Disclaimer: This story is the fertilized ovary of my twisted and aberrant imagination. None of the characters within it have ever existed anywhere but in my head. Neither the school, nor the ski lodge will be found on any map as they too can only be found within my overly hormone twisted mind. If accessing this site and/or this story causes you to break local laws (community, village, town, city, county, province, state, country, house, parents, etc.), please leave now.





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A new story by Danny

author of such stories as...

Simon's Journal

Goodbye Normal Jeans

Alvin Ever After


Part XI


The ride home was different than the ride up to Hollister. For starters it took literally hours just to get out of the worst of the storm and get to the roads that were properly plowed. The other reason it was so different was because my parents, Phil and I talked. Thankfully my parents were cool and didn't bring broach the subject of them walking in on our fuck-a-palooza. Oh, they talked to us about our relationship, and keeping it in the bedroom and such, and that was completely okay. It was the most unreal experience ever. Though I have read a lot on the Internet on the subject of coming out to ones parents, I have never once read a real account where parents acted as cool as mine. Of course, at the time, I had no idea that they had known about Phil's true sexuality, so when I asked for him to come along to Hollister, they automatically assumed he had become my boyfriend.

An hour into the trip home, Phil leaned over and whispered, "I wish my parents were as cool as yours." He then reached over and took my hand. He didn't let go of it until we stopped for lunch.

We stopped, not just to eat, but because dad said he was worn out from the stress of driving through the snow and because we needed to fill up with gas. We also stopped because Mom, Phil and I were complaining about needing to pee so must that dad just couldn't take it any longer.


I didn't get to kiss Phil goodbye when we dropped him off at his house. His parents were at the door waiting for him. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that, for about the last half-hour of our trip, I'd been thinking about how we'd say goodbye. I imagined that my parents would pretend not to watch as Phil leaned over and kissed me deeply. That isn't how it happened at all.

Phil simply said to my parents, "Thanks for letting me come. It was the best time ever!"

He then punched me in the leg and said, "See you at school!" and left me sitting in the car rubbing my aching leg while dad got Phil's bag from the back of the car.

I somehow found the strength to hide my emotions until I was alone in my room. That's when I threw myself on my bed and wept into my pillow. I wasn't just crying about not getting a goodbye kiss, but because I wanted so desperately to have Phil with me at that very moment, to have him sleep in the same bed as me, and make love to me, again and again, until we both collapsed from exhaustion!

Then my cell phone chirped.

I lifted my wet face from my pillow, rubbed at my red swollen eyes and looked at the screen which had fallen from my hand and was lying on my bed near the pillow.

It was a short text from Phil.

"Can you video chat with me for a minute on the computer?"

I was off my bed and turning on my computer as fast as I could. It seemed to take ages before it came on and connected itself to the internet.

"Oh good you got my text!" Phil said when the video chat screen loaded.

I hadn't thought about the fact that my face might show that I had been crying.

"Uh? Everything alright?" he asked.

"Huh? Yeah! Everything's great!" I lied.

"Lier!" he said and then his voice grew softer, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing!" I lied again.

"Leeeeevvvvviiiii!" he drew out my name warningly, "Do I have to sneak over there and kick your ass?"

I smiled as I asked, "Why did you want to cam?"

He let the subject drop as he blushed a bit, "I-I just wanted to say good night."

My heart honestly skipped a beat.

"Also, I didn't get to give you a kiss goodbye." He confessed.

My heart skipped two beats.

He then leaned toward his camera and puckered her lips. I leaned forward and kissed my computer screen.

"You missed!" he said.

"No I didn't! I kissed your lips on my screen." I chuckled.

"Oh!" he chuckled back.

"Wish we could spend the night together." He confessed.

My heart leapt within my chest. If he kept it up for much longer, he was going to make my heart stop completely!

"Want to see something?" he asked.


He stood up and pulled the front of his pants down, revealing his very stiff cock.

My eyes widened and my mouth watered.

"It needs to get sucked!" he said as he tucked it back into his pants and sat back down.

There was a conspicuous noise emanating somewhere in his house and in a panicked voice, he said quickly, "See you at school..." and then whispered, "...boyfriend!" and shut off his camera.


