Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 21:17:42 +1100 From: Just James Subject: Meeting Joseph G'day All, This story is a figment of my imagination, it contains Boy/Boy sexual contact. If you don't like this material or if it is illegal where you live please leave, otherwise sit back and enjoy it. I must apologise that my hotmail is not operating at the moment so I can't receive or send mail, so if you have contacted me I'm sorry I can't read or reply, I'm trying to fix the problem and will get it going as soon as I can. If you wish to email me about this story I will get back to you as soon as possible, flames will be instantly extinguished. Meeting Joseph (A story of Teenage awakening) justjames. The playground at the College was baking in the hot burning midday sunshine, as the classes broke up for the lunch break. The boys poured out of the classrooms jostling one another in boisterous play, the sound of preteen and teenage voices combined with the sound of a multitude of shoes echoed loudly through the corridors. The doors burst open as the seething mass of boys squeezed through into the hot shimmering playground. The sun glinted of the many hued heads, blonde, black, brown and in some few cases bright almost flame red as the crowd broke up and spread out in groups. One boy seemed alone and forsaken as he stood tentatively on the steps outside the doors, his small stature and blonde hair stood out against the massive doors behind him. His cute sweet face turned back and forth as he surveyed the scattered groups and unable to really call anyone a friend as he had only just started at the college he walked dejectedly away alone to find a seat in the shade away from the crowds of his fellow students. The boy's name was Joseph, Joe to his mother, he was only 12 years old and they had shifted to this town in the outback after his father had been killed on a construction site in the city. Joseph's mother decided to shift to the country town she was born in, to be near her parents as she thought it would be more pleasant to have their comfort and support. Poor Joseph was uprooted from his school and friends and unthinkingly his mother said, " You will make new friends here." What she didn't realise was that Joseph was a very shy gay boy and couldn't make friends easily, the friends he had at his old home were kids he had grown up with and they automatically befriended the quiet retiring boy and included him in their activities. Joe was so happy to be included in their fun and games, he would never have been able to initiate the moves on his own, even when a new boy joined their group it took him ages to accept the lad and the new comer had to be the one to approach Joseph first. Many of the new contacts thought Joseph was stand offish and stuck up due to his lack of spontaneity so they treated him with the cold shoulder till the others told them he was just shy. The shift to the new home and school shattered Joseph and made his self-consciousness even worse, it was as if he was in solitary confinement even though his peers surrounded him. The other students just didn't care about the small kid who drifted alone around the school, he wasn't their problem and they had plenty to do amongst themselves. Only one lad at the college noticed and watched the diminutive cute blond boy, he was a 15 year old swimming star of the school named Colin, he felt attracted to the lonely lad in a very sexual way. Whenever he saw Joseph he would smile at him but Joseph was usually looking at the floor and on the odd occasion he noticed Colin smile in his direction he thought he was smiling at someone behind him and just kept walking. Colin was so frustrated at the complete lack of response from Joseph that he became annoyed thinking the boy was just ignoring his friendship and decided that he would forget the youngster completely. Colin just ignored the lad for some time but the abject loneliness exhibited by the boy tugged at his heartstrings and after two weeks he again smiled at Joseph when he saw him. Joseph had noticed the handsome guy and wished that the smiles he saw were directed at him but couldn't accept that the star of the swim team a top sportsman could be remotely interested in a loser like him. He again ignored the boy and went about his business, Colin decided that the boy was just plain rude and ignorant and just treated him as if he wasn't there. Even though he was annoyed at Joseph's apparently ignorant rebuff of his friendship he just couldn't get the sexy boy out of his mind, and Joseph featured constantly in his night and morning masturbations. The thought of that cute slim little body lying naked in his bed allowing him to pleasure him was a constant scene as he wanked his large 6-inch cock. The same picture in reverse was in Joseph's mind whenever he played with his 4-inch penis and even though he was not able to ejaculate yet he reached many nerve shattering dry climaxes as his small body writhed and bucked on the bed. After a month of being ignored Colin even tried sitting next to Joseph while they ate their lunches and the