DISCLAIMER: The following story may contain consensual sexual contact between two minor boys. If for some reason, this type of material is not to your liking, or, for any reason it's not permitted in your place of residence by law, or if you are not of an age to be legally permitted to read this type of material, please stop here and read no further. The characters in this story are totally fictitious. Any resemblance to any person alive or deceased is purely coincidental. Nothing this story should be construed to mean that the Author or the management of any website where this story is posted in any way condones, promotes, or encourages any act which may be illegal in any jurisdiction. This work is protected under the Copyright laws of the United States and other countries. You may not copy, distribute, print onto paper, or post this story on any website without the express permission of the Author. Comments are welcome at hermesauthor@gmail.com.

Dream Lover

by Hermes

© 2011

Chapter 3


I crawled out of bed and, as was the norm lately, I had my boner pointing the way as I walked. I crossed the hallway and into the bathroom. I tried to pee, but as any of you might know, peeing with a boner is almost impossible. I fixed the temperature of the shower and hopped in. Seconds later, I was able to coax my bladder to empty. As I watched the yellowish water swirling down the drain my mind went back to the revelation that James had made the day before. There he was, only 11 years old, and he seemed to have been able to come to grips with the fact that he was gay.

I, on the other hand, was more confused than ever. I thought about it. Was I really attracted to the boy in my dreams? What about how I felt about Katie? Why wasn't I uncomfortable about James? All this thinking made my boner go away. I washed myself and stepped out of the shower. I think this would be the first day since I started jacking off that I didn't do it in the morning.

This time, I wrapped a towel around my naked body before I left the bathroom, just in case Mom was out there. I entered my room and closed the door. I dropped the towel and glanced again at my naked body in the mirror. I looked at my reflection and asked, “So, what is it going to be?”

I pulled on a clean pair of boxer briefs, a pair of 501s, and pulled a cool T-Shirt with a design from a classic rock album cover on it. I looked again in the mirror then realized I couldn't wear that shirt. The album cover was the one from Nirvana. On the cover there was a baby swimming naked in a pool and his penis was quite visible. I changed shirts and went downstairs.

Mom had again fixed a great breakfast. I sat down and filled my plate. She put her paper away and was drinking coffee when I stopped eating about half-way thorough. “Mom?”

“Yes, Trevor?”

“How do you feel about gay people?”

She looked at me deeply. Before she asked the question I knew she was going to ask, I interjected, “Yesterday, when James and I were about to go down for dinner, he told me he thinks he's gay.”

“How do YOU feel about that, Trevor?” She asked.

“I like James.” Then I realized what I said and how it could be interpreted. I blushed then stammered out, “Uhm, that came out wrong. I mean, that I like James as a person. If he's gay, that doesn't change who he is. I liked him before he told me, so why shouldn't I like him now?”

“If more people thought like you did, Honey, this would be a better world. However, many people feel that being gay is wrong. That it is unnatural. Their religions tell them that it's a sinful way of life. I have had many gay friends in the past. You remember my friend Thomas? He's gay.”

“NO WAY! You mean that big dude? The one that used to play professional football? No way he could be gay!”

“That is a common misconception, Trevor. There isn't any way of telling that someone is gay just from looking at them. It's true, that some gay men act a certain way and it's apparent that they're gay, but that in itself isn't always true. I know a man that I work with who just acts totally gay, but he's not. But, to answer your question, I don't care if a person is gay or not, I care about the person they are. How they treat others. If James or even if you are gay, it wouldn't change how I feel about them.”

My mother is one smart lady. In that one statement she defused the situation. I knew then, that when I'd figured out exactly what I was she'd be okay with it. I grinned. “To be honest, Mom, I am not sure what I am. But when I figure it out, I'll talk to you about it. I'm just confused about a couple things. Thanks. I love you!”

“I love you too, Trevor. I'm here if you need to talk.”

We finished breakfast and I left for school. I'd gotten about half-way down the driveway when James came running up. He had a grin on his face that looked almost painful. “I've been waiting for you to leave. Can we walk together?”

“Sure.” We started walking. “James, uhm, can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah. But I think I know what you are gonna ask... You wanna know how I know I'm gay.”

“You really are smart. Yeah. How?”

