Chapter 3

“Good morning Sunshine.” Mark laughed at Malcolm the next morning when he came stumbling into the kitchen. He looks like a train wreck, his diaper is nearly knocking his knees, he is limping from the toy still lodged firmly inside him, his hair is sticking up all over the place, and he still reeks of sex.

“Ugh, good morning. Any chance you have any tea?”

“Sure, would you like some?”

“Could you make me a pot of tea please?”

“Sure.” Mark laughed.

“Thanks. I have to go take this plug outta me and go to the bathroom. Are we gonna go swimming again, or can I get myself into a fresh diaper?”

“You look utterly wiped, so we'll save swimming 'til later. Go put a fresh diaper on Baby and enjoy. I'll have your tea ready for you by the time you get back. I'll also get you breakfast. You slept in, so I've already eaten.”

“Thanks, breakfast sounds great right now.” He said and then turned and walked back to his room.

Mark had to laugh, anyone who knew anything at all would guess that from the way that Malcolm is walking that he has something inside him. Also the well ravished look says he enjoyed his night time playtime immensely. He got the kettle going so that he could make a large pot of tea for them both to share, and then got started on making oatmeal for Malcolm. He added plenty of dried cranberries and raisins, as well as cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg, and let it cook. By the time the tea was ready, so was the oatmeal, and Malcolm was walking back into the kitchen, this time in just a pampers diaper.

Malcolm had headed right to his bathroom and sat on the toilet after removing his saturated diaper. The way his bum felt, he knew that this might hurt a bit as the plug came out, he grabbed it and pulled gently as he pushed out, and instead of hurting, it was just a little uncomfortable, but it was mostly a relief. He sighed, and then the rest that had been plugged came spilling out. He needs to learn the fine art of going to the washroom and emptying himself out well before playing. After cleaning himself up, he went and laid down and put on one of his Pampers diapers like Mark had showed him the day before. He did lotion and cream himself, and he only had to reposition his tapes once to make it perfect, and then headed to the kitchen to get food and tea.

“So, how was it?” Mark asked as Malcolm sat down at the spot where his tea and breakfast was already waiting for him.

“Oh man, so amazing. It didn't even hurt at all, and even this morning when I took the plug out, I expected it to hurt, but it didn't. It was more a relief than anything. Did you come and diaper me last night though, I don't remember anything after putting the plug in and cumming last night?”

“Yeah, I heard your final cum, then waited ten minutes to ensure you were done, so when I went and checked on you, you were passed out cold. I got you and your toys all cleaned up, got you into a fresh diaper, and let you have a good sleep. I left your plug in, figuring you'd probably want that anyway. Just make sure not to wear it too often.”

“Don't worry, I won't, I probably won't even use my toys tonight. I'm not sore, but I'm kinda tender back there right now. I put lot of diaper rash cream around there, but I'm thinking it won't feel very good today.”

“Good, and you're probably right. I only play like that a couple times a week, otherwise it gets to be too much, and really, there's no need to do so all the time.”

As they were talking, Malcolm was eating his oatmeal and sipping his tea, enjoying them both a great deal. When he was done, he went and put his dishes in the dishwasher. Of course he still has lots of tea, the insulated mug that Mark had put it in is

rather large, easily as large as two to three large coffee cups, so it did not go away yet.

“So, what are we gonna do today?” Malcolm asked.

“Nothing much. We'll go outside and play, since it's so nice out, maybe go to the park or something. I don't know. We'll wait 'til after lunch for that though, and we'll go swimming this evening before dinner.”


That was what they did. They went and had fun at the park after lunch, went home and swam for an hour, then had dinner. They rested for the rest of the night, and then went to bed. The next several days went by like that, and by the time Mark felt that Malcolm was ready to go back to school, it had been just over a week since Malcolm had moved in.

So far Malcolm had adjusted amazingly well. He hardly ever had to be reminded not to swear, he had not yelled at Mark once, and they talked everything over to make sure that Malcolm got what he wanted and needed, just not necessarily everything he wanted. He had come to terms with his being a gay diaper lover surprisingly well, but he is still young, and having an adult there exactly like him in that regard helped more than anyone else could possibly know.

They had both talked it over a great deal, and it had been decided to send Malcolm back to school on Monday. Well, today is Monday, so Malcolm is up and ready to go. He is wearing one of his plain white daytime diapers, a plain white diaper shirt, and some of his new clothes that are designed to conceal his diapers as much as possible. Understandably Malcolm is nervous, he had never had a good day at school before, and that was when he was just a pants and bed wetter, now he is a diaper wearer as well. If the other kids find that out as well, he will be toast, and he knows it. Then again, it is what he wants and needs, so how much worse could it be. He hoped less.

Mark drove Malcolm to school and walked in with him. They went to the office and Mark asked to talk to the principal. They were shown into his office only a few minutes later.

“Good morning, how may I help you gentlemen today?”

“Well, Malcolm here is one of your students, though you may or may not know him. He's a foster child and I've recently taken Malcolm on in my home.”

“Yes, I know Malcolm well, he's been a frequent visitor to my office.”

“I figured as much. I trust you know of his pants wetting accidents?”

“Sadly yes.”

