Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 00:53:10 -0700 (PDT) From: c z Subject: Monterey Delights - Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Disclaimer- Standard Nifty and I will just add, if you don't want to read it or can get busted if caught, don't. Easy enough done and I am not responsible if you screw up. The story is mine, and I am going to insist on its copyright. So hereby Monterey Delights is now copyrighted ( C ) by cezmail, my pseudonym on the net. Ask permission to post it elsewhere and I will most likely grant it, but doing so without is a violation of my copyright. Thanks for understanding. Dedication- This time I would like to dedicate this chapter to Free Thinker, writer of Odyssey and the Canterbury Tales. You had your moment of doubt my friend, and I wanted to give you a little something to cheer you up. Thanks for all the wonderful stories and emails. Your worth it. His stories are /nifty/gay/highschool/odyssey/ and /nifty/gay/adult-youth/a-cantebury-tale/ Give them a read folks and let Free Thinker what you feel. Thanks again to my dedicated fans, Bob from CO, Michael from FL, Charlie G, Adam_Ant, and Skip. Thanks also goes out to all the other kind folks who have come across my story and read it. Thanks for all the emails and support. I am still with it and will hope to keep writing when I can. May not always write as often, but I am still here folks. To all others, as before, feel free to email me with any comments. I gladly answer any and all. You can email me at Chapter 9 Hearing those words gripped me. I just stared as Noah stood there smirking, and Chris said nothing. Did not even look at me. Gods it seemed my life in Monterey was doomed. My heart was beating very fast, tears were almost ready to flow. but the bus came to a stop and the doors opened. Noah just laughed an irritating and vicious snicker and walked on. I stood back, starting to think I would just go home, but I could not. Some strange power seemed to be over me and I found myself getting on board. As I went to get a seat, I saw Chris in the rear, Noah whispering something in his ear. Chris still would not even give me a glance. Just stared off to the side, No one else on board was looking or staring at me. Had they even heard Noah? Were they all just waiting to start in with the teases or torments? Was my life to come to an end? I was just so afraid and the not knowing was eating at me. I rode the entire trip with my stomach so knotted up, I was close to barfing. I just looked at my feet, not wanting to see the others or what their expressions were. We arrived and I waited till everyone was up and leaving. I gave Chris a look, almost a pleading stare, but he walked on by saying nothing. Noah just snickered and they left. With a heavy heart, and a feeling of walking to face a firing squad, I walked to class. Noah sat in his seat, giving me that smirk again. I just sat down, waiting for the day to be over. David did not arrive, and I was alone. I was so very alone. I hardly paid any attention to Omen or the others. I was so deep in my funk and dark thoughts that I had to finally be reminded by the teacher that it was time for lunch. Man had the day passed me by. But now it was time for my death. I just knew the news would be all over the playground and I might as well go out and get it over. Better to die as bravely as I could. My hands were shaking, my breathing fast, and my heart ready to burst from my chest, but I still stood up and went out of the room. I was not going to be able to eat, so I just walked over to the sand pit to wait out my fate. I sat down and just stared over the wall, where I saw the sign to the Roller Rink. Soon the others would wander from the cafeteria and march down to kill me. I did not know how long I just sat there, my mind just coming up with image after image of my life in flames and showing my destruction. I was just about ready to split out, to run home and hide in my room when a voice called out to me. " Hey Charlie, you ok? " I quickly looked around, totally surprised by the tone and the question. As I turned and took it the sight, I saw John. He had a smile on his face, and .... no hated. No ill will. Just a friendly smile. What could this mean? " Umm nothing, Just.. thinking. " I replied after several seconds. John looked at me in a puzzled. " Yah sure? Been awful quiet? You sick or something? " he leaned closer. " Someone hurt you Charlie? " All the adrenaline and energy I had been holding in evaporated. I just sunk down as tears built up in my eyes. I could say nothing, do nothing. I just looked at John with a face drained of all emotions. John leaned in closer, " Charlie, what is it man? " Real concern was in his eyes. No dispisement? Had Noah even said anything to him? " No. " was all I could say. " Charlie, please, tell me what's wrong? Is it me? Did I do something man? " I shook my head. " No John. It's not you... I guess. " He shook his head , confused. " You guess? What's with that man? Come on , just tell me. " I gathered emotions and wiped my eyes. Then looking back at John, I said." Did Noah say anything to you? " He shook his head. " Naw. Why, did he do something to you Charlie?" I smiled a wistful smile. " yeah, but I guess I will be ok, for now. But Noah may tell you something that will make you hate me. Just know I just wanted to be a friend, ok? " John just looked confused and the shrugged his shoulders. " Why should I listen to anything what Noah says? I mean he can be ok at times, but most of the time he is an asshole. Your ok in my book, so I doubt he could say anything to make me hate you man," " Oh, sorry about my dick of a brother. I had to go to an affair at my mom's club and I only found out that you had called late. He had been talking to his Girlfriend, who is a real bitch, all night long, off and on. He even bragged how quickly he got rid of you. Sorry I did not call, but Mom gave me no choice not to go and I had to get ready, Only reason she took me was to help watch her friend's kids. Both of them little brats. " " So, you wanna go play? " I smiled a little as he ran on with his words, and nodded when he asked me. I got no harassment or even strange looks from the other kids and I relaxed even more. Guess Noah said nothing, but the matter was not over,. I would have to find out Why Chris told Noah, and what Noah was going to do now. I tried to look where Noah or Chris was, but never saw them, or their crowd of 6th graders. Recess was over before I knew it and it was back to Omen's room. It was weird, but Noah was not there again. Something was up with that dick, but It would have to wait. We had a spelling test and then some math. I actually paid attention and snickered when Ann Marie goofed on a question. She stared at me with dagger eyes, furious I would dare to