Disclaimer: This story is the fertilized ovary of my twisted and aberrant imagination. None of the characters within it have ever existed anywhere but in my head. Neither the school, nor the ski lodge will be found on any map as they too can only be found within my overly hormone twisted mind. If accessing this site and/or this story causes you to break local laws (community, village, town, city, county, province, state, country, house, parents, etc.), please leave now.





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A new story by Danny

author of such stories as...

Simon's Journal

Goodbye Normal Jeans

Alvin Ever After


Part XIV


The following week was torturous for two reasons! First, I had to listen to Abby and Heather go on and on about their backstage passes. I walked around with a perpetual desire to punch them both in the face repeatedly! After the first day or two, I started to tune them out as it was killing me knowing they might get to meet Justin in person. The other reason it was torturous was because Phil had started a new physical therapy program. Every day after school, mom and I would drop him off at the clinic where we'd leave him, and his mother would then pick him up when he was done. So, for over a week, I didn't get fucked and didn't get to suck his dick at all. He'd torture me by telling me about this girl or that girl he'd fucked at the clinic, behind the clinic and in their cars. I never questioned it at the time however, now that I think about it, I bet that little liar was having sex with every gay man over there! He was probably sucking off those who couldn't stroke their own meat due to their various injuries. Thankfully, I still had my two hands and boy, did I ever use them!


When the day finally came for the concert, I was so excited that Phil and my parents had to keep telling me to calm down. I never imagined that I would get to actually go to a live Justin Bieber concert. I mean, I have dreamed about it for as long as I can remember but to actually get to go? I just couldn't believe it was happening to me.

It was honestly so incredibly over the top that it would fill my journal to write about everything that happened. There were however, a few key incidents that led up to what happened afterward that would change my life forever.

So, the awesome day finally came and we arrived about an hour before we were told to arrive. Dad only had two rules for Phil and me to obey.

One was that, we had to stay within two feet of him at all times.

The second thing was that, if we got separated, Phil and I were supposed to grab the first security or police officer we saw and ask for help.

Before the concert was over, both rules got be broken by Phil and me and it wasn't even our fault.

We arrived to find hundreds of girls and boys standing outside the Arena, cheering for Justin. Phil didn't know how to react to that.

Well, actually he did react as he leaned down so that I could hear him exclaim into my ear in texting code, "W.T.F?"

Dad both heard and knew what it meant and popped Phil in the back of the head.

"HEY!" Phil complained.

"Hey yourself!" Dad said, playfully threateningly.

A boy who looked to be about sixteen primed the crowd by shouting, "JUSTIN!"

And the throngs of fans chanted back, "BEIBER!"

This went on the entire time we waited to go in.

When the doors finally opened, you would have thought there would have been a mad dash to rush in, but everyone behaved in a calm and orderly fashion. A half hour later, we were down on the floor and looking for our seats.

"HOW'D YOU GET SUCH COOL SEATS?" Phil asked my dad.

"Lots of money!" Dad laughed.

"You must be loaded!" Phil laughed in return.

"Not after purchasing these seats!" Dad said as he sat down.

"You do know we won't be sitting once the concert starts." I said to Phil.

"Why do you think I brought this?" he said holding up his old man style aluminum cane.

Dad sat to my left and Phil to my right. We were surrounded on every side by a fairly equal number of girls and guys. There were even guys who held hands with each other and didn't care who saw them. Phil and I didn't hold hands at all. I'd like to think that we would have if my dad hadn't been standing right there.

Where I was overly excited, Phil and dad were feeling more and more uncomfortable as younger and younger kids seemed to fill in around us. It was also clear that the adults were hopelessly outnumbered.

Dad struck up a conversation with another dad who looked like he might explode at any moment. Not because he was fat, but because he looked that worked up! With them talking, dad was sufficiently distracted so Phil and I could talk privately.

"You doing okay?" Phil asked me.

"I was just going to ask you the same thing." I chuckled.

He leaned over, "Want a blow job?"

I pretended to reach for the zipper of my pants and Phil turned a brilliant shade of red.

"HA! Made you blush!" I laughed and elbowed him.

"Behave!" he squalled like a straggled chicken.

Still laughing I said, "Hey, don't offer if you ain't willing to put out."