boy always shifted as far up the bench from Colin as he could and just sat there with his head down eating his sandwiches silently. Colin tried speaking on one occasion, but he received just a mumble in reply and he gave up again. Colin left the boy sitting there and walked off to join his swimmer friends and one of them made a comment about Colin sitting with the dummy as he called Joseph, the guys all laughed except Colin who was embarrassed by the comment. Joseph heard the laughter and decided that Colin had made a joke at his expense. This confirmed his impression that Colin was just trying to make him look stupid and he began to cry silently as tears coursed down his unblemished cheeks. Joseph retired further into his shell and the misery increased until his heart began to break from loneliness. He became more and more depressed, his loneliness eating him up inside till he was almost an empty shell emotionally. His mother didn't notice anything except he was quieter than normal and his appetite was poor, the boy began to lose weight, which with his small frame was disastrous. Three weeks after Colin sat beside the boy he reached rock bottom and he believed there was no where to go and he decided to finish his misery and walked into the bathroom opened the medicine cabinet and removed a bottle of his mother's sleeping pills. He carried them into his room and went to the kitchen to fill a glass of water, returning to his bedroom he sat on the bed and began to stuff the pills into his mouth washing them down with the water. After swallowing the whole bottle he began to feel very drowsy and he lay back resting his head on the pillow as he cried heavily until he lost consciousness and went limp on the bed. Colin had found out where Joseph lived and he was standing outside the house watching for Joseph, he saw him in his bedroom window as he took the bottle of pills and he realised what the distraught boy was going to do, he rushed to the door and tried to gain entry without success as Joseph had locked the door. Colin rushed to the rear of the house and tried the back door again no entry so he picked up a rock from the garden and smashed the glass window in the back door then reached in unlocking the latch and cutting himself in his haste. He didn't even notice the gash bleeding copiously as he ran through the house till he located the boy's bedroom, he leapt into the room and found Joseph unconscious on the bed. Colin tried to wake him up but the boy was too far-gone and he dashed to the kitchen where he had seen a telephone and dialled 000 for the emergency services. When the call was answered he told them he needed an ambulance and the address and what was wrong, the paramedic manning the phone told him to give the boy mouth to mouth resuscitation. Colin rushed back to the room after opening the front door and raised the unconscious Joseph's face to his as he pressed his lips against the soft sweet boy mouth and began to breathe his warm breath into the Joseph's lungs. He was cuddling the inert body in his strong arms, bleeding unnoticed all over the boy and the bed, as he tried to save his little dream lover. Colin began to feel weaker and weaker as his life's blood ebbed from the deep gash in his arm, his senses dimming as the life force ebbed away. The ululation of the ambulance siren approached and the paramedics rushed into the house and entered the bedroom to find both boys unconscious on the bed. Colin had passed out from lack of blood and the sheets of Joseph's bed were saturated and crimson with Colin's lifeblood still oozing from the wound in his arm as the medicos began to treat both the lads trying to stabilise them. As soon as they were stable they wheeled them out into the ambulance Colin with a drip attached to his arm pumping plasma into his chronically anaemic body, the doors slammed and the ambulance fled bleating towards the hospital. The paramedic working on both boys in the rear as the vehicle tore through the streets it's siren screaming to clear the way through the traffic. They arrived at the hospital and the boys were rushed into the emergency department where they were separated and placed into separate cubicles while the hospital staff frantically worked on the unconscious boys. Joseph was lucky that the ambulance medics found the empty tablet bottle and gave it to the nursing staff so they could treat him properly after they pumped his stomach to remove the tablet residue. The nurses washed Colin's blood from his body and ensured there were no wounds as they weren't certain till his body was cleaned if he had been bleeding. Colin had the gaping wound examined then the doctor stitched the wounded flesh back together while blood taken to ascertain his blood type and as soon as his blood type was confirmed life giving transfusions were commenced and gradually colour began to return to his handsome young face. Once the emergency treatment was concluded the boys were wheeled out of casualty and placed together in a two-bed room to recuperate and regain consciousness. Colin was the first to groan back to life and he lay