Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 14:25:52 -0400 From: Matt Jones Jr. Subject: Nerds Fight Back ch. 2 Chapter 2 Timmy Kicks ass: The next morning I was so excited about seeing Timmy and the first self defense class I woke up ten minutes before my alarm clock began its annoying buzzing. When I glanced over at my clock and saw what time it was I jumped up and headed for the bathroom to take care of my screaming bladder. Once that was taking care of I grabbed a quick shower and headed back into my room to get ready for school. I tossed my towel into the clothes hamper and walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of red, white and blue silk boxers. I pulled on my stone washed jeans, tied my black Nikes, and finished buttoning and tucking in my black silk shirt. I grabbed my book bag and karate gear then went downstairs to eat breakfast. My mom had scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon waiting on me when I sat down at the kitchen table. My mom and I talked over breakfast and as soon as I was finished I went and brush my teeth and hair. I was now all ready for school. I heard Timmy and his dad pulling into our driveway as I was coming out of the bathroom. I hugged my mom, grabbed my stuff and ran out to Mr. Johnson's Navigator. After I said my good mornings to Mr. Johnson, Timmy and I were busy going over my plans for the self defense class for the rest of the way to school. Once at school Timmy and I headed to Mr. Mitchell's class to drop off my karate gear and then we went to our lockers and headed for homeroom. Throughout the morning Timmy and I had kids coming up to us and telling us they were coming to our class. The way it was sounding we were going to have a crowd for our first meeting. Finally it was lunch time so Timmy and I made our way to the cafeteria, and we answered questions about the self defense class all the way there. After Timmy and I finished our lunch we just joked around with a few friends until the bell rang. Then Timmy and I headed off to Mr. Mitchell's class for Math. While sitting in Mr. Mitchell's Math class I began to get real nervous. Can I really do this? I want the self defense class to be one of the best clubs at our school but what if no one shows up? What if I make a fool of myself? I want Mr. Mitchell and Timmy to be proud of me, what if I disappoint them. All of the what if's kept running through my mind until I made myself sick. By this time my stomach was in a roaring turmoil and I felt like I was going to puke. I got up out of my desk, went up to Mr. Mitchell, and asked him if I could go to the restroom. When he said I could I hurried out of the room as fast as I could without running. I barely made it to the restroom before losing my lunch. When I was washing my mouth out at the sink I heard the restroom door open and someone say, "Hey asshole, you got my cousin Chris and his friend kicked out of school, and now it's time to pay." Timmy's Point of View... Matt has been gone a long time, I hope he is alright. After five more minutes had past and Matt still hadn't returned, I couldn't stand it anymore. I got up and went up to Mr. Mitchell's desk and asked him if I could go check on Matt. When he gave me a hall pass I hurried across the hall to the boy's restroom across the hall to check on my boyfriend. When I got to the restroom door I heard someone say, "I'm going to cut your balls off Matt Jones." I only hesitated for a split second before flinging the restroom door open and rushing in to help my boyfriend. I was ready to kick someone's ass for trying to hurt Matt. Matt's Point a View... When I heard the door open, I glanced into the mirror and saw Chris's cousin Ricky walk into the restroom holding a knife. When I heard him threaten me I turned to face him so I could at least defend myself if it came down to it. Before I could say or do anything the restroom door flew open and Timmy came flying in like a tornado. He hit Ricky and they both went down in a heap of swinging arms and legs. Timmy got in two good punches to Ricky's nose before the door opened again and Mr. Mitchell came hurrying into the restroom to see what all the noise was about. Mr. Mitchell helped Timmy up and told him to hurry down to the office to get Mr. Greenwell and while Timmy was gone to get the principal Mr. Mitchell tried to sort out what all happened. Mr. Mitchell began by asking Ricky for his side of the story. When Ricky finished telling his side of the story, I began telling Mr. Mitchell what really happened and I even showed him where Ricky's knife fell when Timmy tackled him. I just got finished telling my side of the story when three things happened simultaneously. Principal Greenwell and Timmy came hurrying through the restroom door, Ricky lunged at me screaming he was going to kill me and I automatically reacted by kicking Ricky in the chest before he could carry out his threat. After Timmy and I told our stories again to Principal Greenwell I showed him where the knife landed after Ricky dropped it when Timmy plowed into him. When Principal Greenwell headed off to the office with Ricky, Mr. Mitchell sent Timmy and I off to the old