Now that we were home from Hollister, things between Phil and I quickly went back to the way they had always been... well as far as everyone else knew. At school, we were just friends. We never touched or showed each other affection of any kind. Phil even started seeing this girl from school, Sharon, but he told me that even though he and Sharon are going steady, he'll always be my top-secret boyfriend. I'd be lying if I didn't say that it killed me to see him holding hands and spending time with her at school. However, after school, when we were not texting back and forth, Phil was always at my house, in my bedroom, and in my bed. Mom was always cool with it and never said anything about what we were doing together.


Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year came and went without much to write about other than the fact that Phil and I were fucking like rabbits ever chance we got. Everything went on fine until the day Phil and I walked in on my parents fucking. I suppose it is some sort of poetic irony that we'd walk in on them after they had walked in on Phil and me.

It took four days, four very long, very quietly awkward days before I was willing to speak with my parents again. I walked around the house like some sort of lifeless android, going through the motions but not really interacting with the world and people around me. At home I avoided my mother like the plague and at meal times we sat in silence. I attended school, but I didn't speak to anyone and ate my lunches alone. My friends knew what had happened, Phil told them of course, and though they tried to engage me, I would just walk away.

On the fourth day, coming home from school alone, I received a HUGE shock. There was a small rental van in our driveway. Dad and a guy I didn't know were moving Dad's things into the house.

I stood on the sidewalk watching them for a moment before they saw me.

"HEY THERE SON!" Dad said with genuine surprise.

"W-what's going on?" I asked, being the first words I spoke in four long days.

"What's it look like?" Dad said coyly.

Had I not been taken by surprise, I would have seen how nervous Dad was acting with me.

Then, mom walked out from the garage and saw me. She walked down to where I was standing. Although I could tell she wanted badly to hug me, she restrained herself.

"We wanted to surprise you." She started to say as dad walked over to join us.

"What?" I asked.

Dad put his arms around mom from behind and leaned his chin on mom's shoulder. Mom then rested her arms over his.

"Do you remember that night up at Hollister when your father and I were stuck in town?" Mom asked.

"Yeah?" I answered cautiously.

Mom turned her head slightly as if to look at dad.

"We got remarried that night." Dad confessed.

"WHAT?" I exclaimed.

"We came back to tell you and then we found you and Phi..." Mom trailed off, unable to continue and boy was I glad she didn't continue.

"You've been remarried for over two months?"

"We didn't know how to tell you. And well..." Dad confessed.

"You-you-you got remarried?" I asked again as I honestly didn't believe my own ears.

They both smiled and nodded in a way that only they could.

"Listen slugger." Dad started to say

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I seethed.

"Levi, please!" Mom sounded as though she was tired of my attitude.

Reaching out with my three text books I had carried home to do my homework, I gave them to my mother and said, "I-I need some time. I'm going over to Phil's." And turned and walked away.

"Levi?" I heard mom say and then dad said, "Let him go. He just needs to sort this all out. He'll be fine!"

They must have thought I was out of ear shot when dad said, "There is still loads of time to tell him about the baby."

I stumbled over my own two feet and nearly fell. They must have still been watching me and realized I had heard. Turning to face then, I stared with total disbelief.

Dad was now standing in front of mom, almost as though he was protecting her from me. I was a good sixty feet from them and yet they both still seemed on their guard, like I might lash out at them or something.

From behind me I heard, "Everything alright here?" It was Phil.

"NO!" I said very flatly while looking both of my parents in the eye.

Phil was now directly to my right.

"No Phil! Everything is not alright!" I motioned to my parents, "Besides having walked in on them fucking..."

"LEVI! DO NOT USE THAT LANGU..." Mother shouted.

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCKING, FUCK, FUCK!" I shouted at her and dad.

My parents recoiled as if I'd swung an axe at them.

Talking to Phil, I said, "They got fucking married at fucking Hollister and my mother's FUCKING PREGNANT!"

"Woah! Cool!" was Phil's reply, "Way to go Mr. and Mrs. Lorret!"

