****Warning, this is a gay diaper love tale, involving gay boys wearing, wetting, and enjoying their baby diapers. If this is not the sort of story that you're looking for, then I urge you to leave now. If, however, you enjoy this sort of thing, then I hope that you enjoy. As always, the choice to read this is up to you, the reader, if it is illegal, and/or immoral for you to do so, then I suggest you leave now, but understand if you want to stay too. I love to hear feedback on my stories from those who read them, though, no, I do not require your emails to continue writing, since I write for myself, and simply share with others who enjoy this topic. Email me at erich5748 at ymail.com. Please remember to support this site, for they give us an amazing resource that helps us all out. Now, onto the story, I hope that you enjoy.****

Huggies Hottie

Chapter 1

My name is Leo, I'm a zoo keeper at the Greater Vancouver Zoo. I specialize in the North American creatures, big and small, and we have several that I care for. I love animals, not people, and though I have to do talks about the animals to all the visitors, I truly do despise that. Oh well, it comes with the job, I suppose I can't really complain, and really, the vast majority of my time on the job, I rarely even see a person.

I'm just twenty years old, I'm actually mildly autistic, hence my aversion to people, I'm gay, and I still very much need diapers. My parents tried their hardest to peepee potty train me, yeah, that failed. They really shouldn't have had kids in the first place, and then ended up with a mentally and physically challenged child. They were well into their forties, in fact, my mother was damn near fifty already, when I came along and surprised them. They never actually wanted kids, they were DINKS, dual income, no kids, that's the life they loved and wanted, and then, even though my mom was on birth control, I came along and surprised them. I'm sure there were a lot of tears. I actually have no idea why they didn't abort the pregnancy, they found out in plenty of time, and my loving mother had absolutely no qualms about telling me that she should've aborted me, repeatedly. I was nothing more than a horrible accident, as well a horrible disgrace, and so many other oh so loving statements, and was told that all throughout my childhood as well. So, yeah, my loving parents, the other, and probably main reason, I hate people, and love animals.

Apparently I was far better in school than I was in dealing with people, because, I officially graduated high school at the tender age of thirteen, but, that's only because I demanded, in grade three, to do home schooling. And no, my parents were never home, they actually hardly changed their lives after I came along, and by the time I was five, and was no longer totally dependent upon them for virtually everything, I was left alone, sometimes for days at a time. I essentially raised myself. I was only into grade three for two months, when the teasing and bullying, because I was a baby, was getting to be too much, and I was crashing from it, hence my demand, and they actually did it for me. That actually shocked me.

The fact that I was mildly autistic, and horribly anti social certainly didn't help me in school either, but, once again, I do blame my parents for that, because, had they've been there for me, taught me properly, I might not have been as bad around people as I was, I quite literally knew nothing about how to deal with others, and most especially other children. It wasn't even 'til I started kindergarten that I'd even met another child, hell, even seen one, other than on TV, I never left the house, ever that I recall, they took me absolutely nowhere. My parents were both only children, of only children, and as such, I had no aunts, uncles, or cousins to be around. Once again, until I was in Kindergarten, I'd never actually met anyone else before, since my parents never had guests either, they always went out instead of having people over to see their horrible mistake and disgrace.

I knew from an early age that I loved animals, and from the time I was five, I was sneaking into the local zoo and petting zoos as often as I could, and by the time I was eight, I knew what I wanted to do. So, that's what I went to school for. As soon as I graduated, with a doctorate in zoology, as well as a couple masters degrees in zoo and animal studies, at the tender age of only seventeen, I moved. I used to live in Ontario, and I moved to BC. When my mother actually had the audacity to ask why I'd wanna move so far away, I laughed, it was probably the first time I'd ever laughed in my life, and asked her if they were ever gonna visit me anyway. I told her flat out, that even if I lived down the street, she'd never come visit me. She actually took offence to that, and I just asked her if she's ever cared for me a day of my life, and I burst out laughing when she actually said of course. I don't honestly understand how she could even say that, but, I suppose, as a brutal business woman, whose sole goal was to earn as much money as she could, lying comes naturally to her. I packed up, and left, and I've never contacted them, and the three times they tried to call, I ignored them. They haven't tried in two years, so, maybe they've finally taken the hint, that they mean nothing at all to me, but then, I did block them too, though, there are other ways that they could've contacted me, but, I would've blocked that too, and did to all other methods in which they might, since I wanted nothing at all to do with them. I never even asked them for so much as one penny for school, I did everything myself, since that's clearly all they wanted. I do hope that they realize some day what they did.

Though I know I'm totally and fully gay, and I enjoy playing, a lot, I've never actually had the desire to find a boyfriend, I mean, I wouldn't complain if the right gay Baby Boy diaper lover came along, but, I've never searched him out. Not only have I never met another gay Baby Boy diaper lover, but, he'd have to be as crazy about animals as I am. Yes, I am a full on Baby Boy diaper lover as well. I may truly need my gloriously thick and thirsty tape on baby diapers, and I love them as gloriously thick, soft, and thirsty as I can possibly get them, but I love them even more. It's the only thing that's ever hugged me. Now, with that being said, I can hold me pee if I try hard enough, but, once I know I have to pee, I have bare minutes before it's too late.

I was hired by the Vancouver Zoo before I even officially graduated, I'd applied to four different zoos, and they offered me the best deal. I even get to live on the zoo property, I bought a used travel trailer when I arrived, but, I upgraded only a year later, and went with a much nicer and larger one. It's great, I almost never even leave the zoo property, and since I don't have a drivers license, and the zoo isn't really all that close to town, I'm totally okay with that. I do take the bus on occasion, and go shopping, but, the vast majority of my groceries and supplies I just get delivered.

Now, seeing boys of virtually all ages in diapers in the zoo is shockingly normal. I mean, not every day, or anything like that, but, we get so many handicapped people, that it really does happen more than most even realize. I've also suspected that several boys, teens, and men were diapered, even though they didn't appear to be handicapped, but, then, I don't appear to be handicapped either, yet, I truly am. I do truly love those visions, though, and that's my one true weakness, to see a boy, of any age, wearing a nice soggy tape on baby diaper, especially under a pair of jeans, with the band of said baby diaper showing proudly. I have hundreds, maybe thousands of diaper boy pictures on my computer now, but seeing them in person is so much better.