gym to get it ready for the self-defense class. As soon as Timmy and I got the gym all set up the bell rang signaling class was over. I grabbed my karategi and hurried into the locker room to get changed. I just walked back into the gym when several kids began making their way into the gym as well. When Mr. Mitchell came into the gym he walked up to the front, blew his whistle and when everyone got quiet he began by saying, "Welcome to the first meeting of the new Self Defense Club. I am Mr. Mitchell and I am the teacher adviser and assistant instructor for the club. Matt Jones and Timmy are the first two charter members of the club. Matt will be the main instructor and Timmy is his best friend so he decided to join as well. Now without delay here is Matt Jones." I walked up to the front of the room and began my little speech by saying, "I also want to welcome you all to our first meeting. This club will not teach you how to be a bully or how to beat up on somebody. We are here to teach you how to have more confidence in yourself and how not to be a victim. Now with that said the first thing we need to take care of in this meeting is electing officers." "We will take nominations for the following offices: president, first vice president, second vice president, secretary and treasurer." I told them all before handing the mic back to Mr. Mitchell and walking over to sit down beside Timmy." Mr. Mitchell began by saying, "Who will be the first person to nominate someone for the office of president?" When Timmy raised his hand and spoke up saying, "I nominate Matt Jones for president." I was totally shocked. When I stood up and began to object Aaron Jackson seconded the nomination. Then he spoke saying, "Matt, please hear me out. You are a hero around the school. You're smart but yet tuff as hell and we all look up to you. We heard what you did for Timmy; not only in the locker room but at the mall over the weekend. You are the only person for president and we all vote for you." As he sat back down everyone began to clap showing their support for what he said. Mr. Mitchell looked at me, gave me a grin and congratulated me on becoming president. Then he asked for nominations for 1st Vice President. Kelly White stood then and shyly said, I nominate Timmy Johnson for 1st Vice President because of the bravery that he showed when he rushed into the boy's restroom the other day to help Matt." Once again everyone jumped to their feet clapping and showing their approval of this nomination and Mr. Mitchell smiled at Timmy while saying, "Congratulations Timmy, you have been elected 1st vice president by a unanimous vote." Mr. Mitchell then asked if there were any nominations for 2nd Vice President and that is when I jumped up nominating Kelly White for 2nd Vice President. When I sat down Timmy jumped up seconding the nomination and when everyone showed their approval by standing and clapping the office of 2nd Vice President was filled by a unanimous vote. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer was filled pretty much the same way with Emily Banks being elected Secretary and Aaron Jackson being elected Treasurer. Now with the officers elected I stood up saying, "We need a committee to come up with our club rules and guide lines by next week do we have any volunteers?" After picking five volunteers to make up the committee, I asked Kelly and Emily if they would sit on the committee as well. I explained I would like Kelly to chair the committee and Emily to take the minutes for the committee. Then I said, "Now that the boring stuff is out of the way Mr. Mitchell, Timmy and I will be demonstrating some of the things we will be learning in the next few weeks. When Timmy and I stepped on the mats to start our demonstration I heard a voice say, "Hey you little nerdy jerk I'm taking over this class of losers." When I was finally able to see who was trash talking and making threats I knew Mr. Mitchell had set this up as part of the demo. I smiled to myself as Charles a very large guy in our karate dojo walked toward me telling me what he was going to do to me. I stepped toward him, looked him in the eyes and with all the confidence said, "Sir, this is a self defense club for the students of this middle school and unless you have a child in here I'm going to half to ask you to leave." No sooner than the words were out of my mouth Charles lunged at me. I used his forward momentum against him and flipped him over my shoulder. He quickly jumped up and came at me again but slower this time. I turned to tell Timmy something and Charles grabbed me in a choke move from behind. I elbowed him in the balls dropping him like a sack of potatoes. Then everyone gasped as I offered Charles my hand to help him up. Mr. Mitchell introduced Charles to the club while I whispered in Timmy's ear that Charles was going to show him a few things in the next room for a few minutes. While Timmy and Charles were practicing in the next room Mr. Mitchell and I put on another demonstration for the club. When Charles and Timmy walked back into the room and onto the mats, I lunged at Timmy shouting, "I'm going to hurt you Timmy Johnson." Timmy was