in the bed staring in puzzlement at the unknown ceiling, then gradually his memory returned and he envisioned the small body of his little dream boy lying inert in his arms. Colin lay there crying softly at the thought of Joseph dying and that he never had the chance to tell him that he loved him. His muscular young body shook as the sobbing increased; the nurse at the nurse's station heard his sobs outside the room. She rushed into the room and cradled Colin to her breasts as she soothed him and stroked his hair saying, " Shush, it's ok you are going to be fine." This caused Colin to bawl harder and he sobbed out, " I wont ever be alright, my friend died in my arms." The nurse chuckled and said, " Do you mean young Joseph?" Colin wailed, " Yes, I loved him but he didn't like me." The nurse caressed him gently and turned his face to see the bed next to his and through tear dimmed eyes Colin saw a small figure stretched out in the bed, he couldn't discern clearly who it was and the nurse wiped his eyes with a tissue to clear the tears and after blinking heavily Colin's vision slowly cleared and he saw the gorgeous blonde head lying there asleep. The nurse said, " Colin your little friend is fine you saved his life and nearly lost your own doing it. You are a very good and brave boy doing what you did and I'm sure Joseph will be more receptive to you after this incident." Colin blinked back tears of joy and lay there held in the nurse's warm embrace as he studied the angelic boy sleeping so soundly in the bed. The nurse laid him back down and went to Joseph and took his temperature and checked his blood pressure noting the results on the chart at the foot of the bed then repeated the procedure with Colin. Both boy's vitals were fine and she turned to Colin saying, " Joseph is fine he should regain consciousness very shortly then you can chat to him." She left the room and closed the door telling Colin if he needed her for anything to press the buzzer. Colin lay there surveying the still form of the boy he loved, the mound in the blanket where Joseph's cock lay drew his eyes as he envisioned the gorgeous penis lying hidden and wished desperately that Joseph would be his friend and lover as he watched the slight rise and fall of his chest as he breathed gently in his sleep. After an hour Joseph's eyelids began to twitch and flutter as he started to awaken and shortly after his lids opened and his sky blue eyes peeked out blankly at the world he wished he had departed from. At first he only saw the white of the hospital room and thought maybe he was dead but then he heard a voice say, " Hi Joseph are you feeling ok?" He turned his head a little and saw Colin, the boy he fantasised about lying in a bed next to him with a bag on a pole dripping red stuff into his bandaged arm. He looked completely confused and asked, " Where are we and why are you in here with me?" Colin recanted what had occurred and how they were in hospital, Joseph began to cry and said, " I just want to die because nobody wants to know me, I just can't take the way you all hate me." Colin looked askance at the sobbing boy and began to weep with him as he said, " You silly sausage Joseph, don't you realise I love you so much it hurts?" Joseph choked on his sobs as this bomb shell exploded in his brain and he tried to sit up as he said, " You really mean that, I thought you sent me up to your friends after you sat next to me the other day." Colin said, " I would never send you up I think you are a gorgeous awesome guy, who I dearly want to know much better." Joseph lay back down and smiled as he absorbed this joyous information and then he said, " As soon as we get out of here I want to make up for all the time we lost and repay you for saving my life. You realise that after saving me you own me for ever now?" Colin lay there smiling saying, " You already own me and I am yours for ever." Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a doctor and nurse who began to run tests on Joseph to check his vital signs, as they carried out these necessities the doctor turned to Joseph and asked him why he had tried to end his young life when he had so much going for him. Joseph lay there silent and the doctor glared at him saying, " You aren't going to cooperate with me young man?" Joseph just lay there, closed his eyes and a tear dribbled from his eyelids and crept slowly down his soft cheek. He wished the intruding doctor would fade away and leave him in peace to absorb what his friend Colin had said. The annoyed doctor frowned and began to write quickly on the report sheet attached to the foot of the bed. He then turned to Colin and removed the dressings on his stitches and examined them closely, then asked the nurse to redress the wound and left the room. The nurse finished the dressing and took her trolley and left the boys in peace. Colin looked across at Joseph and saw his eyes were closed so he rolled over to get comfortable and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Joseph and he sharing their lives together. Joseph lay there with his mind churning trying to absorb