may have over eat a little bit. After a few hours my friends began showing up. Of course, Phillip was first with Aunt Maureen and Uncle David. I had to put Leah in a little pet carrier so that she wouldn't nip at people's ankles. After that Benji and his parents, Joh and Tim showed up. I gave Auntie Joh an extra-long hug. After that Chloe and Lacy along with Wesley and Seamus came. I was so happy to see Wesley he looked great. Most of his bruises were gone and he looked a little less tired. He still had a couple of weeks left until he came back to school. He's lucky he hasn't had to put up with old lady Jones recently. She's becoming more horrible each day. Sam came too along with Will, Sid, and Kurt. I don't think I've ever had this many people at one of my parties before. I probably started crying again I can't remember though. There were a ton of games that the dads had set up. We had cornhole, Twister, Monopoly and even Scrabble. My personal favorite had to be the games of Twister we had. Kurt had all of us beat because of his gymnastics training. It was fun though watching everyone collapse after trying to twist and contort their bodies. Wesley got to be the caller, so he could be in the game too. We played in teams of two during Scrabble. It was basically couples competing, so the teams were me and Phillip, Wesley and Seamus, Kurt and Will, and Benji with Chloe. I had no idea that Chloe was Benji's girlfriend until today. Kurt and Will wiped the floor with us. The asses played `zygotes' on a triple word space. The monopoly was cut-throat with Chloe bankrupting us all with the hotel laden Boardwalk and Park Places. I surprisingly won the cornhole competition. Shut up, I know the gay kid won the cornhole ha-ha-ha. When it was time for the cake and ice cream everyone got quiet. When they brought out the cake it had a little fishing boat on it. The frosting made it look just like a lake, complete with dock and ripples in the water. The inside was chocolate. The presents were even more amazing. Phillip gave me a necklace with our names engraved on them. Benji gave me a bunch of toys for Leah and stuff that I could train her with. The twins gave me some gift certificates to the mall. Sam gave me a few comic books as did Sid. Wesley and Seamus gave me these little pendants with Irish symbols on them. Kurt and Will gave me a one month of free martial arts lessons. Mrs. Ford came by amidst the present giving and gave me the keys to the boat that was left for me. She said it was in a storage locker that my dad had the keys to. The party lasted about an hour longer than that and then people began to trickle down just Phillip and Benji with us. They helped us clean-up the mess and then we sat and watched a movie. Like I said today as one of the best days of my life. Diary of A Lost Kid By: Wesley Lewis Chapter 14 Entry 42 Getting woke up by being licked in the face is going to take some getting used to. I love Leah though she is so sweet. She was curled up in the bed with me all night. I made my way downstairs to let her out to use the bathroom and noticed no one else was up, which was weird for a Sunday morning. I looked all over the house, but it seemed that I was alone. I looked in the garage and their bedroom, both empty. I couldn't figure it out. I let Leah back in and decided to go back to bed. I woke up about two hours after that and heard noises downstairs. I crept down and heard a few familiar voices. It was Nana, Papa, and Pop-Pop! I was so excited. Apparently, Dad and Pops went to go pick them up, so they could have a birthday dinner for family. They gave me present, which I didn't really need because of all the ones I got yesterday. I didn't even bother asking them what I got because I was sure whatever they got me was good. We had a nice pancake breakfast followed up by a day watching movies. We watched a bunch of cheesy horror films and almost died of laughter. It was a great day. Oh, I almost forgot about the presents. Pop-Pop gave me a new laptop for school. Nana and Papa gave me a tablet for books and stuff. I may not have needed the stuff, but it's awesome that they gave it to me. After the dads left to take them home, I went over and visited Benji with Leah. Auntie Joh was there so we sat and talked about some stuff I needed to know about chihuahuas, she even gave me a few books to read over too. I didn't see Benji today, so I left and came home. After the dads got back we just sat down and relaxed while setting up my new electronics. I love my new family. Entry 43 Ugh, today just dragged on and on. Old lady Jones kept droning on about quadratic equations and I could barely stay awake. Thank god for my other classes. The one bright spot of the day was gym. Volleyball gets you nice and sweaty. Me, Phillip, and Benji always huddled close together, but that made us targets for the biggest ass in school, Melvin Chambers. He was a total dick and started calling us fags and fairies, but it didn't bother us, he hated pretty much everyone anyway. After school I got the chance to use my laptop for a paper Mr. Lee assigned to us. It was just a paper about what we would change about ourselves if we could change. Truthfully, I don't think there is anything about myself that I would change, well, except for my last name which Dad said we could have done by the end of the week. I ended up with a five-hundred-page paper about how I wouldn't change anything. For once in my life, I am happy with myself. After I finished it I gave it to Pop to read and he told me it was a well thought out and planned paper. I was so happy about that. I can't wait to turn it in tomorrow. Entry 44 Old lady Johnson was sick today, so we had Wesley's dad come in as a substitute. He was interesting and for once, I wasn't bored in math class. I wish he was our teacher, then I wouldn't have to worry about getting sneers from the teacher. Mr. Lee also had us turn in our papers and told us tomorrow he would read a few that he thought were good, some he thought were bad, and then we would critique them. I never had a teacher do that before, so I'm a little worried about what others will think about it. When I got home, after I finished homework, I read some of the books about training dogs and tried to teach Leah some tricks. About the only one she could do was speak, I guess we need more practice. It was fun though just playing with her and rolling around on the ground with her. Entry 45 He picked mine to read. And they liked it. Everyone commented on how they wish they were as comfortable with themselves as the writer was. One person's paper said they wish they could change the feelings they have for their best friend, but they couldn't help it. They didn't want those feelings, because they knew they would never be returned. I felt really bad for this person, I wish I knew who it was, so I could help them. I'm pretty sure it's not Melvin. Old lady Jones was out again today, apparently, she has a cold. I hope she comes back soon......not. Gym class again today was fun we started to do the requirements for the presidential fitness thingy. The good news is I got to see Phillip naked again. +-+-+-+-+- Yes four chapters today I know I'm great. Seriously though I love hearing from all of my readers. You guys make me feel better about my writing and I appreciate it immensely. Please remember to donate to nifty so we can continue reading these wonderful stories.