ready for me though and threw me just like I did Charles earlier. When Timmy walked over to me with his hand out to help me up he was grinning from ear to ear. As he helped me up he whispered to me saying, "Thanks Matt, I love you." When Timmy and I walked back to the front of the gym I glanced up at the clock noticing we only had about five minutes left of our first meeting. Once again I took a moment to thank everyone for coming to our first meeting and I asked to speak with the new officers for a moment before they left. I also reminded the committee members about working on the rules and guide lines for next week as well. Everyone made a point to come up to Timmy, Mr. Mitchell and I to tell us how much they enjoyed the first club meeting and they told us that they would definitely be here for the next meeting. When everyone had left but Mr. Mitchell and the club officers, I asked everyone to sit down before I began by saying, "I don't want to just teach self defense in this club, I want our club to make a difference in our school and I need your help to do it. I want this to be a safe school for everyone that walks these halls. I want the nerds, the gays, the small, the overweight and the handicapped to be able to walk these halls without having to worry about bullies. I want everyone to be able to enjoy their time here and concentrate on getting the best education they can receive. Please help me make this club the best club in the school but most of all help me make a difference for kids that deserve to get an education without worrying about who was going to pick on them next. Thanks again for your help." Each one of them promised me that they would help make this club the best in the school before they left. I walked over to Charles after everyone left shook his hand and thanked him for coming to help with our first club meeting. Then I turned to Mr. Mitchell and asked, "Well Mr. Mitchell, how do you think it went?" Then he did something that totally shocked me. He gave me a big hug while saying, "Oh Matt, it was a huge success and I'm very proud of you." Then he told me to go get dressed so I headed off to the locker room with Timmy right beside me. Once in the locker room Timmy took me in his arms and gave me a very passionate kiss while he slowly started removing my karategi. When he had me undressed down to my silk boxer briefs, he gave me another passionate kiss before saying, "Oh Matt, I love you so much. The feeling I got today when I realized I was no longer a victim was awesome! I can smile and hold my head up again because of you and this club." I gave Timmy a big hug, looked him in the eyes and said, "I love you Timmy Johnson with all of my heart and there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. We make a great team and I want to spend the rest of my life with you Timmy Johnson." As I was tying the laces on my shoes Mr. Mitchell came into the locker room and told Timmy how good he did tonight and he was proud of him. Then he asked me a question that both shocked and thrilled me all at the same time. "Matt, I want to start a young people's beginner class at our dojo and you are really good with young people. Will you consider being in charge of it?" I looked at Mr. Mitchell with tears sliding down my cheeks and said, "Sir, I would be honored to help start a new beginners class." Then I gave Mr. Mitchell a hug before Timmy and I hurried out of the gym to find where Timmy's dad parked. Once in their navigator, Timmy told his dad all about the meeting and the election. He also told him all about throwing me across the room and how awesome he felt knowing he didn't have to be scared anymore. Then he excitedly told him about the new class Mr. Mitchell asked me to teach and how much he wants to sign up for it. When we arrived at my house Timmy gave me a quick kiss and I ran inside to put my book bag away. I told my mom all about the first meeting and how I was elected President and Timmy was elected First Vice President. Then I explained about the new young people's beginner class Mr. Mitchell wanted me to start at our karate dojo. Then I asked my mom if I could go riding for a little while. When I got to the lake I dismounted, wrapped Dixie's reins around the hitching post and began to strip off my clothes. When I was totally naked I laid down in the sun and began to jack off thinking about how I felt when Timmy held me in the locker room. I felt my balls begin to tingle as I thought of all the times Timmy and I have shown each other just how much we love each other. It didn't take long before my cock was erupting to a thunderous orgasm. After coming down from my orgasmic high I got up, washed off in the lake and mounted Dixie for my ride home. When I arrived back at the house I unsaddled Dixie, gave her a good brushing and fed all of the horses before heading in the house to wash up for supper. Over supper I told my dad all about our first club meeting and about the beginner's class Mr. Mitchell wants to start. When supper was over I helped my mom clean off the table before going upstairs to do my homework. I didn't have much homework at all but a few math problems and a little