“Well, it's kinda funny. I was doing some research on a paper I was writing for English class last year. It was about the Indians who live in the rain forests in South America. During the research there were a lot of pictures. Most of those people run around naked. Well, when I was looking I kept wanting to look at the boys and men, and didn't really care about the women or girls. While I was looking I kinda boned up. That made me want to find out more, so I looked up some sites that help kid figure out what they were thinking. I found one site that really helped. It was called 'Free to be Me' (http://www.freetobeme.com). I looked at that site and a bunch of others and it just fit.”

I decided I would do some research of my own. “Thanks for being so honest, James. You don't have to worry. No matter if you're gay or not. Blue, Green, or Red. Tall or short. We're friends. Okay?”

“Thanks. You really are a cool guy. I'm glad we met.” I noticed a tear forming in James' eye. He wiped it with his arm and we chatted about more trivial matters until we arrived at school. I invited him to join us for lunch and we went our separate ways.

As I approached our lockers Hector was there. When he looked at me he seemed to be a bit disturbed. He didn't seem as happy to see me as he had the previous day. We bumped fists, but he wasn't as enthusiastic as he was the day before. I tried to hand him a couple dollars for Lunch but he wouldn't take it. “Is everything okay, Hector?” He looked at me but didn't reply. He simply turned and walked toward our classroom. I watched him go wondering what was going on. I figured he'd talk about it when he was ready. I grabbed the books I would need, closed my locker and headed to class.

I approached my seat and saw that Hector was talking to some girl. Neither of them acknowledged when I said hello. I shook my head and took my seat just as the bell was ringing. Mr. Hastings stood at his podium and took roll then started lecturing. I figured I'd be able to talk to Hector when it came time for us to work on our homework.

About 25 minutes later, Mr. Hastings finished. He had assigned some problems for us to work and just as we were doing that he called me to his desk. When I got there he said, “Trevor, you did such a good job tutoring Hector yesterday, can I ask you to do me a favor and help someone else today? They came to me late in the day asking for help and I thought you would be perfect.”

“Sure, no problem Mr. Hastings.” I replied. He then looked at the class and spoke out, “Darryl, would you please join us at my desk.”

The kid who stood was one I'd seen around. He was huge. I'm about 5' 6” tall but he must have been at least 3 or 4 inches taller. Dripping wet I might weigh about 120, this kid must weigh somewhere about 160. He approached and Mr. Hastings introduced me. We went to the back of the room and sat across from each other at a table.

We worked for a bit on his problems and he seemed to better understand the math. At one point, Darryl looked up and saw some kid looking back at us. He said, kind of loudly to the other kid, “What are you lookin' at, faggot?” The other boy quickly looked away. Darryl turned to me and said, “Fuckin' faggots. I hate em all.” Instantly I decided I didn't like Darryl much.

Class ended. Hector was already out the door when I got back to my desk to retrieve my books. I left the classroom and headed to my 2nd period class. Darryl's comments kept running through my mind. I was afraid he was going to be trouble over the next couple of years. I would be surprised how fast I was going to find out how true that thought was.

Finally, 4th period ended. Lunch was upon us then gym. Then James and I would be going back to my house. On my way from my locker to the cafeteria I saw a group of kids in a circle. That usually means there's a fight happening. As I approached I easily saw that Darryl was one of the two in the middle, but what I saw next caused me to get really angry.

As I approached I clearly heard Darryl saying, “So, you know what we do to little runt faggots in this school? We beat them senseless!” I then saw him swing and heard a smallish voice call out in pain. I pushed my way into the crowd and saw James being beaten by Darryl.

Next I heard, “What the FUCK!” What I didn't realize is that it was me who had said it. Darryl turned toward me but before he could say anything something inside me snapped. Without thought I swung and caught him right between the eyes. He staggered back. I looked at him and said, “What's wrong, Darryl? Can't handle someone closer to your own size? You gotta pick on kids who are smaller than you? You really ARE a big man, aren't you.” I grabbed James' arm and pulled him away from the group.

We walked quickly away from the group of kids and I maneuvered James into one of the boys bathrooms. I grabbed a paper towel and got it wet to wipe the tears from his face. He held me and was sobbing. Eventually, he got himself under control while I cleaned his face. He looked up at me and the pain in his eyes just grabbed hold of something inside me. Without thinking I leaned down and our lips came together. I have no idea how long it lasted but the next thing I knew I heard the door open and some boy saying, “OH MY GOD!” The door closed as James and I broke apart. I have no idea who it was who'd seen us.