No, I don't have a camera, so, no, I've never taken any pictures of any of our guests, that could get me in more trouble than I care to get into, so, I make sure of that, and even my cell phone, which did come with a camera, of course, I destroyed the lens, so to ensure that I couldn't get myself into trouble. That doesn't stop me from checking them all out, though.

Today is Sunday, mid May, the weather is beautiful, and as such, I'm certain that it's going to be a busy day. I have two talks to do, otherwise I just ride around on my bike most of the day, to ensure that no one's doing anything that they shouldn't to my animals. We have signs up everywhere, yet, you'd be surprised just how many people still try and touch or feed the animals, or climb the safety fences. People really are stupid sometimes. I mean, I get kids, they're always so excited, and they just wanna pet the pretty animals, and they don't understand that even the ones that won't eat them, will still hurt them. It's the parents who allow their children to do so, or the adults who do so themselves, that really piss me off.

At about noon, I saw a cute little guy of about five years old, wearing Huggies tape on baby diapers, wearing jeans, and nearly three centimetres of the band of said Huggies baby diaper is showing well, hence my being able to tell exactly what kind of baby diaper it is, because, trust me, I know exactly what every baby diaper looks like. He's small, looking maybe four years old, but his face looks older, hence my thinking that he's about five. He's missing three teeth, he has dark brown, short cut hair, dark brown, sad eyes, very cute little ears, nose, and lips.

I ghosted him for about ten minutes, when I realized that not one of the adults around him appears to be his parents, or with him at all. At the twenty minute mark, as he's watching my three, four year old triplet grizzly bears playing, and there were absolutely no others around, I finally decided that I'd better go and take the cute little Baby Boy to the front and try and find his parents.

“Hi there Handsome, it appears that you've lost your parents.”

“No, they left me here to be with the animals, because that's all I am.” He says sadly. He has a cute voice, and deeper than I would've expected. He's the size of a large older three year old, or a small and young four year old, but, to look at his face, he looks older, and he sounds even older yet.

“Pardon me?”

“I'm just a useless animal, so, they left me here to live with the animals that just piss wherever they are.”

“Oh, I'm so sorry to hear you say that. How old are you?”

“Five and a half years old.”

“And what's your name Cutie?”

“I'm not cute, I'm horribly disfigured and ugly.”

“Oh, Baby, that's the most horrible thing I've ever heard someone else say, though I was told the same thing myself, by my loving parents. You're absolutely nothing of the sort, you're a stunningly beautiful little man. Is that what your parents always told you?”

“Yeah.” He says sadly.

“I think they were describing themselves, not you. You, my beautiful little diapered friend, are truly stunning.”

“Really, you think so.” He says, actually looking at me now.

“Oh yes, especially in that gloriously soggy baby diaper you're wearing.”

“You mean it, you don't think I'm an animal because I need diapers like a baby?”

“Absolutely not, and you're not the only one standing here that's wearing a gloriously thick and soggy baby diaper.”

“Really, you do too?” He asked, at least twice as loud as he'd been talking so far.

“Sure do, all day, every day. I almost never know when I haveta peepee, and even when I do, I have minutes, maybe, before I just start peeing. I've never, at least as best I can recall, actually peed in a toilet, and honesty, I never want to either.”

“Wow, me too, and same here. All the kids in school are always teasing me 'cause I'm still a baby, and my parents do too, but worse.”

“Yeah, that's kinda how I grew up as well. Those are the reasons why I do what I do here, I love animals, not people.”

“Yeah, me too. Could I live here with you and help take care of the animals as well? I love animals so much, I'd do so for life, and not ask for a cent.”

“Not really sure how that'd work, but, you're the very first person that I've met that I've actually felt a connection with, and for the first time in my life, I actually wanna have someone come live with me.”

“You mean it?”

“Sure do. What's your parents names, actually, you still haven't even given me yours.”

“I don't know their names, but my name's Harrison.”

“Oh. Okay, what's your last name Harrison?”


“Crap, that's a very common last name, so, finding them won't be easy.”

“I don't wanna find them, I never wanna go back to them, ever. I hate them.”

“I get that, really I do, but, please don't hate, not even them, not even for that. Hatred leads to misery, and you're too special and beautiful to be miserable. I don't even hate my parents for treating me how they did all my life, but, mind you, I don't even so much as a tiny bit like them either.”

“Oh, okay, thanks, me too.”

“As for sending you back to them, I promise, that's the very last thing I plan to do. No, instead, I wanna find them and ensure that they're punished accordingly, and see if somehow I can't have them hand you over to me.”

“I'd really like that.”

“Yeah, me too. Let's go to security and see if we can find any information.”


Because I have my bike, and it seats exactly one person, I walk it, and Harrison walks beside me.

“So, do you have any spare diapers in your backpack Baby?”

“Yeah, but not very many left.”

“Okay, maybe we'll haveta take the bus into town soon and go get you some nice thick baby diapers, as well we'll haveta get you clothes and boots and shoes and coats and whatnot. Can you ride a bike?”

“No, never had one before.”

“Then we're gonna haveta get you one and teach you. That's the easiest and fastest way to get around the zoo, and while I could use one of the golf carts, most of the time I prefer my bike.”

“Okay, is it hard to learn?”

“No, not at all. I bet it takes you only a day or two to learn.”

“Oh, okay. Where do you live, then?”

“I live here, in a trailer just past the park, but in behind where you wouldn't be able to see it.”

“Really, you even getta live here, now I totally wanna stay with you. I'd totally loveta live here too.”

“Good.” I say happily, hearing his exuberance.