the news that Colin loved him, he just couldn't believe that a gorgeous guy like Colin could find him not only attractive but could even admit to loving a nobody like him. Joe too slowly entered the land of nod and he too was dreaming of a life with Colin. The boys were woken when the evening meals arrived and sat up groggily from sleeping during the daytime, they sat up and began to eat the meals thinking that the food was no comparison to their mum's cooking. They were both ravenous so the meal vanished extremely quickly even though it was so boring and bland in flavour. Colin wiped his pink lips with the napkin and smiled across at Joseph, saying, " Well it filled the hole a little, but I'm still starving are you?" Joe grinned and nodded his mouth still full with the last of his desert, he swallowed the food and laughed at Colin admitting he was still feeling a little peckish maybe they could ask for some more tucker later on. Colin said he hoped they could even if it was just sandwiches, the hospital couldn't stuff up simple "sangers" he hoped. The lady collected their empty dishes and left them, as the doctor appeared again approaching Joseph's bed and again asking him if he would tell him why he had tried to kill himself. Joseph again refused to answer him and the man became more irate and grabbed the report sheet scrawling something on there then stormed out again muttering under his breath. Colin looked at Joseph and raised his eyebrows in query then said, " Gees Joe, he is really pissed at you not answering his questions." Joseph replied, "It is my business, I don't have to tell him anything." Colin then changed the subject and they began to discuss school and the boys at the school, what they liked, who was nice and began to talk about which boys were maybe gay or bisexual. Their chat was interrupted by the arrival of their parents who were frantic to know what had happened, Joseph again refused to discuss the reasons for his stupid act and no matter what his folks said he just clamed up. Colin's folks were very proud of what he had done saving young Joseph and after a while all the adults were chatting relaxed and smiling. The doctor arrived on the scene and asked which was Joe's mother then requested that she accompany him outside as he wished to talk to her alone. As soon ass they were out of earshot he told her that Joseph was not cooperating with him and locking his problem inside himself and that he recommended that Joseph be sent over to the psychiatric ward for further evaluation. Joe's mum was shocked but agreed, as he wouldn't talk to her about it either, so the doctor said he would be transferred in half an hour if that was ok with her. She agreed and went back into the room and began to talk to Joseph seriously about what was troubling him, again he bit his bottom lip and went quiet not answering her. There was the sound of a trolley in the hall outside the room and two large male nurses appeared with a trolley equipped with arm and leg straps, they approached Joseph's bed and lifted him like a feather up over and onto the trolley and before he could even struggle both hands were strapped securely to the trolley, Joe began to writhe and struggle but was soon overpowered and with one guy holding his legs down the other soon strapped him tightly on the trolley. Joseph could only writhe a little and arch his ass up, Colin was sitting up yelling at the guys to let Joe go but he was restrained by his folks as the trolley was wheeled out with a screaming crying boy writhing about on the mattress. The distressing sounds slowly faded into the distance and the last heard was Joseph screaming Colin's name. Colin fought to free himself and chase after the departing boy but his father was holding him down and trying to calm him. Joseph's mother told Colin it was necessary as Joseph wasn't cooperating with the medical staff and he needed a little help mentally as no sane boy tries to kill himself. Then she left the room as Colin was reduced to a weeping distraught wreck being held down on his bed. He desperately wanted to tell his parents that he was gay and that he loved Joseph but he was worried about the effect it would have on his folks and his little brother and older sister. Colin finally calmed enough to be allowed to lie there weeping brokenheartedly, his mother caressing his hair and hugging him whispering soothingly into his ear. She looked at his father and asked him could he go and get them something to drink from the machine downstairs in the lobby, he nodded asking Colin if he was calm now, Colin nodded his head and his dad left the room. Colin's mum, Jane, gave him a soft kiss and whispered, " Is there something you would like to tell me my sweet boy?" Colin sobbed, nodded, saying in a choked voice, " Yes mum, but I'm not sure how to do it." Jane whispered, " Just let it out Colin, I think I know what you want to tell me, it's about your sexuality isn't it?" Colin wailed loudly then sniffed sobbing, " Yes mum, I am g g g gay." Jane laughed softly and kissed him again, " I've known you were for two years Colin, I'm so glad