“Yes. Well, as it turns out, Malcolm has a faulty bladder that can't be fixed. This should've been addressed a couple years ago, but, sadly, none of the other foster families wanted to concern themselves with his problem. Complaints have already been made to ensure that this sorta thing doesn't happen again. Understandably, all this has caused Malcolm to be rather poorly adjusted, with a lack of trust, and no feelings of love. Hence the reason he was probably a visitor so often. He was never taught self control or respect, he got none himself, so he lashed out. We're working on all this, which is why he hasn't been to school in the last week. He's gonna try, and he promises to do his best, but we do have some things to tell you.”

“All I ask is that you do try Malcolm.”

“I will Sir.”

“What would you like to tell me?”

“First things first. Malcolm has a severely damaged bladder, he has little to no control during the day. He can concentrate on either his bladder or his school work, not both, which is why his school work was suffering. Instead, he's now wearing diapers full time. It was his decision and his alone to do this. We both feel that this is far better than wetting his pants all the time. I've taught him how to change his own diapers, because he doesn't use pull on ones, so he can change himself. I'd ask that you allow him to do so in the nurses office though please, so that he has privacy. He knows that eventually the kids are gonna find out, but he'd like to prevent that for as long as possible, 'til he heals more, at the very least. We've come a long way in a week already, but we still both agree he has much too much anger in him, and the kids here will only make it worse.

“Next is something about the kids. Malcolm's being brutally teased and bullied, he never says anything, because the few times that he has, has only made it worse, which is why I'm telling you now. I understand that it's hard for the playground monitors to keep track of everything that's happening, but this needs to stop.

“Then there are his teachers. They need to allow Malcolm to leave class to change himself when he feels that he's getting too full. He's learned how long he can last for, so he should be able to change when he has a break, but there may be times where he has to excuse himself to go and change. They're also gonna need to work a little extra with him over the next little bit to get him caught up. Malcolm's already agreed with me to do extra work at home every night to get him up to speed on reading and math. I'm a part time editor at the newspaper, so I know English arts real well, and I'm also a partially trained mathematician, so I can help him there as well.”

“Okay, I think that I can agree to all that. That's pretty much the same thing we've always done for any of the diaper wearers, give them a private place to change. As for the bullying and teasing, I know it happens, and I'm sorry it is, we try everything we can to prevent it, but we can only do so much. I have two noon hour supervisors monitoring the school and playground, but I need ten. With three hundred children running around, it's maddening that they give me two people to keep them all safe, but I can't do anything more about it. Now, as for your school work Malcolm, I appreciate that you're gonna try harder, and if you need more help, you just ask, okay. Considering you're only in grade two, you don't have as much to catch up on, but it's still gonna be lots of work to do.”

“Thanks.” Both Mark and Malcolm said at the same time.

“Well Malcolm, why don't you head to class, the bell's likely to ring in just a minute or two, and I'll be here to pick you up after school, okay.”

“Okay. Thanks Daddy. Love you.” He said and then hugged Mark goodbye and skipped from the room.

“He seems a lot happier already.” The principal said.

“He is. Learning that he's not a complete freak, that he's not a lazy useless animal has really started to help him. He and I share the same problems, which was why I asked to help him, he was being abused by a co-worker of mine for those same reasons, she's going to jail in fact because of it, and I'm happy to say I helped in that endeavor. I must also tell you, it's mine and the ministry of children's feelings that he's gay. This isn't something that you needed to know, but you have to know that it's one of the reasons he was acting out so much.

“He was really abused, told all sorts of shit that no child should ever be told. He swore like a trucker, because that's all he ever heard, most, if not all of it directed at him. Having someone around him that knows what he's going through has helped him a great deal, and he and I grew up the same way. I was a foster child as well, bounced around houses like a pinball because I was too much work, that's more difficult on a kid than you can hopefully ever imagine. I now take on those cases to help where no one else possibly could, and all four previous kids I've had are now very well adjusted and happy.”

“Thanks, it does go a long way to understanding why he acted the way he did, and how anyone could treat a child like that, I just don't know.”

“Me neither. Well, I think I've taken more than enough of your time, so I think that I'll take my leave and let you see to the rest of your day.”

“Thanks, it was my pleasure, but would you please stop and do up a change of guardian form for the office, so that they can contact you should they ever need to get in touch with you?”

“Oh right, of course, I should've already thought of that, I've had to do it a few times now.”

“I bet. Have a good day.”

Mark did go and fill out the papers and then headed out. He headed to the newspaper office to talk to the chief editor, telling him that he was still going to be available every so often to help out, but that because he now had a young boy to care for, that he would not be able to stay past one thirty on any given day, and not on weekends. He was okay with that. They sat and talked for a few minutes more, mostly about Kelly, and then he headed out.

Mark went and took care of the things that needed to be taken care of before heading home and getting stuff done around there. Not only did he do all the housework and cleaning, but he cleaned the pool and the rest of the basement as well. Once all that was done, because it only takes him a few hours a couple times a week to do all that, he went to his office and did some drawing.

When it was time to go, Mark headed to the school to pick up Malcolm and to see how the day had went for him. He waited by the side gate where they had already agreed upon. When Malcolm came out and saw him, he ran to Mark.

“Hi Daddy.”

“Hey there Handsome, how was your day?”

They started walking as Malcolm talked.

“Not too bad, I guess. I didn't get teased, because I guess the principal told the supervisors about me being bullied, so they were always nearby. They weren't right beside me, but close enough that the other kids never tried anything.”

“That's good. That's what they're there for. So, how was it wearing a diaper to class today, and did you have to change?”