As we continue to walk, we continue to talk, Harrison mostly asking me about what all I do, and I happily tell him. I even tell him that I have a pet raccoon, he was injured and brought to us, and ended up losing his front left paw, so, he couldn't be returned to the wild, but, because raccoon's are social creatures, as well as very mischievous, and with not having others for him to live with, I felt he'd be better to live with me. I made him his very own outdoor enclosure for when I'm not around, but, he comes and sleeps with me every night, as well he's often wandering around my trailer when I'm home. Harrison says he can't wait to meet him and get to pet him.

As soon as we make it to the security department, I tell the head of security all about Harrison and what I wanna do, so, we look through the video footage, and when Harrison says he sees his parents leaving, we watch, and as soon as I see them pull out, we're just barely able to see their plate number, thankfully, so, I copy that down. Then we head to my place, so that I can contact one of the few people I know outside of the zoo, but he's the lawyer for the zoo, and I've hadta talk to him a lot about getting animals and whatnot. As soon as he answers, and we get through the pleasantries, I explain all about Harrison, and what we want, what we know, and all that. I tell him to make Harrison's parents a deal that they're not allowed to refuse, sign him over to me, give Harrison half their assets, and they escape jail and the smear campaign that we do. He says he'll happily get on that.

“Okay Baby, as for you, it looks like you could use a super soggy baby bum change, so, can you change your own super soggy baby diapers, or do you need help.”

“I need help.” He said, but, he said it too quickly, so, I think he lied to me, I think he just wants me to change him, and so, I shall.

I take him to my bedroom, stand him up on the bed, and boy is he ever light. I then strip off his tee shirt, and then unbutton his jeans and pull them down, then lay him down and pull them all the way off, exposing Harrison in his gloriously soggy Huggies baby diaper. I can also see that he's stone hard inside his baby diaper. Uh oh. I was the same age as he is now when I started having those feelings, and I'm betting he's wanting and needing a man as much as I dreamed of one. Clearly I can't give that to him, I'd tear the poor little guy apart. I release the tapes, pull down his diaper, and expose his fully hardened little Baby Boy bone, and he's actually surprisingly large for his age, he's every bit as large as my middle finger is, and he's pulsing. This is, officially, the very first ever erection that I've seen, at least in person, other than my own, of course.

“Baby sure looks happy to be getting his super soggy baby bum change.”

“Oh, um, yeah, sorry about that. It's not, you know, horribly disfigured too, is it? Mommy always told me how I should be ashamed to have such a horrible little thing, that's gross looking and everything.”

“Oh no, it most certainly is not. In fact, I think you may just have the biggest baby bone I've ever heard of for a baby boy your age, especially considering your size, and it's perfect in every way.”



Harrison has very little curve or bend, but it's just ever so slightly up and to his right, so, he's probably right handed, and only ever plays with himself with that hand. His little baby balls are still small and tight, and while he's still got his foreskin, he's so hard right now, and it's not that big on him, his head is just peeking through. He's a super hot little Baby Boy, and I tell him so.

I grab a wipe and clean Harrison up, as I pull out his baby diaper, and then I grab my lotion, apply a good amount to him, and three seconds of lotioning, was all it took for Harrison to have probably his best ever baby boygasm, assuming he's managed to cause one in himself yet. He totally zoned out for more than long enough for me to cream and powder him, and then tape onto him his fresh baby diaper. Huggies size seven, to be precise.

“Wow, that was totally the best one yet. I love making myself feel that, but, wow, that was even better.”

“Sorry Baby, I wasn't trying to make you have that most special feeling, and I shouldn't have either, but, I should've guessed that you'd be that hot, you were super hard before I even opened up your soggy baby diaper.”

“Oh, how come you shouldn't have?”

“Because it's very illegal for me to do anything of the sort with you.”

“How come, I'd never tell anyone? I really liked that.”

“I bet, Baby, and it's because it's illegal for any adult to do or share anything at all sexual with a child, no matter if it's what he wants or not.”

“Oh, okay. Can I help you change your super soggy baby diaper as well then, please?” He asks, and there's a hunger there that I can hear, but I'm not sure he understands it yet.

“Sorry Baby, I'm afraid I can't let you do that. I see a hunger in you that I'm not even sure you understand yet, and I'm not sure you have the power in you to not play with my big gay baby diapered dinky.”

“What's that mean?”

“Let me ask you a few questions first. You said that you enjoy playing with yourself, and that's good, but do you play with both your hot little diapered dinky and your little baby bum hole, or just your diapered dinky?”

“Both, it feels real good to put my fingers inside my baby bum hole and move them all around, and in and out.”

“That's what I thought you were gonna say. How many fingers can you get inside yourself now?”

“Three easily, four if I play long enough, but not all the way yet.” He answers readily enough.

“That's excellent, and pretty advanced for such a young gay Baby Boy, but, I was doing the same by the time I was your age as well.”

“Really, you were, so, I'm not naughty like my parents yelled at me, every time they caught me playing, especially when I was caught playing with my baby bum hole, but, it just feels so good, I can't help it, no matter how much they yelled at me?”

“Oh yes, every bit as naughty as I was, and it's glorious. No, you're not bad for liking to do that, they're bad for not loving you for who and what you are. Now, as you play, have you ever dreamed of doing all that gloriously naughty stuff with another boy, maybe also while he's diapered?”

“Oh yeah, all the time.”

“You dream of sucking him and having him suck you, and slipping your peepees into each others hot little baby bum holes, don't you?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Do you know what the word gay means?”

“No, only that my mommy and daddy told me that I must be some sorta gay baby freak, so, I must be gay.”

“And I truly think you are as well, same as me, and that's not bad. Gay means that you like to play with others of the same sex, so, boys with boys, and girls with girls, bi means you like both boys and girls, and straight means you only like the opposite sex. Do you ever dream of seeing girls naked?”

“Oh heck no, that's disgusting. I've seen my mommy naked, and it's gross.”

“Yeah, that's what I thought you were gonna say. While it may be that eventually you start liking girls, either as well, or only, I actually don't foresee that with you, I do truly think that you are a sexy little gay Baby Boy, and to me, that's the very best thing to be.”

“Oh, okay. And you really like the same things?”