"COOL? COOL?!" I asked him with venom dripping from my forked tongue, "NO! NOT COOL!"

"Sure it is!" He said in a very upbeat sort of way.

I didn't even realize that Phil had somehow managed to move me closer to my parents.

"NO IT'S NOT!" I shouted back in an effort to try to get him to stop being so... well, stop being so okay with it.

Phil then got a puzzled expression on his face, "Wait, it is Mr. and Mrs. Lorret? Right? Not Mr. Lorret and Mrs. Franklin or Mr. and Mrs. Franklin?"

Mom both smiled and grimaced at the same time as dad pretended to pull Phil's ear off.

"I'm real happy for you!" he said to my parents.

"NO! Don't be happy for them!" I demanded while stomping my foot.

Phil then did something which completely caught me off guard. He put an arm around me, turned me away from my parents and while looking over his shoulder told them, "Can you give us a minute while I talk to my boy here?"

Then softly so my parents couldn't hear he said to me, "You say another God Damn word and I swear, I will break your fucking nose!"

He then said to my parents, "We'll be back soon! Promise!" as he escorted me away.

We didn't talk at all for the longest time. We just kept walking, and walking. We'd walked all the way back to the school before we stopped. Phil hopped up and planted himself on the concrete barricade between the staff parking lot and the school grounds.

I stood, staring at him questioningly.

"I'm confused!" he said while looking up at the sky as though trying to see shapes in the clouds.

"You're confused?" I gasped with surprise.

"Yeah," He said rather abruptly.

Playing along I asked, "Tell me dear Phillip, what has you so puzzled?"

One never calls Phil, Phillip and lives long.

He smiled with warning eyes, "When your folks split up, you didn't freak out at all. You just went on with your life. But now, you find out your parents are remarried and fucking like a couple teenagers..."

I picked up on the little hint that he was referring to the two of us.

"And your life might actually be going good again, and now you are freaking out? You've got like the best parents in the world. They know you are gay and that you have the most amazingly, fantastically-awesomest..."

"Awesomest isn't a word!" I smartly spat back.

He extended his foot and using the bottom of his shoe playfully kicked me in the chest, "Don't interrupt!"

He continued as though I hadn't said a word, "...and dynamically handsome boyfriend in the entire world."

I groaned which seemed to displease him greatly.

"AND..." He really drove that `and' home with feeling, "You are going to be a big brother! Do you have any idea how fucking awesome your life is? I'd give my left nut to trade lives with you!"

I stood there, looking at my shoes, feeling like a complete and total ass. I had nothing to say. He was right. Hell, Phil is always right!

Phil let me stand there and brewed for several minutes before he leapt off the wall. He put his arm around my shoulders and asked, "You know something?"

I grunted, "Huh?"

"I think you..." he began, then quick as can be, put me in a headlock and began to really mess up my hair badly.

It doesn't matter how many times he does it, it ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, gets me upset.


He stopped messing up my hair but he wouldn't let me out of the headlock as he finished his sentence, "...need to comb your hair."

"You can let go now!" I said angrily.

"What? And let you run off and have another one of your little baby temper tantrums?"

Oh yeah, friends sure know how to press your buttons, don't they?

"I wasn't having a temper tantrum!" I said while still clutched in his vise like arm.

He began to walk, and I had no choice but to go along with him.

"Call it what you like, but you have to admit, you've been acting like the biggest ass!"

We walked around the concrete barricade, across the parking lot to the sidewalk. Then we walked down to the running track and football field behind the school. We walked from one end of the field to the other, walking past the equipment shed to the far street that ran along the back of the school and started down the road. We went about another block with my head still tucked nicely under Phil's arm. I'm sure people were staring and pointing, not that I could see them though. Actually, all I could see was the ground and Phil's shoes.

"Did you get new shoes?" I asked.

"Yep! Like `em?"

"They are kind of nice from this vantage point." I answered.

"Thanks! I like them too." He said.

"Are you going to let go of my head anytime soon?" I asked.

"Not until I feel that you have learned your lesson!" he said back.

"What lesson is that?" I asked.

"If you have to ask, then you haven't learned it yet."