you've finally told me." Colin was startled and he asked, " Aren't you disgusted or shocked? Does dad know?" She replied, " No I'm not and I haven't discussed it with him at all, I will work around to it when I think he is in a receptive mood." Colin asked, " What will happen to Joseph mum? He isn't mad you know, he tried to kill himself because he thought no one loved him and he thought I had told everyone he was queer." Jane replied, " He will be alright Colin he just needs a little assistance to sort him out." Colin said, " But mum he is not suicidal now, he knows that I love him and he loves me. He doesn't need any help with that." Jane said, " I'll talk to Joseph's parents and see what they will do." Colin said, " No mum they don't know he is gay or anything, maybe you better talk to Joseph first huh?" She replied, " Ok I will attempt to see him and have a chat in the morning." They sat there hugging and comforting one another till Colin's father returned with some cold drinks. He could see something had occurred while he was away but bit his tongue and decided to wait till his wife told him what had happened in his absence. The three sat there silently drinking Jane sitting beside Colin on the bed stroking his knee through the blanket, their minds racing with the information received and in his dad's case imagined. Colin's folks left after an hour and walked to the lifts, descended to the lobby and walked outside just as Joseph's mother appeared from the entrance to the psychiatric ward. Jane waved and they hurried to catch up with her, she caught up with Clare, Joe's mum, and quietly began to chat to her telling her Joe would be fine and asking if she could visit him tomorrow. Clare said it would be fine as she felt he needed help and visitors to cheer him up as he was crying hysterically when she left him. Jane thanked her and said she may see her in the morning. Colin lay in the bed worrying deeply about his newfound love and cursed the doctor who had taken him away from him and traumatised the beautiful boy so badly. He desperately wished to go to where Joseph was incarcerated in the psycho wing of the hospital, if he knew where it was he would have snuck out of bed and gone to Joseph's waiting arms but unfortunately he had no idea where the boy was being held. He tossed and turned all night worrying about Joe knowing he would be scared stiff being locked up in a nut house with all the crazies there. Every time the night nurse checked on his condition he was wide awake and very uncommunicative with her, she kept asking him if he was ok and could she do anything for him. Colin finally asked could he go and see his friend in the psychiatric ward, she just shook her head and said, " Not until tomorrow there are no visitors after 8pm." Colin rolled over and buried his handsome face into the pillow and finally cried himself to sleep. He awoke 3 hours later to the sun streaming in the window of the room, he was groggy from the long night of emotional stress with very little sleep and was very grumpy when his mother appeared at 9 o'clock after he had had a shower and eaten his breakfast. The doctor appeared and checked his wound then told him, " You can go home this morning as you are showing no signs of infection in the wound." Colin thanked the doctor and asked him how Joseph was, the doctor said, " I don't know he isn't my patient anymore, he is under the psychiatrist in charge of the psychiatric wing." Colin then asked if he could visit Joseph and was told that it might be possible although the boy was under treatment and may be a little strange or under the weather. Colin got out of bed and his mum helped him get dressed and they made their way down stairs to the pharmacy to get an antibiotic prescription filled, the usual 45 minute wait prevailed and finally they left the main hospital. They found their way to the psychiatric wing and asked the receptionist if they could see Joseph, the girl said, " Please wait I'll check for you." She pushed a button on her intercom and a disembodied voice could be heard tinnily over the speaker, she finally said, " Yes you can go through that door a nurse will meet you there and escort you to see your friend." Colin and his mother walked through the door opened by the receptionist and the door slid shut behind them, they stood there in the passageway waiting for nurse, they could hear strange sounds and peoples voices screaming, mumbling and singing unintelligible words. The atmosphere was to say the least disturbing and decidedly creepy, then the male attendant appeared and asked them to follow him. They walked behind him till he ushered them into a room after unlocking the door for them, they entered and saw Joseph lying on the bed. He showed little interest in their arrival and stared almost blankly at them, Colin hurried over to the bed and lifted Joe up and cuddled his slack body to his chest. He kissed the boy's unresponsive lips and looked into his dull eyes, there was almost no life in his eyes or expression he was like a zombie. Colin began to weep as he cuddled the frail body to his