"I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!" a girl a couple seats behind us screamed so loud that it actually felt like my ears were going to burst.

"I think he might have even heard her." Dad laughed and then asked me, "How are you boys doing?"

"Me? Oh I'm fantastic!" Phil said with way too much energy. Boy it was funny!

I folded my hands and stuffed them between my legs and was rocking back and forth in my seat, "I can't believe you really brought us!"

"I'm just glad my boys are having a good time." Dad said and you should have seen Phil glowing at hearing my dad call him `his' boy.

Dad then reached out like he was going to hug me and I pushed him away, "DAD, NOT HERE! PEOPLE ARE LOOKING!"

Dad laughed. So did the other father that dad had been talking with.

"Kids!" the other dad said.

"Tell me about it!" my dad said in return.

The other dad then said, "Can't live with them, and can't lock them in the basement until they're 33!"

"Don't I know it?" Dad replied with a semi-seriousness as he eyed me like a hungry bear might eye a salmon.

I decided to play along and said, "I GET TO MOVE TO THE BASEMENT?"

Dad pretended to slap me and just when he was going to hit me, he really hit me!

"HEY!" I complained and laughed at the same time.

A guy who looked to be about fifteen and wearing a Justin Bieber stocking cap and t-shirt began jumping up and down not far from us while screaming at the top of his lungs, "JUSTIN! JUSTIN! JUSTIN!"

"SEEEEeeeee! I am not the only one!" I said to Phil.

"If you do that," Phil warned laughingly, "I'm leaving!"

I acted like I was going to stand up and both Phil and my dad held me down. I laughed so hard.


We waited an hour and thirteen minutes. I know this because there was a HUGE countdown up on stage. The lower the count got, the louder the fans became. When the countdown hit zero the place exploded--literally. Pyrotechnics and laser lights and explosions filled the stadium.

That is when Justin came out and I lost my fucking mind!

There was no more pretending. I lost all inhibitions as I was standing on my seat with my hands high over my head as I screamed myself nearly hoarse.

About halfway into the concert, there were big guys in black t-shirts that were pulling random people from their seats and taking them to the Golden Ring. Both Phil and I were selected and literally carried above the people and dropped into the Golden Ring. For me, that is when the concert really started.

Phil had seemed to lose all his inhibitions at that point and just let himself become part of the music and the scene. Sometimes we danced with each other and sometimes we danced with girls we didn't even know. Hell, I even danced with a few guys without caring what others might think. I didn't even think about poor Phil and how much he would be hurting when it was all over with. I don't think Phil thought about it either.

At one point while Justin sang `Never Say Never', I found myself dancing with this girl, who was smiling from ear to ear as huge tears ran down her face. She never took her eyes off Justin's shirtless body as we danced and sang along with Justin.

I think Phil's favorite part of the concert was when the Guitarist ruled the stage with a mind blowing solo. Justin kept egging the guitarist on and thus, to everyone's enjoyment, he played harder and louder.


What I think was totally amazing was, every single person who'd been carried to the Golden Ring was then personally escorted by those same huge men in black t-shirts back to their seats. However, when Phil and I got back to our seats, my dad wasn't there. The t-shirt guy however, didn't stick around and thus, Phil and I were all alone, surrounded with thousands of people, all trying to exit the stadium at the same time.

Phil, being the smarter of the two of us, pulled out his cell phone and called my dad.

"You were supposed to wait for us at the seats!" Phil said accusatorily into his phone.

He listened with one finger in his left ear so that he could hear dad in the other. Phil then laughed.

"Yes, right here! No! No! Yeah, okay, but do you have my cane? No! I didn't see it! Okay, whatever, see you at the car!"

Phil turned off his phone and stuffed it into his front pants pocket. It was then that I realized that he had a ragging erection.

He saw me looking and blushed.

"What!" he chuckled amusedly.

I leaned in close and said, "ME TOO! THE WHOLE TIME!"

Completely ignoring what I had just confessed to him, Phil said, "My cane disappeared!"

A sneer grew across my face as I said softly so only he could hear, "You could always use that huge dick of yours as a third leg." And though I tried not to, I couldn't keep myself from laughing out loud.

I got punched in the arm rather hard for that one, but that only made me laugh more.