James and I then headed for the Cafeteria. On the way there several kids stared at us but I couldn't hear what they were saying to each other. When we entered the cafeteria it seemed like every eye was on us. We got our food and approached our table. Julio, Nate, Mike, and Eric were there, but I didn't see Hector. When I looked around I found him. He was sitting next to Katie. I noticed then that Katie had her hand on Hector's crotch and it appeared she was rubbing on him.

After we sat down, Nate turned to me and asked, “Is it true? Were you and James kissing in the boys room?” Just so you know, if you want proof of the speed of light, just watch how fast gossip spreads in a school cafeteria. I mean something could happen across town and before it was over it seemed that every kid in the cafeteria already knew it.

I looked at the guys at the table. “I don't know why or how, but yes, it's true. He was upset after Darryl attacked him. I was trying to calm him down.” I replied.

Eric then spoke up. “It don't matter to us, Trev. You're our friend. If you like James or anyone else it don't change who you are. Besides, if you are gay, you might be surprised who else in this school is.” He winked at me then turned his head and looked at Mike.

“See, that's just it. I don't know if I am or not.”

James was silent throughout this exchange. After we talked some more we decided it was better to just ignore it and see what happens. Nobody approached us the rest of lunch. The bell rang ending lunch. James and I got up and headed toward the locker room for gym class. As we entered, Coach Butz called us into his office.

We entered and he closed his door. “Before you say anything, I already heard and I just want to ask one thing. Is this going to be a problem?”

I looked at James then turned to Coach. “No Sir. At least not from us.”

“That's all I need to hear. I will keep an eye on the others and I'll make sure it doesn't. Go on, get changed out.”

We left the office. James went to his locker and I went to mine. Hector was sitting there in just his jock. He saw me approaching and said, “Sorry.”

“What do you mean? You didn't do anything.”

“Yesterday when I left I waited for you. Then some girl came up to me and said that Katie kind of liked me. That first day when she said you were her boyfriend I was kinda sad cuz I kinda liked her. But then she got mad at you and I knew you weren't her boyfriend. So anyway, yesterday I went to her house after school. She wants me to be her boyfriend. Is that okay? You won't hate me?”

“Dude? Why would I hate you? Remember... Friends for Life? Katie is a great girl, like I said, I do like her, but I don't think I'm ready for a girlfriend.”

“Yeah, I kinda heard about that too. So, is James your boyfriend?”

That comment kind of startled me. “Uhm, no. Honestly, I don't know if I'm gay or not. James was hurting and it just happened. I'm kinda confused over it.”

“Well, we ARE friends, and I got your back, amigo.” Hector said. He stood up, finished dressing and put his hand up so we could bump fists. He left as I was quickly changing so I wasn't late.

We all got to the gym and Coach told us to take a seat. He then started talking. “Look, I don't care what happened. It doesn't change anything in this class. I will NOT tolerate any comments to anyone about anything personal in this class. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?”

“YES SIR!” we all shouted.

The class went smoothly. About 15 minutes before the end of the day, Coach yelled out for us to hit the showers. I went into the locker room and Hector was waiting for me. “Let's go shower, Amigo.” he said.

I stripped and we headed for the shower. James was there, in his usual spot in the corner. Hector went up to him and whispered into his ear. James moved to the next shower head and was replaced by Hector. It wound up that Hector was in the corner, James next to him, and I was next to James. A minute later Hector said, “Look guys. Remember what Coach said. If anyone has a problem with either James or Trevor, then you have a problem with me.”

Nobody said a word. We showered, went to the cage and Coach gave us each a towel. He handed one to Hector and said, “Good work, Alvarez. You're a good man.” Hector smiled and wrapped the towel around himself.

We dressed without talking. As I exited I saw James waiting for me. Then I saw Katie standing a few feet from James. She walked over to me and said, “I'm sorry Trevor. What you said and did to Darryl was totally cool. I hope you aren't mad that Hector and I are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“Nah. It's okay, Katie. Thanks for being cool about it. I still don't know for sure what I am, but knowing I'm not losing you as a friend makes me feel better. Hector is a great guy, you are both lucky to have each other.” She hugged me then turned to Hector who was standing there listening. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a very passionate kiss.