breast, his tears coursed down onto Joseph's hair as he rocked the unresponsive boy in his arms. Jane wrapped both boys in her arms and cried with her son, she was horrified at the state of young Joseph and vowed to do something to help the boy in his hour of need. She stood up and walked out of the room to see the attendant, who was waiting outside in the corridor, Jane demanded to see the doctor in charge and was asked was she a relative. She had to answer in the negative and was told that she wasn't entitled to see the doctor and in fact she could be refused entry all together to the ward. Jane returned to find Colin lying on the bed snuggled up to Joseph and caressing him gently as they lay there face to face, he was kissing the unresponsive lips and crying while trying to arouse the boy. The attendant looked in through the window in the door and hurried into the room telling Jane to get her son out of the ward immediately and that they wouldn't be allowed in to see Joseph again. Colin struggled as the man tried to drag him away from Joseph and the man succeeded in pulling him along with Joseph off the bed to fall onto the polished linoleum floor. The boys thudded to the floor with Colin's arms locked around Joseph and the man literally ripped Colin away from Joseph and threw him across the floor till he crashed against the wall yelling at Jane, " Get the little homo out of the building." Jane helped Colin from the floor and asked if he was all right and he nodded unable to speak as he was crying hysterically. They left the room as the nurse lifted Joseph and placed him back onto the bed where he lay there as if dead. The attendant followed Jane and Colin to the door and buzzed the receptionist and she opened the door, the man followed them out and told the girl that these people were not to be allowed in again, then left and walked back into the ward as the door hissed closed behind him. Jane had a protective arm around her son as they left the building, Colin still sobbing heavily and they walked to the car park when they saw Joseph's mother, Clare, getting out of her car. Jane called to her and they climbed into the car and Jane began to tell Clare about the mess her son was in, Clare said, " I know he is being tranquillised to reduce the stress on him so he wont try to commit suicide again." Clare told her the reason her son tried to kill himself and she was horrified to hear her boy was homosexual, she looked at the tear stained face of Colin and said, " I suppose you turned my son into a little gay boy Colin, you should be reported to the police for corrupting a younger boy." Jane arced up at her reaction and replied, " Your son was gay before he ever came to our town, no one can turn a boy gay that quickly, Colin hasn't done anything to your Joseph except save his life." Clare looked daggers at Jane and replied, " Maybe it would be better if he had succeeded in his suicide attempt. He would be out of his misery now." Jane was horrified by the venomous reaction to her son being gay and just stared askance at the woman, she was lost for words and Colin spoke up saying, " How can you hate your own flesh and blood? You brought Joseph into this world and nurtured him. If he is gay then it is your fault gay people aren't turned into homosexuals they are that way at birth." Clare sat there silently and Colin pressed on with his thoughts, " Joseph is a sweet extremely shy guy who desperately needs your support and love as you tore him away from his safe surroundings and shifted him to here where he is alone and friendless. That is why he tried to end it all he was so lonely and he thought people hated him at school because he thought they realised he was gay." Jane was still staring silently at Clare and she saw a change in her expression as a tear appeared and trailed down her cheek. Clare looked at Colin and said, " You are a very mature young man and I'm so sorry I insulted you just now, you have opened my eyes to my own selfishness in dragging Joe here away from all he knew. I'm sure you will be a good friend for my son and you will look after him well." Colin smiled at Clare and replied, " I love Joe very much and I will never do anything to hurt him. Now can you go in and get Joe released from that terrible prison he is trapped in? " Clare said, " I certainly will right away would you like to come with me?" Colin grinned for the first time in over 12 hours and his smile lit up the car like the sun as he replied, " Too right I would, I want to be there to support him all the way." The two women and the boy left the car and marched into the hospital like an avenging army, albeit a very small one. The receptionist saw Jane and Colin and said, "I'm sorry you can't enter the ward you are prohibited because you aren't family." Clare exploded on the spot and demanded that the girl get the head psychiatrist to come down right now or she would ensure the head of the hospital would be informed of their malpractices. The poor girl was flustered and buzzed on her intercom unit asking the man on the other end to please come to the foyer immediately. A