We walked another two blocks before I asked, "Is the lesson that I am an ass?"

"That's part of it." He chuckled and then called out, "Hello Mrs. Kollwitz! Love the new car!"

I waved too, though I couldn't see, "Hello Mrs. Kollwitz!"

From a distance, I assumed she must be in the garage, I heard, "Hello boys!"

We were nearly back to my house when I said, "Is the lesson that I am an ass and I have been a momentous fuckup with my parents and I need to apologize to them?"

Phil released me from the headlock and as I stood up, he adjusted my collar then tried to straighten my hair with his fingers.

"Man Levi! I thought I was going to have to walk you to the other end of town before you got it!"

"Think mom and dad are really mad?" I asked.

"Do you need to ask? I mean you said fuck like half a dozen times right to their faces. I'll be surprised if your father doesn't knock your head off your shoulders the second you walk through the door."

He threw his arm around my neck and I flinched, thinking he was going to put me in a headlock again.

"Relax!" he said snottily.

"Well, do you blame me?" I scoffed.

"Keep it up and I will have to beat your ass myself!" he threatened and then he did something that completely shocked me.

He turned his head and kissed my left cheek.

In a state of complete shock, I turned my head. Never, and I mean NEVER, had Phil ever showen any sign of affection toward me in public. Actually, since we became secret boyfriends, we haven't even so much as touched each other in public... not even to hit the other person.

"What?" he asked with a knowing smile.

I smiled back as the two of us continued on to my house.

We walked in and found mom and dad in the family room. Mom looked like she had been crying and only recently stopped.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lorret, I think my boy here has something to say." Phil announced.

Taking the cue I said, "I'm sorry!"

When I paused too long, Phil prompted me again with, "Aaaaand?"

"And I am sorry I said what I said."

Once again, I hesitated too long and Phil prodded me to continue, "Aaaaaaaaaand?"

I gave Phil a look which he then returned with enthusiasm. I looked back to mom and dad and let out a heavy sigh.

"Look! I didn't mean any of that! I..." I looked to Phil again before saying, "Phil helped me see how dumb I am and how great you both are. He also helped me see that I have been holding a lot of sh..." I caught myself before I cussed again, "stuff in for too long. I love you guys so much, and I am so glad you got remarried, and to be honest, being a big brother would be so cool! And if you promise not to kill me, I promise I will be both the best son and the best big brother any little brother or sister could ever hope for!"

I wish I could say that I got off with only a warning, but that wasn't the case. My punishment was; no computer, no video games, no cell phone and no television for a week.

Afterward, Dad pulled me aside, put an arm around me and softly but powerfully said to me, "I ever hear you talk like you did this afternoon and you'll be unable to sit for a month. You hearing me?"

Fearfully, I nodded my head and meekly said, "Yes sir."

Thankfully Phil was still allowed to come over after school and was allowed to sleep over that very weekend. Had he not been allowed, I am 100% sure that I would have gone stark raving mad with boredom!


It was during that weekend that Phil and I had the most superly-awesomest-brilliant idea anyone has ever had in the history of superbly-awesomest-brilliant ideas! Okay, that isn't a hundreded percent true; it was originally Heather's idea, but Phil and I expounded upon it.

That Friday at school while we were sitting at lunch with Abby, Moe and Heather and talking about how I was going to be a big brother, Heather asked if my parents had decorated the nursery yet.

I told her that the only `nursery' our house ever had was my bedroom and besides, they didn't even know if it was going to be a boy or a girl.

And then thinking out loud I said, "We actually do have a room in our house that could be used as a baby nursery; but currently, it's filled with junk as it is a sort of a storage room."

Moe then asked, "You talking about that room where we found your basketball?"

"Yeah, that one." I said.

Moe then said to Heather, "It is small but it has a window."

Phil and I had already made arrangements the previous day for him to sleep over, so after school, he came over and in my room we talked more about it. Once we had a plan in place, we approached my father and shared it with him.

"Dad, we want to clean out that room upstairs and get it ready for the baby, but we want to surprise mom." I told dad.

"Can we?" Phil begged.

"Well, I suppose the stuff that's in there could go in the basement." Dad suggested then asked, "How do you plan on keeping your mom from finding out?"