“I know. It was great though, I was able to concentrate on everything, I actually got stuff done today, and yeah, I went and changed my soggy baby diaper at lunch.” He grinned brightly.

“Good for you. Before too long you'll be all caught up and hopefully far past your peers.”

“What's peers?”

“Sorry, peers means other people in the same situation as you, so the other kids.”

“Oh, okay, just never heard that word before.”

“I know, you heard far too few words that were good for you and far too many that were bad for you. We'll change that. With my being an editor and whatnot, I know a lot of words.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“When we get home, I want you to do some homework, okay.”

“I didn't get any.”

“That's good, that means you got all your work done in class today, but you still have to catch up. Remember our agreement this past week. I'd be your personal tutor to help you get caught up and past all the other kids. Now, while I was out today, I went and grabbed a few things for you that'll help you to learn.”


“Reading flash cards mostly, but I also got math ones too. I also grabbed you a few really good books I think you'll like.”

“Okay.” Malcolm shrugged.

“How's your diaper?”

“I changed at lunch, so it's only a couple hours old, so lotsa room left.”

“Okay. When we get home, you go ahead and unpack your lunch dishes and put them away, then you can strip down to your diaper if you want, and then meet me in the living room.”


They stayed chatting the whole time they walked home, Malcolm holding his loving daddy's hand the whole way. When they got home, the school is only a kilometer from home, so it is not a long walk, Malcolm went and did what he was told to do. As soon as he came out in just his diaper, Mark met him there, he too in only his diaper.

He started with the sight words for grade one. These are the words that the typical student in grade one is expected to know by sight without having to think about them. Mark told Malcolm this.

“But I'm in grade two.” He said in confusion.

“Yes, I'm aware of that, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Even you yourself admitted that you don't read very well yet, your scores in reading and comprehension aren't as high as they should be, so we're gonna start at the beginning. There are a hundred words in the grade one sight words that you have to be completely proficient in before we move to the grade two sight words. I expect that with doing this for an hour every day, that, in a month or two, we'll have the grade ones done with. We're also gonna do the same thing with the math. I know it'll be hard, but remember, you agreed with this, we both know you need it, and I know you're gonna get frustrated at times, and that's okay. Just talk it out with me and we'll deal with it together, okay.”


They got started right away, and Mark found that it was a good thing that he did start right at the beginning, because Malcolm was having troubles with all but the most simple words, such as it, and at, and and. He could also get dog and cat and hat and other real simple words, but as soon as there were four letters, he had to stop and think about almost every last one of them.

Next they moved onto the numbers and basic grade one math, and they did this for only half an hour. It is done much the same way, just recognizing all the various numbers.

“There you go, you did really well.”

“No I didn't, I couldn't even get half the words.” Malcolm said, looking down and frowning.

“So, does it matter?”

“Yeah, I'm in grade two, and I can't do the grade one stuff properly yet.”

“That's right, and you already knew that. This is why I don't agree with them moving kids up when they're not ready. The simple fact of the matter is, you should've been held back and made to redo grade one. They don't do that sorta thing any more though, they just move kids on and pile more stuff on them and make it harder for them to learn, because they don't know the stuff from the previous year properly, and by the time you're in grade five or six, it starts to be way too much, and sometimes kids just stop trying. It sounds mean to hold kids back, but if they're not ready, they're not ready. With you though, it's not because you have a hard time learning, like some kids do, it's because no one loved you enough to make you want to learn. Just remember, knowledge is true power. You can be famous or powerful, but if you know nothing, then you're not gonna go very far or last very long.”


“It's a lot to take in, I know, but you did do well today. You stumbled far too much, but you're also further ahead than I'd feared you were. Within a month we'll have you out of the grade one stuff and into the grade two stuff, and maybe another month or two after that, we'll have you caught up to the rest of your classmates. By the time school ends in five months, I fully expect you to be past them.”

“You think so.”

“I know so. You're already quite bright, but with my help, I can make you shine. And please, never feel that you have to do well to make me love you. I'd still love you if you failed. I might be disappointed if you didn't try and failed, but if you give it your best and learn from your mistakes, then a failure is just a failure. I want you to do as well as you can to make yourself better, to make yourself feel better. I guarantee you that you'll feel much better about yourself from that than anything. Personal achievements are the highest of highs there are.”


“My personal mantra is; a day without learning is a wasted day, and the day you stop learning better be the day you die, for to fail to learn, means you failed to grow.”

“What does that mean.”

“It means that our minds and our bodies are the same. We have to keep them in shape to be happy. Just like we workout every day to keep our bodies happy and healthy, we work our minds every day to keep them happy and healthy. Something so simple as turning off the TV and reading a book, or going to a museum and learning about cool things from the past, just learning feels good. Just remember, if you don't use it, you will lose it, and you don't want to lose your mind, because once it's gone, it's gone, there's no getting it back.”

“You can't lose your mind.”

“Actually, yes you can. I've met far too many incredibly stupid people in my life, you have too, and the reason they are, is because they never learned not to be. You leave that for too long, and eventually you'll never learn how to be a decent person, to not be stupid, you'll always be stupid. The longer it goes for, the harder it is, 'til one day you wake up and find you're just gonna be stupid for the rest of your life. Now, I'm not saying that even a stupid person isn't smart in their own right, because everyone's usually brilliant at at least one thing. Sadly that one thing sometimes isn't a worthy thing to be smart in. No one knows everything, no one should or could know everything, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't learn all that you can. I mean, I'm not a brain surgeon, I'd never even attempt such a thing, brain surgeons are incredibly smart, in their field, but if I gave them a book and told them to edit it and have no mistakes, I bet they couldn't do it.”