couple of minutes passed and the door hissed open and a tall grey haired man in a white coat appeared, Clare said, " Doctor Coleman I demand you release my son immediately." The doctor was taken aback by her fiery demeanour and stood there with his mouth opening and closing soundlessly, he regained his composure and said, "Your son needs more medication and counselling before he can face the world again." Clare just stood there tapping her foot and then she said, " I want my son returned to me now, immediately, understand? He'd better be ok or you will be facing a law suite." The doctor fled back through the door and disappeared down the passageway followed by the hulking attendant. Clare, Jane and Colin sat down on the large lounge in the vestibule and waited for the arrival of Joseph. Twenty minutes passed and figures could be seen through the reinforced glass panel in the door and as the door opened there was a very drowsy Joseph in a wheelchair. He looked completely spaced out and didn't react to the sight of his Clare or Colin, Clare asked why he was so inert and the doctor told them he was sedated and it would wear off in a few hours. He advised them to take things quietly and not to excite him till he was fully recovered and just to let him rest quietly. They wheeled Joseph out to the car park; his head nodding about as the wheel chair travelled over the uneven pavement, the boy had no control over his movements due to the heavy sedation he was administered. Colin was pushing the wheel chair and was crying salty tears as he watched the blonde head nodding about the spun gold hair swishing back and forth from the movement. He reached out one hand and caressed the soft silky hair as he pushed the chair towards the car. Clare and Jane were watching the torment in Colin's handsome young face and it tore at their heart strings to see Colin suffering so, Clare turned to Jane and asked sotto voiced, " Is Colin Gay as well? He seems so intense the way he is caring for my poor little Joe." Jane smiled at her and said, " Yes, he loves your son and is willing to die for him if he had to. He told you he loved Joseph earlier in the hospital didn't you hear him?" Clare smiled back at her then replied, " I heard him say that but I was so worried about Joe that it didn't really register at the time." Colin heard the dialog and turned his tear-stained face towards the two women and said, " I love Joe more than anything on this earth and want to share my whole life with him." Clare moved to his side and the group stopped walking as she gently clutched Colin's face as she kissed him on the forehead, then kissed each of his tear dampened eyes as she said, " I believe you do Colin, you opened my eyes to my son's plight, you saved his life at the risk of your own, that is an incredible gift you have given both Joe and myself. We will both be indebted to you for ever for your selfless act of heroism and I'd be happy for you to be my son's lover if that is what he wants." She kissed Colin again and hugged him to her breasts as she cuddled the boy warmly. Jane was watching this tender scene and tears welled up overflowing her eyelids to course down her cheeks as she too moved across and threw her arms around Clare and Colin. They stood there hugging in the middle of the car park as people walked back and forth staring at the small crying group, wondering what was happening. They broke apart after some minutes, and continued their way to their cars reaching Clare's car and opening the doors, Colin lifted Joe's limp body up and struggled to settle him into the passenger seat. He finally got him in position and fastened the seat belt around him, then kissed him on the lips and was upset to find no positive reaction to his loving act. Clare waited till Colin stood back and then hugged him again saying, " Don't worry Colin, he isn't capable of reacting now we will have to wait for the drugs to wear off." The distraught lad stood there his vision locked on the boy who was his dream, and he nodded his head slightly in agreement. Clare asked Jane and Colin if they would like to follow her home and help get Joe out of the car and wait with her, maybe having lunch together, till Joe regained full consciousness. They both agreed, Colin showing great excitement at the idea, as he could be there to welcome Joseph back into the real world. They hurried to their car and followed Clare home parking outside and Colin lifted Joseph from the car carrying him in his arms into the house and taking him to the lounge room where he laid him on the couch, making him comfortable with a pillow under his head. Clare brought a blanket, which Colin tucked around his friend then sat on the floor staring at his gorgeous young face as he caressed the golden hair gently and kissed the inert soft lips. Clare and Jane walked to the kitchen where they began to make a light lunch of sandwiches and put on the kettle to boil water for a cup of tea. Colin sat on the floor stroking, kissing and softly talking to the semi conscious Joe while he heard his mum and Clare making the meal, his empty stomach