"We were sort of hoping you might surprise her and take her somewhere tonight?" Phil suggested.

"Oh you were?" Dad asked suspiciously.

"Please!" I begged.

"Alright, tell you what. I'll see what I can do to get her out of the house tomorrow for a few hours. You two will need to get everything out of there and to the basement and you'll need to bring Levi's old crib up as well as the changing table." Dad told us.

I turned to Phil, "Oh, we could go down there now and find the stuff and get it ready. Mom never goes in the basement. She says it is too spooky."

"Thanks Mr. Lorret!" Phil said but I had to hug dad for helping us with this surprise.

Phil and I were in the basement a long time moving stuff around. Mom started to get suspicious but thankfully dad covered for us and told her that he sent us down there to clean up. He then came down and told us that we'd better clean the basement too while we were at it to keep mom from catching on. Phil and I weren't too happy about that, but we did it anyway. We spent all evening down there, only coming up for dinner and then going back down again. We didn't actually clean the basement as we simply moved everything around so that it looked like we had tidied up.

However, one thing we did do was to have a little bit of fun. Actually, I am the one who instigated it by playfully poking him in the ass with the corner of a box. This started a whole series of sexual playfulness that culminated in the two of us hiding behind a stack of boxes while we sucked each other off. Phil wanted to fuck me, but I told him he'd have to wait until later when we were in my room.

Despite the fact that we were both exhausted when we finally went to bed, we found the energy to fuck. Truthfully, Phil fucked me while I lay there and enjoyed myself immensely.


Saturday, during breakfast, dad suggested that he and mom go to the new antique store across town and see if they could find a nice rocking chair for mom to rock the new baby in once it is born. Mom was all for that but then remembered I was grounded.

Dad then turned to Phil and asked, "I don't suppose I can get you to babysit little Levi, could I?"

"HEY!" I protested with a mouth full of scrambled egg.

"Why sure! I'd love to watch the little rug rat for you!" Phil said as he reached over and messed up my hair.

I knocked his hand away and glared at dad. Dad got a real kick out of that.

"We should be gone about two, maybe three hours tops. I'll call when we're on our way back." Dad said.

Mom started to clean up from breakfast but Phil jumped in with, "Oh don't bother Mrs. Lorret, I'll get little Levi to clean up for you."

This time I glared at Phil and said through clenched teeth, "Keep it up and someone's going to be walking with a permanent limp!"

Mom waved a fork at me and said, "No computer or TV while we're gone mister!"

I had to act beaten as I said, "Yes ma'am."

Phil and I made quick work of the kitchen cleanup and were done by the time mom and dad left. We watched them drive away and down the street and were about to run upstairs when Phil's phone chirped, signifying that he had a text message.

It was from my dad and it read, "Coast is clear! Get to work!"

We worked fast, and within foury-five minutes or so, we had carried everything down from the small room to the basement. We were both soaking wet from sweat and decided we both needed an orange-soda to rehydrate ourselves and cool down.

As we were standing in the kitchen, Phil started getting that look in his eye. After knowing Phil for as long as I have now, I knew what that look meant and had to laugh.

"No, we have to get the room done first!" I said, followed by a loud belch.

Orange-soda always makes me burp a lot.

Phil smiled seductively and leaned against the counter.

Still laughing I said again, "NOOooo!"

He ran a single finger over the fly of his gray jeans and that seemed to be the thing that pushed me over the edge.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was on my knees before him and pulling down his zipper. Soon I had his pants down around his knees and his sweaty cock deep in my mouth.

Phil moaned, "Damn you are good at that Levi!" as he threw his head back and guzzled down the entire contents of his can.

As I blew him, he gave the can a toss and it arched through the air and down into the trashcan with silent accuracy.

He then let go a long, throaty belch which oddly turned me on and made me suck even harder.

With both hands free now, Phil took hold of both sides of my head and began to fuck my face like a man possessed. Less than two minutes later I felt his balls tighten and his cock swell. I tasted the faint flavor of orange soda mixed with Phil's precum and a split second later, he rewarded me with his sweet nector as he pumped it down my throat.