“For sure. Now, let me change my super soggy baby bum, you're welcome to watch, but, I really can't let you help, because I have a feeling that you'd end up sucking my dick before I could stop you.”

“I'd really liketa.” He says shockingly huskily for such a young Baby Boy.

“I know, I did when I was your age as well.” I chuckled.

Yes, I'm painfully hard, yes, I did explode in a massive gay baby boygasm, and yes, I scooped it all up and drank it all down, all while Harrison is watching intently, and by the time I came, Harrison already has his hand inside his baby diaper, stroking, and when I came, so too did he. As I scooped up and ate up my cum, Harrison groaned deeply. Finally I lotion, cream, powder, and tape myself up into a fresh, ultra thick and babyish baby diaper, like I definitely deserve.

“Wow, I really enjoyed watching you change yourself. I don't know what that was that squirted out your diapered dinky, but, I really wanted to lick it all up, same as you did.”

“Yeah, I know, I wanted to when I was your age as well.” I say, and then tell him all about cum.

“Wow.” Is all he says.

“Okay, Baby, let's get dressed, shall we, and then we'll head out. We'll take the bus into town and go get you everything that you need, including a computer and a phone of your own.”

“Really, I'll get a computer and a phone, but why?”

“Absolutely. You'll need the computer to do your school work, since we'll do home schooling for you, and you'll need the phone to text me if you have any questions or if you need any help with anything.”

“Wow, thanks.”

As soon as we're dressed, we head out. We only have to wait a few minutes for the next bus to arrive, I have a pass, and though under five are free, Harrison looks under five, if you only look at his height, and the driver never said a thing about me paying for him, so, I didn't. We head to the Walmart, since that's where we'll get the best deal on all Harrison's diapers, and then there's an electronics store just a couple minutes walk from there, and then, finally another few minutes away is a good kids clothing store. At the last minute, I decide to go to the clothing store first, so, we get off at the bus stop closest to there instead.

When we get inside, the first thing we look at are diaper shirts, and they have lots that'll fit Harrison, and look super cute on the already stunningly beautiful little Baby Boy. I couldn't help myself, and grabbed twelve that are super cute, and he likes them as well. Next we grab him four pairs of jeans, two pairs of shorts, six tee shirts, two long sleeve shirts, a hooded sweater, and a good jacket that's excellent in the rain, since we do get a lot of that. I also grab him two pairs of socks in the ankle height, since that's what he says he prefers, but, I also grab one pack of longer socks for when he's wearing boots, because, as I tell him, the longer socks will be way more comfortable. Last we grab him two pairs of shoes and one good pair of boots. I think I just officially spent far more of both money and time in a clothing store in one shot, because, normally, I'm in and out as fast as I can, but, I've never had to buy a full wardrobe either, I suppose.

We walk to the electronics store next, where we pick Harrison a good notebook computer and a good cell phone. I grab the SIM card for the provider I use, since I have to activate it myself, because I use the cheapest provider I can, and they do everything online, and then we're gone from there.

Finally we go to Walmart. I'd thought to bring my little shopping cart, but, I figure that Harrison will need one now as well, so, we go and grab one of them for him to use, and then we go to the baby department. I ask him what diapers he likes, and he says he likes the Huggies, but the Rascal and Friends are also good. He says the Huggies size seven seem to fit him best, but, the Pampers size six had fit him best, and were most comfortable when he wore them. He says the size seven Rascal's baby diapers are a little snug on him, so, we grab the largest box of Huggies size seven for him. Next we check out the bike department, and find a good one that's not too expensive, that Harrison likes, then a helmet that fits him well and that he likes. I also get him a bell and a basket for the front, so that he can carry things.

After paying we tried our best to fit everything in our carts, but, of course the bike doesn't fit, and the box of diapers didn't either. I carried the bike, while pulling my cart, while Harrison had absolutely no problems carrying his box of baby diapers, which to me is hot as well, and is pulling his cart too. It takes us a few minutes to get onto the bus and get situated once it arrives, but, soon enough we're on our way home.

“You sure spent a lot of money on me today, thanks.” Harrison says finally, he'd hardly been able to say anything, it was too much for him.

“You're very welcome Baby, you do deserve it, and so much more. I know, like I was, you've probably been told all your life that you're worthless, and that any money spent on you is a waste, but, they're wrong, just like my parents were.”

“Yeah, that's pretty much it too. I'm happy I found you, we're just like each other, so, that probably means I never haveta deal with that ever again, huh!”

“Absolutely not, Baby, never again. From now on, I hope your life is spectacular and only full of happiness, oh, and gloriously thick and thirsty baby diapers.”

“Mmmm, thanks, I hope so too.” He says serenely.

As soon as we get home to the zoo, we head in, and of course, as I do so, I introduce Harrison to all the people in the front office, telling them that I'm in the process of adopting him. They're shocked, as well as happy for me and Harrison. When we get to our trailer, I help Harrison to put all his things away, and then tell him that I want to change him into some of his new clothes, since the ones he's wearing are worn out and are getting small, but then, he says they were bought at a thrift store when he was still three, at least he thinks that's when it was, but, it was a long time ago at any rate.

I pick out a cute baby diaper shirt, a pair of jeans, a tee shirt, and one of his new pairs of shoes. I then strip my Baby Boy down to his beautiful baby diaper, which is only just a little wet so far, and then dress him again in much nicer and better looking clothes.

“There you go Baby, now you look like a stunningly beautiful Baby Boy, just like you should.”

“Thanks, but I still don't think so.”

“I know, I still have a hard time with that myself, and I understand that more than even you do. It gets easier, and I'm hoping because you were rescued early, that it won't be as hard on you as it was for me.”

“Oh. I hope so too.”

“Now, let's get your computer and phone set up Baby.”

“Okay, I can't believe I get a computer and a phone of my own, though.”

“I know, Baby, but you both need and deserve them.”

It doesn't take us long at all to get everything all set up and working properly, and both need to be plugged in to charge fully, so, as soon as they're done, they're plugged in as well.