I shrugged and rubbed my throbbing arm, "My dad will get you a new one."

"That's what he said, but I don't think I need one." He said and added, "Did you fucking see me out there? I wasn't in any pain at all."

However, the next day would prove him wrong, as he hurt all over from dancing for well over an hour and being on his feet for over two hours.

As we were exiting, we came upon a Men's Room and Phil, who had been walking behind me and holding my shoulders so that we wouldn't get separated, directed me into the bathroom. I honestly expected that place to be packed, but it was ENORMOUS! I'd never been in a bathroom of that monumental scale before. Though I didn't actually count them, I can guess that there were twenty or more urinals and probably that many toilet stalls.

We had to walk more than halfway before we found an empty stall. I expected Phil would leave me standing outside the stall while he did whatever it was he needed to do in there, but that isn't what happened.

Phil, still steering me by my shoulders, directed me into the stall and then walked in behind me. I turned to face him with my eyebrows lifted high on my forehead in a questioning manner.

"You need help?" I asked, thinking maybe he was hurting or something.

"More than you know!" he said, and when he said it, I saw that all too familiar gleam in his eyes.

"Not here!" I whispered desperately, "Someone will hear us!"

Ignoring what I said, he started to unzip and unbuckle his pants, "Not if you're quiet!" he whispered back.

"Phil?" I begged as I felt my entire head and face flush with blood.

He pulled the front of his pants and underwear down, freeing his very erect cock which sprang to attention once it escaped its cotton prison. He then reached out and placed a hand on the back of my head. With just a bit of persuasive pressure, I relented and bent over to take his cock into my mouth.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I loved every single second of it. I'd never done anything so daring, or naughty in my life as to have sex in a public toilet with literally dozens of guys all around us. Talk about a fucking rush! It must have been just as exciting for Phil too, because it seemed like he started feeding me his boy seed in record time. Amazingly, without having even touched myself, I too came in my pants the moment I felt Phil's cock swell within my mouth and blast me with his cum. When my dick began to fire, I felt my knees go weak and had to brace myself by holding on to Phil's hips for support. To date, it was the most my dick had ever shot as I felt it pulse for what felt like seven or eight contractions before it slowed to a stop.

As Phil was putting himself away, he pointed out that there was a very noticeable wet mark on the front of my pants. I was horrified beyond belief and was sure someone, oh hell, everyone would see it and knew I'd creamed in my pants!

"OH NO!" I exclaimed a little too loudly.

Phil tried to cover my mouth as he whispered, "Just un-tuck your shirt and no one will be able to see."

As we exited the stall, an older rather good looking teenaged boy was standing there waiting to use the first available stall and nearly pushed us out of the way as we came out.

So no one would suspect we hadn't actually used the bathroom for its intended purpose, Phil and I washed our hands and dried them on the hand driers. I felt so self-conscious about my wet spot that I started to thin that Phil's shirt idea wasn't enough. So I got the idea of using the hand drier to dry my pants, but feared that everyone would see me doing that, and either put two-and-two together or think I had peed my pants, so I rejected that idea.

As we left the Men's Room and continued our trek to the car, Phil once again walked behind me with his hands on my shoulders. I, on the other hand, walked slightly slumped over so that my shirt hung down even more in the front as a kind of `cum' camouflage.


It took nearly an hour from the time we'd talked to Dad to the time we got outside and then another twenty minutes before we got to dad, who was standing on top of his car. We actually saw him way before we got to the car but he didn't spot us until we were nearly there. One good thing about taking so long was, my pants had enough time to dry and that embarrassing spot became just another memory, a memory that I would never forget.

"It's about time!" dad said jokingly as he literally leapt off the car in a single bound.

"Whoa! The old guy has some moves." Phil sarcastically said while elbowing me and pointing to my dad.

"Keep it up and this old guy will kick your scrawny butt!" Dad joked back.

Without even thinking, I said, "His butt isn't scrawny!" and as quickly as I said it, I realized what I had said and got so embarrassed!

Phil then proclaimed very loudly, "Levi thinks I have a luscious butt!"

"PPPPHHHHHILLLLLL!" I exclaimed and nearly died right there on the spot!

"Oh my god! You are so cute when you turn that red!" Phil teased as he tried to hug me.