English so I started with math and finished up with English. When I finished my English assignment, I decided to send Timmy an email and here is what I wrote. My Dearest Timmy: "I was so proud of you today. I think our first meeting was AWESOME! Timmy Johnson I want you to know that you are my soul mate and the air I breathe. You are the smile on my face when things are going wrong and you are my sunshine on a rainy day. What I'm trying to say is that I love you Timmy Johnson." Hugs & Kisses, Matt After I sent the email I went to take my shower. As I let the hot water run down my body I thought about the weekend Timmy spent with me and the showers we took together. I grew instantly rock hard and I began to jack off as the thoughts replayed over and over in my head. After I recovered from the awesome orgasm I got out of the shower, dried off and got ready for bed. When I got on a t-shirt and a pair of silk boxer briefs I ran downstairs to tell my parents good night. Meanwhile at Timmy's house: After I got finished with supper I went upstairs to do my homework. Before I started on my homework I decided to check my email. I got excited when I saw I had an email from Matt. When I read what Matt had wrote all I could do for the next few minutes was sit here and cry. When I was finally able to pull myself together I replied to his email by saying... OH Matt, "I love you so much Matt Jones. I think the first meeting was totally AWESOME as well but most of all I think you are the AWESOME one! You are the ray of light that penetrated the darkness I've been living in since my rape. You're my encouragement when I wanted to give up and you are the reason I want to live now because before all I wanted to do was die. When we are together I'm complete but when we are not together there is part of me missing. I can finally enjoy school again because of you Matt Jones and I love you for that more than you'll ever know." Hugs & Kisses Timmy After I sent the email to Matt I went to grab a shower and as I soaped up my body I thought of Matt and how much I loved him. As I jacked off I ran my middle finger in and out of my butthole imagining it was Matt making love to me. It didn't take long at all before my dick erupted, shooting cum all over the shower wall. After I was able to move I finished up my shower, got out and got ready for bed. Before laying down I headed downstairs to tell my folks good night and while I was hugging them goodnight I ask them about me taking the karate class Matt is going to start. When they smiled at me and told me I could take it I flew back upstairs on cloud nine. I laid down thinking to myself, 'Oh man I can't wait until we pick Matt up in the morning so I can tell him I can take the class.' Back at Matt's house: I got my clothes out for tomorrow and put all my books back in my book bag before climbing in bed. When I finally got comfortable I said my prayers before going to sleep. "Lord, please watch over Timmy and his family tonight and my family as well. Help us make a difference in our school with the self defense club and please help me help Timmy each and every day. Amen. The next morning I got a great idea while I was getting ready for school. I want to take Timmy camping at the lake this weekend. I talked to my mom about it while we were eating breakfast and she thought it was a great idea. I'll keep it a surprise until this weekend. My mom asked me what all I wanted to eat for the weekend and we sat there making out a shopping list. She told me she would get everything this week and everything could be a surprise for Timmy. I gave her a hug before running outside because Timmy and his dad were here. After I told Mr. Johnson good morning I ask him if Timmy could spend the weekend with me. When he said he could I gave Timmy a high five and told him I had a big surprise for him this weekend. All day long kids came up to Timmy and me telling us that they thought the first meeting of the self defense club was fantastic. As we headed to first period, our club treasurer Aaron met Timmy and me in the hall way and told us he needed to talk to us about club business at lunch. We told him where we sat and Timmy and I went on to class wondering what he needed to talk to us about. Our day flew by and it was lunch time before we realized it. I guess we'll find out what Aaron wants now. Timmy and I just sat down at our table when Aaron came running up all excited. Aaron told us that his grandparents owned a large t-shirt company and they wanted to donate t-shirts for the club. He told us all we needed to do was come up with a logo and what we wanted on the shirts. When I heard this great news, I high fived Timmy and turned so I could high five Aaron telling him that this was awesome news. Then he showed me a logo he had drew and it was awesome. It was the word bully with an x through it with the words Westbrook Middle School Self Defense Club circling the logo. Then on the back in big letters will be Take A Stand. Make A Difference. Help Stop Bullying. Timmy and I loved the logo and the words on the back as well so we told Aaron to go ahead and take it to his grandparents. He said he would and he would pick