“So, shall we go and start meeting everyone else and telling my boss that you're here now?”

“I guess so. Can I call you Daddy.”

“I'd really like that Baby.” I say happily.

“Thanks, I've always dreamed of a Daddy who liked me, and it's so much better that you're a diapered Daddy too.”

“I don't just like you, already I'm falling in love with you.”

“Mmmm, I think I am too.”

“Good, Baby.”

When we get to the office, everyone sees Harrison and asks what's up, so, I tell them to all gather in the meeting room, and that I'll tell everyone together. Oh sure, less than half the employees will be there, but, the most important ones will be. I go and ask everyone else to come for a meeting, and as soon as I know everyone's there, I get started.

“So, as you can see, I have a young man with me. This is Harrison, and I'm in the process of adopting him, and if all goes well and smoothly, then he'll be my Son in just a few days to a couple weeks. We both have the same bladder problem, and use the same method to deal with it, hence my agreeing to adopt him, because I can help him out far better than almost anyone else can.”

You could hear a pin drop when I finished, I'm certain that they all thought, much like me, that I would never have children. Finally my boss came up and shook my hand and told me congratulations, and then did likewise to Harrison. The others all did as well, and told me flat out that it's a surprise to them, but that they're happy for me, because I need children to teach me what I need to learn, because of how I grew up. They all know what my childhood was like, I have few secrets, and while I've never told anyone, I do know they all know I'm gay as well.

“So, Harrison will be with me lots during my rounds and whatnot, do I have permission to take him into pens and whatnot with me?” I ask my boss.

“I see no reason why not. You know all the rules better than most, especially since you set a considerable amount of them, to protect your animals, and I'm sure you'd never put him at risk.”

“Thanks, and no, even though there's never a guarantee that they won't do something, but, all my animals know and like me, and, he'll always be with me, so, there should never be an issue.”

“Too true.”

We spent a bit better than half an hour talking to everyone, they all talked to Harrison as well, and he did well. I still don't like being in large groups like that, but, I know all these people, and it is getting easier, so, that's good. Finally I say that I need to get going on my rounds, and we head out. Almost as soon as we leave the office building, Harrison takes my hand in his tiny little one, and when I look down to him, he smiles warmly, and I smile right back. We go do the rounds, this isn't about going and seeing the animals, so much as making sure that the humans aren't interfering with them in any way. We spend a little over two hours walking the entire circuit, and other than some garbage that's been strewn about that some animals could possibly reach, we see nothing wrong, and yes, I do always grab the garbage and put it in the nearest can, which is almost always within feet of where I find the garbage, I really do hate people sometimes.

As we come around to the front once again, I can hear the protesters once again, only this time, they're being more loud and obnoxious than normal. They're saying all sorts of bullshit, like we don't treat our animals fairly, that it's inhumane to keep them locked up, so on and so forth. So, with Harrison with me, I head out front to try and disperse them again.

“Good afternoon folks. I hear you feel that we're mistreating our animals. Would you care to come for a tour and allow me to attempt to quell your disapproval?” I say once I have their attention.

“And who are you?” One disgustingly fat and seriously ugly woman called out.

“I'm one of the Zoologists here. My name is Doctor Leo, and I invite you in to come see some of the behind the scenes things that regular guests don't usually get the chance to see.”

“Yeah, right, you're probably gonna feed us to your animals.” Another lady scoffed.

“Oh no, I'd never feed our animals humans, I don't wanna make them sick, there's no telling what kindsa germs and parasites that are in people. No, all our meat eaters are fed a diet of food that's honestly better than I feed myself.” I said, actually laughing at that last part, because trust me, it's totally true.

“What's that supposed to mean?” She asked again.

“Do you eat a diet solely of fully organic grains, fruits, and vegetables, because that's what I insist on all my animals get from the meat they consume. We own the farm down the road, where cows, chickens, goats, sheep, and rabbits are raised solely for food for the zoo, and all those animals are fed only the highest quality food, and then they're butchered for us, and even they're killed in the most quick and painless method they can. Then there's all my plant eaters, the same farm also grows all the fruits, vegetables, and grains my animals eat. We even own a fish farm, where several species of fish are raised for food, also on the best possible diets. I guarantee that all my animals are fed far better than what we eat. Feel free to join me, I wish to give you a tour, however, if you decline, then I'll be forced to call the police.”

“Fine.” A few people say.

I lead the group inside, and we head right to the veterinary clinic that we have in house. I introduce our Doctor to the seven protesters today, and ask him to tell them what he does every day.

“Well, obviously, I'm a veterinarian, so, an animal doctor. Thankfully, with our strict feeding protocols, our animals rarely ever get sick, and because we try and keep them as safe and as comfortable as we possibly can, injuries too are thankfully few. Most of my days are spent doing checkups on all the animals, checking for anything that is wrong, and making sure that they're as healthy and happy as possible. I'm also happy to say, that not one of our animals are on any sort of anti depressant medications, nor are any of them on any medications, other than our few that were brought here because of some form of illness.”

“Thanks Tim. Do any of you have any questions for our Doctor?” I ask.

A few people ask questions, and he answers them honestly and easily, we have nothing at all to hide.

“Thanks Tim, we'll let you get back to your work. Follow me folks.”

I then lead them to our kitchen, where all our animals food is processed. Right now, they're working on all the food for dinner. The three ladies in there are currently in the process of boning and filleting some nice salmon that we feed our bears and a few of the others. I show them all the food that we have, and how good it is.

Next I even take them and show them where we raise mice for all our birds of prey and our snakes. Here again, the mice are fed only whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. In the same place, we raise huge amounts of insects for all the animals that eat them, and they get fed the same things. Then is the worm farm, where they're given lots of fresh compostable fruit and vegetable peelings, as well as grass clippings and whatnot, almost all generated in house from what all we do.

“Now, has any of you actually been inside the zoo before?” I ask when we leave there.

Half said yes, the other half said no.

