Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 12:21:23 -0700 (PDT) From: c z Subject: Monterey Delights-Chapter 8 Disclaimer- Standard Nifty and I will just add, if you don't want to read it or can get busted if caught, don't. Easy enough done and I am not responsible if you screw up. The story is mine, and I am going to insist on its copyright. So hereby Monterey Delights is now copyrighted ( C ) by cezmail, my pseudonym on the net. Ask permission to post it elsewhere and I will most likely grant it, but doing so without is a violation of my copyright. Thanks for understanding. Dedication- This one I devote to a good friend who has really given me a lot of smiles and support from the beginning of the Story. Paul aka Coal Black, this one is for you. Keep hanging in there my friend. Special thanks as always for to Michael H, Bob from CO, Skip, and Charlie G. Thank for all the emails my loyal fans. Thanks also goes out to all the other kind folks who have come across my story and read it. Thanks for all the emails and support. I am still with it and will hope to keep writing when I can. May not always write as often, but I am still here folks. To all others, as before, feel free to email me with any comments. I gladly answer any and all. You can email me at Chapter 8 Chris was silent for a moment, looking around, to make sure no one would listen. I was still sweating the moment, my heart beating faster. I wondered, was this it, was it all over? My thoughts and heart started to run at the same speed when Chris finally cleared his throat and spoke. " I'm sorry for the other night. I... I was just not in the mood to get into things, and Noah was about. I know I have been an asshole, and I want to apologize. Man, you been good to me and I really liked what we did, but, well its complicated. Just so much is going on you know? " He looked at me when he said this last part. Confusion now settled in my head. What the fuck was he going on about??! " No Chris, I do NOT understand? No calls, you ignore me, you throw shit in my face, and now you waffle the apology. Look, just tell me straight. DO you want to be friends still? Do you like me, or do you just want to get your rocks off? Just tell me straight what the hell is going on. " I paused here to catch my breath and allow him a moment to tell me his side. My heart had slowed down, but I was still nervous. I really hated confrontations, especially out in the open, but I wanted this settled one way or another. I had enough of Chris's crap and if he was going to be a jerk, better to try to steel myself up for what might be coming next, Chris ducked his head down, his face red in embarrassment and maybe shame. " Look, I really am sorry, Just that I am trying to be friends with Noah and the other guys, and well, they are kinda off the wall. Not like you. Your cool, and I like talking with you, but I want other friends as well. I got a rep that I want to keep up, and you do not fit in it. Work with me, ok> We can still get together, and well, do STUFF. Just that I may not always want to talk. " Damn he sounded like an arrogant ass. But he still had a face that I liked and found attractive,. He was offering a friendship that sounded one sided, all on his terms, and I had to decide, could I live with that. I was about to answer when we saw the bus coming. Damn its timing. " Ok, Chris, I need to think on this. I will get back to you at lunch or after school, ok? Till then, well just go do your own thing. " He nodded and we joined the line to board the bus. Chris went to the back where he sat with Noah, and I sat down behind Ann Marie. She nodded to me, but then turned to talk to her friend, whose name I heard was Lisa. I tried to ignore what they were going on about and tune out the laughs and giggles as they rattled on. I was trying to think about Chris, On one hand, I really had enjoyed our times together, and the night we shared sleeping together had really been hot. But with his treatment of me, well that had been shitty. Reminded me of Bubba and Dale, from Long Beach. They had hung out with me and pretended to be friends, but in the end, had totally turned on me and led a bunch of the 5th graders in taunting me and trying to beat me up. The capper was when our house had been broken into and while only a little stuff had been stolen, then had broken other stuff and ground messes into the carpet. I lost a world band radio my dad had given me, as well as a large amethyst I had gotten at the Science and Industry Museum back in Minneapolis. Never was able to prove who did the job, but I personally had been sure it had been led by Bubba and his asshole brother, Dale. My emotions were running strong as the memory flashed back as we pulled up to school. I shut them back into the rear of my brain so I could concentrate on class. I sat down, but as the clock ticked the start of school, I did not see David. Wondered what happened to him? Was he sick, or had something else happened to keep him away? Great, not even a friend to share the day. Omen was really on a role to make asshole of the year. Ann Marie seem to shine as a teacher's pet, and I rolled my eyes as she even flipped her head as I answered right on a history question. Seem like she was two people. One was kinda cute and friendly, the other stuck up and pretentious. I shook it off. No sweat off my nose. Omen I figured was a throw back and had to be close to retirement. That would certainly help to improve the teaching pool. This guy was a dick. Lunch finally came to a start and I joined the line to get some food from the cafeteria. I saw from the menu that it was pizza. Ok, lets see how it tastes. Biting into it, it was not all that bad, for cafeteria food. I sat away from most others, just concentrating on eating my grub, so I could