laugh, and it was all I could do not to burst out loud. I bit my tongue and then answered it correctly. Made me feel good to show her up, though not so nice. Oh well. Life is a bitch. I was feeling good. Time passed and it was off to the bus. I looked at John on my way, " Hey John, you free this afternoon? " " Yeah dude, for sure. Give me a call about 4 and we can hook up. Hey, wanna maybe spend the night? " He looked a little shy when he asked this. I smiled and nodded. " Its cool with me, but gotta clear it with the parents. If so, I will ride my bike over, so we can go out together. " " Sounds good mate. Catch you later then when I hear from you, " We waved and got on our buses to head home. I did not see Noah or Chris at all so again the confrontation was going to have to wait. We arrived back to Oak Grove and I started on home. Ann Marie and her friend Lisa tried to trip me as I walked off the bus, but I just jumped over their feet and walked on by, ignoring them. Let the wenches try to have their moment. Boys would always be better in my book. I got home and my Mom and Christina were gone. Looked for a note, but saw nothing. I had some time before I could call John, so I put my books away and decided to read. Homework could wait till Sunday. I mean why rush it. I then lay down on the couch and watched some cartoons and ate a couple of cookies. Mom had made some fresh chocolate chip ones, and boy were they nice. as it approached 4 and still no sign of Mom, I decided I would just have to call my dad. Hopefully he would be in his office and not out at one of the head in's. ( a central site for receiving and relaying cable signals. ) I got the dispatcher and asked for Jerry, my dad, and got through after a couple of rings,. After saying hi and that I was fine, I got right to the point., " Dad, can I spend the night at a friend's house? Mom is not home and it is now time to call him. " " Hmm son, do you need an answer now? " " Yah Dad, I do. If I can go, I wanna head over there so we can go do something before it is too late. I promise to leave his number and address for you and Mom, and leave Mom a note where I am. So can I Dad? " I held my breath, Usually my dad was cool and let me do what I wanted, but I really liked to ask him in person, so I could judge how he really felt. He delayed for a few second, thinking it out I guess. " Ok Charlie, I will let you do it. Just be good and be back by 12 tomorrow. I want to take all of us to see Marcella ( My aunt and dad's sister ) and Robert and have dinner. " " That is cool Dad and thanks. I gotta call John now, so see you tomorrow. That is if its ok with John's parents,. " I said the last before I could stop myself. Damn for being so honest. " Ok Charlie I got to go back to work. Love you. " " Love you to dad. Bye. " " Bye" he said and then hung up. I hung up too and then looking at John's number called him. John answered for once and I got right to the point. " So john, is it a go for me to come over? I talked to my dad and got the green light. " " Were set Charlie. And best of all. Sean is spending the night at his friend's house, so we do not have to deal with the Dick or his Girlfriend the bitch. Come on over now dude. " I laughed at his description of his brother and the girlfriend. I got his address and we hung up. I wrote out a note to my Mom, explaining where I was and leaving the number and address. Then I got a change of clothed and tossed them into my backpack. Then on my bike, pedaling fast to John's place. I made good time and I arrived to the 2 story house where he lived. Looked pretty nice, with a blue paint job with white trimming. Lots of roses and flowers around the sides and front, and some kind of bushes. Either his mom was really big into gardening, or they had a professional to take care of all the stuff. As I got off my bike, John stuck his head out a window on the upper right side. " Hey Dude, glad you could make it. I will be right down to let you in. " I waited at the doorway, holding my bike. Not sure where I was supposed to leave it. Soon John opened up the door and smiling " Hi there. " " Charlie, leave the bike there, Just come on in and store your stuff, and then we can head to the wharf. I got my allowance and we can go hit the candy store there and head off to the arcade. " I nodded and putting down the kickstand, walked in. John's house was really nice on the inside, with hard wood floors and some pretty snazzy furniture. I would later learn that his dad had an antique shop in Pacific Grove and all the furniture were from the store or castoffs from old homes. He ran up the stairs to his room, which was pretty cool. had a nice stereo and a color TV, along with a queen sized bed. I tossed my pack on the bed as John waved to it, and then we were back downstairs to get our bikes. John went to the garage to get his, and then locked it up when he got it. We rode through downtown and then across the street where the Double Tree Hotel was. We cut through the cobblestones and the Old Custom house and arrived at the Wharf. Watched the tourists a little and then bought some excellent white chocolate. Munched on them and viewed the sea lions and sea otters playing and begging for food where the party boats were tied up. Then John nudged me and motioned with his head for us to be off. We made our way down Cannery Row and arrived at the arcade. I had to take a leak, and went upstairs to go to the bathroom. I went into the doors when a strange odor greeted me, It was not cigarettes, too sweet. I peaked around the corner and there I saw Noah and Chris, smoking a strange kind of cigarette, with twisted ends. I was stunned, as it hit me, They were smoking a joint! As I stood there, they turned and Noah again called out to me. " Hey Faggot " Chris and he started giggling as I just looked on, not knowing what to say. ------------------------------------------------------------- Here ends Chapter 9. Not quite what some of you guessed at I think. I will just say, stay tuned all. : ) I have much more to share and reveal if your all still interested. I know I am still willing to write more. I would like to take this moment to recommend Free Thinker's stories. Keep the emails coming if you like, hate, or have criticisms to my style. I am open minded and am willing to listen to your opinions. Praise me, flame me, or just tell me where I may improve or screwed up. I am more then willing to reply and we can see what the future holds. Email me at Also, I posted a new story. It is in the gay Science Fiction and Fantasy section, titled " Battered Barbarian and his boy. If your interested, give it a look over. Chapter 2 of that tale is posted and I will hope to have chapter 3 posted soon. If you do read it, please let me know what you think. Totally different from Monterey Delights. Thanks Charlie