“Okay, so, some of you know how large the place is, and all the space that we have for our animals, but, others do not. Yes, I do agree that it seems cruel to cage the animals, I get that, but, we've given our animals as much space and natural habitat that we possibly could, and where possible, even the same type that they would've had in the wild. What most people don't realize is how and why we get many of our animals. To start, and to put it as bluntly as I possibly can, people are stupid. Us humans have very nearly wiped out far too many species, and have completely done so to many more. At the zoo, currently we have four species of animals that are now completely extinct in the wild, and they only live in zoos like ours, where our breeding programs are attempting to repopulate what we've killed off, and for no forgivable reason. Then there are thirty some species here that are critically endangered, or damn near extinct in the wild, here too, we're trying to breed more to release back into the wild. Then, the vast majority of our animals were brought to us because they were injured too badly to be released back into the wild, or, in the case of a couple, like my triplet grizzlies, for instance, they were orphaned at such a young age, that they were unable to survive in the wild.”

“Do you have proof of all that?” One lady asks snottily.

“Actually, yes, we do. We keep excellent records on how and where all our animals came from, and while yes, how or where we got them, could possibly have been a lie, we always attempt to ensure we have the truth. In the last year alone, we've rescued seventy some animals, treated them, and then have released sixty some of them back to the wild. We don't keep all the animals that we get, and in fact, we keep at most ten percent, and only keep them when they simply can't be released. Of course, there's the ones that we're trying to repopulate as well, and once their babies are ready to be released, we actually do so, at least whenever possible.”

“I'd like to see those records.” She says.

“We have them all online, you can actually visit the page at any time and learn about every animal that we have, and have had in the past, how and why they came to us, how, where, and when they were released, or why they were kept, and we have a very stringent set of guidelines that we follow in order to keep an animal, and then said animal is also registered with the government. We do tag all animals that we release, so that we can keep track of them, as well as to learn even more about them. That's more than half of what we do, attempt to learn all about our animals. We're a safe haven here for all wild animals, and while most don't realize it, our animals almost always live a considerably longer life than they ever would in the wild, sometimes as much as twice on average life spans, simply because of how well we treat them, and of course, no predators to take them out.”

“I don't believe you.” The very first lady I spoke to says.

“Whether you believe me or not is entirely irrelevant, I'm telling the complete and total truth, and if you believe it or not simply doesn't matter to me. I hate people, I love animals, and people like you who attack the people who are trying their best to help, instead of attacking the people who are causing the problems, are the largest problem. Of course, you'd never attack them, because they have guns and love to kill things, whereas we're peace loving, animal loving people, we'll never do harm to our animals, ever.”

“What are you trying to say?” She says angrily.

“The truth, if you wish to take offence to the truth, then that's on you, not on me. Now, our tour is complete, so, please leave. The next time any of you shows up to protest, the police will be called, you've been asked once politely to never come back, the second time we don't ask nicely.”

“You can't do that, this is public property.”

“Um, no, it isn't. This zoo isn't government owned or controlled in any way, it's owned by all of us here that love animals and are only attempting to fix stupid peoples mistakes. Almost all funds earned from charging guests entrance goes to the care of our animals. I take only ten thousand a year in pay for my job, which, for a doctor, is stupidly low, but, I live here, and really am part owner of all this now, and we just have a controlling board, so, while I technically have a boss, we're all equal. Almost none of us here make more than that, and I can almost guarantee that every last one of you earns way more than I do, and I promise I'm way more educated than any of you are. So, once more, I say, if you come here as a protester once again, you're asked to leave by the police. You are welcome to view the zoo, and try and learn all about what we do here, which is all about protection and conservation of all the wild animals, and I'll even allow you to do so for free today, however, your signs must stay here, and you're not allowed to try and make a scene while inside the zoo, because that will be punished.” I say as simply as I can.

“I don't believe that you make so little, why would anyone do that.”

“Because not all people are in it to make money. My sole goal is to help the animals. I take only as much pay as I need for food and supplies, I live here, I work here, and almost never leave here, my entire world revolves around helping these animals, I love every one of them more than I like any thousand typical people. I can also show you my bank records if you'd like, we here have nothing to hide at all, we're fully transparent. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, all our wages are even posted.”

“I still don't believe you.” She said once again.

“Once more, whether you believe the truth or not is entirely irrelevant, and your calling me a liar to my face more than a couple times now, also means this conversation and tour is complete. Please leave, your faces are now entered as trespassers should you ever return as protesters. I strongly urge every last one of you to educate yourselves on all that we do here, and what we're trying to do in order to fix stupid peoples mistakes.” I say, and then walk away.

As soon as I walk away, our main security agent steps forth, and ushers them all out.

“Wow, they were all really stupid.” Harrison says as we walk away.

“Yeah, I do that once a month or so, a few of the others do the same thing about the same amount, but, it'll never be enough, because stupid people will believe anything they read on the internet, except the truth. It's true, though, they'd never attack the people who are actually causing the major need of zoos, but they need to. I've written many papers and whatnot against trophy hunting, how it must be outlawed, but, no one pays any attention to it. I have zero issue with hunting for food, as long as it's done in the proper fashion, because it's supposed to be licensed and all that, but I wholeheartedly disagree with just killing an animal, just so that you can have its head, and then the rest is left to rot.”

“People really do that? Why? Why would someone be so stupid to do that?” Harrison asks in shock.

“I have no idea, especially those that'll hunt animals in which they know to be endangered. That's the highest form of blatant stupidity in my opinion. I hate that we have to have zoos to protect those wild animals, but we truly do. Sure, a lot of our animals are brought to us because of injury and/or inability to survive in the wild, but, sadly not all.”

“I wanna find a way to help those animals that need protecting.”

“Me too Baby, me too. Now, it's getting close to dinner time, so, what say we head home and get us something to eat.”

“Okay, I'm really hungry, so, yes please.”

As soon as we get home, I strip Harrison down to just his soggy baby diaper, and then encourage him to help me strip down to mine as well. As soon as we are, I open up the little door leading to my raccoon's outdoor habitat, and call him in. He comes bounding in a few seconds later. So far Harrison hasn't gotten to see him yet, because he'd been inside his little house inside there.