James and I left while they were kissing - heading to my house. On the way James and I talked a little and it was agreed what I was going to do next.

When we arrived we went into the kitchen. Mom was there. I told James to have a seat and turned to my mother. “Mom, can we all sit and talk a few minutes before we go up to do our homework?”

“Sure, Honey.”

We all sat at the kitchen table. Mom got us each a glass of milk and a brownie she'd made earlier that day. “What's on your mind?” She asked.

“Uhm. You already know that James is gay. I'm not sure about myself yet, but I am starting to think that I am too.”

“And you like James?” She asked.

“Sure, I like James, but not like you are thinking. James got bullied at school today. I was helping him to clean up after and I sorta kissed him. We got caught.”

James was blushing, so was I for that matter.

“Oh.” was all Mom said.

“Sure, I enjoyed the kiss.” I said. “But it wasn't like I would have expected from someone I am IN love with. More like a very good friend. James feels the same way. Things are okay at school. We've talked about it with a couple of others and I don't think we'll have too much trouble over this. If I AM gay, what you said this morning really helped. James told me about a website that I am going to check out. I guess I just wanted you to know.”

“If either of you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Okay?” She said looking from me to James and back. We both nodded. “Dinner will be ready in about an hour and a half. Is that enough time for you to finish your homework?”

“Yeah.” James and I said in unison, causing us both to laugh,

She smiled and said, “Okay, get to it!”

James and I went upstairs. It only took us about 40 minutes to finish our homework. When we were all done I told James about my dreams. Then we went online and he showed me that website and a couple others. We were comfortable around each other. We'd discuss the sites, he didn't try to influence my thinking. It was cool. After a short time Mom called up that dinner was almost ready. As we were about to leave my room to wash up, James saw the T-shirt I was going to wear. He was staring at the picture. Neither of us said anything. We washed up and went down for dinner.

Mom had made a really good Chili and Cornbread for dinner. We ate and chatted like we had known each other forever. We all had a really good time. Mom never mentioned being gay or anything. We just enjoyed each others company. After dinner, Mom offered to drive James home. He laughed. “It's only half a block. I can walk.”

I stood and asked if it was okay if I walked James home. Mom said it was. We walked to his house and right before he was going to go inside he turned to me. “Trevor. Thanks. For everything you did today. You're the best friend I have ever had.” Then he hugged me and ran into his house.

I walked back home. Mom was sitting in the living room watching TV. I sat across from her quietly. She looked at me, turned off the TV and said in a quiet voice, “Want to talk about it?”

I was staring at the floor but I said, “Uhm, yeah.”

We were quiet for a minute or so before I got started. “James showed me a bunch of sites on the web, Mom. After reading them I'm almost sure that I'm gay. But the sites also say that just because I feel that way now, doesn't mean I am going to stay that way. I guess I'm still confused.”

“Trevor. You are 12. I'm not going to say you're too young to know. What I will say is that whatever way it ends up, I will support you. You may come to me some day and say, ‘Gee Mom, I met this great girl’. Then again, you may come to me and say, ‘WOW! I found this boy today who really rocks my world!’”

I laughed. We talked for a while longer. I then told her about the dreams. Right before I went up to bed she said, “You have time, Trevor. I am glad you feel okay talking about this. Many boys your age wouldn't feel right talking to their mother about something like this. I am glad you feel like you can talk to me. Now, go upstairs and go to bed. Your dream lover might be waiting.”

I went upstairs feeling really okay with things. I went into the bathroom and took off my clothes. I took a shower. I picked up my dirty clothing and put it into a hamper then went across to my room. I climbed into bed, pulled the covers over me and fell into a deep sleep.

In my dream I was standing on a beach. I was naked. I looked around and everyone on the beach was also naked. I walked down the beach just thinking. Really not paying attention to the fact of my nudity. After a while I saw him in the distance. He was also naked. I ran toward him but didn't seem to be able to reach him. Eventually he saw me and smiled. He turned toward me and yelled out, “Soon. We are meant to be together! I'm so lucky to find someone like you! Don't worry, we will be together soon!”

I woke up feeling wonderful. I looked at the clock. It was 7:00am on Thursday.

End – Chapter 3