“I didn't know that.”

“You're still pretty young, so you might not have seen it so much yet, but as you grow up, you start to realize that there are just some people who are really and truly stupid. Sadly it's impolite to point that out.” Mark laughed.

“Am I stupid?”

“Do you feel stupid?”

“Yes.” He answered sadly.

“In some ways, I suppose you were, but it wasn't your fault, which is the saddest thing. Sometimes people's stupidity isn't their own fault, it was how they were raised. I never want you to think you're stupid ever again though, you're an incredibly bright little boy, you're gonna learn everything that you can possibly learn, and you're gonna shine brighter than the sun. Yes, unfortunately you were stupid in some ways, because no one knew enough to love you, to teach you, it wasn't your fault, they were too stupid. You never tried to learn, which is both bad and sad, but you are now, so what you were before really matters not at all. Before we met, you weren't born yet, you've been reborn, and now you have the chance to be the best there ever was.”

“Thanks.” Malcolm whispered softly, happy tears running down. He did not want to be stupid, but even he admitted easily that he had been. Now Mark made him feel like he did not want to be any more. Mark made him want to learn. He hugged his daddy tightly. Mark just patted his cute soggy baby bum.

They went and made and ate dinner, Malcolm being given a few things to do to help out, because, as Mark told him, he should learn how to cook as well, everyone should, and he enjoyed it. They relaxed for the evening and, when Malcolm was tired, he asked Mark to come and change his diaper, so they headed to the bedroom and Malcolm got ready for bed. Mark tucked him in with a kiss to his forehead again, then shut off the light and closed the door on his way out.

The rest of the first week back to school for Malcolm went by pretty quickly. He was working so hard that he hardly realized at all that the time was passing. If any of the other kids had noticed that he was diapered, no one said anything. None of them had, yet, but they had noticed that he had not had one wet pants accident since he had come back, and most of them wondered about that. The smarter ones knew only two reasons for that, either he had had an operation while he was away, or he was wearing diapers (or something to catch his pee, though none of them knew of catheters).

No one even dared to get close to Malcolm during that first week though, due to the fact that the playground supervisors always kept maddeningly close to him. They were not sure if Malcolm snitched and told that they were bullying him or not, but since no one had been called into the office, they assumed that he had not.

Malcolm had had probably the very best week at school that he had ever had, he wanted to learn, and now, with wearing diapers, he was able to do so easily and not have to worry about when he peed. He had only had to change his diaper two times during the day at school, the rest he just got a fresh diaper when he got home.

Every morning, since both were up more than early enough to do so, they still worked out and had a good swim. Malcolm was enjoying this a great deal, even he had to admit that it made him feel far better to do so every day.

Every afternoon they continued on with the flash cards and Malcolm was starting to get better. He was happy with his progress.

They had a nice weekend as well. They went out and had some fun on Saturday, and on Sunday they stayed in and just relaxed and had fun at home.

Monday was a good day, but sadly, Tuesday had turned out not so hot. Malcolm had been walking down the hall when a grade three boy, a rather mean spirited young man, accosted him in the hall just as they were leaving class. He smacked Malcolm on the bum, hard, open handed, to ensure that he would very clearly feel exactly what he knew was going to be there. He has a little diapered cousin, so he knew what to feel for and how exactly to go about it. As soon as he did so, he had his answer, and Malcolm knew he would, he also knew exactly why he had done so.

Then the boy started laughing and calling out. “Check this out everyone, Malcolm's wearing a diaper, just like my baby cousin, he's a baby.”

“Thanks Asshole, you just told everyone my secret.” Malcolm screamed at him, incredibly angry all of a sudden.

“Ha ha, you're a baby, you're a baby.” He taunted.

“Fuck you, you dumb fucking, cock sucking asshole, you're a piece of shit.” And then he punched said bully right in the nose.

The boy squealed in pain. “You broke my nose.”

“Good, you deserve it you piece of shit, you're a bully and a rat, you deserve to be treated just like that.” And then he punched him in the gut.

“Ow, stop that, you're hurting me.”

“Oh, you're crying like a baby, you must be a baby too. Look everyone, Andy's a baby, he's crying like a baby, like a little whiny fucking useless piece of shit baby bully.”

Well, the principal had just arrived, he grabbed both boys by their shirts and hauled them away without a single word said. They were dragged right to his office and told to stand and not move a muscle. He then went and told the secretary to call both boys' parents. He then stormed back into his office and sat in his chair and glared at them.

“Hitting is not allowed in this school, bullying is not allowed in this school, name calling and taunting is not allowed in this school, swearing and yelling is not allowed in this school. Both of you, you're suspended. Your parents are being called. I cannot tell you how disappointed I am in the both of you.”

“He started it.” Andy said.

“Like hell I did.” Malcolm said heatedly.

“Malcolm, enough. As for you Andy, lying is also not allowed in this school.”

“I'm not lying.”

“Oh really, care to explain this then?” He said and then turned his computer monitor and played back the last couple minutes of the video feed he had.

“You see young man, as soon as I heard the screaming and swearing, I knew there was an issue. Choosing to start a fight right outside my office wasn't the brightest of ideas. Now, care to try again.”