“Harrison, meet Mischief, sit down on the floor, put your hand out, and let him come to you. He won't be afraid of you, but he always takes a minute or two to get used to someone new.” I say, because as soon as Mischief comes in, he looks to Harrison warily.

Harrison sits on the floor as told, puts his hand out, and Mischief goes to him faster than he ever has to anyone else, sniffs his hand, and then crawls right onto Harrison's lap, where Harrison happily starts petting Mischief.

“He's so cute, and even though he's soft, some of his fur is a little stiff, isn't it.” Harrison says after a minute of petting the cute little guy.

“Yes, his undercoat is super soft, but, some of his outer coat is pretty course. I can't believe he's letting you pet his belly already, he already really likes and trusts you.”

“I really like him too. He's super cute. So, what happened to his paw then?” Harrison asks, because it's missing entirely.

“He was just a little Kit, probably no older than two to three months old, when he was brought here to be rescued and saved. The person that brought him here had no idea what happened to him, nor where his mother was. Our Vet says he suspects that it was grabbed by a larger animal, but it only managed to get Mischief's paw, and the damage to it was too much, so, he had to remove it. We also suspect that when mama raccoon tried to save her Kit, that she sadly didn't make it, and because she was nowhere around when Mischief was found, that's really the only possible scenario that we can come up with.”

“Awe, too bad. It doesn't seem to bother him at all, though.”

“It is too bad, yes, but, sadly, that's also nature. It happens a lot. No, he's almost two years old now, so, he's grown up not really knowing any different, and while he can't run as well as other raccoon's would, and he has a much harder time climbing, it doesn't really affect him all that much.”

“He can still climb with one of his front paws missing?” Harrison asks in shock.

“Oh yeah, but he still has three others that he can use, and he's adapted pretty well.”

“True, I suppose.”

“So, what would you like for dinner, Baby?”

“I don't know. I've never been asked what I want, mommy always just said, here's food, eat it and be thankful an animal like me's being fed at all. Our dog got fed better and more than I did.”

“Sadly, I figured you were gonna say something like that. She only fed you once a day, didn't she.”

“Sometimes not even that. If my diaper leaked in my bed, and I made her haveta wash my bedding, I didn't getta eat that day at all, which happened yesterday and today, so, I kinda haven't eaten in a long time.”

“Really, why didn't you say something, you must be starving, I would've gotten you something to eat?”

“I'm never to ask for food, no matter how hungry I am, I'm used to it.”

“Oh Baby, never again, okay, if you're hungry, tell me. You're gonna need lots more food than me, so that you can grow up, whereas I forget to eat lunch most days, but I try not to.”

“Oh, okay, I'll try, but, that's what I'm used to, so, I'm probably gonna forget.”

“I get that. So, tell me Baby, you're five and a half years old, right, so, that means you're in kindergarten, yet, you speak shockingly well, and you also seem to know more than most boys your age, from what I can tell. What has your teacher said?”

“She says that if they were allowed to, she'd put me in grade two, because I'm so far ahead of the other kids.”

“That's what I thought as well, so, I think home schooling will be excellent for you as well.”

“I hope so. I really hated being with all the other kids most of the time, especially when they started teasing me for being a baby still.”

“Please don't hate, not anyone, not for any reason.”

“Okay, but why?”

“Because that hatred only leads to you being miserable all the time, and you're much too precious and beautiful to be miserable.”

“Oh, okay, I guess so, thanks.” He says, smiling serenely after a few moments of thought.

“So, you still haven't answered me as to what you'd like for dinner, Baby!”

“I don't know, I really didn't like anything my mommy ever cooked, it was almost always super gross, and she never told me what it was, so, I have no idea what I was ever eating anyway.”

“Yikes. Okay, well, I'll make one of my favourites, then, and hopefully you like it. I'm certainly not the best cook around, but, I think I do pretty good, so, hopefully you'll enjoy it as well. From now on, though, if there's anything that you truly don't like, let me know, and I'll try not to make that for you in the future.”

“Really, but why?”

“Because it's not fair of me to force you to eat something that you can't stand, especially all the time.”

“Oh, okay.” He says, shrugging.

Now, you'd think that given my love of animals, that I'd be a vegetarian, I'm not. Granted, I don't eat a lot of meat either. I decide on chicken Caesar salad wraps, and get that all going. Harrison and Mischief are playing together on the floor now, and they're both having lots of fun, so, that's great. I set a little piece of the chicken aside for Mischief, but also cut up some fruit and vegetables for him. Because Raccoon's are omnivores, I do give Mischief some meat, but always cooked, but he, like me, eats mostly fruits and vegetables. As soon as I have all our dinner ready, I set Mischief's plate down on the floor and tell him to come for dinner, and he happily comes and grabs it. Harrison can't help but to watch as Mischief eats, and even though he's missing his one front paw, his left in case you're wondering, he still uses his little stump, and his other little paw, to grab food and eat it just like other raccoon's do.

Finally I dish up our food, and Harrison and I sit at the table to eat up.

“Wow, that was super good, thanks.” Harrison says happily when he finishes everything that I'd given to him.

“You're very welcome, Baby. Let's get cleaned up, shall we, and then we'll get dressed, because I wanna start teaching you how to ride your bike.”

“Oh, okay, it's not hard or scary, is it?”

“No, most boys your age have already been riding on their own, without training wheels, for a long time, sometimes as much as two years. I didn't actually get to learn how to ride a bike 'til I came here, no one thought me important enough to teach either. I'm almost willing to bet, that by the time we call it for the night, that you'll already be riding.”

“You think so?”

“Yes, you're smart, you listen and understand well, you have good mobility and balance, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it a great deal.”

“Oh, okay.”

We clean up, and then get dressed. I tell Mischief to go outside, so, he does so, and I lock his door behind him, I won't leave him unaccompanied inside, he's still a raccoon, and he lives up to his name very much so. As soon as we get outside, I start teaching Harrison everything that he needs to know, I even make him run his bike without pedalling, so that he can get a feel for it, and learn the balance that way. Within an hour, he's riding all on his own, and he's doing very well. He still takes a little time to get going smoothly, but, that's okay, he'll figure it out very fast, since we'll ride our bikes a lot here.