"PHIL, SHUT UP!" I cried and playfully shoved him away!


Dad was just opening the passenger door of his car for Phil and I to climb in when that same man that dad had been talking with at the start of the concert called out, "HEY THERE! HOLD UP!"

He was a little overweight, but still jogged over to us holding something shiny over his head.

"Been looking everywhere for you!" he said taking quick, short gasps of air as he approached the car.

"OH, MY CANE!" Phil shouted as he reached out to receive it.

"From what I saw of you, you don't look like you need it!" the guy laughed.

"It's more of a security blanket." Dad said softly back to him but both Phil and I heard him. Phil gave my dad a stern expression.

"Seen it on the floor when you left and figured the boy would need it." He told dad and then said, "Hey, I'm taking the girls to McDonald's right over there."

He pointed to the big McDonald's Golden Arches looming in the night sky.

"If you'd like to join us; you are more than welcome! My girls cannot stop talking about how the two of you got selected for the Golden Ring."

"Can we dad?" I begged.

"Yeah, can we please?!" Phil added.

"I could sure go for a big cold drink and a burger! Dad announced as he shook the man's hand again, "Soon as we get out of this parking lot, we'll be over."

"Yeah, I recon it will take an hour or more to get through this mess!" the man agreed.

The three of us piled into dad's car and once the doors were closed, Phil asked, "Who says `I recon' any more?"

"That guy!" I chuckled and thumbed over my shoulder.

"Be nice!" dad chastized as he began to back out of our parking space.

Sure enough, just shy of an hour later, we were out of the parking lot and driving toward McDonald's. For that hour, the three of us excitedly recounted our favorite parts of the concert. Dad told us how he panicked when we first left him.

"My favorite part was the guitar solo." Phil confessed.

"I knew you would like that best!" I laughed.

"My favorite part was when..." I started to say but dad cut me off.

"I bet it was when Justin came out with no shirt and his butt hanging halfway out of his pants."

Neither Phil, nor I could believe my dad just said that.


"WHAAAAT? You think I didn't see your eyes bugging out of your head and your tongue on the floor?" Dad laughed.

"DAAAAAAAAD!" I complained loudly.

"I'd be surprised if you didn't cum in your pants at least twice!"

"AAAAHHHH DAAAAAAAAAAAD STOOOOOP!" I screamed and covered my ears to prevent myself from hearing anymore.

Phil was pretty much suffocating because he was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe.

"I will say though, I now understand why the girls..." he paused as he leaned towards me for my benefit, "and I guess boys too, are going so crazy for him and his music."

At McDonald's, the place was packed. Apparently, we were not the only hungry people. We found that man and his daughters and their friends pretty quickly after getting our food. And of course, all we talked about was the concert for about another hour.

By the time we were all starting to think about leaving, the parking lot and the street out front where much less crowded. The two adults were talking about getting ready to leave when the door nearest us opened and in walked four of those huge guys in black t-shirts from the concert. Unbelievably, walking directly behind them was none other than Justin Drew Bieber himself. He was followed by about a dozen and a half others who we all recognized as Justin's backup dancers and band members.

I have read many times that Justin has been spotted after his concerts at a nearby McDonald's and even Justin himself has said he loves Big Macs. But what are the chances that he'd walk into the same McDonald's that we were at?!

I'll never again believe a single word the news and tabloids might say that paint Justin in a bad way. Not after the way he was at McDonald's. He was super friendly and didn't just take time to have his picture taken with EVERYONE, he also talked with us. He asked us how we liked the show and stuff like that.

I guess when Phil was getting his picture taken with Justin, he shared my secret with him, because when it was my turn to meet him and talk to him and get my picture taken, Justin took my right hand in both of his and pulled me close as he spoke.

"Your friend over there told me you have a crush on me."

Having heard some of the anti-gay shit the news had spun about Justin, I was expecting the worse and felt the blood drain from my body and into my shoes. I may have even pissed myself a little.

"I am honestly flattered!" he told me.

"Really?" I squeaked.

One hand released from mine and he poked me in the chest with his finger.

"Don't ever be ashamed of who you are or who you like! If other people don't understand that, well that's on them and not you! You've got to be true to yourself first and foremost!" he said as he poked me in the chest with a single finger for a second time, making his point crystal clear.