“I didn't start a fight, he did.”

“Really Andy, it takes two to fight, and though I cannot and do not condone fighting, I don't see it that way. Yes, he hit you first, but can you honestly tell me that you didn't deserve it?”

“No, he's a baby.”

“And you're a bully, I'm afraid that's not allowed here. You, Sir, are the exact reason I had the video cameras installed. No one knew it, but I was getting far too many complaints, so they were installed this weekend while you were away. I've been watching you especially, you're pretty violent for an eight year old, and I will be recommending you to see a therapist as well when your parents get here. Now, no more, we're gonna just wait patiently here while we wait for your parents to arrive.”

Mark was the first to arrive, since he was at home anyway and does not strictly work. He was shown in instantly. He saw the scene and knew it was bad, the other boys' nose was still dripping a bit of blood.

“Principal.” He nodded to him. “May I speak to the prisoner?”

“Of course.”

Mark got on his knees and looked right in Malcolm's eyes. He spoke softly and calmly, sadly.

“Young man, I hope you're as disappointed in yourself as I am. I hoped that you were beyond all this nonsense. I'm guessing this young man goaded you in some way, but clearly you hit him, you know that's simply not allowed. I was also told there was plenty of yelling and swearing going on. You know how I feel about this. You know that you're not allowed to yell and swear. I'm guessing he found out about your diapers and probably told everyone. You knew it was gonna happen eventually, you were expecting it, and even somewhat ready for it, so why'd you do it?”

“I'm really sorry Daddy. He smacked my bum and then yelled out to everyone that I was diapered like a baby. It just made me really mad, I wasn't thinking.”

“That's exactly it. You weren't thinking. You let your bad emotions take over, what have I told you about them?”

“That I need to get rid of them, that they're useless to me and only hurt me more.”

“Exactly. Do you feel bad for what you did?”

“Yeah, I didn't wanna hit him, it just happened.”

“I know that you're gonna be suspended from school, you hit someone and fought with someone, that's not allowed, and they have to punish you. You also know that you're gonna be punished at home too. How do you think that we should deal with that?”

“What do you mean?”

“What do you think would be a suitable punishment for your behavior today?”

“I suppose I deserve a spanking.”

“And what did I tell you the very first day you came to live with me?”

“That you'd never hit me, but I did really bad, I did exactly what you told me I couldn't do.”

“Yes, you did, you let your bad emotions control you, but that still doesn't mean I'd spank you. Sometimes a swat to the backside or a swift smack upside the head's needed to get your mind reactivated, even I admit that, but a true spanking, no. Now, what do you think would be a suitable punishment.”

“I guess no games or TV, and maybe have to do more chores around the house.”

“That sounds more than fair. Now, how long do you think that should happen?”

“Same amount of time I'm suspended from school I guess.” He said dejectedly.

“Sounds about fair. How long are you suspended for?”

“I don't know, we haven't been told yet.”

“I'm guessing two weeks for both boys for hitting and bullying?” Mark looked to the principal.

“We're on the same page.” He said.

The principal was very impressed with how Mark had handled Malcolm's little temper tantrum, and making him choose his own punishment was near on brilliant.

“Glad to hear it. So, two weeks young man. Now, you need to apologize to this young man for hitting him, and I think you need to explain to him some things.”

“Figures you'd punish me like that.”

“This isn't punishment, it's damage control. You need to do it to heal yourself.”

“Figures.” He said to Mark, and then turned to Andy. “I'm sorry for hitting you, I shouldn't have. You made me really mad, you told everyone I had to wear diapers, even though I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later. Everyone already knew I had troubles, how could you not, I wet my pants all the time. I have a bad bladder though, it's getting worse, and I decided, with my new daddy, that diapers would be easier and better. I chose to wear diapers, no one's forcing me to, but I have to or I wet my pants.”

“Very good.” Mark said proudly and patted Malcolm on the back.

“And don't you think you should say something now?” The principal directed to Andy.

“No, he's a baby.”

Just then there was a knock on the door. Andy's dad was shown in. It was probably for the best, because Malcolm almost hit Andy again.

“Good afternoon Principal, what'd he do now?” His dad asked.

“It'd be easier if I just showed you the video footage of what happened, as well as the video that was recording while we've been in here.”

“Oh god, you have a camera in here as well?” Andy gasped.

“Yes, have had for years. It's for my protection.” He grinned brightly.

It only took a few minutes, and Andy's dad looked furious.

“Young man, you're in far more trouble than you can possibly understand. This poor young man may have to wear diapers for a medical issue, but it's you that's acted the baby. Two weeks isn't enough, two months, that's what you're grounded for. Your grades, which were already poor, will be rising from now on, because there's no TV, no games, no friends, nothing at all fun for the next two months. When you're not doing chores or in school, you're doing extra homework. Every hour of every day that you're not sleeping, you're working.” His dad said angrily.

“Sir, may I speak?” Mark asked politely.

“Huh, what?”

“My name's Mark, I'm Malcolm's dad. I apologize for Malcolm having hit your son, it was uncalled for.”

“No, it wasn't. If I believed in spanking, which it sounds we're alike that way, he'd be getting a tanned backside something fierce, and I'm not entirely certain that a case like this doesn't deserve one anyway. This is the fourth or fifth time I've been called to the school for him being a bully and I've had enough.”