go stand off on the field and think. Chris was back in my mind and I was trying to decide what I was going to do. I did not see problem boy or his crony Noah, but I did see John, the boy I had played at the park with. He was alone as well, just kinda walking around , not talking or interacting with anyone. Maybe we could talk and see if we might get along at school. " Hey John" I said as I got close enough. " Hey Charlie. " " Up to anything? " " Naw, just hanging out. Didn't feel like playing any games or hanging with anyone. Just want the day to be over. You? " He looked kinda approachable now. " Nope, just doing my thing. I agree, get this day over with, Omen is an ass you know. " I looked to see what his opinion was. " Yeah, he sure is. My brother had him for 3 grades, poor bastard. he really hated that creep, and was really happy when he left to go to Colton. ( Colton Junior High ) He really likes it there. Pretty cool kids and he has a whole lot of friends there. Well at least we only have another 2 months of Omen, and then summer. " He continued to just stand there, but now we faced one another. I took a moment to get a nice look at John. He had black hair, cut in a preppy style, and had dullish blue eyes. He was my age, as we shared class together, but was about 2 inches shorter then me. Cute, though not as cute as Chris. WHAT? Could I not get Chris out of my mind? Damn he was really into my brain. I shook it all out and focused on John. " So John, what are your plans for the summer? " " My family and I are going to Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. My grandparents live down there and were sp[ending 2 weeks after the 4th there. Not sure of the rest. " He then asked me. " So what will you do? " " I have no idea. Doubt we will travel much, as we just moved here. You will like Disneyland and Knott's. I went to both of the places last summer while in Y camp. Had a blast. You been there before? " " No. " He replied. " At least not in some time. I think we went when I was a kid. My brother Sean might know better. So what do you do after school? I saw you hanging out with David. he is kinda of a geek you know. You got any other friends? " His comment about David kinda ticked me off. So David was kinda quiet and liked to draw. So what if he was not in the main crowds? He had been kind to me. But I said nothing, as I was enjoying the talk with John and did not want to be an asshole about stuff. " Well I like David, we talk and have fun. I hung out with Chris, you know from the other class, when I first moved here. He is the friend of Noah and the 6th graders. Not really made friends with anyone else. Just been here a week you know. " I looked at him. " How about you, I seen you hang out with Noah as well. You two friends? John shook his head slightly. " Not really friends. Just hang out and get together now and then. I got some friends from my neighborhood, who go to private school, and I get along with others. My brother and his buds are cool and I go with them when they allow. Noah, well he can be rough, but not too bad. Chris though... well just watch yourself " The last was said in a softer tone and I was about to ask why, but the bell rung, putting a stop for now in our talk. We gathered our bodies to join the masses as we made our way back to class. not really talking. I still had not seen Chris and wondered what had happened to him. Noah was not in class when we got back, and this was surprising? Wonder what happened to the red head? Oh well, no skin off my nose, unless Chris was off with him. Even in that case, I still had not made my decision. The last comment by John got my brain working again and I did not pay a lot of attention to Omen. As the day wound up its way to the end of class, I decided I would give Chris another chance. Maybe he would get better and we could be good friends, but if not, well at least I gave it a try. But I would be on guard and not totally trust him. I was getting cynical for an 11 y old. I would just watch and if he started to be too much of an ass, I would stop talking to him and stay friends with David and others. John seemed cool, so maybe he and I could get together and hang out. Bell finally rung and I got my books into my backpack for my home work. The bus ride was without any incidents and once I got home with my sister, I saw mom was gone. Looked for any notes, but found nothing. Christina was off to her friends, so I had the house to myself. I thought about it and decided to give David a call. I looked for where I had left the paper with his number, but was not able to find the bugger. Then I thought to look in the phone book and getting to motels, found the main number. Well this way his parents could transfer the call for me at least, After it rung a few times , a strange voice answered for the motel. I paused, and then asked. " Hi, I'm a friend of David. Umm the son of Erma and Riley. Is he there? " The voice replied. " No, I am sorry. They are gone for a few days. I am a relief manager. Would you like to leave a message? " " Do you know where they went? What happened? " The voice, which I thought now was a man, said, " Sorry, I don't know and could not say even if I did. I will be happy to take a message and your number though. " I sighed, Damn, David was someone I could have really talked to at this moment, but seemed I could not have that. " Ok, just pass along that Charlie called and was thinking of him. " I gave my number again and hung up. What to do for the day? I grabbed some cookies and a soda, and just sat back to watch some cartoons on KATU, channel 2. They had a decent selections of cartoons, including one that I had followed down in Long Beach, Battleship Yamato. I munched on my food and drank the soda as I vegged out, a little depressed. I