“So, I needta do my rounds to make sure all my animals that are kept inside are in for the night, as well as verify everything's as it should be. Do you think that you can ride with me?” I ask once I feel he's good to go.

“I'll try, but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up to you.”

“I'm sure you'll do just fine. If you'd rather, though, you could stay here and go inside, strip down to your sexy soggy baby diaper, and play with Mischief.”

“No thanks, I think I'd liketa try going with you.”

“Okay, Baby.” I say happily.

I tell Harrison to lead the way, telling him to go left as soon as we exit. I find it cute that he has to stop, look at his hands, and then point himself in the correct direction. He wavers a bit as he starts still, but, before too long, he's pedalling along just fine. Because the zoo is most certainly not all flat ground, as he goes up the hills, Harrison slows right down. They're not very much for hills, mind you, but more than enough that his still very tiny little legs, and his inexperience, must be causing him to get very tired, but, not once does he complain, and he does shockingly well.

Because it's well after closing time, I'm also checking everything out to ensure that there's no one still here that certainly shouldn't be. Almost all the staff have already gone home, and while there's at least one other zoo keeper on staff at all times, he's nowhere to be seen at this time. I didn't even see any of the security, but, they're probably in just watching the cameras, for we have close to two hundred of them all over the place, most are so well hidden, though, that most don't even realize we have them, and trust me, they're there almost solely for the animal's protection. Especially after the monkeys were murdered, though that was before my time, they really upgraded security, more than doubled the amount of cameras, added more to the security team, and added in even more fences and gates than there had been. We've done even more since I was hired, and since I asked for such a low wage, I told them to put the remainder of what I'd normally get paid, into upgrades to security and keeping our animals safe.

Harrison did shockingly well, though he was really skittish about going down the hills, and he almost wiped twice while doing so, I just taught him how to properly manage his brakes better. By the time we finish our rounds, though, I can tell that poor little Harrison is just wiped, it's been a very long and probably stressful day for him, and though he won't complain, I can see he's getting very tired.

“Okay Baby, let's get you inside and ready for bed. We both need super soggy baby bum changes, and then we'll watch a movie. Sound good to you Baby?”

“Okay, I could use a super soggy baby bum change, and a movie sounds nice too.”


When we get inside, we strip each other down to just our soggy baby diapers, and then Harrison asks to change me first this time, so, I allow him to do so, with clear warning to not play, but I have to stay his hands when he started trying to do more than just lotion me. He says sorry, but, the look of hunger in his eyes says that he's absolutely not sorry. I damn near laugh at just how horny he truly is. When I change his baby bum, I couldn't even wipe him down, lotion, or cream him, he was so hard that he's no longer even pulsing. I just squirted the cold lotion all over his baby balls and baby bone, causing him to shriek, yet, not even that made him go in the slightest softer. When I tape up his baby diaper, he frowns.

“Why didn't you rub the lotion in, or wipe me or cream me, or anything, and the lotion was really cold, just being squirted on like that?” he pouts in a very sexual manner.

“I think you know just as well as I do why. You were so hard, that there was no way I could touch you, you would've exploded in an amazing little gay baby boygasm instantly, and I won't do that for you, at least willingly.”

“Oh. But it feels sooooooo good.” He moans sexily. I laugh.

“I know it does, Baby, but, that's for you to do on your own, until you get a sexy Baby Boyfriend of your own, of course, and only if and when he allows it.”

“Oh. I want you for my Baby Boyfriend, though.”

“Yeah, I suspected as much, but no, and certainly not yet. You're far too small, I'd tear you apart, and while you're certainly a stunningly sexy little gay Baby Boy, you probably won't be sexually attractive to me 'til you're at least ten. I'd really rather you get your own Baby Boyfriend though, and I do want one desperately myself, hell, probably need more than even that, only, well, horrible social skills, and all that.”

“Really, but, I want you like that.” He moans lowly.

“I know Baby, I was once in your diaper, I would've happily offered myself to many men at the same age, but, trust me, we couldn't, it wouldn't feel anywhere near as good as you hope it will. In fact, it'll be downright painful, if not excruciating to take me deep inside you, and that's even assuming I could get inside you, at least without forcing my way in, regardless of the pain or tightness. No, you needta grow up lots before we could conceivably do that, but, the only problem is, I'm falling in love with you so much, that there's no way I could ever hurt you, but, that love doesn't even feel as if it could be sexual, but more, that of a father.”

“I love you too, Daddy, but I don't think it'd be painful.”

“Oh, yes, it would be. In order to take me, you'd haveta pretty much be able to take your entire hand, you've seen me, I'm almost the same size as that, and you can't even take four fingers all in yet. Trust me, I will hurt you, and I simply won't do that. Now, let's go watch a movie, Baby.”

“Okay.” He moans sadly again.

I put in one of my favourite movies, hoping that Harrison likes it as well, and not even half way through, he's snoring softly beside me. He'd been cuddled right into me, I'd been hugging him to my side, playing with his hair gently, and I guess it was just too much for him, and he passed out.

Softy I detach from him, go and grab my spare set of bedding, get the bed ready for Harrison, and then go and grab him, and slip him into his bed, as I do so, he slips his thumb into his mouth, and he looks peaceful. Originally I hadn't even planned to get a trailer with a second bed, but, this one had one, and it was the nicest one with everything I wanted, and at the price I was willing to pay, but I sure am glad to have it now. I go and finish out the movie, since it's still too early for me to go to bed, and when it's done, I play on my computer for a little longer, before I finally go to bed. I do have to jack off incredibly. I didn't lie to Harrison about not wanting him sexually, but, still, seeing him so aroused did have an impact on me, and so, I jack off to three spectacular gay baby boygasms, licking up all the mess after every one. Finally I'm ready to go to sleep, and pass out quickly.