Overcome with excitement and emotions, I lunged at Justin and hugged him.

"Nah! Nah! It's cool guys!" I heard Justin say.

Later, Phil and dad told me that those big guys in the black t-shirts almost pulled me off Justin. If they had tried... they would have failed! HA!

After the hug, I got to have my picture taken with Justin and unbelievably, after the first one was snapped, Justin suggested a second one and said I could kiss his cheek, which I most definitely did! I now have that picture printed out, framed and setting on the small table beside my bed.


Dad dropped Phil and I off at Phil's home as I was going to sleep over there that night. I'm glad I did because Phil was hurting so much the next morning that he needed help getting to the toilet. Something he hadn't needed help with for a while. His mom ended up giving him some of the good medicine which knocked his ass out cold for like 10 hours solid. I slept right beside him on the floor in a sleeping bag for just as many hours since I was totally drained as well. Strangely, neither one of us thought of having sex that night or the following day.

By Monday, Phil had recovered from the concert enough to go to school. I don't think much could have kept him from coming as he was just as excited as I was about sharing our pre and post-concert experiences with all our friends. No longer did I care if my friends found out that I liked Justin Bieber and Phil didn't even seem to care either. Hell, I wanted to climb to the top of our school and shout as loud as I could, "I FUCKING LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER AND I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHO KNOWS IT!" Thankfully Phil was there to keep me from doing just that.


Abby and Heather were beside themselves with jealousy. Although they had backstage passes; they never got any closer than about a hundred feet from Justin and that was when he was first going out on stage. They didn't even get autographs or their pictures taken with him. All they got was mass produced pictures of Justin with what looked to be a stamped signature.

When Phil and I showed them our personal photo's on our phones, they were positively livid.


When I look back on my life, I have to say that Justin Bieber's concert and the visit to McDonald's afterward were two of the most important experiences of my life. It was after meeting Justin and after hearing him tell me to be true to myself that I actually began to accept myself for whom and what I was.

To this day, I remain a fan of Justin Bieber as does Phil. As evidence to that fact, at Phil and my wedding last year, Phil hired a Justin Bieber look-a-like performer... but that's another story all together!

~ The End ~




If you are enjoying LEVI then please let me know. You can email me at m12@thedoghousemail.com


Once again I must thank Paul S. Stevens for his help with proofing this chapter. Thank you Paul!!!!


And be sure to check out my other books...


Simon's Journal – Ever read someone's secret diary? Well here is your chance to read the private journal of a young boy named Simon David Leonard. Simon is just a mild American boy...that is until someone threatens his friends or family, then watch out! He has a secret problem which to him feels all consuming. When he decided to go in search for others who share the same secret problem, he sets off a series of events that will change his life, and the lives of those he encounters, forever. As you lose yourself within the pages of his four volume journal, you will laugh, cry, scream, and cheer your way through adventures that will take you halfway around the world and back again.



Goodbye Normal Jeans – Meet Nevada, the middle child of a country families seven children. Nevada, prematurely born, lives the life of a simple country boy. His biggest concerns in life are dealing with his physical inadequacies related to his early birth, and making sure the pigs don't get loose. All of that changes when it is discovered that Nevada is exceptionally intelligent and is awarded a scholarship to a prestigious school for gifted young minds. There he must learn new ways of coping with his bodies limitations while trying to cope with life back on the farm.



Alvin Ever After – A four part novel series chronicling the life changing events of a young California surfer boy named Alvin who has been uprooted and transplanted clear across the country to Maine?

In the first novel you will journey with Alvin and his parents as they travel east, encountering many adventures and people along their way.

The second novel tells of Alvin's new life in Maine as he and his parents struggle to make a new life for themselves.

The third novel tells the tale of a terrible tragedy which rocks Alvin and his family at its core. Friends and loved ones will flock to Alvin and his family's side as everyone struggles to come to grips.

The final novel in the series, which is coming very soon to Nifty, will see Alvin making a life changing decision and sets out on a new adventure across the country as he attempts to return to California again.



I have a blog which I update with information about how work on my stories is coming along. It's a good way to find out what I've been up to and what stories I am working on. You can find it at www.talkhard.5u.com