“I know how you feel, really I do. Clearly young Andy here is hurting for some reason. May I talk to him?”

“Why, are you a therapist or something?”

“No, but I do suggest that he sees one. I know pain though, hopefully few can understand dealing with what I dealt with as a child.”

“I suppose so. It's either that or boot camp, and, right now, that's sounding like a really good idea.”

Andy looked aghast at that. Mark got down on his knee and looked the slightly bigger and older boy in the eyes and spoke just as softly and sadly again.

“Do you understand the gravity of the situation that has happened here today?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you understand how much hurt you've caused today?”

“I'm in way more pain than he is.”

“Physically, maybe, but did you know that words hurt far more than any punch ever could?”

“No they don't, I hurt way more than he does.”

“Your pain will go away shortly, the pain you cause in others when you call them names, or tell secrets about them that you have no business telling, that hurts for a lot longer. If you don't understand how much words can hurt, then there's little that I can say that'll help you, but I'm gonna try. Let's say you and Malcolm were reversed and it was you that had to wear diapers.”

“I'm no baby, I'd never wear diapers.”

“Andy.” His dad said sharply.

“It's okay, I've got this.” Mark said calmly to Andy's dad, then turned to Andy again. “I understand that you're not a baby, that you're much too big and cool and strong to ever have to wear diapers like a baby. What I want you to do though is pretend to put yourself in Malcolm's place. Pretend for a second that you had this huge secret, like having to wear diapers, and then pretend, just for a second, how you'd feel if someone blabbed that huge secret to everyone else. How do you think you'd feel if someone screamed that secret from the top of the building and called you a baby. You're surprisingly stubborn, I can see it in your eyes that you're just not getting it, but I'll tell you what you'd feel. You'd feel hurt a thousand times greater than the mere two hits that you're dealing with now. The worst part though, is that you'd carry that hurt with you, maybe just for days, but possibly weeks or months, or even years. Now, think very hard on this, if you had to deal with the pain of those two hits, multiplied, every day for years, how much would that hurt?”

“That's impossible.”

“I can see here that I'm not getting through to you, and that's sad. You're not just stubborn, you're bull headed as well. Okay, let's say, just for the sake of argument, that every day I and your dad allowed Malcolm to come and punch you in the nose as hard as he could. How would you feel then?”

“I'd wanna kill him, but my dad'd never let that happen.”

“Um, right now young man, the thought sounds good.” His dad warned.

“You'd let him punch me as hard as he could every day, he already broke my nose, it's killing me.”

“It's not broken, and right now, you'd better believe it. I'm starting to think you deserve it a great deal. Now, just so that you're both in the same boat, I'm gonna allow Malcolm to tell everyone this, I'm telling him your big secret.”

“What, no, you swore you'd never tell anyone.” He screamed and started crying.

“Yes, you thought it was hilarious that Malcolm has to wear diapers, you yelled to everyone his biggest secret, now he gets to yell yours as well.”

“I'd really rather you didn't do that.” Mark said.

“He deserves it.” He said, and then before Mark could urge him not to do so, because he knew that such a thing could crush his son totally, he spoke. “Malcolm, Andy likes to dress up in girls clothes.”

“Really Andy. Why?” Malcolm asked softly, but Andy was sobbing, looking to his dad as if he had just plunged a sword through his chest, and, in a way, he did.

“I hate you.” He screamed.

“Yeah, well I hate what you're becoming.”

“Please, both of you, this has to stop before you both say something more that can't be undone.” Mark said softly, trying desperately to defuse the situation. The principal was just sitting there in stunned silence.

“Andy, look at me.” Malcolm said, grabbing Andy by the chin and forcing him to look at him.

“Why, now you're gonna tell everyone my biggest secret and I'll be a laughing stock.”

“You do deserve it, you did the exact same thing to me. Now maybe you know how I feel. How could you even do something like that to me if you have such a big secret?”

“You're a freak.”

“Yeah, well, you're a freak too.” Malcolm shrugged, looking nonplussed.

“Fuck you.” Andy screamed.

“Andy.” His dad yelled.

“It's okay. My own mother said way worse to me, that's why I'm in foster care.” He laughed to Andy's dad, and then turned back to Andy. “Andy, I am a freak, I like wearing diapers, you are a freak, you like wearing dresses, my dad's a freak, he likes other men, your dad's a freak...” He said, looking to Andy's dad.

“I like kinky women.” He grinned.

“And the principal's a freak...” He said, looking to the principal.

“Um, that I definitely shouldn't say here.” He laughed.

“Ooh, now I'd really like to know.” Malcolm giggled. “Anyway, you see, everyone's a freak in their own special way. My new daddy taught me that. He says I'm still pretty young to be too freaky and weird, but that everyone's weird and wonderful in their own special way. I'm not gonna tell your secret, I'm not mean, but you are. I don't like you, but my daddy says I'm not allowed to hate anyone any more, but I really don't like you a lot. My daddy says you need to see a therapist, I think you should too. He's helped me lots, and I think someone needs to help you too.”

“Very well done Malcolm.” Mark said.

“Thanks. Let's go home Daddy.”

“Okay, but first.” He said and then turned to the principal. “If you'd have his teacher collect all his things that he'll need, as well as a list of what all he needs to get done, I'll make certain that it gets done, perfectly. I'll come collect it all tomorrow after school lets out. When will he be allowed back?”