could still not call Chris, so even if I had wanted to meet up with him, I couldn't. The night went by and the next day was again a repeat. Chris was not at the bus stop, now was Noah, so again I was in limbo. During lunch John and I talked some more and he seemed like a cool guy. We both liked science fiction and bike riding, Towards the end of lunch I asked him. " hey, do you think you want to meet up after school? Maybe go bike riding and check out the tourists? " " Yeah, I would like that. I will give you my number and you can give me yours after class. I got no paper or pencil on me now. " He smiled and I thought , yeah, wed can just hang out and have some fun. Class finally ended and as we exchanged numbers, we got on our buses. John lived up in Alta Mesa, a rich neighborhood on the rear side of the college. he said to call about 4, as he had some chores he had to do before he could go out. I nodded and ran to get on my own bus. Come 4 I gave him a call, but the number was busy. I tried again, just in case I dialed wrong, but no dice. I waited 15 minutes as I did some more homework, and it was STILL busy? What the hell was happening? Finally, after 3 more tries and about 5 now, I decided to try ONE more time. This time it rang and a voice that sounded it was into puberty answered. "Hello? " " Umm yeah, is John there? " " Who's this? " it asked. " Charlie. I'm in his class. He asked me to call." I figured this was probably John's brother, Sean. " Oh, Charlie. Yeah, John told me you might call. He had to go out. I will tell him you called. What's your number? " " This Sean? " I asked. " Yeah. So you want to give me your number? I'm expecting some calls, ok? " Sean sounded perturbed. Guess I had interrupted his precious social life. Yeesh. I gave it to him and hung up. Great, another strike out. I was disgusted and so left a note to my mom that I would be back around 6, and got on my bike. I took a pass by Chris's place at the laundry mat, but he was not there. I rode past the wharf and did some people watching. One boy, Maybe about 13, caught my eye. he was wearing some tight shorts that really showed off his legs and butt. He was walking with his family, and they were looking all about. Had to be tourists. I followed for a while, walking my bike and allowing my mind to wonder thinking about this boy. He and his family talked in some language, that I think was German, so I could not understand anything. Not that did not stop me from enjoying the view. Well I got back and my mom told me that both David and John had called. I wanted to call both of them then, but supper was on so had to delay. I wanted to rush the meal, but Mom and Dad wanted to talk and discuss the day, so I waited it all out and joined in. I learned my mom had gotten a job and started Monday,. This meant that I had to keep an eye on my sister, or know where she would be. I was ok with it, as I was doing this already and most of the time she went straight to Ashley's anyway. Finally we all broke up and I went to make my calls. I called David first, but he and his mom had gone out for dinner, and his Dad said that David might not be back until late, as they were going shopping afterwards. I wanted to ask where they had all gone to the other day, but I did not feel it would be right to ask Riley, so I left a message that I would see David at school. Then I called John, but again Sean answered. Said John was sleeping, so I had to leave another message. Damn strike out again!!, I sighed as I hung up the phone and went to go read, very frustrated with the missed calls and getting together with John. Well tomorrow was Friday and with that, I had the weekend. I had a dream that set me on edge, Something to do with Chris. It was very sweet and erotic in the beginning, with us naked in bed and just touching and playing with the other. Then it grew kinda dark and Chris's face took on a nasty edge, just like when he and I had talked when he left the store. The final image I had before I lost track of my dreams was Chris again touching me, making me hard. Damn these kind of dreams. Well after doing my morning duties and getting breakfast, I was ready to head to the bus. Christina's asthma was acting up today, so she was staying home. Fine by me. One less thing to worry about on the walk to the bus. It was a sunny, warm day, and for once, there was no fog to damp it out., I turned the corner for the bus stop and saw the usual crowd. Ann Marie and Lisa were giggling and talking in low voices, and others who I had not really gotten to know yet as well. Just as the bus was to arrive, Chris and Noah showed up. Damn, another chance to talk to Chris shot down. I went to at least say hi to Chris, but I stopped. Something seemed wrong. Noah had a smirk, not a nice one. Then he shouted out as the bus pulled up. " Hey Faggot. " ------------------------------------------------------------- Ok the end of Chapter 8. I have gotten into the very bad habit of many writers with cliffhangers and leaving you wondering what is to happen. I will just say, stay tuned all. : ) I have much more to share and reveal if your all still interested. I know I am still willing to write more. Keep the emails coming if you like, hate, or have criticisms to my style. I am open minded and am willing to listen to your opinions. Praise me, flame me, or just tell me where I may improve or screwed up. I am more then willing to reply and we can see what the future holds. Email me at Also, I posted a new story. It is in the gay Science Fiction and Fantasy section, titled " Battered Barbarian and his boy. If your interested, give it a look over. Chapter 2 of that tale should be posted when this one is. if you do read it, please let me know what you think. Totally different from Monterey Delights. Thanks Charlie