When he released my head, I pulled off his cock and gasped for air. I thought he was leaning down to pull up his pants but instead, he reached out, took my face softly in his hands and pulled my lips to his for a deep, lip and tongue kiss.

I wish I could say it was a very romantic kiss but it wasn't because right in the middle of it, I belched right into his mouth.

Phil laughed, "Cum and Orange-soda scented burps! Yum!"

Phil redressed and we went back to work with renewed enthusiasm.

Two hours and twelve minutes later, Phil received text message from dad.

"On our way back. You have fifteen minutes!"

"Shit! They'll be here in fifteen minutes!" Phil shouted.

The two of us scrambled to finish the room. We had a little more than three minutes to clean ourselves up too.


"Why are you two so sweaty?" Mom started to ask but then stopped herself with, "Never mind! I don't want to know." As her face turned a bright red.

Ignoring her obvious embarrassment, I excitedly said, "Phil and I have a surprise for you upstairs."

"Did you actually clean your room?" she joked.

"Go on honey!" Dad said and then mom picked up on the fact that dad was somehow involved too.

"What?" Mom asked cautiously.

I took moms hand and pulled, "Come on, we have to show you."

Phil took her other hand and the two of us lead her through the house, up the steps and to the small room across from mine.

"Go ahead! Open it!" Phil said with so much pent up excitement that he was ready to burst.


To say that mom was surprised when she opened the door would be the understatement of the century. Phil and I not only cleared that room, we set up the crib and changing table too. We had also found an old box of baby things which used to be mine; things like an old baby blanket, and my old cloth diapers which Phil kept trying to make me wear. He's such an idiot sometimes. And we found a bunch of my baby toys which we staged around the room for that extra special touch.

Mom cried when she saw what we had done and exuberantly hugged us both.

Phil, thinking it was a good time to try, asked, "So did we do good enough to get Levi his phone and computer back?"

Mom smiled through her tears, "Nice try Phillip," and hugged him again.

"I had to try." He told her while winking at me.



To Be Continued!



If you are enjoying LEVI then please let me know. You can email me at m12@thedoghousemail.com


Once again I must thank Paul S. Stevens for his help with proofing this chapter. Thank you Paul!!!!


And be sure to check out my other books...


Simon's Journal – Ever read someone's secret diary? Well here is your chance to read the private journal of a young boy named Simon David Leonard. Simon is just a mild American boy...that is until someone threatens his friends or family, then watch out! He has a secret problem which to him feels all consuming. When he decided to go in search for others who share the same secret problem, he sets off a series of events that will change his life, and the lives of those he encounters, forever. As you lose yourself within the pages of his four volume journal, you will laugh, cry, scream, and cheer your way through adventures that will take you halfway around the world and back again.



Goodbye Normal Jeans – Meet Nevada, the middle child of a country families seven children. Nevada, prematurely born, lives the life of a simple country boy. His biggest concerns in life are dealing with his physical inadequacies related to his early birth, and making sure the pigs don't get loose. All of that changes when it is discovered that Nevada is exceptionally intelligent and is awarded a scholarship to a prestigious school for gifted young minds. There he must learn new ways of coping with his bodies limitations while trying to cope with life back on the farm.



Alvin Ever After – A four part novel series chronicling the life changing events of a young California surfer boy named Alvin who has been uprooted and transplanted clear across the country to Maine?

In the first novel you will journey with Alvin and his parents as they travel east, encountering many adventures and people along their way.

The second novel tells of Alvin's new life in Maine as he and his parents struggle to make a new life for themselves.

The third novel tells the tale of a terrible tragedy which rocks Alvin and his family at its core. Friends and loved ones will flock to Alvin and his family's side as everyone struggles to come to grips.

The final novel in the series, which is coming very soon to Nifty, will see Alvin making a life changing decision and sets out on a new adventure across the country as he attempts to return to California again.



I have a blog which I update with information about how work on my stories is coming along. It's a good way to find out what I've been up to and what stories I am working on. You can find it at www.talkhard.5u.com


And be sure to keep a watchful eye out for


Part XII

Coming soon!