“He can come back on the Monday two weeks from yesterday, so it'll be just under two weeks. Same goes for you Andy, but I wanna have a meeting with the two of you before I allow you to come back, okay.”

“Thanks.” Everyone said, and then they pretty much all filed out at the same time.

Mark stopped Andy and his dad and spoke to him. “Andy does need to see a therapist. If I was a trained therapist, I'd take him on, but I'm not. Clearly you know of his desires, and you seem okay with that, that's good, I'm glad.”

“Yeah, he'd asked for dresses from the time he was two, always wanted the princess dresses and whatnot.”

“Mmm. Malcolm and Andy, please go over to the side for a few moments.”

The boys moved off to the side. Mark whispered the next bit so that Andy would not hear him. “How do you feel his sexuality will come out?”

“I'm not sure. Wish I could say straight, as it is, it's already so hard on me letting him wear dresses at home. I'm raising him by myself, his mother dumped him on my doorstep with a letter, quite literally actually, I hadn't a clue she was pregnant, she was a slutty one night stand, and yes, I had him tested and he is mine. Anyway, I was always taught that gay was hugely wrong. The funny thing is though, I don't actually think he's gonna turn out gay. Other than the fact he likes dresses and other girls clothes, he's actually quite boyish. I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but he does look to the girls a lot, and not to the boys. Granted, maybe he's checking out their clothes and wondering how he'd look in them. I just don't know though” He laughed.

“Clearly you both need to talk to the therapist. At least you're trying, but you need to understand your feelings more as well. You should also talk to him, get him to open up to you, just try not to yell. I know it's hard, but I know you love him. What you did in there though will have hurt him, and he's gonna be very angry with you. On the other hand though, it did teach him how he made Malcolm feel too, so that's at least good.”

“Thanks, yeah, I think we'll have to go together. I know it was wrong, but I think it was necessary as well, he had to learn just how much secrets could hurt. He thought no one would ever know, how could they, he'd never tell and I'd never tell, so how could they find out.”

“Well, I should be getting my little hot headed monster home, have a good day and don't be too hard on him.”

“Thanks, same here, and I'll try, but I'm still so angry.”

“I know.”

Mark went and grabbed Malcolm, who was standing a good five or so paces from where Andy was standing, both of them were staring straight ahead, not looking at each other in the least. He grabbed Malcolm's hand and led him out wordlessly. They were just out of the school yard when Malcolm started talking.

“You're really mad at me, aren't you?”

“No, I'm not, I understand more than you know how much anger you have in you, and just how close it is to the surface still. To tell you the truth, I knew this was gonna happen, I knew you were gonna snap if something like that happened. I hoped that it'd take more time and you'd heal more, but I knew that if it happened too soon exactly what would happen. I am disappointed in you though. You let your emotions control you, we've talked so much about your bad emotions and how easily they could control you if you let them. I've been trying to teach you how to act rationally, yet I knew you're too young to truly grasp it yet. Children aren't rational beings, you're controlled by your feelings so much, but for you, you can't let them control you. Especially for you. Like me, I had way too many bad feelings and emotions, if I let them all out of me at once, it would've killed me or someone else. That's why I'm trying to get you to purge them and to learn how to deal with them and put them in their place. If you let those bad emotions control you, you could very easily hurt someone, and I don't really think you wanna do that, do you?”

“No, and I think I know what you mean. After I hit Andy and the principal grabbed us, I did start to feel really bad for doing it. I knew it was wrong, but only after. While it was happening, I couldn't stop it, I just wanted to hit him and hurt him as much as he'd hurt me, but if I did that, I'd still be hitting him.”

“And there you have it. Do you know what you should have done?”

“I think so.”'

“Then tell me, what should you have done?”

“I should've told him that I'm not a baby, but that I do have to wear diapers, that I have a bad bladder and can't help it.”

“That's part of it, yes.”

“What's the other part.”

“There's probably several, but I'll cover a couple important ones. First, you certainly shouldn't have yelled, it only gives bullies power. Swearing at them gives them more, and losing your temper altogether, now that's the ultimate act of giving yourself right to the bully. Next you should've just smiled at him, you should've smiled and showed him that his words couldn't hurt you. Those two things combined are usually more than enough to completely deflate any bully. Smile softly to them, don't take their bait, explain to them why you're wearing diapers, and move on.”

“Yeah, that probably would've been better, huh.”

“Yes Baby, it would've been. What's done is done though, there's nothing that you or I or anyone can do to change it now. All I want for you to take from this though is a powerful lesson. If you hadn't have been restrained, you may very well have killed Andy, you yourself said you might still be hitting him. Just remember one thing from this, hitting is never the answer. The only time you should ever hit anyone at all is in self defense, and even then, try and walk away if at all possible.”

“Okay. Will I be okay do you think?” Malcolm asked fearfully

“Yes, but you still have a long way to go before you're fully healed, it could still be a couple years, but you're well on your way. You know you have a loving home to come home to now, you never had that, you know I'll always accept you for who and what you truly are, and there's nothing that'll ever change that. As long as you always come to me and talk out your feelings, then I think you'll be just fine. And that's what you should've done. You should've confronted your demons, or in this case a demon, then turned and walked away. You then should've gone right to the office and said you had to go home and had them call me. I would've come and picked you up and brought you home, and then we could've talked it all out. We're still gonna do that, mind you, but, like I said, what's done is done.”