rumbled in protest as he hadn't eaten since the night before in the hospital. He couldn't eat while Joseph was incarcerated in the hospital psychiatric ward going through goodness knows what treatment, now he had the boy back in his arms he felt ravenously hungry. He bent over again to kiss Joe's lips and suddenly he felt the soft lips open slightly and he poked his tongue into the boy's warm wet mouth to feel Joe's tongue respond to the invasion by tongue fighting with him. He looked into Joe's eyes and saw that they were now clearer and gazing back at him, his heart leapt in his chest and he pulled back to study Joe and he saw the lips crease into a sweet smile as Joe said, " Hi Colin, what are you doing here in my home? Be careful mum doesn't see you kissing me, she will scream." Colin laughed aloud and said, " Don't worry about your mum she wants me to love you Joe, she knows we are gay>" Joe lay there silent and astounded then said, " Are you sure about that, my mum doesn't know I'm gay." Colin called out to Clare and she hurried into the lounge room hurrying over to Joe and bent down to kiss him in utter joy at his recovery. She said," Welcome back to us Joe, we have missed you. I'm sorry for what happened I was misled by that doctor." Joe was confused and couldn't remember what had happened at the hospital, he looked puzzled and Colin said, " Let's forget yesterday and start all over again from right now." He bent over and French kissed the confused boy, Joe embarrassed at first by the kiss in front of his mum soon reacted and kissed back as they fondled one another. Jane entered the room carrying a huge tray of sandwiches and placed them onto the coffee table in front of the couch then left to bring in a second tray containing mugs, milk, sugar and the large teapot full of the steaming beverage. Colin helped the weakened Joe to sit up causing his head to spin a little and they all set to eating the food with gusto, they were now happy, their appetites stimulated by the aroma of the food. The meal soon vanished and Clare suggested that Joe may like to go to bed and rest for a while so she asked Colin to help him and stay with him for a while. Colin helped Joe up from the couch putting his arm over his shoulder and with his arm firmly holding Joe's slim waist he helped him into his room. He sat the boy on his bed and removed his trainers and socks, inhaling the aroma of Joe's feet from his shoes causing Joe to giggle and say, " You are gross, how could you sniff my shoes like that?" Colin laughed and said to Joe, " I love every little piece of you Joe even the odour of your sweet feet." Joe laughed delightedly and mussed Colin's black hair as Colin began to undo his cargo shorts and he lifted his cute ass off the bed allowing the shorts to slip down over his round little ass. Joe's tight red briefs appeared from the shorts and Colin got his first real good look at the penis of his lover, the soft shape of his 4 inch cock moulded in the soft cotton resting on his small ball bag. Colin felt his cock instantly leap to attention as he studied the beautiful genitals hidden in the briefs, he bent down inhaling the aromatic odour of Joe's warm groin as he kissed the flaccid flesh through the briefs. Joe groaned softly and held Colin's head in his hands gently pushing his unresisting head onto his crotch. Colin was enraptured at Joe's acceptance of his advances and he hooked his fingers into the tight elastic waist-band lifting the material away from the flat completely smooth lower abdomen. He peered into the opening and saw the small amount of curly soft blonde pubic hair surrounding the soft smooth pink flesh of the slightly hard boy cock. He blew warm air from his lips onto the trembling penis and watched it growing firmer and longer until it broke free from it's position and bounced up vertically protruding above the waist band of the briefs. Colin couldn't resist tasting the sweet cock and licked the loose foreskin covering the glans of the hard vibrating dick, the foreskin wobbled from the tongue touching as Colin's tongue prodded into the opening. He found the rubbery helmet and the tongue tip located the piss slit and poked into the tight little hole, which was beginning to ooze a little pre cum. Joe groaned and hissed as he suddenly sucked air between his teeth as his virgin knob tingled incredibly from the contact of Colin's questing tongue. Joe soon was lost in a whirl of sensual sensations as his penis was sucked, tongued and swallowed fully till he felt Colin's soft lips touching his sparse pubes and he felt the muscles of Colin's throat working his cock and super sensitive knob. Colin was also in heaven as he sucked and tormented the boy's penis both their moans forming a duet of sensuality as their senses screamed for a completion. Colin felt Joe tensing, his pliant muscles flexing in time to his bobbing up and down on the straining shaft, then with a gasp and hands gripping his head tightly the boy arched up hard off the mattress and fired shot after pearly shot of boy juice into Colin's mouth and throat. The End of the Beginning!