them up this weekend and have them at the meeting on Monday. When the bell rang, we headed off to Mr. Mitchell's math class and as soon as Timmy and I sat down we were called to the office. When Miss Billings saw Timmy and I she smiled at us and sent us on into Mr. Greenwell's office. As soon as Timmy and I sat down Mr. Greenwell said, "Well boys your self defense class was a huge success. I have had several phone calls from parents this morning thanking us for having a club like this for their children. I would like to ask for a couple of favors from the club. First off I want the club to pick one person to run for student counsel and the other favor is that I want the club to put on a demonstration for the entire school in about six months." Before I could say a word Timmy jumped up and said, "Mr. Greenwell putting on a demonstration for the school sounds like fun and maybe we can get our point across to the entire school. Matt asked us yesterday to help him make a difference here at the school and we are all behind him. "We want to stop bullying all together here at Westbrook Middle School. We want kids to be able to walk the halls and go to the restrooms without worrying about getting beat up. We want to be able to concentrate on getting a good education instead of what is behind us or who is going to pick on us next." When Timmy finished he looked at me and I gave him a big smile and a thumbs up before he sat down. Mr. Greenwell chuckled before looking to see if I had anything to add. When I shook my head no, he gave us a hall pass and sent us back to class. When we got back to Mr. Mitchell's class we gave him our pass and took our seats. When the bell rang we headed off to gym class and after we were dressed out the coach chose Timmy and Mike to be captains for a game of volleyball. Our team won eleven to one before it was time to take our showers. Timmy and I chose the two showers on the end again so no one could pick on Timmy and Timmy and I could check out each other's wet nude bodies some more. I looked at Timmy sending him a silent kiss and watching him go rock hard. Then he looked at me and stuck his finger in his asshole while soaping up his cock and I also went rock hard. I hurried through the rest of my shower before I threw Timmy down on the shower floor and made love to him in front of everyone on the shower floor. When Timmy and I were back at our lockers we went ahead and put on our Speedos under our clothes for the swim team tryouts. As soon as the bell rang Timmy and I hurried to the building next door where our swimming pool was and grab lockers side by side. We were already standing around in nothing but our Speedos when most were just now getting here. When the coach blew his whistle we all headed for the pool and began swimming our laps. It was very clear from the beginning that Timmy was good, dam good I thought to myself. I was the only one that could match him stroke for stroke with the free style but when we started the butterfly stroke he left me in the dust. Now it was my turn to leave Timmy in the dust with the breast stroke and when we turned and started the back stroke we were stroke for stroke side by side again. After swimming for a while, Coach Stevens blew his whistle again and asked if anyone wanted to try out for the diving team as well. When I climbed out of the pool Timmy was right behind me so we both headed over to the diving boards. The coach looked over the fifteen boys that were trying out and told us to show him what we could do. Each boy took a turn on the board showing the coach some very good but basic dives. When it was my turn, I wanted to do something different so I done a single front flip entering into the water with very little splash. When it was Timmy's turn he walked out to the end of the board, executed a perfect hand stand before he done a perfect back flip entering into the water with no splash at all. As soon as Timmy was out of the pool everyone ran over to him and began to patting him on the back including the coach. The coach looked at us with a gleam in his eyes before saying, "Oh wow! That was awesome guys! We are going to have a great team this year I can feel it." Then he told us all to go grab a shower and to get dressed. When we were all dressed, the coach came into the locker room and said, "Well guys you all made the team and practice starts Thursday. Practices will be on Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays and our meets will be on Saturdays. Great job guys now you all need to get home." Timmy and I ran out to the parking-lot to find where his dad parked. When we spotted their Navigator we ran over to it and climbed in the back seat. I was only able to tell Mr. Johnson hi before Timmy began to tell him all about the swim team tryouts. The rest of the week went about the same and our first swim team practice was a lot of work but fun. After I got home on Thursday, I took my four wheeler and loaded up the tag along trailer with all of the camping stuff and headed off to the lake to set everything up for tomorrow. When I had everything perfect I climbed back on the four wheeler and started for home. To Be Continued