“Yeah, guess I was going back to being stupid, huh.”

“Everyone has a bad day, you knew they'd still come, I told you as much. I even told you the day that the kids found out you were diapered might be a really bad day, but no, that wasn't stupid. Maybe a bit dumb, and certainly not very bright, but you're not stupid any more, remember, you're trying to learn. Only stupid people don't learn things.”

“Yeah, I guess you're right, because I did learn something today.”

“What's that.”

“Hitting someone's nose really hurts. He's got a really hard head, that's why I hit him in the gut the second time.” He giggled.

“Ah, yes, a broken nose usually includes a broken corresponding finger. You probably also have no idea how to truly throw a punch, but 'til you learn to control that nasty little temper of yours, I'm certainly not gonna show you how to.”

“I don't even want you to, I don't wanna hit anyone ever again, I feel really bad now.”

“And so you should. Eventually I'll teach you some basic martial arts though, but that'll be a little down the road yet. We have too much work to do on the rest of you first.”


They were just walking into the house now.

“How's your diaper Baby?”

“Getting pretty full. I was on my way to change my diaper when Andy attacked, it's only got more full since.”

“Okay, let's go get you changed, and then you can do some chores around the house.”


For the entire two weeks that Malcolm was suspended, he was expected to do at least twice as much school work as what would have been expected had he been there. He also had to do all the cleaning around the house, Mark even taught him how to scrub the pool and hot tub completely. Every day he was busy scrubbing something. One day was all the kitchen cabinets, another it was all the windows and mirrors, another was all the appliances (big and small), and another was yard work and cleanup. Even all the floors and doors got a good scrubbing, and not once did Malcolm ever even make one complaint. He knew he had done wrong, he knew exactly why he was doing what he was doing, and he had asked for this punishment, so he did it. They did still go swimming every day, and not just for exercise, and in the evenings, Mark would join Malcolm in the living room to read quietly. Now that Malcolm was reading a bit better, he was enjoying it more, and the two weeks of no TV meant that he had to read or be bored, so he read, and he enjoyed it.

During the first week of punishment, Steve had called and told Mark that he had some information and to come in whenever he had a few minutes, but without Malcolm. Mark told him what had happened, he just laughed and said he was not surprised in the least, and told him to come when he could then.

It is Sunday evening now, the last night of Malcolm's punishment, and they were just about to sit down and read for the night.

“So, how do you feel now that your punishment's ended, or at least it will tomorrow morning?” Mark asked, because Malcolm was still not allowed to watch TV tonight.

“Pretty good, but I know I deserved it.”

“Yes, you did, and you did very well as well. Not one complaint at all, which was for the best, because one thing I didn't tell you, was every complaint would've added another day to your punishment.”

“Yikes, glad I didn't complain then.” He giggled.

“No kidding.”

“I knew I had to do it, I was the one that asked for it, so I knew I had to, how did you say it that day, be a man of my words.”

“Exactly. Be a man of your words. When you make a promise, you keep it, nothing else matters, unless of course to keep it means you'll hurt someone even more.”

“Yeah, still not sure I understand.”

“Hopefully you'll never be in a situation where keeping someone's promise is bad enough to make you have to break your word. You'll know in your heart though if that has to happen. Like Andy for instance, I want you to go to school tomorrow and talk to him in private and tell him that you promise to never reveal his secret to anyone, no matter what.”

“Okay, I was gonna anyway, but what has that gotta do with anything?”

“It'd be a really strange situation, but if there ever comes a time where telling his secret, breaking your promise, means helping him more in the end and betraying his trust, then sometimes it's what you gotta do. I could never see that happening in this situation, why would it ever need to be revealed, but like that.”

“Okay, still don't really understand though.”

“I know, that's a bad example, but the only one I can give you right now. Like I said, if it ever happens, you'll know. I've never had that happen, and I still don't know if I could ever do it, and I hope I never have to break one of my promises.”

“Oh, so you don't really even know.”

“No, every person, every situation, every promise, they're all different.”

“Oh, okay, that makes more sense. So, most of the time a promise can easily be kept.”

“Exactly, with just a little willpower, you should never have to worry about breaking a promise.”

“Okay, cool.”

“Actually, come to think of it, Andy is a perfect example, he and his dad. His dad promised to never tell anyone, but he did, he broke that promise to give someone else the power that Andy was wielding, to hurt him like he was hurting others. I still don't necessarily agree with it, but in a way, I think it was the right choice. It will help Andy, but only if you promise him to never tell a soul, if you did, 'til he's ready, it'd crush him so severely I doubt he'd ever recover.”

“I think I understand.”

Malcolm headed to bed at his normal time, Mark going and changing his diaper for him. Over the past couple weeks, Malcolm had hardly played with himself even, but tonight he passed out after making himself cum six times in a row. The only thing he had used was his cock ring, which he had installed, and then he had rubbed himself through his slightly wet diaper. Mark had to laugh when he found Malcolm passed out again on top of his covers, his diaper barely attached, and he could even still hear the slight sound from the vibrator. He went and removed the cock ring and turned it off, re-positioned Malcolm so he would not leak, and then fixed his diaper, again so he would not leak. He then shifted the little boy and covered him up, gave him another kiss on his forehead and headed to bed himself. He had known that Malcolm had hardly even played, and he said nothing, if he felt bad enough to punish himself in such a way, then he must have felt really bad, which was good.